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Sample # Action type User User name

1 Modification A0056540 Aline LEDENT

2 Modification C5539903 Céline REMY
3 Modification S8280387 STEPHANE BAILERA
4 Modification Y6317160 YANN TRAVERT
5 Création FF_BC3 FF_BC3
6 Création A0056540 Aline LEDENT
7 Création E6102731 Eric Ossuck
8 Création T5526643 Thaleryni KATHIRGAMANATHAN
User Group Date Modif/ par
U_SS_FR_N 3/6/2019 I_MS6110_CUA
U_SS_FR_N 3/4/2019 BC-BATCH
U_L_FR_FR04 8/7/2019 BC-BATCH
U_L_FR_FR04 1/3/2019 I_MS6110_CUA
U_SERVICE 4/1/2019 I_MS6110_CUA
U_SS_FR_N 3/6/2019 I_MS6110_CUA
U_L_FR_FR04 15/11/2019 I_MS6110_CUA
U_L_FR_FR04 30/10/2019 I_MS6110_CUA
User access has been created by GRC10.1 request number - 482
As we informed you before composite roles has been changed and impacted to the user profiles with help of back ground job please find the screenshots for y
As we informed you before composite roles has been changed and impacted to the user profiles with help of back ground job please find the screenshots for y
I will provide you the evidence on tomorrow
FF_BC3 service user id had been created by Change request - CHG0662285
User access has been created by GRC10.1 request number - 482
User access has been created by GRC10.1 request number - 2194
User access has been created by GRC10.1 request number - 1916

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