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Disposition Statement

Antoinette Armas

Grand Canyon University: SPD 590

Professor: LaRoyce Sublett

25 September 2019

Professional Disposition Statement

I believe that all teachers must have multiple strategies they can integrate into

their classrooms because not all students learn the same and they need to optimize

the students learning. I say this because I do believe that all students learn in their

own ways. Some students may learn alike, but there are many that may need to take

a different approach the help those students better, I do believe that most times I

can show humor, empathy, and warmth. I am still adjusting to the students I am

working with and their aged group due to my lack of experience with elementary aged

children. I do, however, agree that I am a thoughtful and responsive listener. Because

these students are so young, they tend to go off topic and want to share personal

stories often and I feel that I can listen attentively while also transitioning them back

properly to what we are working on. I assume responsibility when working with others

a lot of the time. If they are more familiar and want to show the ropes, I will have no

problem with following along and asking questions as needed, but if this is not the

case, I will not hesitate to take lead on what is going on. It is extremely important to

include all students in what is being taught. I strongly believe that teaching is a very

important profession and that the way the teachers decide to set up their classroom

can affect the students’ learning and development. The expectations that teachers

hold do affect the way the students learn because they try to reach those

expectations. Teachers need to make sure that all expectations are reachable and not

out of the students grasp. I am caring and have concern for students and realize their

needs need to be met, but this is something I need to work on. I am punctual as well

as reliable to be present every day. I always maintain a professional business or

business casual appearance on campus and do my best to follow along with any spirit

days. It is my job to provide a proper learning environment for all students in my own

classroom and right now while doing student teaching it is my responsibility to

maintain what the current teacher has built while I am present. I honor my

commitment to these students as well as the staff I work with and provide the respect

that they all deserve. I expect to have some type of feedback from my mentor

teacher as well as other staff that may observe me as well as my GCU supervisor when

I have my evaluations and I accept all feedback with an open mind to help better

myself for the students. I am patient with all of the students I work with and adjust

the plans as needed to match their needs. It is extremely important to learn about

these students and their communities to ensure that I can help them to the best of my


I plan on imporving where necessary, by asking for help from my mentor

teacher, GCU supervisor, and other staff members that may see how I work. I also

plan to do research on different strategies or tactics that will help both the students

and I be successful in the classroom.

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