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Directions: Encircle the LETTER of the correct answer.

1. It is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena, which includes collection, analysis,

interpretation and presentation of facts that lines an individual’s speculation with reality.
A. Systems C. Practice
B. Research D. Inquiry
2. It is a characteristic of research that is based on direct experiences or observation by the researcher.
A. Critical C. Methodical
B. Analytical D. Empirical
3. It is a characteristic of research that is conducted in a systematic manner without bias using method and
A. Logical C. Cyclical
B. Critical D. Methodical
4. Research is cyclical. Meaning, it starts with a problem and ends up with a ______.
A. problem C. conclusion
B. process D. data
5. It is a characteristic of research that utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether
historical, descriptive, and experimental and case study.
A. Empirical C. Analytical
B. Cyclical D. Logical
6. What is being replicated in conducting research?
A. data C. questions
B. results D. research design and procedure
7. What is the first process in conducting research?
A. collecting data C. selecting general problem
B. review the literature of the problem D. analysis of data
8. What is the main purpose of reviewing literature of the problem?
A. to read the problem
B. to select specific research problem
C. to gather data and information
D. to form conclusion about the research
9. It is an educated prediction or guess that can be tested.
A. Hypothesis C. Variable
B. Research D. Question
10. The following are the ways on gathering data EXCEPT
A. Survey C. Observation
B. Interview D. Statistics
11. It is considered dealing with beliefs about what is right or wrong, proper or improper, good or bad.
A. Moral C. Norms
B. Ethics D. Karma
12. Why ethics is important in conducting research?
A. to gather the data
B. to control the result of the research
C. to mislead the results of the study
D. to avoid error, repetition and unreliable results
13. Which of the following is an ethical consideration in conducting research?
A. Invading the privacy of a respondent
B. Deceiving a respondent about the true purpose of a study
C. Asking a respondent questions that cause him or her extreme embarrassment
D. Respect of the research subjects’ right to privacy, dignity and protection of subjects from
personal harm.
14. A kind of research that helps to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations.
A. Quantitative Research C. Correlational Research
B. Qualitative Research D. Exploratory Research
15. A kind of research that quantifies the problem by way of generating numerical data that can be
transformed into useable statistics.
A. Quantitative Research C. Correlational Research
B. Qualitative Research D. Exploratory Research
16. In qualitative research, researchers describe and analyze words for themes while, in quantitative
research, researchers analyze these numbers using __________.
A. analysis C. data
B. questions D. statistics
17. This type of research shows relationships or connectedness of two factors, circumstances, or agents
called variables that affect the research.
A. Explanatory Research C. Correlational Research
B. Action Research D. Exploratory Research
18. This type of research elaborates or explains not just the reasons behind the relationship of two factors,
but also the ways by which such relationships exists.
A. Explanatory Research C. Correlational Research
B. Action Research D. Exploratory Research
19. What is the main purpose of action research?
A. to gain further insight
B. to bring improvements in the system
C. to show relationship of two variables
D. to give a portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event or group
20. It is a kind of research that puts premium or high value on people’s thinking or point of view conditioned
by their personal traits.
A. Quantitative Research C. Descriptive Research
B. Qualitative Research D. Explanatory Research
21. A characteristic of qualitative research that studies people’s perception or views about your topic, not
the effects of their physical existence on your study.
A. Human Understanding and Interpretation C. Internal Analysis
B. Diversified Data in Real-life Situations D. Specificity to Generalization
22. A characteristic of qualitative research that emphasized data analysis show an individual’s mental,
social, and spiritual understanding of the world.
A. Human Understanding and Interpretation C. Internal Analysis
B. Diversified Data in Real-life Situations D. Specificity to Generalization
23. A characteristic of qualitative research that follows an inductive method of thinking.
A. Diversified Data in Real-life Situations C. Specificity to Generalization
B. Abound with Words and Visuals D. Active, Powerful and Forceful
24. Which of the following is the strength of qualitative research?
A. It is hard to know the validity and reliability of the data.
B. it is time consuming.
C. It involves a lot of researcher’s subjectivity in the data analysis.
D. It is an instrumental for positive societal changes.
25. Which of the following is a weakness of qualitative research?
A. It offers multiple ways of acquiring and examining knowledge about something.
B. It involves several processes, which results greatly depend on the researcher’s views.
C. It is a way of understanding and interpretations social interactions.
D. It engenders respect for people’s individuality, as it demands the researcher’s careful and
attentive stand towards people’s worldviews.
26. It is a kind of qualitative research that studies a particular cultural group to get a clear understanding of
its organizational set-up, internal operational and lifestyle.
A. Ethnography C. Case Study
B. Historical Analysis D. Phenomenology
27. It is a kind of qualitative research that usually takes place in the field of social care, nursing, psychology,
rehabilitation centers, education, etc. It seeks to find answers to why such thing occurs to the subject.
A. Ethnography C. Case Study
B. Historical Analysis D. Phenomenology
28. It is a kind of qualitative research that the primary goal to make understand their experiences about
death of loved ones, care for handicapped persons, etc.
A. Ethnography C. Case Study
B. Historical Analysis D. Phenomenology
29. Your research is to know the different rituals and traditions of Mangyan Group. What kind of qualitative
research is used for such kind of topic?
A. Ethnography C. Case Study
B. Historical Analysis D. Phenomenology
30. Families who lived at squatter areas are the respondents of your study where you need to identify what
kind of lifestyle they experience. What kind of qualitative research is used for this?
A. Ethnography C. Case Study
B. Historical Analysis D. Phenomenology

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