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Since the caste system is so etched in the minds of the parents, they oppose love marriage
especially if the girl/boy is from a different caste background. Sometimes even same caste
love marriages are not allowed due to difference of socio-economic statuses between the
two families
2. Those parents who are living in rural areas of the country do not find the idea of love
marriage acceptable because they are not liberal; they are uneducated and strongly believe
in upholding age old traditions
3. Some parents refuse to accept the partner they children chooses because the partner is
lacking in good looks, family background or professional standing. These matter a lot to
some of the parents as these can enhance the overall reputation of their family
4. There is a general notion among parents that love marriages do not last long and
eventually end in heartbreak. Due to this many parents discourage love marriages
Parents love their children and because of it they want them to be happy and successful in
both their private and professional life. It is this love which needs to be harnessed
appropriately to convince them for love marriage. Put in all your effort, wait and watch
patiently as ultimately your parents will give you their blessings for sure.

12 ways to convince parents for a love marriage without

causing hurt
As an individual, you have the right to choose your life partner. If you find someone who
matches your wavelength and you feel connected to that person then there is nothing
wrong in it. You need to take a stand for your relationship especially if you find your
parents not agreeing to it. However, do not take any drastic measures which might damage
your relationship with your parents. In case you are confused as to what to do when
parents oppose your love marriage then follow these 12 ways to convince them

1. Be sure of what you want from your relationship

Before you make an attempt to talk to your parents about your relationship, it is essential
that you assess your relationship honestly. Be sure of what you want from the relationship
and whether you both are ready for commitment or not. Without being sure of the
relationship yourself, you will fail to convince your parents for your love marriage.

2. Let your parents know that you have someone in your life
Either directly or indirectly through subtle hints, you must let your parents know that there
is someone special in your life. Do not commit the mistake of keeping your relationship
hidden because if you do so then it will hurt your parents. As it is, Indian parents assume
that their sons or daughters can never fall in love on their own.

Image source

You need to show them respect and trust by sharing your feelings with them. Along with
that, if you hide your relationship then it means you are also not sure about your choice.

3. Share your views with your parents regarding marriage

You must make it a point to share your views about marriage with your parents. Let them
know what matters to you the most like your partner’s educational qualification; character
etc. Also let them know the things that do not bother you at all like age difference, caste,
economic status etc. Sometimes a debate may surface, but you and your parents can come
to a amicable consensus. This way you will also know how rigid they are.

This way they will know what you want and perhaps will be more open to the possibility of
a love marriage.

4. Show your parents that you are responsible and mature now
Always act in a responsible and mature manner so that your parents can trust your decision
making ability. For example, take a leading role in solving any problems facing the family;
lending a helping hand to your parents as and when required. No one would trust the
judgment of someone who appears immature and irresponsible.

Proving them time and again that you are dependable, rational and sensible will increase
their confidence in you and they will probably be able to accept your love marriage easily.

5. Listen to your parents’ perspective

It is really important that you listen to your parents’ perspective and the concerns they
have regarding your love marriage. Remember that without knowing what they are actually
thinking, you will not be able to deal with the issues conveniently.

Do not become very defensive but assert your position in a clear and respectful manner.

6. Make your parents see the best in your partner

For this, you must talk to your parents and let them know why your partner is the perfect
life partner for you. Highlight the good qualities of your partner in front of your parents as
and when possible. Make sure when you do that, you talk about those positives which
interest your parents.

You can even propose a meeting between your partner and your parents so that they can
meet him/her and get rid of all their doubts. For this, if you can coach your partner about
the goods and the bads, he or she may be able to put their best foot forward confidently.

7. Take the help of close friends and relatives

Those relatives and friends who are in favour of love marriages can help you convince your
parents easily. This will work wonders if someone from your family has had a love marriage
and is happy in his/her married life. You can also take cues from them, plus you can also
talk about them generally to your parents to get an idea what they think of the whole

An example of a successful love marriage in your family itself will help you make your
point more confidently.

8. Do not take any rash decisions

When it comes to the matters of love, you might not take decisions rationally. To convince
your parents, you need to have patience and maintain your sanity at all times.
When you notice that your parents disapprove of your partner, you might get tempted to
leave your house or marry your partner without their approval. But these are rash decisions
which need to be avoided at all costs otherwise any chance of getting your parents
approval will disappear forever.

Image source

9. Try to get the support of at least one parent

You will obviously be close to one of your parent. So you must make an extra effort to
convince that parent first because deep down he/she loves and understands you a lot.
After convincing the parent who is close to you, half the battle will be won. Then you can
take that parent’s help to talk to your other parent. But make sure this does not create
barriers between your mother and father.

Related reading: It took 7 years for me to find acceptance, love and respect in my marriage

10. Turn down any suggestions of meeting someone else

Your parents will do everything they can to pressurize you and convince you to meet
someone else and forget about your partner. But you have to be loyal to your partner and
turn down any suggestions of meeting someone else. Be persistent so that your parents
realize that you truly love your partner.
11. Make arrangements for the meeting of both families
When you have done enough to make your parents feel a little comfortable about the idea
of love marriage and your partner, you can convince them to meet the parents of your
partner. This will help them resolve any issues and doubts they have about the family
background, socio-economic status, culture, values, morals etc. of your partner.

12. Keep fighting and do not give up

If you truly love your partner and want to spend the rest of your life with him/her then you
have to keep fighting for your love. Despite the obstacles your parents create, you have to
remain dedicated to your love and do not give up at any cost.

Success rates and statistics do not paint a good picture for love marriages in India. But this
should not dishearten you. Make such an effort that you are able to convince your parents
and even change their mindset. Hopefully, your parents will come around and respect your
decision. So we hope you are able to fight the good fight against the prejudices regarding
love marriages in India.

Love comes in many different shades of color.

Whenever love exists between two individuals, it is -- at the very least -- slightly different
than any love that existed before it, and any love that will exist after it.

Love is created between two individuals, and just as no two individuals are the same,
neither can the love between them be the same, however, love is still love.

When we see it, we recognize it -- no matter how many shades lighter or darker it may
be than anything we’ve previously experienced.

If I had to describe love in one sentence, I would describe it as such: Love is that which
we believe worth fighting for.

How much we are willing to fight for it, how much we are willing to suffer for it and give
up for it lets us know how true it really is.

The only love worth having is the one worth fighting for -- because anything short of that
just isn’t love.
If you aren’t willing to fight for it, then you clearly don’t want it enough.

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about life goals or lovers, if you aren’t willing to
fight for them, if you aren’t willing to get your hands dirty, to go out of your way and
make an effort to hold on to them, then you just don’t want them enough.

And regardless of whether it’s a goal or other, if you don’t want it enough, then you don’t
deserve it.

People have many wants and urges. We often want more than is good for us -- and this
doesn’t change when it comes to attention or love.

We’re social gluttons of sorts. We want to be loved. We want to be taken care of. We
want to feel like we’ve found our home.

Which is great, except all those things we want do little more than build us a wider
comfort zone.

No one, and I mean no one, lives a happy life entirely inside his or her comfort zone.
Finding someone worth fighting for drags you out of that zone and into a more eventful

The question is do you love this person enough to step out of your comfort zone and
into the ring to fight for him or her?

If you never feel you need to fight for it, then you’re likely to get bored with it.

One of the main reasons a love worth fighting for is the only love worth having is it’s the
only sort of relationship that will keep our attention for long enough.

I know this may sound a bit exhausting, but unfortunately, it’s true.

People get bored with things and individuals who don’t require somewhat regular

Of course, too much attention or too much fighting tires us and makes us feel like the
relationship is too much work, but a relationship that requires no energy is a dead

It’s not just about finding a love worth fighting for; it’s about finding a love we need to
fight for.

Now, here’s the part that most people overlook entirely: Every single loving relationship
necessarily must be fought for. It’s the nature of relationships.
All relationships, at the very least, take work. Fighting for love doesn’t always mean
fighting off other suitors or making incredible sacrifices in the name of love.

Often, it’s simply making sure to make that extra effort, week in and week out, for the
rest of your lives together.

It’s not a glorious battle, but it is one fought over a lifetime. And as far as wars go, a
lifetime is a long time.

In life, it’s only the things we believe worth fighting for that are important to

Are you having trouble understanding yourself? Your life? Are you uncertain as to what
you ought to do, where you ought to go, whom you ought to be? You’re not alone.

Many an individual in this world seems to be lost or confused about his or her purpose
in life -- it’s natural.

Especially for those living comfortable lives in which survival isn’t on the top of the
priorities list, already feeling like it’s a given.

When life is good to us from the start, it can be difficult to find our place in it. It’s not our
fault; it’s the way human beings were designed.

We’re survivalists who are so intelligent, many of us no longer fear the possibility of not
meeting our most basic needs.

The problem with this is because we never have to fight for anything, we never
understand what is worth fighting for.

This is often why loss, losing something or someone, or fighting off that loss shows us
what that thing or person means to us.

Fighting may be animalistic in nature, but we are animals after all.

If you aren’t willing to fight for it, then I’m sorry… but that person
deserves better.

Every man, woman and in between deserve someone who loves them so much that he
or she would be willing to fight for them tooth and nail.

If you really think about it, having someone willing to fight for you, to protect you, to
even fight your battles if need be, is exactly the reason human beings partnered up to
begin with.
We seem to have this ingrained in us, literally needing a partner who -- at the very least
-- we believe would fight for us if it came down to it.

Not even necessarily fight for us with fists but fight for us with the decisions they make,
the way they plan our lives, the way they forgive and do all they can to keep the
relationship together.

Anything else feels like abandonment. Jumping ship when the waters get rough causes
the entire relationship to drown. No one deserves to be abandoned, especially not at a
time of need.

If you aren’t willing to fight for the love the two of you share, then she deserves
better. He deserves better.

You deserve to be better.

Love comes in many different shades of color.

Whenever love exists between two individuals, it is -- at the very least -- slightly different
than any love that existed before it, and any love that will exist after it.

Love is created between two individuals, and just as no two individuals are the same,
neither can the love between them be the same, however, love is still love.

When we see it, we recognize it -- no matter how many shades lighter or darker it may
be than anything we’ve previously experienced.

If I had to describe love in one sentence, I would describe it as such: Love is that which
we believe worth fighting for.

How much we are willing to fight for it, how much we are willing to suffer for it and give
up for it lets us know how true it really is.

The only love worth having is the one worth fighting for -- because anything short of that
just isn’t love.

If you aren’t willing to fight for it, then you clearly don’t want it enough.

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about life goals or lovers, if you aren’t willing to
fight for them, if you aren’t willing to get your hands dirty, to go out of your way and
make an effort to hold on to them, then you just don’t want them enough.
And regardless of whether it’s a goal or other, if you don’t want it enough, then you don’t
deserve it.

People have many wants and urges. We often want more than is good for us -- and this
doesn’t change when it comes to attention or love.

We’re social gluttons of sorts. We want to be loved. We want to be taken care of. We
want to feel like we’ve found our home.

Which is great, except all those things we want do little more than build us a wider
comfort zone.

No one, and I mean no one, lives a happy life entirely inside his or her comfort zone.
Finding someone worth fighting for drags you out of that zone and into a more eventful

The question is do you love this person enough to step out of your comfort zone and
into the ring to fight for him or her?

If you never feel you need to fight for it, then you’re likely to get bored with it.

One of the main reasons a love worth fighting for is the only love worth having is it’s the
only sort of relationship that will keep our attention for long enough.

I know this may sound a bit exhausting, but unfortunately, it’s true.

People get bored with things and individuals who don’t require somewhat regular

Of course, too much attention or too much fighting tires us and makes us feel like the
relationship is too much work, but a relationship that requires no energy is a dead

It’s not just about finding a love worth fighting for; it’s about finding a love we need to
fight for.

Now, here’s the part that most people overlook entirely: Every single loving relationship
necessarily must be fought for. It’s the nature of relationships.

All relationships, at the very least, take work. Fighting for love doesn’t always mean
fighting off other suitors or making incredible sacrifices in the name of love.

Often, it’s simply making sure to make that extra effort, week in and week out, for the
rest of your lives together.
It’s not a glorious battle, but it is one fought over a lifetime. And as far as wars go, a
lifetime is a long time.

In life, it’s only the things we believe worth fighting for that are important to

Are you having trouble understanding yourself? Your life? Are you uncertain as to what
you ought to do, where you ought to go, whom you ought to be? You’re not alone.

Many an individual in this world seems to be lost or confused about his or her purpose
in life -- it’s natural.

Especially for those living comfortable lives in which survival isn’t on the top of the
priorities list, already feeling like it’s a given.

When life is good to us from the start, it can be difficult to find our place in it. It’s not our
fault; it’s the way human beings were designed.

We’re survivalists who are so intelligent, many of us no longer fear the possibility of not
meeting our most basic needs.

The problem with this is because we never have to fight for anything, we never
understand what is worth fighting for.

This is often why loss, losing something or someone, or fighting off that loss shows us
what that thing or person means to us.

Fighting may be animalistic in nature, but we are animals after all.

If you aren’t willing to fight for it, then I’m sorry… but that person
deserves better.

Every man, woman and in between deserve someone who loves them so much that he
or she would be willing to fight for them tooth and nail.

If you really think about it, having someone willing to fight for you, to protect you, to
even fight your battles if need be, is exactly the reason human beings partnered up to
begin with.

We seem to have this ingrained in us, literally needing a partner who -- at the very least
-- we believe would fight for us if it came down to it.

Not even necessarily fight for us with fists but fight for us with the decisions they make,
the way they plan our lives, the way they forgive and do all they can to keep the
relationship together.
Anything else feels like abandonment. Jumping ship when the waters get rough causes
the entire relationship to drown. No one deserves to be abandoned, especially not at a
time of need.

If you aren’t willing to fight for the love the two of you share, then she deserves
better. He deserves better.

You deserve to be better.

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