Assessment & Development Centre Workshop Factsheet

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PsyAsia International's


Putting Psychology to A 3-day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in Assessment
Work in Asia Centre Design and Administration. Culminates in delegates running their own centre.

As an award-winning Business Psychology Training and Consulting Company, PsyAsia FACILITATOR
International is pleased to offer very practical training in designing and running
Assessment and Development Centres. Our training is world-class and always
incorporates the most up-to-date methodology to ensure assessment which is
defensible, fair, ethical, reliable and valid.


This workshop is for anybody who is involved in t h e assessment of people at work
and who would like to start to use Assessment and Development Centres or who
perhaps are already involved in these centres and wish to ensure they are designing
and running according to global best practice. Assessment Centres are used in
employee selection as a highly valid way of providing multiple assessments of multiple
competencies which are assessed by multiple assessors. This design reduces subjectivity
and value judgements and enhances objectivity, reliability and, therefore validity.
Development Centres are similar to Assessment Centres, with the overriding difference
being that the former is used to assess those already within the organisation in
order to discover development needs. Scientific research has confirmed that both
Assessment and Development Centres are superior in terms of validity for predicting
job performance, compared to many other methods. However, in order to ensure this
holds up, those designing, assessing at, and running the Centres must be appropriately
trained and, hence the need for this course.


In-house and Public Courses: 3 days | 9.30 am – 5 pm each day | English METHODOLOGY


Note that on the evening of Day 2, you will need to set aside a few hours so that you

and your team can complete the design of an Assessment Centre which you and your

team will facilitate on Day 3. This task is started in the afternoon of Day 2, but most
delegates need additional time on that day, beyond the official 5 pm finish time.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
PsyAsia International's


Putting Psychology to A 3-day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in Assessment
Work in Asia Centre Design and Administration. Culminates in delegates running their own centre.

Course Outline: Day 1 All Day & Day 2 Morning Session

Introduction to Assessment and Development Centres

 What is an Assessment Centre?

 What is a Development Centre?
 Vocabulary used at the Centre: Assessor, Observer, Administrator, Washup etc.
 Introductory reliability and validity for Assessment & Development Centres.
 The Business Case for Assessment & Development Centres

Experiential Learning: Designing Assessment & Development Centres

Following the above introduction, the workshop will move to look at how Assessment and Development Centres are
designed. This will be done in a very practical way, rather than slide lectures.

1. Job Analysis: Delegates will choose a Job to focus on and the facilitator will work with delegates to introduce and
undertake multiple methods of Job Analysis in order to arrive at a list of essential competencies for assessment.
2. Competency Frameworks: As a result of the Job Analysis section, delegates now have a list of competencies.
With the assistance of the facilitator, these will be expanded by way of drawing up objective definitions and a
number of general indicators of performance. The group will start to consider what exercises might be useful to
assess these competencies.
3. Designing Exercises: We will move on to consider a range of different exercises commonly used in Assessment &
Development Centres. These will include In-tray Exercises, Group Exercises, Presentation Exercises, Focused
Interviews, Psychometric Tests, Case Studies, Written Exercises and Role Play. Depending on the competencies
chosen previously, some of these exercises will be designed as part of the learning process. Feedback, research
evidence and pros and cons of each exercise will be provided by the facilitator at different stages during the
design process to reinforce learning.
4. Rating/Scoring: In this part of the course, the group will put together the Design Matrix and will then move on to
consider how exercises will be scored or rated. Delegates will have the opportunity to work with both Graphic
Rating Systems and Behaviourally Anchored Rating Systems. We will also consider and design both Positive and
Negative Behavioural Indicators. We will then work on an overall scoring system for the entire Centre which will
see us discussing how weights can be applied both to exercises and competencies.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
PsyAsia International's


Putting Psychology to A 3-day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in Assessment
Work in Asia Centre Design and Administration. Culminates in delegates running their own centre.

Day 2 Course Outline (Continued)

5. Logistics: Now that the Assessment or Development Centre is taking shape, we consider the logistics of the Centre.
This will include a look at scheduling and venue, as well as room set-up.
6. Best Practice Issues: To ensure that everything we do is up to global standards, we will consider issues of Best
Practice – this will include discussion of the content of Assessment and Development Centre Policy Documents,
Ethics and Fairness Issues, Proper Data Storage and Confidentiality Issues.
7. Evaluating the Assessment or Development Centre: We don’t want to assume the Centre does what we want it to
do, we need to ensure that it does! In this section, the facilitator will demonstrate how to assess for various types of
reliability – including intra and inter-rater reliability. He will also show how to assess Validity (i.e., does the exercise
really assess what it is supposed to assess; and does that assessment predict something worthwhile at work?).

Advanced Practice: Design an entire Assessment or Development Centre from Scratch

The entire afternoon of Day 2 is handed over to course delegates to design their own Assessment or Development Centre
under the guidance of the facilitator. This culminates in delegates actually running the prepared Centre on Day 3.

Day 3: Facilitating a Live Assessment Centre

The final day of the course is for delegates to actually run an assessment or development centre. On many of our
courses, we cooperate with local organisations or universities in Singapore or Hong Kong and invite their executives or
students to our session to be assessed and receive feedback, all under the supervision and guidance of your expert
psychologist facilitator. This is not possible on every course. Where this is not possible, we assess ourselves! In this
case, in the morning, half of the group becomes assessors and half becomes assessees. The grouping is then swapped
in the afternoon.

Assessment and Certification

All delegates who participate throughout the course will receive a Certificate of Attendance signed by the Psychologist
Facilitator. For an additional fee, delegates may choose to be assessed for a Certificate of Competence. This will require
additional work outside of the course, wherein delegates will design their own Assessment or Development Centre
without extensive help from others. All documentation is to be submitted 1 month after the course. Feedback will be
provided in a 15-minute Skype and the Certificate of Competence issued for work that meets the required standard.
This is an excellent and economical way to have a Psychologist check your work without paying a high Consulting Fee!!

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
PsyAsia International's


Putting Psychology to A 3-day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in Assessment
Work in Asia Centre Design and Administration. Culminates in delegates running their own centre.

Course Objectives

By the end of the Assessment and Development Center Training Course, delegates should:

 Understand the utility and business case of assessment and development centers.
 Understand the various different assessments that are available as part of an assessment center as well as
the relative reliability and validity of these methods for assessing various competencies.
 Understand how to build useful competency frameworks for the center.
 Understand how to write competency definitions as well as positive and negative behavioral indicators.
 Understand how to distinguish an overplayed strength.
 Understand Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales and Graphic Rating Scales and the reliability and validity
of these two scoring methods.
 Understand how to weight different competencies based on work needs and different exercises in terms of
how well they predict the competency.
 Understand how to implement weightings in an exercise scoring grid.
 Understand the concepts of inter and intra rater reliability and how to maximize and assess these
important indicators.
 Understand how to maximize and assess the validity of the assessment or development center.
 Understand international best practice in assessment and development centers and agree to abide by
these standards.
 Have a developing* competence in the design and logistics of assessment and development centers.
 Have a developing* competence as an assessor or observer at an assessment and/or development center.

*It is not expected that the delegate will be fully competent immediately following the course as this will take some
practice. However, our style of experiential training does give delegates a head start in developing competence in
the subject matter.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
PsyAsia International's


Putting Psychology to A 3-day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in Assessment
Work in Asia Centre Design and Administration. Culminates in delegates running their own centre.



“A very useful and enjoyable course with bundles of practical application.”

Principal Consultant (Singapore)

“I found the exercises on the course to be practical and extremely useful to help me better understand the course.”
Senior Consultant | Deloitte Consulting (Malaysia)

Kenneth Lim | Psychologist | Ministry of Defence (Singapore)

“The practical aspect provides a good complement to the theoretical concepts on the subject.”
Harish Shah | HR Consultant (Singapore)

“Good and really enjoy.”

Yun Leong Yu | Manager - Manpower & Salary Admin | Resorts World BHD (Malaysia)

“Dr. Tyler leads us to discover that assessing and recruiting the right person need information and details more than
we thought. We never have too much information, normally we have less.”
Suree J. | Consultant and Faculty | APMGroup (Thailand)

“You were a very effective facilitator.”

Assessor | Macau SAR Government

More Reviews?
Please see our webpage for more course reviews and details.

We advise registration at least 6 weeks before the course dates because we limit places on this course to ensure
effective learning. To register, kindly go to or, outside of Singapore and Hong
Kong, please contact our local partner. You may also view dates for next public courses here.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.

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