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Reg. Ni Question Paper Code : 80276 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APRIL/MAY 2019. ‘Third/Fourth Semester Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering PE 8491 — CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS (Common to Petrochemical Engineering/Petrochemical Technology/Petroleum Engineering/Pharmaceutical Technology) (Regulation 2017) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1, State phase rule. 2, Mention the relationship between work and heat. 3. What is entropy of the system? 4. Give the limitations of first law of thermodynamics. 5. State the significance of Gibbs free energy. 6. Whats joule Thomson coefficient? 7. State Gibbs theorem. 8. What is Lewis Randall rule? 9. — Mention the criterion for phase equilibrium. 10. Write the feasibility of a chemical reaction. cot 12, 13. 14. (@) b) (a) ©) a) ® (a) ) PART B — (6 x 13= 65 marks) 5kg of air is heated from an initial state of 37°C and 101.33 kPa until its temperature reaches 237°C. Calculate AU, @, W and AH for the following processes. (@__ Isochorie process (ii) Isobaric process. Air is assumed to be an ideal gas with C) = 29.1 Jimol K and C. = 20.78 Jimol K, Molecular weight of air may be taken to be 29, Or Show that for an deal gas. the amount of work done by reversible isothermal expansion is always greater than that by irreversible isothermal expansion. Derive the Clausius inequality. Or In a chemical process plant, water at 67°C is pumped from a storage tank at the rate of 20,000 kg/hr. The motor for the pump expenses work at the rate of 1.5 hp. The water passes through a heat exchanger and rejects heat at the rate of 38,000 ki/min and is delivered to the next storage tank at an elevation of 20 m above the first tank. Determine the temperature of’ the water delivered to the second tank, given that Chiao = 4.2kS/egK. Derive the Clapeyron equation from the thermodynamic correlations between pressure, volume and temperature. Or Using fundameital property relations, Derive Maxwell's equations. Discuss Gibbs Duhem equation and its various forms. Or Derive an expression for the free energy change of mixing when two ideal gases of mi and nz moles respectively are mixed isothermally but at different pressures, 2 80276 15. (a) The azeotrope of the benzene — cyclohexane system has a composition of 53.2 mol per cent benzene with a boiling point of 350.6 K at 101.3 kPa. At this temperature. the vapour pressure of benzene (i) is 100.59 kPa and that of cyclohexane (ii) is 99.27 kPa. Determine the activity coefficients for the solution containing 10 mol per cent benzene. Or (b) Estimate the standard free energy change and equilibrium constant at 700 K for the reaction N,(g) + 3H,(g) + 2NH,(g) given that the standard heat of formation and standard free energy of formation of ammonia at 298 K to be -46, 100 J/mol and 16,500 J/mol respectively. The specific heat (J/mol K) data are given as a function of temperature (K) C, = 27.27 + 4.9310 °T for Ny C, =27.01+3.51x10°T for Hy ~~ C, = 29.75 +25.11x10"T for NH. PART C — (1 x 15 = 15 marks) 16. (a) Differentiate between state function and path function. Prove that internal energy is a state function and work is a path function. Or (b) Applying the method of partial derivatives, prove that the joule Thomson coefficient of an ideal gas is zero. 3. 80276 ) Reg. No. : Question Paper Code : 90487 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 Third/Fourth Semester Petrochemical Engineering PE 8491 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS (Common to Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering/Petrochemical Technology/ Petroleum Engineering/Pharmaceutical Technology) (Regulations 2017 ) ‘Time : Three Hours ‘Maximum ; 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART-A (10x2=20 Marks) . Differentiate steady state and equilibrium state. © How does the properties of the systems are classified ? Give examples. 3. Define internal energy of the system. 4. What is the difference between heat engine and heat pump. a Mention the desirable properties of the refrigerant. 2 Write the classifications of equilibrium. x Enlist the characteristics of ideal and non-ideal solutions. Mention any four. ~ Define activity and activity coefficient. 2 What do you mean by extent of reaction ? How is it related to the mole fraction of the species in the reaction mixture ? 10. How is the equilibrium constant K related to the standard frée energy change ? Does K vary with pressure ? PART-B (6x18 = 65 Marks) 11. a) A balloon which was originally empty is being filled with hydrogen from a cylinder at a constant temperature of 300 K. The atmospheric pressure is 1.01326 bar. What is the work done by the balloon-cylinder system when the balloon attains a spherical shape 6 m in diameter ? (OR) 90487 2 (i a b) i) Explain with neat diagram about the generalized compressibility chart with neat diagram. o ii) Differentiate reversible and irreversible processes. (6) 12. a) How do you state mathematically the first law of thermodynamics that can be used for solving steady state fluid flow problems ? (OR) b) A reversible heat pump is used for heating a building in the winter season. The heat is absorbed from the earth by a fluid circulating in buried pipes and delivered to the building to maintain the temperature at 23°C. Determine the amount of heat supplied to the building if one Kw-hr of electrical energy is needed to operate the heat pump. The soil temperature is to be taken as 0°C. 13. a) A Carnot refrigerator requires 1.25 Kw per ton of refrigeration to maintain the temperature of 243 K. Find i) COP of Carnot refrigerator. 6) ii) Temperature at which heat is rejected. @ iii) Heat rejected in kJ/ton of refrigeration. 4) (OR) b) Derive Maxwell equations and mention the applications. 14. a) The molar enthalpy of a binary mixture is given by H=x,(a, + b,x,) + x,(a, + b,x, derive an expression for partial molar enthalpies. (OR) b) Derive the relation for excess Gibbs free energy change of mixing. 15. a) Vapour-liquid equilibrium data for the system methanol (1)-benzene (2) at 313 K are given below : x, 0.141 | 0.227 | 0.804 | 0.402 | 0.468 | 0.552 | 0.643 | 0.702 0.543 | 0.548 | 0.566 48.73 | 48.78 | 48.81 i * 90487 ‘The Antoine constants of methanol (1) and benzene (2) are given by A B 1582.271 Use the zero area method to verify the thermodynamic consistency of the above data. 239.726 219.161 (OR) b) i) A gas mixture containing 2 mol of CO,, 4 mol H, and 1 mol water is undergoing the following reactions : CO, + 8H, + CH,OH + H,0 CO, +H, + CO+H,0 Develop expressions for the mole fraction of the species in terms of the extent of reaction. (6) ii) What is the effect of temperature on equilibrium constant ? Using Van't Hoff equation predict the effect of increasing the témperature on endothermic and exothermic reaction. @ PART-C (1x15 = 15 Marks) 16. a) i) The equilibrium constant K for the water-gas shift reaction at 298.15 K is 8.685 * 10°. Estimate the value of K at 1000 K assuming that AH’ is constant in the temperature range 298.15 K to 1000 K. {CO, (g) + H,(g) > CO + H,0()] Mm ii) Estimate the equilibrium constant K at 1000 K and 0.1 Mpa for the reaction given in section (j) taking into the account the variation of AH® with temperature and compare the result in section (i). (8) (OR) b) i) Derive the Clausius inequality. @ ii) What is the expression for the work done in an adiabatic process in terms of pressure ratio ? ®

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