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@ LARSEN & TOUBRO oui RATE CONTRACT ‘Seva aoe ce Sere ‘Dale ar05 7] Astral Polytechnik Limited Ref No: HO-CMDIPVC/ASTRALIBMRC-01/19-20 {tender code: Vano00r4) Sse os 018 Bs Rapa Ch OF. 6. Highway. Riot sbos9 feeennees ‘in At Wo} Oar or eet ats 31 082018 4 Flot cena cate saea0r8 mail W:ranoierGiestobpescom —_|3, Voss Secnsaninerse score oF suePLY ‘This Rate Contact ie appeabe for supply of UPVC, CPVC, SWR Aes pipes ing and slvent coments by Astral Poytechnik Limited (hreafa refered to as “Supptor) to al L&T Group of Companies (herein rofared to as “Purcheser) projct sis and al VS of Be Purchaser located a ver ni, {TEM DESCRIPTION AND BASIC RATE: As per enclosed Annexe ‘Discount caged nthe bate pr. Price vay povio: Fier 05062078 TeDeTaT ‘GST: Eva as aplzable (18% IGSTOR COSTE SGST) [Packing & Forwarding Charges: WE Transit insures noe Freight: Ena as apieabl | Annexure: Sposa Tes and Conaiions ‘Annexure: Product Pic Uist ‘Annexure: Contsctdotls of Asal Pefechnk Linked Offa ‘2d eons) covered by depots. ‘nnexuresV:Lstof LAT Group of Companis' Werks and Offces Payment Terms: TODH payor gait 60 days of ecapt of rata and aubison of mais at | SSC, Channat (or L&T Conctcton) andthe respective Payables Department cf other Non- | Corstuctoncompanis whi LT. Prices mentoned in Annexure wil amin FIRM and FIKED throughout the prod of our Rate Consiact Ths Rate Contact i subject to Speci Terme and Constons ae pet Annexared ‘tached and General Terms and Condens of ur Purcbare Ose FORLAT CONSTRUCTION TARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED ieee = vt aes i Aimed Mg lr A001, HO FOR ASTRAL POLYTECHNIK LIMITED Annexure ~ Io HQ.CMOIPVCIASTRALIBBMRC-01/1920 dated 27.08.2019 4. SCOPE OF SUPPLY. “This Rate Contacts appcable for supply of UPVC, CPC, SWWR, Agr pipes, ns and stent ‘coments fo LAT Group ol Companies and al JVs of Purchateractoss Ind. UPVC. CPVC, SWR, ‘an pes, sins sea solvent cements suppiea shuld be compan 1 relevant aul standards tnd pectin. 2. PRICES and DELIVERY |. Pces ore on Exworks basis, Prices wil emain FIRM and FIXED thoughout the period of ou ate Contrart, 1. Delivery ~The supp shall deliver he products det rom their Manufacturing pants Depots fon the’ agreed rates trespectve of order quanity (a) order vat. tous Mis. Astral Polytechnik Limited (VAAO0074). Deivery pera wil be madman ef 10 days Kem date of puchase over Freight shal te charged extra ae applicable, ona case-o-case bass 3. DUTIES AND TAKES |. Piles is excise of GST. The appicable CGSTISGST for int-sat supplies orIGST for iter ‘Sate suples wil be ext actuals agate tax icin. 1. Super should faite the Purchase to aval the inp ax creo tax paid by the Supper Under GST Ate by meeting the stalutorycomplance as prscbed under the lw and inthe ‘vent of any fmandia lose due fo non-compliance by the Supe, the sai cos wit be othe ‘Suppor’ account Any change In aw that resus in imposon, bolton or amendment of taxes thst result in increase of deureae mth pice sal we rmediataly intimated fo the Purchase o enabie the Purenasero mend te Se stay Suppl shal prove adequate documenta evence of ‘ny such change tothe Purchaser: 4 «TE CONTRACT “Te Rate Contract wal be vais un 05-Dec-2019 fora pipes fitings, a solvent cements. ‘The Purchaser hae an option of enawng tis Rate Conc for such futher poi and on such tome and condone as may bo mutual apred afresh Leap TIME ‘Supper should arrange to deliver UPVC, CPVC, SW. Agi pipes, figs and solvent cements on Excuock as por sto schecite agains he POs teaaved by the Purchaser In excspional cases tdeivery tie sal be Gecureed and areed pon wth he ses cust Tatory tars 6. PAYMENT TERMS 100% payment against €0 dys of reeset of mato and submission of invoice at SSC, Chena (ter LEY” Consiicton) and the respecve Payables. Deparment of other Non Consttucton ‘companies win UBT 7, PLACEMENT OF ORDERS 1 Varous users within the Puchase’s teed al over In wl place toi POs aed TE rmpanis / Regional and Clisterofcos the Supper. |. Ate orders paced bythe diferent offces ofthe Purchaser have to be exceed oy the Suppor 'naocordance wth the agreed Tem and Condens nthe eapecte Purchase Order, ths ate (Cenzact an the General Condens o Pucnase Orde. For any canadctone the ies an ondons, he order of preference flowed wal be the PO, folowed by the Rate Cott an the ‘General Condens of Purchase Order 8. QUALITY oF SUPPLIES | Suppliers responsible to supply the materia wt igh degree of qual in accontance wt the ASTM Bureau of Indan sandarés, 2s appleable and oer ‘slluery rues, repustons, ‘guides and |. Purchaser wil select samples random and test them for quay conformity. the quay of Imaterals supple by the Suppl fas below the expected standards, ten mara sal be ‘ejected and they shall be replaced at no actor cost he Purchase. 9. PRICE VARIATION ‘No pice variation shall be enertaned during the period of this Rate Contract, However, in ase of ‘ry change in stator levies such as GST shal be ae appleabo onthe seeded at of caver, 40, RISK PURCHASE Inthe event of fare by the Supporto execute the orders exactly a por the sulted delivery sched as spoofed in the Purchase cde fo the reasons aisle to an wit the cone! of the Supple, then Purchaser reserves the ret to cance! the order i part o ful sabe! to Force Majeure cause ad procire such cancel tm(s) Fem atorabve sources. ‘11, CONFIDENTIALITY | A documents / instuctons / specfcatons, ct. handed over to the Suopler OR is ‘epresortatve shal be sole ropary ofthe Purchaser. The Supple shall Wea the same 3s STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL The Suppter shall nt divulge either in pat or ful wieut wien pormision ote Purchaser ‘The Supper shall not make any publely/ advetisement for earyng out this work, witout 8 witen permission he Purchaser. 42, FORCE MAJEURE ‘The orm Force Majeure” 3s used in is Contract, shal mean: | to, war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hosts (heer war be decared er no), acts of terorsm, Cv war, rebelion, fevolton, milly Invasion, Insistecton of Mitty e USUIPES power oe 5. nizing rations oF contamination by rado-scivty from any nuclear waste, o raso-actve, tonic, explosive or othr hazardous properties of ry explosive, nuclear assertly or nuclear Component ero! (other han sing out of ay Yodaten source Used by the Contactor i Felton oe Serves) or Ti. sarthquake, food, or any cther natural dsaster, bt excung weather rsea conctons a Suh, regardless of severity oF |v stkos at national or state love or industrial dsputes at a natonal lve, or ses or indus Atsputes by labour nol employed by the afected Party or ts sub-contractors and whch afects ‘substantial or essetial potion of the Services; or Qn — fhe or explosion (being fee or explosion nt eaused by the nagigence of he afadad Paty ors sibsconactors) oF 1. Aa of Goverment, which could nt have ben reasonebly antcipated or cota which ‘makes perormance Impossible or mpracicale. 13, SETTLEMENT oF pispuTES | Arbitration: A the disputes or diferonce of opinions shal be sted by mutual dscussion by the bares, faling which partes can rose to fvlraten as per Arbtrabon and Coniaion Act, 1986 ‘cary statory modtieation Wert i force af thal ime. Such ariraton procoecngs wil ake placa Cheer and shal be sbet fo jurecon of Courts in Chenal However, the work 35 ontected shal ol be suspended during tho proceedings, |. Jurisdiction: dureicion shal be Chena for tga tise, suitable proceeding or application ‘der Arbitration. 14, TERMINATION OF CONTRACT |. Purchaser raerves the right otaminat the contac by giving 20 days notice i wing othe Stpplie wiodt sstgning son whatsoever Incase the supple fas to met te requrement ‘ofthe procedure, syst, te documents andor ary tems and contions ofthe cna |. However, Purchaser reserves the rte trminate the contract by ging one a's note is found thatthe Suppter is neplcing the work o not able o function efecvely i, These shallbe done witout prejusce to Purchaser's oer remedies under he contract. 18. GENERAL |. Notnitstanding anything contained herein and without prejudice to the Puchase’s rights under ths Rato Correct he Purchaser shal be fee f procute the requeents covered under ths Rt Contract fm anyother source, |. The Supper shall comply wit all statutory requirements of the Loca, Stat and Cental Government, Pubic Autores tc. 25 appicabe tthe contact work assigned fo Suppor andor to mnpower engsped bythe Suple. Any condiens not included in this agreement wil be mutualy discussed and agreed upon betwoon te Purchaser and Supp. 16. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Kindy acknowledge recat ofthis Rate Contact and return one (1) copy duly signed as a token of acceptance, ; FOR Lar CONSTRUCTION |For ASTRAL POLYTECHNI L@MTED & TOUBRO Ll i i [BINAYA BHUSAN MISHRA “VICE PRESIDENT HEAD ~ SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT EF Doe Annexure: Product Price lst Ee a ae | il BR GRRNBRD —" aes Se SF He aie ee tas eet ee separ pee “ erver “sa = te Eas Se z a : Sete ta ee Stee tae eee eee fe : Sere tae an ee =e 7 bees ees gee ee eerste ee teeta - eo meeeseaaeren |e fet -ae-teetaet eeleeel i “ft SS a —— oe i ea oe ee = eS = = oo teeta leer oe oe a sees eetee eel ee —— ete = eee ee eS pee Sees ee ee eee Stee teeta he eee ta =e Sree eae ae — Stee teeta afer ee Sceseeee——te tcl et eae ES RWGEREEEWORROU REMEBER Wb REBBKEEEERERELELbbL Erbe eee iF me S| ene [owe] ama ey mimeo reap aes fae] Ses os uel ‘oat — {ae tae a ranare mere wa || tee Sar oe Panerai a soem Peete Lactate [a Sis [enue] c i es Hetiae eres a “isa “ay faa [ae | Ss a ‘sr Tum nr sso | Poe PARE AEGeS = i= alerted shor fe asar [aout ses ee feed ota Paar sploccranel tons [wren ee fet se tomar lege eae = et eeieae [Elve tna os fase seer [| eee ee aaa. a Bresese rn = efi amar [rn | = eters eases — oes aE os Sees ‘uf eas ara amet foe [sae peer eres ee ees 2s es ——— aa i ar ao ae ae cise) (scat —ae ee gkess/e: fost — eee Saree aoe te bas aS Sislouchanel moe [aera ‘aan ‘tf ta aa See reeset — eae cee EEE EER aU EASES BU Par a SHRREES ESE eRe SRERERET EST Peerereere ec i nea BRR ERREM EI Thaaibbeeeoeb| a fi Se =e = Scots Soo = ae == = aes = ae = cee = Fits fee = Smee <= == ee] bs = tz = = eee See a | ae a ies ee ae = / sie —— = = fateuisst 2 = eee os =a ee ee oe ee ane Steet ee Slecen selina 22 eee 5B Fa EEE BeEEREEE WE) FB IFIFRE| § PERRESERT i eS eee aduadataguugaad IEEE Vee EE Vee eee ee | ERRREEERE tel id E EI E id eee REREE be i ft EB A IIRSVED IF IFVE IR FWr RF RIF PASAPEEasseeashanaWaWaeoeatANRapnappepecmM shinny Tienes BEEREERREERGER, Wehiviablbb bee PRR F te a Se hnenmes| sia) wt aT a fe me = raehcnsoa! ois enone “a ariett = fins el = = cee Se [vena sats fumes orn taaa soe haat ua i res 2 TT = ae fase tne sos rane tase ae faa riscel soca Lerwnsrl Suuueel = aa feueretiee! sos [erwuse! Suncoast fa orcs a a S| cos soa emsesl ain “See [sukrecnmeal sora fsneouel ass ree ‘sam lessens os rman = = ieee rr ar se lewbsveneme cots [arnese! a ‘sa | lee beverane! ot fara! ‘cate “a ae mat ‘a = si su lsvenunel star(s a = ‘nam siemens eae =o Sa UiSlevcemet sora fsmset —— = i oiees) len [S [=| aeeneenen ome FS eee — — Peres teeta Ser ee = eee eee te ete eases a Stee ee te eee : ee ee te : Seat ere == See eee Steatce ae ter ae tee fetes eee Sees ener San ene ae Eevee =a Sea ae a eet ee: ae ar eee ee Ee Siecle a Sete Pee z Se Sle artee fees rete tee| Sieastee —— Stee ee Peseeee a setae tee te a = nth eee ee nee Sees ae ae (eecnet ne fees] eae Sete en ee Hezkescracel soe laomceet se Hat sense ota ia 2 eee She “23 tem 3 ovcnae| sar forme =f am ea se fi ea Ta | ee tues leben eros feo tase | ie fs ‘oie tn en ste saat mst] see 8 Cet ‘oar 4 Senee ote ee —— = Sif au Skrtel sa fanaa ‘a a = a faa Ea see jane Tet = eg ‘ogacaa et a sehen feta [aT batker mg sec ft cr ee fs forma sexe fermen ave iecrs| som [ome Sem fest Set eta joven toss eee oe ran fe—[ oe fae Fa a a Bs feet eas tao eee ee os ry ae) ose me ae ane eae inne oe eet Sessa efits ae te Felons set af ee ea Sia rf onicnargl Seis rau | F i i eee i G a tl adadddadddddddddda i ebb sBbEBPEREe orb & E f Hoses Re ec EeENRRR RHE RsbesEREEBNEMERR ERD RR IFIFIE RIFF ki ee — Fe FF ae etn Ree ee eceee BE PEBRPSDRPS OR SSRPEDEDSHCEEEBREHDRDUsansccheeapBEbrE i SpReaRe EREBEEE HEEB EEE BEEE Eth FEERRE Eeeee i EPEREEEEE fens rae feast SHE ii ila ERREECEEBE wd eal ran pein ae teat =e cele oe tee eter e fim Lamas be [ae ae [a ot bee aa States Stee a ee ie il ote eae Eee Stet ete f ae ea ae aaa eae Sans Steet ae ae efi sees. sake Ste tae eta i ate ete cal ete testa on ae ne Ste eee ee se eS So eee = afte ae a ees =e ee eae fat anes: ves fe aeeana eaten “aes a aa Pa -sentee: [ash sl se oat [iof-ame-[ cae a) Soe eae Seen eae ete ee Bikes en T cara = “ici Stee aera ‘a ee Sie estar ee oe = Sao ee —— S58 7 Scum SIS er ee SS i |e ae eee neat aaa elects 2 SE Sie ia oa See ee (mee ire Tere ee aaa oe shee a eee See eee sential See ie ela Sm cS zo | ae faer] ener = cre ee fia x safe ee Sa pater] eae [sets | a feet ax Tana aa! oe : = = cee — ee z oa = ee 2 =e ae [sols sett est Soe |-ma-[ mar Toa oe te aoe = a Bune lnm — ge a aie sel IES fon a = He {ae i Z Sage es : = ber aah a coats i eee See ae : Sees Cee a fee i : ie = eee ete pies a ta eae noes fe er eles ea fet —faa eee ae ere este eee we ‘ {i aernnoe snc [ere ae 3 = (stl Seana Set osm Serr [Slama sa [oun ‘rae tie [a | ae fae = Eo cHiiaeeeest ite pat Eee te} Eber eae fou | =e em [ta] Stttussteestausaenenet|-[ st S| a amar fa ; ‘steiner Bueaeel |= ta{ aa | a La it [tana = STs ae free Pe ee ee reese : [ait [eta | raasineter mae eiseaeeaen |e [= sea iar {34 tances Sager uasfensmeat tf af ame aa seunittemtntentie ‘a imc = ‘a | ef ee tae te [he | Sr [ena a Sofia PS ae {tee ie a He] tee fea ou fae) {aru ‘ ‘aa a [Tae a ‘i aot rm ora = Sete ag tr a ~The aar T a : eee eee BE ee tae fatness a rm tarane| ——"masasaset —| [on tea {sn uses star tnr] ——tasastanes—{~—[ue[tt teae ‘rats | ra] Hea fas as faa se sua Sa Pa aa “Sie | tt estiee ete rise na Sees fee ee = atest te tae nT ee ee tesla ach sr eee ea Ss uses st ‘reac ‘Se Toes a eee tae aa “age “(nas nf fetas Sees ae aa ‘ase Setar te ta saa sf este | ow ial pec fae) aos Doe fo Seen eatin eee ‘Annexure: Contact dette of Astral Poytechnik Limited officials am nen ee ee RSTO AO > | mraoon [immanent nrtar pan sana | meme fas aa ‘tose om oaiemngaraca ta | “roe | aan [ae «| sca [emesis | ar | sree [Sctatacen 5 | camarome |g acermmectt, | | mea | MSE | settee ‘pany Sonar] chante | mem | Meter Oot | Saga ey Dita, Myre | mide ‘ossweeo | "rem ee = | omenn |imenastiteetinsn dope] Peavy SEES] *8K Sto + | rammaoine |rcnntaapnta | rowenta | mma | wears a ed ‘Annexure — W: List of LBT Group of Companies’ Works and Ofices TURT Construction Division HG. Cheat EWL Workshop = Karchipara Kensbahal = Ona ling l= Pondehory “Trensisson Line Tower Faso, Pinampur “Transnisson Line Tower Factory Pondonery “Transmission Line Tower Fac. Kanchi Bulkings & Pacers (HF) scrote the county Hoawy iv lars ve (10) across he coun “Transporation inestuture (soos tha county — [Matsigy end Mtr Handing (iM) sos th ci ‘Power Transrisson & D'stibutlon (PTAD) across the county ‘Water & EMuent Testment (VET) actoss the county Sart Word and Communication (SWC) sross Te cou TAT Geode Regional Ofco sf ‘Chennat Bangalore Hyerabod pee ‘Anmedad Kohat Mura LEAT Hydrocarbon Enginesring Liniiod ‘esos cunt Ler Power Acsoss the coy LAT Heavy Enginoaing Powal ca Ship Bulg Chea Rano (Vadodara) “Talegson aT EG (Eeeieal and Elecvonies Business Group) Powe Mysore ‘Armed CAT Vales Across tho coun aT Pow Mur ‘LAT Construction Equipment Uiniod Lar Detense: Noto: Separate customer codes tobe created fr all DWlons mentioned above and payment ‘eal quai tobe adresse othe ndvial divisions dec. oe I Be

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