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Putting Psychology to A 1 or 2 day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in

Interviewing for Recruitment and Selection.

Work in Asia

As an award-winning Business Psychology Training and Consulting Company,
PsyAsia International is pleased to offer very practical training in designing and

running Behavior-base d Interviews. Our training is world-class and always

incorporates the most up-to-date methodology to ensure assessment which is

defensible, fair, ethical, reliable and valid.


Our Behavior-base d Interviewing Course is suitable for recruitment agency staff,

human resource managers/professi onal s, selection panels, line management,

supervisors, and consultants who interview for recruitment and selection and wish

to ensure they conform to scientific principles, international best practice, and

techniques which reliably and validly predict performance at work.


Public Courses: 1 day | 9.30am – 5pm | English

In-house Courses: 1 or 2 days | 9.30am – 5pm | English


This entire course is based on experiential learning. From the very start,

participants will be engaged in interviewing in small groups. As the course

progresses, new knowledge components will be added little by little and then TEACHING
practiced in groups, and immediate feedback offered by the psychologi st METHODOLOGY
facilitator. Participants are offered multiple opportunities to assess their new 
knowledge by way of interactive quizzes on their mobile devices. The course 

culminates at the end of the day in preparing for and conducting a final

professional -quality behavior-base d interview.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
Putting Psychology to A 1 or 2 day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in
Interviewing for Recruitment and Selection.
Work in Asia

Course Outline: Day 1


 Ice-breaker interview exercise with feedback
 Invitations and preparation
 The importance of hiring the right people
 The cost of hiring errors  Developing an interview format
 From the applicant’s point of view  Gathering predictive information
 From a team leader/manager’s point of view
 Probing the candidate
 From a human resource perspective
 Is the candidate telling the truth?
 What the research tells us about different
interview techniques  Ethical and legal issue

 Interviewing techniques in problem situations

 Interviewer errors to watch out for

 Conduct a mini Job Analysis
 Identity competencies and performance


 Writing the questions based on competencies
 Ensuring questions are fair and elicit the right
level of response
 Practice questions on co-delegates


 Developing rating scales
 Making ratings reliable (consistent)
 Rating errors and how to avoid them
 Scoring candidates responses objectively

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
Putting Psychology to A 1 or 2 day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in
Interviewing for Recruitment and Selection.
Work in Asia

Day 2 (In-house courses only)

Most of our in-house clients opt for our 2-day course in order to delve deeper into the topic and devote more
time to practice interview sessions and expert feedback from the psychologist facilitator.

On 2-day courses, we still cover most of the knowledge component on day 1, whilst on day 2, we run full
behavior-base d interviews in small groups. These sessions are recorded and then the group reconvenes to
watch highlights of these recorded sessions and provide sensitive feedback to each other and to receive
feedback from the facilitator.

Day 2 culminates in a panel interview which showcases each participant’s new skills and acts as an exercise in
calibration of scoring and assessment of inter-rater reliability. This is often the highlight of the course and is very
motivational because participants themselves are able to see how far they have come since the very first ice-
breaker interview of day 1.

Assessment and Certification

All delegates who actively participate throughout the entire Behavior-based Interviewing Course will receive
a Certificate of Attendance signed by the Psychologist Facilitator.

For an additional fee, delegates may choose to be assessed for a Certificate of Competence. This will
require additional work outside of the course, wherein delegates will design their own Behavior-based
Interview without extensive help from others and then run a full-length interview on one person who
they do not know very well. The interview should be recorded on a Camcorder or Webcam and uploaded
to a secure cloud server for access by the assessor. Pre-interview preparation and all interview notes
should also be uploaded. All assessment material is to be submitted within 1 month after the course.
Feedback will be provided in a 15-20 minute Skype session with the psychologist assessor and the
Certificate of Competence will be issued for work that meets the required standard. This is an excellent
and economical way to have a Psychologist check your work without paying a high Consulting Fee!!

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
Putting Psychology to A 1 or 2 day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in
Interviewing for Recruitment and Selection.
Work in Asia

Course Objectives

 Know what is wrong with traditional, unstructured interviews.

 Understand why behavior-based interviews are two to five times more accurate than
traditional interviews.

 Know how to create competency requirements for any given position that they intend to interview for.
 Be able to create behavior-based interview questions from competency frameworks.
 Be able to enhance professional interviewing skills with effective communication strategies
and behavioral interview techniques.
 Be able to create and identify positive and negative indicators of various competencies, as
well as potential overplayed strengths.
 Be able to develop and use a reliable, valid and defensible rating/scoring and evaluation

process for interviews.

 Be able to run an entire behavior-based interview professionally and with developing *

competence from start to finish.

*It is not expected that the delegate will be fully competent immediately following the course as this will take
some practice. However, our style of experiential training does give delegates a head start in developing
competence in the subject matter.


The above objectives can be edited for in-house training courses based on client needs. For example, for a client who
already has a well-developed competency framework, we may not train participants how to analyze the job for

competencies; we may instead spend more time helping participants understand the organization’s competencies and

running practice interviews based on these.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.
Putting Psychology to A 1 or 2 day course, delivered by Registered Business Psychologists – experts in
Interviewing for Recruitment and Selection.
Work in Asia


“Very useful for the HR professional to increase the overall standard of new hires.”
Daniel Bourne | Manager, Recruitment & Staff Development | RMIT International University, Vietnam

“A very engaging and hands-on course.”

Crystal Yang | Senior executive | Civil Service College, Singapore

“This is a practical course all managers should attend to ensure hiring the right people for the right position for a
longer period of time.”
Nita Ryarti | Partnerships Manager | Rare (Indonesia)

“The practical aspect provides a good complement to the theoretical concepts on the subject.”
Harish Shah | HR Consultant (Singapore)

“A very interactive and insightful workshop focusing on a lot of practical learning. Delivery effective and pleasant.
This workshop is a must for HR practitioners who are involved in Recruitment & Selection.”
Raji Arun | AVP-HR | HSBC Singapore

“After having the first day to process and "digest" all the theory, the second day spent practicing BBI skills was so
Andrea Platts | Asst. Director of Housekeeping | The Peninsula Hong Kong

“Worth it and cannot wait to start practicing this!”

Tuqa Marhoon | Gifted & Talented Specialist | APG School (Bahrain)

More Reviews?
Please see our webpage for more course reviews and details.

We advise registration at least 6 weeks before the course dates because we limit places on this course to ensure
effective learning. To register, kindly go to or, outside of Singapore and Hong Kong,
please contact our local partner. You may also view dates for next public courses here.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and content design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pte. Ltd.

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