Offload Solutions For 5G-NRr

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Open Implementation and


Offload Solutions for 5G-NR


Dec 13 2018

Clarifications on the title

Some very general considerations to decide
how to map functions to processing ressources

Current decisions in the context of Mass Start

What about 5G-NR Test and Measurements


13/12/2018 Copyright SYRTEM 2


«Trafic Offload Solutions» permit Operators to deliver more
trafic when their network becomes saturated (limited amount
of spectrum) → not the subject here

« Processing Offload Solutions» can overcome the limitations
of GPP based SDR implementations → the scope of this very
general discussion

From the perspective of a GPP centric view of an architecture
we may use the term « Accelerators »

It is the problem of efficiently mapping Functional Blocks
(Algorithms) of a System onto a set of Processing Ressources
ranging from general purpose to specialized

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Some high-level considerations

Architecture analysis usually starts by considering a more or less rich set of
GPP(s), CTL(s), DSP(s), FPGA types of processing ressources required
within the cost budget

GPP → performances driven by PC & Cloud market → very popular → OAI
– Typical clock rate 2 to 3 GHz
– 8, 16 and even more parallel cores

FPGA/SoC → typicaly include a very high number of gates, DSP
Processing Units, but also real-time Controllers and Application Processors
– Clock rate ~5 x lower than GPP
– But several Ks of DSP oriented Processing Units
– Much better capable of handling low latency behavior with real-time constraints
– But development requires more skilled persons despite High Level Synthesis
Framework available today

Both lines of Processing Solutions benefit from the same continuing
increase of number of transitors/gates per sq mm of silicon (28 nm → 7nm)
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Mass Start High Data Rate demo

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Mass Start demonstration mapping

Current configuration
– gNB Tx processing

All Tx NR processing performed by an optimized version of OAI NR SW

Running on an Intel Core i7 GPP
– 8 cores
– 2.8 GHz

GPP load > 80 % at 200 Mb/s usable data rate

5 x 4K video streams tansmitted DL over 3.5 & 25 Ghz RF links
– UE Rx processing

LDPC decoding offloaded to a Zynq 7045 FPGA/SOC

The rest of Rx NR processing is performed by an optimized version of OAI NR SW

Usable Data rates of up to 300Mb/s can be sustained on Air

– Probably more offloading options to support the massive configurations to be

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LDPC decoding Offload on UE side

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5G-NR Test & Measurements

New project on SYRTEM’s side

TTCN3 Titan Framework already in use in our Lab

Architecture of our version of the System Simulator
part is work in progress based on ETSI 36/38 523-3

FPGA offload options are under investigation

Upper layers will reuse some of our legacy
components already developed in the context of our
Test and Instrument Products

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Mapping functions to Processing Ressources
remains a key architectural decision over time

However 5G NR is pushing hard towards
offloading more functions to FPGA/SOC

SYRTEM’s objectives in T&M Domain:
– Set-up a closer interactions with ETSI
– Provides High Performances Testing Solutions based
on required Offloading to both OAI Community and the

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Thank-you for your attention

13/12/2018 Copyright SYRTEM 10

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