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postgraduate college for women, Samanabad Lahore


Management Information System

Submitted to:

Mam Khadija

Submitted by:
Aleeza Fatima (061631001)

Amna Zahid (061631003)

Ayma (061631008)

Mehak Tariq (061631027)

Management Information System of DELL
MIS is more than just information technology. It consists of hardware technology, software
technology and network technology in order to deliver advance form of information technology.
MIS involves four interrelated information which are firstly, MIS in is not just information
technology but also involves its instantiation, and secondly it is as reactive and inextricable
elements both an information system and its organizational context. Third, MIS involves
information technology as a form of intellectual technology and lastly, MIS involves the
activities of a profession or corporate function which are integral to the essence of what MIS is.
Starting as a humble small and operational company, Dell has climbed the ladder into world
renowned personal computer manufacturer in the world. It is also known as the company that
provides their product by mail ordering method or by a catalogue.


Dell was established in 1984 by Michael Dell. In 1987, Dell was the top mail-order computer
company in U.S. By 1994, Dell was come out new notebook computers and expanded to
overseas. By late 1990s, Dell is the top PCs direct seller in the world (Ford, Honeycutt, and
Simintiras, 2003).Dell is the world's largest personal computer supplier with a growing amount
to billions of US dollars. They are selling products to customers directly by using internet and
mail-order catalogs.

In order to lower costs and facilities the whole supply chain, Dell has improved its design,
manufacturing, procurement, and logistics. Finally, it has successful developed notebook and
server product lines and expanded its markets internationally. In 1998, the sales amount has
reached $18.2 billion, gained $1.46 billion of profit. Between years of 1995 to 1999, Dell’s
worldwide PC market share had grown from 3% to 9.2%. From 1994 to 1999, their stock price
has increased forty times; the total market value of the company is more than $100 billion

Dell’s Products and Services

Dell offers wide range of product and service to the customers. The products offer by Dell is
desktop, notebook, network servers, workstations, handheld computers, monitors, printers, high-
end storage products, computer peripherals and software. Dell also offer wide range of
electronics and PC accessories such as networking accessories, digital cameras, camcorders,
gaming consoles, LCD televisions, projectors and surround sound speakers. Customers have the
freedom to select the requirements they need; place and custom configure order directly.
Furthermore, Dell has bought a lot of convenience to customers as they provided simple services
to suit the customer’s lifestyle. Dell provides customer’s service and support tool to help
customer’s on maintenance, installations and setups, ongoing care, troubleshooting and repairs
the computer. This support tool keeps customers system running in good condition and protects
customers' personal data. Dell’s technician can remotely access the customer’s computer to
resolve the problems immediately.

Management Information System of DELL:

Dell uses information systems to gain competitive advantages to reach the business goals. The IS
currently used in Dell are Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) to identify specific components, check inventory, automatically setup
components and send to the appropriate suppliers when received customers order. Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI) used to transmitting and receiving purchase orders, invoices and
shipping schedules. Dell also uses "just-in-time" (JIT) system for manufacturing approach.
Order Management System (DOMS) used by customer service, sales, finance and human
resources department for entering order data and check payment. Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) used to determine customers target and segment effectively. In additional,
Dell used IT Inventory Management, online system and Wed Pages for customers to get all
information and customized products, E-commerce to improve supply chain and customer
services. HR operations and HR management in Dell used Human Resource Management
System (HRM) to motivate and training employee.

Customers Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer relationship management (CRM) is used to build up and maintain a good relationship
with customers. CRM business model used by Dell is direct business model, where the computer
systems are custom-built based on customers ‘specifications and services are tailored to
customers’ needs. Dell is using CRM system to contact customers directly and capturing as
much information as possible. Dell’s CRM system is mainly used by Marketing, Finance and
Manufacturing Department. It facility by 3 types of software which is “Hotlink”, marketing
automation software; “Premier Page”, custom designed Web pages containing purchase data; and
“Proclarity”. Marketing team used “Hotlink” to monitoring customer and market trends which
can effective targeting and communication on real time (Moon, 2003). Dell get closer with its
large customer by using “Premier Pages” which is a paperless ordering process for configuration,
ordering, services, support, and customized PCs according to customer’s need (Gray and
Byun,2001). According to Michael Dell, the idea of Premier Pages was to “gain less information
about customers – they already know about them – and more to create a real win-win situation”.
The process of Premier Pages to understanding customer’s need is beginning when the customer
orders the PC and the PC will built after the order was confirmed. “ProClarity” have the deeply
analytical abilities which able to highlighted and resulting the positive and negative of business
areas and also break down the sale by region. Management team used “PloClarity” to measure
the company’s trend and successes, access customer’s demographic information, sales history
and trade relationship. Sales team used to track activity within accounts, and take action on the
lapsed quotes while marketing department used to track customer activity, product sales, and
marketing mixes. On another side, Dell deployed e-Business software which is “i2 Supply Chain
Planner”, “i2 Collaboration Planner”, and “i2 Factory Planner”. This software is designed to
meet the need of supply chain and coordinate the build-to-order processes from order to
customer support. Dell’s management team used to profile customers, target customer’s
preference as well as determine the outcome. Moreover, Dell used this system to pull material,
track backlog numbers, check stock status, and supplier commitments. This system can
let supplier know what parts to deliver to which factories and be assembled to meet customer
needs. Likewise, Dell partnership with in online CRM provides system-
integration service for small and medium business. Dell using to track sales
opportunity, generate and analyze sales report, sales forecasting and view real-time dashboards.
Dell's CRM system involves monitoring global customer's purchase which provides Dell a better
understanding on their business to delivery better services and right products to customers.

Just-in-time"(JIT) system
Dell is one of the pioneer companies which have embraced JIT approach in its manufacturing
and production activities. The Value added activities such as; a direct model is a business
strategy has been possible by JIT. Dell uses the technique in customizing its production process,
inventory management besides being a direct relationship with its customers and emphasized by
Dell computer.

Dell has encompassed the use of JIT in computer hardware and software to provide consumers
with hi-tech services, updated technology, hi-tech products, customized computer systems and
affordable products. JIT is a fundamental method used by Dell. It helps the company to reduce
wastes by manufacturing only what is needed, delivering at the right place and in the right time.

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