Psychometric Test Administration Course - BPS Level 1

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Asia’s first regular provider and longest running facilitator – we’ve trained more people in Asia for the

BPS Putting Psychology to

certifications than any other vendor worldwide! Work in Asia

Leading to fulfillment of the requirements for the British Psychological Society Level 1 Assistant
Test User Qualification

PsyAsia International’s Psychometric Test Administration Course is a one-day course This course is facilitated by award-winning
which prepares delegates to professionally and competently administer psychometric Chartered Psychologist, Dr. Graham Tyler –
assessments. Successful completion of the course will entitle delegates to apply to the the originator of regular BPS Level A and B
training in Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong.
British Psychological Society for their Level 1 RQTU Assistant Test User Certification.
Graham is a registered organizational
PsyAsia is Asia’s vendor of choice for Psychometric Training Courses - we have trained
psychologist and executive director of
more people in Asia for the BPS certificates than any other vendor!
PsyAsia International. His PhD thesis
concentrated on psychometric assessment
with particular emphasis on the validity of
international and local models and measures
This course is for those who are required to administer psychometric ability, aptitude and
of personality in Asia. Graham was
personality assessments in their role. The focus is on the professional administration of
previously an MBA lecturer in HRM for the
tests, in order to ensure best practice, standardisation, reliability and validity. The course
University of Leicester Dubai Campus, as well
is not for those who are additionally required to interpret or feedback test results to as MSc in HRM Lecturer for Hong Kong
candidates and decision-makers. For these individuals, our longer Psychometric Polytechnic University. He spends most of his
Assessment at Work course (BPS Level 2) is required. time involved in training and consultancy in
HRM and applied organizational psychology.
He is a joint resident of Singapore and Hong
Kong. He is a full member of the American
PsyAsia International has offered this course in Asia since 2002. Our face-to-face training and Australian Psychological Societies and an
takes place in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brunei and mainland China multiple times Associate Fellow with the British

throughout the year. We also offer in-house training at any location. Psychological Society. Graham’s research
with psychometric tools has been recognised
by the BPS with their prestigious prize for
View our Online Training Factsheet here Scientific Contribution to Organizational
As a pioneer in this field, PsyAsia International was the first provider of this training to Psychology. Graham is also an Associate
Fellow with the Hong Kong Psychological
offer it as fully integrated Online Training containing professionally narrated course
Society and a professional member of the
presentations, a delegate forum and virtual whiteboard videos. This meets the demands
Hong Kong Institute for HRM. His research
of busy people who want world-class training that leads to an internationally recognised
has been published in international, peer-
qualification, but for whom face-to-face training is not possible.
reviewed and professional journals, as well as
numerous books. He is a reviewer for the
Journal of Personality & Individual
Face-to-face Course: 1 day | Online Course: Approx. 6 hours plus assessments Differences and the annual SIOP Conference
in the USA, as well as a supervisor for intern
psychologists from Asian and Australian
Universities. There is nobody more qualified
and based in Asia running this course!

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and cont ent design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pt e. Lt d.
Asia’s first regular provider and longest running facilitator – we’ve trained more people in Asia for the BPS Putting Psychology to
certifications than any other vendor worldwide! Work in Asia

Leading to fulfillment of the requirements for the British Psychological Society Level 1 Assistant
Test User Qualification


Preparation for Managed Candidates with Disabilities

Training Levels Test Administration
Direct discrimination
Invitation Letter
What is Occupational Indirect discrimination
Testing? Introducing and Running
the Test Session The Four-Fifth’s rule

What is Psychological Justifiable Adverse Impact

Test Log
UK Data Protection Act
Modes of Test
Categories of Administration
Data Protection in Asia
Psychometric Tests
Managing Problems with
Remote Testing Hong Kong Personal Data
Ordinance & Singapore
Types of Maximum
Personal Data Protection
Performance Test Scoring and Norming

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and cont ent design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pt e. Lt d.
Asia’s first regular provider and longest running facilitator – we’ve trained more people in Asia for the BPS Putting Psychology to
certifications than any other vendor worldwide! Work in Asia

Leading to fulfillment of the requirements for the British Psychological Society Level 1 Assistant
Test User Qualification

We are passionate about enhancing competence in Psychometrics in Asia. Having trained in the UK, Australia and
the USA, our facilitator is globally credentialed and offers world-class training. Our delegates love our training as can
be evidenced in years of positive reviews. A number of these reviews follow and more can be accessed at the course

Click to View More Reviews Online

Training was informative, sleek and world class- just the right amount of knowledge that one needs to be able to digest.
Thumbs up to PsyAsia!
Parandaman.T | Interventionist Psychologist | Evergreen Place | Singapore

The Online Training for Test Administration was an ideal solution for me. The program was delivered by a very
experienced facilitator, the content was substantial and doing it online allowed us to attend the course in an
environment that we are already comfortable in. I would highly recommend this course to management who are looking
for a unique yet effective training methodology.
Alex Tan | Senior Performance Consultant | HRnet Performance Consulting | Malaysia

PsyAsia's Online Psychometric Test Administration Course is very relevant to all recruiters who are involved in test
administration. The speaker is very knowledgeable and you will learn a lot from him. Very approachable...its fun learning
with PsyAsia.
Enrico I. Navea | Recruitment Specialist | National Guard Health Affairs | King Abdulaziz Medical City | Saudi Arabia

1- Really informatic course for those having no previous knowledge of psychometric testing
2- The delivery of course is done in very professional and easy to understand way.
3- The course has been very useful for me and now I'm very clear about how useful and important psychometric testing
is in my profession.
Khalid Cheema | Human Resource Executive | Bureau Veritas, S.A. Dubai Branch | UAE

The On-Line training can save our travelling time to learn some knowledge, interaction still remains as we can raise our
hands for question. Quite good idea to have on-line training.
Pamela Luk | Senior Learning and Development Manager | Chubb | Greater China

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Please contact your nearest PsyAsia International office with any questions that you may have. Alternatively, feel free
to browse our website and click on the Live Chat button for Live Support during Business Hours.

PsyAsia International
Telephone & Contact Details
Course and cont ent design strictly @ PsyAsia International Pt e. Lt d.

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