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Twas November the fifth, while children

asleep. Santa preparing for December 25th.

The workshop was open, with elves working
at pace, for they had only 1 month and no
time to waste. Yet they always finished
quickly enough, and the 2 billion kids had
toys plenty enough.

How did the elves finish in a flash, while 20

men take centuries to finish at a speed
which was fast? Well, the answer lies in the
sky, which left something magical. The
Aurora Borealis, a sight to believe, doesn’t
last forever, you see. The particles, when
done, fall to the ground, where they freeze
and sink in the frosty underground.
But the Auroras of now aren't enough, as
pollution weakened them much. But for the
centuries that the Auroras have been,
enough is underground for the elves to
retrieve. Mines set up, in places you know,
like Alaska, or Canada, or even Siberian

They bring it all and put them in tools. And

then, with them, the elves work faster than
possible. The powder is also given to the
deer as food, who use it to fly across the
world. Santa, however, sprinkles it in the
present, for them to know the children they
should visit. When Santa drops by in a city,
the presents jump out and go to their
So that’s how Christmas works out, but the
supply might end soon. Tell your parents to
save energy, for it would also help save

Gallia Dominique Monjaras Garcia is a 14-year-old girl

that was born on July 15 from 2005. She studies at
Instituto Brillamont. She speaks 3 languages and is a really
fun person. She used to play basketball and she enjoys
watching Netflix, one of her favorite series is Stranger

Alma Sofia Torres Flores is a 14-year-old girl that was born

on September 21st of 2005. She is a student of Instituto
Brillamont. She is a dancer and goes to many dance
competitions. And she is a really fun person.

Rafael Eduardo Castilla Leal is a 14y student in 7th grade

at the Brillamont Institute. He is a really creative person,
and he has done a lot of comics on a fictitious world called
“Uity”. He was the one who came up with the idea of the
story, and he, Alma and Gallia worked on improving it.
This story is about how Santa obtains the magic necessary for
Christmas. The energy of the auroras, when it disappears, falls
into the ground where it sinks. There, some of the elves work with
magic tools to extract the energy needed for making presents and
delivering them. It is a hard process, but it’s the most effective.

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