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Facial planning for orthodontists and oral

G. William Arnett, DDS, FACD,a and Michael J. Gunson, DDS, MDb
Santa Barbara, Calif

he bite indicates face. Conversely, these tools can influence treatment
a problem; the planning in negative ways.
face indicates
how to treat the bite. Model examination
Models, cephalometric Diagnosis and treatment planning of facial changes
analysis, and facial anal- based on model analysis are unreliable. When bite
ysis together should pro- changes are based solely on model assessment, the facial
vide the cornerstones for result can be negative. Models are essential for studying
successful diagnosis. space requirements, arch forms, and interarch relation-
Models and clinical bite ships, but they do not shed light on facial problems and
examination indicate to therefore cannot accurately guide or predict facial
the practitioner that bite changes. Drobocky and Smith1 studied 160 patients (Class
correction is necessary. I models) who had 4 first premolars extracted and con-
Facial analysis identifies positive and negative facial traits cluded that “ten to fifteen percent of cases could be
and dictates how the bite will be corrected to optimize defined as excessively flat (dished-in) after treatment.”
esthetic facial goals. If the skeletal problem is significant
enough to alter facial balance, the problem is most likely Cranial base cephalometrics
too severe to be corrected successfully with orthodontic Cranial base cephalometrics include all popular
tooth movement alone. Ideal occlusal harmony is orthodontic analyses (eg, Steiner and Ricketts) that
achieved with the desired cosmetic facial changes dictat- measure cranial base structures (eg, SN and FH). With
ing what orthodontic and surgical procedures should be the advent of cephalometric headfilms, these analyses
used. If orthodontic tooth movement cannot produce the were developed to guide occlusal corrections. It was
necessary facial changes, then surgery is indicated. theorized that when teeth are straightened and the
Each diagnostic tool contributes to the clinician’s occlusion is corrected to cranial base norms, optimal
perception of facial and occlusal problems. Study facial esthetics will result.2-4
models, cranial base cephalometrics, clinical examina- Unfortunately, reliance on cephalometric analysis
tions, and soft tissue cephalometrics have all been used and treatment planning sometimes leads to esthetic
to guide facial treatment. Together, these tools help to problems.5-12 The assumption that bite correction based
formulate an accurate treatment plan for the bite and the on cranial base standards leads to correct facial esthet-
ics is not always true and might, in some instances,
Assistant professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Loma result in less than desirable facial outcomes.5-15
Linda University, Loma Linda, Calif; clinical assistant professor, University of When the cranial base is used as the reference line for
Southern California, Los Angeles; senior lecturer, Section of Oral and Maxil-
measuring the profile, false findings can be generated
lofacial Surgery, University of California, Los Angeles; clinical professor,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas, Health because the cranial base is as variable as the dental and
Science Center, San Antonio. facial structures that it measures. Measuring a variable to
Private practice.
a variable leads to variable facial outcomes (Fig 1).
Reprint requests to: Dr G. William Arnett, 9 E Pedregosa St, Santa Barbara, CA
93101; e-mail,
Presented at the American Association of Orthodontists/American Association Clinical facial analysis
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Symposium, February 6-8, 2004; Palm
Springs, Calif. A combination of clinical and soft tissue cephalo-
Submitted and accepted, June 2004. metric examinations is necessary to successfully diag-
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004;126:290-5 nose and plan the treatment for facial changes.13-15
Copyright © 2004 by the American Association of Orthodontists. In the past, the clinical facial examination has been
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2004.06.006 subordinate to the cranial base cephalometric examination
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Arnett and Gunson 291
Volume 126, Number 3

Fig 1. Identical tracings with different cranial base angulations. Diagnosis on left is maxillary
protrusion, which indicates orthodontic maxillary incisor retraction as correct treatment. Diagnosis
on right is mandibular retrusion, which indicates mandibular advancement surgery.

in treatment planning. Unlike cephalometric analysis, because it demonstrates the relationship of soft tissues
measuring and comparing changes with facial examina- relative to hard tissues without muscular compensation
tions are difficult. Normative values are available but are for dentoskeletal abnormalities.
not used to guide diagnosis and tooth movement decisions The clinical examination is 3-dimensional and is
as clearly as cephalometric values. This has led to some most useful for showing shapes and contours.13-15 In
de-emphasis of clinical examinations in orthodontic treat- particular, orbital rim, subpupil, and alar base contours
ment planning. In 1993, Arnett and Bergman,13,14 pre- are noted. Photographs are not adequate because of
sented an organized, 3-dimensional analysis of facial variations in head posture, mandibular location, and lip
structure. This was later updated to integrate clinical facial position. Traits for evaluation were selected based on
examination with soft tissue cephalometric diagnosis and their importance for accurate 3-dimensional diagnosis
treatment planning.15 The clinical analysis was based on and treatment planning.13-15
key landmarks relevant to optimal orthodontic and surgi- The frontal view13-15 provides information on the
cal-orthodontic treatment. Specific areas of examination midlines, levels, outline, and heights of the face. Forms
were used for diagnosis, orthodontic treatment planning, can be used for recording the findings (Fig 2), and this
extraction patterns, and surgical treatment planning. information is then used to determine the diagnosis and
Natural head position, centric relation, first tooth the treatment plan for the patient.
contact, and relaxed lip position are necessary to The clinical facial examination is used exclu-
accurately assess the face. Natural head posture is sively to plan 3 of these frontal factors—facial or
preferred because of its demonstrated accuracy over occlusal cants, midline deviations, and general facial
intracranial landmarks. Natural head posture has a 2° outline. Vertical facial planning is determined by
standard deviation compared with a 4° to 6° standard information gained from the clinical facial examina-
deviation for the various intracranial landmarks in tion and is later objectively confirmed with the soft
use.16,17 The patient should be in relaxed lip position tissue cephalometric analysis.
292 Arnett and Gunson American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2004

Fig 2. Facial examination form.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Arnett and Gunson 293
Volume 126, Number 3

Fig 2. Continued.
294 Arnett and Gunson American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2004

Fig 3. Soft tissue cephalometric analysis (STCA). Left, presurgical; right, actual surgical result.
Black, 1 SD; green, 2 SD; blue, 3 SD; red, ⬎3 SD.

The profile view13-15 is used to assess the projec- sis, a patient is assessed in natural head position, with
tions of the face. This evaluation must be undertaken condyles seated, first tooth contact, and lips at rest.
with the joints seated; this shows the true positions of The vertical and horizontal positions of soft and
the mandible and profile. Projections analysis is divided hard tissue landmarks are recorded relative to the
into high midface, maxillary, and mandibular areas. patient’s natural head position or true vertical line.
Profile information is then added to the facial exami- Female and male values and standard deviations are
nation sheet (Fig 2). recorded in the following areas:15,18 dental and skeletal
factors, soft tissue thicknesses, facial heights, true
Soft tissue cephalometrics vertical line projections, and harmony values.
The clinical examination is extremely important The dentoskeletal factors15,18 have a great influence
and provides information in both the profile and the on the facial profile. These factors are changed with
frontal views. It is, however, subjective. The advantage treatment to produce a balanced and harmonious pro-
of soft tissue cephalometrics is that it provides the file. The profile at the end of treatment is greatly
ability to make objective measurements of important influenced by how the orthodontist and surgeon manage
structures and relationships.13-15 Soft tissue cephalo- the dentoskeletal components.
metrics is a method of quantifying facial disharmony Notably, harmony values,15,18 as the name implies,
and identifying its underlying causes. This is exceed- provide a read on the balance between 2 parts of the face.
ingly important because, as a rule, better facial esthetics They are sensitive indicators of facial parts imbalance.
are achieved if the underlying problems are identified They can identify imbalance between 2 landmarks even
and treated at the source. when the landmarks are within normal ranges.
Soft tissue cephalometrics examines the profile and
measures the heights and projections of the face; it has Cephalometric treatment planning
2 components: soft tissue cephalometric analysis and The profile is planned by using the cephalometric
cephalometric treatment planning. treatment planning15,18 process (Fig 3, right). The dental
and facial problems identified with the clinical and soft
Soft tissue cephalometric analysis tissue cephalometric analysis examinations are corrected
The 2-plane soft tissue cephalometric analysis ex- with the cephalometric treatment planning sequence. The
cels at measuring positions and relationships of facial soft tissue cephalometric analysis normal values are used
parts (Fig 3, left). For soft tissue cephalometric analy- during the surgical cephalometric treatment planning to
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Arnett and Gunson 295
Volume 126, Number 3

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