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GASAL 2019/2020


Name : Achmad Maulana Rinaldy Date of Test : 7 November 2019

Student Number : 20180310093 Lecturer : Mrs Wuri
Faculty : FKIK Signature :
Department : Pendidikan Dokter

Driving a Car or Riding a Motorcycle

In Indonesia, there are several types of transportation such as cars and motorcycles. The vehicle
is very useful because it can deliver someone to their destination in an effective and efficient time.
Since Junior High School I have been able to ride a motorcyle and starting Senior High School I can
drive a car. In my daily activities, I always use the vehicle but I use a car more often. From the
experience that I’ve experienced since I could drive a car dan ride a motorcycle, there are some basic
similarities and differencies.
Cars and motorcycles have some things in common, they are one type of transportation that is
always used by someone in everyday life to go to school, work, or travel. Transportation is a tool used
to transport humans, goods and animals to their destination. Both also need fuel to be used, only the
capacity is different. Cars and motorcycles have functions in several fields one of them is in
economics. At present transportation is one of the activities related to human needs. By moving
something from its origin to the desired destination and get a gift or reward for transportation. Besides
that, it can be used for mobile sales such as selling vegetables, fruits, food, etc. Cars and motorcyles
are also used in the gojek and grab application as a service provider for food orders and to deliver
passengers. In the social field, it can provide travel services or tour services, travel information, can
facilitate someone's access to go to other areas or remote areas. All services can be individuals or
Although both are means of transportation but, they also have many differences. The basic
difference is on appearance. What clearly distinguishes a car from a motorcycle is the type of four-
wheeled vehicle that can accommodate 4-7 passengers, has a steering wheel, larger in size. In addition
this car also has a roof that can protect passengers from rain and the hot sun during the day. While
motorcycles are two-wheeled vehicles that can be used by a maximum of two people.
In terms of acceleration and comfort of cars and motorcycles there are differences. As someone
who likes to travel, must have one of these vehicles. As we know, motorcycles are famous for their
agility, especially in cities with busy streets. With its sleek body the motorcyle can easily overtake the
vehicle in front of it. Motorcycles may also have the advantage of being more fuel efficient, but when
traveling long distances the body will feel tired when riding a motorcycle. While cars are often hit by

traffic jams on the road. With its large body it is very difficult to overtake other vehicles except when
the road is quiet. Cars require a lot of money for fuel, of course when traveling long distances. When
traveling far away by car, it will feel more comfortable because it is not exposed to direct sunlight,
rain, and not exposed to the wind so it is not tiring.
Apart from appearance, comfort, and acceleration, they also have differences in price and service
costs. In Indonesia, cars are priced from 150 million to 1.5 billion. Car brands are also diverse such as
Honda, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Nissan, etc. As for the cost of servicing the car is much more expensive
than a motorcycle. The cost of servicing itself on average can spend 1.5 - 2 million for normal service
and oil change. Service costs can increase when there is damage to the vehicle. For motorcycles
themselves are generally priced from 15 million - 100 million. Motorcycle brands are also diverse
such as Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, etc. Those who owns a motorcyle should be thankful, because the
cost of service is relatively cheap, which is an average of 100 thousand for one service and oil change.
But all that goes back to the condition of each person, especially economic conditions.
So it can be concluded that cars and motorcyles are means of transportation that have many
functions and benefits for someone. despite having a very basic difference that is from its appearance,
price, service costs, agility, and certainly comfort. All of that goes back to the economic condition,
because I'm sure everyone would want to have both. Especially for those who are married, would
want to have a car to go out with the family. For myself, I can't conclude that I prefer cars or
motorcycles. Because both are very important and each has advantages and disadvantages. Because I
am a student, to find a place to eat more comfortable using a motorcycle because it is not difficult to
find parking. As for traveling far or during the rainy season I am more comfortable using a car. It will
never be finished if you continue to compare cars with motorcycles, which certainly has both benefits
to support everyday human life.

Scoring*: Total score: Plagiarism:

Introductory Paragraph 5 4 3 2
Body Paragraphs 5 4 3 2
Concluding Paragraph 5 4 3 2
Organization 5 4 3 2
Style 5 4 3 2
Mechanics 5 4 3 2

*Circle the appropriate score based on the rubric

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