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Every one of us knows we age. We watch as the candles on the birthday cake melt each year.

bury that behind and move ahead in time. The number of candles increases year by year but there
is fear that is near.

Many people believe that aging is painful and one should know that pain is from diseases that
are preventable, not from aging.

It is not easy to define Aging. It accumulates changes in humans, animals, organisms and nonliving
things as well. But clearly, human aging is associated with a wide range of changes that are not
only physical but also psychological. As we age we are more susceptible to death, limit our normal
functions and make us more susceptible to disease. Scientifically Aging is defined as the process
of growing old chronologically. That means old age is a usual process of life that occurs to

A person measures age, in terms of their chronological age. The functional state of a person is a
more realistic measure though, and is referred to as the biological age. Human aging process
involves multidimensional changes on physical, psychological, cultural and social levels. All of the
signs are very slow in their occurrence and definitely progress with time. However, what matters
the most is the rate of the progression which is very different from person to person.

Theories of Aging:
There are
are different
different theories
theories of
of aging
aging proposed
proposed by
by scientists.

1) 1)
Harman’s free
Harman’s radical
free Theory:
radical Proposes
Theory: Proposesaccumulation
accumulationof of
endogenous oxygen radicals
oxygen radicals
generated in cells could be responsible for the aging and death of all living beings.
generated in cells could be responsible for the aging and death of all living beings.

2) 2)
The Immunologic
The Immunologic Theory: Which
Theory: Whichsuggested that
suggested aging
that is indirectly
aging controlled
is indirectly byby
controlled aa
network of
network of cellular
cellular and
and molecular
molecular defense

3) 3)
The Inflammatory
The Inflammatory Theory:
Theory: States
Statesthat both
that acute
both and
acute chronic
and chronic inflammatory
inflammatorychanges in in
The bodyatatvarious
the body variouscellular
defense reaction
reaction to
to physiological
physiological and
and non-physiological
non-physiological stressors
stressors would
would accelerate
accelerate the
Aging process.
Aging process.

4) 4)
The Mitochondrial
The Mitochondrial theory: Attracted
theory: few,
Attracted though
few, thoughit was
it wasconsidered
considered anan
extension ofof
Free radical theory.
free radical theory. Mitochondrial
Mitochondrial DNADNA mutations
mutations accumulate
accumulate progressively during life
and are directlyduring life and for
responsible areadirectly responsible
measurable for ainmeasurable
deficiency deficiency in
cellular oxidative
cellular oxidative activity.
phosphorylation phosphorylation activity.

5) 5)
Telomerasetheory: Our
theory: Ourcells areare
cells made
DNADNAstrings. AtAt
strings. thethe
end ofof
end each string
each string
There are DNA repetitions called telomeres. Each DNA has 10000 bases which
there are DNA repetitions called telomeres. Each DNA has 10000 bases which make up make up
the telomeres.
telomeres. Think
Think of
of them
them as as the
the plastic
plastic tips
tips at
at the
the end
end of
of your
your shoelaces.

As cells
cells divide
divide the
the bases
bases in
in the
the telomeres
telomeres reduce
reduce asas they
they cannot
cannot replicate.
replicate. There
There is
telomerase enzyme that can help lengthen telomeres which are believed to slow down
enzyme that can help lengthen telomeres which are believed to slow down
aging. As your telomeres get shorter, you start to notice the general signs of aging -- loss
As your telomeres get shorter, you start to notice the general signs of aging loss
of muscle strength, poor eyesight, memory problems and many
of muscle strength, poor eyesight, memory problems and many others. others.

Process of Aging:
The process of Aging is extremely complex and multi factorial. To simplify the aging process
depends on a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors are more
powerful than environmental factors and genetic makeup determines how fast the rate of
progression is in an individual. Of muscle strength, poor eyesight, memory problems and many

Healthy or Ideal Behaviors to slow aging:

• Non smoker
• Regular Exercising
• Stress free lifestyle
• Getting adequate rest
• Choosing diet near to the nature and prefer unprocessed diet
• Selflessness with positive outlook
• Moderate alcohol consumption

Aforementioned factors are significant environmental factors that interact with genetic makeup
to determine the rapidity of Aging.

Signs of Aging:
Greying of hair is more apparent and we come to conclusions on this ominous sign. One should
note that in the modern day world graying of hair is premature because of various other factors
apart from aging. Similarly other key feature is wrinkles and folds around and below the eyes, on
the brow, around the mouth and in the regions of neck.
We all know how aging affects us cosmetically. At the cellular level there is atrophy, dystrophy,
dysplasia, hyperplasia like changes. The connective tissue and epithelial tissue start showing
changes similarly muscle and nerve tissues. Cells make up to tissues to organs. So internal vital
organs also age and the changes vary from organ to organ. An organ functions its peak between
20 to 30 years of age.

Aging and the Heart

The heart grows a little larger with age, the maximal oxygen using capacity of the heart
declines as it ages. This is more important during exercise. Hence is the reason for exercise
ECG’s (Treadmill Test) were part of the routine health checkup that is done at 40 years of
age. It helps the physician to decide how well the heart is functioning and if it would be able
to sustain prolonged exercise. Similarly the maximal heart rate declines as it ages.

The maximal heart rate is calculated with a formula which is 75

percent of (220-Age of the person). So as you age your maximal heart
rate declines. It varies in different sex, declines in men by about 10 per
cent with each decade of adult life and in women by about 7.5 per
cent. On the other hand, cardiac output stays nearly the same because
the heart pumps more capably.
Aging and the Brain

The brain starts to age by 20 and by 40 years of age

they loses a number of cells (neurons) at the rate of
10000 per day and become nonfunctional. However,
it adapts by escalating the number of connections
between cells-synapses and by re-growing the
branchlike extensions, dendrites and axons that carry
messages in the brain. As one ages there is shrinkage
in the brain matter called atrophy. Result are the
diseases like Alzheimer’s dementia.

Effect of Age on the Eyes:

They are early to mature. By age 50 years unclear vision

noticeable in older persons, is a change in the capability
to read small prints. As we age the proteins in the lens
mature and cataract and diminished vision results. In the
over 40s, the elasticity of the lens in the eyes is abridged,
which alters the capacity to focus clearly resulting in
presbyopia. This fault is corrected by appropriate reading

Effect of Age on the Breasts:

They start to age at 35 years. As the hormones fall in

the blood they shrink and breast disease set in. The
areola and glands shrink in size after 40 years of age.

Effect of Age on the Bladder

Bladder capability declines. Urinary incontinence
grades from tissue atrophy. This can, conversely, be
managed through exercise and behavioral
Aging in the Liver and Kidney
They are extremely important for detoxification
process. The capacity to filter waste diminishes as we
age. It is important to keep them free from Aging.

Age and the Bones and Joints

From the forties onwards, wear and tear in the
cartilages of main joints like knees and hips make for
some stiffness of the limbs after long-lasting sitting.
This may also be observed in the back of the neck due
to some arthritic process in the bones of the spine.

Age related changes to the

Menstrual Cycles
In women, the most characteristic feature of Aging is
the onset of the menopause. In physical terms, it
refers to the termination of the monthly period
because the ovaries shut down, usually in the mid or
late forties.
To date there is no conclusive evidence about anti-
aging methods or therapies. Though recently
scientists have tried to produce anti-Aging techniques
in mice, nothing for can stop a human from Aging.
However several models have modified the Aging
rates and life expectancy in humans.

The characteristics of a healthy old

age person who has better life
1. They find life meaningful
2. Have friends of all ages
3. Consider spirituality important
4. Active physically and mentally (optimistic outlook). Keeping our mind active is the only way to
impede brain cells from attenuating.
Activity is the most vital factor contributing to health and longevity. Activity engages not only the
physical activity to keep the muscles firm and strong, but also the activity of the mind to keep
the thought processes and emotions flexible. Not anything is more aging than boredom and
idleness. The mind is at its best
When occupied advantageously and constructively. One should not be concerned about "using
up" one's brain. In fact, not using it can lead to mental corrosion.
The most imperative step towards healthy old age is a change in attitude, the behavior, the habits
and the outlook. It should be understood that there is nothing about old age which demands
poor health. There are most likely no diseases caused by old age. Diseases related with old age
are usually the ones which take decades to develop and are caused by continual strain on an
organ or faulty nutrition. The body does not wear out but is literally deteriorated by a inadequate
diet with disastrous results.
It is important to remember that the ability to learn and adjust continues throughout life and is
strongly influenced by interests, activities, and motivation. With years of rich experience and
reflection, we can rise above our own circumstances. Old age, despite the physical limitations,
can be a time of variety, creativity, and fulfilment.
By consciously using our awareness, we can influence the way we age biologically. One can tell
his body not to age. Let us age with ‘Hope’ which is positive. The Hope that ‘telomerase’ enzyme
that is repressed in human cells would be unlocked some day in humans as well. This enzyme can
slow down the Aging as that in the mice of Harvard’s Dana Farber Cancer Lab.

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