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Learning and Development: Competency Development in Basic Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Nursing
Date: September 10, 2018 to October 19, 2018
Venue: Philippine Orthopedic Center
Name of Participant: Bernard C. Pamulagan, RN
Hospital: Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center

Nurse Certification Program is one of the programs of the department of health to the DOH
hospitals. This program is to intend to develop nurses to become competent in various specialty areas. And
one of these is Competency Development in Basic Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Nursing at Philippine
Orthopedic Center. I’m blessed to being part one of the nominees for this sponsored program of Department
of Health. This Level 3 Certification for Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Nursing
I appreciate all the efforts of POC Nursing Training and Research Department for giving us this
kind of training, with full of love, passion and sharing their expertise, and for being dedicated for work, efforts
in helping me to accomplish my mission.
On September 10, 2018 my first day at POC, our batch was introduced and welcoming during the
flag ceremony. It was followed by opening program at the nursing training research and development
training hall, where the participants and their respective hospital represented was introduced individually
to the Top Management, Chief Nurse, Assistant Chief Nurse, Nurse Supervisors and the other staff. On that
day also I acquainted with the people who became my friends in this learning and development.
The succeeding two weeks we dealt with lecture and discussion. The topics were relevant to nursing practice,
focusing more on the management of musculoskeletal disorders. There also some demonstrations from the
trainers and also the graded return demonstrations from the participants. Written and moving examinations
on different kind of gadgets, cast, and tractions identification were also used by trainers as evaluation tools.
The participants got positive results both written and return demonstrations, indicating good response on
the training.
After the two weeks lectures and demonstration we rotate on the different clinical and specialty
areas. It started from September 25, 2018 to October 16, 2018 with the supervisions of our trainers and
supervisors / staff assigned in specific area was assigned. I’ve learned a lot in the rotational duties in clinical
and special areas were the nursing care and management of different musculoskeletal disorders applied.
The following are the areas we rotated were the knowledge/ learning acquired, observations,
recommendations/suggestions was stated.

Traction Ward: In these areas I do actual balance skeletal application and removal to male, female, and
pediatric patients. Nursing care and health teaching in balance skeletal traction after the application explain
to patients and relatives. And proper pin site care dressing with the supervision of the staff and trainers.
Observations: The supervisors, head nurses and staff are accommodating and modest when you have query
or questions ask. Sharing information with the employees makes them feel invested.
Recommendations/ Suggestions: 1. Limit the posting of the IEC materials without the signature/stamp from
the Quality Management Unit. Use stickers if Permanent or indicating posting period and approval by the

2. Limit also the posting in the bulletin board of the flow sheet. It must be a stamp on controlled copy from
the DRCC.
3. Practice always that work place should be clean and maintained the 5S+2 (Workplace Guide).
4. Schedule the monthly general ward cleaning approved by the body.
5. Followed the work instructions manual for the different procedure to be done.
6. Make a weekly or schedule the cleaning of the charts cover and limit also the pasting on the chart.
7. Always check for a buffer for the stocks and supplies used in the area. And always check the labels and
expiration of the available emergency drugs on the E cart. Make separate logbook for the excess drugs that
not used by the patient and it will be received in the pharmacy.
8. Make a proposal that should provide the patient gown in the ward. And green gown for the patients who
undergo the surgery.
9. Make proposal to the Top management to upgrade the computerized system or Bizbox for the easy access
to the locating patient data, charging of Supplies used, easy process of the statement of accounts of patient,
elicit the more paper used/ to make paper less.
10. Do the random audit in giving IV medications to nurses. And proper grooming and uniform. We suggest
also making and ID like we use in the NTRD for all employees to comply the Civil Service Rule.

Spinal Ward: in this area we do turning and positioning of patients with the musculoskeletal disorders on
upper and lower extremities, intermittent catheterization procedure and residual urine volume. I have
learned a lot on this area because this type of cases we handled are not also present in our institution, they
have best Nursing Care management for these patients that we can also applied in our institution.
Observations: The supervisors, head nurses and staff are amenable and modest when you have query or
questions ask. But there is one staff Russell Bernardo caught my attention because he is not answering and
ignore when my co participant when asking her a question. I would like to commend also Ms. Floregem
Andal, Alain Christer Banasal, and Ms. K.M. Lesmoras for their dedication of their work.
Recommendations/ Suggestions: 1. Limit the posting of the IEC materials without the signature/stamp from
the Quality Management Unit. Use stickers if Permanent or indicating posting period and approval by the
2. Limit also the posting in the bulletin board of the flow sheet. It must be a stamp on controlled copy from
the DRCC.
3. Practice always that work place should be clean and maintained the 5S+2 (Workplace Guide).
4. Schedule the monthly general ward cleaning approved by the body. And refer to the engineering section
or general services regarding the schedule of cleaning of air conditioner and ceiling fan/ orbit fan. Also make
a schedule of on and off the air conditioner and air cooling fan for not easily break down the equipment.
5. Followed the work instructions manual for the different procedure to be done.
6. Make a weekly or schedule the cleaning of the charts cover and limit also the pasting on the chart.
7. Practice infection control at all times. We suggest the use of sterile water in a bottle like use in the dietary
for the suctioning of patient.

8. Provide the patient watchers also the PPE when they staying and entering the room.

9. Always check for a buffer for the stocks and supplies used in the area. And always check the labels and
expiration of the available emergency drugs on the E cart. Make separate logbook for the excess drugs that
not used by the patient and it will be received in the pharmacy.

Emergency Room: In emergency room we learn to categorize the different emergency nursing care
management for the trauma cases.
Observations: The supervisors, head nurses and staff are amenable and modest when you have query or
questions ask even when they are busy they still manage to smile.
Recommendations/ Suggestions: 1. Limit the posting of the IEC materials without the signature/stamp from
the Quality Management Unit. Use stickers if Permanent or indicating posting period and approval by the
2. Limit also the posting in the bulletin board of the flow sheet. It must be a stamp on controlled copy from
the DRCC.
3. Practice always that work place should be clean and maintained the 5S+2 (Workplace Guide).
4. Schedule the monthly general ward cleaning approved by the body. And refer to the engineering section
or general services regarding the schedule of cleaning of air conditioner and ceiling fan/ orbit fan. Also make
a schedule of on and off the air conditioner and air cooling fan for not easily break down the equipment.
5. Followed the work instructions manual for the different procedure to be done. And strictly implement the
policies and procedures to the doctors.
6. Make a proposal for the checklist of forms used in the emergency room.

Operating Room & Post Anesthesia Care Unit: We learned the different nursing management for the patient
undergoing surgery and the post-operative nursing care to patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
Observations: The supervisors, head nurses and staff are amenable and modest when you have query or
questions ask even when they are busy they still manage to smile.
Recommendations/ Suggestions: 1. Limit the posting of the IEC materials without the signature/stamp from
the Quality Management Unit. Use stickers if Permanent or indicating posting period and approval by the
2. Limit also the posting in the bulletin board of the flow sheet. It must be a stamp on controlled copy from
the DRCC.
3. Practice always that work place should be clean and maintained the 5S+2 (Workplace Guide: sort,
straighten, shine, standardize, sustain, safety, security)
4. Schedule the monthly general ward cleaning approved by the body. And refer to the engineering section
or general services regarding the schedule of cleaning of air conditioner and ceiling fan/ orbit fan. Also make
a schedule of on and off the air conditioner and air cooling fan for not easily break down the equipment.
5. Followed the work instructions manual for the different procedure to be done.

Out Patient Department: In this area I do the actual application and removal of the different type of cast to
the patient, and also the nursing care management of musculoskeletal disorders. We cannot do that with

confidence with the guidance of the hardworking staff personnel in casting unit and the supervisions of our
Observations: The supervisors, head nurses and staff are amenable and modest when you have query or
questions ask even when they are busy they still manage to smile but some staff are not.
Recommendations/ Suggestions: 1. Limit the posting of the IEC materials without the signature/stamp from
the Quality Management Unit. Use stickers if Permanent or indicating posting period and approval by the
2. Limit also the posting in the bulletin board of the flow sheet. It must be a stamp on controlled copy from
the DRCC.
3. Practice always that work place should be clean and maintained the 5S+2 (Workplace Guide).
4. Schedule the monthly general ward cleaning approved by the body. And refer to the engineering section
or general services regarding the schedule of cleaning of air conditioner and ceiling fan/ orbit fan. Also make
a schedule of on and off the air conditioner and air cooling fan for not easily break down the equipment.
5. Followed the work instructions manual for the different procedure to be done.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Nursing Training and Research Department headed
by Mrs. Eva T. Cruza, our trainers Ma’am Soledad P. Veloria, Shierna B. Campita, Jessica F. Corpuz,Rosi e B.
Basquiñas, Juanita V. Teope and Sir Romeo E. Santarina, for imparting your skills knowledge, and attitude to
us. I have learned a lot from all of you. You have the personal mastery of your work. Thank you also to the
Nursing Training and Research Department staff Ma’am Garnet Gael L. Ibojos, Catherine C. Calidgid, Aubrey
V. Ledonio, Sir Adrian, and to all Nursing Attendants / personnel and utility workers. I appreciate all your
love passion, and dedication for work, your efforts to accomplish my mission. My journey does not end here.
This is just the beginning of the new challenges in my profession. My goal is to apply what we have learned
from here, for the benefits of our fellow countrymen in achievement in better health outcomes.
I would also to thank our Medical Canter Chief Dr. Huberto F. Lapuz, our Chief Nurse Ma’am Pinky Miriam D.
Canlas, Supervisors in my area and Sir Christian V. Ramos for sending and giving a trust and confidence to
participate this training. To my fellow participants, thank you for the friendship and memories we have
shared, to my family for their love and support, and to our Dearest Lord Jesus Christ for the strength,
knowledge, guidance, love and blessings.

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