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1. Red Blood Cells are also known as Leukocytes.

They transport oxygen from the lungs to the

body cells and deliver carbon dioxide from body cells to the lungs.
a. Only First Statement is True
b. Only Second Statement is True — RBC aka. Erythrocytes
c. Both Statements are True
d. Both Statements are not True
2. Red Blood Cell production is called Erythropoiesis. It starts in the Red Bone Marrow with a
precursor cell called Proerytheoblast.
a. Only First Statement is True
b. Only Second Statement is True
c. Both Statements are True
d. Both Statements are not True
3. Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Veins are blood vessels that convey blood from the
tissues back to the heart.
a. Only First Statement is True
b. Only Second Statement is True
c. Both Statements are True
d. Both Statements are not True
4. The Conducting Zone are the main sites of gas exchange between air and blood. The
Respiratory Zone filters the air and conducts it into the lungs.
a. Only First Statement is True
b. Only Second Statement is True
c. Both Statements are True
d. Both Statements are not True — Other way around
5. Visceral Pleura lines the wall of the thoracic cavity. Parietal Pleura covers the lungs
a. Only First Statement is True
b. Only Second Statement is True
c. Both Statements are True
d. Both Statements are not True — Visceral pleura- inner covering; Parietal- outer covering
6. The inflow and outflow of air and involves the exchange of air between atmosphere and alveoli
of lungs.
a. Pulmonary Ventilation
b. External Respiration
c. Internal Respiration
d. None of the Above
7. Amount of air inspire/expired with each normal breath.
a. Inspiratory Reserve Volume
b. Tidal Volume
c. Vital Capacity
d. Functional Residual Volume
8. Amount of air maximally expired after maximal inspiration.
a. Inspiratory Reserve Volume
b. Tidal Volume
c. Vital Capacity
d. Functional Residual Volume
9. Primary site of hemopoiesis in the last 3 months before birth.
a. Red Bone Marrow
b. Spleen
c. Lymph Nodes
d. Yolk sac of Embryo — First Occurs Before Birth
10. Three Mechanisms to reduce blood loss EXCEPT:
a. Coagulation — Other Term for Blood Clotting
b. Blood Clotting
c. Platelet Plug Formation
d. Vascular Spasm
e. None of the Above
11. The nervous and endocrine systems act together to coordinate functions of all body systems.
The endocrine system also controls body activities by releasing mediators, called
a. Only First Statement is True
b. Only Second Statement is True
c. Both Statements are True
d. Both Statements are not True
12. Stage of deglutition in which the bolus is passed into the oropharynx.
a. Voluntary Stage
b. Pharyngeal Stage
c. Esophageal Stage
d. None of the Above
13. Accessory considered as both Endocrine & Exocrine Gland.
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Gallbladder
d. Salivary Gland
14. Process of mechanical & chemical breakdown of food.
a. Absorption
b. Mixing & propulsion
c. Digestion
d. Defacation
15. Intrinsic muscles of the tongue alter the shape and size of the tongue while, Extrinsic muscles
moves the tongue from side to side & in and out.
a. Only First Statement is True
b. Only Second Statement is True
c. Both Statements are True
d. Bothe Statements are not True
16. Largest Organ in the Body
a. Liver
b. Skin
c. Kidney
d. Heart
17. Heaviest Organ in the Body
a. Liver
b. Skin
c. Kidney
d. Heart
18. Where most digestion & absorption of nutrients occurs
a. Small Intestine
b. Large Intestine — absorption of Water
c. Stomach
d. Esophagus
19. Portion of Small Intestine, EXCEPT:
a. Duodenum
b. Jejunum
c. Cecum — Portion of Large Intestine
d. Ileum
20. This Phase of Digestion starts once food enters the Intestines
a. Cephalic Phase — Brain
b. Gastric Phase — Stomach
c. Intestinal Phase
d. None of the Above
21. Deeper Region of the Kidney:
a. Renal Cortex — Outer & Lighter Region
b. Renal Medulla — Darker
c. Renal Hilum — Distended part of the Medial Side of Kidney, where Renal Vein & artery
pass through
d. None of the Above
22. Endocrine Gland, EXCEPT:
a. Pituitary Gland
b. Thyroid Gland
c. Adrenal Gland
d. All of the Above
e. None of the Above
23. Local Hormones that act on neighboring cells:
a. Autocrine — act on the SAME cell
b. Paracrine
c. All of the Above
d. None of the Above
24. Anterior Pituitary Hormone that promotes milk production
a. Prolactin
b. Oxytoxin — POSTERIOR PITUITARY, prmotes milk ejection
c. Estrogen — Placental hormone, prepares mammary glands to secrete milk
d. Progesterone — Placental hormone, prepares mammary glands to secrete milk
25. Hormone that stimulates testes to produce sperm
a. Follicle Stimulating Hormone
b. Luteinizing Hormone — Stimulates testes to produce testosterone
c. Both A and B
d. None of the Above
26. Posterior Pituitary Hormone that conserves body water by decreasing urine volume, EXCEPT:
a. Antidiuretic Hormone
b. Vasopressin
c. Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone — Anterior Pituitary Hormone, stimulates secretion of
d. None of the Above
27. Amount of air left/remained inside the lungs after maximal expiration.
a. Residual Volume
b. Functional Residual Volume — Normal Expiration
c. Tidal Volume
d. Expiratory Reserve Volume
28. Muscles of Relax Expiration:
a. Diaphgram
b. Sternlcleidomastoid
c. Abdominals
d. None of the Above — Passive recoil of the Lungs
29. Primary Pacemaker of the Conducting System:
a. Atrioventricular Node (AV)
b. Sinoatrial Node ( SA)
c. Purkinje Fibers
d. Bundle of His — Only Site where Action Potentials conduct from atria to ventricle
30. Blood passes from Left Atrium to Left Ventricle through:
a. Tricuspid Valve — Located on the Right side of the Heart
b. Bicuspid Valve
c. Mitral Valve
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C — Other names

From Superior & Inferior Vena Cava: (Deoxygenated Blood)
1. Right Atrium – receives the blood
2. Right Ventricle – via Tricuspid Valve
3. Pulmonary Vein
4. Pulmonary Capillaries of the Lungs
5. Pulmonary Artery (Oxygenated Blood)
6. Left Atrium
7. Left Ventricle – Bicuspid/Mitral Valve
8. Aorta
9. Systems

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