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Adaptations in Upper-Body Maximal Strength and Power Output Resulting From

Long-Term ResistancTraining in Experienced Strength-Power Athletes

Article  in  The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research


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2 authors:

Daniel Baker Robert Usher Newton

Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University


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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2006, 20(3), 541–546
! 2006 National Strength & Conditioning Association


School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia.

ABSTRACT. Baker, D.G., and R.U. Newton. Adaptations in up- questioned by both experienced strength coaches and re-
per-body maximal strength and power output resulting from searchers alike (37, 38).
long-term resistance training in experienced strength-power In light of these limitations, Finnish researchers have
athletes. J. Strength Cond. Res. 20(3):541–546. 2006.—The pur- garnered considerable data examining the adaptations
pose of this investigation was to observe changes in maximal
resulting from participation in resistance training for pe-
upper-body strength and power and shifts in the load-power
curve across a multiyear period in experienced resistance train- riods longer than typically occur in American college-
ers. Twelve professional rugby league players who regularly per- based studies. These studies have detailed the effects of
formed combined maximal strength and power training were ob- training and detraining in periods of up to 6 months in
served across a 4-year period with test data reported every 2 athletes and various other population groups (19–26).
years (years 1998, 2000, and 2002). Upper-body strength was However, knowledge of long-term resistance training
assessed by the 1 repetition maximum bench press and maxi- adaptations in elite athletes is scarce and tends to rely
mum power during bench press throws (BT Pmax) with various on cross-sectional data analysis (e.g., 19). Very little lon-
barbell resistances of 40–80 kg. During the initial testing, play- gitudinal tracking data exists concerning the extent and
ers also were identified as elite (n ! 6) or subelite (n ! 6), de- nature of muscular adaptations resulting from prolonged
pending upon whether they participated in the elite first-divi- resistance training over a multiyear period in elite ath-
sion national league or second-division league. This subgrouping letes. To date, only a few studies exist that track changes
allowed for a comparison of the scope of changes dependent upon
in maximal strength, force, power, or various other mus-
initial strength and training experience. The subelite group was
significantly younger, less strong, and less powerful than the cular functioning tests across multiyear periods (16, 24,
elite group, but no other difference existed in height or body 26, 27). These studies reported that changes in muscular
mass in 1998. Across the 4-year period, significant increases in functioning reflect the nature of training, but also that
strength occurred for the group as a whole and larger increases the relative ease with which strength may be increased
were observed for the subelite than the elite group, verifying the in novices and those with a more limited training history
limited scope that exists for strength gain in more experienced, is in stark contrast to the great difficulty that exists in
elite resistance-trained athletes. A similar trend occurred for trying to increase strength in experienced, elite strength
changes in BT Pmax. This long-term observation confirms that athletes (17, 18).
the rate of progress in strength and power development dimin- Almost all of the multiyear data garnered from the
ishes with increased strength levels and resistance training ex- above research has concerned lower-body strength and
perience. Furthermore, it also indicates that strength and power power adaptations and few data exist concerning long-
can still be increased despite a high volume of concurrent resis-
term upper-body strength and power adaptations; hence
tance and endurance training.
the importance of this paper. The purpose of this study
KEY WORDS. bench press, bench throw, rugby league is to report upon the changes in upper-body maximum
strength and power levels, as well as shifts in the load-
power curve for a group of 12 highly resistance-trained
INTRODUCTION professional rugby league players who performed com-

bined maximal strength and power training over a 4-year
t has been theorized that considerable gaps ex- period. Furthermore, the differential effects resulting
ist in our understanding of the long-term ad- from the initial resistance training experience of the ath-
aptations to resistance training due to the short letes also will be examined.
term nature of most university-based training
studies (17, 38). Typically, these training stud- METHODS
ies last 6–12 weeks and consist mainly of college students
or athletes with limited resistance training experience Experimental Approach to the Problem
serving as subjects (e.g., 15). It has been demonstrated Over a 4-year period, 3 strength and power testing ses-
that the effectiveness of one program over another pro- sions were conducted 2 years apart in highly trained
gram may take at least 8 weeks to manifest itself (17, 28), strength-power athletes (years 1998, 2000, and 2002).
limiting the extrapolative value of a number of studies. The subjects were professional athletes, internationally
Furthermore, how the adaptations stemming from these elite, who performed combined upper-body strength and
shorter training studies reflect the adaptations that ath- power training on a regular basis. This repeated-mea-
letes training for many years may experience has been sures comparative analysis provided information perti-


TABLE 1. Description of subjects as a whole group (N ! 12) strength, and agonist–antagonist muscle balance. The
and identified as elite (n ! 6) or subelite (n ! 6), based upon specific preparation phase contained explosive power de-
initial resistance training and playing experience in 1998. Mean velopment exercises, as well as strengthening exercises.
" SD. In-season resistance training followed a wave-like pe-
Body mass (kg) Height (cm) Age (y) riodization progression. The wave-like progression has
Group 97.8 " 8.7 186.7 " 4.6 20.2 " 1.6 been described previously (4), but, briefly, it entails re-
Elite 95.5 " 10.4 186.3 " 4.7 21.3 " 1.4* peating 2 cycles of 3 weeks with an additional introduc-
Subelite 100.7 " 6.7 187.2 " 4.9 19.0 " 0.6 tory week emphasizing hypertrophy and a concluding
week emphasizing peak strength and power (8 weeks in
* Denotes significantly different between groups.
total). The first 4-week block was geared slightly more
toward developing basic strength and hypertrophy with
a concomitant decreased volume of power exercises,
nent to the long-term changes in strength and power out-
whereas the second 4-week block was geared slightly
put as a result of intense resistance training across a mul-
more toward peaking maximum strength and power with
tiyear period. Differences in the extent of adaptations,
an increased number of power exercises, increased train-
based upon initial playing status and resistance training
ing intensity, and decreased training volume.
experience, also were observed and were compared.
Within each training week, the first training day was
Subjects oriented slightly more toward the development of maxi-
mal strength and the factors that affect strength (e.g.,
Twelve professional rugby league players who were ex- hypertrophy, agonist–antagonist muscle balance), where-
perienced in strength and power training served as sub- as the second training day was oriented slightly more to-
jects in this investigation. All subjects were members of ward the development of maximal power and other fac-
the same world-champion club team and underwent sim- tors that affect power (e.g., acceleration, rapid force de-
ilar training (relevant to their playing position and indi- velopment, ballistic speed). This alternating of strength-
vidual strength and power levels) during the 4-year pe- and power-oriented training days also caused an undu-
riod. All subjects were aware of the methods and nature lating pattern (a higher-load and lower-load day) in the
of the testing and voluntarily participated in the testing weekly periodization scheme throughout the year.
sessions, which were a regular part of their testing and Typically, upper-body workouts lasted about 50 min-
conditioning regime. Of the 12 subjects, 2 disparate utes in the preparation period and 30 minutes in the in-
groups of 6 subjects each could be identified based upon season competition period. Various other lower-body (e.g.,
resistance training experience and playing status at the full squats, jump squats, lunges, step-ups) and whole-
commencement of the study. Researchers have been able body exercises (e.g., power clean, push press, jerks, 1-arm
to distinguish differences in the scope, magnitude, or di- dumbbell snatches, Dominator whole-body rotations) ap-
rection of adaptations to the same resistance training propriate to rugby league (4) also were performed
stimuli experienced by athletes with different starting throughout the year, following the same periodization
levels of adaptation and strength (e.g., 7, 8, 17, 39). These scheme. Examples of how sets and repetitions were ma-
2 groups were identified as an elite group who was cur- nipulated in different periods and phases are contained
rently participating in the elite, first-division national in Table 2.
league (NRL) in 1998 and had a resistance training ex- Because rugby league players cover distances of up to
perience entailing combined maximal strength and power 10 km in each 80-minute game (30, 31) endurance train-
training for a period of greater than 3 years, and a sub- ing is also of importance to the total preparation of the
elite group participating in the second-division competi- player. In the general preparation period, 5 conditioning
tion. The subelite group also was training to become po- sessions are performed each week (3 running, 1 wrestling,
tential participants in the NRL. The subelite group was 1 mixed ergometry) with differing volumes, intensities,
younger than the elite group and possessed a combined and methods (continuous, Fartlek, long interval, short in-
resistance training background of less than 3 years. For- terval). This is reduced to 2–3 endurance workouts in the
tuitously, the disparate groups were matched exactly for specific preparation period with a concomitant increase
playing position with 3 hit-up forwards, 2 outside backs, in speed and agility training. Team tactical training ses-
and 1 hooker in each group. Descriptions of the group as sions also entail running volumes of 2–5 km.
a whole and of the 2 subgroups are contained in Table 1.
Testing consisted of maximum upper-body strength as as-
Training sessed by the 1 repetition maximum bench press (1RM
Throughout the 4-year period, training for the upper body BP) according to the methods previously outlined (6, 7,
was conducted, on average, twice per week except in end- 14). Testing of upper-body maximum power (Pmax) was
of-season periods where no training occurred (usually 4– assessed during bench press throws (BT) using the Ply-
6 weeks per year). The training program was periodized ometric Power System (PPS; Plyopower Technologies,
throughout the year with general preparation (usually 4– Lismore, Australia) and the methods previously described
8 weeks per year), specific preparation (usually 6–10 (6–8, 12). Bench press throws in a Smith machine weight-
weeks per year), and in-season competition (usually 24– training device such as the PPS result in much higher
32 weeks per year) periods. The preparation period usu- power outputs than traditionally performed bench press-
ally consisted of 2 linear periodization phases separated es, making this exercise more suitable for power testing
by a 2-week transition period during the Christmas–New (35, 36). Briefly, the PPS is a device whereby the displace-
Year period. The general preparation phase contained ment of the barbell is limited to the vertical plane, as in
only exercises that developed hypertrophy, basic a Smith weight training machine. The linear bearings

TABLE 2. Typical example of the sets and repetitions periodization for upper-body exercises for the maximal-strength bench press
(BP) with various assistant strength exercises (AS) and maximal-power bench throw (BT) with various assistant power exercises
General preparation Transition Specific preparation
Weeks 1–2 Weeks 3–4 Weeks 5–6 Weeks 7–10 Weeks 11–12 Week 13
BP 4 # 10 4#8 3 # 10–12 4 # 5 3 # 2–3 Test
AS 3 # 10 3#8 2 # 10–12 3 # 8–10 3 # 5–6
BT N/A N/A N/A 4 # 5 4 # 2–4 Test
AP N/A N/A N/A 3 # 5–8 3 # 3–6
In-season competition
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
BP 3 # 8 8-6-5 6-5-3 5-3-2 8-6-5 6-5-3 5-3-2 2-1-1 Test or repeat cycle
AS 2 # 10 2#8 2#6 2#5 2#8 2#6 2#5 2#5
BT 3 # 5 3#5 5-4-3 4-3-2 3#5 5-4-3 4-3-2 3-2-2 Test or repeat cycle
AP 3 # 6 3#6 3#5 3#4 3#6 3#5 3#4 3#4

that are attached to each end of the barbell allow the TABLE 3. Results for one repetition maximum bench press
barbell to slide up and down 2 hardened steel shafts with (1RM BP) for the group as a whole and according to subgrouping
a minimum of friction. A rotary encoder attached to the as elite or subelite presented as mean " SD.
machine produced pulses indicating the displacement of 1RM BP (kg)
the barbell. The number of pulses, denoting barbell dis-
Group Elite Subelite
placement, and the time of the barbell movement were
measured by a counter timer board installed in the com- 1998 129.6 " 15.3* 139.2 " 11.6† 120.0 " 12.7
puter. The PPS software (Plyopower Technologies) cal- 2000 141.0 " 15.6* 144.6 " 12.7 137.5 " 18.6
culated the average power output of the concentric phase 2002 148.1 " 16.5* 147.5 " 13.0 148.7 " 20.1
of each BT based upon the displacement, time, and mass * Denotes that the group 1RM BPs were significantly different
data. Specifically, each subject performed 3 repetitions at each test occasion.
during bench press throws with 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 kg † Denotes elite group significantly different from subelite in
(BT P40, BT P50, BT P60, BT P70, and BT P80), with 1998 only.
only the highest power output at each resistance record-
ed. This battery of resistances allowed for generation of TABLE 4. Results for maximum-power bench press throws
a load-power profile or curve (6, 8, 12, 36), similar to what (BT Pmax) for the group as a whole and the elite and subelite
has been done before for the lower body using jump subgroups. Mean " SD.
squats with various resistances (21–23). The highest pow-
BT Pmax (W)
er output for any individual, irrespective of the resis-
tance, was deemed the BT Pmax. Group Elite Subelite

Statistical Procedures 1998 611 " 80* 666 " 61*† 555 " 55*
2000 715 " 81 727 " 55 703 " 105
At the initial testing occasion, 2 disparate groups of 6 2002 696 " 86 699 " 82 693 " 97
subjects could be identified based upon whether they * Denotes that BT Pmax in 1998 was significantly different
were participating in the NRL team or the second-divi- from that of years 2000 and 2002.
sion team. These elite and subelite groups were compared † Denotes that elite was significantly different from subelite
using a factorial one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in 1998 only.
for performance and anthropometric data to discern if
any differences existed between them (See Table 1).
The results for the whole group 1RM BP, BT Pmax, research on elite professional athletes, no adjustment of
and BT P40–80 were compared using a repeated-mea- the alpha level was made for comparison of multiple var-
sures one-way ANOVA to determine if any of the test iables. Statistical power for comparison across years for
scores in 2000 and 2002 differed from the baseline scores 1RM and BT Pmax was 1.000 and 0.981, respectively. For
of 1998. In addition, the test scores for the elite vs. sub- between-group comparisons, the statistical power ranged
elite group were compared for the same variables. If a between 0.051 and 0.847.
significant effect of test occasion was found, Fisher Least
Squares Difference post hoc comparisons were performed RESULTS
to determine which test occasions produced significantly The results for changes in 1RM BP for the group as a
different results. Pearson product-moment correlations whole and according to subgrouping are contained in Ta-
were used to determine the strength of relationships be- ble 3. The results for changes in BT Pmax for the group
tween variables. Although the limitations of calculating as a whole and according to subgrouping are contained in
correlations with an N of 12 are acknowledged, we believe Table 4. The changes in power output with various resis-
the analysis is justified on the basis of such limited longer tances ranging from 40–80 kg are displayed graphically
term studies on athletes of this caliber. Statistical signif- in Figure 1 for the group as a whole and Figure 2 when
icance was accepted at an alpha level of p $ 0.05. Due to compared according to subgrouping. There was a signifi-
the low subject numbers and difficulty of performing such cant increase in body mass up to 100.2 " 9.4 and 101.7

This study details the changes in strength and power
across a 4-year period by a number of athletes who were
members of a world-champion team and who were expe-
rienced in combined strength and power training. The re-
sults are important and unique, due to the internation-
ally elite level of strength and power development in
these athletes combined with the 4-year duration of this
longitudinal study.
Changes in Subjects. Over the 4 years, all subelite
players progressed to become elite players (by participat-
ing in the NRL competition), with the team winning 2
championships. Seven of the 12 also earned selection into
the national team, who were the world national team
champions. Essentially, by 2000, there were no differenc-
es between the subgroups in performance data. These re-
sults merely reflect the high caliber of athlete involved in
this observation.
Initial Strength and Power Levels. The initial data
FIGURE 1. Shifts in bench throw load-power curve for the from 1998 detailing the differences in strength and power
combined group (N ! 12) of rugby league players across a 4- between the elite and subelite group are to be expected
year period. All changes were significant. Because 2000 and and have been reported previously, not just for upper-
2002 were not different from each other, the results for 2000 body strength and power (6–9), but also for lower-body
have been omitted for clarity. SD bars have been omitted for power (9) and abdominal strength (5) when comparing
participants in the elite professional NRL to participants
in second- and third-division leagues. However, the up-
per-body strength levels of both groups appears to far ex-
ceed the average that had been previously reported for
large groups of professional rugby league players (32),
perhaps indicating the intensive resistance training his-
tory of the 12 subjects compared with other professional
rugby league players. This is to be expected when it is
considered that subjects in 1998 were world-champion
club team members and could be expected to be stronger
than less-successful counterparts.
Changes in Maximal Strength. Although the training
group as a whole exhibited a 14.3% increase in 1RM BP
across 4 years, the elite group only exhibited a 6.0% in-
crease vs. the 23.9% for the younger subelite group. The
results of this long-term observation suggest that maxi-
mum upper-body strength still can be increased in expe-
rienced strength-power athletes; however, there appears
to be a diminishing degree of positive adaptation with
increased training experience. The scope for strength im-
provement is reduced by training experience and existing
FIGURE 2. Shifts in bench throw load-power curve for the strength levels, even if both groups follow the same pro-
elite and subelite groups (n ! 6 each) of rugby league players gram (17). This becomes even more apparent by further
across a 4-year period. All changes were significant. Because examining the progress over the last 2 years of the ob-
2000 and 2002 were not different from each other, the results
for 2000 have been omitted for clarity. SD bars have been
servation, from 2000 to 2002. During this 2-year period,
omitted for clarity. the elite group exhibited only a 2.0% increase in 1RM BP,
similar to the amount reported by Häkkinen et al. (26)
for the Finnish national Olympic weightlifting squad
across a 2-year period. The subelite group exhibited an
" 9.0 kg for year 2000 and 2002, respectively, for the 8.1% increase in 1RM BP during this time period, further
group as a whole. The elite group increased body mass supporting the concept of diminishing progress with in-
significantly by about 5% from 1998 to 2000 from where creasing training experience. In reality, the subelite
it remained statistically unaltered. The subelite group’s group are 2 years behind the elite group in age and train-
increase of 3% in body mass was only significant from ing experience in 1998, and hence the scope of adapta-
1998 to 2002. There was no significant difference between tions experienced by the subelite group for the final 2-
the subgroups in body mass at any period. There was a year period from 2000 to 2002 are similar to the first 2
significant difference between the elite and subelite play- years of the elite group. Thus, it could be posited that the
ers in the year 1998 for 1RM BP of 19.2 kg (16%) and BT progress that the subelite group make in the next 2-year
Pmax of 111 W (20%). No other differences between the period may also be quite small.
groups were apparent for 2000 or 2002. Changes in Maximal Power and the Load-Power Curve.

The results for changes in maximal power (BT Pmax) aptations must have largely accounted for the changes in
largely reflected the changes in 1RM BP, with diminished 1RM BP and BT Pmax, rather than simple increases in
progress with increased training experience. For exam- body mass. The extent and nature of these adaptations is
ple, over the 4-year period, the group as a whole signifi- beyond the scope of discussion for this paper (see 17, 18).
cantly increased BT Pmax by 14%, with the elite group Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training. This
improving only 5% compared with 25% for the subelite current observation has shown that the group as a whole
group. increased strength and power by around 14% across 4
Power output with all investigated resistances (40–80 years, despite the large total concurrent resistance and
kg) also increased significantly from 1998 to 2000 and conditioning workloads. Despite some current beliefs that
then remained unchanged. The emphasis on combined strength and power cannot be improved or are severely
maximal strength and power training is reflected in limited when a large amount of conditioning and heavy
greater increases in the heavier portion of the load-power resistance training are performed concurrently (1) the re-
curve. From Figures 1 and 2, it can clearly be seen that sults of this and other long-term observations (7, 29) em-
power output with heavy resistances, such as 70 and 80 phatically illustrate otherwise.
kg, increases far more (13.7%) than power output with It has been suggested previously that better condi-
resistances of 40 kg (8.7%). This was one of the objectives tioned athletes and more efficient periodization and se-
of the training over the 4-year period, because previous quencing of training may allow athletes to perform con-
research had established that BT P70 and BT P80 sig- current strength and endurance training without signif-
nificantly and strongly discriminate between rugby icant negative results (1, 7).
league players who participate in the NRL vs. second and
third division leagues (8). PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
Of interest is the fact that neither group’s BT Pmax
This long-term observation of changes in upper-body
or load-power curve improved over the last 2 years of ob-
strength and power output in experienced resistance
servation. It is not clear why this occurred, but most sim-
trainers has supported the earlier findings concerning the
ply, it may again reflect the limited scope for improve-
limited scope for improvements in lower-body strength
ment in power output with experienced athletes (17, 24–
and power with increased training experience.
Maximum upper-body strength and power still can be
Relationship Between Changes in Strength and Power.
increased in advanced strength-power athletes; however,
It has been well established that on a cross-sectional ba-
the degree of improvement diminishes with increased
sis, maximum strength and maximum power are highly
strength-power levels and training experience. The time
related (6–14). The relationship may reduce slightly with
frames over which increases in strength and power may
increased training experience or with the direction that
be observed can become quite lengthy in more advanced
training takes. For example, endurance training,
strength-, hypertrophy-, or power-oriented training may
For advanced strength-power athletes, it would ap-
affect the relationship (7, 8). The results of this study
pear that when both types of exercises are performed con-
tend to confirm this with a slightly diminishing correla-
currently in the training regime, then, statistically at
tion between 1RM BP and BT Pmax ranging from r !
least, increases in maximum strength go hand in hand
0.85 to r ! 0.81 to r ! 0.78 at the 3 successive testing
with increases in maximum power. Based upon this re-
occasions for the group as a whole.
sult, it is recommended that coaches prescribe both
It is interesting to note is that changes in 1RM BP
strength and power exercises in a periodized fashion to
significantly correlated with changes in BT Pmax across
maximize the muscular adaptations in multiyear resis-
the 4-year period (r ! 0.75, p ! .005), which is in almost
tance training.
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