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— ae Per 3 0105/2045/0524 1 Semester 3 Yr. LL.B/V Semester 5 Yr. B.A.LL.B. (Maj.-Min.)/V Semester _ @5¥r. B.A.LL.B/B.B.A.LL.B. (Old/New) Examination, December 2018 CRIMINAL LAW -1 Indian Penal Code Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answer should be written either in English or in Kannada completely. Q.No. 1. Explain the elements of crime. Marks : 16 SBRGS Gosrivay, OOro. Q. No. 2. Critically examine the defence of mistake of fact and mistake Marks : 16 of law. Roe SYR os mre wavs SHR esob BScsobay, Amour ZB -DOSAD. \ Q.No. 3. Define and distinguish between “Giving false evidence” and “Fabrication of false evidence”. Ade, 7B, Bamaao ade rosy, mB, Asse op,c5; dow abey aaax Bea. Define rape. Discuss its ingredients with recent developments. Marks : 16 wosgs Rowena WOwaArO. sess wesedriridooon 930 Pessoosreay, BUFAO. Marks : 16. Q. No. 4. Q. No. 5. In all robbery there is either theft or extortion. Explain. Marks : 16 29, MOriaio seamed, Wa sos wood, wre ase QdogB. DBORO. Q. No. 6. Define forgery and making a false documents under Indian Marks : 16 Penal Code. Abe, als ss) Abed, Gages dwdobay gods dos ye 2 9 Roto eBodd, Dowoww. P.T.O. nn Marts <1 — > § | & 24 CANT AN, a 5/05: eae i 3 noe Explain the territorial and extra territorial jurisdiction of Indian s Q.No. 7. ae Penal Code. : TRIS Dowrowsot ow, Fes, BBY TU, Frases mecbrwersobbay, QSIOA. Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two : Marks : 8x2=16 Anamace avde, oxo tales wdon00 : (a) Causing miscarriage. Ter mRBaAQOwD anadsicd, (b) Abetment. chaleces. (0) Dishonestly. exanestonn. Q.No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : sense, najmdde aca Brrarday, wrhBor. (a) ‘A’ writes the University examination falsely representing as ‘B’. What offences committed by ‘A’, Bead ‘B’ aor oo BPH ‘A’od. ABAR,doowdS BOegordey, ewdodowgs. ‘A’ Cdnajmactdin sa}, Bnam~ore 2 ‘A’ who is in love with ‘B’ to marry. He presumes hi only 17 years old. A has committed any offence. *A’oo0 ‘Boba, &eombach, Saleay, RoebSoinries way gor Roonvosd dav Snotdacin. as, ‘A’0d09 'Blody BodrAAy, 21 200 Sowwbaad. ead ‘Blok Bodoxy, 17 Barrie. ‘A’odo CARS ealvarininy smadbed 9 ‘A’ shakes his fist at ‘B’ intending or knowing it to be likely that he may thereby cause ‘B’ to believe that ‘A’ is about to strike B. Whether A has committed any offence ? 'C &® ‘Wy an Batohrsison soe eo ans 3 MESO Sg vals aah Rous Rowaaciodbord 8902 ‘8 a WY oR 3A, Boogoday aycibrxsend. ‘eo’ BOG RnamAoioe of Marks : 10x2=20 (b) takes her away from her Parents ler to be 21 years old, but she is (°C) nvidia es: ee CRI Duration : Ammon 2045/0524/0105 | Semester 3 Year LL.B. /V Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B./ V Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System) Examination, June/July 2018 CRIMINAL LAW - | (Indian Penal Code) (Old/New Batch) : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. Q. No. 1. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q. No. 4. Q. No. 5. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or in Kannada completely. What is ‘mens rea’ ? State its significance in statutory offences. Marks : 16 VBE asa, DoBden 2? mwxdead esngrve, vad mpanaysaday sero. What is unlawful assembly ? When does it become rioting? = Marks: 16 ©8ab kotssionidea 2 odnanr ecb cowotwrosd 9 What is culpable homicide ? Explain under what circumstances culpable homicide does not amount to murder ? Marks : 16 emings Adws, 2owdend 7 cdna Aonwenvd, ‘eamge adagy Bad anwVou, dowwaah, DVO. Define rape. Discuss its ingredients with recent developments. Marks : 16 wosyd Aoxinenisey, WoyAno ages wvsedingoodort acd PuwD#neny wes 2d. “In all robbery there is either theft or Extortion”. Explain. Marks : 16 “QQ rOrob exogndd, Ha) gest wenrdeeeo cacie ates”. QBOA. PTO. x imma, FS : na ichief with illustrations, Ma, .Q. No. 6. Explain the ingredients of the offence of ‘Mi ee : a ‘drkner}’ extoogc puoi, enema drain! al i t under Indian Peni Q. No. 7. Define forgery and making a false documen' ee Code. RokbSos ANbARS abe adeyeigaetd devas, ods dod x SBcbd, Doar. 1 8x2=16 Q. No: 8. Write short notes on any two: Marks ramade Bday oo esaeS todo: (a) Abetment chaigors (b) Causing miscarriage Tid medalatgous Rrwyad (c) House breaking aban sgebaa Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks': 10x2=20 “| gendainW@, cinaiancte ada sledboriéay, uatono: (a) ‘A’ shakes his fist at ‘'B, intending or knowing it to be likely that he may thereby cause ‘B’ to believe that ‘A’ is about to strike B. Whether A has:committed any offence ? ‘Gab 'wy Ot aacdodoatton Sons emo ened MBwO0d Rm walad mort Sows Rowsdadodoord sede ‘es’ xd ‘ey ar OM 88 aooagiba b WRorxbaQe ‘w'ad oanamaide vale anamylobe 2 ’ a — nee 2 2045/0524/0105 (b) ‘A’, a carrieris entrusted by ‘B’ with a television to be carried by road. A dishonestly misappropriates the television. What offence that A has committed ? ‘e' dow tty, NO mwa ‘wy a ga, Udodsy, miRer Stordags. vad ‘vad woobday eaanrsioon THAFACIMeNES. ‘ve’ and eaimg anamy 7 (c) ‘A’ says — “I do not believe what ‘B’ asserted at the trial because | know him to be a man without veracity’. Is ‘A’ committed own offence ? ‘era mob drndeadd, “‘wad deacon sevcdadaywoad RowwgAdo,, cdndodd wae agama adadalte vy, ecb Eehee’. ae, ‘ee atnacactte exng dnadsite 2 Fr Acuna oA 2045/0105/0524 rst Semester 3 Year LL.B/Fifth Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B. J (Maj.-Min, System)/Fifth Semester 5 Year B.B.A.LL.B./Fifth Semester é 5 Year B.A.LL.B. Examination, December 2017 CRIMINAL LAW — | (Indian Penal Code) (New/Old) Max. Marks : 100 Duration : 3 Hours Instructions: 1. Answer Q.No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q.No.9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or in Kannada completely. Q. No. 1. Whatis crime ? Explain the difference between crime and tort. Marks : 16 eatong nodded? wang aie extgc abe, acs daadete), DBOAO. Q. No. 2. Explain the nature and extent of unsoundness of mind required to exempt a person from criminal liability with reference to leading cases. Marks : 16 Aor oNos ZBdearisooOr wey, 2, gods SBRHs Barsimodsorood Snogmrien eslejgend abxas ex agod Ades ade x} Bavreday, BORO, Q. No. 3. Explain the circumstances under which culpable homicide amount to murder. emmoe adagobo cna sonyenve, dodicierdsed downaay, DBOAO, Marks : 16 Q. No. 4. Whatis kidnapping ? Distinguish it from abduction. Marks : 16 Rawdeo aowdead? aay vradroos Yseor. Q. No. 5. Whatis criminal misappropriation of property ? How does it differ from criminal breach of trust ? AQSs eaooGy MarAdcieet aodded 2 wad cans oedobd, eaooge doris Baewgod epaeone 7 Marks : 16 P.T.O. My y .g é g ngs Ubi IAEA i he offence of ‘cheating’ with illustrations, it ingredients of tl % ON Scns anne ty a i i iage. Q. No. 7. Explain in brief the offences relating to marti ¢ Dewey sowopad exons, soggewn DOA. Zz Marks - Ww Marks : 2x8=16 Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two: cdnaiimncide avelg tips won: (a) Accident. BAR. (b) Dowry death. Bones mss, (c) Criminal trespass. CBOE ese x00, Q.No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20 BeATANO, Aramdde ada Becronday, 2wRBORO: (a) ‘A’ intending to permanent by disfigure B’s face gives ‘B’ a blow which does not permanently disfigure B’s face, but Causes ‘B’ to suffer a severe bodily pain for 20 days. Discuss the liability of ‘A’. ‘em ‘ws Bnsdaiay, DIZDA QMUnTrineds wmdesaod ‘WAR wom oway Besar. edood ‘ws Bods) AdaDrnwyZBay, SAE ‘wed 20 Oar? De sBmd Bee Aoeainy, embysnniiemreges, ‘e's aasimeodobal, weir £0, (b) ‘A’ incites a dog to spring upon ‘B’ without ‘B's consent with an intention to cause fear to ‘B’. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offence ? Give reasons ? ‘wy aowndari BAosaotwanads endewsOod ade vas RRQsoDED ‘e's Bq MoWodAY ‘v's ses socddos BRAS. a@, ‘v's anasmade eang Rnaappode ? ROD FB. (c) ‘A’ threatens to publish a defamatory libel concerning ‘B’ unless ‘B' gives him money. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offence ? ‘SD Bndmrarve Gedastar ‘v's wif, BeesMoaaon BIOWBS. Berk wan yak woo sawoaos ‘waa, BedearaW. ‘e's angmddo exrg araapgode ? ti} 2045 First Semester 3 Year LL.B./V Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B. (Maj-Min.System)/V Semester 5 Year B.B.A.LL.B. (New) Examination, June/July 2017 CRIMINAL LAW - 1: INDIAN PENAL CODE Max. Marks : 100 Duration : 3 Hours s: 1. Answer Q.No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions. 34, Hos}, 9 absy owed cinaide mcd alijier evgon, Q.No.9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. B¥,9 § 20 wotri sbw ewed dyed 16 ecerted, 3. Answer should be written either in english or in kannada Instruction: vn completely. eogosay, Rogprorann ohra® SBa Baea9, esdodoeew. Q. No. 1. ‘The intent and the act must concur to constitute a crime’. Marks : 16 Comment. ‘extras Been eucies adey ¥B aided ADYeRI. OABEAO. Explain the different kinds of punishments provided under the Indian Penal Code. gpdses Bord Hoksow @B0b8, Arawarnd OB HRvd d8peao, Q. No. 2. Marks : 16 DBOO. Explain the provisions relating to the offence of abatement. Marks : 16 Q.No. 3. “haste ons emtooatf omer, exmsocirvaly 251080. What is giving false evidence 2 Explain the provisions relating to the offence of fabricating false evidence. Marks : 16 ox, moe, Readapich aocidesd? aay me, Zayetag Aowor, enrsiyoprteny, DBOAO. Q. No. 4. P.T.O. 4 ng 5 8S i iscarriage, Q. No. 5. Explain the provisions of the offences of a aiclel eee injuries to unborn children, exposure of infant of births. aTDOSD TyrErs, ried Bebo wvotwaneds rob, ene See aie nataiivhy cheahst exdongiive oe eumhvonirteey, 2045, Marks , Ww Q.No. 6. Explain the Provisions relating to the offence of criminal aie 16 misappropriation of property and criminal breach of trust. ASS exOgE ror dosnen abey emg? day Aged exogriva, BOs cnswoomrday, DBO, Q. No. 7. Explain the Provisions relating to the offence of counterfeiting ©f coins and Government stamps. Marks : 16 mere abe xdmO AeA? Sededdeo etme, Noworiaits, ermwoRntat, DBOr, Q. No. 8. Write short Notes on any two. Marks : 2x8=16 Argmade Oda, oo ’3xde3 eodono, (a) Mischief Bees (b) Forgery aI: BEL Ao (c) Insanity. ARTA Qeeg, °@. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems. Marks : 2x10=20 sensanve, Onamadde adao Seoeorieay, 2wABOA, (a) ‘A’, a soldier fires on a mob by the order of his superior Officer. Decide what type of offence ‘A’ committed. Give reasons, ‘a Wey, BOB. CRS CHMOD edieddos nad rons aes Today BOR. ‘a’ aredst emoagiatay, SBF DLO. Boded 80a, 3 ~@ yal (b) ‘Aa doctor in good faith, communicates to a patient his opinion, that he ‘cannot live. Patient dies by shock. Explain the offence ©! ‘BW. 12 oy, BR- ngod abanpocd, deen pddeagsow Qrwdaey, esdnenn Seace. esqros008 deen aysaeap. ‘2 arads esaicaGaiea, HBONO. (c) ‘A cuts down a tree on ‘B'S land dishonestly without Bs consent. Decide the offence of ‘nN. “erode paoao2enge emnsvesdaon «aroso ‘wD So abate SvoBORDERE “SF aradss encoaae2, gees FONO- : 2

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