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Cervantes 1

Dora Cervantes

Professor Batty

English 102

10 December 2019

Monster Novel Essay

The Monster Novel essay was one of the essays that I have struggled with the most when writing.

In the Monster novel essay we had to read a monster novel and write about the true meaning about it. The

Monster novel that I decided to write about is Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, when reading the novel at

first I was confused about what I was reading but over time the novel started to make sense since at first I

could not find the true meaning. Overall in the essay I believe that I did not do that bad in the first draft of

the essay, but it was a struggle when trying to write the essay. When trying to write the essay the problem

was that I struggled to write a whole essay on only two main points. Another thing that I needed to

improve in the essay was the introduction of the quotes. I had to make the quotes interwind with the

explanations and make the introduction of the quote connect even smother. Some of the minor errors that

I had to fix is some of the MLA format errors, there were also some grammatical errors that I had to fix

around the whole essay. I had to go back to the essay and change some of the sentences and some words

to different things so it could sound better. With all of the changes that I made in the vocabulary and the

sentences it makes the essay run smoother and make more sense throughout it.

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