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Table of Contents

Chapter 1
I. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
Objectives or Purpose of the Study ................................................................... 1
Importance of the Study .................................................................................... 1
Time and Place ................................................................................................. 1
II. Results and Discussion .................................................................................. 2
A. Geographical Profile ................................................................................ 2
B. Social Factor ........................................................................................... 2
C. Socio-political Aspect .............................................................................. 3
III. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................. 4
Summary ........................................................................................................... 4
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 4
Recommendation .............................................................................................. 5
IV. Appendices ................................................................................................. 7
Photos ............................................................................................................... 7
Survey ............................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2
1. Hazards........................................................................................................ 11
2. Risk .............................................................................................................. 12
3. People’s Behavior ........................................................................................ 12
4. Focus on Public Awareness ......................................................................... 12
5. Authority to Issue Warning or Order Evacuation .......................................... 13
6. Common Problems ...................................................................................... 13
7. Priority Needs .............................................................................................. 13
8. Recommendations ....................................................................................... 14
Evacuation Mapping System .............................................................................. 14

Chapter 3
Activity 1 - Week 1: Clean the Sidewalks ........................................................... 17
Activity 2 - Week 2: Collect Water Bottles .......................................................... 18
Activity 3 – Week 3: Provide Support to Cleaning Riverbank Cleaning .............. 19
Activity 4 – Week 4: Seminar for Proper Disposal of Waste ............................... 20
Activity 5 – Week 5: Awarding for Completing the Community Service .............. 21
Community Profile and Environmental Status
Barangay Burol 1 at Burol Road Burol 1 Dasmarinas City Cavite

I. Introduction

Objectives or Purpose of the Study

The study aims to understand a community profile and management of
a certain community in particular, the Barangay Burol I. This includes
the exploration of barangay area, location and the existing facilities
within their area of responsibility. It includes the analysis about the
language, peace and order and usual conflicts within the said

Take a glimpse of the community’s monitoring of population, gather

information from the community members regarding the community
programs and to know whether there are organizations helping the
community to execute its projects and programs.

Importance of the Study

The content of this study will reflect to the community members as well
as the non-community members or organizations.

First, the community members; the content and findings of this study
would inform the community members of their community’s existing
programs, facilities, conflicts and how do their community leaders deal
with it.

Secondly, the non-community members or organization; the study could

give a certain standpoint of a community, in this way willing individuals
or organizations could help the community leaders to address the
existing problems and planned or existing projects.

Lastly, we as the students, the study would help us to understand deeper

what a community is, inform how things are being ran and dealt with. If
the time would allow us; help to address the issues in the way we can.

Time and Place

The study was conducted August 12th 2019 exactly 1:13 p.m at Burol I
Barangay hall, Burol road Dasmariñas City, Cavite

II. Results and Discussion
A. Geographical Profile
Physical Aspect
1. Location
Barangay Burol I’s area of responsibility is from Winward area up
to Town and Country. Barangay Burol I is also not a flood-prone
area, however the respondent failed to give the exact area
landmass due to lack of data.

2. Facilities
Barangay Burol I has their own healthcare center, barangay
outposts manned by barangay personnel. CCTV’s are also
installed, strategic point areas around the barangay hall and
barangay personnel roving and patrolling day and night.

Socio-cultural Aspect

1. Language being used

The main language being used is Filipino and English as the
secondary language, meanwhile no data was provided for other
dialect/s being used.

2. Peace and Order Situation

According to Mr. Jaime Lopez, the Barangay Burol I has teamed
up with the Philippine National Police to lower the crime rates to
manage and enforce the law all over their barangay. Mr. Jaime
Lopez also emphasized the patrol operations of their tanods as
well as surveillance thru CCTV monitoring.

3. Usual community conflict and/or crime rate

Barangay Burol I usually encounter cases like theft, student riots,
violence against women. It is either directly reported to them or it
is being caught whilst their roving tanods.

B. Social Factor
1. Total Population
No data was provided due to lack of data from the community
based census.

2. Total number of household

No data was provided due to lack of data from the community
based census.

3. Population distribution by age and gender
No data was provided due to lack of data from the community
based census.

4. Population distribution by educational environment

No data was provided due to lack of data from the community
based census.

C. Socio-political Aspect

1. Known social programs or projects and other related community

The Barangay Burol I conducts feeding program once a month,
they also have community services such as community clean-ups
of canals, streets and riverbanks to prevent dengue. They also
have activities for the senior citizens like Zumba.

2. Expression of satisfaction or dissatisfaction forwards current

social programs.
The respondent described their barangay as a “sustainable
barangay” because there’s responsible citizens who participate
with the barangay activities. He also applauded the proper use of
barangay facilities and the presence of the facilities itself,
barangay’s coordination with the local police to lower crime rates.

3. Other agencies, GO’s and NGO’s that are in the area or that
serve the community.
Presence of Home Owner’s Association, and organizations like
Kababaihan ng Dasmariñas sa Bagong Milenyo or KDBM, 4 Ps
(Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program), and Green Ladies, helps
the community leaders to initiate their programs such as clean-
up drives, women’s welfare, seminars and the like.

III. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

According to Mr. Jamie L. Lopez, Jr., an officer in Barangay Burol I of
Dasmariñas City, Cavite, their community is a sustainable one. They
have a Health Care Center to tend people’s medicinal needs. An outpost
stands manned by one or two of their personnel to watch out if any
commotion occurs. CCTVs and some other officers patrolling around the
community help these men look out for areas their eyes can’t reach. With
approximately 18,000 people residing throughout the whole barangay,
10,000 of them exercise their right of voting during elections.

Every month, a day is especially allocated for children. They are given
free food to help with their nutritional deficiency. With this, they can
reduce hunger and could aid the children’s performance in daily
activities. Contrary to age, older women are invited to pay a
minuscule amount of money to exercise their body for about two hours
at most. Dancing zumba three times a week not only burn calories and
makes the body stronger. As claimed by Staughton (2019), it also
reduces anxiety and helps improve memory.

In prevention for the dengue outbreak, weekly cleaning is a must do.

Every nook and cranny of stinky canals, messy streets, and grimy rivers
should be left unblemished and free of dengue-carrying mosquitoes. For
it to be effective, every people must participate in maintaining and
preserving the cleanliness of the surrounding. It is a great thing that their
community is not prone to flooding, ergo people need not worry
evacuating and getting waterborne diseases.

Like every other community, Barangay Burol I have their share of

crimes. Theft, student riots, and violence against women are one of the
most complained transgressions. Fortunately, police officers and
enforcers assist them by making the offenders confess and atone to the
crimes they did. Aside from the police force, Lopez’s community is in
partnership with the Home Owner’s Association, Kababaihan ng
Dasmariñas sa Bagong Milenyo or KDBM, 4 Ps (Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program), and Green Ladies.

The Barangay Burol I of Dasmariñas City takes care of their people with
an approximate number of 18,000 people with medicinal needs, food for
kids to reduce hunger, an outpost stands, and CCTV’s to watch out for
any commotion. They are preventing the dengue outbreak by
maintaining the whole community clean and because of it, the barangay
is not prone to floods. People doesn’t worry about some diseases
anymore. They also invite their home owners to participate in Zumba.

Just like in any other community, this place also has crimes but not only
they have officers, they also have partnerships with some associations
to prevent more crimes from happening.

For our recommendation, since they already have a community that
initiates themselves to participate in their barangay activities, we think
that they should also proclaim an activity that initiates their community
to clean their environment on their own. Not that we are saying that their
community is not clean, what were saying is that if they proclaim that
activity, maybe they could hold the title of being the “Cleanest” barangay
inside Dasmariñas Cavite.

Additionally for the security, the Barangay should implement community

service for those youth who are caught involve in riots in their barangay
as their first offense and have a mandatory counselling about their roles
and behavior in their barangay together with their parents or guardians
so that they may guide them to avoid this type of crime. The community
should also conduct a safety awareness training program or tips to fight
against burglars in community, locate all obscure streets during night
then increase their police patrol in that area for day and night, especially
in most recorded crime areas and crowded public places.

The community should encourage women to voice out every single

violence that may happen in them, have a hotline center where women
can call during emergencies, and have an active organizations that
focuses on women’s rights to prevent any abuse in their community.

For their environment, not only that community should clean to prevent
floods from occurring which results to prevention in dengue mosquitos.
They should also remove any possible ways for the mosquitos to house
and reproduce themselves. It is due that dengue is not only attracted to
places that has a lot of water, but also places that are inaccessible by
people. Specially places like thin and narrow roads, corners, and things
where rain could accumulate.

For their community facility, we think that they should also have built a
facility that can improve their community’s talent and skill. Let’s say for
example an Indoor Sports Complex, a Kids Workshop, or anything that
can enhance an individual’s skills. We assumed, if the community has
this kind of facilities in their community, maybe the people inside the
community can prepare them to be an independent person someday.

Lastly, as for the data about their barangay, it should be well organized,
feasible and available. As we collected the data for population count
which is an integral duty of the community based census that helps the
Barangay determine the needs of their area of concern.

IV. Appendices



LOCATION: Ask how big is the area of responsibility of their barangay, nearby
landmarks and how many subdivision/s (if there’s any) are there in their
barangay, also ask if their barangay is flood-prone.

FACILITIES: Ask the existing facilities that their barangay has (Example :
Barangay Outposts, Gamutang barangay, Public school etc.)

LANGUAGE: Ask what are the existing language/ dialects exist within their
barangay area.
PEACE AND ORDER: Ask if there’s barangay/ Police presence patrolling or
camped during nights / days, CCTV installed in certain areas of their barangay.

USUAL COMMUNITY CONFLICT and or CRIME RATE: Ask what are the usual
crime or conflict that is being reported or being resolved to their Barangay, ask
for the crime rate if possible.

POPULATION- Ask for the Barangay’s total population, number of

household, Population distribution by age and gender

KNOWN SOCIAL PROGRAMS OR PROJECTS : Ask if they do have existing or

planned social programs or project (ex: Feeding programs, seminars etc.)


CURRENT SOCIAL PROGRAMS: Ask about the his/her opinion about the
barangay’s program ( either its existing or planned).

OTHER NGO OR GO that are in the area or that serve the community: Ask if
there’s any NGO (Non –government organization) or (Government organization)
assisting their barangay in any way including projects.












Community Disaster Risk Profile and Action Plan
Barangay Burol 1 at Burol Road 1 Dasmarinas City Cavite

1. Hazards

• What are the hazards in the community?

The hazards existing in the community are floods and landslides.

• When do they happen?

The flood often happens when it is heavily raining meanwhile, a
landslide happens when a wall itself is in low foundation of support, and
when it is heavily raining.

• How often?
Flooding and landslides are usually seasonal because it most likely
happens when it is raining. On the other hand, landslides can also
happen whenever a weak structure was built.

• How long do they last?

The floods last up until the rain the rain stops and the landslides stops
whenever the land-mass settles itself after a couple of minutes it started.

• What are the causes?

The floods are caused by the heavy rains and the garbage that is holding
the canals from flowing in to the river, the landslide is also caused by the
heavy rains, that made the wall and rocks weaker or the structure itself
was built unstable.

• Who are the affected?

Floods mostly affect the people, families that are living within the river
area, the landslide doesn’t affect anyone when it is caused by heavy

• Who are the most seriously affected and why?

The most seriously affected are the families living nearby the affected
area, they’ll have to evacuate the area every single time that it occurs

since their lives are at risk. It also threatens to damage their properties
and belongings.
• What are the most serious hazards in the community?
Floods are the most serious hazards since it affects if not all, most of the
families that are being flooded most specifically those families living near
the river area.

2. Risk

• What are the risk or mangers brought about by these hazards?

Families that are being evacuated from their houses, their day-to-day
routines are being disturbed because of the hazards, cancellation of
classes and if it’s very unfortunate damage to infrastructures and or
private properties.

• What risk are considered most serious? For example, flood is

hazard, but drowning is a risk that floods can bring.
Flooding is the hazard within this community, floods could instigate
casualties like drowning, damage to properties and worst case scenario
is when it brought sickness like Leptospirosis.

3. People’s Behavior

• What do they do before and during a disaster at the family and

community level?
The barangay has an alert system which is a siren to inform people when
they will get ready, when they will evacuate but usually when the flooding
starts with in the area near the river, people and families are evacuating.

4. Focus on Public Awareness

• What do you get information about this hazard?

It could be from a concerned citizen that reports the status of the river,
when it is starting to rise or barangay personnel could inform the higher

• Which source or mechanism do they often use? Why?
Sometimes people rely on the early warning systems, but when there is
a heavy rainfall then the water level in the river is threatening to rise up
people begins to evacuate the area.

5. Authority to Issue Warning or Order Evacuation

• Who are the most reliable source of information in the community?

The concerned citizens in the area, a call or text or a personal visit to
the barangay to make us aware of the concerns, or our roving personnel
radio it to the barangay.

• Who do you think have the authority to give orders to evacuate?

The barangay captain and his conglomerates other authorities such as
barangay patrols and even the citizens themselves if they felt the need
to evacuate.

6. Common Problems

• What are the most common problems encountered by the

community and family to reduce disaster risk?
The discipline, because some people in the community is throwing away
their garbage everywhere. That causes the waterways blocked and
flood in the area and to reduce this disaster of risk we have an operation
cleaning campaign as well as some community orientation for the river
to be cleaned.

7. Priority Needs

• What are the priority needs by the community and family to reduce
disaster risk?
The citizens and families to be aware of what to do before, during and
after a disaster. Get them ready with their basic needs.

8. Recommendations

• What are the people’s recommendations to reduce disaster risk at

the family and community level recommendations directed to
government and non-government agencies?
To the Government officials, they only needed support for their projects
between the river that is called Operation Cleaning Campaign Bay.
Where they are responsible for cleaning the river, twice a week. For non-
government, a support to be disciplined between cleaning the area and
maintaining a clean river where citizens does not throw their garbage

Evacuation Mapping System

Safe places/mapping that the people can evacuate to before, during, and after:

A. Typhoon - Court, Evacuation Center

B. Flooding - Court, Evacuation Center

C. Landslide - Court, Evacuation Center

D. Fire - Court & School Evacuation Center

E. Earthquake - Court, Evacuation Center

Map of Dasmarinas Integrated High School as the school evacuation center of
Barangay Burol I

Street View of the Dasmarinas Integrated High School

Map of Barangay Burol I Court for the evacuation center

Street View of Barangay Burol I Court

Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Barangay Cleaning

Activity 1 - Week 1: Clean the Sidewalks

Remove the waste on the sidewalks cause by the some citizens disobeying the
rule of properly dispose of trash in the trash bin.
Target Participants
The target participants of this activity would be the citizens in the area near the
Resources Needed
• Broom Sticks
• Dustpans
• Gloves
• Trash Bag or Trashcans

Possible Costs of the said community project

The possible cost on this activity would be the all of the resources that were cited
under the section of “Resources Needed”. The following is the approximate
liquidation of the materials.
Items Approximate Cost
Broom Sticks 50
Dustpans 50
Gloves 20
Trash Bag or Trashcans 40
160 (Times to the number of

For us to determine whether we have successfully cleaned the sidewalks of the
barangay, we will determine the before and after of the area that the group had

Activity 2 - Week 2: Collect Water Bottles

Its for the group to collect funds to provide additional cleaning equipment for the
barangay, to provide the materials needed for the group’s last activity in the
community service, and to encourage and inspire the citizen of the barangay like
the children to collect and exchange the water bottles for cash.

Target Participants
The target participants for this program would be the people in the barangay. Since
we are talking about collecting water bottles, we are not just going to interact and
collect it from the streets but also from the people who has water bottle waste.

Resources Needed
• Trash Bag

Possible Costs of the said community project

The possible cost in this project would be the materials under the “Resources
Items Approximate Cost
Trash Bag 40
Total 40 (Time to the number of members)

For us to determine if we have successfully performed this activity, if we have
performed the last activity of this activity successfully where the funds of collecting
water bottles will be used. Then this activity will be successful also.

Activity 3 – Week 3: Provide Support to Cleaning Riverbank Cleaning

Provide support in cleaning the riverbank in Barangay Burol that could cause
floods in the area. Also, in order to eliminate the trash near the riverbanks and help
lessen the workload of the people involve in the cleaning process of the riverbank

Target Participants
The target participants in this activity would be the people in the barangay who are
involve in the cleaning process of the riverbank weekly. Also, the people living near
the riverbanks. Since cleaning the riverbank will also bring positive effect to them
when there are storms happening in the barangay.

Resources Needed
The following are the resources needed for cleaning the riverbank.
• Trash Bag
• Gloves
• Long set of sticks
• Broom Sticks
• Sacks

Possible Costs of the said community project

Items Approximate Cost
Trash Bag 40
Gloves 20
Broom Sticks 50
Sacks 10
Total 120 (Times the number of members)

Notice the difference of garbage clutters before and after the cleaning movement
instigated by our group.

Activity 4 – Week 4: Seminar for Proper Disposal of Waste

Educate and inspire young children in the effects of properly disposing waste and
trash in the proper way. Also, in order for them to have a discipline to themselves
in obeying the rule of throwing their trash in the proper way.

Target Participants
The target participants in this activity would be the children in grades 1 to 3. It is
due for us to be able to manage the seminar easily and its also easy to gather
participants elementary students in the grades of 1 to 3.

Resources Needed
The needed resources are the following:
• Microphone
• Speaker
• Powerpoint Presentation
• Food and Drinks

Possible Costs of the said community project:

Items Approximate Cost
Biscuit 10 (Times the number of students)
Juice 15 (Times the number of students)
Total 25

To evaluate whether the activity was successful, we have to observe if the children
have listened throughout in the program, if the children weren’t bored in the
program, and if they have enjoyed the program.

Activity 5 – Week 5: Awarding for Completing the Community Service

The objective in this activity is to award the group for their participation throughout
the community service. The awards will be given by the members of the barangay
who observed the group during their community service and time in the barangay
Burol I. The awards will be signed by the head and members of the barangay.

Target Participants
The target participants in this activity would be the members of this community
service, to be specific the students that participated from STI College Dasmarinas

Resources Needed
The resources needed would be the following
• Special Paper

Possible Costs of the said community project

Items Approximate Cost
Special Paper 100
Total 100

To evaluate this event whether it became successful or not, the activity must
perform two (2) the following: First, the members must receive their awards from
the barangay head; Second, they must capture evidences that will provide proof
that the awarding and certification was performed.


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