Unit 4

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Sierra Leone UNIT 4

1. Create an ethnic map of Sierra Leone. Make sure to make a key and break it down by
percentage in a chart. Talk about one current and past issue that has arisen because of it
being a multi-ethnic state.

2. Define nation, states, nation-states, stateless nation, multinational states. Give an

example of each one.
Nation- a group of people who have certain things in common. example: Palestinians
State- another term for country. has a defined boundary, contains a permanent population,
maintains sovereignty, and is recognized by other states. example: United States
NationStates- A singular nation of people who fulfill the qualifications of a state. example: Japan
and Iceland
Stateless nation- cultural groups that have no independent political entity. example: Kurds
Multinational States- a country that contains more than one nation. example: Canada

3. How did colonialism and imperialism influence the current border of Sierra Leone?
Sierra Leone was colonized in 1787 by freed slaves arriving from England. Other groups
followed from Nova Scotia and Jamaica. They were sponsored and governed by the private
Sierra Leone Company until 1808, when Britain made Sierra Leone a crown colony.

4. How has Sierra Leone’s borders changed since the end of WWII? Choose a map or
draw a map of Pre WWII and Post-WWII.
pre ww2: post ww2:
5. According to your book, what shape is Sierra Leone and problems with governing
Sierra Leone?
According to my book, Sierra Leone has a compact shape. There aren’t many problems with
governing a compact state.

6. Create a map that depicts the Rimland Theory and describe the theory.
Rimland Theory argued that power is derived from controlling strategic maritime areas of the

7. Create a map that depicts the Heartland Theory and describe the theory.
Heartland Theory argued that land bases power was essential in achieving global domination.

8. What border disputes or treaties are in place to keep peace or disrupt peace in Sierra
The United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone was a United Nations peacekeeping operation in Sierra
Leone from 1999 to 2006. It was created by the United Nations Security Council in October 1999 to
help with the implementation of the Lomé Peace Accord, an agreement intended to end the Sierra
Leonean civil war.The mandate was notable for authorizing UNAMSIL to protect civilians under
imminent threat of physical violence. The civil war began with the 1991 campaign by the
Revolutionary United Front (RUF) to remove President Joseph Momoh from power which is what
caused the UNAMSIL to start.

9. What Supranational organization or organizations is Sierra Leone belonging?

United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization.
10. What is Maritime Law and how does it affect countries? Has it affected Sierra Leone
in any way?
Maritime Law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes.

11. What type of government exists in Sierra Leone?

Sierra Leone is a unitary state.

12. Describe patterns of local and metropolitan governance.

Sierra Leone is a constitutional parliamentary republic with three spheres of government: the
central government, local councils and chiefdom councils.

13. Devolution of states exist in many countries, what are good examples of this in the
region where Sierra Leone is located today? Describe Balkanization and explain the
country which this term defines.
Balkanization is the geopolitical term for the process of fragmentation or division of a region or
state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or uncooperative with one another. The
breakup of the Ottoman Empire is an example of Balkanization.

Works Cited

“Africa Map 1950.” Map, www.lahistoriaconmapas.com/atlas/country-map06/Map---africa-map-

“Balkanization.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Dec. 2019,


“Balkanization.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Dec. 2019,


Central™, Black. “The Scramble for Africa: Berlin Conference 1884-1885.” BLACK

CENTRAL™, 26 May 2013, goblackcentral.com/2013/05/the-scramble-for-africa-berlin-


“History of Sierra Leone.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,


“SLP AP Human Geography.” Geopolitics Models and Notable People - SLP AP Human

Geography, slpaphumangeography.wikifoundry.com/page/Geopolitics Models and

Notable People.

“Sierra Leone.” CLGF, www.clgf.org.uk/regions/clgf-west-africa/sierra-leone/.

“The Tribes of Sierra Leone: Ethnic Map of Sierra Leone in 2019: Sierra Leone, Map, Family

History.” Pinterest, 13 Nov. 2019, www.pinterest.com/pin/485192559853867018/.

“U.S. Relations With Sierra Leone - United States Department of State.” U.S. Department of

State, U.S. Department of State, www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-sierra-leone/.

“United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Dec. 2019,


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