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Grounding and Ground Fault Protection

of Multiple Generator Installations on
Medium-Voltage Industrial and Commercial
Power Systems—Part 4: Conclusion and Bibliography
Working Group Report
Prafulla Pillai, Senior Member, IEEE, Bruce G. Bailey, Jim Bowen, Gerald Dalke, Bruce G. Douglas, Jay Fischer,
James R. Jones, Daniel J. Love, Charles J. Mozina, Neil Nichols, Clifford Normand, Lorraine Padden, Alan Pierce,
Louie J. Powell, David D. Shipp, Norman Terry Stringer, and Ralph H. Young

Abstract—This paper discusses typical grounding practices and 1) As system complexity has increased, the number of re-
ground fault protection methods for medium-voltage generator sistor grounds on systems has increased. This has caused
stators, highlighting their merits and drawbacks. Particular at- the total available ground fault current to increase. As a
tention is given to applications of multiple generators connected to
a single bus. The paper also provides an overview of the generator practical matter, the opening time of generator breakers
damage mechanism during stator ground faults. Problem areas cannot be made significantly faster than the typical 6
associated with each type of grounding are identified and solutions cycles (100 ms for a 60-Hz ystem) value. A major compo-
are discussed. The paper also provides a list of references on nent of the burning is, therefore, attributable to the mag-
the topic. The paper is intended as a guide to aid engineers in
selecting adequate grounding and ground fault protection schemes nitude of current that will flow during this tripping time,
for medium-voltage industrial and commercial generators for that is, to the number of ground sources on the system.
new installations, for evaluating existing systems, and for future 2) Current that rises through the neutral of the faulted gen-
expansion of facilities, to minimize generator damage from stator erator will not be interrupted by tripping the generator
ground faults. These topics are presented in four separate parts,
breaker, and will persist for several seconds until the field
Parts 1–4. Part 1 covers scope, introduction, user examples of
stator ground failure, and theoretical basis for the problem. Part demagnetizes. A considerable amount of burning damage
2 discusses various grounding methods used in industrial appli- will be done during this time if the generator neutral is
cations. Part 3 describes protection methods for the various types low-resistance grounded.
of grounding and Part 4 provides a conclusion and bibliography Therefore, solutions to this problem must involve several
of additional resource material.
Index Terms—Generator ground fault protection, generator 1) The number and ratings of low-resistance grounding
grounding, ground fault protection, grounding, stator iron
damage. resistors on the system should be kept to a minimum.
Techniques to accomplish this include designing the
system around the concept of “zero-sequence islands”
I. CONCLUSIONS in which the number and rating of transformer ground
sources within each island is strictly limited, or the use
T HIS paper has shown that the phenomenon that is causing
the reported extreme core burning of faulted generator sta-
tors is based on two factors.
of a single bus-connected neutral deriving transformer
instead of multiple neutral resistors on multiple power
2) The faulted generator should be high-resistance (10-A
Paper ICPSD-IAS 48–01–P4, presented at the 2002 Industry Applications
Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 13–18, and approved for maximum) grounded, especially during the time after the
publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the generator breaker opens and while the field excitation
Power Systems Protection Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications
Society. Manuscript submitted for review October 15, 2002 and released for
is decaying. If necessary, a hybrid form of generator
publication November 4, 2003. neutral grounding may be used in which the neutral
The authors are members of the Grounding and Ground Fault Protection is both low-resistance grounded and high-resistance
of Medium-Voltage Generator Installations Working Group of the Medium-
Voltage Protection Subcommittee, Power Systems Protection Committee, IEEE grounded. The generator will be low-resistance grounded
Industry Applications Society. during normal operation, but a neutral switching device
P. Pillai, Chairperson of the Grounding and Ground Fault Protection of is provided to trip this resistor any time that the generator
Medium-Voltage Generator Installations Working Group, is with Kellogg
Brown & Root, Houston, TX 77002-7990 USA (e-mail: must be tripped for a stator ground fault. This leaves the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2003.821645 generator high-resistance grounded during the ensuing
0093-9994/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

interval as the field flux decays, thereby limiting the fault BIBLIOGRAPHY
current to a level that will do significantly less damage.
3) If it can be assured that the generator will never be op-
erated alone without being synchronized to the external Industry Standards Publications
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internal to the generator, the low-resistance grounding of Utility Systems, Part I—Introduction, IEEE Standard C62.92.2, 1989.
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resistance grounded, thereby eliminating damages. [5] IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commer-
4) Another option would be high-resistance grounding of cial Power Systems (The Green Book), IEEE Standard 142, 1991.
[6] IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Indus-
both the generator and the external sources with the trial and Commercial Power Systems (The Buff Book), IEEE Standard
bus being low-resistance grounded via a grounding 242, 2001.
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[23] H. T. Teichmann, “Improved maintenance approach for large generator Prafulla Pillai (M’88–SM’95) received the B.Sc.
armature windings subject to insulation migration,” IEEE Trans. Power (Electrical Eng.) degree from Kerala State Univer-
App. Syst., vol. PAS-91, pp. 1234–1239, July/Aug. 1973. sity, Kerala, India, in 1967, and the M.Sc. (Electrical
[24] J. Berdy, M. L. Crenshaw, and M. Temoshok, “Protection of large steam Eng.) degree from Queen’s University, Kingston,
turbine generators during abnormal operating conditions,” General Elec- ON, Canada, in 1977.
tric Co., Schenectady, NY, GER-2811, 1972. She was with Fertilizers and Chemicals Company,
India, from 1967 to 1975, primarily designing elec-
Papers on Voltage Transformers trical systems for chemical plants. She was involved
[25] IEEE Committee Report, “Potential transformer application on unit in engineering consulting services in Canada from
connected generators,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-91, pp. 1977 to 1980. She was with Ontario Hydro, Canada,
24–28, Jan./Feb. 1972. from 1980 to 1993, initially designing utility substa-
[26] C. R. Mason, “Preventing generator relay operations when a potential tions and later studying electrical power systems in their Research Division. She
transformer blows,” General Electric Rev., vol. 19, Oct. 1957. joined Brown & Root (now Kellogg Brown & Root), Houston, TX, in 1993, as
Senior Electrical Engineer. She currently holds the position of Senior Technical
Advisor. Her primary responsibilities are in the areas of power system anal-
ysis, protective relay coordination, and relay setting calculations for industrial
Ms. Pillai is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and
in the Province of Ontario, Canada. She holds several positions in the Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems Department of the IEEE Industry Applications
Society and its committees and working groups.

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