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Self-Learning Module for Grade 11

Relative and Absolute Dating

Direction for users:

Here are some reminders to remember as you go through this module:
1. Read and follow each directions carefully;
2. Answer the pre-test before proceeding to the activity;
3. Take down notes and record points for clarification;
4. Always aim to get at least 80% of the total number of items given;
5.Be sure to answer the post test at the end of the module.
How old is it? This might be the first question that will enter your mind when
you see an old rocks or artifacts. Certainly, that is one of the first thing that a
geologist wants to know.
Geologists find ways on how to determine the age and traces of history from
the large number of artifacts and monuments bestowed upon us by older
There are methods and techniques used by geologists to help them determine
the age of the materials that evolved in the past. In this lesson the relative and
absolute dating processes will be discussed.

Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Shade the circle that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which of these is the best indication of the relative age of a rock layer?
A The chemical make up of the layer.
B The distance of the layer on the surface.
C The position of the layer compared to other layers.
D The thickness of the layer

2. The absolute age of an igneous rock can be best determined by

A comparing the size of crystals in the upper and lower
parts of the rock
B comparing the amount of decayed and undecayed
radioactive isotopes
C Examining the rock’s relative position in a rock outcrop
D examining the environment in which the rock is found.

3. In an undisturbed rock file,the oldest rock are found______________.

A at the bottom. C in the middle.
B anywhere. D on the top.
4.From the lists of rocks,which of them is derived from pre-existing rock?
A Igneous rocks C Sedimentary rock
B Metamorphic rock D Igneous and metamorphic

5.Which of the following make used of the position of rocks to determine its age?
A Absolute dating C Relative dating
B Biometric dating D None of these
Competency : Describe the different methods(relative and absolute dating)
to determine the age of stratified rocks (S11/12ES-Ie-26)

1.Differentiate relative from absolute dating through pictures presented.
2. Compare relative and absolute dating using comparison chart.

Learning Experience
A. Engage
Look at the diagram of a rock layer. If you will be asked to determine the age
of each rock, what method are you going to used? Relative or absolute dating?


B. Explore
Who’s the oldest?
Use the letters in the diagram below to determine the age of rocks applying the
method of relative dating.List the rock layers from youngest to the oldest relative to

Guide Questions:
1. In the law of superposition which layer is the oldest?______________
2. What is the relative age of igneous rock in layer H?(younger,older)
3. What is the youngest rock layer?________________
4. What law is represented by layer H as it passes through layer M,F,B and
5. Which rock layer is older layer B or layer F?_______________
How many years?
Refer and analyze the diagram below to answer the question that follows.

A.How old was the youngest rock

B. How about the oldest rock
C.What method is used in
determining the age of rocks and fossils
based in the


There are two methods in determining the age of rocks: absolute and
relative dating. In determining the age of rocks in relative dating itfollows the
different principles:superposition,cross cutting,original horizontality and

Relative Dating Absolute Dating

Used absolute dating

Used to arrange geological
methods, sometimes called
events, and the rocks they leave
numerical dating,to give rocks
behind in sequence
an actual date,or date range,
in number of years.

Qualitative method of
Quantitative method
of dating
Used stratigraphy
method (oldest found
at the bottom and
youngest at the top) Use radiometric
method by
radioactive decay:
concept of isotopes
and concepts of half-
Principles to recognize the life
relative ages of rocks
-Original Horizontality
- Inclusion
Guide Questions:
1. What is the difference between absolute and relative dating in terms of
determining the age of rocks?______________________________________
2. What are the principles that determines the position of the rocks in a strata?
Venn Diagram

Fill in the venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between
absolute dating and relative dating. Use the words inside the word pool to
complete the diagram.
E. Evaluate

Direction: Place the missing letter that best complete the term being described by
each statement.

1. It used to determine the age of a

__b__ __l u__ e D __ __i__g material by using numeric values.

2. It states that the geologic feature which

C__o__s C__t__i __g cuts another is younger of the two
3. It used to determine the relative age of
R__la__ i __ e __a__i__g rock layers.

4. This law states that the younger layer is

__up__r__o__i__i__n at the top and older layer of rocks are at
the bottom.
5. Rocks that usually form deposits that
Se__im__nt__ry __ O__ks that files up and hardened.

If you will be asked to determine the age of a rock which
dating method are you going to use? Why?

Post Test

Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Shade the circle that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which type of dating method can be used on rock layers by applying the Law of

A. absolute dating. B. radiometric dating

C. radioactive dating. D relative dating.
2. Sediment is/are ________?

A. clay B. rocks
C. silt D Clay,silt and pieces of

3. What is the difference between an absolute date and a relative

A. An absolute date refers to a year or a range of years, while
a relative date indicates a chronological order.
B. A relative date is derived from radiometric dating
techniques, while an absolute date comes from
C. A relative date refers to a year or a range of years, while an
absolute date indicates a chronological order.
D. An absolute date involves vodka, while a relative date is

Refer to the diagram below and answer the question that follow.

4. Which layer of the rocks shows the cross-cutting relationship?

A. Layer 1 B. Layer 3
C. Layer 2 D. Layer 4

5.Which layer of the rocks follows the principle of superposition?

A. Layer 1 B. Layer 3
C. Layer 2 D. Layer 4

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