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Moring 1

Marlyn Moring

Professor Batty

English 101

11 December 2019

Effects of Production Methods

“As consumers, we have the power and the moral obligation to refuse to support farming

methods that are cruel to animals and bad for us” (Singer). With this quote by Peter Singer from

the article “The Ethics of Eating” as consumers who eat meat on a daily basis, we should at least

be more cautious where those meats and eggs come from and how are they being produced.

Although some people may support the illegal way of farming methods, I argue that supporting

those kinds of production methods cannot just affect the animals, but it will also affect us

consumers by causing a heart disease or cancer from eating those unauthorized foods that were

being produced.

As a human being it is essential for us to eat every single day in order for us to survive.

On a daily basis, there are plenty of people who eat produced foods such as meat and eggs, but

we don't have any idea how they are being produced and if those animals were taken care of

before they get killed. As stated in the article titled “The Ethics of Eating” by Peter Singer,

“Global meat consumption is predicted to double by 2020. Yet in Europe and North America,

there is growing concern about the ethics of the way meat and eggs are produced… industrial

agriculture denies animals even a minimally decent life” (Singer). This proves that as a consumer

we are being clueless of how are the foods we eat being produced and derived from, that the
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industrial culture doesn’t let the people know about their methods of producing the foods we eat

like meat and eggs. The meat consumption might doubled due to the fact that on a regular basis

there are no days we don’t eat meat.

In addition, people nowadays doesn’t care about what is right or wrong because of the

fact that we live in a world where wealth is more important than our health. Peter Singer

mentioned in his article that, “It is tragic that countries like China and India, as they became

more prosperous, are copying Western methods… the result will be animal suffering on an even

greater scale… more environmental damage and a rise in heart disease and cancers of the

digestive system” (Singer). This quote shows that several countries who were being successful

are using illegal methods to produce their meat and eggs that us consumers eat without even

knowing. It turns out that by eating those illegal produced foods can cause some different kinds

of illness, which also affect our environment.

Although some people may support the illegal way of farming methods because they

think it is okay to slaughter animals without being raised properly as long as they get to eat the

produced meat and eggs even if it was illegally manufactured, I argue that supporting those kinds

of production methods cannot just affect the animals, but it will also affect us consumers by

causing a heart disease or cancer from eating those unauthorized foods that were being produced.

However, instead of eating produced meat and eggs there are several ways to avoid causing

illness and supporting the illegal methods of production, such as eating fruits and vegetables,

turning the vegetables from meat and eat some seafood.

Overall, industrial agriculture should stop using the illegal way of production methods

because it affects all living creatures like us consumers and animals, as well as our environment
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if they don’t stop their wrongdoing. Also, people should take actions and refuse to support the

farming methods that makes the animals sick and were slaughtered without being raised


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