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Grade 1A, Unit: Art Lesson #2

Topic: Northern Lights Date: Tuesday December 3rd, 2019

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Level 1:
Outcome(s)  Reflection
 Depiction
 Expression

Specific Component 1: Analysis

Outcome(s)  Students will notice commonalities within classes of natural objects or forms
B. Natural forms are related to the environment from which they originate
C. Natural forms have different surface qualities in colour, texture and tone

Component 3: Appreication
 Students will interpret atwroks literally
C. An artwork tells something about its subject matter and the artist who made
F. All aspects of an artwork contribute to the story it tells

Component 5: Actions and viewpoints

 Students will increase the range of actions and viewpoints depicted
A. Movement of figures and objects can be shown in different ways

Component 6: Qualities and details

 Students will represent surface qualities of objects and forms
D. Colour can be lightened to make tints or darkened to make shades. These
tints or shades are also referred to as tone or value
E. Images are stronger when contrasts of light and dark are used
F. Details enrich forms

Component 10 (ii): Subject Matter

 Students will develop themes, with an emphasis on personal concerns, based
A. Plants and animals
B. Environment and places

Learning Students will:

Objectives ● Students will create their own northern lights with chalk and construction
Grade 1A, Unit: Art Lesson #2
Topic: Northern Lights Date: Tuesday December 3rd, 2019
Essential Student Understanding(s):

● Has anyone heard about the northern lights?

● Has anyone seen the northern lights?

● What do they look like? (colour, movement)

● Where do the northern lights come from?

● Who remembers what we need to first? (drawing, cutting)

● Who remembers the rules with chalk?

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative  Story and details, who is Summative  The finish art

Assessment listening and understand the Assessment project will have
northern lights the northern
 Questions based on the lights, trees and
northern lights and snow all
instructions combined
together to create
an environment in
the north

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Before  Have all materials ready for Resources to ● Construction paper

Lesson: lesson Bring:
 Have book ready to be read to ● Chalk
the students
● Trees and animals to cut
 Know how I am going to set
the students up in desks and
all the materials ● Glue
 Have the project done to be
Grade 1A, Unit: Art Lesson #2
Topic: Northern Lights Date: Tuesday December 3rd, 2019
able to show the students

Time: Content/Description Notes/Materials

12:50 to
62 mins

~ 15 min Introduction: ●
12:50 to ● Grade 1s can you all come to the front of the
1:05 class and we will read this book
● Ask prompting questions about the northern
lights: who has seen them, what do they look
like, where are they from
● Read through the book Aurora by Mindy Dwyer
so that the students have an understanding of
what the northern lights look like
● Discuss with the students then explain what we
will be making today for art

~ 43 min Body: ●

1:05 to 1:48  Today we will be making our own northern m/watch?v=T75IKSXVXlc
lights with chalk and colouring
 Here is an example what it will look like
 Show them what it will look like when
completed such as the colours, trees, animals
 Talk to students about rules such as not
dropping chalk, cleaning up after ourselves and
adding detail to our art
 I will keep the book at the front for the students
to look at
 I will also put on a video of northern lights in
the background for students to gain inspiration
for their art
 Students will colour their northern lights first
 They can then move onto cutting out their trees
 Then move onto glueing onto their art piece
 I will circulate around the classroom helping
any students who need help
 I will have material all ready for students to use
Grade 1A, Unit: Art Lesson #2
Topic: Northern Lights Date: Tuesday December 3rd, 2019
 Students can stay in their original seats and
work from there

~4 Conclusion: ●
min ● Give a warning time of 4 minutes
1:48 to 1:52 ● Have students finish up their art work
● Put away any materials that have been brought out
● Students can hand me their chalk and final pieces
● Once they are finished up have students get ready
for recess, once they have all of their coats, shoes
on they can head outside


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