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1.1. Tax amendment for declarations (AMA)

When the declaration is accepted, the company wants to declare additional tax (increase /
decrease) by using AMA.
First, opening additional declaration, choose tab “Kết quả xử lý tờ khai” then select
“Đăng ký bổ sung thay đổi thuế AMA”

Next, Enter information in tab “Thông tin chung” for criteria: reason, tax currency,
due date,.. then click on “GHI”. Move on tab “Thông tin hàng hóa”, this is the place you
change the tax for declared goods. Click F4 to see the selected product line in details.

After you entered, you proceed to declare by choose tag “2.Đăng ký thông tin sửa tờ
khai AMA” and review feedback from the Customs:
Finally, you get feedback from the Customs to end the tax amendment process AMA.

1.2. Registration for attached files of reported declarations (MSB)

This is the place to add the attached file for the declaration. Open the right declaration,
you choose tab “Đăng ký bổ sung file đính kèm MSB”

Click on “Thêm mới”. The screen will show:

Click on “Thêm file” and add documents. You need read “Lưu ý dạng file”. Next
“Ghi” and declare the data with” Khai báo đính kèm tờ khai MSB” function. Get
feedback from the Customs to know the declaration status.

1.3 Search for existed import declarations

All declarations and documents were declared. It will be archived.
You want to search import declaration information. You go to on menu “Tờ khai xuất
nhập khẩu/Danh sách tờ khai nhập khẩu”, which is displayed as follows:

Tree arrangement program so you can easily find information

EX: You want to find declaration number “100039519861” with status Declared edited
return, just input the number on “số TK”, then choose branch “Tờ khai đã khai báo IDE”
as follows.

2. Registration for new export declaration (EDA)

To register a new export declaration. You access menu “Tờ khai xuất nhập khẩu/
Đăng ký mới tờ khai xuất khẩu (EDA)”

The screen shows export declaration:

You perform the same steps directed as presented above 1. Đăng ký tờ khai nhập khẩu
mới (IDA)

3. Registration for low value import, export declarations (MIC, MEC)

ECUS - 5 extends the registration procedure, including "Registration for low value
import/export declarations" ( see more on ).
EX: Choose menu “Tờ khai xuất nhập khẩu / Đăng ký tờ khai nhập (xuất) trị giá nhỏ”
The declaration screen shows as follows:

After entering the information in the tab "Thông tin tờ khai", next you choose “Khai
báo thông tin tờ khai (MIC)”, it will show the result “Khai báo tờ khai thành công”.

Choose “2. Lấy kết quả phân luồng, thông quan” to review from the Customs.
You take the declaration information in “3. Lấy thông tin tờ khai sau khai báo (MID)”
function. And edit information with function “4. Khai báo thông tin tờ khai (MIE)”.

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