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1. RBI pays interest on the cash balances in excess of which of the following to bank, of their
a) 2%
b) 3%
c) 5%
d) 6%
ans: b
2. while the exposure limits are generally left to the banks discretion. RBI has imposed
which ceiling of total business in a year with individual brokers.
a) 2%
b) 5%
c) 10%
d) 15%
ans : b
3. Ability of a business concern to borrow or build up assets on the basis of a given capital
is called.
a) debt service coverage ratio
b) good will
c) reputation
d) Leverage
ans: D
4. Protection of risk in a transaction usually through derevatives product is called.
a) insurance
b) swap
c) hedge
d) arbitrage
ans: c
5. For the organization point of view treasury is considered to be
a) Investment centre
b) Fund management department
c) service centre
d) commercial bank
e) Non of these
ans: c
6. A treasury transaction with a customer is known as…..
a) Marchant banking business
b) Trading business
c) investment business
d) commercial banking
e) Retail banking
Ans: a
7. Which act relating to foreign exchange has replace earlier one?
a) Foreign Exchange Management Act
b) Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
c) Both the above
d) none of these
ans :a
8. RBI has permitted banks to borrow and invest through their overseas correspondents
in foreign currency subject to which of the following ceilings.
a 25% of there Tier-I Capital
b 25% of there Tier-I Capital or USD 10 million
c 25% of there Tier-I Capital or USD 10 million whichever Is higher.
d 25% of there Tier-I Capital or USD 10 million whichever Is lower
ans-: c
9. The treasury is run by a few specialist staff engaged in high value transaction per trn size
generally not being below:
a Rs 10 million
b Rs 20 “
c Rs 50 “
d None of these
Ans : c
10 Treasury has open position which is also known as
a Trading position
b Open position
c Proprietary position
d) a & C both
e) a
ans : d
11. Security dealars deals with of the following market.
A primary mkt
B secondary mkt
C Open mkt
E all of these
Ans: b
12. What is the minimum marketable investment in treasury…….
A Rs 5 crore
B Rs 10 “
C Rs 20 “
D Rs 50 “
E non of these
Ans ; A
13. which of the following is not a free currency in the foreign exchange market ?
B Rupee
D All of these
Ans : b
14. which of following statement is not correct relating to TOD and TOM
A Rates are generally quoted at discount to the spot rate
B Rates are less favorable to the buyer of the currency
C Rates are generally quated at a premium to the spot rate
D Non of these
Ans : c
15 The interest rate differential is added to the spote rate of
A Low interest yielding currency
B high interest yielding currency
C Both
D non of these
Ans A
16. Buying of USD (with Rupees) in the market and selling same in forward market or vice
versa is called
A spot trn
B Forward tsn
C swap tsn
D convertible tsn
Ans: c
17 Call money refers to placement of fund……..
A same day
B overnight
C next day
D Two days
E Non of these
Ans: b
18. Notice money refers to placement of funds for period not exceeding……
A over night
B two days
C 7 days
D 10 days
E 14 days

Ans : e
19. Term money refers to placement of funds for period not exceeding…
A 01 yr
B 02 yr
C 03 yr
D 05 yr
Ans ;A
20. Treasury Bills are issued by whom
B State PSUs
Ans :C
21 treasury bill is issued for 91 days to 364 days by GOI 91 days t bill is auction on
weekly basis for amount Rs………….crore.
A 100
B 200
C 500
D 1000
Ans : c read qtn carefully total three qtns aare there..
22. 364 t bill is auction on fourthnightly basis for amt of RS ……….crore by GOI
A 500
B 1000
C 1500
D 2000
Ans : c
23. A commercial paper carried credit risk , issued for period of 14 days to 01 yr for
minimum amt of 05 lakh and face value of Rs 100 only by………………….and it
should be in D mat form. ( Read QTN care fully)
B corporate
C commercial bank
D central govt
Ans : b
24. ECB( external commercial borrowings) indian companies can borrow ................without
approval of RBI
a. usd 500 mn up to minimum period of 5 yrs
b. usd 20 mn upto minimum period of 3 yrs
c. both a and b are correct
d. without RBI approval they cannot borrow at all
ans C
.page no 333 bfm
25individuals are now permitted to remit overseas freely without rbi approval upto
a. 100000 usd/year
b. 200000 usd/yr
c. 300000 usd/yr
d. not possible without rbi approval
ans : b page 334 b pe

26. certificate of deposit is a negotiable debt instrument has maturity period of 07 to 1 yr

and minimum amt is Rs 01 lakh basically issued by……….
B Banks
C Treasury
D Corporate
E None
Ans : b
27 the difference between buying and selling rate is called
a) spread
b) profit
c) a only
d) a& b
28 placement of funds for overnight is called
a) notice money
b) call money
c) term money
d) all the above
Ans : b
29. Treasury discount bills of exchange, of short term nature with a tenure of
A 1 to 3 month
B 3 to 6 m
C 6 to 9 m
D 9 to 12 m
Ans : b

30. govt security are issued by..

A central finance ministry
B ministry of commerce
C central govt
Ans : d
31. The basis point value is associated with
A risk pricing
B risk measurement
C risk mitigation
D risk control
Ans: b
32. Deventures are governed by
A Law of contract
B Company Law
C Negotiable instrument
D non of these
Ans: b
33. all exposure limit are reviewed ….
A once in a qtr
B once in half yr
C once in a yr
D no limit
Ans: c
34 interest cost of funds locked in a trading position is called

A swap
B pre-settlement
C carry
D speculation
E options

35. A situation where the depoiter of abank lose confidence in the bank and withdraw therir
balances immediately, is called
A liquidation of the bank
B falilue of bank
C run on the bank
D out of the money
Ans: c

36. The capacity of abank oa business organization to absorb losses on account of market
A risk absorption capacity
B risk aversion capacity
C risk taking capacity
D risk appetite


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