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Nung ako'y bata pa scene.

Mikay: Back when I was a child, my father left me

(Saw bryan mimicking me, punches him on the face)

Mikay: I will send this to facebook, buset ka!

(Bryan punches me at my back)

Mikay: Mama bryan punched me at my back

Bryan: She punched me on my teeth
(Mikay cries)

Mikay: Im just playing here and then he is anooo!!!!

Bryan: She punched me she punched me
Mikay: He is annoying I was just playing here

(Whispers tang ina mo ka, tang ina mo ka)

Cla (Mother): (Shouts from somewhere): If you dont shut your mouth ill bang your heads both of

Mikay: I hope you die I hope you die (continue sobbing), I'll file a case against you.
Uncle Lawyer enter the room. JGH from a court hearing

Uncle: Mikay! Bryan! What’s going on?

Mikay: Uncle I will file a case against my brother. He hit me at my back while recording a video for

Bryan: I was just there sitting next to her then all of a sudden she hit me.
Mikay: Because you are annoying!!
Bryan: We'll if she's suing, then I'm suing too!
Uncle: Mikay, Bryan, I am your Uncle and a judge I know what to do. And you don't need to argue and
file a case against each other. You guys are siblings. Would you like to have some lollipop?

Bryan: Yes!!!
Uncle: You know what I’ll tell you. Have you ever heard of Alternative Dispute Resolution?
Mikay: Alternative Dispute Resolution?
Uncle: Yes. ADR is (meaning)
Bryan: Why do we have that?
Uncle: Because ADR helps the court declog court dockets and also, your issues will be resolved in a
speedy yet impartial justice.

Bryan: Uncle, what are the principles of ADR?

Mikay: What are you talking about? What principles? Spell Principles.
Bryan: Uncle ah basta ano.
Uncle: hahah ADR promotes party autonomy and self-determination in resolving disputes. You can
choose the form on how you would like for the disputes to be resolved. We recognize ADR as an
effective tool and an alternative procedure different from court cases are being held. Also, in ADR, we
enlist private sector participants so the presence of a counsel is no longer necessary.

Mikay: Ahhh, so you can use ADR in all cases?

Uncle: No. There are only certain subject matters which you may use ADR as a tool to issue disputes.
They are (state subject matters)

Bryan: And what about the forms uncle? What are the forms used in ADR?
Uncle: They are ... (Forms of ADR)
Mikay: Wow there's a lot! Uncle, what about the third party you are talking about. Are you having an

Bryan: Hahaha youre so stupid (continue laughing)

(Mikay hit Bryan on his face again)

(Bryan punched Mikay at the back again)

(The two started arguing again)

Uncle: Guys stop it!! I’ll explain. ADR requires the participation of a third party who does not necessarily
dispense public service. They could be private practitioners.

Bryan: Who are the neutral authorized persons to conduct ADR uncle?
Uncle: Arbitrator 2. Mediator-arbitrator in a mediationarbitration proceeding; and 3. The neutral third
person in a mini-trial, neutral evaluation, combination of ADR forms, or innominate ADR form who upon
agreement of the parties, is directed to render a binding assessment.

Mikay: Wow uncle, you dont seem to be so smart but you know a lot. I think I want to become a lawyer
just like you. But now, I want to waaaaatch

Bryan & Mikay: Family Feud!!!!!!!

Cla (Host)

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