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The symbolic meaning of numbers
found in the Bible

Peter McArthur

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© Peter Douglas McArthur 2006 asserts a

Copyright that is purely a matter of preserving
his material from any commercial exploitation.
As with all his work, permission to copy and
use it for personal study is freely given,
provided that it is presented unaltered
and not sold for commercial gain.

First Edition 1997

Revised Edition 2002
Updated Edition 2006

PO Box 4022, Seaton, SA, Australia, 5023

Biblical quotations are from

The Holy Bible, New King James version
Copyright © 1984 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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This subject is so vast and deep that few can fully comprehend its magnitude. Numbers in
Scripture have always drawn me onto deeper insights in the Word, and subjectively I feel
they are more than co-incidental. At the same time there are many who use this truth as a
kind of modern-day crystal ball hoping to find “truths” hidden in the Word that frankly are not

But having said that, it’s obvious to all except the spiritually blind or foolish, that numbers in
Scripture do mean something. And that “something” is more than mere symbolism - there’s
truth here that mortal man, or even saved-man for that matter, doesn't not know enough
about. So let’s tread these pages with a genuine sense of awe and respect, always referring
back to the Holy Spirit for His input into our study in this field.

There are two great pioneers of these truths who have become the foundation stones for
present day Biblical study in this area; they are Ethelbert Bullinger and Ivan Panin. The Holy
Spirit has opened their eyes, and above all their minds, to appreciate hidden truths that can
only be truly seen through numbers. May I say once again, the use of numbers doesn’t
mean there are all sorts of fanciful predictions in the Bible. The use of computers has been
both a blessing and a major problem; many believers have gone crazy about imagining
rather weird things supposedly hidden in Scripture.

While I do believe that there are great and precious truths revealed through our
understanding of numbers, I don’t accept that this allows us to leap into fanciful ideas and
“doctrines” that cannot be objectively proved by a clear and concise reading of Scripture. But
let us be greatly indebted to both brothers Bullinger and Panin for their painstaking work in
opening such truths to us. Who were these men?

Dr. E.W. Bullinger was a child of the Swiss Reformation. He lived from 1837 - 1913 and was
a spiritual man deep into the Word of God. He discovered numerical patterns in Scripture
and Creation which led him to believe that God had purposely placed such there for a
reason. His insight into creation and the numerical patterns in God’s Word are especially
precious to us.

Ivan Panin was born in Russia on December 12th in 1855. As a young man he was an
Nihilist and participated in plots against the Russian Czar and his government and was
eventually exiled from Russia. After spending a number of years studying in Germany he
went to the United States where he became an outstanding lecturer on literary criticism.
Panin was known as a firm agnostic, so well known that when he accept Christ the
newspapers carried headlines telling of his conversion.

As a Harvard scholar he was a professor and a mathematician having once tutored Albert
Einstein. It’s said he learnt Greek and Hebrew in just four years, and then not being satisfied
with these two languages added Aramaic to his skills. He, quite separately from Bullinger,
discovered the mathematical construction of Scripture as seen in the two Biblical languages
of Hebrew and Greek.

These two spent many fruitful years recording their insights and today we have access to
their findings and are indeed blessed by their revelations. The so-called ‘seal of sevens’ on
all Scripture of our Bible was stupendous, and it’s mainly this that Ivan Panin is known for.
So astonishing were these truths that Panin was converted through their discovery. He died
in 1942 after spending the remainder of his life in the Word unveiling its mighty treasures
and biblical patterns.

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Together these two great men of God, although still often unrecognised in the 21st century
Church, became the fathers of Biblical Numerics. I include the preface of Bullinger’s most
famous work on Numerics (Number in Scripture) to encourage us as we begin to tap this
vast treasure well.

“There can be neither works nor words without number. We can understand
how man can act and speak without design or significance, but we cannot
imagine that the great and infinite Creator and Redeemer could either work or
speak without both His words and His works being absolutely perfect in every

"As for God His WAY is perfect" (Psa 18:30). "The Law of the LORD is perfect"
(Psa 19:7). They are both perfect in power, perfect in holiness and
righteousness, perfect in design, perfect in execution, perfect in their object and
end, and, may we not say, perfect in number.

"The LORD is righteous in all His ways: and holy in all His works" (Psa 145:17).

All His works were (and are) done, and all His words were spoken and written, in
the right way, at the right time, in the right order, and in the right number. "He
telleth the number of the stars" (Psa 147:4). He "bringeth out their host by
number" (Isa 40:26). "He weigheth the waters by measure" (Job 28:25).

We may, therefore, say with David: "I meditate on all Thy works; I muse on the
work of Thy hands" (Psa 143:5).

In all the works of God we find not only what we call "Law," and a Law-maker,
but we observe a Law enforcer. We speak of laws, but they are nothing in
themselves. They have no being; they possess no power; they cannot make
themselves, or carry themselves out. What we mean when we speak of law in
nature is simply this: God in action; God not merely giving or making laws, but
carrying them out and enforcing them.

As He is perfect, so His works and His words also must be perfect. And when we
see number used not by chance, but by design; not at haphazard, but with
significance; then we see not merely so many works and words, but the Living
God working and speaking.

In this first part of our subject we are to speak only of design in the use of
number; and in the second part, of significance. In this first chapter we will
confine our thoughts to design as it is seen in the works of God; and in the
second, as it is seen in the Word of God. When we see the same design in each;
the same laws at work; the same mysterious principles being carried out in each,
the conviction is overwhelming that we have the same great Designer, the same
Author; and we see the same Hand, the same seal stamped on all His works,
and the same signature or autograph, as it were, upon every page of His Word.
And that, not an autograph which may be torn off or obliterated, but indelible, like
the water-mark in the paper; so impressed upon and interwoven with it that no
power on earth can blot it out.”

E.W. Bullinger

Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance

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In the Book of Daniel chapter 8 verses 13 and 14 there is a reference to an anonymous
being called “that certain one”. In Hebrew the word is “Palmoni” which has been translated
as “the Numberer of Secrets” or “the wonderful Numberer”. It is possible that this is an angel
whose ministry deals with numbers!

We also can see that God is concerned about numbering. These texts support this view:

Job 14:16
“For now You number my steps, But do not watch over my sin”.

Psa 90:12
“So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom”.

Psa 147:4
“He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name”.

Dan 5:26
"This is the interpretation of each word. MENE: God has numbered your kingdom”.

Mat 10:30
"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered”.

Compare also Rev 13:17

The use of numbers to seek out deeper truths in the Word of God is scorned and rejected by
some, yet it is obvious that numbers do take on a spiritual meaning and significance when
dealt with according to some guidelines that do not destroy the witness and harmony of the

As in typology, the so-called First Mentioned Principle is helpful. That is, when a number
appears in the Word of God for the very first time, if it is linked to some principle, prophetic
insight or significance, then generally from then on when that number appears it will have the
same symbolic meaning.

An example of this is found in Gen 17:12 when God commands all male children to be
circumcised on the eighth day. Eight stands for “new beginnings” and so from then on
(generally) the number has that significance.

Note for example that there were eight people who escaped the Flood, signifying that these
eight brought about a “new beginning” for mankind after the deluge of Noah’s day.

The counterfeit of Biblical Numerics is the occult use of numbers. This is called
Numerology. It is a shame that some Christians have been so entranced by the symbolism
of numbers, that they have in fact embarked upon “Christian numerology” and fallen into
error - to say nothing of a vast amount of wasted time!

Nevertheless numbers do imply certain truths and principles, and as long as we can avoid
speculation which is not based on the Word, we will be able to see the marvellous design
God has put within His Word.

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While many Christians concede that numbers do have a spiritual significance in the Word,
the association of certain letters to numbers has caused more controversy. The study of
aligning either the Hebrew or Greek alphabets with certain numbers is called Gematria.

While there have been many abuses in this area, I still feel there is some warrant in the
remarkable design of the Word of God to reconsider this ancient study.

Again, a good understanding of Biblical doctrine, and sanctified common-sense will be

important safeguards.

An example of Gematria can be found in the name of JESUS. When we align a number with
each Greek letter of His name the total comes to 888.

If 8 is the number of “new beginnings” and “three” the number of “perfection” then “Jesus” in
Greek is 8 reinforced three times (888). This speaks of new beginnings or resurrection in

It’s plain how that number can be associated with Jesus. 888 has long been identified by
some Biblical scholars as the Dominical Number, the Number “of the Lord”.

Whatever our view of the use of numbers, the paramount understanding revolves around the
acceptance that the Scriptures are the inspired Word of the Living God. Because the Holy
Spirit is the author of this Word, there must be an overall consistency, harmony and
significance in the entire Word (Psa 119:160 - “The entirety of Your word is truth”).

This being true, we should not neglect this truth, and seek out the treasures that lie within
the Word.

Prov 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,

But the glory of kings is to search out a matter”.

Note on the Third Updated Edition:

In this, the third edition of Biblical Numbers, extra updated material has been included since the 1997
and 2000 publications, and some alterations and corrections have taken place. As well newer material
dealing with the Hebrew meaning of letters has been added, together with further insights and
examples from Scripture. Some of these offer valuable revelation, while others give only a clue to
possible deeper meanings beyond the obvious. You will need both wisdom and discernment in
judging just what is important. Remember, nothing should either contradict nor lessen the truth and
primary importance of the Word itself!

Peter McArthur
July 2006

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The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters, with 5 added,

called the “finals” (designated by *) giving a total of 27 letters.

Aleph ‫א‬ 1 Lamed ‫ל‬ 30

Beth ‫ב‬ 2 Mem* ‫מ‬ 40 / 600

Gimel ‫ג‬ 3 Nun* ‫נ‬ 50 / 700

Daleth ‫ד‬ 4 Samek ‫ס‬ 60

He ‫ה‬ 5 `Ayin ‫ע‬ 70

Waw ‫ו‬ 6 Pe* ‫פ‬ 80 / 800

Zayin ‫ז‬ 7 Tsaddi* ‫צ‬ 90 / 900

Cheth ‫ח‬ 8 Koph* ‫ק‬ 100 / 500

Teth ‫ט‬ 9 Resh ‫ר‬ 200

Yod ‫י‬ 10 S(h)in ‫ש‬ 300

Kaph ‫כ‬ 20 Taw ‫ת‬ 400

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There were 24 letters in the Greek alphabet,

but the full number of 27 was made up by using the Stigma (the number for 6),
and two symbols, Koppa (the number for 90)
and Sampsi (the number for 900).

Alpha Αά 1 Xi ξ 60
Beta Ββ 2 Omicron Oο 70
Gamma Γγ 3 Pi Ππ 80
Delta Δδ 4 (Koppa) c 90
Epsilon Eε 5 Rho Ρρ 100
(Stigma)  6 Sigma Σσ 200
Zeta Ζζ 7 Tau Tτ 300
Eta Hη 8 Upsilon Υυ 400
Theta Θθ 9 Phi Φφ 500
Iota Iι 10 Chi Χχ 600
Kappa Kκ 20 Psi Ψψ 700
Lambda Λλ 30 Omega Ωω 800
Mu Mμ 40 (Sampsi) S 900
Nu Nν 50

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On the previous two pages we’ve seen how Biblical researchers have generally identified
both Hebrew and Greek letters with numbers. While this is valid it can be used rather
flippantly causing all Sorts of erroneous theories and suggestions. Let’s be careful,
discerning and accurate when attempting to “translate” letters into numbers and make
deductions from these.

There’s so much more than just counting the numbers of letters, vowels and consonants
found in a passage. A profound examination of Scripture shows there’s a regular association
of letters to numbers which cannot be put down to mere chance.

For instance, take an example from the Old Testament in the first verse of Genesis which
reads, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

This verse covers the entire act of Creation caused by the voice and hand of God in a most
perfect and complete way. The basic number of perfection is 7 so it’s not surprising to find
this number in regular sequence throughout this verse from Genesis.

By associating set numbers to the Hebrew letters we find the following astounding points:

 The verse contains precisely 7 words in Hebrew.

 The total number of letters in the verse is 28, or 7 x 4.
 The sentence divides into two equal parts: the first three Hebrew words “In-the-beginning
God created” contain 14 letters, and the remaining four words contain 14 letters.
 The second half of the sentence divides into two equal parts with the two Hebrew words
for “the heavens” containing 7 letters, and the two Hebrew words for “and-the earth”
containing 7 letters.
 In Hebrew, the three nouns “God”, “heavens” and “earth” together equal 14 letters, 7 x 2.
 Put together the numeric value of these three nouns is 777.
 The numeric value of the verb “created” is 203, or 7 X 29.
 The middle word (in Hebrew it’s 2 letters) and the one before it (5 letters) have together 7
Hebrew letters.
 The middle word and the one after it have 7 letters altogether.
 This verse has seven Hebrew words having a total of 28 letters 4 x 7. The numeric value
of the three nouns "God", "heaven" and "earth" totals 777. Any number in triplicate
expresses complete, ultimate or total meaning.

Thus we see very quickly how just one number, Seven, brings a wonderful kaleidoscope of
insight to just one single verse of Scripture. What about all the rest!


In 1890 Dr. Ivan Panin, mentioned earlier, made the discovery of the mathematical structure
underlining the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. He was casually reading the first
verse of the gospel of John in the Greek, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was
with the God and the Word was God…”

Although it was “just a casual reading of the Word” he was curious as to why the Greek word
for "the" preceded the word "God" in one case but not the other. Upon examining the original

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text in greater detail he became aware of a letter-number relationship between the two. This
actually led to his conversion, and that of his assistant.

He found his proof of this letter-number association in the some of the oldest and most
accurate manuscripts, the Received Hebrew text and the Westcott and Hort text. In the
original languages of the Bible, mostly Hebrew and Greek (although some Aramaic), there
are no separate symbols for numbers, the letters of the alphabet being used to indicate
certain numbers.

His great insight led to a basic principle in the study of Biblical Numerics: that the numeric
value of any word is the sum total of all its letters.

Although some researchers into his life have believed it was curiosity that first caused him to
toy with the numbers behind the texts, it clearly was the Holy Spirit leading him on. As Dr.
Panin delved into the original languages he quickly discovered that certain sequences and
patterns began to emerge that couldn’t be accounted for simply by coincidence. This
revelation caused such a shock to him that he dedicated fifty years of his life to painstakingly
combing through the pages of the Bible in its original languages.

He, along with E. W. Bullinger, and many scholars since, have readily seen the complex
system of numbering that saturates all the known books of Scripture. There are a total of 66
books in our modern Bibles, 39 in the Old Testament, and 27 in the New. Actually in the
original Hebrew Bible there are only 24 books, as some of the books like 1 and 2 Samuel are
regarded as one book by Jews.

There were 33 different writers scattered throughout various parts of the Middle East from
quite different backgrounds. Some of them had little or no formal education or schooling. It’s
amazing to consider that the Bible (as we now know it) was written over a period of 1,500
years with a 400 year silence (except for the period when the Apocrypha was written
between the two testaments). Yet despite all the odds and the handicaps against the Bible
turning out to be a harmonious collection, it did so, each in precise and wonderful accord
with the other.

Dr. Panin said that the law of probability of this being coincidental are exceeded into the
billions if we try and rationalise the authorship of the Bible as simply being the work of man.
He wrote: “If human logic is worth anything at all we are simply driven to the conclusion that
if my facts as I have presented are true, then man could never have done this. We must
assume that a Power higher than man guided the writers in such a way, whether they knew
it or not, they did it and the Great God inspired them to do it.”

It is the Bible itself that clearly declares it to be the literal and “God-breathed” word of the
living Creator Himself. Note that the words “Thus says the Lord” and “God said” occur more
than a staggering 2,500 times throughout the Bible!

We find in 2 Timothy 3:16 that the Bible boldly states “All scripture is given by inspiration of
God”. And in 2 Peter 9:20-21 it says: “No prophecy of the scriptures is of any private
interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God
spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”


As we’ve already seen, the number seven serves as a wonderful illustration of the way
numeric patterns work in Scripture. This number Seven is the most prolific of the
mathematical series which binds all Scripture together as a harmonious whole. As we’ve

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seen, the very first verse of the Bible “In the beginning God created the heaven and the
earth”, contains some amazing combinations of the number Seven. Some researches say
they have found over thirty different combinations.

Sealed up with “the Sevens” is the genealogy of Jesus, the account of the virgin birth and
the resurrection. The number Seven occurs as a number 187 times in the Bible (41 x 7),
while the phrase “seven-fold” occurs seven times. On top of all this the word “seventy”
occurs 56 times (7 x 8). No wonder Ivan Panin’s mind began to race and his heart thump!

In the Book of Revelation we find the number Seven standing out in a rather striking way.
There are seven golden candlesticks, seven letters to seven churches, a book with seven
seals, seven angels standing before the Lord, seven trumpets, seven thunders and seven
last plagues. In fact there are over 50 occurrences of the number Seven in the Book of
Revelation alone.

One of Dr. Panin’s greatest discovers was how God's seal of the number Seven pervades
creation as though it were mysteriously woven into the very fabric of creation itself. He saw
how the Bible says that man's years on earth are to be three score and ten (70). How the
development of an human embryo is in exact periods of sevens or 28 days (4 x 7). Medical
science tells us the human body is renewed cell for cell every seven years.

We're told that our pulse beats slower every seven days as if it were in accord with the
seventh day of rest proclaimed in Genesis. And amazingly we find that science confirms the
human body is made of the same 14 elements (2 x 7) found in your average handful of dust!!

It’s said by surfers that it’s the seventh wave that is always the best to ride.

We know that the light of the sun is made up of seven colours as seen in a rainbow. In music
there are seven distinct notes which climax in a chord or octave at the beginning of a new

Nearly all animals have an incubation or pregnancy period divisible by seven. Seven is often
referred to as “God's seal” or the number of spiritual perfection and it’s this in particular that
Ivan Panin discovered as he read into the depths of God’s amazing Word.


Nearly all the numbers ranging from 1 to 40 have a spiritual meaning attached to
them. However all numbers above 40 are special numbers represented by some specific
spiritual meaning.

When we find a number compounded by doubling, tripling or quadrupling it, the number
always carries the same meaning, only intensified, as it were. An example would be using
the number 8 then doubling, tripling, and quadrupling it to form a message:

The meaning of the number 8 is “new beginnings”. When doubled to 16 it

means “love”. When tripled to 24 it stands for “ministry”. When it’s
quadrupled to 32 it means “covenant”.

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This actually then becomes a sentence made up of numbers, and when “translated”
becomes: At salvation (new beginnings) we experience God’s grace (love) and enter in
(ministry) because of our relationship with the Lord (covenant).

Those numbers which are compounded by adding two numbers together carry a double
meaning. If they’re expressed together they produce an even deeper meaning. Also, any
compound number which is divided by several factors can have hidden meanings attached.
But you’ll need to be careful that you don’t get too spiritually “flaky” and run off with all sorts
of strange interpretations. Discernment is a key factor when dealing with Biblical Numerics.

The first use of a number in the Bible generally shows its spiritual meaning thereafter.

Numbers are used to convey truth in three basic ways:

 By the actual use of the number.

 The number of times the special word is used.
 By the numerical value of the word.


Despite the truth that numbers have important symbolic
meaning, there are many people who use the process in a
rather flippant manner, using numbers to “prove” something that
isn’t there.

Take the following example; the numbers 9/11 (in relation to the
World Trade Centre attacks) are here used to supposedly
“prove” that fatal day has some hidden meaning. However, it’s
nothing more than the mis-use of Biblical Numerics, and in the
end doesn’t prove or mean anything at all. This kind of mis-use
brings the true understanding of Biblical Numerics into great
dispute, and believers should be far more discerning in their use of numbers.

I had a lady ring me from the USA just after the attacks on the twin towers, and she
breathlessly proclaimed that there was some mysterious significance in the fact that the
planes hit the two towers, which to her looked like a giant number 11! No matter how I
cautioned her to be patience and seek discernment, she continued on, determined to
“spread the word” - what that “word” actually was I never knew, but you can be sure it was a
soulish thing and nothing born of God. May this be a salutary lesson for us!

The false reasoning behind the 9/11 numerics is outlined below.

 The date of the attack: 9/11 : 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.

 September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

 After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

 119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11.

 Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11.

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 The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.

 The State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union.

 New York City - 11 Letters.

 Afghanistan - 11 Letters.

The Pentagon - 11 Letters.

 Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (the name of the terrorist convicted or

orchestrating the attack at the WTC in 1993).

 Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11.

 Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11.

Frankly after this, not a lot needs to be said!

1 : Unity

2 : Division and Witnessing

3 : Completion and Perfection

4: Creation and the Signature of the World; Universal

5 : Grace or God's Goodness

6 : Weakness of Man; Evils of Satan; Manifestation of Sin

7: Completeness and Spiritual Perfection

8 : New Birth, New Creation and New Beginnings

9 : Fruit of the Spirit and Divine Completeness

10 : Testimony; Law and Responsibility; God’s Order

11 : Judgment and Disorder

12 : Government of God; Rule

13 : Depravity and Rebellion; Famine

14 : Deliverance or Salvation

15 : Rest

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16 : Love

17 : Victory; Perfection of Spiritual Order

18 : Bondages broken; Deliverance

19 : Faith; Victory

20 : Redemption; Waiting on God

21 : The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin; Judgement on sin

22 : Disintegration

23 : Death

24 : The Priesthood and Intercession; Heavenly worship

25 : The Forgiveness of Sins

26 : The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

27 : Preaching of the Gospel

28 : Eternal Life

29 : Departure

30 : The Blood of Jesus; Dedication; Sonship; Maturity

31 : Offspring

32 : Covenant

33 : Promise

34 : Naming of a Son

35 : Hope

36 : Enemy

37 : The Word of God

38 : Slavery

39 : Healing of Diseases

40 : Trials, Probation and Testings; Renewal

42 : Israel's Oppression; Trials; Christ’s Second Coming

44 : Judgement

45 : Preservation

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48 : Establishment; Foundational work

50 : The Holy Spirit; Jubilee

51 : Divine revelation

60 : Pride

65 : Apostasy

66 : Idol Worship

70 : Universality; Israel and Her Restoration; Perfect Order

75 : Separation; Purification

100 : God's Election of Grace and Children of Promise

119 : The Resurrection Day and the Lord's Day

120 : Divine Period of Probation; End of all flesh

144 : The Spirit Guided Life; Sealed by god

153 : Fruit-Bearing; Ingathering

200 : Insufficiency; Expectancy

300 : Victory of the faithful

390 : Rebellion; Iniquity

400 : Work blessed

430 : Sojourning; Promise of a Seed

490 : God’s dealings with Israel

600 : Warfare

666 : The Number of Man under sin

888 : Jesus and the First Resurrection Saints

1,000 : Divine Completeness and the Glory of God

4,000 : Salvation through Christ alone

6,000 : Deception of antichrist

7,000 : Final judgement

144,000 : Theocratic Order; End of the Age

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Prime meaning



Some examples
 First born is holy to the Lord (Exo 13:2)

 The Jewish tradition says that Herod’s Temple was destroyed on

the first day of the week

 The gate of the First Born was the entrance that a new mother
came through at the Temple to offer Purification

 Jewish tradition states that the Roman soldiers ploughed over the
Temple site on the first day of the week (cf: Jer 26:18-23)

 The first book of the Bible (Genesis) contains all the seed for the
remainder of the Word; it is the embryo of all doctrines and

 There is one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism
(Eph. 4:4-6)

Further texts Gen 1:1

Gen 2:21-24
Gen 22:2
Zech 12:10
Mal 2:14-15
Mtt 6:33
Jhn 3:16 / 17: 21-23
Eph 2: 16

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Number 2
Prime meaning SEPARATION



Some examples
 There were two tablets of stone of the Ten Commandments

 Two End Time witnesses (Rev. 11:3)

 There are two Great Commandments

 Two olive trees and two lampstands (Rev. 11:4)

 The two Cherubim

 Two faithful spies, Joshua and Caleb

 There were two thieves who died with Jesus

 Joseph was two full years in prison

 Pharaoh had two dreams

Further texts Gen 1: 6-8 Exo 8:23 Exo 31:18

Deut 17:6 Mtt 18:16 Mtt 24:40-41
Luk 9:30-31 Jhn 8:17-18 Rev 11:2-4

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Number 3


the first geometrical figure)

Some examples
 Three men came to Abraham (Gen 18:2)

 Moses was hidden for three months before being placed in the river
(Exo 2: 2)

 Noah had three sons (Gen 7:13)

 Abraham had three sons (Gen 29:34)

 There were three flocks of sheep (Gen 29:2)

 There were three years difference between the brothers Aaron and
Moses (Exo 7:7)

 Abraham provided cakes consisting of three measures (Gen 18:6)

 Moses’ life was divided into three periods of forty years each

 The sacrifices of heifer, she-goat and ram were to all be three

years old (Gen 15:9)

 The Ark was three months at Obed-edom’s house (2 Sam 6:11)

 A three year curse of famine (2 Sam 21:1)

 God offers David a choice of three judgments (2 Sam 24:12f)

 Elijah stretches himself on the dead child three times (1 Kgs 17:21)

 Ezra and Nehemiah stayed in Jerusalem three days each (Ezra

8:32 and 10:9 and Neh 2:11)

 A three day fast (Est 4:16 see also Dan 10:3)

 Three years warning of a coming judgment (1 Sam 16:14 see also

2 Sam 24:12 & 1 Sam 20:3)

 Jonah in fish’s belly three days and nights (Jonah 1:17)

 God’s command to keep the three Feasts annually (Exo 23:14 &

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 Three years forbidden eating of fruit trees (Lev 19:23)

 The Ark searched for a resting place for three days (Num 10:33)

 Balaam blessed three times (Num 24:10)

 Three cities (Deut 19:2-3 & 7-9)

 Joshua had three days warning before going into Canaan (Josh

 Caleb defeats three sons of Anak (Josh 15:14)

 Three men from each tribe (Josh 18:4)

 There were three companies of 100 men (Judg 7:16)

 Jesus was raised on the third day (Matt 12:40)

 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three days (Luk 1:56)

 Jesus was in the Temple for three days before his parents found
him (Luk 2:46)

 Paul was blind for three days after his conversion (Acts 9:9)

 Peter’s vision was given to him three times (Acts 11:10)

 Paul teaches for three months (Acts 19:8)

 Paul interceded for three years (Acts 20:31)

 “These three abide” (1 Cor 13:13)

 Paul waited three years before he saw Peter (Gal 1:18)

 There are three that bear witness (1 John 5:7-8)

 Three unclean spirits in the Last Days (Rev 16:13)

 There were three days of release of the Jews before Pharaoh’s

destruction at the Red Sea crossing

 The Lord came down to Mount Sinai on the third day (Exo 19:9-13)

 Joseph’s brothers were held in the prison for three days until
Benjamin came

Further texts Deut 17:6 Ezek 14:14 & 18 Lev chpt 23

Dan 3:23-24 Exo 12: 7 Exo 3:6
Mtt 28:18 Mtt 12:40 1 Jhn 5:6-7

Page 20 of 69
Number 4
Prime meaning UNIVERSAL


Some examples
 Traditionally there were four cups of wine at the Passover

 There are four judgments linked to the four horns of the empires
(Rev 6:1-8 & Zech 1:20-21)

 There is a four fold mention of the cup in the chief butler’s dream
(Gen 40:9-15)

 There are the four cups of God’s vengeance on the nations (Jer
25:15 & 51:7)

 Four cups of consolation for Israel (Psa 16:5 & 23:5 & 116:13 &

 According to Jewish tradition there are four seasons when judgment

was pronounced

 There are the four spirits of heaven (Zech 6:5)

 A four horse-drawn chariot, which symbolizes world peace under

the rule of God (Zech 6:1-8)

 The river Eden divided into four rivers (Gen 2:10)

 There were four rows of precious stones on the High Priest’s

breastplate (Exo 39:10)

 All four legged insects were unclean (Lev 11:20)

 There were to be four days of mourning (Judg 11:40)

 Four barrels of water (1 Kgs 18:33)

 There were four lepers (2 Kgs 7:30)

 Four is the sign of blessing and fruitfulness (Job 42:16)

 There are four living creatures (Ezek 1:5-18f)

 Four children of knowledge and wisdom (Dan 1:17)

 Four End-Time beasts (Dan 7:3 & 17 & Rev 4:6-8)

 There are four End-Time kingdoms (Dan 8:22)

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 Lazarus was dead for four days (Jhn 11:17)

 Four horns, four craftsmen, four chariots (Zech 1:18 & 20 & 6:1)

 Jesus’ garments were divided into four parts (Jhn 19:23)

 There were four prophetesses (Acts 21:9)

 Four angels in the End-Times events (Rev 7:1 & 9:14)

 Four cubits (Rev 21:17)

 There were four cities destroyed by fire and brimstone at the

destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Deut 29:23)

Further texts Gen 2:10

Lev 11:20-27
Jer 49:36
Ezek 37:9
Mk 13:27
1 Cor 15:39
Rev 7:1-2

Page 22 of 69
Number 5
Prime meaning GRACE



Some examples
 David chose five stones; prophetic of the five giants he slew (2 Sam

 There was a five day examination of the Passover lamb for

blemishes (Exo 12:3-6)

 Jewish law said that a boy had to begin study of the Torah at five
years of age

 Benjamin’s food was five times as much as his brothers (Gen 43:34)

 There were five years of famine (Gen 45:6 & 11)

 There were five changes of clothing for Benjamin (Gen 45: 22)

 Five curtains in the Tabernacle (Exo 26:9)

 There were five boards in the tent (Exo 26:26-27)

 The altar was five by five cubits (Exo 27:1)

 Five shall chase a hundred (Lev 26:8 & 1 Sam 30:17)

 Five lambs for the sacrifice (Num 7:17 & 23)

 There were five candlesticks (1 Kgs 7:49)

 The cherub’s wings were five cubits (2 Chron 3:11-12)

 The five cities of Egypt (1 Sam 19:18)

 Five loaves (Mtt 14:17)

 The five months of torment (Rev 9:5)

 Hannah bore five children (1 Sam 2:21)

 Lot and his family found safety in the fifth city, called Zoar (Gen
19:22 & Deut 29:23)

 Five months (Gen 7:24)

 The fountains of the deep were opened for five months (Gen 8:2)

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 The windows of heaven were opened at the Deluge for five months
(Gen 8:2)

 Five virgins (Mtt 25:2)

 There are five Hebrew and five Greek words in the Bible for

 The predominate number associated with Moses’ Tabernacle was

the number five (Note that the number predominantly linked to
Solomon’s Temple was the number “twelve”: “Grace” compared to

Further texts Gen 1:20-23

Exo 13:18
Exo 26:3 & 9 & 17 & 37
Exo 27:1 & 18
Josh 1:14
Isa 14:12-14
Mk 6:38-44
Luk 9:13-16
Eph 4:11

Page 24 of 69
Number 6
Prime meaning MAN


Some examples
 Adam was created on the sixth day (Gen 1:24-31)

 The giant had six fingers and six toes (2 Sam 21:20)

 Leah bore six sons (Gen 30:20)

 Man was given six days in which to labour (Exo 20:9)

 There was to be six years of land use before the seventh of rest
(Exo 23:10 & Lev 25:3)

 The Shekinah cloud was on Mt. Sinai for six days when God met
with Man (Exo 24:16)

 There was a six branched candlestick (Exo 25:32 & 37:18)

 There were six curtains in the Tabernacle (Exo 26:9 & 36:16)

 Six boards on each side of the Ten (Exo 26:22 & 36:27)

 There were six names on each jewel on the High priest’s shoulders
(Exo 28:10)

 Six wagons for the sacrificial offerings (Num 7:3)

 There were six cities of Refuge (Num 35: 6 & 13)

 Slaves were to serve for only six years (Deut 15:12 & 18)

 Jericho was encircled six times daily (Josh 6:3)

 Ruth received six measures of barley (Ruth 3:15)

 Goliath’s spearhead weighed six hundred shekels (1 Sam 17:7)

 David sacrificed sheep every six paces (2 Sam 6:13)

 There were six steps on the throne (1 Kgs 10:19-20)

 Six months of purging (1 Kgs 10:19-20)

 The child was hidden in the Temple for six months (2 Kgs 11:3)

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 There were six musical prophets (1 Chron 25:3)

 Six Levites faced east (1 Chron 26:17)

There was a six month preparation for Esther (Est 2:12)

 Six winged Cherub (Isa 6:2)

 There were six men in the vision (Ezek 9:2)

 A six cubit measurement (Ezek 40:5 & 12; 41:1 & 3)

 Six unblemished rams (Ezek 46:4)

 Nebuchadnezzar’s statue was six cubits (Dan 3:1)

 After six days Jesus took His disciples up to the mount of

Transfiguration (Mtt 17:1 & Mk 9:2)

 There were six pots at the wedding in Cana (Jhn 2:6)

 Jesus came to Bethany six days before Passover (Jhn 12:1)

 The beasts had six wings (Rev 4:8)

Further texts Gen 1:26-31 / 4:17-18

Num 35:15
1 Sam 17:4-7
2 Sam 21:20
Psa 90:4
2 Pet 3:8

Page 26 of 69
Number 7
Prime meaning PERFECTION



Some examples
 The seven churches of the End Times (Rev Chpts 2 & 3)

 The seven stars in the Lord’s hand (Rev 1:20)

 The seven lamps of God (Rev 4:5)

 Enoch was translated to heaven being the first person to experience

this, but the seventh man from Adam’s creation (Jude vs. 14)

 There are seven angels and seven plagues (Rev 15:1)

 The earth’s magnetic field pulses seven times per second

 The seven kings and seven mountains (Rev 17:9-10)

 A seven headed dragon, seven horns & seven crowns (Rev 12:3)

 The seven thunders (Rev 10:3)

 Seven spirits before the Throne (Rev 1:4)

 The seven golden bowls of God’s wrath (Rev 15:7)

 In Jewish tradition the newly married couple remained together for

seven days in their wedding chamber before the Feast

 “White light” actually consists of seven colours

 Gen Chpt 1 verse 1 has exactly seven words in the Hebrew


 The seventh day was to be for Rest

 God’s gifts to His people Israel were seven in number (Hos 2:8-9)

 Abraham gave a seven fold blessing (Gen 12:2-3)

 God gave a seven fold blessing to Israel when He established His

covenant (Exo 6:4-8)

 The blood of the red heifer was to be sprinkled seven times (Num

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 There are seven quotations from Psalm 69 in the New Testament

 There was a seven fold angelic appearance during the earthly life of

 The seven parables of Matthew chpt 13

 Seven gifts found in Romans 12:6-8

 There are seven characteristics of wisdom (Jms 3:17)

 There are seven titles of Christ in Hebrews (Heb 1:2 & 2:10 & 3:1 &
5:9 & 6:20 & 10:21 & 12:2)

 The seven steps of humiliation and seven of exaltation found in

Philippines chpt 2

 The Day of Atonement is kept in the seventh month (Lev 16:29)

 The “clean” beasts were taken into the Ark in groups of seven (Gen

 There were seven steps leading up to the Temple (Ezek 40:26)

 In the Lord’s Prayer there are seven petitions

 The word for ”gold” (which stands for divine glory) has seven
meanings in the Hebrew language

Further texts Gen 2:1-3 / 5:24

Lev 14:7 & 16 & 17 & 51
Josh chpt 6
Jude 14
Rev 1: 4 & 11-12 & 16 & 20
Rev 2:1
Rev 4:5
Rev 10:3-4 & 12:3

Page 28 of 69
Number 8
Prime meaning RESURRECTION


NUMBER (meaning the number of the Lord); NEW BIRTH; NEW

Some examples

 Noah was the eighth person (2 Pet 2:5)

 There were eight people in the Ark

 Circumcision was held on the eighth day

 Methuselah was the eighth patriarch

 The eighth earthquake mentioned in the Bible will occur at the

Lord’s return

 At the Dedication of Solomon’s Temple the feast was proclaimed on

the eighth day

 The Feast of Tabernacles was the only feasts to have eight days
(Lev 23:39)

 There were eight steps in Ezekiel’s Temple leading from the outer
to inner court (Ezek 40:31 & 34 & 37)

 Jesus went up on mountains eight times; seven prior to His death,

and once after His resurrection

 Abraham had seven sons “born of flesh” but the eighth was “of the

 Aaron and his sons were consecrated as Priests on the eighth day
(Lev 8:35 & 9:1)

 Jesus’ transfiguration took place on the eighth day

 There were eight miracles of Elijah

 There were eight types of furniture in Solomon’s Temple

 David was the eighth son of Jesse

 The Transfiguration took place on the eighth day

 Other than the Psalms, there are eight songs recorded in the Old
Testament (Exo 15; Num 21:17; Deut 32; Judg 5; 2 Sam 22; Song
of Songs; Isa 5; Isa 26)

Page 29 of 69
Further texts Gen 17:12
Exo 22:30
Lev 14: 10-23
Mtt 28:1
Jhn 20:26
1 Pet 3:20

Number 9



Some examples
 There are nine fruit (singular, not plural !) of the Spirit (Gal 5:22)

 Nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12)

 Jesus declared “It is finished” at the ninth hour

 The phrase “the bottomless pit” is found nine times in the Word

 The word “Rest” is found nine times

 The plants began to bud again nine months after the Flood (Gen

Further texts Gen 17:1

Mtt 27:45
Gal 5: 22-23
1 Cor 12:1-11

Page 30 of 69
Number 10


DEFEAT (in some instances); TESTIMONY; TORAH

Some examples
 The ten Commandments

 There were ten spies found wanting

 The ten plagues of Egypt

 “God said” is found ten times (Gen chpt 1)

 The ten horns of the Antichrist kingdom, and ten toes (Dan chpt 2 &
chpt 7)

 The Lord’s Prayer has ten clauses

 Noah’s was the tenth generation from Creation up to the Flood

 The ten virgins

 There are ten parables of the Kingdom in the Gospel of Matthew

(Mtt Chpts 13, 22 & 25)

 Jesus said “I AM” ten times in John’s Gospel (Jhn 6:35; 6:41; 6:51;
8:12; 10:7 & 9;10:14; 14:6 & 15: 1 & 5)

 There are ten different words for “idols” in the Old Testament

 There are ten generations from Adam to Noah, and ten from Noah
to Abraham

 Abraham was tested with ten trials

Further texts Exo 2:3

Exo 34: 28
Lev 27: 32
Num 14:22
Dan Chpt 7
Mtt 25: 1-13
Luk 15:8
Luk 19: 13-25
Rev 2:10 & 12:3

Page 31 of 69
Number 11



Some examples
 Only eleven disciples left after Judas’ betrayal

 Eleven patriarchs when there should have been 12

 The little horn of Dan chpt 7 was the eleventh horn

 Eleven sons of Jacob

 From Horeb to Kadesh was a journey of eleven days (Deut 1: 2)

 Nebuchadnezzar came up to Jerusalem in the eleventh year of

King Jehoiakim’s reign ( 2 Kgs 23:36 & 24:1 & 2 Chron 36: 5-6)

 Jerusalem was destroyed in the eleventh year thus putting an end

to Israel’s reign (2 Chron 36:11 & Jer 39:2)

 The eleventh hour used proverbially as being that which is against

harmony and order (Matt 20: 6 & 9)

Further texts Gen 36:40-43

Gen 27:9
Gen 32:22
Exo 26:7
Deut 1:1-8
Jer 52:39:2
Ezek 26:1
Ezek 30:2 & 31:1
Matt 20:6
Acts 2:14

Page 32 of 69
Number 12



Some examples
 There were twelve patriarchs from Seth to Noah, and twelve from
Shem to Jacob

 Ishmael had twelve sons (Gen 25:12-17)

 The twelve sons of Jacob and twelve tribes of Israel

 In Solomon’s Temple the predominate number is twelve (Note that

the predominate number associated with the dimensions of the
Tabernacle of Moses was “five”)

 There were twelve Judges in the Old Testament period before

Kings were appointed

 Twelve apostles

 Twelve gates of the New Jerusalem

 Twelve foundations of that City

 Twelve pearls

 Twelve angels of the Heavenly City

 Jesus was twelve years old when found teaching in the Temple

 Twelve legions of angels declare the perfection of the angelic host

(Matt 26:53)

Further texts Gen 49:28

Exo 15:27
Exo 24:4 & 28:15-21
Lev 24:5
Matt 19:28
Luk 6:13
Rev 12:1
Rev chpt 22

Page 33 of 69
Number 13
Prime meaning REBELLION



Some examples
 Ishmael was thirteen when circumcised

 Solomon built the Temple in seven years but took thirteen to build
his own house

 Of the twenty Kings of Judah, thirteen were wicked and turned from

 According to Gen 14:4 rebellion took place in the thirteenth year,

where it also happens to be the first occurrence of the word
“thirteen” to be recorded in Scripture

 Joktan was the thirteenth in order of the children of Shem, and was
the ancestor of a rebellious race (Gen 10:25-29)

 Joktan had thirteen sons

 The phrase “Valley or Sons of Hinnon” (where idolatry and human

sacrifice occurred) is mentioned thirteen times

 The Greek word for “Dragon” occurs thirteen times in the Book of
Revelation (see Rev Chpt 12)

 The Greek word for “steal” occurs thirteen times in the New

 Nimrod was the thirteenth from Adam (Gen 10:10)

 Ephraim was the thirteenth tribe

 The Greek word for “leaven” (generally meaning Sin) is found

thirteen times in the New Testament

Further texts Gen 14:4

Gen 17:25
Gen Chpt 48
1 Kgs 7:1
Est 9:1

Page 34 of 69
Number 14



Some examples
 Jacob served Laban willingly for fourteen years in order to gain his
daughters (Gen 31:41)

 Fourteen lambs without blemish had to be offered at the Feast of

Tabernacles (Num 30:13)

 Israel offered sacrifices and celebrated fourteen days with King

Solomon at the dedication of the Temple (1 Kgs 8:65)

 Heman had fourteen sons that he dedicated to serve as musicians

at David’s Tabernacle (1 Chron 25:5)

 In Ezekiel’s vision the ledge of the sacrificial altar was fourteen

cubits long on all its sides (Ezek 43:17)

Further texts Num 29: 15-32

Gal 2:1

Page 35 of 69
Number 15

Other meanings TIME OF CHANGE

Some examples
 There are fifteen Songs of Ascent; End Time psalms (Pss 120-134)

 Traditionally there were fifteen functions of the Priesthood

 The Feasts of the Lord were kept on the fifteenth day of a month

 According to Jewish tradition, Moses came down from Mt. Sinai on

the fifteenth day of the month

 There were fifteen steps for the Levitical Priesthood in the Temple

 There were fifteen types of sacrificial animals

 Paul was with Peter for fifteen days (Gal 1:18)

 There were fifteen deliverers used to defeat Assyria (Micah 5:5)

 Fifteen fruits were eaten at the Feast of Tu Bishevat, which in turn

was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the month

 Jesus was buried on the fifteenth day

 Traditionally on the fifteenth day of the month Adar, money lenders

could open their stalls throughout the land

 Paul wrote fourteen Canonical Epistles (if we include Hebrews),

fifteen if we count the lost “Laodecian letter” (Col 4:16)

 On the fifteenth day of the month Ab, wood was traditionally

collected for the sanctuary fire in the Temple

 The waters were fifteen cubits deep at the Flood (Gen 7:20)

 There were fifteen cubits of curtain hangings in the Tabernacle (Exo

27:14f & 38:14f)

 In Hebrew the word for “God” is y (Yod) with the numerical meaning
of 10, and h (He) with the numerical meaning of 5. Together these
two letters express the divine name “Yah” hy (reading from right to
left) which has the combined numerics of fifteen.

Further texts Gen 7:20

Lev 23:6 & 34
2 Kgs 20:6

Page 36 of 69
Number 16


Some examples
 Jacob (=Israel) had sixteen sons by Zilpah, Leah’s handmaiden.
Zilpah means “the sweetness of fragrant myrrh” (Gen. 46:18).

 The curtain for the Tabernacle Tent had sixteen sockets in which
the boards stood (Exo 26:25). The Hebrew word for “sockets”
means “foundation and strength” that which upholds all else: this is
the perfection of love.

 Two of the Israelite kings were sixteen years old when they began
to reign and three reigned for a period of sixteen years (2 Kgs
13:10; 2 Kgs 14:21; 2 Kgs 15:33;
2 Kgs 16:2; 2 Chron 26:1).

Page 37 of 69
Number 17


Some examples
 This number seventeen is made up of 10 (which stands for “ordinal
perfection”) and 7 (which stands for “spiritual perfection”).

Therefore the combination of the two, 10 + 7 =17 signifies “the

perfection of spiritual order”.

 Using the above formula we see how there are 7 questions posed
(Rms 8: 35) followed by 10 answers or replies (Rms 8: 38-39).

 The seven are: (vs. 35) 1. Tribulation / 2. Distress / 3. Persecution /

4. Famine / 5. Nakedness / 6. Peril / 7. Sword.

 The ten are: (vss. 38-39) 1. Neither death / 2. Nor life / 3. Nor angels
/ 4. Nor principalities / 5. Nor things present / 6. Nor things to come
/ 7. Nor powers / 8. Nor height / 9. Nor depth / 10. Nor any other

 If we follow this sequence and formula for the number seventeen

we can apply it to other texts such as Heb. 12: 18-24.
For example: “You have not come to.…
1. A mount that can be touched
2. That burned with fire
3. Nor unto blackness
4. And darkness
5. And tempest
6. And the sound of a trumpet
7. And the voice of words....”

“But you have come....

1. To Mount Zion
2. To the city of the Living God
3. The heavenly Jerusalem
4. And to an innumerable company of angels
5. To the general assembly
6. The church of the firstborn written in heaven
7. And to God the judge of all
8. And to the spirits of just men made perfect
9. And to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant
10. And to the blood that speaks better than that of Abel”.

All these reflect the number 17.

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Number 18


Some examples
 Ten is sometimes regarded as the number associated with
“weakness and defeat”. Eight is the number of “new beginnings”,
therefore 10 + 8 equals eighteen which speaks of “deliverance and

 Israel was delivered from the Ammonites after eighteen years of

servitude (Judg 3:14)

 The woman bound eighteen years before being healed by Jesus

(Luk 13:11)

The number 18 stands for "life", because the Hebrew letters that
spell chai, a word meaning "living", add up to 18.

Further texts Judg 10:8

Number 19
Prime meaning FAITH, VICTORY

Other meanings INHERITANCE

Some examples
 The tribe of Naphtali received nineteen villages in their inheritance
of the Promised Land (Joshua 19:38-39). Interestingly “Naphtali”
means to “struggle and to win”. Faith believes that which was
promised as an inheritance to be gained through wrestling unto one

Page 39 of 69
Number 20
Prime meaning TO WAIT


Some examples
 Jacob had to wait twenty years for his wives and property (Gen 31:
38 & 41)

 Israel as a nation waited twenty years for deliverance through

Samson (Judg 15:20 & 16:31)

 Samson had judged Israel for twenty years, though it was short of a
perfect season of judging due to the weakness of Samson’s
character (Judg 16:31)

 Israel was not free from the oppression of Jabin until twenty years
had passed (Judg 4:3)

 For twenty years the Ark of the Covenant waited at Kirjath-jeraim (1

Sam 7:2)

 King Solomon waited for twenty years until his houses were finally
completed (1 Kgs 9:10 & 2 Chron 8:1)

 Israel waited twenty years under the evil reign of Pekah before the
righteous king Jotham came to the throne (2 Kgs 15:27)

Further texts 1 Chron 23:24

Page 40 of 69
Number 21
Prime meaning JUDGMENT ON SIN



Some examples
 There are twenty one characteristics of the Pharisees mentioned in
Matt Chpt 23

 Paul warns against the twenty one things men would do in the Last
days (2 Tim 3:2-5)

 There are twenty one sections (not chapters) to the Book of


 Daniel was resisted twenty one days by the demon principality over
Persia before judgment came upon it in the form of help from the
Archangel Michael (Dan 10:13)

Further texts 2 Kgs 24:18

2 Chron 36: 11-12
Jer 52:1-2

Number 22


Some examples
 Twenty two is the double of “eleven” (which gives us the
understanding for “incompleteness and disorder”). Therefore 22 is
the number 11 intensified and speaks of the worst possible

 Israel’s worst kings, Jeroboam and Ahab, each reigned for twenty
two years.

Further texts 1 Kgs 14:20

1 Kgs 16:29

Page 41 of 69
Number 24



Some examples
 There were twenty four elders (Rev 4: 4-10)

 Twenty four thrones (Rev 4:4)

 There were twenty four courses of Priests at the Temple on duty

 Twenty four is the number of “Governmental perfection” being 12 x

2 = 24 (“Government” having the number 12).

Further texts Josh 4: 2-9

1 Kgs 19:19
1 Chron 24: 3-5
1 Chron 25: 1-12

Page 42 of 69
Number 30
Prime meaning FULL SONSHIP



Some examples
 Jesus began His public ministry at the age of thirty (Luk 3:23)

 David was thirty when he began to reign (2 Sam 5:4)

 Joseph ( a “type” of Jesus) was thirty years when he was released

from prison and set in government over the land into his true calling
as “life preserver” of his family (Gen 41:46)

 Noah’s ark was thirty cubits in height (Gen 6:15)

 The length of the Tabernacle’s curtains was thirty cubits each (Exo
26:8 & 36:15)

 Sons of the Priests could not begin their ministry in the Tabernacle
or the Temple until they had turned thirty years of age (Num 4: 3 -

 Solomon’s Temple was thirty cubits high(1 Kgs 6:2)

 The Laver bowl in the Temple was thirty cubits in its circumference
(1 Kgs 7:23)

 David had thirty valiant men as his captains (1 Chron 11:15)

 In Ezekiel’s vision of the Temple there were thirty chambers (Ezek


Further texts Deut 34:8

2 Sam 23:13
1 Chron 27:6
Matt 26:15

Page 43 of 69
Number 40
Prime meaning TRIAL



Some examples
 Israel was in the wilderness for forty years (Deut 8:2-5)

 There were forty days of rain at the Flood (Gen 7:4)

 After forty days Noah sent out the raven (Gen 8:7)

 Caleb was forty years old when he was sent out as a spy (Josh

 Isaac and Esau were both forty when married (Gen 25:20 & 26:34)

 Moses was on Mt. Sinai for forty days and nights

 Moses prayer for Israel for forty days

 The spies scouted Canaan for forty days

 Aaron died forty years after the Exodus (Num 33:38)

 Saul, David and Solomon each reigned forty years (1 Kgs 2:11 & 2
Chron 9:30)

 Elijah travelled forty days and nights to reach Horeb (1 Kgs 19:8)

 Ezekiel symbolized Judah’s exile by lying on his right side for forty
days (Ezek 4:6)

 Jonah warned Nineveh that in forty days it would be destroyed

 Jesus fasted forty days and nights in the wilderness

 The resurrection appearances lasted for forty days

 Moses fled from Egypt when he was forty years old (Acts 7:23)

 Moses came out of hiding after forty years

 The burning bush experience happened after forty years in the

desert (Acts 7:30)

 Moses’ life falls neatly into three sections of forty years each,
totalling 120.

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 The Israelites ate new manna after forty years in the wilderness
(Exo 16:35)

 Judgment comes upon Egypt after forty years (Ezek 29: 11-13)

 There were forty wall-towers in the Second Wall, that is, from, the
Gennath Gate north then east to enclose Accra, finishing at the
tower of Antonia.

 The Royal Porch at the entrance to the Temple had 162 pillars set
out in four rows of forty pillars each

 The Temple was forty cubits long (1 Kgs 6:17)

 Forty Levites were on duty in the Temple each night

 Women were regarded as unclean for forty days after childbirth

(Lev Chpt 12)

 There were forty sockets of silver in the Tabernacle tent (Exo 26: 21
& Exo 36:24)

Further texts Gen 50:3

Num 13:25 & 14:33
Exo 34: 27-28
Judg 3:11 & 5:31 & 8:28
1 Kgs 19:4-8
Ezek 4:6
Ezek 29: 11-13
Matt 4:2
Acts 7:30

Page 45 of 69
Number 42


Some examples
 The Holy City will be trodden underfoot for forty two months (Rev

 There were forty two camps during the wilderness wanderings

 There are forty two generations mentioned in Matt 1:17 ( 3 x 14)

 Forty two men mocked the prophet Elisha (2 Kgs 2: 23-24)

Further texts 2 Kgs 10:14

Rev 13:5

Number 48


Some examples
 There were forty eight boards in the Tabernacle (Exo 26:15-30)

 There were forty eight cities for the Levites (Nun 35:7)

 Israel became a modern nation, restored again, in nineteen forty

eight (1948)

 Israel travels from the Red Sea to Horeb (Mt. Sinai) after a forty
seven day journey arriving to meet with their God on the forty
eighth day (Gen 15: 13-21)

Further texts Exo 36: 8-35

Josh 21:41

Page 46 of 69
Number 50



Some examples
 Moses and the Israelites arrived at Mt. Sinai on the fiftieth day after
the Exodus

 The feast of Pentecost was kept on the fiftieth day (Lev 23: 16)

 Each curtain of the Tabernacle were held up by fifty loops (Exo


 The year of Jubilee was held on the fiftieth year (Lev 25: 10-11)

 Prophets were hidden in caves from tribulation, one hundred of

them, fifty to a cave (1 Kgs 18:4 & 13)

Further texts Num 8:25

2 Kgs 2:7

Page 47 of 69
Number 70



Some examples
 David died aged seventy (2 Sam 5: 4 & 1 Kgs 2:11)

 Jeremiah warned of seventy years of desolation (Jer 25: 11-12)

 Daniel recognised the seventy year desolation period (Dan 9:2)

 Zerubbabel laid the foundation stone of the Temple in 536 BC (Ezra

3:8) which was seventy years from the original desolation which
commenced in 606 BC

 There were seventy palms (Exo 15:27)

 Seventy nations

 Seventy bullocks were to be offered at the feast of Tabernacles

 Seventy offspring were born to Jacob (Exo 1:5)

 There were seventy elders (Exo 24:1 & Num 11:16)

 God’s wrath was upon Tyre for seventy years (1 Sam 23: 15 & 17)

 Israel was desolate for seventy years (Jer 25: 11-12)

 Jesus sent out seventy disciples (Luk 10:1 & 17)

 Seventy is the number associated with Gentiles (Gen 50: 3). (Forty
is the number associated with Israel)

Further texts Gen 46:27

Exo 1:5
Ruth 4:11
Jer 29:10 & 35:11
Dan 9: 2 & 24
Zech 7:5

Page 48 of 69
Number 75
Prime meaning SEPARATION


Some examples
 There were seventy five generations separating Adam from Jesus
(Luk 3: 23-38)

 Seventy five people came to Egypt with Jacob to see Joseph (Acts

 Abram separated himself from Haran at the age of seventy five

years and headed for Canaan (Gen 12:4)

Further texts Dan 12: 5-13

Number 120
Prime meaning END OF ALL FLESH



Some examples
 God said He would not strive with man more than one hundred and
twenty years (Gen 6:3)

 There were one hundred and twenty trumpeters at Solomon’s

Temple (2 Chron 5:12)

 There were one hundred and twenty disciples present at the Day
of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was sent (Acts 2: 1-4)

 Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died (Deut
31: 2 & 34:7)

 Jewish tradition says that the Great Synagogue consisted of one

hundred and twenty members

Further texts Gen 23:1

2 Chron 3:4 & 5:12& 7:5
Acts 1:5

Page 49 of 69
Number 144



Some examples
 The number 12 stands for government. Therefore 12 x 12 equals
one hundred and forty four, meaning God’s sealed and ultimate

 David appointed two groups of one hundred and forty four (= 288)
skilled men instructed in the Songs of the Lord (1 Chron 25:7)

 One hundred and forty four thousand were sealed by God (Rev 7:

Further texts Rev 14: 1-3

Rev 21: 17

Number 153


Some examples
 There were one hundred and fifty three fish in the net (Jhn 21:11)

 In Hebrew the phrase “Sons of God” occurs seven times. Using the
Gematria found on pages 4 and 5 we find that the total for this
phrase both in Hebrew and Greek is one hundred and fifty three !

 The number of individuals stated in the New Testament that

received a direct blessing from Jesus totals one hundred and fifty
three (see the Appendix on pages 88-89).

Further texts None

Page 50 of 69
Number 200


Some examples
 “Twenty “ is the number associated with “expectancy” so here we
have it tenfold (10 x 20); two hundred.

 Philip said that two hundred denarii worth of bread would be

insufficient to feed the multitude (Jhn 6:7)

 Achan two hundred shekels were not enough to deliver him (Josh

 Absalom’s two hundred weight of hair caused his destruction (2

Sam 14:26 & 18:9).

 Ezra’s two hundred singers could not bring about peace with the
Lord (Ezra 2:65)

Further texts Judg 17:4

Judg chpt 18

Page 51 of 69
Number 300


Some examples
 Enoch lived three hundred years (Gen 5:22)

 Noah’s Ark was three hundred cubits long (Gen 6:15)

 Joseph blessed Benjamin with three hundred pieces of silver and

five changes of clothing (= “grace”) (Gen 45:22)

 Gideon’s three hundred were used by God to win the day (Judg

 Abishai defeated three hundred of the enemy (2 Sam 23:18)

 Israel dwelt in Heshbon for three hundred years (Judg 11:26)

Further texts Judg 8:4

Judg 15:4

Number 390


Some examples
 It was three hundred and ninety years from the division of the
Tribes until their Captivity.

 Three hundred and ninety years was also the duration of the
separate kingdom of Israel from Judah

Further texts Ezek 4: 4-5

Page 52 of 69
Number 400


Some examples
 The fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham at the birth of Isaac until
the Exodus was four hundred years.

When Sarah died Abraham bought the cave of Machpelah, located in

Mamre (Hebron), for four hundred shekels of silver (Gen 23:3-20).

Further texts Acts 7:6

Page 53 of 69
Number 430


Some examples
 The day Israel left Egypt was to be observed as the 'night to be
much observed'. It was 430 years earlier that God told Abraham in a
vision that his descendants would be enslaved in a foreign country.
God however would, in His appointed time, release them from this
bondage - after 400 years (Gen 15:12 - 16).

Exactly 430 years later this prophecy was fulfilled as Israel left Egypt
on the 15th day of the first month (Exo 12:40 - 41).

On the very same night the Lord passed between the parts of
sacrificial animals, by a burning lamp and a smoking furnace, which
totally consumed the sacrifices (Gen 15:17 - 20). By doing this, God
pledged His perfect sacrificial Lamb Jesus, as a future sin offering for
the entire world.

Interestingly, on the same day as Abraham's vision and the children

of Israel leaving Egypt, on the 15th day of the first month in 30 AD (as
the sun was setting to end the 14th day) Jesus' body was buried.

The significance of the number 430 comes from it being the total
years from the call of Abraham (Gen 12) and the promises given to
him, up to the exodus of Israel out of Egyptian (Exo 12).

God commanded the prophet Ezekiel to first lay on left side for 390
days then on his right side for 40 days (Ezek 4:1-6) for a total of 430, a
day for each year.
390 days Judgment against the 10 northern tribes = 'Israel'
+ 40 days Judgment against the 2 southern tribes = 'Judah'
= 430 years Judgment against the whole nation of Israel

From the construction of Solomon’s Temple in 966 BC (966 to 946),

until when the Temple began to be rebuilt in 536 BC (536 to 516),
there are 430 years. (You need to take into account the delay of 20
years as mentioned in Ezra 4:24.)

It is significant that there are three cycles of 430 years from entering
Egypt (1876 BC), unto exiting Egypt (1446 BC), then unto the exile
back again into Egypt (and Babylon) in 586 BC.

Also, we find that 430 x 3 equals 1,290 years (Dan 12:11).

Further texts Gal 3:17

Page 54 of 69
Number 490


Some examples
 God’s dealings with Israel are associated with a period of time, and
not necessarily “dates”. So we find there are four periods each
consisting of four hundred and ninety years (70 x 7).
They are:
1. From Abraham until the Exodus
2. From the Exodus to the dedication of the Temple
3. From the Temple until Nehemiah’s return
4. From Nehemiah to Jesus’ Return *

*Remember these are God’s dealings with Israel, so we need to take

into account the “cutting off” of the Messiah as found in Dan 9: 24-27
until God again deals with Israel corporately as a nation.

Further texts None

Page 55 of 69
Number 666
Prime meaning ANTICHRIST


Some examples
 The Assyrian Empire lasted six hundred and sixty six years before
it was overthrown by the Babylonian Empire

 Jerusalem was trodden down by the Romans precisely six hundred

and sixty six years, from the battle of Actium in 31 BC until 636
AD under the Saracens.

 Goliath, a type of the Enemy of God, had a height of six cubits, and
armour made up of six pieces, including a spear that weighed six
hundred shekels, thus the number six hundred and sixty six (1
Sam 17: 4-7)

 King Nebuchadnezzar had his image set up that was sixty cubits
high and six cubits broad. At the sight of which music was offered
on six types of instruments. Thus making his image to bear the
number six hundred and sixty six (Dan 3:1)

 There were six hundred and sixty six talents of gold given to
Solomon each year (1 Kgs 10:14)

 The Antichrist in the New Testament has a number, six hundred

and sixty six (Rev 13:18)

Further texts None that apply

Page 56 of 69
Number 1,000


Prophetic day (10x10x10 = perfection of divine order to the third
[complete/divine] power or 50x10x2 = Jubilee x perfection of divine
order x union or witness)

Only examples
 The two witnesses of the Revelation have power to strike the whole
world of 1,000 plagues. (Rev 11:6)

 The reign of 1,000 years in Revelation. (Rev 20)

 In some biblical translations it is written that if anyone requires
you to walk 1,000 steps, walk 2,000 steps with him. (Mtt 5:41)
 For its punishment, a city of 1,000 men will be reduced to 100.
(Amos 5:3)
 The increase of 1 to 1,000 will characterize the Messianic time.
(Isa 60:22)
 One thousand years are like one day. (Psa 84:11)
 The alliance that God concludes with Abraham was valid for
1,000 generations. (Psa 105:8)
 On the altar of Gibeon Solomon offered 1,000 holocausts when
he asked God to give him wisdom. (1 Kgs 3:4)
 David is established by Saul’s chief of 1,000 men. (1 Sam 18:13)
 We count 1,000 persons who perish in the citadel of Shechem.
(Jdgs 9:49)
 Samson killed 1,000 men with a jawbone of a donkey. (Jdgs
 Abimelech gave Abraham 1,000 pieces of money as
compensation. (Gen 20:16)

Page 57 of 69
Number 144,000



Only example
 The 144,000 may not be symbolic as usually taught. It may well
represent a literal number of the End Time saints who have
attained the necessary degree of maturity in order to carry out the
End Time Theocratic governing on earth.

 Jesus was the First-Fruit. He multiplied Himself 120 times on the

Day of Pentecost; thus there were 120 disciples on that day who
received the Holy Spirit (1x120=120).

Text Rev 7:4

Page 58 of 69

List regarding the Number 153 as mentioned on page 51

A list of the people recorded in the New Testament who received

a direct blessing from Jesus, totalling 153.

Note also that Nathaniel is the same as Bartholomew (Acts 1:13)


The leper Matt 8: 2 1

The Centurion & his servant Matt 8:5 2
Peter’s mother in law Matt 8:14 1
Two possessed people Matt 8:18 2
The palsied man & his bearers Matt 9:2 & Mark 5
Jairus & his daughter Matt 9:18 2
The woman with the issue of blood Matt 9:21 1
The blind men Matt 9:27 2
The dumb man Matt 9:32 1
The eleven Apostles Matt 10:2 11
The man with the withered hand Matt 12:10 1
The man with a demon Matt 12:22 1
The brothers of the Lord Matt 13: 55 & 4
Acts 1:14
Syrophenician woman & her daughter Matt 15:22 2
The father with possessed child Matt 17:14 2
The blind upon leaving Jericho Matt 20:30 2
Simon the leper Matt 26:6 1
Mary the sister of Lazarus Matt 26:7 1
The Centurion Matt 27:54 1
Salome Matt 27:56 1
Mary the mother of James Matt 27:56 1
Mary Magdalene Matt 27:56 1

Page 59 of 69

Joseph of Arimathea Matt 27:57 1

The man with an unclean spirit Mk 1:23 1
The deaf and dumb man Mk 7:32 1
The blind man Mk 8:22 1
Son of the widow at Nain Luk 7:12 1
The sinner woman Luk 7:37 1
Joanna and Susanna Luk 8:3 2
The disciple called to follow Jesus Luk 9:59 1
The seventy disciples Luk 10:1 70
Martha Luk 10:38 1
The woman with an infirmity Luk 13:11 1
The man with dropsy Luk 14:2 1
The ten lepers Luk 17:12 10
Blind man healed approaching Luk 18:35 1
Zaccheus Luk 19:2 1
Malchus Luk 22:51 & Jhn 1
The penitent thief on the cross Luk 23:43 1
The two disciples at Emmaus Luk 24:13 2
Nicodemus Jhn 3:1 1
The woman of Samaria Jhn 4:4 1
The nobleman & his sick son Jhn 4:46 2
The man at Bethesda Jhn 5:1 1
The woman caught in adultery Jhn 8:11 1
The man born blind Jhn 9:7 1
Lazarus Jhn 11:44 1
Mary the mother of Jesus Jhn 19:25 1

Page 60 of 69
The Mystery of the Hebrew Language


The following article comes from

1 = Aleph

The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph. It represents God the Creator, a profound
mystery of unity and harmony. Aleph has a numerical value of one (1). It is the first prime
number, which signifies a beginning. Aleph is one of two consonants in the Hebrew
language that cannot be pronounced. It is always silent, indicating the qualities of being
hidden, incomprehensible, unexplainable, and infinite.

In the Hebrew language, the word Aleph means "head of a bull" or the head of royalty (king).
In Exodus chapter 32, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the carved stone
tables of the Ten Commandments, he saw that the children of Israel had made a golden calf.
They wanted to symbolize God with the steer head. By covering their idol with gold they tried
to legitimize their fraudulent religious expressions. Humanity often borrows ideas from the
Creator God in order to give our enterprises an image of legitimacy.

Ezekiel saw four creatures before the throne of God in a vision. One creature had a steer
head, representing the physical world coming from a world of light. Aleph symbolizes the
beginning of everything in the universe. All had its origin within and from God.

Page 61 of 69
2 = Beth

Beth means "house." Its mathematical value is two (2). It symbolizes our world, which is an
enclosure within the universe. Inside a house are many rooms and objects. The world
contains governments, people, civilizations, and thousands of life forms.

These concepts are reflections of realties that are found in heaven. Jesus tells us that there
are houses prepared in heaven for those who will join him. This indicates that heaven will be
a familiar place where we will feel at home.

A house has doors, windows, and a roof. Man is locked inside this world, like being in a
house. However, there are other worlds outside our own.

In the Hebrew language Genesis 1:1 starts with "B’ree(i)shit Barah Elohee(i)m," which is
translated in English as "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Notice
the first word in the creation record starts with the letter Beth. It is the outward expression of
the "I AM," the eternal God.

Two (2) is the first number that can be divided; hence, it can also mean "duality" or
"division." Mankind is composed of two types of humans: male and female. There are two
parts of the Bible: the Old and New Testaments. Man struggles with the opposing forces of
good and evil, life and death, right and wrong. These concepts can only be understood
when Beth (the house) is connected with Aleph (God the Creator).

3 = Gimel

Gimel means "camel." As a concept it indicates the physical (animal) side of man. Its
numerical value is three (3). This is another prime number that cannot be divided.

Gimel expresses important ideas, thoughts, or things. It is graphically represented in a

triangle. The Jewish star is comprised of two interlaced triangles. The triangle pointing up
means "perfect manifestation on the physical side of man"; the one pointing down indicates
"perfect manifestation of the spiritual."

Gimel also stands for "divine completeness or perfection." In the Trinity, God is one (Aleph)
but His attributes are expressed in the time dimension as GodFather, GodSon, and

4 = Daleth

Daleth means "door." It has a mathematical value of four (4). The house (Beth) has a door
(Daleth) by which you can go out or come in. The door can be closed or open. If the door is
open, man can see another world. God designed us to live with the door open, which means
that we will experience strife in our lives, rather than closing the door to avoid conflict.
People live in a world of warfare and conflict, both within ourselves and against
nature. Daleth symbolizes a world of opposition between good and evil, life and death,
justice and injustice.

Page 62 of 69
Daleth represents "this world in this time." It covers the physical side of our world, which
exists within the time dimension. There are many examples of this four-dimension concept:
 Four directions (north, south, east, west)
 Four elements (earth, air, fire, water)
 Four kingdoms (animal, vegetable, mineral, spiritual)
 Four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
 Four DNA genomes (A, G, T, C)
Compare also Four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

5 = Heh

The fifth letter is Heh, which means "window." Its numerical value is five (5).

Through the window, the world comes in, just as with the door, but on a higher level. Light
comes in through the window, and you can see what is outside. If you shut the window, your
soul will become dark; you will lose hope. You will become ignorant and evil. There is no
tomorrow for you, and your soul will slowly die.

Heh also means "the other side." This can refer to heaven, the spiritual world, the immortal
side of man, or angels and other spiritual beings. Another meaning for Heh is "grace." In
Hebrews 10:29 the Holy Spirit is called "the Spirit of grace." Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) uses five
names for Jesus Christ:

Mighty God,
The Everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace.

6 = Waw

Waw means "hook." Its numerical value is six (6). Waw connects one thing with another.

God made the earth in six days and connected man to the seventh day. The time before
creation was then joined (connected) with man after creation. A supplementary meaning
of Waw is "man in his sinful nature," which denotes Satan's influence over man.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of
God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not
against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against
the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:10-12)

The above passage describes six manifestations of Satan's influence over man: "the devil's
schemes," "flesh and blood," "rulers," "authorities," "powers of this dark world," and "spiritual
forces of evil." It also contains three admonitions ("be strong," "put on," and "take your
stand"). If you add three (Gimel, "important ideas") to six (Waw, "man in his sinful nature"),
you get nine (Teth, "new life").

Page 63 of 69
7 = Zayin

Zayin means "sword/strife" or "completeness/perfection." The meaning that applies to any

given context depends on whether we are viewing events on earth or in heaven.

The numeric value of Zayin is seven (7). The number forty-nine (7 x 7) represents a double
portion of trials, tribulations, struggles, or weapons (if we are looking at earthly things). The
seventh tribe of Israel, Gad, was the first to engage the enemy to enter the Promised Land.

When examining the eternal dimension, Zayin means "divine completeness or perfection." It
refers to something that is complete or set aside. The book of Revelation describes seven
churches, seven spirits, seven stars, seven trumpets, seven bowls, and seven candlesticks.

An old Hebrew tradition says that we are now living in "the seventh day." The six-day
creation story repeats the phrase "And there was evening and there was morning" six times.
On the seventh day, however, this phrase is omitted. The seventh day is still in the making
and continues to our present time. It is full of strife, swords, weapons, killing, and conflict.

Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to
bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter
against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be
members of one's own household." (Matthew 10:34-36).

8 = Cheth

Cheth has a numerical value of eight (8). It means "fenced in," like in a cage, "being
surrounded," or "a new beginning." The difference, again, depends on whether we are
looking at earthly or heavenly things. Man can have a new beginning if he directs his view
into heaven. But he will be encircled by evil if he pursues earthly things.

Eight people were saved from the Flood (Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives).
These eight people represented a new beginning for mankind after the world was destroyed
by water. The root number is still four (4), meaning "this world in this time" (Daleth). Four
males and four females came from the old world into the new, progressing into
the Cheth (8), a new beginning on a higher level.

9 = Teth

The ninth letter, Teth, is not actually a word, but more of a concept. It indicates "new life."
Hebrew tradition says that Teth represents a woman giving birth, or a place where
something new is brought forth. That which was in the darkness comes forth into light like a
seed bursting from the earth.

Another meaning for Teth is "fruit" or "spirit." Paul mentioned nine fruits of the Spirit in
Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
and self-control. There are nine gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) and nine Beatitudes
(Matthew 5:3-12).

Page 64 of 69
10 = Jod

Jod, like a new birth, is born out of Teth. Life is transformed and continues on to a higher
level becoming Jod.

Jod means "hand." It specifically symbolizes "the hand at rest" because God has provided
and prepared everything we need. Another meaning of Jod is "law and responsibility." The
Ten Commandments made up the Law of God. There were ten plagues in Egypt. The tithe
(Malachi 3:10) represents a tenth of our earnings. Genesis contains the phrase "God said"
ten times concerning his creation.

20 = Kaph

The higher level of Jod continues with the eleventh letter, Kaph, meaning "holding or
reaching hand," expressing purpose or redemption. Kaph is connected with the physical side
of our bodies, indicating our earthly existence.

The corresponding Zodiac sign is Mercury (Kochab), where redemption is possible.

Redemption can lead us beyond our earthly existence.

According to ancient Hebrew law, a person had to be twenty (20) years old to become an
adult citizen who was fully accountable to the law. (Exodus 30:14; Numbers 26:2-4, 32:11)

30 = Lamed

Lamed means an "ox-prodding stick." The ox is controlled when a "holding hand" (Kaph)
starts an activity, and Lamed (the stick) gets the ox moving. Lamed guided the “bull” of first
things (Aleph) that started the world.

The other meaning of Lamed is "dedication." It is connected with the blood and life of Jesus.
He started his public ministry at the age of thirty (30) years. (Luke 3:23) According to the Old
Testament, a man had to be thirty years old to fulfil the duties of a tabernacle/temple priest.
(Numbers 4:23ff)

Jesus was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver, which was prophesied centuries before.
(Matthew 26:15; Zechariah 11:12). The curtain in the Jewish temple, which separated the
people from God, was thirty cubits long. At the time of Jesus' death this curtain was split in
two, allowing people direct access to God.

40 = Mem

Mem is more than just a letter of the alphabet. It has a built-in word structure similar
to Majim, which means "water."

When applied to days, months, or years, the number forty (40) does not necessary mean an
actual measurable amount of time. Rather, it conveys something related to the time-life
dimension like a “generation.” These concepts can be compared to water, which is an
indefinable expanse without borders, a condition in which people could drown and die.

Page 65 of 69
Mem also means that there is a purpose to the "trials," "testing," or "probation" of life on this
side. Israel spent forty years in the wilderness being tested by God before they crossed over
Jordan to inherit the Promised Land. (Deuteronomy 8:2-5) Jesus was tempted by the devil
for forty days. (Luke 4:1) Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven.
(Acts 1:3)

50 = Nun

Nun pictures a nahash or "snake." It also expresses man's individuality in the time
dimension. It indicates "life with a purpose on the other side."

In Moses' time, the people of Israel were told to make a bronze snake and lift it up on a pole.
(Numbers 21:4-9) Whoever looked upon that snake was saved from the poison and did not
die. The image of that serpent not only symbolically reminded man of the original problem of
sin, but it will also assured them that God had provided a means of salvation and restoration
to live in the midst of a desert experience. As such, it is a prophetic type of Jesus on the
cross. (John 3:14; 12:32-34)

Joshua, the son of Nun (50), led the children of Israel through water (Mem = 40) to the
Promised Land (50 = 5x10, Heh = 5, "the other side"). Joshua is a type of Jesus who will
lead us into the eternal rest of the Kingdom of God. (Hebrews 4:8-11)

The Torah required Israel to celebrate a special year-long holiday every fifty years called the
Jubilee. All debts were forgiven on that day, all property returned to the original owners, all
slaves freed, the high priest changed to another family, political ties were cut and money re-
evaluated to its original worth.

On the fiftieth day after the Lord's resurrection, Christians celebrate the holiday of Pentecost
commemorating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The number fifty (50) is also connected
with Israel's future return and restoration to the land God gave them.

60 = Samech

Samech represents Satan, and it also means "snake" because Satan appeared as a serpent
when he originally tempted man to sin. Adam had been commanded by God to multiply and
subdue the earth, but was forbidden to eat from the tree of knowing good and evil. The
serpent convinced Adam and Eve to question this command.

It seemed a paradox that God would tell the first couple to be fruitful and populate the earth,
yet forbid them to eat the fruit that would give them the knowledge they needed for survival.
So Adam and Eve used their own judgment, basing their decision on what seemed good to
them at the time, rather than depending on God's provision for life.

At the moment man took that first step of disobedience, he began a journey away from the
Lord. Mankind still strives to be independent from God, and thus experiences strife and
difficulties in the midst of an evil world governed by Satan.

The first act of disobedience to God in the Garden of Eden brought sin into the world. All of
the descendants of Adam and Eve now carry the disease of being sinful. Man is compelled
to ask, Why I am here on this planet? Where am I going? Will life ever make sense?
However, through life's difficulties, we can still find God. He has made provision for his

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children's salvation so they can return to life in conformity with God’s holy nature.

Samech also refers to idol worship. The image of Nebuchadnezzar, which he erected and
then commanded to be worshiped, stood sixty cubits high and six cubits wide. (Daniel 3:1)

70 = Ayin
Ayin means "eyes" or "spring." This letter, like Aleph, is silent and can only be verbalized
with vowels. The number seventy (70) is an expression of "the sum total of this world."
Ancient Hebrew tradition says that the earth has seventy nations, seventy languages,
seventy words of wisdom, and seventy elders to guide people. (Exodus 24; Numbers 11)
This does not always represent a literal number, but a connotation of something complete.

The inner eye sees the world in its proper place. When we understand a problem, we often
say "I see," meaning that we understand what is hidden. The blueprint of God's plan for this
earth is understood with the eyes of Ayin.

The second meaning of Ayin refers to spring water that comes out of a mountain. This
refreshing life-giving water, which comes from hidden places, can sustain us on our journey.

Seventy (70) is the number of God's punishment for Israel because of their disobedience.

Many Bible stories are connected with Ayin (70). For seventy years Israel lived in exile
before they were restored. (Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10) Daniel 9:24 prophesied that seventy (70)
weeks would be allowed for Israel to put an end to sin. Israel's final restoration will be
seventy years long (1948-2018).

Jesus appointed seventy disciples to go out in his name and preach the good news. (Luke
10) In Matthew 18:21-22 Jesus said to forgive those who sin against you seventy times
seven (490 times).

80 = Pe

Pe means "mouth." With the mouth, man can talk, question, and communicate with God and
other men. He can also feed his physical body.

After the encounter with the serpent, Adam's eyes were opened and he saw that he was
naked. When he hid from God, God asked, "Ajakah?" (Where are you?). God knew where
Adam was hiding, but he wanted Adam to communicate with him, to express his inner
thoughts and answer back with his mouth (Pe). (See Genesis 3:9-19.)

In the Garden God resided with Adam and Eve in a separated environment, fenced in from
the processes of life and death on this earth. Now that man has lost this paradise, an
uncertain future awaits him. He is unhappy, unsettled, in turmoil. He asks God with his
mouth, "Why do I have to be subject to the laws of life and death?" The answer is found in
the next number, Tsade.

90 = Tsade

Tsade means "fishhook." To get a fish from water onto dry land, you need a hook. We live in
the time dimension (Mem = "water"), but someone with a hook (Tsade) pulls us out as soon
as the mouth (Pe) has spoken. The gospel of Jesus Christ (Tsade = "fishhook") is preached,
causing confessing of sin (with the mouth, Pe). In this way is eternal life received.

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Man was designed to live forever, but because of sin, he must take a detour, much like the
Israelites when they wandered through the desert between Egypt and the Promised Land.
Some will die on the journey; others will survive to enter the land they longed for.

Jesus chose fishermen as his disciples—men who would "fish" for people to add to the
kingdom of God.

100 = Koph
Koph means "eye of a needle." Jesus used an illustration of a camel going through the eye
of a needle.

Jesus said to them again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the
kingdom of God." They were greatly astounded and said to one another, "Then who can be
saved?" Jesus looked at them and said, "For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for
God all things are possible." (Mark 10:24-27)

It is just as impossible for sinful man to go through to the other side (heaven) as for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle. Jesus said that he alone can make this happen.
Abraham was promised a son when he was one hundred (100) years of age, and his wife
Sarah was eighty years old. God told him that from the two of them would be born
descendants as numerous as the stars in the heavens including royalty and the Redeemer.

This seemed an impossible proposition, but the Lord assured Abraham that nothing is
impossible with him. Abraham believed, but Sarah laughed. She knew her body was wilted.
When in the due course of time Sarah gave birth to this promised child, Abraham named the
boy Isaac, which means "laughter."

Koph also means "children of promise" and "God's election of grace." Galatians 4:28 and
Romans 9:7-8 say that believers in Jesus Christ are "children of promise."

The number 100 can be expressed in the Hebrew system as one (1) in three dimensions or
domains. The domains could represent, for example, heaven, earth and under the earth with
God as the head (1 = Aleph) over all.

One hundred is also written as one (1) with two zeros. Zero (0) represents a circle. The circle
indicates something infinite, with no beginning or end. The number one hundred (100) could
represent someone (1) being inside or outside a circle (0). Jesus illustrates this in a story
about one hundred sheep.

What do you think? If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray,
does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went
astray? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine
that never went astray. So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little
ones should be lost. (Matthew 18:12-14)

200 = Resch
Resch means an "emerging head." The head comes out first during birth. Aleph is the head
of the bull, but Resch is the head of man. It has a mouth and can talk to God, so Resch can
also mean the brain where all bodily functions are anchored and connected.

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Another meaning of Resch is "insufficiency" suggesting that something is "not enough."
Human beings born in sin are insufficient to live in another dimension. We need something
added from outside ourselves to make us "good enough" to enter heaven.

When Jesus asked the disciples to feed the five thousand men (plus women and children)
who had followed them to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee, Philip answered him, "Two
hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, for everyone to receive a
little" (John 6:7). Even two hundred denarii (200) would not have been enough to feed the
multitude. Only Jesus Christ is sufficient to meet all our needs.

300 = Shin
Shin means "tooth" and refers to eating (achol). Teeth are required for eating so they are
involved in the process of life and death. When food is crushed by the teeth, its components
- fruits, vegetables and meats - lose their individual identities. In a philosophically similar
way, when specific experiences in our past are mixed together, we can begin to see
meaning and purpose for our lives, which can be expressed as a sense of general well-

All the senses (taste, smell, touch, and even sound) are involved in eating or to judge if the
food is palatable. Shin is connected with the head and is coupled with what makes sense in
this life.

400 = Taw
The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Taw, which means a "cross" or a "sign." It
encompasses the outer region of existence or the material world. Taw can also mean
"eternity." The number four hundred (400) can be broken down to 100 x 4. God in three
dimensions or domains (100) is in control of "this world in this time" (4).

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