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Sample CV – International Development

John Doe
222 Stewart Drive
London WC1H 0XG
Telephone 07888 642422


• MSc Development Studies student at School of Oriental & African Studies in London,
due to complete September 2008;
• Over one year’s experience in marketing and information roles at War on Want,
Chatteris Educational Foundation and Aid International;
• Interpersonal skills demonstrated through building relationships with local bodies for
Chatteris in South Africa
• Organisational skills cemented through leading planning on major new SOAS
Development Society event


MSc Development Studies SOAS, University of London 2007-2008

An intellectual grounding and interdisciplinary competence in development issues.
Modules chosen include: Globalisation & Development and NGOs as Development
Agencies. My dissertation will explore the relationship between women and the media in
Africa. I have also attended media and development related evening lectures at SOAS.

BA Politics (2.1) University of Sheffield 2003-2006

Included a module in Women & Politics and analysis of a media propaganda campaign
My ability to work within tight time constraints was enhanced through submission of an
essay every fortnight throughout my final year.

BSc Geography University of Sheffield 2002-2003

Completed first year before changing course, due to rising interest in international politics

A Levels High Winshall College, Rye 1999-2001

English (A), French (B), Geography (B)

Marketing & Information Experience

Communications Intern War on Want, London June – Sept 2007

Four month internship supporting organisation’s information dissemination activities
• Maintained database of contacts
• Monitored media on weekly basis to identify marketing opportunities

Information Volunteer Chatteris Educational Foundation, S. Africa June – Aug 2006

Volunteer on education project helping with HIV/AIDS awareness-raising
• Helped to identify communication routes through talking to local bodies and people
• Helped manager to prepare material
• Evaluated impact of information dissemination at event
Sample CV – International Development

Key achievement: Established a new and fruitful communications route (a local event)

Events Support Aid International, Sheffield Oct 2005 – May 2006

Part-time role providing admin support to two international profile-raising Book Aid events
• Responded to general enquiries about events from the press, development
professionals and public bodies
• Communicated joining instructions to delegates around the world

Other Experience

Event Planner SOAS U8 Development Society Nov 2007 – present

Led design and planning of new international conference for our student society
• Worked to three month time constraint by setting team deadlines on various key
tasks and monitoring progress via weekly meetings
• Multi-tasked: As well as ensuring team tasks were moving forward, I undertook
marketing material design and dissemination
Key achievement: 230 students attended and the event will be repeated in 2009

Waiter BigFish Restaurant, London Aug – Dec 2003

Part-time role to help fund studies waiting tables evenings and weekends
• Developed confidence in communicating with wide variety of people

Relevant Skills

Organisation, including multi-tasking and working to tight time constraints – Led planning
for first SOAS Development Society international conference and supported two profile-
raising Book Aid events, each within a tight, three month time period, whilst ensuring an
ongoing commitment to my studies.

Interpersonal – At Chatteris, I built relationships with local organizations and influential

individuals to identify potential communication routes. At Aid International, I responded
over the phone and in person to enquiries about events from the press, development
professionals and public bodies.


• Active campaigner on development and human rights issues, most recently with
WDM and Amnesty.
• Love playing and listening to music and travelling. I have recently spent three weeks
in China and, between January and August 2002, travelled independently in Africa.


Mr Tom Hanks Dr Steven Spielberg

Manager Lecturer
War On Want SOAS, University of London
10 Chalfont Drive Thornhaugh Street
London SW9 3DW London WC1H 0XG
020 7777 8545 020 7898 4444

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