Lesson Plan With Concept Map

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Lesson Plan Title, Grade, Subject Area, and Time Required Combination of Shapes, Kindergarten, Math, 45 mins required Introduction/Overview This lesson is designed to review previously learned shapes (triangle, circle, square, etc.) and introduce the connection of combining these shapes to make larger shapes. In order to complete this lesson, students will need to use their own provided set of shapes to create the larger set of shapes. Following the lesson, | will select a group of 3 students, who | feel are at the same learning level to complete the larger shape for me with the use of the smaller shapes, in order to ensure they know how to do it Learning outcomes Close the lesson by having a student create a hexagon, triangle and square without a template, showing the work on the SMART Board. A critical aspect of the close is explaining the thinking. With kindergarten students you're developing their thinking and the language used to express that thinking, simultaneously. So, have the student explain what shapes are being used to make each of the larger shapes by opening Bubbl.us on the SMART Board and creating a concept map with the students, Have the three large shapes that were made (hexagon, triangle, and square) and connect smaller shapes that were used to make them. This is a sample of what the concept map will look like in order to help the students see the multiple ways they made each shape. Let the students give the smaller shapes but if they don't know them help them out. (I will pay for the premium version to add pictures for the students to connect the name with which shape itis.) Mention positive things that you noticed during centers and also include something that needs to be better next time, Review what we did during our whole group lesson. "Today we learned that we can combine shapes to make larger shapes. Tomorrow, we are going to learn about new shapes and counting centers!" Curriculum alignment CCSS.MATH.CONTENTKG.B6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. Materials needed-REQUIRED SMART Board: located at the front of the room, turn on by pushing the green power button on the gray remote Velcro to the right side of it Problem of the Day: located on the computer desktop titled Problem of the Day-shapes ‘le CyUserslaymO/Downloads'Problem'20of%20!ne%420Davii2059.00h Bag of Pattern Blocks (for students): located in a blue box on the top shelf of the filing cabinet behind my desk Larger bag of Pattern Blocks (for teacher): located on the top of the stack in the blue box Container of Pattern Blocks: located on the second shelf of the filing cabinet behind my desk, labeled patter blocks Combining Shapes Worksheet: located on the printer tray, right side of my desk Worksheet File to Display: located on the computer desktop titled Combining Shapes Activity Combining Shapes 7 Centers: Centers are located in the pink basket on top of the filing cabinet behind my desk, the worksheet to go with it is paperclipped undemeath the basket o O Pencils: located in the top middle drawer of my desk, the blue box of yellow ones Technology resources-REQUIRED SMART Board for the opening activity. ‘The technology needed section includes technology resources used by both teacher and students, including computers and related resources (internet connections, printers, and specific software such as a word processing application or PowerPoint), scanners and digital cameras, projectors, VCR or DVD player, etc. + Be as specific as possible when listing software and hardware requirements. -log-ins, who to see if problems occur. ‘+ Specify how many of each resource is needed (one computer per student? per group of students?). + Provide alternatives if possible. For example, if you teach this plan with one computer per student, try to offer a way to teach the plan with students in groups (in activities or supplemental information) and note here that the plan can be so adapted. Websites and APPS- REQUIRED Related websites are websites to be used by the teacher or students in the course of this lesson plan. They may be required or optional. Related websites may provide: ‘= background information for the teacher about the content of the lesson ‘reading material for students + resources the teacher can use with students in the classroom, such as images or multimedia ‘+ reference material for the teacher about instructional strategies or classroom management issues referred to in the plan ‘+ resources for students to use independently For each website, please provide a title, URL, and brief explanation of how it relates to this lesson plan Important! An external website should not be required for a teacher to use your plan unless itis a highly stable, institutionally maintained resource. Pre-activities Start the lesson with a problem of the day to help students review skills and concepts from prior lessons and develop their ability to problem solve, While students are sitting at their desk, project the Problem of the Day on the SMART Board, and say to students, "This is our Problem of the Day for today. (Reading the SMART Board) This says ‘Name each figure. After the teacher makes changes, name each figure again. Did the figures change shape?” "This Problem of the Day has several parts. (Ask the students) What do we need to do first?” (The answer: Name each shape.) "Name the shapes.” (A rectangle, a triangle and a square.) "The next part is something | need to do!” Rotate each shape 90 degrees. (On the SMART Board to do this you need to click on the shape. Then hold down on the green dot while rotating.) "What do we need to do next?" (The answer: Name each shape again.) "Name each shape." (A rectangle, a triangle, and a square.) This answer may not be clear. ‘Some students may think the shapes are different, Have students explain their thinking and go back to our definition of each shape. Say, "The last part of the problem asks ‘Did the figures change shape?’ What do you think?” Ihave one or more students give their thoughts. | tell students, "Today we are going to continue learning about shapes. We are going to put shapes together to make larger shapes!" Activities Continue this lesson by having the students sit in a circle on the round red carpet at the front of the class. Give each student a bag containing the following pattern blacks: 1 hexagon, 2 trapezoids, 3 rhombuses, and 6 triangles. Have the same pattern blocks for yourself in a larger form. Have the students pull out the hexagon, tell them that we are going to use the hexagon as the work mat. Or in other words, we are going to put other shapes together to make a hexagon. Ask the student to do this with their trapezoids. While they are working, model it with your larger pattern blocks. Ifa student is still struggling, assist or ask another student to help. Continue this with the rhombuses and triangles. Then say, "! would like you to find another way to make a hexagon using some of the pattern blocks | have given you.” Ifa student figures out one way right away or you see them copy off of their neighbor, ask the student to find another way. Continue this Until all of the students have figured out at least one way. Tell students that we will continue to practice this at their seats. On the student tables, have a container of square and triangle pattern blocks. There is also a Combining Shapes worksheet to distribute. Show students the paper and say, "You will be working on this paper on your own, You need to get out a pencil and put your name on your paper. When your name is on your paper hold your pencil in the air, that will let me know that you are ready to start." Having the students hold up their pencils, makes it easy to see who is ready and also keeps the students from writing all over their papers while they wait for other students to finish. Hand each student a paper for them to take back to their seats and while the students are writing their names, turn on the projector and display the worksheet on the SMART Board. When all students have their pencils up, say, “All that you see on this paper are four large shapes. What shapes do you see?" (The answer: A triangle, a square, a square on its side and a rectangle). "You are going to use the pattern blocks on your table to create each shape. When you are finished, please put your hand up. | would like to check your work before you do your center today." Circulate and assist students who are having trouble combining the shapes. When students finish, and you've checked their work, they put their pattern blocks back in the container, their paper goes in the turn in basket on the corner of my desk titled (turn in basket) and get their centers, Quickly circulate to make sure students are engaged and do not have any questions about how to complete the centers (Students should use the craft sticks, fruit loops, noodles, and drinking straws located in the Ziploc bags from the pink basket to make the shapes on the worksheet). Now is the time to do the assessment. Prior to clean up, check in with each table to see how the centers are going. Then announce that itis time for students to clean up and return to their seats, Assessment Pull three groups during centers, Start with a group of students who were unable to complete today's activity. Start them off with the hexagon activity again and then move on to creating a larger square and triangle. Dismiss students who know how to do it, and do a quick reteach with those that don't, Re-quiz them by having them make a hexagon without using the hexagon pattern block as a template and make a triangle and square without a template. If after the reteach the student stil doesn't get it, dismiss them back to their seats and make a note of it in the standards completion page (located on the clipboard under the attendance sheet) for further help. Repeat this with different groups until all students have completed it. Modifications For those who finish each assignment early, there is a Shapes Instant Learning Center game on the file cabinet by the door, second shelf. They are to match the blank shapes with the pictures of actual items on the cards. This allows them to continue in their shape matching and creating skills. If everyone or a large group finish early there are enough pieces for the class to match shapes and items as whole, Walk around to help in assisting them and make sure they stay on task. Altern; ive assessments For those who are gifted and finish early, they will receive a shorter assessment, start with the hexagon. If they get it without any problems don't do the larger triangle and square, skip to creating shapes without a template to work with. They should have no problem in completing these, but if they do take them to the other shapes and let them work their way up. ‘Supplemental information- RECOMMENDED- THINK SUBSTITUTE! Supplemental information is anything that teachers should or might consider when teaching this lesson. If there ae resources that may be used but that are not required for the lesson, note those as well ‘Supplemental information and resources might include: + 2dsitional resources or websites that could be used for in-class presentations or student research f time permits + ideas for extensions or extra credit + background reading for teachers on the content ofthe lesson + further discussion of instructional strategies or classroom management isues related to this lesson (or links to that information on the web) Be as generous as you can! Remember that beginning teachers will not have your experience or knowledge of avaiable resources and will benefit from any additional help you provide Critical vocabulary- RECOMMENDED Critical vocabulary includes words and terms that students need to know in order to meet the learning outcomes for this lesson plan I modifications are provided for particular audiences (such as Englsh language learners) a special vocabulary lst may be Provided here. For each term, please provide a definition or the URL of a website where teachers can obtain definitions. Comments-RECOMMENDED ‘Comments may include anything you think teachers shouls know or consider that doesn't fit into the other parts ofthe lesson plan. They may include: + an explanation of how you developed the plan, or why you wrote it ina particular way + possible extensions or ways to shorten the plan + reflections on the experience of teaching this lesson + students’ comments or reactions Anote on attachments: ‘You may have supplemental materials that you want to include with your lesson plan such as worksheets, tests, handouts, and spreadsheets, even images. Don't hesitate to submit these with your lesson plan. Just be sure to send them in formats that can be easily opened and don’t require any unusual software. If possible, we will eformat al lesson plan cantent for eisplay on the web, and make it avallabe for separate download only if absolutely necessary.

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