Narrative Report

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A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an

industry that is directly to the student’s chosen profession. With the help of Work
Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with their work-
related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their
competence, skills and knowledge. Work Immersion refers to the part of the
Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on
experience or work simulation, which the Grades 11 and 12 students will undergo
to expose them to the actual workplace setting and to enrich the competencies
provided by the school under the supervision of the School Head and the
designated personnel of the partner institution. It is one of the subject
requirements for graduation.

August 31, 2019, the day that I am really excited because it was the first
day of my work immersion at Ospital ng Calaca (ONC) together with my
classmates. Mrs. Vea Mariz Porto, our immersion teacher is the one that assist
us inside the hospital.
The first thing that we do inside is the introduction of the hospital staffs
which the Human Resource Officer Ms. Dei Magsino and the Head of the
Infection Control which is Mrs. Nadine Dueñas. Ms. Dei is the one who oriented
us about the things that we shouldn’t do. on how to avoid diseases that we can
possibly get inside the hospital. Her presentation is all about the different kinds of
viruses and bacteria and how we can get it. She also explained how the
infections that caused by viruses and bacteria can avoid especially in the simple
way which is the proper hygiene and proper hand washing. After her presentation
we started to tour the different departments that we can be possibly assigned to.
Before we go to our assigned position Ms. Dei asked Sir Marlon to get our
biometrics so it is easy for us to determine what time we come in and out.

I was first assigned at the Ospital ng Calaca happened at the Pharmacy.

Mam Addy asked me to cut out the papers that the patient needed whenever
there is someone that needed to be confined. She also asked me to arrange the
IV Fluids into their respective storage. And I observed some medicine inside the
pharmacy. My second assigned task happened on still at the Out Patient
Department (OPD) and I am still the one who writes their personal information.

My ifth day of work immersion happened at the Laboratory. It’s my first

time so Ms. Faustina and Ms. Christine told me that just observed for awhile. So I
observed different equipments used at the laboratory and Ms.Faus allowed me to
take a peek at the microscope to see the bacteria and he explained it to me
thoroughly. Mam Nadz enters the laboratory and she explained to me the
different kinds of mosquitoes that can cause dengue. My sixth task happened on
September 14, 2019 still at the Laboratory. Mam Faus only asked me to cut the
surgical tape that they needed when they do the check up at the Calaca
Gymnasium. I cut more than three boxes of surgical tape. After I’ve finished it
she told me that I am allowed to visit other departments if I want to. So, I went to
the x-ray and ob-gyne department and they asked me to observed their
equipments and I am able to witness what they are doing inside the ultra sound
room. My seventh task is still at the Laboratory. But this day is special because it
is the 3rd Year Anniversary of Ospital ng Calaca. I only observed how Blood
Donation works together with my classmates. We didn’t do something until the
afternoon we just observed what they are doing. And when the lunch come we
they told us to eat at the buffet table. After we eat we observed at the x-ray
department and we stamped the envelope for the x-ray.

My eight task is also my second day at the Laboratory. I just observed

how blood extraction works when they extract blood at the patient. I also
observed how blood separated through centrifuge.

When the afternoon came we just take up photos together with the
hospital staffs of the Ospital ng Calaca. We bid our farewell and thanks for
helping us during our atstay at Ospital ng Calaca.

During those ten days that I spent at Ospital ng Calaca I realized that I
really loved Medical Technology as a profession. It makes me want to pursue it
on college and I will do my best just to be successful like the medical technologist
that I’ve encountered at Ospital ng Calaca. I learned that to be successful one
day it really need a lot of hardwork and patience. I also learned how important
time is when you are working. It is a must that we shouldn’t be late at work and
we need to finish our assigned task to the allotted time to avoid hassle. One
second it is at peace then the next second it is complicated because of the
serious injury of the patient that needed to be cured immediately. It is not the
skills that matter but it is how you handle such situation without panicking. I also
learned that your characteristics are important to avoid trouble in your working
area and to your co-worker. It is also important to have a great time sharing your
opinions and ideas because good communication will lead to a better company.

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