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Name _____________________________________________________ Period _____ Mineral Quiz Review

1. What are the building blocks of all rocks?______________________________________________________

2. To be a mineral, a substance must have 4 specific characteristics. List them below.

 ____________________________________________________________________________________

 ____________________________________________________________________________________

 ____________________________________________________________________________________

 ____________________________________________________________________________________

3. On the line in front of each question, write the name of the property being described. Properties of minerals
include: color, streak, hardness, luster, cleavage/fracture, and transparency.

a. _____________________________________ How easily a mineral can be scratched (scratchability)

b. _____________________________________ This property of minerals is most easily seen but is the least
reliable in identifying minerals. light.

c. _____________________________________ The color of a mineral in its powdered form.

d. _____________________________________ The way a mineral breaks.

e. _____________________________________ The way the mineral reflects

f. _______________________________________ Moh’s scale is used to discuss this property of minerals

True or False. Write the entire word on the line.

4. _______________ Diamonds formed by scientists in labs are not minerals.

5. _______________ Some minerals are gases.

6. _______________ Minerals are living materials or were once living.

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