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The Use of Grammar Translation Method in Teaching English

Catharina Elmayantie
STMIK Palangka Raya

Abstract: This study aims to describe the patterns of Grammar Translation

Method (GTM) and to know the reasons why the teachers used the method.
Descriptive qualitative method was applied. The subjects were two English
teachers at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Palangka Raya. It was used
observation and questionnaires to collect the data. The data reduction, data
display, and conclusion drawing were applied for data analysis. The findings
show nine major patterns of GTM applied: (1) The classes were taught
mainly in mother tongue; (2) the vocabulary was taught in the form of lists of
isolated words; (3) the grammar provided the rules for putting words
together; (4) it focused on the form and inflection of words; (5) the reading
difficult classical texts were begun early; (6) it was little attention to the
content of the texts; (7) the drills were exercises in translating; (8) it was little
attention to pronunciation; and (9) it focused on accuracy. Meanwhile, the
reasons of the teachers used the method are: (1) It is suitable for the students;
(2) it helps the students comprehend the text; (3) it improves the vocabulary;
and (4) by using this method teaching-learning activities work well.

Keywords: English subject, grammar translation method, teaching-learning


Nowadays, English plays an important from the elementary school level (as a
role in the field of the education. For local content) up to the university level.
examples, many kinds of textbook, In order to teach English effectively,
journals, and other materials of the role of teaching method is badly
knowledge and science have been needed. According to Brown (2001), there
published into this language and are various methods which can be applied
communicated mainly through printed in the teaching learning process. First, it is
documents. As stated by Dardjowidjojo in Direct Method (DM). The basic premise of
Halim (1999:1), English is used in nearly DM is that the second language learning
85% of reference books in science. English should be more like first language
has influenced many aspects of life. Global learning-lots of oral interaction,
era makes English becomes very spontaneous use of the language, no
significant in the terms of communication translation between first and second
among countries in the world. Therefore, languages, and little or no analysis of
in Indonesia, to prepare its people facing grammatical rules.
such impacts, English subject is taught

Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 5, Number 2, September 2015 | 125

The second one is Total Physical teaching method derived from the
Response (TPR). Having fun makes classical (sometimes called traditional)
language learners interested in learning method of teaching Greek and Latin. The
the foreign language is one of the method requires students to translate
principles of this method. Total Physical whole texts word for word and memorize
Response fun is provided through numerous grammatical rules and
physical activities. Physical activities are exceptions as well as enormous
meant to reduce stress people feel when vocabulary lists. A fundamental purpose
studying foreign languages. Since physical of teaching the target language through
activities are done at the very beginning of Grammar Translation Method is to be able
language class, language teacher should to read literature written in the target
be very selective in choosing words to language.
teach. The language to teach should start In addition, Prator & Murcia in
from the words comprising verbs of Setiyadi (n.d.:17) list the major
imperatives and concrete nouns so that it characteristics of Grammar Translation
is easier for language learners to perform Method, as follows: (1) Classes are taught
and observe the actions. in the mother tongue, with little active use
The third, it is Whole Language of the target language, (2) much
Approach (WLA). WLA is a method of vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of
teaching reading and writing that isolated words, (3) long elaborate
emphasizes learning whole words and explanations of the intricacies of grammar
phrase by encountering them in are given, (4) grammar provides the rules
meaningful context. The focus is on the for putting words together, and
social construction of meaning and instruction often focuses on the form and
understanding through the process of inflection of words, (5) reading of difficult
reading and writing. Students’ first classical texts is begun early, (6) little
acquire literacy through their own attention is paid to the content of texts,
writings and literature as well as which are treated as exercises in
experiences across the curriculum through grammatical analysis, (7) often the only
science experiments, recipes, games, drills are exercises in translating
instructions for making things, math disconnected sentences from the target
problem solving, interactive computer language into the mother tongue, (8) little
communications, and map reading. or no attention is given to pronunciation,
The next one is Communicative and (9) the focus is on accuracy, and not
Language Teaching (CLT). CLT is based on fluency.
the theory of linguistic which states that Even though many new methods have
language is a means of communication. been introduced to this day, Grammar
The main characteristics of Translation Method remains a standard
Communicative Language Teaching is methodology for teaching English for
signed by existences of information gap, some teachers (Setiyadi, n.d.:17). It is in
choice, feedback, and authentic material. line with Harmer’s statement (2007: 48-49)
The last, it is Grammar Translation that Grammar Translation still has
Method (GTM). GTM is a foreign language relevance. Though it is not practiced as a

126 | Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 5, Number 2, September 2015

method in the same way, but most implementation in the classrooms where
language learners translate in their heads the teachers still choose the old method or
at various stages anyway and can learn a Grammar Translation Method in teaching
lot about a foreign language by comparing and learning English.
parts of it with parts of their mother Based on the background of the study,
tongue. However, a total concentration on the research problems are, (1) “What are
grammar translation stops students from the patterns of Grammar Translation
getting the kind of natural language input Method used by the teachers in teaching
that will help the students acquire and learning English at SMP Negeri 1
language (since the students always look Palangka Raya?” and (2) “Why do the
at L1 equivalents) and it fails to give the English teachers use Grammar Translation
students opportunities to activate the Method in teaching and learning English
language knowledge. If the teachers and at SMP Negeri 1 Palangka Raya?”
the students always translate the
language, the L2 is not used for METHOD
communication. The danger with The design of the study was
Grammar Translation, in other words, it descriptive qualitative method. As
teaches the students about language but Bogdan (1998) defines the qualitative
does not really help the students to approach as a research procedure which
communicative effectively with it. produces a descriptive data such as verbal
Based on the previous observation at or nonverbal utterances or words from the
SMP Negeri 1 Palangka Raya, the writer object being observed. The subjects of the
found that the English teachers still used study were two English teachers at the
the old method namely Grammar seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Palangka
Translation Method in teaching. It is Raya, in academic year 2011/2012. The
contrast with the government curriculum instruments used were in the form of
which advices the schools in Indonesia observation sheet and questionnaires
apply a communicative teaching learning. (Sugiyono, 2007). Meanwhile, the data
In fact, SMP Negeri 1 Palangka Raya analysis applied in this study used data
is one of the schools in preparation to be reduction, data display, and conclusion
national standardized schools (Rintisan drawing/verification (Miles & Huberman,
Sekolah Berstandar Nasional) in Central 1994:24).
Kalimantan and this school has acquired
“A” accreditation from the government. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
Many good achievements have been The data obtained from observation
attained by the students, both local and are discussed here based on the topic of
national competitions. The recent and the study which focused on the patterns of
famous curriculum, school-based Grammar Translation Method in teaching
curriculum, is also implemented at the English used by the teachers at the
school. Based on the syllabus, the English seventh grade. There were two teachers
teachers put Communicative Language who taught at the seventh-grade students,
Teaching (CLT) as teaching learning namely teacher A and teacher B including
method. It is not the same as the their students observed in this study. The

Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 5, Number 2, September 2015 | 127

observations were done three times for subject. Both of them chose the same
each teacher. The data gotten from method in teaching. Sometimes, teacher A
observation on the two teachers were used another method called
described below. understanding by context; meanwhile
teacher B only used Grammar Translation
The Patterns of Grammar Translation Method in daily lesson. The data taken
Method in Teaching English Used by the from questionnaire indicated that the
Teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Palangka Raya characteristics of Grammar Translation
The patterns of Grammar Translation Method had been on both teachers.
Method in teaching English used by the
teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Palangka Raya Questionnaire for the Students
are shown in Table 1. There were thirty-three students
To support the observation findings, asked as the respondents taken from
the writer also gave the questionnaire to teacher A’s classroom and these students
both teachers and their students. It was were asked to answer fifteen questions
done to find out whether there was any related to teaching learning process in the
correlation between their teaching teacher A’s classrooms. Meanwhile, there
experiences with the method they used in were thirty students taken as respondents
classroom activities, and to find out the from teacher B’s classes with the same
reasons why both teachers still used questionnaire. All the students’ answers
Grammar Translation Method in teaching indicated that this method was still used
English. in daily teaching and learning English. It
supported the observation findings in the
Questionnaire for the Teachers previous explanation.
Based on the data taken from the
questionnaire, both teacher A and teacher The Reasons of English Teachers Used
B had similar experience in teaching. Grammar Translation Method in
Teacher A has been teaching English for Teaching English at SMP Negeri 1
seven years and teacher B has been Palangka Raya
teaching this subject for five years. What Basically, both teacher A and teacher
they both found and met in the classrooms B used Grammar Translation Method
were almost the same. For the examples, because this method was considered
they found their students had very suitable for the students at this school
different proficiency in English because of especially the seventh grade students. By
the different background of knowledge using this method, teaching English
and they both taught in a big class which subject was much easier since many of the
consists of thirty-five to thirty-six students still have low level of English.
students. Most of the students cannot understand
It seemed harder to handle such a about the lesson well when the teachers
class with various attitudes towards the try to speak in target language.

128 | Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 5, Number 2, September 2015

Table 1. The Patterns of Grammar Translation Method in Teaching English
Characteristics of Grammar
Subject Patterns
Translation Method
Class is taught in mother Bahasa Indonesia used as the medium of
tongue instruction
Vocabulary is taught in the form working with the vocabulary of the
of lists of isolated words passage/text
Teaching grammar in detail and students
Long elaborate explanations of
were required to memorize grammatical
grammar are given
Grammar provides the rules for In order to show that students understand
putting words together, focuses the meaning and use of a new vocabulary
on the form and inflection of item, they made up sentences in which
words they use the new words.
Reading of difficult classical Reading a long text at the beginning of the
texts is begun early meeting.
Teacher A Doing translation in order to make
Little attention is paid to the students know about the text and it was
content of the texts not really important unless its vocabulary
such as noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.
Often the drills are exercises in
Students translated some text sentences
translating disconnected
from the target language into their native
sentences from the target
language or vice versa.
language into the mother tongue
Little or attention is given to The focused of the lesson was translating
pronunciation words or sentences.
Teaching the students about the
The focus is on accuracy, and grammatical rules and vocabulary of the
not fluency target language and giving the exercises in
grammatical analysis.
Explaining the material in Bahasa
Class is taught in mother tongue
Asking the students to find out some
Vocabulary is taught in the form
difficult words in the reading text and
of lists of isolated words
doing translation.
Long elaborate explanations of Teaching grammatical rule/tenses took two
Teacher B grammar are given up three meetings.
G Grammar provides the rules for
putting words together, focuses
Giving tasks in arranging words form.
on the form and inflection of
Reading of difficult classical Together reading a text or asking the
texts is begun early students by one to read it at the beginning

Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 5, Number 2, September 2015 | 129

of the meeting.
Little attention is paid to the The forms of the sentences in the text were
content of the texts focused in teaching reading.
Often the drills are exercises in Students translated some text sentences
translating disconnected from the target language into their native
sentences from the target language or vice versa.
language into the mother tongue
Little or attention is given to Pronouncing vocabulary given, students
pronunciation only listened to the teacher.
Teaching the students about the
The focus is on accuracy, and grammatical rules and vocabulary of the
not fluency target language and giving the exercises in
grammatical analysis.

Besides, by using this method, it can assignments given during the end of the
help the students to comprehend the text semester.
given and know the grammatical rules of
a language. This method also can improve CONCLUSION
the students’ vocabulary better. It is very Based on the observations and data
important for the student to master the gained from questionnaire supported by
sentence pattern and vocabulary as this written records such as
knowledge is badly needed to pass the curriculum/syllabus, lesson plan,
examination which often in form of handbook used by the teachers and the
grammar oriented and reading students in teaching learning English, the
comprehension. Mastering the grammar writer found the nine patterns of
of the foreign language is essential in Grammar Translation Method used by the
order for the students to understand the two teachers of the seventh grade students
written target language. at SMP Negeri 1 Palangka Raya, such as:
Moreover, this subject is one of the (1) the classes were taught mainly in
subjects tested on the national mother tongue (Bahasa Indonesia); (2) the
examination. It is the teachers’ vocabulary was taught in the form of lists
responsibility to give good foundation in of isolated words; long elaborated
the target language as the preparation for explanations of grammar; (3) the
next grade. Therefore, in teaching English, grammar provided the rules for putting
both teachers for the seventh grade used words together; (4) it focused on the form
Grammar Translation Method with little and inflection of words; (5) reading
combination of communicative approach. difficult classical texts were begun early;
Both of them thought this method was (6) it was little attention to the content of
still relevant to teach English as a foreign the texts; (7) often the drills were exercises
language. Teaching learning activity in translating disconnected sentences from
worked well and the result could be seen the target language into the mother
on the students’ achievement through the tongue; (8) little attention was given to
pronunciation; and (9) the focus was on

130 | Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Volume 5, Number 2, September 2015

accuracy, not fluency. The reasons of the concerned with Grammar Translation
teachers for the seventh grade students Method in a wider scope and setting.
used Grammar Translation Method in
teaching learning English are: (1) this REFERENCES
method is considered suitable for the Bogdan, R. (1998). Qualitative research for
students at this school especially the seven education: An introduction to theory and
grade students who have low level of methods (3rd ed.). New York: A Viacom
English; (2) by using this method, it helps Company.
the students to comprehend the text given, Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles:
especially in teaching reading and know An interactive approach to language
the grammatical rules of a language; (3) pedagogy (2nd ed.). New York: Addison
Grammar Translation Method also can Wesley Longman, Inc.
improve the students’ vocabulary better; Halim, T. (1999). Developing reading
and (4) by using Grammar Translation comprehension materials for graduate
Method with little combination of students of the state university of Malang.
communicative approach, teaching Unpublished Thesis. Malang: State
learning activity work well. University of Malang.
To follow up the conclusion, some Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English.
suggestions are proposed to the English London: Pearson Education Limited.
teachers and future researchers. For the Miles, M. B & Huberman, M. (1994).
English teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Qualitative data analysis: An expanded
Palangka Raya, it is recommended to sourcebook. Beverly Hills: SAGE
apply more various methods in teaching Publication Inc.
and learning, and it is not only focused on Setiyadi, B. (n.d.) TEFL II: Modul edisi
use of the methods for teaching the kedua. Pusat Penerbitan Universitas
components of language but also for Terbuka.
teaching the four language skills. Then, for Sugiyono. (2007). Metode penelitian:
the future researchers are recommended Pendekatan kuantitaif, kualitatif, R & D.
to conduct such kind of the study Bandung: Alfabeta.

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