Classroom Management Plan Template-1

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Student/Teacher Name: Emma Walker PSI C&I (KL) Fall 2018 St.


PSI Classroom Management Plan

Begin developing in class (on campus) continue developing during your practicum placement

A: Preventative Classroom Management PLAN

Relationship-Building Plan (Write descriptive statements or short paragraph to describe)

I would begin to build foundational relationships with my students by creating lessons that
incorporated class activities that will foster relationship-building tasks. For example an activity
that we can all collaborate on together such as reading activities. I also believe that I will have a
great opportunity to build relationships with my class through both our learning on Blackfoot
language, my TA wants me to learn the language and the students are learning it as well. Being
able to learn together will help with growing a strong connection and community. I also would
like to know something new about each student everyday, finding out an interest of theirs or
something they share with me would build trust and support between my students and myself.

Teaching Practices

 Lesson planning
 Multimodel teaching strategies interactive, direct
 3, 2, 1…, dim the lights, rain shower, count down quietly then loudly

Classroom Rules: Include 3 to 4 foundational rules. Write a brief paragraph of how you would
develop and enact each of these rules in your classroom.

 Listening Skills: grade 1 you need to have rules about listening while others are talking
or when we need to pay attention to a certain task. This means eyes up front or on the
person; stop what your doing and attention focused, hands visible. Raise hands
 Respect: being nice to people and things as well as ourselves. This looks like using kind
words, do not hurt others or things physically or verbally, be gentle
 Be Kind: saying and doing nice things, including others, be a friend to others, share
 Keep Space Tidy: clean up after yourselves, if you make a mess you clean it up, help
others clean, keep your space organized
Student/Teacher Name: Emma Walker PSI C&I (KL) Fall 2018 St. Georges

Classroom Procedures (Write descriptive statements or short paragraph to describe)

 Start of class: 3, 2, 1. Blackfoot prayer, day/month/year. Greetings, wash hands

 Late Procedure: they are young so usually because of missed ride or reason if late, just
have students caught up on what was missed, communicate what we have done or
working on
 Attention-Getting Procedure: 3, 2, 1, eyes and ears one me
 Question-Answering Procedure: raise hands, call on students, if students shouts out just
acknowledge and reiterate rules move on
 Leaving the classroom: ask teacher, they are aloud to leave for bathroom when they
need but monitor so they are not abusing the privilege
 Clean-up Procedure: Wash hands at sink, broom in classroom, have students work as a
team to clean up after activities or meals
 Safety Procedure: line ups there is a leader and caboose students line up in this order,
fire plan we go straight out of classroom to the left and to fence outside, lock down
book shelf by door to block entrance and put down window covers
 Dismissal procedure: line up according to busses, leave in line up and teacher walks
them to each bus
 Transition Procedures:

Are there others you can add to this list? Consider both of the readings

B: Intervention Classroom Management PLAN

Draw from the readings to develop this section further. (Write descriptive statements or short paragraph
to describe)

Low- circulate around classroom, stand next to students who need reminder to focus or who are
distracting others
Medium- stand next to desk, hand on table, acknowledgment of bump that is occurring
High control- keep going in lesson until you can have students work independently than have
conversation with student about what is going on

Other approaches
Student/Teacher Name: Emma Walker PSI C&I (KL) Fall 2018 St. Georges

C: Reflections on My Classroom Management

Write brief reflective statements about what you feel your strengths are and areas of classroom
management you feel you’d like to develop.

• Strengths: I believe a strength of mine is to observe and recognize when the classroom
needs a shift in lesson or when students are becoming distracted or distracting

• Areas to Grow, develop, try: How to properly implement a plan of action that will be
successful in the specific situation

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