Reflections of Math 9

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Reflections of Math

Place Value, subtraction 2 digit numbers, am a working of this lesson to to know how to control
and deal with the student while they are doing their work. At the end of this lesson students will
be able to subtract tens in certain way using base-ten blocks or connecting cubes also student will
be able to explain to a partner step-by-step how to subtract tens, 2 Digit number. Student already
know how to count and use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems. I introduce
the lesson using the puppet “dragon” to make it more fun. Positive aspect of the lesson, Teacher
spends time on teaching and she usually be in a complete agreement with her Students, arranging
time of education, pupils period and on innovating works for education.

-Organize students in the classroom

-Organize students for learning in working groups or in the form of a rectangle or square

-Follow-up and re-analysis in the classroom lesson

-Teacher's attention to the routine small details

-Arrange attendance and absence records of students

-Engage students in active learning

I was wondering of the teacher's jobs and her preoccupation of the great responsibility to help her
students to learn properly in various ways. I learned how to encourage students to be active and
effective in the classroom, and to choose every time one of my pupils to be responsible for the
line of his student’s friends which means to be a small little teacher and leader for my students. I
like one of the education strategies which focuses on student’s weaknesses and helps them to
overcome it. Personal focus for next lesson, I should repeat the instructions when I move
to another step.

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