Operating System UNIT I (Question Bank) Part-A

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Operating System

UNIT I (Question Bank)


1.Define OS?
2.OS is similar to Government.Why?
3.What is the purpose of OS?
4.What are the goals of OS?
5.Why we design a OS for a Single System or PC?
6.Why we design a OS for Sharing system?
7.Mention the different role of OS in system point of view?
8.Define Multiprocessor System?
9.What are the advantages of Multiprocessor System?
10.What is meant by graceful degradation?
11.Define fault tolerance.
12.Write short note on symmetric and Asymmetric multiprocessor?
13.Define clustered System.
14.What is meant by symmetric clustering?
15.Define Asymmetric clustering.
16.What are the advantages of parallel clustering?
17.Define DLM.
18.Define Distributed System.
19.Mention the reason why we built Distributed System.
20.Define real time Systems
21.Define two types of real time systems.
22.What is meant by Multiprogrammed System?
23.What are the advantages of multiprogrammed system over batch system?
24.What are the advantages of Time sharing system?
25.Compare parallel and Distributed system
26.Write short note on dual mode operation
27.Define user mode and monitor mode
28.How do you prevent users from illegal I/O operations?
29.What is base register?
30.Define limit register.
31.How do you provide memory protection?
32.What are the different system components?
33.Define active & passive process.
34.What are the activities performed by process Management?
35. What are the activities performed by Memory Management?
36. What are the activities performed by File Management?
37.Why we go to Secondary storage?
38.What is meant by protection?
39.Define command Interpreter system.
40.Mention the OS services.
41.What is the use of System call?
42. Mention the five major categories of system call
43. Write short note on message passing model.
44. Define system utilities.
45. Write short note on shared memory model.
46. Define process
47. Mention the process state with Diagram.
48. Define PCB
49. Define Queuing diagram
50. Define Job queue and ready queue.
51. What is meant by schedulers?
52. Define short term schedulers.
53. Define long term schedulers.
54. What is meant by swapping?
55. Define Context switch.
56. What is meant by cascading termination?
57. Define cooperating process.
58. Mention the reason to built cooperating process.
59. What is meant by Direct Indirect Communication?
60. What is meant by Indirect Communication?

1. Explain about Mainframe systems
2. Explain in detail about hardware protection
3. Write note on
a. Distributed System
b. Clustered System
4. Explain about the system components
5. Explain the operating system services.
6. Explain in detail about process.
7. Explain about the operation of process
8. Explain about Interprocess communication
9. Explain about the real time systems
10. Write note on
a. System calls
b. System programs
UNIT II (Question Bank)
1. Define thread.
2. Differentiate user and kernel level threads.
3. What is meant by thread specific data?
4. Define CPU scheduler.
5. Differentiate preemptive and non preemptive scheduling.
6. Define dispatcher.
7. What is meant by dispatch latency?
8. Mention the circumstances to take decisions about CPU scheduling.
9. Define throughput.
10. Define turnaround time.
11. Define waiting time.
12. What are the disadvantages of FCFS scheduling?
13. What is meant by critical section.
14. Mention the requirements of critical section problem.
15. Define semaphore
16. Define spinlock
17. What is meant by real time scheduling?
18. What is meant by scheduling?
19. What are the different types of algorithm s used for scheduling?
20. Why CPU scheduling is required?
21. Define I/O burst and CPU burst
22. What is the difference between turnaround time and response time?
23. What is starvation?
24. What is context switch?
25. Define mutual exclusion.

1. Differentiate process and thread
2. Explain the scheduling criteria.
3. Explain the FCFS scheduling
4. Explain the SJF scheduling
5. Explain the priority scheduling
6. Explain the RR scheduling
7. Explain the multilevel queue scheduling
8. Explain the multilevel feedback queue scheduling
9. Explain the real time scheduling.
10. Compare FCFS and RR
11. Comparison of scheduling algorithms.
12. Explain about the semaphore.
13. Explain the reader-writer problem.
14. Explain the dining philosophers problem.
15. Describe any one software solution to achieve mutual exclusion.
UNIT III (Question Bank)
1. Define deadlock.
2. Describe the necessary condition for deadlock.
3. Define resource allocation graph.
4. Describe the methods for handling deadlock
5. Define safe state.
6. What are the different types of deadlock detection used?
7. Define deadlock prevention.
8. Define deadlock avoidance.
9. Define claim edge.
10. Mention the condition for banker’s algorithm.
11. What are the data structures used in bank’s algorithm?
12. Give the scheme for deadlock recovery
13. What do you mean by overlay?
14. Define external fragmentation.
15. Define internal fragmentation.
16. State the function of memory manager.
17. Describe non-contiguous memory allocation.
18. Why page sizes are always powers of 2?
19. Name the two differences between logical and physical address.
20. Define swapping
21. Why we use dynamic loading?
22. Define paging.
23. Write note on TLB.
24. Define segmentation.
25. List the advantages and disadvantages of paging.
26. List the advantages and disadvantages of segmentation.
27. Define first fit algorithm
28. Define best fit algorithm
29. Define worst fit algorithm
30. Why are segmentation and paging sometimes combined into one scheme?
1. Explain the resource allocation graph
2. Explain the deadlock prevention.
3. Explain the bank’s algorithm.
4. Explain the deadlock detection
5. Explain the deadlock recovery.
6. Explain the contiguous memory allocation.
7. Compare paging with segmentation.
8. Explain about the paging.
9. Explain about the paging hardware
10. Explain about the paging hardware with TLB.
11. Explain the structure of page table.
12. Explain the segmentation.
13. Explain the segmentation with hardware
14. Explain the segmentation with paging

UNIT IV (Question Bank)

1. Define virtual memory.
2. Why we go foe demand paging.
3. Define demand paging.
4. Define thrashing.
5. What is memory compaction?
6. Why do we need virtual memory?
7. What is page replacement?
8. What is relocation register?
9. What is meant by file?
10. Define mounting.
11. What is mean by immutable files?
12. Write note on unix semantics
13. Mention the different type of directory structure.
14. Write note on sequential access.
15. Explain the attributes of file protection
16. What are the various file access methods?
17. Write note on acyclic graph directories.
18. Define absolute path name.
19. Define relative path name.
20. Define working set model.

1. Explain the demand paging.

2. What is thrashing? When is a process said to be thrashing?
3. Explain the steps in handling a page fault.
4. Explain the page replacement.
5. Explain the FIFO page replacement.
6. Explain the optimal page replacement
7. Explain the LRU page replacement
8. Explain about the file system.
9. Explain the file operations.
10. Explain the file structure.
11. Explain the file access methods.
12. Explain the directory structure.
13. Explain about file sharing
14. Explain about file mounting.
15. Explain about file protection.
UNIT V (Question Bank)


1. Name the various allocation methods used for implementing file systems.
2. What is bit vector?
3. Define Boot control block.
4. Define partition control block.
5. Define seek time
6. Mention the advantages and disadvantage of indexed allocation.
7. List the advantages and disadvantage of linked allocation.
8. List the advantages and disadvantage of Contiguous allocation
9. List the charters tics of contiguous file allocation
10. List the charters tics of linked allocation.
11. Write note on: partitions and mounting
12. What are the different ways to implement the directory?
13. Define grouping
14. Define counting.
15. Define rotational time.
16. Define access time.
17. Define transfer time.
18. What is swap space management?
19. Write note on physical formatting.
20. Differentiate between SCAN And LOOK scheduling.
21. Define spooling
22. Define double buffering.


1. Explain the file system structure.

2. Explain the file system implementation.
3. Explain the directory implementation.
4. Explain the various allocation methods of file system.
5. Explain the free space management.
6. Explain the disk structure.
7. Explain disk scheduling.
8. Explain the disk management.
9. Explain the swap space management in disk.
10. Explain the bad blocks.

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