Chapter 3 Revised

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November _, 2019
Dear Respondent:
We are Grade 12 ABM students of the University of San Carlos. We are currently doing a
research paper on the “Role of Demographic Factors on Marketing Preferences on Social
In view of this, we are conducting this survey to gather the data that we need. Your fair honest
answer will greatly help in the success of our study.
We shall ensure that your identity remains confidential, and your answer will be used for
academic purposes only.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Note: Social Enterprises refers to businesses that have social objectives that serve
its primary purpose. Social Enterprises are not purely for profit but also aim to
maximize benefit to society and environment.
Traditional Enterprises refers to businesses or organizations that are
purely for profit

Name (optional): __________________

Signature: ______________
Check the box that applies:
1. Age Groups
 Baby Boomers (55-73) 1946 to1964
 Generation X (39-54) 1965 to 1980
 Generation Y (19-38) 1981 to 2000
 Generation Z (1-18) 2001 to 2019
2. Gender
 Male
 Female
3. Monthly Income
 Low Income (PHP 7,890 to PHP 15,780 per month)
 Lower Middle Income (PHP 15,780 to PHP 31,560 per month)
 Middle Class (PHP 31,560 to PHP 78,900 per month)

(1) (2)
I have purchased an accessory
(necklace, anklet, bracelet)
Strongly Agree (1) | Agree (2) | Neutral (3) | Disagree (4) | Strongly Disagree (5)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

I am interested in buying an accessories from a social
The kind or type of product doesn’t really matter as long as the
purchase will ultimately help a cause or charity
The functions of the social enterprises’ product will help in
deciding whether to purchase the product
The appearance of the product is important
When purchasing a social enterprise product, specifically
accessories, I would prefer the product style or design to
follow current trends
When purchasing a social enterprise product, specifically
accessories, I would prefer the product style or design to use its
own unique style
I want accessories to be minimalistic
I want accessories to be luxurious/extravagant
I want accessories to be rustic (oxidized metals, rough cut
stones, designs that are simple and casual)
I prefer social enterprise products, specifically accessories, to
be made of recyclable materials
I will purchase a product from a social enterprise regardless of
the durability of the product
When buying a product from a social enterprise, I will consider
how long I will be able to use it

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
I prefer to buy social enterprise product that ranges from 80 -
I prefer less expensive product
I would prefer that the price of the social enterprise product
will be higher than the available product in the market
I prefer to purchase social enterprise products that are priced
based on the materials used.
I prefer to purchase an expensive product if it meant it would
benefit a certain cause or charity
I prefer to purchase a cheap product that would not benefit a
certain cause or charity.
I prefer to purchase an expensive product that would not
benefit a certain cause or charity
I prefer to purchase a cheap product that would benefit a
certain cause or charity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
If a company is associated with a cause or charity, I need
further convincing to purchase the product
I want to be informed through traditional media
(television, radio, print media)
I want to be informed through digital media
(social media, websites, web pages)
The packaging of the product influences me to purchase a
product from a social enterprise
I prefer to purchase social enterprise products that are
advertised through events marketing
I prefer to purchase social enterprise products that are
advertised through word of mouth
I prefer to purchase social enterprise products online

What is the best way in order to be informed about a product?

o Word of mouth o Brochures o Facebook
o Advertisements o Flyers o Instagram
o Radio o Posters o Twitter
o Television o Newspapers o Email

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
I prefer to purchase social enterprise products directly from a
physical store
I prefer to purchase a product from a store in the mall
I prefer to purchase social enterprise products online

If you prefer online, what is the best way in order to be informed about a product?
o Shoppee
o Facebook
o Instagram
o February Lifestyle
o Zalora
o Others (please specify) ________

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