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SECTION TITLES Low-Carbon Sheet Steel.. Plate, Tube and Pipe Steels Carbon and Alloy Steels of Medium Carbon Content.. 29 Carbon and Alloy Steels of High Carbon Content Case Hardening Steels. Steel Castings Cast Irons. Tool Materials . Wrought Stainless Steels . Stainless Steel Casting Alloys Wrought Heat-Resisting Alloys. Fe-Cr-Ni Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys Nickel-Base and Cobalt-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys Refractory Metals and Ailoys. Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Alloys. Magnetic Materials... Electrical Contact Materials Sleeve Bearing Material: Aluminum Alloys..... Copper and Copper Alloys. Lead and Lead Alloys Magnesium Alloys. Nickel Alloys..... Tin and Tin Alloys. Titanium and Titanium Alloys Zinc and Zinc Alloys. METALS HANDBOOK 8th Edition vou. 7 Atlas of Microstructures of Industrial Alloys prepared under the direction of the ASM HANDBOOK COMMITTEE Robert F. Meht Chairman of all Volume 7 committees AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS Metals Park, Ohio 44073. Copyrignt © 1972 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS Al rights reserved No nar of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievat system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechantoal, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without ‘the prior written permission of the publisher. inst printing, Angus? 302 Nothing contained in the Metals Handbook ts to be construed as a grant of any right of manufacture, sale, or use tn con- nection with any method, process, apporatus, product, or composition, whether or not covered by letters patent or registered trade mark, nor as a defense aoainet Uatiity for the infringement of lelters patent or registered trade mark. Librasy of Congres Catalog Casa Numer: 2712046, Pamir 1m THE UnttE Stares oF Aueacoa MEMBERS OF ASM HANDBOOK COMMITTEE (1971-1972) GEORGE J. SHUBAT Cumann (4972- Gtember, 196- MICHAEL B. BEVER TAYLOR LYMAN ‘Wier Curamman (1672) Sxontarr (1043-) Massachusetts Insittute of Technology Editor-Metals Handbook Member, 1965-) American Society Jor Metals Fiaotp Bouser 1972) Cuaron 1. Jnoxsom (1968-1972) Rosser ©, Rux, (0U-) Ford Motor Co. Ohio State University ‘Chase Brass & Copper Co. Hopman) Janes F. Kawa (971. ) 0. G. Saunpens <19TI- Hughes Toot Co. ‘MeDonnell-Douglas Corp, Hobart Manufacturing Co. W.G. Passmacrr (1972- anos A, Maroney (1968-1912) Baunun, Susiss (1969- —) Bendiz Corp. Clark Equipment Co. Tucing Pitkin, ine. Jono H. Fave, In. (1959- _) Bowanp W. O'Bnies (9T1- Puttre R. Speen (1969-1972) Oak Ridge ational Laboratory Oklahoma Steel Castings Co. Olin Mathieson. Chemical Corp. HJ. Ganem, Jn, (1960-9) Dona A, Peasy (1989-) Rayuon Was (1972. ) eros Corp. General Motors Corp. ‘General Electric Co. Himmcax D. Ganevmena (1972-—) Lymm G. Rowsnts (1972-) Fornesr §. Wotzuaas (1968-—) Westinghouse Electric Corp. ‘Sears, Roebuck & Co. ‘Naval Att Development Center hers C. Hawn. (1969- ‘Dawes, 8. Zamponsiy (1971) General Dynamies-Fort Worth Warner d& Swasey Co. PREVIOUS CHAIRMEN OF ASM HANDBOOK COMMITTEE RS, ARCHER* (1940-1942) J.D. GRAHAM (1985-1908) W. J. MERTEN® (1921-1980) ‘ember, 1987-3942) (Member, 1961-1970) (Member, 1929-1933) LB, CASE (3981-1933) 5. F HARPER* (1923-1026) IN. E, FROMISEL (1965-1961) ‘Cwlember, 1928-2989) (Member, 1923-1925) “Member, 1994-1968) 0, DIKON® (1952-1954) ©. H. HERTY, JR." (1934-1936) ‘W.A.STADTLER (1968-1972) Member, 1917-1955) (Member, 1930-1938) (Member, 1962-1972) RL. DOWDELL, (1638-1939) 43. B. JOHNSON (1988-1951) D, J. WRIGHT (1964-1965) ‘ovtember, 1985-1889) (Member, 1944-1951) ‘Member, 1959-1967) 3, P. GILL* (1987) R. W.E. LEITER (1962-1969) J. EDWARD DONNELLAN (demiber, 1984-1987) (Member, 1955-1058, 1960-1968) GBecretary, 1924-1945) G. V, LUSRSSEN® (1983-1947) ‘Member, 1942-1947) “Deceaset OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS NATHAN F, PROMISEL, Parsioenr ano Tevsree ADOLPH J. LBNA, Secarzary ano Trost ‘National Materials Advisory Board Allegheny Ludium Industries, 1ne. ‘National Academy of Setences WILLIAM D. MANLY, Vion Passrorxr Axo TRUSTEE DAVID KRASHES, Terasuumn axp Taustae Cabot Corp. ‘Massachusetts Materiats Research, Ine. ‘TRUSTEES ‘Twos B. Lrowns (Past President) Jonw B. Graconse, Dowaun J. Heway Noman O. Kars Battelle Memorial Institute Supertor Tube Co. General Motors Corp. Lindberg Corp. Dowato J. MoPnensow ‘wanes 8. Owsn Rosrxr M. Guard Kaiser Atuminum & Chemical Corp. Northwestern University Seblumberger Well Services MANAGING DIRECTOR: ALLAN RAY PUTNAM Contributors to TI Volume Numbers refer ta the pages where contributors are erdited in the volume. Many members and friends of ASM not listed here have supplied inforcation or teviewed proofs for this volume Joho K. Abrabam, 29 Joho Adumowice 1. Albin, 33 AP. Alexander, 3 RL. Anderson, 160, G. Leslie Armstrong, 262 David J. Asquith, 29 Paul §, Aytes, 151 George H, Bale, 43 Milton H. Baakatd, 242 “Thomas E, Backes, 69, 15% L. J. Bactlo, 321 Roy B, Beal, 297 James G. Benford, 209 James E. Bennett, 219 Donald R. Belnes, 157, 187, 197, 303, 321 Jesse G. Bewley, 273 Visealais Biss, 29 1M, J, Bleckburo, 321 Alex Blazy, 231 AH, Blodgett, 3 David L, Bowley, 209 David E.Boyd, 29 RW. Brat, 101 RM. Brick, 3 Robert H. Briggs, 43 Noman Brown, 269 Rossel A. Browa, 131 RD. Bochheit, 177, 321 P.B, Burgess, 8 S.C, Carapell, Je, 273 Byron B. Carns, 101 Howard F, Chalfant, 101 HB, Chess, 45 Gilbert ¥. Chia, 208 W, N, Clashinan, 101, Nancy C. Cole, 131 Heney E. Collins, 157,187, 197 Joseph W. Conway, 101 Francis J. Correati, 219 J.B. Cotton, 28 Constance B, Craver, 103, BL Paul Davis, 219 Dwayne 1, Day, 321 John J, deBarbedilo, 131 Jumes B. Denton, 101 Harold A. Diehl, 305, H.C Dill, 35 L, Dillinger, 17 ©, DiMartni, 297 M. J. Donachie, Je, 197, 187, 197 ‘Charles K. Donoho, #1 ‘Thomas R. Drews, 81 S.R, Denker, 333 Rod Duncan, 69, 131 'T, W. Eichelberges, 160 Gordon A. Eagle, 273 Pmest A. Bvanci, 43 A.M, Federico, 241 Leroy Finch, 69, 151, 313 Paul E, Fortin, 241 John Fults, 29 Roland W. Forgason, 321 ‘Amal Ganguli, 241 Doyle Geitelan, 101 RE. Gill, 17 John B. Given, 55 Don R, Gosch, 219 ‘Thomas E. Geegory, 273 Robert Grindahl, 81 Arthur B. Gross, 69, 151, 313 Harold Guioe, 3, 81 Pedro J. Gatiercer, 219 Allan P, Haarr, 219 HH. Wesley Habut, 297 AM, Hall, 177 Haevey E. Henderson, 81 Robert B. Herchenroeder, 137, 187, 197 J.-C. Hees, 261 ROM Heyer, 3 Edman F, Holt, 219, Herold Hughson, 273 Stephen Hujber, 35 Raj Dhanmatajan Tye, 81 Stephen Jablonski, 131 Lavenidhat Jena, $5 Glenn F Jones, 17 Ginter B. Joseph, 275 hares H. Juoge, 231 Groige E. Keith, 4 J.M. Kiefer, 43 W. F.Kindle, 29 Robert W, Klann, 81 George Kee, 297 Arh H. Klein, 9, 131 HE. Knectel, 3 Roger W. Kodh, 157, 187, 197 Victor A, Kortesoja, LOL Gabor Koves, 273 Matlin T. Kreider, 3 James F. Krieg, 241, 321 Teancis M. Keil, 241 ER, Kuch, 29 FH. Lama, 3 Leber, 157, 187, 197 Pater Leckie-Eving, 101 Emil W. Lindblad, 29 Joreph R, Long, 157, 187, 197 eo H, Leng, Jr, 69,131 Roger G. Mack, 95 W.C, Mack, 17 Logan Maie, 3 J.J. Manganell, 81 ‘Gunvane N. Maniae, 209 Edwacd R. Mantel, 43 Robert S. Mapes, 241 D.H Maria, 17 N. W. Marcotte, 101 ‘Thomas H. Mastin, Jt, 81 James L. McCall, 241 7H, MeCum, 209 Ronald C, Meindl, 81 Andreas Melville, 231 Ronald K. Meyers, 273 €.G. Mickelson, 69, 151 JER. Mihalisn, 81,157, 187, 197 LF. Mondolfo, 248 Allen Moeon, 131 H. Lao Myers, 273 David R. Nelson, 275, Paul G, Nelson, 3 ariel F. Newnan, 131 (Oliver B Olsen, 297 Apolonio M. Octiguera, 297 KJ. Oswale, 241 Donald A, Pearson, 55 James R. Pedersen, 273 Joseph A. Pesch, 209 Allen F. Phillips, 68, 151 Verne Pulsifer, 273 Eugene C. Raga, 219 GoA, Rats, 131 LW Reid, 17 S.1. Rice, 33 Ralph E. Ridkscker, 275 E.G. Ridows, 313, D.B. Road, 177 Ean C Roberts, 157,187, 197 G.J. Roe, 17 OR. Roper, 17 Duane L, Ruckle, 321 RE Ruddock, 3 RE, Russell, 297, Bdwaed F. Rynta, Je, 81 Merrill A. Schell, 3 Duane Schmate, 29 Robert A. Schmucker, Jt 209 EA. Schoeter, 157, 187, 197 Robert Sedlatschek, 35, JA. Shandley, 3 David L, Shangle, 101 BL. Sharon, 305, HT, Sheppard, 69, 191 W, Showak, 335 0. W, Siebert, 131 JR Sims, 239° Rebect M. Slepian, 273 A. Snowman, 273, 297 C.J. Snyder, 273, Robert E. Southall, 157, 187, 197 Philip R. Sperry, 241 A.B. Steck, 69, 151 Richard H, Stevens, 241 ‘Athan Stosuy, 203 James W, Straub, 101 Rez Superazw, 101 Charles H. Thompson, 101 Robert ‘Thompson, 81 CJ. Thesites, 317 Morris Tiktinsky, 241 D, J. Tllack, 313 Peter A, Tomblin, 241 A.P. Tomeo, 273 LB. Townsend, 297 James Tripp, 55 Kenneth Tripp, 241 Daniel M, Trollinges, 3 Julius Task, 43 James E, Tryman, 17 George Vacek, 131 Joseph Vallone, 17 J. A. Vankcho, 177 J. M, Van Orden, 252, 321 James Van Oss, 273 R. H. VacPelt, 29 ‘Ai Varachasshy, 275 William E. Veit, Je, 297 E. Walden, 252 Richard Walteia, 151 EJ, Warmath, 157, 187, 197 Donald Warren, 131 1M. Eugene Watten, 297 M. GH. Wells, 131 Larry B. White, 81 A. J. While, 69, 151 RL. Widner, 55 JC, Wilkins, 131 Franklin H. Wilson, 273 Robert H, Witt, 241 HR, Woekile, 35 Beuce E. Wright, 101 D.C, Yeasley, 273 ‘hades N. Younkin, 101 Daniel S. Zamborsky, 29 RW. Zillmann, 69, 151 FOREWORD ‘THIS VOLUME 7 of the 8th Edition of Mrrazs Hanps0ox, an “atlas of Microstructures of Industrial Alloys”, marks a departure from the format of the fitst six volumes of this series, This is essentially a volume of “pictures”, not of text, except for the caption ander each picture that describes in eppropriate detail the material, its treatment and its structure. This book fulfills a long-standing need to have in a single, convenient, up-to-date volume the micto- structures of the whole range of major industrial alloys. Of particular significance is the fact that the alloy coverage in this volume correlates excellently with that of Volume 1 of this series, “Properties and Selection of Metals”. These two volumes, therefore, when used together, provide a powerful tool and guide for understanding the behavior of metals and optimizing the selec- tion and treatment of an alloy for a partteular type of application, In addition, the inclusion of microstructures of prematurely failed material, together with explanatory comments, provides significant clues for troubleshooting and remedial action. ‘As do the previons volumes, this publication represents the efforts of many contributors and a dedicated staft to produce a reference book bath comprehensive and of high quality, Particular attention has been given to the quality of the micrographs and to the selection of magnifications, from very low values to the range of the electron microscope, appropriate to specific structures. In addition to the Handbook Committee and the 216 direct contributors listed herein, the nature of this publication has necessitated the assistance of many metallographers not credited. On behalf of ASM and its membership at large, we extend our deep appreciation to all these hard-working, expert participants. More then ever, metals are forming en essential part of our industry, society and quality of living. Fortunately, research in the past ten to fifteen years has provided us with an excellent, even if @ still incomplete, understanding of the relationship between structure and behavior of metals, thus meking possible greater efficiency and safety in the increasingly diverse and exacting ap- plication of metals. It is in this context that we are confident that this volume will make its own important contribution to tech- nological progress. N. E, Promrert AutaN Ray Purnant President American Society for Metals ‘Managing Director PREFACE ‘THIS 1S THE SEVENTH in a series of volumes that will supersede the single-volume 7th edition of Metans annnoox and greatly enlarge its scope. Being an atlas, this book differs from the previous volumes of the 8th edition, in that it consists largely of illustrations and captions and contains a minimum of text. In preparing this Atlas, the aitn of the ASM Handbook Committee ‘and the contributors hss been to provide the teader with a collection of micrographs that will be useful in understanding the structure, properties and applica- tons of industrial alloys, The alloys for which illustrations are included are those most frequently used in the metalworking indus- try. The distribution of content by major classes of materials is indicated by the following list of the num- ber of illustrations presented for each class: ‘The great majority (in fact, 90%) of the Hlustra- tions in this volume are photomicrographs made with visible light, Where appropriate, macrographs, electron. micrographs, and fractographs are included. The table below shows the distribution of these illustrations in re- ation to classes of alloys and also lists the number of contributors that participated in the preparation of each section of the book. ‘As it was for the first six volumes of this 8th edition, prineipal reliance for euthorship has again been placed ‘on committees of experts from industry, tn order to arrive at a balanced presentation of divergent view- points and to achieve realism in relation to practice. Each of the 16 committees that participated in the authorship of this volume funetioned under the chair- manship of Robert F. Mehl, who brougitt to this work a lifetime of dedication to the science of metals and custom and twa rela m eons Gif ino provided leadership and coordination for the en ee eee coc AB Toe Alas project auting the three-year prlod In which Fe bass apa BH} the Atlas project during Year ils tesa bal ee . ciel magnetic anc gos In thelr efforts to provide @ high degree of uty somnezipigs Mana occu BE or content for the readers tae committees have gone oa pomber of artis Beit Well beyond a straghtionvera presentation of normal Types of Illustrations and Number of Contributors in This Volume = ia ES wae Taco nal le ieapeaa ae ri ; iz 7 He ee g 2 3 g 8 Bae ina a adi arbou caicne 5 g : fl a 8 SOR any aetacmoreac B x i ; ri 3 ena ay em oe # i 3 oe : % : : 3 g eer caus os 2 3 5 3 3 Sst eee : % ; : S a Feeley siais is 3 i @ 8 Naa ee oi : ‘3 é 4 Sneek ch lg cece: is ‘jl 4 s See ey tag igs I ‘ 2 ; Cee ee sr ai elt a ™ . os a ea ee ad diggs as B " 8 8 setae nea aad Se = 8 s i Spee aes coe 3 i a i a et ies & i S 3 Becca cule oe 3 4 $ secre mein & i j a i Sen a aga z a ; a a ee mee a 3 ‘ a g a a tag a 8 8 t Hepes S § t Fee ond 2 : 8 i g ‘ Rill di age SOIT a i 3 & 3 anime aad asi le : ig ‘ i 2 3 ‘Total ‘2627 iW Ey ‘2821 Te Distribution of Content as to Types of Structures in This Volume Vndpariie egy > Migcareates Wek Gartgay News” to cotienore roniee” "ftcsecsse™ elt Sabekd cr! tl ston tracts celine Qrenerte wader Joute “Ene” ittuer toss Low-carbon shect steel 3 1B 8 % 15, Plate, tube and pipe steeis 4 2 4 i a 9 Carbon and alloy steels of medium edrbon conient 13 3 1 8 uy Carbon and shiny stale of high carbon contest 6 2 : 4 Py 103, Case hardening steels 16 6 2 : 7 mt Sleel castings Sn Son 3 a ° Cast trons ees Can 2 3 i 8 : 130 189 ‘Tool materials |. ST ae 5 1 2 207 251 Wrought stainless stele’ ©". : BR 3 " 4 ‘1 188 Btainloss ateel casting alloys 2 0 40 ‘Wrought heat-resisting alloys : iw i ® ° ws 10 Fe-Or-M heatoresistant casting alloys 0.000.000) "6 6 Ea : 5 81 ‘Nickel-buse and coball-base heat-resistant casting alloys tenes 8 5 2 6 85 Refmactory metals and alloys i a 2 ra 33 Eecrous powder metaturay alioys - 8 . 3 3 Magnetic materials 2 1” 35 Electrical contact materiais 3 a ii i A " 105, Sleeve bearing matetials. 1.000) 7 : ot 3 85 ‘Aluminum alloys : B Fy is 8 2 3 281 Copper and copper’ aiioys 1 2 2 10 2 13 a7 Tead and lead alloys : 3 5 i 1 6 68 ‘Magnesium. alloys i 2 5 “4 8 Nickel ‘alloys . - i : 2 2 ‘Tin and tin alloys’ i : : 3 25 Fa ‘lanlum and lanl sioys 7 a 5 3 x01 a Zine and ziae alloys... 1 1 . 4 Ed 4 Total i a im 0 ia 210 a microstructures of standard cast, wrought and sin- tered alloys. As is shown in the table above, moze then 800 illustrations deat with coatings, clad overlays, Welded or other joints, structures aiter service or ex. posure, defects, surface conditions, and undesirable or abnormal structures. ‘The format and terminology of this volume are dis- cussed in the Introduction, which begins on page 1. Many of the micrographs were prepared especially for presentation in these pages. A greater number, how- ever, were chosen from collections built up by many industrial organizations over a period of years for their ‘own use in fulfilling practical requirements of materials engineering or manufacturing process control. The committee members and other contributors named in the volume, therefore, have represented a much greater number of engineers and metallographers who have accomplished a large part of the eareful work of speck. men selection, preparation and photography that Is published here. ‘To this large group of anonymous eon- tributors a special word of thanks is due. Their efforts, as well as those of the named contributors, have made this volume possible. ‘Tavton Leman Editor Metats Handbook Contents of Metals Handbook Volume 7 ATLAS OF MICROSTRUCTURES OF INDUSTRIAL ALLOYS Introduction foes 1 Low-Carbon Sheot Steel 31016 Standards for ten common grain ‘sizes, rimmed steel (ASTM) 4 Efteet of increasing carbon ‘content, rimmed steel... 6 Grain size and earbide r07in, ‘aluminum-killed steel . 6 Hot rolled structures, rimmed steel 7 a 0 Erect of increasing reductions, capped steel Reduction and reerystailization "-. 1 Normalized, annealed, and quenched ‘structures Galvanized and aluminum coatings 12 ‘Ghromized steel; tin and porcelain enamel coatings ve 3 Streicher strains, oranite ped, skin lamination, arrowheads, rolled-in seale 1“ Ingot-seab sliver, roll-siippage streaks, pits trom rolled-in sand 15 Nonmetallic inclusions, rimmed ‘steel ane 8 Plate, Tube and Pipe Steels . 17 to 28 Plate steels ASTM AS6, A201 and AMES cee IB Plate steels ASTM A286, AIG, ‘A433 and A515 . 9 Plate stecls ASTM ASi6 and ASI 20 Plate steels ASTM ASIT, ASS and A897 Plate steols ASTM ASST, AB(2 and A853... Plate stools ASTME A385, AZ62 and AST? ‘Tube steels ASTM A161, A200, A209 and ABLE... . ‘Tube stocla ASTM A264, AISI 1015 ‘and AIST 1018 ‘Tube steels AIST i025, 1215, 4620, 5048 and 8620 ....- Pipe steel ASTM A108... Pipe steels API SL-X46 and SL-X¢0, and ASTM A395 and A381 Carbon and Alloy Steels of Mediu Corbon Content 29 te 1025, 1000 and 10B85 steels 1085, 10835, 1038 and 1040 steels - 1080 and. 1048 steels... : 1085 and 1050 steels 1080 steel .-- 1052 stee! : S88 8 2 8 eases 1151, 1524, 1527 and 1541 steels... 38 1840 steel, 0550-2.38n4n steel, Moet ane 4180 steels ” awoded se Coe fo and 0 steels 4250, sos, S102 and a8 niece | 40 E48, oso and AMS 10 stecs |. fans eto (lead-modifed), ABS sD and AMS OAT stock ns 2 hon ond lay Sts of High ‘Carbon Content S° 43 1054 oss and 2060 steeds eee Ak 10B6i, 1064 1088, 1090 and 107 ste 6 sot, 1080 and i000 steels ss) 48 Hea treated structures in Toe seh evr a eat treated und std worked cuclares fi 089 tea) oso. 8 siguetures in 8350-240hta and si00 steals ° 14% € low-alloy ied, and SiB60 wand 20100 stele a spheroidieed and quenched-and- ‘esnpeted $2100 steele. SL iat Weed structures dad Gefects in S210 Set) wees... 82 peti weld and inclusion fn so eect ss eat trated srachare in 6180 find 0094 steele enone SE Caso Hardening Stest. 55068 1 steel gas carburized tn leak ‘ight furnaces cee 88 Gas eaburivedstvis wilt” Gecarbutited esses, and ith Sots ease carbon contents... Retained austenite in gas caren ‘Moed and hardened Srustares -.. 8 cas casburzed 120 steel: efoct ‘of rariatons in postesrburining feat treatment » coas earburaed eases wth suciace ‘xldatio, slack quenebed iructures, and mulcroeraeks ..... 60 ‘Mlorocrace and alterations in gas carboried cage a Decarburization; grinding burn; {ractographs e Pack carburized structures; earbo- ‘nitrded structores Carbonitrided structures Cyamided and gas nitrided structures ix Gas nitrided and liquid nitrided structures o structures of annealed and normal- ‘ned steels before carburizing... 68 Steel Costir «69 4080 ‘As-cast and heat treated A2T ‘carbon steol castings . 70,71 Ac-cast and heat treated A148 high-strength steel eastings .... 72 Heat treated A148 high-strength steel castings AL48 and A216 carbon and carbon~ molybdenum steet castings... 74 ‘A216 carbon steel castings 0... Heat treated A216 carbon steal castings... - A216, 0.45¢, and AagT steal castings»... : Hoat treated A487 low-alloy steel | castings ecteesess 1B ‘Manganese steel castings «0... 20 Cost Irons 81 to 100 "Types of graphite flakes in gcay ‘ron; stroetures in class 20 ‘gray iron . (classes 30, 40 and 60 gray irons... Figh-phosphoras gray sron; alloy emay irons .. * ‘Heat treated gray iron Hardened surfuces, surface weld, and brazing filler metal on gray iron... : Inclusions and wousual structures fm gray tron os... 8 Graphite nodules in ductile iron; ‘as-cast pearlitic ductile tron... 88 Heat treated pearlitic ductile iron 89 earlitie ductile tron: hardened eg 88 Surfaces, surface Weld .......-... 90 Forritie duotile iron and ‘austenitle ductile iron «......... 9% Structures in chilled ductile fron; abnormal structures ...... 92 nchsioné and abnormal stevliies in ductile iron [Abnormal structures in ductile iron’ oe Asccast (white) and annealed ‘malleable iron; nodule shape and distribution... 6 Heat treated pearitien ‘malleable ron 98,97 Cast trons (continued) ‘Unusual and abnormal structures ‘in malleable iron 8 Abrasion-resistant and corresion~ resistant cast irons 90 Corrosion-resistant and heal vesistant east irons = 100 Tool Materiols . 101 t0 130 Water-hardening tool steels ....... 102 Shock-reststing tool steels 20.1. 108 Oll-hardening tool steels 2105 Air-hardeniag tool steels 108 High-C high-Cr tool steels cag Hot work tool steels us High speed tool steels 118 Special-purpose and mold steels | 124 189 nickel maraging steels 25 ‘Gast cobalt alloy tool materials... 126 Cemented carbides 1 Geramie tool materials 130 Wrought Stainless Steels ....131 t0 150 ‘Types 201, 301 1m ‘Types 302, 308 and 308186) . 188 Type BOE eee S818 Type 908020 = 137 ‘Types 805 and 310. 138 ‘Type 316 139-140 ‘Type 336. 740 ‘Type 821 140-148 ‘Type 326 ii Type 347 141-12 ‘Type 409 1a ‘Type 410 naa ‘Type 16 Mat ‘Type 430 Ma-v9 ‘Type 4404 45, ‘Type 4200 145-146 Type a6 oo 6 ‘Type 630 (17-4 PHO artery ‘Type 631 (17-7 PH) | 7-148 ‘Type 633 (AM-350) | Ma-149 ‘Type 634 (AM-355) Tha-as0. ‘Type 635, AM-363 and EINM ‘stainless steels 350 Stoinless Steet Casting Alloys 151 to 156 Alloy CA-GNM. (I3Cr-4Ni-05Moy .. 152 ‘Alloy CA-16 (18Cr-IND 152, Alloy CB7Cu (18Cr-4Ni-3Cw) =... 159 Alloy CD-4MCu (26Cr-5N1-2Mf0-3Cw) 153, ‘Alloy CF-5 (19Cz-10ND) oo... 184 ‘Alloy CF-3M (10Cr-1INi-25Mo} | 164 ‘Alloy €F-8 (0.68C-20Cr-10N1) «1. 154 Alloy CF-3C (@0Cz-1iN-ICb) |." 155 Alloy CP-88 (20Cr-1INi“IMo~03Se) 155 ‘Alloy GR-EM (20Gr-LING-25Mo} 136 Alloy CR-16F (20Cr-11NI-IM0-0.38e) 156 Alloy CP20 (0.200-20Cr-108i1) ..., 156 Alloy OK-20 (5Cr-21Ni) 186 Alloy CN-IM (21Gr-29N1-2M0-3Cu) 158, Wrought Heat-Resisting Alloys 15710176 ron-niekel-elsromium heat resisting alloys 138 ‘Nickel-base heat-resisting alloys | 183 Cobalt-base heat-resisting alloys |- 115 Fe-Ce-Ni Heat-Resistont Casting Alloys « 177 to 186, Alloy HA (502-1040) 218 alloy HF GiOr-8N1) Da Alloy HH @6Cr-12Ni) 2 380 ‘Alloy HE (2603-208) Diet ‘Alloy BW (ONi-12¢r) se Alloy HN (25NL-218) -. 2385 ‘Alloy HT’ (SSNI-16Cr) 185 Nicke|-Base and Cobalt-Base Heat- Resistant Costing Alloys ..187 to 196 Mickel-base casting alloys 188 Cobelt-base casting alloys 195 Refractory Metals and ‘Alloys 197 t0.202, ‘Tungsten and tungsten alloys ..... 198 Molybdenum and molybdenum alloys 199 Golumbiom ana coltimbium alloys | 200 ‘Tantalum, tantalum alloys and tantalura eladaing 20 Ferrous Powder Metallurgy AMIOYS cvs eee sevens 25-203 to 208 tron 208 ron-grapnite 208 3ron-eopper 208, Zron-eopper-¢raphite an alloy steel 2 208 Effect of heat treatment 200000... 208 Mognetie Materials 209 t0 218, Silicon electrical steels = 210 Troa-nlekel alloys 2a Iron-cobalt alloys 215 Soft ferite, hard ferrite, ‘and garnets a8 Atnice ‘alloys at ‘Other permanent magnet materials 218 Electrical Contact ‘Materials 21910230 Copper-base materials 20 Silver-base materials mm ‘Tungsten-bese and molybdentimn- ‘base materials Gold alloy materials © Platinum-base and palladium-base tmaterisis; zhodium plate ....... 230 Sleeve Bearing Materiols ....231 to 240 Babbitt Imers ae Copper alloy liners 28 [Lesa alloy and ‘Teton overlays ‘en copper alloy liners 236 ‘Aluminum alloy bearings and tiners 238 Lead alloy overlays on aluminum alloy Tiners ... wees 20 Silver and silver siloy limers /2001.. 240 ‘Aluminum Alloys 241 to 272 Non-heat-ireatable wrought alloys 262 Heat treatable wrought alloys ..., 245 Defects, curresion, fractures ‘alloy 7075 products 282 Casting alloys 255 Norrsal structures, undesirable structures, and defects in dle castings 262 Welded snd brased Joints 265, Surfaces of aluminum slioy parte | 273 Copper and Copper Alloys . ..273 to.296 ‘Bifect of axygen in copper-oxygen alloys a ‘Wrought eoppers and high-copper alloys. 275 ‘Welds in eopper rod, bar and tube | 280 Beazod Joints In copper tabe rasseriblies 21 carisidge brass 282 (Other wrought brasses 208 ‘Wrought bronzes 21 Copper-nickel and copper-nickel- ze alloys... 293, Electrodepomited copper; cast ‘high-copper alloy, brass, bronzes, nlokel stver am Lead and Lead Alloys... ..297te 304 ead and dilute teed alleys . LLead-base babbitts ... ‘Lead-caleium alloys’. Lead-antimony slloys Tead-tin solders, and soldered Joints 02 ‘Type metals and other Pb-Bb-sn | alloys sot Magnesium Alloys 305 to 312 Constituents ee. sev vessceseees 808 ‘Wrought alloys» 307 Casting alloys 509 Defects : an Nickel Alloys 313 t0 316 ‘Wrought nfekel alloys ait Casting alloy CW-12M 316 Tin and Tin Alloys 317 to 320, Uualloyed tin; alluee tin alloy... 318 ‘Tin-lead alloys 318 ‘Tin-antimony alloys uae Other tin alloys 320 Hoot dipped tinplate 320 Titanium and Titanium Alloys 321 t0 334 Unalloyed titanium ae High-titanium alloys 322 Alpha alloys B23 Alpha-bela inesr-aipha) alloys ... 324 Alpha-beta alloys .scsseccenecrs 328 Bota alloys eo... aaa Zine ond Zine Alloys 335 to 340 Zine and effects of other elements . 336 Zine die-casting alloys 83 Hypereutectie and hypocutectic ine alloys; lend-contaminated AGA0A; rolled sine 338 Hot and cold rolied aine-copper ‘and zine-copper-titanium alloys . 339 zine - 29% aluminum alloy’ alvanized steel 300 APPENDIX: Identification of Etchants oo... ses. Bat INDEX 343 t0 366, ATLAS OF MICROSTRUCTURES OF INDUSTRIAL ALLOYS Prepared under the chairmanship of Robert F. Meht CONTENTS Low-Carhon Sheet Steel. Plate, Tube and Pipe Steels Caren and Alloy Steels of Medium Carbon Content Carbon and Alloy Steels of High Carbon Content Case Hardening Steels ‘Stoel Castings Cact Irons ‘Tool Materials ‘Wrought Staintess Steels Stainless Steel Casting Alloys ‘Wrought Heat-Resisting Alloys Fe-Cr-Ni Heat-Reststant Casting Alloys ‘Nickel-Base and Cobalt-Hase Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys Refractory Metals and aloys Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Alloys Magnetic Materiais Eleetrieal Contact Maieriais Sleeve Hearing Materials ‘Aluminum Alleys Copper and Copper Alloys. Lead and Lead Alloys Magnesium Aloys .... Nickel Alloys Tin and Tin Alloys <0. ‘Titanium and Titanium Alloys Bme and Zine Alloys... OR THE broad range of metals and alloys represented in the 26 sections of ‘hig AUas, tcrographs have been seleet- ed to provide a meaningful sampling of ‘ormal and abnormal structures and to Ilustrate the effects of major process” Ing variables and service conditions. ‘Scope, ‘The scope of this Atlas close ly parallels tat of Volume 1 of thie Hapabook, “Properties and Selection of ‘Metals" Except for minor modifications, the major clases of materials are dealt wsia in'a similar sequence: (a) carbon nd low-alloy steels; tb) east irons; Co) fool materials; (@) stainless steels’ and hheat-resisting alloys; (e) inaenetie, dlecisieal and “other special-purpose mterals; and if) nonferrous ‘metals ‘Tale arrangoment facilitates the use of Volume t in conjunction with this Aus In relating Properties and applications of metals to thelr abicroctructures, ‘Format. ‘The seetions of this Atlas deal individually with specific ferrous and nonferrous metals ‘and alloys as indl- Introduction cated in the list af the top of this page. ‘Tue opening page of each section con tains a brief discussion of characteris- lies and constituents of the structure of the alloys for which micrographs are presented in the section, ang, whenever Dractieal or useful, carries a table of Compositions of those alloys. The brer- {ty of alsoustion In these opening pages Isto some extent compensated for by Toferences to other volumes of cs Handbook, for ‘additional information ‘on wlcrostructute ‘ax Zelated. to com Daglton. Dropertica or heat treatment, 1e opening page of each section also coatrles 4 ist of the contents of the fee on, hes lets. many of shlch aze absldgments, are supplemente fully eseripve headings, in bolatace pe, othe Yap of all pages of miseo- @raphs in the sections. ‘Tho micrographs themsolves are num= bored ‘conseeutively ror. 1 tnrougl BEDI, for convenience of identification and eross referencing, A dolall of spect " 29 58 0 31 101 an 1st 131 17 18 it 209 219 a mL 2 201 308 33 at 35 ‘men preparation, usually the name or ‘composition of tie etchant employed, 6 given, Immediately ‘below each micro- raph, at the left. (For a description of Stohants Identified by ‘number or by Broper ame only, se, the “Appendix inning on page e specimen ‘Was polished but not etched, or neither ‘Polished nor etched, this information 1s Town st the loeation normally cecupied by the etchant, ax is a reference to “thinefoll specimen’ when a transmis slon electron micrograph was prepared froma thin-foll_ specimen. ‘The mag- nifeation of each micrograph or macro- Graph Js shown lumnediately below the Picture: ot the right. a ‘A caption accompanies each miero- graph or series of ‘widleat— ng’ the: atoy” designation or chemical composition of the specimen, and other pertinent information, sueh as the ‘iet form (forging, casting, bar, shee), processing history and exposure to en- ‘Wironmental or testing media. Tempera 2 sae a ees aot Sees as rt See erage Bole un Siac See tre mae Hae Seth Sada ee Seem “ ia angen Samer ohuraiae eit Py Siedatt teeta HOLE, Gaeta So sericea weer cure eter. Heaney Sa Heh citer dace Ses eee Stine a Peer i mabe tar ee ee re Bee aiiecthpaue tate Ren GMa. tee Introduction tion with the terminology employed in Volume 1 ana in the other volumes of this Handbook, ‘Some of the terms employed by in- dustry to deseeibe certain microconstt ents, although widely "accepted and generatly understood, “are Jacking in Precision gr are at Variance ‘with the Phase designations assigned in phase Siagrams, Similar variants are comuon to virtually all the sciences, sneluding chemistry where. tae hdrochionte ‘acid of the chemteal laboratory becomes the “murtatic acid” of the plating shop. ‘Te le the practiee of ladistey, for ex: ample, to generaiize the ‘reference to ‘carbide oceturing in the microstructure ‘of an alloy steel, rather than to identity ing specie carbide on the bass of ts crystal structure oF of Its. prine! ‘otallle constituent (Jor example: toa earoide, vanadium earoide). ‘Those en- (gaged in heat Lreatiag processes, such 8 carburizing, have developed thelr own referred terminology, and, ass con Sequence, a term such a5-"carblée layer” Ie often ised to designate the phase in steel known 2s cementite, Similanly, cus fom has favored the use of diferent terms to describe similar phases in dif- ferent alloys. Thus, the face-centered~ ‘Cuble matziy in Fe-Cr-NL stainiess steel {s referred t¢ a8 abstenite whereas in nekel-base NieCrePe alloys it 1s desige nated Fauima. ‘Variants in terminology relating to the shape of appearance of mierocon= sityents are also common, these aise ‘most often because conventional metal Tographic.tecrnique is limited. to two- dimensional sections. of three-dimen= Sonal microconstisuents. Thas, a plate Tet’ ta ‘three-cimensional reference) 1s often referred to as a “needte", because of Its needielixe appearance when viewed in two dimensions only. Microstructure of Low-Carbon Sheet Steel By the ASM Committee on Metaticgraphy of Low-Carbon Sheet Stee!™ ‘CONTENTS. Standards for ‘Ten Common Grain Sizes, Rimmed Stee] (ASTM) Effect af Increasing Carbon Content, Rimmed Steel .. Grain Bizo and Carbide Form, Aluminum-Killed Steel . Hot Rolled structures, Rimmed Steel .. : Effect of Increasing Reductions, Capped Steel . Reduction and eerystalization - ‘Normalized, annealed, and Quenched Structures Galvanized and Aluminam Coatings «...-..c..0- 00 ‘Chromized Steel; Tin and Porcelain Enamel Coatings Surface Conditions (Defects) .. ‘Nonmetalue Inclusions, Rimmed Steel LoW-CARBON SHEET STERIL is wide- Iyrared n'a varity of induatrial and fone produc taat ate fabrieated Sy forming oF welding, oF both extea- for porcelas snaelng Many’ of the ‘Sreclate ejameling, Many overlies of these. steels including ity ‘and suitability, for pore late enameting, are related to miro- ta af ts tandteok (pages ta sandbook (pages 79 ta 87) and Wt fo S30) proves and procedures {or forming dnd welding ahese steels axe desertbes'm Volume & and Volume Sie Oe tee Seer feerceetai suc are: means Sree {ate rolled ie OF "2 compote, ee th ‘within these ranges: aves. tale sao seen ia aan iar ms ey crete! ee from about 0.04% to as low as 0.002% Beation of the sheet. The mungane Enntent! of extra-low-carbon composts fons generally is near the low sige of fe abore'lstec range: erontractires etalon steel ancl of very low car fom content —nown us” electrics] shots" ave hiuatrated on pager 20 %0 iig'is ds adias) Deozidation Practice, Low-earbon sheet Metis are. Faiee to, Sect. from Ingots of rimmed, capped, senikiied ar ited set wdsely, tae, the dissolved” onggen it . exgwen llgwed to evolee as eatbon moneride frien gle es rene inthe Ineo! a ‘ummlag action lowers {he average carbon content of the ingot Breteaieersegreaien of fhe Fema Ing carbon, ane of phosphorus and Sule fur, toward the center aad top of the ingot during sodineation an action tae progreses ether unt the ingot Is capped ar ntl H freezes over Ine top Eberle nent of te at eee Sits af 4 shin of tron of high purty, Sstentitly fee of inclusions Ghemicaly capped ana mechanically cebped Chott top" steele are modi sallons ‘of rimmed’ steel” Chemically Exped steel te allowed to "ait ta the mole for to's mlgles; imuning Se litn js tnen hatied by the acaition of slimizum ‘shot or ferzsticoa tothe top, whch alto promotes tapid sokeia cation at the top Mechaatealy capped Ts‘poured inio's special designed ‘ 8 8 7 8 0 n 2 8 “ 6 4s placed over the top opening of the ‘old, and as the metal ses ie stcikes the cap, whereupon the evolution of gas is halted by the bulldsp of pressure. Gapped see, has the advantage of han ing less segregation than does normal riuumed steel, while retaining some ‘what thinner skin ‘of high-purity leon. "The soHsifcation of semikllled steel is controlled in the mold by additions of flther ferrosilicon or ajuminura; alled Steel “or "special killed” steel) 1s treat ed-with an aluminum addition only, ‘luminum-killes steel ie mot widely ‘Used for cold rolled sheets that. wil Be Subjected fo severe forming oF drain ‘and aiso, because of its nonaging char= ‘acteristics, for sheets that Mul be stored {or Jong beriode before being formed. mn fact, Drineipal dvamtages 0 minumekiled steel are freedom from ‘trun asing and suporfor formabity, Edect of ‘Thermal Histery, On Wot rolled sheet, at Js Anished above the transtormation-temperature range, the runout cooling practice determines the carbide characteristice and, toa lester extent, the grain size. Variations in foiling temperatures are also employed {0 control grain size and carbide form. Cold reduced sheets are generally an- nealed unless a nara tersper is desired, Normalizing may" also be utilized Tor thot and cold rolled sheets that will be porcelain enameled. For further infor” ‘mation on the annealing and normaliz- ing of hot and cold rolieg steel sheet, see the article on Low-Carbon Steel Sheet ‘in Volume 1 of this Handbook; ‘Steet mola in tae steels ranges from about 0.08 to 0.12%¢ fhe carbon content of steele selected for poreelain enameling may range stoxsar F. Man:, Choir, Professor Emeriss, Carnegie Melon Univeniy: A. P, ALexanoER Works Metatorgie. Fact Equipment Die Intemational Hurracer Co A. H. Buopcare, Sopereeot, Metallogaphic Uoatr. Zagicenng and Resenech Otice, Chipset Coxpe RM. Bisex, Ditetor of Materials Devetopment: Metal Reseach acd Expoeerag Dept, Continental Can Go. Inc Haaota Guin. Super in, Matalogaphic Laborato. Central Laboratory, Fost) Merc, Gos RH. Hteves, Peincipal RevearchAwocate Arco Steel Corps HE, KescuveL, Fondamental Reseach Latoratey, United Steer sted (Corps Man 1. Kune, Metlsrgit, New Holland Div, Sperey Rand with a relatively snalt opening Inimediately after teeming ‘abd deoxidation, a heavy east iron cap Additional’ Suformation on “annealing. practice Is presented tn the article tat gins on page 1 or Volume 2. Corp: FH, Laxag. Amistnt to the Manager; Ploduct Reseateh, Homer Research Labortevis, Bethlehem Stee! Cove, Lacan’ Mai, ‘Genetl Supervising Metalurgist, Metallurgical Deparacent, o'ond Steel Co Paut G. Neison, Bliasger, Production Laborston, Budd Co. R. B Rupsoce, “Sion Metaliogit, Corporsee Laboratory, Stanley Works Messin. A Soci, Manager, Metallurgical Research (eeeed), A. O. Smith Grp. JA. Suanpoy, Avacnte Pofesor of Metaliuny. Gesees! Moors tnaitste; Dacre M. Trouiween, Mcal sad Proes Fagin, Major Appliance Loberstotis, General Elecuie Ce HOGanD E. BOYER, Secretary, Managing sitar, eae Handbook 4 Common Grain Sizes of Low-Carbon Sheet Steel (Specimens Are Rimmed Steel) i iat Weox Nt ox 100% Mominal ASTM groin sige, No. 1 Nominal ASTM grein sige No, 2 Nominal ASTM grain size No.3 1 Gpeatien Siown “mae stcaated = 2 pen shown "has a°taiciated —-Nipeelnan “shun Gas" a atculated arin Si of 117) rain Si of ram Se of 25) ‘Nominal Number of Grains per Square Millimeter (at 1x) and per Square Inch (at 100%) for the Ten Grain Sie Shown. tt 002 wa Oe Nominal 48TM Nominal asta Romina! Nominal 48M 6 Fam ae ers 7 ‘A é 9 een ae 10 isin ‘the No a0 at (apeclinen Dasa caloue tesa gion * apeinen nae ties pec, tng a xl Inled grain size‘of Goa) ESP gran size of 0) MaGSd grain 'see of at) laked grain skze 9¢ 10) Standard methods for estimating the average groin size of metals are presented in ASTM RUL2, together ith formulas Yor eateatatiag erein tse and a Tobi of sit tlatonshipn for alt AS7H0 prashice’ nmbers 105 140, WAIN hal Cae Effect of Increasing Carbon Content on Microstructure of Rimmed Steel GS . . . c . . . . . ¢ ‘ : : 3 ae - z o & ¢ eet 2 4 at tt sem rea se. t ons eaten % as carton 3 0a extas an - . QC, / - nL . . re . S _ Le od ws = coe ‘ s sos 5, & ‘ - . o o. a 5 . - fox nee 0x oa sx 3 i carton 6 cms carton = s , oa 2 . - . .. - fw 10x Pent sx Pt sito " uss earvon 8 abs easton 13 on carton In getton tthe carbon contents indented, the sees coh- foemanite) rns aio semen, The hoher-magnitzatine ‘ake abe manana ac0%, aur ad O00 pup irgraphe Sow thatthe Siberia! panel eeatent poe Bas Nene tl” lg 0 nk alain ee Ee Eee tele Heiner cated Bay Reneteodama sig: Amrit) Ta ol Wie te Sewn to nae Brees INE oe EV ane per nla SA er etC tet cela parle wr ‘Pa Tas ee et REP arse FEET doer hont t'room, temperative, Phare micrograph show ‘microrranhs) that iat a of tron Sephegdeth of eaPb0n of the rarjace te tpied! of rimmed Hels, had the eavbon content tnoreates, the number of Won corbise Grain Size and Carbide (Cementite) Form in Aluminum-Killed Low-Carbon Sheet Steel a ee 1 tote gaa CAST Mo. Medium tere gran casTag wo." 39) [Pine ferrite grain (ASTM No. 9) ‘ . , a «ye os ae oe x Peal 1900x Feal sox Pre 020% 23 ‘Massive carbide partiles 24. Curbide particles of meatum ste ‘Small, depersed carbide partites an. on this page are of cold rolted and annecied sleet containing about 008% C. “Ang of the Carbide (cosrSte) forma cam be executed Wi gy f the grain ses shoe ‘Hot Rolled Rimmed Steels of Extra-Low and 0.06% Carbon Contents 7 2B Ripe sel, gang ‘wn ube i Sta as Oy a coed strain imparted By ey Smita Sie sere de Tre oe omer ‘Ailne-grin ferive developed: ain boundaries. auite at the ferrite gnnedling eaused surface grat oo . e 7 : wera, eiss Sa same as, bu dearer in et eer acrre co 34 Gpen" a att ee) aes 1h the fragmen- parties were, denne of con, resting 12 8 Effect of Percentages of Reduction by Cold Rolling on Capped 1008 Steel (Magnification, 250%) nat 250% 43% atl 250% 4% ol 41 0% reduetion 42 0% reduction 43 90% reduotion ‘Prior to cold roliing, the hot band was finished hot and clted cold. The tnliat, hot roued thickness was 0127 in, Lonolludinal sections, Effect of Percentages of Reduction by Cold Rolling on Capped 1008 Steel (Magnification, 1000X) 9 > - che Se 100” 9 wat Oo ae ne % $0 redcton % ee i, ‘0 reuetton rir to oct roti, the Not vend was fnihed hot and cotied cold, The initial, hot rlled thickness was 0.127 ik. Longitudinal sections, 10 Reduction and Recrystallization aox “Aaa Exection wptior2000 53 Alupinan-killed steel (005 (0 54. Al manu kiled ses! (O08 5G Seme ex, uly a Bose) “ead ellen 10° S05 ruboose M,agrs aby, as © fede “iuminim” nfrie s reduction and reeryetalizad, reduction and recrYslatloed rolled" zlongnied feria ert. “* ag-rolied dermie rain boundaries. cu egos oa speties BE ane © ae ot sald ame nah BS 308.0 om niet amma tt 57 SMS oi maanme emai BB It G a abe. RS 50 ute Gas ape awe te Oe ale ees ten foie, with reduction Reeryotnlvaten w 8%, with Teed G08; hardness, Rockwell 8057 78 SPieteen to Rocknel so-298 Bete Sor To. ‘Thin! sprciman Thin fot specimen minted specimen 35.000 ‘ to 105 reduction, ‘Same as 60 exces seal was ested slow ame au GD except stel mas heated rm 60 SAE ioe seat cous rong to 10 61 2 iy GD Same a 60 ca sanity ‘Slegteon ierogray (Go, or #72 G, per tous) to 900% Aga’) 82 ta ig w trba: Ch and hela tor 2 ows sligted fect cats gh) ie oblate ‘Some —Iooasion- tree reesezalloed by Sein Soci nip deaity or ase ‘Solving Into a regovered rit TWeations produced by colt roling Th ‘Shall eitgrains, ‘Phin fol el ‘Various Normalized, Annealed, and Quenched Structures u “Alumicum-biled 108 steel_ normalized falcon, to nal thlekness “Toe tere structire contains fae 3 lark areas) atthe grain botndaries cmperatute {an and eoois slowly. Perrie faviy sphuroldwed cements 00x Nas! 100% 10 sie sir, 0014 In, thlok, sustenttved at 1070 F 010 C) apd 7]. Saroe as mlerograph 70 except at higher megniteation, which more 70 rota “Ginichtd “itltreccwoture"ly solar ‘ow-carbon mavieniic. 71 Gars"anows the eeetar low-carbon arstaibe: mctetructure 2 Galvanized Coatings and Aluminum Coatings sey pt i spe sn sie soe Site wo et ea FF Sthang wa mean Oe Shun a ere eg” 7 Sos tsi BE "a) 73 Soe meme Pg 7 Rone oot go ce per cate ek gontaina no trew ae, ironcrine cetapounde with Ho feo tine But Sf compeuas at satieu eter, Wank GsGHE Sher ai7GS ‘copper, to brnerve edge) GS"on peruse one tie oeateg Thue oe “ a x “sorte sree sve Saint se tet cu sua “BE 52" Bhacuns sss omar s22% 8" canara 109 net cane omy Te EE Pe G70 SRE TY, Stes Sataa Ses 77 Suet rh om te inc. Coating weight, 2.15 oz per square foot. Coating Weight is 4 oz per square foot. ‘from dross in the galvanizing bath. aan cop sea 100% wea 000% wnat 10003 7B 100 see witn type 1 hot aip alumiein 76 108 see sui? age wie BO sett ze 1 te lp aa see sAshiand ALGcee lavers sasntiay Gure"Al anda e"aloy, Qe suse tf uae shen Eh beeen pecan space tial ferme Ash and AU sie Myers, easntily pure al and eager of Bie icy ‘Top 8 vottem stele tuer ALS aloy, APS ayer eto Spire Al Sith seated! (o'elevated temperature (n alr thu scooting Pe log and the see sheet AS eit ef al'Se; lowe ayer aCe ‘or'the surface oxides (dani elcing Chromized Steel; Tin and Porcelain Enamel Coatings 3 ‘Same ag. 62 but 82 Shits Shows intra ft Rigner magnieation, 3. Chromtaed ‘and septa ol he Gta by gases ancl and then aitzed to form GPE ayer Gonex m0 p09 - sph of, acid bath “destton ‘micrograph of alkaline: 5 Replica eiecron. mcromra ELE ated 020% Chota ‘ine, 85 Entpiated 010%, "Cpe, WRich shows tie Set Soo! asamiy orctaed ‘or'Pedh ower areel, toon goes cM clas growth of Grtals of Fete that fermea r+ Saeco of Fees eer Se Pidiu'on the"son bie, cosa Eeersion of halogen-clecropiated tin, ei SU RRA Oy Ow VON ETN BT Beenie ted gong, ©, woes BS Sue et dome SL BSR Se eas wees magn fF goes BS Sages ape Sok Ste, regia OUE.C Te 8S See me doe roe eet: 89 ANS ee ar NE ae cond ee Mae SRST gy ae Sb ly ae. ME Eat ARPS u Stretcher Strains, Orange Peel, Skin Lamination, Arrowheads, Rolled-In Scale ‘enet x ‘coast 92 Gems Lae SA A Va ete nn oc hoe aad toe el ret meg on get iuet BS get tous. an “arorben” eit atoll lt ieee 94 Sa GOL LARRY 95 Seton aren ap “grant cee tion Sint appauted Sh the toteee alter dS, Gente ‘efecto OE routed back into surfaer, emtaed Chie delete Ingot-Scab Sliver, Roll-Slippage Screaks, Pits From Rolled-In Sand 15 Net poe ot tere 20% of seta sae . 00) 101 Ged rolled 1008 steal with Lonestuamel me 103 Sa 0 201 ane 20, pree ug ooh et sigeaks. on euPfuce hal 'were. cated EY Sppopt bevween rolls in the tandem mill ‘etening ata Of very te grain 106 ge 20nd Poe odd Stee 16 Nonmetallic Inclusions Commonly Present in Rimmed Low-Carbon Steels — a ~ —— - _ Guenched, empered a 1129 F (eC) for Yh. planation. Matris, probably tempered Geinite, thickness. Struchure' ly ‘empered bale Soa" cootea “in air Tempered marteite, Plate Steels ASTM A353, A562 and A572 23 2 neat 000%, ‘Same step! and heat, treatment as for ‘ASTM ASS? sted plate, 1 Ip. se ‘Bame steel and heat treatment as for 161 See sce fang suse iru gown py 162 163 eM dtShows wk teplen wanemiee a reples,Trenstietad “aoctton “mierorraph, 400 cy for tr and ce ston, elestion mirograph the thant ataELie i lempered: martensite: cuvblce per= Sesctire consis sey eitn"anti Parties biack eotetftuent are well resolved fies are present mainly ab grain bounaarieeartiles of ttaunum, casbide. Et ine hugner mnemitontion, Thin fol sseciren ‘Ta000x TOG Gamer sect and condition a tar 165 Rate preset of atest ‘lsctron sropraph Note row ot parle of tomcat Sringers isthe eric, consists is Decry Some batt ‘coluinblum‘eatbige infos ferite mats Yeo. same eel ana sh thst ‘ron microm Structure: dsecetions inn) ‘hd vino euvbice parvils Unt) hn frre ‘Tube Steels ASTM A161, A200, A209 and A213 a ERE : 4 Wea Lox iat eager 00x Vets reagent ASTM ALG seamless steal tube, OD ‘ASTM 9200, grade, TS, a5 Same specimen as shown i 171, but 170 GM Ged ae hoe Gums Spetnen 171. feaMiute "aghceta “oigtoaina eee 172 Slee segnitention high nine from midthlctness of well in Vongieaditel see" on, Shracturt We fine digberson of aloy esi ferrite: black particles are alloy carbide, Tocated HE inicuure © ferte and peace Clare. bide a matrix of frcte Gight background), inuciy within "the Terie grains. ints veagent Yoox" 10x a ‘Same epectmen as shown 12, ASTI A200, grade TI, seamless alo ‘same steel ae 104 but cold dewwnsnd 173 Sirece'su higher reeuicom sack 174 AEDS MboE tied tnd amnened, 175. steae Telered, Mlrograph tom el ‘onsutdents efe alloy eatuide: iaisis i terite, Ferrite ight) ad peaiiey some'Saniding’ tadinal'secton. Ferrie ond peatite (see 10) Visin's reagent 300% Vir’ reagent 300% het 178 Sime specimen as, shows ts 177, but ab Ey Soirletey esalved he salt rr 003 176 Spe specimen as show in 195, but at 177 ASTM AZIS, grade ‘Se, steel tube, goer mmendeain ne eke are Rashes vo. in, OD by Cat yall tn the strudtire areferite and the GA areas hold at 1380 F (igg ©) and al buted, Disperoed ‘ie peatlfe, which is largely Unresolved at 00%- Ghozwumm and’ laniumn carbides inf ‘Tube Steels ASTM A254, AISI 1015 and AISI 1018 25 are! 00% Mat ioex ra bene gored white 9 see tube, resislance welded without ‘same 92 180, nat tre tube hoe 179 Gouger beet, foie ineiae Decarburiztion at te surfeee of cate meluslon dongitudinal) 194 Sono in See sued suse 195 geeMeaniate habe Ganmnerss, 8M 196 Salers Pipe Steel ASTM A106 27 SE APE = anon we 2 197 seme eof moey Sea 18 (en oe eaten 6x eel steel plpe, So Bisa ObX by ottawa na Hot ralued Oy austen ‘at 1500 ae aren ‘yas ‘SE miswall gp Fehrs ftiekniag suructure te (erie cight fray) in ‘aisir of pestle (gray and Baek) ASTM, A106, erage B_compasttion, steel Same grade and size of pipe as for 20) 201 Sipe bhin Bay assim? wait an te: 202 fae natmalice by austehitsne 6 al trades, "Speeimen taken ear surface. verrite at F (O71 G). and am cooling, Spocimen Wat taken Jain boundaries, and’ as plates in grains ear tutfaca. Note abataie of decarburstion Sat 20x tah 100% Same grade and sive of pipe as for 20%, Same grade and sze of or 20 oi 204 Sere ent ceiment incor aot 205 bob dieataed ty aaah at fs specimen a takes trom center” of pipe wel, F sid G) or bhi and lr-coting te ant Sine boa ns ithe sirdctureare“ferrhe a i Dror stent groin pouragras and’ as blaies aries of very courge pri tute gras abd 83 ‘thin grein iw alex of beac. Slates wlitta grains, the malsix ky pearite, 28 Pipe Steels API 51-X46 and 51-X60, and ASTM A335 and A381 5x 4% oi bx 4% 5x ection theongh a two-pess butt wed ‘Section through a twowpase but weld made fa the same 207 Gctomatie eat peelcake Teves CO- SK ste! pie asm 20 od bythe Gate prongs ‘anicemne) is got entre, PSG) at compet ‘Goby fan wale incomplete Tusa few; Shrinkage efeck in the weis ead cece dering Sei hare, ont enna ~ 200 ASP eA RA sy pe Seacind peas te So? dar BP ttinen BD ELE crearnrone: Rameney sist Orcs Nan rene frees SCG Ero TS sma ored GRA Se remeaernas Men as, a fms 4, ar steel pine, Stn, 01 by 0.406-in wal sia i bo bbe ae ringers are present in tern! ‘oak SAS Se io sem se ete, sere eh eppenr— Ge ites fe, Thayer, se, peat abe the matrks ts 8 complex sileste™ "Soe leit ee aera, te patches of ne earive (an ota sox Petal se “ot end dravm ste bar, sheen, datn, ez ated, te ag ee as a set ‘ohtn, section thik 2a nil °annesteds “fongttuimal "section: § 282 gedit cine tei ee 383 Sieg SS Soke eden vengse tomoes= Male Mae awe TR ES saa ce oa ee ee ge ch iene Weling “Can eas tre pea Coie)" and ne pearite Cadre 2% mato 2% ott 750% 285 139 sen nopmatze by austenitning 336 10 bat tp is 200 a Selig ta mn siteaisd wr aamenfining at 180 ee ee EES aecea em Ge tate onan Be Re" areas) and lamar pearike ‘Car sont sf course intvellarpearife Wart neu) rena). Specimen shows eight Ende. ina nateis of ferrite Cube 38 Annealed and Quenched Structures in 4130 Steel 70x 287 #9 Not rolled steel bar, in. dam, duttentibed at A580 F (04) Cy for Tar oo me poled to 1850'F wait C)-and held for 2‘hz ond Structure is essentially che cameas that of the Btroctare 'p similar’ to thowe shah ir Sealed. Partly idea pesrite (dark) Specimen shown in micrograph 261, Dit te de~ 286, but che degree if upneroldwation of Gra toate of fertize Cente) {gree of spherotdimtion of the pearite is grester. pearite nas tarther inerensed a? A Ms: 2% nia 70x25 a) 750%, ‘ame as 287, 28 and 260 except that the ‘bare os 297, 288,240 and 200 except et ‘Same as. 201, Bletron. 290 Gime at'ss Pec) was tctased' te 291 Ghe'tune at ey GTO) nd Gigenced 292 Dltin-earbonssedowed 1g tr, Note thatthe degree of speciation to 112 hve Syholdlzaion of the pearl baw bon rei UE pracio'te proter (han inst in 268 Seay” couplet 2% oi 2% plore acd 26% HADy im ethane 12000% Net wae. not ened 600% 203 1120, not roles seg bar, a.m, diam, 294 Same os 2%, but an clciron micrograph 9G5 A190 sea in the annealed conden. iitentized $a Mor SES “Sin: cantoncaiadowed wo: Jit ctton factopraph. Note fe Sted! Untonpered savteiite” lage carton repicn Uasonpered metiensse” striations Tooled ony at High: agnineston snd water quenched. Unterpered Seruceures and Inclusions in 4140 Steel; Structure and Weld in 4340 Steel 39 ‘00% 298 S440, hot rolled steel round bar, 3 Ia ‘Gehacte, ‘austen ag 1860 FAB’ Cy benched. 296 Repro 40 see forging normal. Eeiby ate at are, by ei eming, snnenied by heating at 1590 (640 ) and for 1 Nr and miter shure coms 88 Calg elas frre she Raese-coaree White" aa SREPRRIE Ree nenpeng we Soh Ea) CWO Jaa ‘Bsa dots are alee, poate with reaile in & davkeretching structure eT ne lee eee a : ° . : 99 ercet thet, 2S ZaG™avosoc bar austatized at ss pats SQ] Oude weliong tenga) tn ed ‘99 Same, se 253 as ‘us a ssn F ao ‘seioglng ns 99, sinined st Sead oh eter tee 300 38 quenched to 150 F (05 C>, and 301 Seot‘ean tin, i di r. The stringers gn die Pec ef bane oRtEE const: tempered“ hua, Hip © (Gc) zembered ace pari othe Guest of Folie othe Sal alone" wth the Tartene Cish)= SECEERie! some recre onal, Sisto areas: Siepelshed surface af the bar. poland. not stcbew ‘e600 2% tel sox Nl 2x 2 tin cee Repica, qretzn taclarans 303 4p cnt quenched in ol fre tial ® 304 lerron, beam weld up $08 wes enak ‘showing’ tne dumped, structure. tate 88 BF tampered af to F aie ch ‘Been guenched, ad double’ tem spit ‘Of the overatrous mde of allure Strichire i tempered aavtensite. at om PORTS Seale cists beam welding. 40 Structures in 4350, $046, 5132 and 8645 Steels steel bar, murlenitial at 306 {88 Si Stoenene te 390 8 as held 12min tér‘parie isothermal Smasforma sa steel forging auatenitied at "1850 "BH49_ hoe roid steel bas, ttn. diam, "Some sec and bar size 308 ESS AGE Memchee attutare 309 Statetiteed’atisbo'e BH Gi forint 310 tng striae isc) : oop oe iyi igh en) soa ferzece cold fecung 8 fly anmeisd to Fat and Go Ok Stor beinite Caark, feathery constioser®) in & Tameliat “peace, ‘Des me tS 3 a BID See sigel and bar sine as 366, 310 and 31.3 Same steal and bar size as 20, fod same heat treatment ac 810 Replica ‘Bi Auktenulsea st 1550 Fee C). eater ha 312. Heat teatment clectcon mistonsaph chs e tarpetae that ase quenched, tempered at 600°P (260) fot Th 412, but tempermg. wag dane ni 100. F Structures in 8645, 8650 and AMS 6419 Steels “a Ne b Ne aes : Moca iagrana; awe ne on oe epee oy meow JAR ee a dog ai, alto 31.8 amy a CBE bared Sa mad toe ete eR. Settee roy eke gh ae Ug le 3 sane ats Ra nels ae ipa ‘cr datimncuransbedowed trovstane Eonmaure i sa sate fat sbpesrance of ct aricaiee eee ae = vey Be SiS eo caer cote SS TiS" ape est be tog % vei 2k 319 lepesae ast tr mend eee SERRE a oe oe NE ‘Safes fuenchat of Moon perature weencted tele qe ‘elie, tempered Caectemperc’s i HES SU RR ene ie GR RN er ee 2 ntl 500% ‘Sunes for 318 an 39, bu the stl was “Same ge 2-820, put alge was quenched 320 Greece trom ine susan 321. Fee dis austemasing cmperature in § ‘gue ab anh tat Sod FGve Cy ror Nhe, ait uae oo iad O) for hr aie ah Bestia ae ones tate oe c) fort B,"Uatia oh at tt ® Oh or ae Zils fedunly Soe reaied Mean." Breerave! peobaniy some’ retained uci. competion a se ea wae, sinc’ muenshed sPhuss Pos). er ‘pearite-oninte mtr 326, 327, 328 ten: aut ehealgd to 1100 F «Gai C} 1 Ex, ar coal (io €) ata ‘tr cooling then tampered 129 AMS. ston 329 tiniteed wt 1900 F (LOC) ul Gon AL Pepin olectra articles hile “in tempered marenatte. ‘AMS 6405 CHAD steel; eect of various homogenising treatments {iss alr conied, deraperea 2 he at 10RD 2 aed 2 he be ie F(10i) Gai gooleg., reheated 10 1100 F (O27) Sateen ie Sher vlan in M4, plerogruph 308 (eight): austenlizod 1 De at 2200, 324. Same eee] and heat treatment as Zor 323 24 Seespt that ie steel was vanced In to 150° F tis. Ch, The foctfting structure is Geenpered marvaneite, Vertical gray strip nea? center Is o mangansce Fuldde stinger "Gy, Strucure Tar “Same stect and cyele of heat and oaid Eeatinent es "ior 380 except dat the ie. o that in "but care precoke {Sion white: paricies) fas ncrensed, clramaty’ gout tempered i ‘poled, eienied to 1250 (077 C) | Breet cles ‘ptigs Sip ole: tehested to loro P vis G) 7 he Teheated tg 1380°F (G7 C)'1 br, aur cooled. Gpecimen wes finally hardened hy austenticing 1 hr at 1480 F Phra 160 B (S66 C). Stricture’ fine tempered mattensiee (compare wi 960 204 32. tampered martensite, with evidence of same at er eeceegttin: esi eerie pe Bear ‘enter of the micrograph fet pipe aaa B31 Same steel ond qvele of hest andenkd 331 Tettment nd fax $0) a oh eanepe et Be Melee eiectth imicograph Ne higber Tlinperlng. temperature “aw Tther ncressed SED ir ePcorbice parce Microstructure of Carbon and Alloy Steels of High Carbon Content By the ASM Committee on Metatiography of High-Carbon Steel* Plain High-Carbon Stedls ..... Low-Alloy High-Carbon Steels ‘THE MICROGRAPHS presented in this section show various. structural (ypes—as rolled, “quenched and tem- ‘ered, patented, deearburizea ~of plain farboh and alldy steels of high carbon fontent. ney also show welded struc~ fires and give a microprobe analysis of fn inclusion (micrographs 418 to 425) "rhe compositions of the steels for ‘which micrographs are presented are Given in the table below. Tool steeis, ‘host of whieh algo have'@ high carbon content, are dealt with in the section th Too! Meterials (see page 101). ‘High-catbon steels ave most "com- ‘monly avallable a5 wive, bar, sizip and Hale Commercial applications of there Reels incladeantifiction beating ‘Springs, some knives, and lage to Steel 3100 Ip sed extensively for ball ‘earings, both alls and races, Most of the stack listed in the table below have been used for rings. from small clock ‘springs to ‘the large springs ‘used in allroad equipment, Steele 1060 and 2099, fre‘ used for tilage tools Chand and steels, tee Vollme 1. of this Handbook, he arllces "Hardenable Ca fee sase’ Getnnine on bare and rings (beginning on page 160), ‘Carton Stevls, AS the catbon content of steel inereases, the microstructare becomes mare complex and more aif lt fo Interpret. Par astance, a walle Stching constituent at grein boundamies ‘hva steel that has becn rapidly cooled ‘an be either ferite or cementite, Tigh-carbon ‘eels are seldom used 4n the aenrolleg, normalized or annealed sondition, altiough ey are. usually shaaed of these. conditions reatments 3 for various appli- cations include quenching and temper fing, patenting, patenting and cold digving, and austempering. Pateniing 4s a heat treatinent where in wire (aiid often rod) fs austenttized, auenched in ‘a, molten bath (usually, eilen lead) at a cubecitical tempera fate, and cooled im air. smallediam- ‘ler 'ulre or fod ean be austenttiaed and Rosner P. Mast, Chairmen, Presto Rnevtus, Cornegie‘Melion Univndy, Gronct H, Baite, Seperisor Metalursy Section, Eagineet- Jag and Revearh Conte, SKF iodusties, lac; Rovsxr H. Bares (feited), formerly Metallorgis, Suspension Div, Eaton. Corps H. B. Glas, Chet Metallugst, Toningon Ca; EaNtSr A. Evanetc, Chief Netllasgis, Simonds. Saw and Sceel Div, CONTENTS then alr cooled (air patenting), Patent- ing usually reste tm mined simnetares (ove pager i, 40 and 46). Asrpatented wre and’ tod have some commercial Eoplicaions, but patenting fs usielly She eters old drag anton reving. operations. Mao Sire made of cold drawn poten ‘witn'no further hese treatment ‘Por subsequent. processing (for in stance, ng) of , high-carbon Heels expacialy “those. having more Eten O10 carton, the unresolved ame HeRtacioy Spneroiaat cements n'a atta feomentiie n'a air of ferrite is the desired. ete= ie ee the mlerographs on bage 4). ‘kceps in the thinnest sections: car” bon stele seguir a water quench from the Rusteniiing tomperature to. de velop a fully martensitic structure (see Inlefoavaphs $88 and 364). oll quench- Ing usually results in a slaek-quenciied condition (see micrograph 362). 069-090 Baaege Dba ene Beas baoae Sse Gets Socog0 Gano Sie carob 3 Oib3es anos {98 esos e004 te nasirase 6, desrgay 8 ited by 656-080 Cree) Eowaro B. Masres, ‘Wallace Macy “Corp Seerers, Maragiog ES Austempering can be applied to sin seetons of paln high-carbon BROS etic Raia ted oa carton ally steels ‘illoy Steels. “Zhe high-cazbon_alloy steele transform much mere slowly on lng trom he atenils condluon ‘carbon seis, "To. develop & fully martensite ‘siracture ‘in gh Geeton iy eh, ol guonching oe sl cer oe Pio ot of tale seston, show amlerantraetares of 610, $2100, 6150 and Gi toon etnaiely ag Mahocron Slog stools, Large quaatities ‘Reel ate used for col springs for ule” ‘mobues, Very offen the hof rolled prod uch is hot ecied and hen Dest tented By austenitiang at 1600'F (71 ©) and oll quenching. Ader thi femtent, Servoture is fully martensite, with no Fee carbide (ote mierograph 383). This Seucture wil then be aieted by tems Dering st about 600 F az G) for most Brine ‘appiteations note the mlere- sfeosto tier hap ie cece tien, im mieroeraph $34), Mirasracties of 22100 ste) are presented om pages 50 10 ing Jrodust G0 Mnerograph 906 through i og at ts 5 show the effects of various heat treatments on spheroidal carbide it SNGo" see structure ot Gpneroldal Exrbide in ferrive (090) te ump he Slaruing structure when machining or Griher neat renting is tobe perforted. ile ett tat esl eo arous duenching an prosednres Sit with mcroenaph a, eryevure consisting of mattensite with & a Sion of fe carbice particle, Gaile iy Sanit li dure: far end Nompering. at Copronmnately £80: inn Ghee cdmmen bal ear” x and other mear-resitant products {de of S200 sel iste ge atu fading Springe, Temperes martencite obtained by conventional quenching and Hie'is an seeeptable (often a preferred) structure for alloy spring steels, Gronce E. Kerri, Techosal Services Manager, Westclox Div, General ‘Time Corp J. Mc KtereR, Manages, Wite 20d Rod Mlalurgy, Lomi Gayshoga Works, Unied States Steel Corp Research Laboratories, Genet] Motors Corps Joues Torx, Mesliurgis, Peulo Products Co.; Howanp E, Bowie, tory Metals Haniook. 1055 and 1060 Steels 7 1020 1058 steel rod, tn. dlam, patented pate 1060 see! cod, cin. gam. at oat 332 Me SLE un Seino bts cr 334 From Shot reiing im s000-1b cal Dae wench seg ha tend bath mt 1000 F SHS ed earn. wit some ctor “inreslved. prance clare): fere Sat peatite wh 2 Siren ‘pear: whee are” ore fern, parly pear ‘in Geundoties. ferale at uri wintenlte grain bostiavien” Gullune' prior austenite grain boundries Prat 100% Fret aucn, dlam, petonted by 1060 steel, wre, O28, diam, that nes 335 Le sétine n'a single sera’ Oy Sad Sse EEE BS S37 Met atcha “auntenitsing et sD, loa eas: ny veces pun, cucnenine toate Ut Sete Gane Soe Shedark Sreaa'e any ped eal Fee oe et ered purely of guar iar and feriee Uwhlie) at prt fhe the white ateas are forte ab prio Suh peor Ststentle gras Sckanite rain boundaries Fe era’ boundaries. 3 ere v@ pense SS mags we amitaues et 3% sane Panter pe salamat oO ipuakirani ioe Ge Baie Meee Gg ees Pte Gee ies Ger Gy SER GVREPANSe SMe o, SRSr eae, 10BG61, 1064, 1065, 1070 and 1074 Steels 1% ne 00x, 088 1084 old rolled ste! step, esta to 1870 1004 oot roll ste! stip, austeiived Bal ess 342 aE hace’ coved to tsee F tors 343 2Ssoae"iete. Gh gueneted ta 800 agit Buh ge a5 F GS), att), and sie covicd ts oom temperature’ Pie (316 C) and Pela (oo complete othermal (rane Joan "Stull hte areas ave ferste: Tasehe Stieroidel cementite in'a matty of ferite—p formation’, air ogled, tempered at 100 FH ay trene marten’ Gaik'aees lower bene. {kvssure prefered foc subsequent heat eatment G)- Mistare of balalte and tempered martensite, eat 300% Perl Bex 2 al sox stip elven. same heat teate 1058 steel wire. 0135-4n. alam. patented 3 steel spring, wie, auenched “ad 3A ine ir 345 oy Jets 346 ttered aientra tt en ‘se for 98. Gerfaor decarburiaation Bp austenitang al Wii (aes for ht iano. heme ecmuenaly i, quencing ia eed ain a 10 8 54 6} gu cuenchea, nerd 2 min at OF Ae 0). eee era Seis gone cmniocbouery fer” St the suntace (lop) ide Co decarvuraston- “ore bard drum sto] valgesprng wit “om stec_valvecsring, wire, quepenad 1074, exit 347 jem teat ern aecaraie Rens} 348 Soe dspace “awe ager 349 ee ee SL ane me men Bigs aruchure chown i deformed posste. "Some free ferrite (white areas). " ‘Tele cemertte (poorly resolved) 6 1078, 1080 and 1090 Steels Lapis 1), te Dh Wey St as ol GAN : Ie A bE /Pe e m NY _ Wis at sled ser, covet ne SE a ot soa ase aattaedt SES St ana me sets 2 350 i lie Cpe wrasse ME es spon ek corte «teu eee oe = ee eat sels ES gooey recreate tom Carman ee ce ee Gee etna, ees Se ‘ih some eran ‘terri. ‘spheroidal cementite partlelis ne teh pene — = re : TAs teen at pre ce 564 a hot ond atl ean. ie 353 FR at keaton 354 2 eat a ae tek at S eociee a ier aii iaeh SAB a eight Sin “am fie black Spotr'are: iron alominiges the Pais lection Mlerograpn. The structure consis ea: tay stingers near cehiee ate sue, ney et Iatolle pease. Pre ” . sox 2x nit 100% 7% et = SEE el soe getert won'SE SB) t mo ae oat myo SS S5Q Sa ee, SEL SS Lae Ee OEM sn Sent ea ive fe ‘deformed lamellar pearlite. le Grier strusttre was fipe pearite). See 998, Structure was produced uy Wead patenting. a Heat Treated Structures in 1095 Steel DIE A tox “ara ttox bom 12i0e 350 ise bar mamated by auseniee 360. 0 hot rlled sae oar, Ninn, 36] 0 cla old ong anneneg, of iain 8 C) ana coling in at bpherniciaca by hotaing ae 1280 Fats G) Serokaed by baalg aR SS Strut pry lvesoived peste bck); for 18 Aranda coulng Guts cvetoiai for 3p gp cea af rirace ma rolled on evr ie parties in fe rosa drawing, 1000 100g sizel, auenticed at 1600 P (S71 C 363 1G wee ments tm 2 TLS) 3 a usd Fie "G) god tee guetta. Pie 24 al * fox ses ssearcun ced 365 Ha Slory acon Ge F366 Sng Sat ange ar i ee eae ee: Blatt DARREN ae Ge ERS ate at 48 Heat Treated and Cold Worked Structures in 1095 Steel 4% aa, 1.000% 445 oi) 000% 4% nial 3500 es, pt, mas 368 Wei ay tag Sem amet ‘Tinto! apecmon G00 Taino specimen oe rps ol ans es SISSNTADS wc mem nl MOST wo, cpt 371s pease may: 372 ae cea. saee a tee 379 Seas ane cong tad rr Sees Semen kis ts See? aL BEGLNES ci hana rah Site ti 5 rae itt sox _ Nia 000% et 00x na 1095 die steel, induction hardened to e depth of O10 in. Micros Some specimen as for micrographs 274 and 318, but, showing # 374 oe tcanntion-aone sanaculents from see Ane martens- 376 seva"nater te sinfnce of Ue eel, where the duretare colt i me seer ee aaa area, 377 SAD Reece a atu Tea ae tastes Sea 375 Wasi Cie ioe salsa’ at Sus Mlarersie nis igh) 377 Sut uctinnt, bh Wiis parle a spheres ot ieee sor eats elton ant nk te ren Sa ae Structures in 0.55C-2,40Mn and 5160 Steels 000% 2% ital Dip got bead 2 her 49 mln 160 bof rolled steel, 0535-in-diam, ait BBG! Ceed Ur Bagh 379 Coated trom finshcrling temperature of or cae 1900 Fos 0) Btructure teslved pease {eta constiaient) and ferise (ight constituent) 46% ml, 436 poral mized 1 1 1 100%. 382 ‘eel and heat trestment as for ‘ety but a a higher wiaghifienton. "The tunternpercd mareenaite “aark gray consauent) GE peedilce constituent sand ‘the Tetained austenite fgst somsutuen®) ‘Bate Cight consiient) ‘re now more clearly resolved BRS Same sec] and treatment as for 384, bab 3RG S160 ber vl stn bipher maghifeation: Siefaos decer butzation white area near top, er egurred in the ar mal, hie the Eons sanely Fed arlensie and ecarburtat temperature of about i100 G19 6). (ave). dios some rere eat 100 Piss) i siel,eustenttized at 1600 ‘ett ©) Yor 36, mle. ol quonched, tam ‘eucture ‘oe Lhe ihe. ot empered narrate 50 1.2% C Low-Alloy Steel, and 51B60 and 52100 Steels SEF ma mina sn cenerenneges YE EE sane stant te ns 3S in ttt et te sre a GE LLE Se SMC ANE Oe pen hinttenae nds tubo iutngered eatenaa (ak, ateleie con sth) snaiatcn Sot whe eintentiing cem- fet quenched. tempered Tarai wine EERE Ses wate ‘tend hd retained ausienice evhie areas). erature was too high for tis Soe id eustenite wot sae 000% HO. wate. mines 49 2 45 leah 426 na ts 3 a0 2 21B60 bot rolled steel bar, 1%-in, diam, 100 tee! ban, et. alam, Cros sevtion ‘icroseructre of m pecinen taken fr: 10 estinited “and quenched Vo. obtate es S91 Sher fen thin ‘the Gemperatine 392 M"eetion shows ‘structure. ‘acepatie trong “cider ented to ah rang Sis Hoo Bearlte ig TeHT G) for io hr Skructure comnts of sphe- cooling eo room vemperature ‘Pic chew ot Mita thins Sf eubice “lack old carbide peices in t metre of ferskc, Siall'Gark spow in centr ‘are incisions’ “prior austenite galt bound. 4% pier. 4% mal, ed 310 2 S003. 48 slr 8 al end Bo 1 393 Sere seciin as chown Im $2, bul ak 34 Sune peeing as shown in a2 and 33, Tmagnidention. sia aes a ‘magainection, In boundary cafbide rejesied trom sold’ solution some ocean, the “grai-boundary ‘carbide Cite poling fren oling sow ore len {ie Cetatinuing no shows ag areas Pulte esolvid ant Appears a5 shite lines ‘Onan as thin es Matric ts Beale: Spheroidized and Quenched-and-Tempered 52100 Steel cs 1% mal 4% perl, mes 1% nite, 496 pv, ad B to 1 310) lec bar, cin, diam heated to “elo see ‘Gee $06) estenitined at 16 53100, see Gi GF ph ierhs, held tong a 997 Pha 6) ihe Ot gt gene 998 dS gS Gand oll quencies, toe (ua) ‘per bot ‘ered ab 300 me (i7t €) ford Br. Tho blocx areas dame as $81 Tempered tartensi, and ‘urnace cooled to'60, P2810) Re*Cathie? the Grey ateas are Tempered mers Caitideparicies whiter unauwalved airing gi of aac te Eile state cache pacions wien’ "Chow yore aur fo mane ‘rior structure for $07"to 408,” that didnot disolve during nustenttsing. {Eeneous aitetputon of carbon and chromium. aa, pra mixed 2 0 1 456 tal 45 eral meet 1 0 2 200% AY ial, £86 pera. nad 3 101 00% ‘100 ‘steal "yee, 396),, austenitized “et 4QQ) $2100, see! “Gee, B80), austenitizes at 52100 "eteelvaco, 308), austentiand ab 99 Eire r Gy tor ie"he ll quenched, Tee thy Sree nA et quencnes, 401 fipl iitn ron wet quenched, pened atTean'® (b0°G) ford br. Beructire tempered at 790 F 1ab0.C) ior i he, Structure tempered au/as0 ® v7 @) ford hr. Bieucture nd Nodisnalved carbide {e'Yempered mariensiie and a dispersion of ek'> 6 iaiy ferapered martensite, High unten Fe Le aoe dea Seepekced compere cise Cnguisr white atest) ‘and a few artige Sith mlcrogeaphs 396 and 390 ‘pee Parocles, (Compare wilh #08 29 400. ay 45 plea, ute 2 20 1 000% 4% ita, 4% pera, mined 1 tot 1000% 4% tal, 4% plea. med 3 to 1 ‘Same pecinen a teed for s1,but shown 4Q3 S260, tee ge, 20, aureniioad at 4Q4 S100, ciel ce 390, 2 Seame stentined. 32 SESE Wigner taagaitcation, Dark areas ioe e tee Soe ty ne el quenched, ets P G52 Ci tor 1 he "quenebe tm 2 iehocted nee ee aatenits tempered at 890 (107 €) for | hr, Struciane salt batn at. son (Qs C). held for tne alt SPAR BARES, LSE ecuived A Coalels‘of course plates (neediet) ef tempered Sosiod to Foom temperaiurs, Sirueture gousies Fintjolved”crolde’ puter raat Yom artensie apd retuned attenite Gente) car~ Sf spheidal carbide partite in lower belale tiginat structure Cnlerograph 900)- bide particles re abmast Wholly ducofvea and some retuned susteatte, Heat Treated Structures and Defects in 52100 Steel “6% mal, 455 pleral mines to 2 200% "2100 ‘stele, 29)., austontized “et 405 oe iiss Sitar 2 at etoied slowly to 1300'F 170s Gyo) auteed, Nowe care-mray ‘eedles of inane, carbide Folvcled to Wea Boundaries wight gravy, beinlte toiack),"and Fetained ausietite Grea Hight areas) 2% ita 2100_sicel rod, ausenitted at 1000 408 etch ar Tet Suenenec in leat bah ere Past Gh, held Yor 3 hr, nic eaoleg, AN Shea microg o's" rept cotarysehea™ ‘owed with eheviniom. Serta le balnie (prOe- bly upper balnies 100%. ALL. Crack in a $2100 steel roller, efter at Gchishine, water gueneaing. and em) tng, The eeaeu® exeenaii down from. che Su fade, ‘pes caused bya seam tn the bur elock, ‘The ofruetire ie martensite See also a2 ‘2100 ston rod. that mas eusteitied 406 fear tged eae mi and de roomy fempergture ‘Th dank ref Ane Seale tnd Bathlie he ighe areas Uaimest chetchees re uBlemperad martensite AO 52100 steel mire, austenitzed at 1650 F {38 Cy "for"0 see quenched th © tall pst af i F580 C), nel fOr 30 ove, alr Goole An veleciroa sncgograph of replica. Flat ‘Siagoged wah homie i mehor pearilc ana bataite ‘ame erack as m 41, nut st a higher AL2 SregmiGension.” Decarburiaciin™ waite syeas) along ihe sidgs of the creck i eyMeace Hhiline ra woe tere Uelore ost teakment ‘Gureace £ hut docatburieed). 49% otal a0 "2100 stee! rod, austenitized at, 200, AO? iat OF tr i le a gue 2 eed wit chrrntim. ptruetiee i" earl, Remnperta martenaite ‘Note cracks in marina plstaets capper Tete, upper Fiphb! 413 Hardenes martensite a SESCEEES Widlional feat Friction Weld and Inclusion in 52100 Steel ‘Transition sone of fiction 416 oll Baa tel oe a ‘Ginek Ante ‘pein SIRES Nnteertdmsiele rmenlite from the prior siucture. ‘As palahed no eto) iad ot tad) 30005. ‘apoio ot eh) 0% @ iavion ype ot, awe 419 Heal of loops wes 40 Rel oe mien, aan sai of tach ielanons, See Secretion of sete len sonoenr Re oe lecoprooe amalaee Sopngne tipo 5" 424 Remit. of microprobe ean stop sles “umere iva hig once” ‘atom in ‘ie core, buy fie iy the HEN GP in dhe sunning see! inte ot ated {2 Rent af mloroprobe 203m. 2 Be eispen ie Teciion on (9 ste. RUE High concentration Chee and iow ancentensan i thd i autoding sel Mn seamen a aca 423 foe ici” in Tachuion th ue dees! suggests a (Mn,Cu)S compound. 19% plea, 008% HEL ‘Outer. pave. of tranation 417 Coe inition weld Cha), Scattered “carbide perteles from ie iroclre rhe) ane ar ae tineaiuinegray and balaile (Gark-gray oF Bach) 2s polisnad (na etches 421 Result, of microprobe scan for eiafte in imausion i 52109 eect. Re ation faim bur fae Shvouiding steel "encer in 1s poihed (ot etched) 425 Result of be sean, Ee ciothuln in sta 52100 sleet There ery ttle 2a the tncisslon, but worms citrine tion Sh the sigrounding steel, 10003 ‘Heat Treated Structures in 6150 and 9254 Steels 2% ntl 50% 4% mia “ng9 stcel we, austenitized at 1680 F 4100, ste, austenitland, at 1000 F (#82 © 150 stel wire, austentized at 1685 426 88 iar WS al ead ci ave 427 fer’ cooled to Sasa 'w aa Cie ela 428. a5 Gy for" ‘quenched Wt We Sood tempuratire, ‘Lover ‘beinke § hr, eooled to 1200 P 4s Ch av sof 28 G) per (G17 C) held 20 min, oll lek to room te mot ize, “Lower Gack) and ‘Unempered martensite ight). hour, held 1 hy, air cooled, Peavlite and ervite tare const. 4% nit 000% 4% itl reas 429 S20 sles! wire, austenitied at 1550 F 430 S160 sel wie, altstenitized at 1600 F 43] S160 gieel mize, austentized at 1600 (iS > Tor ys oll quenched: tempered (ait GF"for Zar, duentted in lead co ais ctor ab qucneted So leae at 900 Fie? Ch. An eleeton micrograph ea 1200 F (64a >, eld fer 2'he, valer quebched, 1825 F Che C), "held Be plea “retary shadowed with cavomiun, he An clecron ‘Risowraph of a Tunis, roan Saal Spmeroida carbide: parices ‘heeed eS ' zeriee te, PAY Same ste), rod dlameter, ond heat treat, a4 stan, nustentived, a g00 F (st 433 Sone k'ioe mcrograpn fem, bute anown 494 Sf Scaahea, tempered at 680 F (od ft s nlgher mauniteation “The beat treastcnt The microstructure const mainly of tre ‘ited ENcommoniy known’ as austempering. masclensite, a few areas are ferrle, Microstructure of Case Hardening Steel By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Case Hardening Steei* Gas Carborized Structures... Pack Carburized Structures - Carbonitrided Structures .. Cyanided Structures OP THE case hardening processes that depend for their effectiveness on the Introduction ‘of carbor, or carbon and rltregen, into the surface of steel, car- Dariaing, curbomtriding and cyaniding are the most widely used. In general the steels best sulted for these processes ate Tow-carbon steels’ that rely on a Surface layer, or case, of high hardness ovide a ievel of strength and wear flange not atherwiee obtainable frou the core metal, Steele tor nitriding — Whether speclaily formulated. for this utooke oF adopted ‘becae of tls tory performance im processing am im seredee are, medlum-earbon Tow alloy tleels of hight hardenabilfty. com- (CONTENTS 86 Ges Nitrided Structures .....-.0-.5 08 $3 Liguia Niteided Structure 00100... 67 3 Structures of Annealed and Normal 86 ived Steels Before Carburlalng .... 68 positions of the ease hardening steels for Which a total af 111 micrographs are presented in this section are given inthe table below. ‘Processes. For eseriptions of the case hardening processes. Including equip ment. requirements, operating \tech- ‘niques, and process Varlables, the reader is teferred to. Volume 2 of this Hana- ‘book, for the articles on Gas Carburiz~ ing {page 83), Pack Carbutising Gaye 118), Garbonttiiaing (pege 119), Cyanie- ng (page 129), Liguia’ Nitraing (page 148) and Gas Sitriding, (page 149). ‘Microstructure and ‘Process Control ‘The microstructure of the ease and of fhe underiving core motal serves as a fundamental culde for the control of all heat treating processes employed in fase hardening, as well as providing & Gependable mettiod for detecting ab normalities and defects capabie of ad versely affecting the performance and Serviee lite of case hardened parts, ‘The micrographs “presented in. this seettn teiedt tho satiety of strustnal Changes that can oveur at, or aligntly elo "the ‘suriace of case hardening Steels’ as a reeult of Inward diffuelon of rectal qanties of “eatbam Hrogen, or both. ‘These micrographs iso Teect! Up etets of ‘peor eat treatment and other" processing "oD caso, core ond transition structures. “Compostons of Case Hardening Stes for Walch Mleroatraclures Are Presented In This Secon tone a so at 2a at ; ise at ie : rane st yon tae . Sit, 8 Seba ganas MIE gs ‘Ooae max 99-035 040-060 908-518 we Eee ite se ee He ieiy HEY Sean BU EIB Ee me 1B 128 ian HE yeae Hae ues He ieie HRE Hoes He tee Be Bem HSE Hee Ee Sees Hoe ae ase we ESE He init wae GE Hae ESE ma oe 2 . See Se Md 8069 ens Stas tama stn Behm 91) mans * AMS $9 ee cceatn c b Late a Tne wen or neh eructates are mara gp DASE OE FEE met te elin of O18 Lo ied to is Santa oe Ve te Fh te ‘Rowuer F. Ment, Cheirman, Profesor Eneritus, CarnegieMelion Unversion 1. BAUMAN, Assist 0 Supedistendent, Metallurgy. snd lospeton, Bireld Maatfactosing Co, Ines H.C. Dinu, Chet Mera Ivrgis, Hugher Teal Coy Oil Tosh Divs JOHN’ B. GWEN, Advisory Eagioer, nteoational Business Machines Corp: rire HUBER, Chef Mesllographer, Marin Rockwell Corp. Div, TRW, Tne TTaesabiia Jana, Principal Mateile Meseatch Metioegis, Tater. usoal Harvie Cos Bocax G, Mace, Chit Mauilutgst, Fogoeering find Ressatdh, Atceian Bosch Diss AMBAC Todostes,, DONAta A. si Seats SWS ISSR Mths asa Ss oa, Reatcon, Chief Materials Engineer, Link Belt Chain and Conveyor Componente Div., FMC Comp. L. Rice, Project Eogicer, Techoal Genter, Caterpillar Tacos Co.; Ronex® SEDLATSCHEN, Senior Metil- ‘urge, Cenesl Resarth Laborstry, Singer Co. ‘antes Taser, Sesion Supervisor, Miverials Scieoe, Corporate Ret search and’ Developmen, Dana Corp; R. I. Wine, Research Mta- Turgut. Timken Co. H.R, WOEHRLE, Chief Menllurgs, New! Depa tore--Hyat Bestings Div, General Motors Corp; Howaxn E- BOvEn, Secretary, Managing Baier, Metals Handbook. 56 1018 Steel Gas Carburized in Leakeight Furnaces: As-Carburized Structures ion 2 435 108 see! carburined 8 nx. Surface carbon oantent ts 480 to 070%, 4.36 1018 steel, carburied 4 De. Surface (0.70 to OAK 0) te whe ‘ae Structure consists of ferrie Sea, outline ile Below the sutfacc, the derk’nrens are peatite, a peas Cann areas). BEET gerrte Gutline pelor austenite grein boundaries, 1% nist 1% ita sel carburieed 6 hr. The surtace 018 size carburlzed 16 hr. to 437 ye aa nine ot carvide outage prior 438 (5'T10c. Gurince tayer ‘6 eaxbide: below it 9 thin film of ‘peste, culling prior guptenie grass boundasies op peatie male cf. 3% al S00 1% mil Ola steet carburtied 18 he in 439 ther “caress We ° gett See aes lat ines prior aistentte grain boundaries im ® matrix of peanie. “Thewe os orberised structures were product by oss earburiaine ia tht (pit-tuve, excep! for specimen. in EE Bie 8 at Che hutnace eatin So 00 F 1505 te hs 10 ge, nd hen aie Coating Yo Soom Compete Surface & cEtop of cash’ mlcronranh: Compare wiik mictopraphs 441 and 82 tap of facing page) for eect of furnact leakage. Gas Carburized Steels With Decarburized Cases, and With Various Case Carbon Contents BOX 194 itl OB stecl gus cerburiad for 8 br at 1100 F (927 C), tn a pit 1 steel that was gas cayburlzed, Turnage cooled. and cepted 29 AL Rinact oll tr iese, france cooled to 100d woud "in ar 442 ee essere idee the sae’ condone ag: ite for toe to my then ait cooled’ fo Yooin temperature, A thin decasburbed layer spectmin in day except fulnce leak wae more severe. The, Gecaf urled i) \eguosd Uy the furnace Jeak covers te surface’ ‘The Tats’ is layer eerie) catged by the feats thicker tan that bradi'and. coves. oavlte wth earbide at prioe sustanite grain boundaries, aN Thatie of pesrite. Ctbon bas dlifased from gras boule, Compare the structures above with those shown on the facing page (as-carburied structures obtained in leaktight furnaces). 00x 2% nial 245 na 443 610 ste ens carted to 4 maximum 44a $810 steel gas casburted to a maxtmum 45 UBIO steel gus carburzod to 8 maximum, See Sathoe content of 00% Usan) hse carvan content of OAS ite Sarton content of 098% (optim 10 at cart 8 maximum 10 steel gna carburized to a maximum AAG S010 etzel ens carburized to.» AAG ee tal eatene of bat GAT Be Sebel dostent of Lib” MN AB Slo Careda" conten af 1ady ‘The speoimens of $810 steel shoum in micrographs, 448 to 448 were gar oorburied gt 1700 to, 1125 F (O27 to St C) for & dr iype fornece, pernace sovled austontfued at 1560 11525 F (Hie 16,629 C), of guamched, and tempered at 300,8°(168 C) ase corbin ‘contents difer mamniy because of variations ‘nthe carbom fotrntal'of the earbursing.GtmAephers. 58 Retained Austenite, Transformation Products, in Hardened Gas Carburized Structures at 100% $020 steel as easburiaed st, 1003 care x, 4220 steel tas, 449 fom portlet fork hy at 25 Fae Ch fp 451 Ste & ott quenchea “heated to 2510). oat ‘Ch, oll quenched, 4 Terapered Br at 350° (ita ©)% te> Semperea’ 2 hr at 300. F a0 Jo), Structure (Gas% GOR Fetalned austenite” (ay wrey), Uempered martensite, lower cuinte, carb. Beh eat 000% mal 000% Nil 10 ‘420 steer gas carburized at 100% esr 4620 steel one corburlaed at, 1.006 can= eon stent ons cavburaad at 100% 452 fon potenull tor whe ae iit Peoin‘es, 453 fon pormaut tor ene wy 1iag Brton'Gy, 454 Sour nt auentiies Heated Wo isle es ©) for"4d ofl quenched an tempered for he gt Be) ‘min oll qundetio, 2p ln ct 200 F ie2'C). The mierortructure (095% ou Buch structure COO carbon) “Woh retained fend comsts “of abe secant shitinte iy raph and tempered. aston ‘tempered ‘martensite, ia 1000 tal 1000 Nal 10 ‘455 4220 set gas caburied at 2.00% catbon 45 $80 aoe as carbusind ab 120% care 457 3010 sine carburined, and eat ow! potential for én at 1730 1064 C) ‘or loe et mio @ ats C), Jaume as 458 ‘et neti etfed, 20. min ab 2510 F Gal oll quenched, heated. to 1460" /F CHC), off i100 ¥ GBH C)” before bel “or hare ot ca tempered ihr at 360 Fea’ G). ing. Structure (0%; carbams 20% Strucuire too carbony- 40% retained aus- usieniee (by x-ray), tempered martensite, © ‘Sted elistenile Coy vay) and mertemite, “" Yenite hy Xray) sod tempered martensite, Bie und ‘carbide particles. Gas Carburized 8720 Steel: Variations in Structure After Postcarburizing Heat Treatment 59) 460 Shen“ fr tap Glchdlar cable Tee tained “tli in Mage SOS Sit Se usentzed at 0687 easton “Austenitned, “hustenitted at 010%, exrbon poten 461 fair ath) eats eh i 463 fort Yoo Pele ey Rivas tenpeat tore ab os BY © ” sno eno ie (whe conta etwores ciobuin ‘Empered Marterlia red for Lhe at 3p? (396 G); Sanit eo in maisat of Simptine of retained "austonite (white “ereas) "mactensite. ‘Wolbie in" mate of vertempered 5 carbon potential “Austen ‘eartaoe Beet toh Fale, uence forthe fm ot, tempefed “for 12, ab 250 Fiat C). cooled, “Yempere ‘ent iporeture sd heh Fa ice costs ef terapered martens: stslof fine peacile (dark con Goolwa As «result, structure consists of ‘er mawt eee of Ubdertempering Sthiend igs amtrie of balsile iiteniie’ Gehite)” and “untompered sartensile Aa eo en a hl ae ee ee EA Fanies rom 8008 to 8410" in, Dencodh the corburted surface. Sfleropraphs ore not w retaole index of acteat reteiaed eustente” ContEm oe . so, e ie oe : Fi FE i Gas Carburized Cases With Surface Oxidation, Slack Quenched Structures, and Microcracks 60 eee a as : ne § Boues “8 a aa wats Easy i : ie ay te au ef a Hii : iH gaBsey + 558 ee a a eee. eae we Z Sad ihe ee jel! inh Sgsc° Byerge Bice, Hts base? Seite i a Pap Soa SiH ‘Microcracks and Alterations in Gas Carburized Cases 61 BRT racer) 76 360 s2el (coarse groin) gus carburired ihe ae tii F oer), to sot ee cheat uence, tapered Par BBE ES versed ‘and ce ‘ded austenite “A lage mattencits {bs etreal Alterations ceveldped. ‘at 500% 4% pirat 1800%4% ple 1620x. v= es aes en cnc nt eae “Tab Eae exaes ea gt eee At Sedu gn 9 ea Bat one wa 479 seas paeoecet ont eck 400 Seca wa ae ee 48h Seas Sear eT ae a “inclusion, the ‘alteration, wi ‘Roller was earourlzed, furnace ‘cooled, Thltia-chadowed replice. ‘These alterations form Sie ESR Ure Mies eee lemeg. coke ina, Sieieine pie, Teens coe Toling contact surtace” ‘Statutes, mastensie and carbide particles Weedin and a@h) form at. iichsions 24 port 29 piel 500% certggd um sie mle for use 433. stm. ot 42 exowyt shown enlarged gq Sue a 48 an 4) oxen thab an ace las 403 Seas tee! sore uel Med St ne Sh maha Eee te mettre eke ted from the breakdown of martensite, "inthe direction of ‘peinetpal sirecs, are slip bands in martensite. ia Decarburization; Grinding Burn; Fractographs SBS" huos weet oa tot man ens carne Ur ar at panete aah ee PAareM Ce ah am Sane any Se “AMA steed ab 488 se toy tat oY aah Shapes SSL PY i Santee Stars ee ss EEE ‘Berne as 491 but at, hleher 492 Remmsteation, "Steactire the fractured carburized ase con sbi ot coves retained custo sad fempered ‘tensive, 4% nil 0) Sag as 86 ut af ig agian, 86 hich hows nurtace Stadion (ast at op), dbeatbaaed fs trie fan lea Gone conatany ot frre pis ow. ‘thd retained wastentte, ‘Sarma 488 but ith en cavers 489 SeaMlts, fe ut’ the Wehcatehing tee eta ct dnvi-etching sone is, “wellstermper ‘martensite. Eee’ alto fnlroeraph 480 2% nit “use sad at was cubs 287 ‘Bt at eae ut sme previously ‘at strjace Marleuss, ond. mate of tampered tavienake fined. grecpiaied infergratvler caraie ‘eles ase taatrin, sume te that of 2h ere sot, ert et 90 Ban tt, PEE imartonsla) ip by sept, ad. Se unr ye" Eemptred’ martensite is shallow Ang, mae mpere metic ousted, aot ene A ‘Same 4 but ae 494 gate, shoving { atineclongucedcimpes tom Grigg bensyranuiar Topi Pack Carburized Structures; Carbonitrided Structures 6 Puts as are Ie 497 age cans wees ge Diag crete Gila et eeu cock thal aa ae ‘abe pouriio ©), aye coma. nutes 101450 P (aNd. 0). “al aie end‘n waot ct carbide envelopes at aubienie feuin ‘Ooundaries io a'ieneortter= | Stra Dior siweale grain boundartes. Site ‘and dipersed pasiies of alloy carte Tembared a hr, at 360, Fret’ Gy. EEPe Say pera marten, ecaned aisentle GON byes, cube me Tt st aot and wnsed COS se, outed 4 at 'b AE 409, Ma anemia weted 500 Rg een ME ed) Gooled polore tempering, Retained austenite (hive) remainder endotnermic’ gag, oll quenched: ean in tempered 14 he at 30 Fela ©. Ten marlecsite’ {dark and’ retained ‘astenite Begg Pee Ch tempered He hr ‘mengancee sulade ‘Gee Cr. Tempered mrcchate, some bainte. matt of tempered tatentes Glcneted, ut not tempered, ‘The ica, Sherearboblerited case ip shown vt higher mag Ease depta us, egutvale nifestion, and is described, i mlevogreph S08. Mexinum ardsess,equivelent of R- 2% 1S 8% nal #00 Ak poles not etched 1099 motiied 090% Ni, 030% C1) cold ‘me as S04 but at Richer magnitcation ‘Game steel at $04 Out oarbonitrided (1 504 m2 motites 03% A802, Cif 505 See chert cae ats ome 506 means, er emer Se teu? reminder ennolnernje tenute "ine folaiped sustenie ahd “eell- epdothermye gan) thr at 3590 Piel C) a0 SE a ae eee feted Marlene (lace “neeeier, Bes. Gh cuenched.- out, "hot Usmpered Waele a) Pe ar tats eee Cloustare: ekeecively fiver case depth. tio. Rockwell © 40) is O01 Spoclmen Ahows (pebwonts of dbgurtece, gral BB, BEMERME acted iy mmicograph 806 ht moximtim bardoeds, Rockwell C05 Bndary teids’ Sov 597 through 8, below. 3000 Not polished, not etched Not paiohee, not etched "soe a son eeent specimens Ht OEMs" tacrt w sanning sion SOQ" ane a2 ot thes mei 57 Saget, eee Hey 508 Bae SMe 509 Same at cies me OC Etat CR DOEASHER.SY ant nat ates fee Tain at Seeder a nen a ae a ee ee REE TE Tadeo occas Meade yt hola Bijele Bao, ‘25x Nok pales, ot etched 200% tueatment 5] ] Same of 910 excepto scanning ecto Sierra oh of a Uarsvere Cactars ot Mg nitae Biers are Suleed by the formation “alone ivcroden ces adjacent to nonmetal "Sad fo the nace, space aa rence af te earbo the appearance is aly "Stent of 960 see es 516 2020, steel earbonitrded ar 450 Showing ‘Righ-eerbon, low nitro 66 Cyanided and Gas Nitrided Serucraces "ono steet thot 519 th ‘iso 523 Same, tlre end processing, copdlons as 2% natal 2K 2 ta amg steel and procsing conditions, ar 3g ste a 526 Faia ete lat Geos Sieg tie 27 seegiane © By, anaganese gun kd tc $i retaraed ‘agin of scogen End"hocctntios Taree Teo'base (note nbunce at white Sarfoce ayes)” Wile Gacoutes to Wn abner Gas Nitrided and Liquid Nitrided Structures or riding contions os nit ciation: 20 tomperad at ote 1600% yg eal 8 aa aa tide alriace ner, ad Bide in casa lil a 2% el 530 IS steel heated to 1999 F cota C) ta ‘acum alesened in mitogen ges, ciple (610 0) surface adivated 19 Is 000 b5 0008 tm deep: nitride uttsee, Cane depth to Gi: 60 equi’. 0000 In. 22 ot ‘and procesine js for 82, but see in led acca of edie oe IEE Sine reveal he ‘row seyctare ‘ito $8 ‘heface harcness ater pitting, equi: {ent'of Roe! tin ame for 622 eae 536 MONO steel Liguld nitride 3 ir a, 1060 2 Gi Sith at eevatea mteding tate betty ued’ aver 0 a dpa rata Saroie. No tndon tone w eligenk 8 Scructures of Annealed and Normalized Steels Before Carburizing Paes Os . ‘20x 2 Joie, steel ar that was, anneate, "IY cel ba norman by ate 17 sige bar Yoat was need 537 Seog 8 2 oe SE S530 Iara iaremaumn ne wemne 539 sae tod a Gs toe a fq en iis bate apm, fly ape a Bae sor dept ea) wilh ond cooled ine peante (aan) eat as, aed Siryeture consists of patches of pesnlite ae ey ated ienile ents, Gait cdot) and found pavuce ot 200, 1% sta steel bar that, was normalized "e228 steel bar anne San ta Rag) oe O41 SP dee Oe Goalie eat 000% Pere 3% vial 3310 size ar mumenjized 4 fe at 1025 sara «AMS e2¢0) see! har normed 1 ARS E20) stone soe ag ye am A I G44 ONO AN Ta Bes and 845 oh atta tae Oe ia 248, femged' ab’ at Sues # Gde'Ch, cooing in gtll a. structure consis of scxl~ cowl Wa ancy Selatlde pacts urd Urgent edrte SUahres tart peri car cnStr Bir ogoted: Structure. consists of red of ferrite Bea msurte of Terie Cight constituent): ine Microstructure of Steel Castings By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Steel Castings? ‘Carbon Steel Castings ...- Low-Alloy steel Castings <0 000200020. Austenitic Mangmnese Steel Castings ‘THE MICROSTRUCTURES presented Sections 1,3. and 6 in. thick, Stainless ‘Heel castings and heat-resistine alloy ‘eastlngs are eovered in other sections (ager 151 to. 150 and 177 to 196). ‘Stel castings are classified in accord ance wlth standards of the American Bosley for Testing ana Materials. The compouition mils of steels for whieh ‘mlerographs are ineluaed in this see~ ttm ate listed In. the table below. Be- ‘cause of the permissible limits in com- Position, aifferences in Section truck ‘hess, and variations in foundry and neat Treating practloe from plant to. plant, ‘here ate often large differences im the ‘Shucturgs of cathigs that mest. the Same ASTM standard (see pages T@ and ‘hi, These standards ave given in Part 2 of fhe Antal Book of ASTM Standards. touted In other volumes of this Hand book: properties und. applleations in Volume'I (see "Steel Castings", begin hing on page 122) and production in Valine $ fice "Produc a, eet Castings" beginning on page 2800. ‘Carbon’ Stecl Castings. "The Tilcro~ structites “af carbon steel castings ‘thls seetion are. for eastings to ASTM. AQT, Ale and tations. Most ofthe steels tame Lea 928 max Samer Siberer teioiis OSRaRE can os ape oy AN in) eau reeks ae A rae ed Bi Se BE Ce ea ‘Hosenr P. Mat, Chviomes, Professor Emesins, Carnegie Mellon Unieniyy Thos E Baran, Disecor of Metelurgy, Netcast Cast ings Div, Madlandess Corp; Roo Duseas, Oklahoma Stel Castings (Ge Die." Amedei Ste! aod Bump Corp; LEROY FINCH, Senior Meal agit, Bo Carp, Abr F. Gross, Techoica) Maaeges, HICA Corp Afomeriy with Eebicon Steet Foordry). ARTHUR H. KUEN, Chief Meath, Bedlington Norther, Inc; LEO H. LONG, Jay Manage, conzENTS. stfength carbon sith caatings Tor gen ts carbon steel castings Tor Ben SalMpplestions he grades are nol Seeerly restietive as eomponition Sesimim carbon taugeo om Oe 06 o30e anu Snasitom manganese trom 0 to 120%, depending on the erade Strengen spetuncations Tange’ from no tpecife ressrements fo those for grade SBcioSwnieh fr requced to have Sune ‘hum tena ater of 10.00 pa (483 Haba) ‘ian uienuen geld strength of ‘io al ino MPa iMigner-attengéh cacben stet castings ace Covered by ASME Ries The emir Sempocttion sertritionstioposed by Ce Standard are maximams o& satu Sn Showphorus, Mision tenaie ste ‘iy from 00 to 16.00 pe 858 to Bor AePe) ancmininiam ela stengche Eom 2,600 to a Gopal a6 20 1000 Sib “tor ne aiterens"arades to” alee Smal’ oun alate lenis {Groat oven, molybdensra) are. some: Gives eded “to” obtain the” denned mechanieal propecee Carbon ded “castings sltable for rnSion “eiding foe nigu temperature Eervice “age covered op ASTBE ADI. Stforogrei i tus ction are for wo races Won and WD. An grades ore Estegorized te carbon” steel becatae alloying “slements are not sbecihed, asim limits on. coppe® alee Ehromlum, molgogertim and venadion Ste tiberal ‘go that spectfe. properties nn be eevelopee Doth ‘nest treatment and section tnicinese infuenee the mlerestractate OF onat steel For fis reason, toe microe Ooeiame Bbemae a "etal siemens, 1% ne tata, O86 ma ‘Technical Dis, Aas ano, Tea sag {graphs In this section show each steel in ivarious conditions —as cast, an ‘ealed, normalized, normalized and femperea, quenched and. tempered — and in. specimens taken trom sections 173 and 6 in, thick. The slower cooling Files of the thicker sections usually 7e= fly-in different constituents and in arsenite of te SUELO 'A series of four micrographs (618 to 616) ‘of a medium-curbon tec) Inthe Rormalized conaition shows the effect Sonform fo ASTSC AGT, clase 2 @ mane nesesmolyodenim see and “ASTM rade 103, 5 31s" nickel steel ‘ASTM Addy sleet “catings. are in- eat treated by nortalsing and tem= Beane or by quenching and tempering. Rhian tepering «cemperature ts 1100 # (99 C), The castings must also berweldable. The mic of ASTI ‘AdST steel castings (on pages 77, 78 and 45) Include soveral conditions —'as east, nokmalized, ‘normalize and. tempered, Shel quenched and. tempera “ASTM AS62, grade LC3, steel castings fare Intended’ Tor, pressure-containing arts suitable for low-temperature Service, down to 360 F (101 ©), Such Castings ace either normalized and ‘tempered ‘or quenched and. tempered riot. to being. placed. ia service. As Shown tn micrographs 632, 684 and 636, Inoreasing section Jhas tho usa al coarsening effect on microstructure, ‘Austenitic Manganese Steel Castings. Micrographs ‘of austenitic. mangunese Steel castings are presented dn page 80. ‘The ascast structure of a I-in-thlek seotion shows only austenite and a few grain-boundary. carbides. More Boundary carbide is apparent {a the ssveatt S-tn-thlek section, but most of ie jp dissolved th the austenite matrix eeipitate rapidly during heating the sglution-treated structure to 600 (316. C) or higher (nlerograph 614), Foundry & Machine Co C. G. MICKELSON, Assisat Manager, Manufacturing Research Laboratory. Amesicn Stee Fooadvies, Avan F Pasuurs, Mealloygst, Duraloy Coz, H. T. SHEP ica! Diveter” Racine Foundey Mansscs, Nordberg Div ee, Foundry Metalltgist; Dominion Fourdries and Ste, 14d; RW. Zaniwas, Technical Director, Steel Founders Society of Ametica, tel Casings Coz A.B, STECK, ex Chaiabele Ime; A. | Ware 70 As-Cast and Heat Treated A27 Carbon Steel Castings 10x al a ‘ABTA A2t steed 9, tn, te, Same steel os for S46. oh Same steel ae for ot, 6 $0. th 546 forisotet coadtuon. st 547 Rarmaled vf ster 548 Geatnent’ was"foe lame as 300 Meat cel tie SRE SORES, Ge it pete & : oo. Se ae fea LG Gre CRE bees meee: Dearlite witha. grains ‘constituent nd pesrite dark ‘camsiltuenD- grenter thicknass of the soation, "pe ame Ty ee eto for 46, 1 $0. thee ame Sine sect for $46, 9 tm. thick Heat ane 3 eae by wuaceniting gb in00 F° a7 550 Genter wae tne at as 51 Sati ae tae ek, Hews ee fog 8 6m, the © for The et artice goog irdcture ta asentaly the aime ‘as for Rents ‘ovale “and. pearite Wderi) cutine the Sd, out gqnins aye convene ‘because’ of ¢Me Sri endeie sieuctire ‘eater thleinois Of" ihe Section me rt sme. steel as, for 546 As-Cast and Heat Treated A27 Carbon Steel Castings nm Asie, aT gee, tea 556 APE AT Senet, Vets 557 Seat fous hicigeducn patera of prntiscaid ect"ftan ‘ali esa im a6 tpcedlag post) fare foneua ot fei" crite eomslnes ad Stee i'n mnie of tte end eases SSnude"a f arontetSeopordon'of pease” pantie Gack coutitient)™ I By eat ae 20x Mal 250% ame, ste ag for 880.1, Stove weet as for 556, 9m. thick but BGO) Same, see! oF for 556, 2. wm. tie 5 nd end saectiatti 559 Sane steel at for Taoenttiime 560 tha! tentpereaasetrmieed 160. Tics ac ina Fea OF 1 Tar ae Oe Sag TE e Mark cout a, od ferrite (gat so ua 2% ie Same, slot a5, for 556, 6, tl 563 Sind thd tebe asStelived at os FEHB i's tule: epee tame Bidet paso soatrutine peal afihtso eat Odor btw Biers ‘a tno and fee (WA Rien and core ight comsitoen is ponte aa Sere Gwe) n As-Cast and Heat Treated AL48 High-Strength Steel Castings 5% nia 00x 4% tat cox” 8% oat, "ASTM, ALB cteeL (245 >, 1 tm. thick “ASIA AU sts), spade 00-69 (0206, Bame sel as for 665, 1 by BGA soreaih ie mucrorsucare connie a? 56S ASMA AM STL Aine OAR GRC; BOG Sere, test os Moe OS Le tb, 2 ferrite Galle”, both at erain byupaetieg ants condition “the lerGtruclure cebwite at foatee 690 CFE M ea ans ate Side Pints, in mates of penclve tansk)s Gehitel'in's inate of pense eae SSnisecath axgrenate of ferste ad pestine amy ai gota wo oS PE eme come wt so, ie SP Teeamw se sel ts. 1 0 pram a Set ee tia 208 Be Re tage 302 Zee a AED: Le ra : 7 : ne eel eee t muerte? & ae Samo 3 a 570 eit tee eS eh i e's ire Ue te ferns leit an ree ahd 22 eroialzed peal, Heat Treated A148 High-Strength Steel Castings B 00x 5% all 500% 5% ital ox. age ge gf Pa rd Sera ea tae B75 ae ek node ee Eerie ieee ara Tagpileston enpera Be Ria Ries comers Ga f BP SH, och, Mees A Ee cob aes lest cb im the arch show. ‘Perrito Genie!" In pearl cateic. 1% att 200% 5% tal 1x 5% me 003 une, see ag 2 = sme, steel ae for S60, 1c, steel 88 tor 576 Sam on Slice of Bo Pisin) 77 San tetned acnetinatd at 578 Siatenet snd anges adenine i © foom tempers sn wae Cbs operators and hed 000 (oes Ofer be pater gud, fone fre ph i'm, Stucture conibs of blocky ferric & nr, Water ueeched, tempered ut 1100 F (503 peted at 1200 (ess C) for tse lero es oiet utente erath Dountaries, ©), ir fo temperature end held @ hs, Pine Hrurhure comet primacy of Ine sale of pourite (Urb) faite (eoiey in spuoroldzed carbide, {ensie wilt Same ferite Cwittes 5% ital 100x 5% nial ox 5% ital 100% ase so ey ou Fame yo, tu Se ot Sho tar a Gee S80 iam aaa ST ae nk ae Ba FRP'SE cided" iempered 5m, oul shoyn ‘ata higher isagnifeation. "The for 5 he and fUrmace cooling to room tempers ‘Ake Stveture degen fortes Segre satis ene voy_ (Ste sirng Jobe Me mlm oe Miers forte and pease. Nola dentrie solved than ia'tite evidence of feria whitey ai ore cuslenie grain hound Tenganese ‘abon-rich and mangunse-ren aseas. fess in'umotess of fe pene, "4 A148 and A216 Cathon and Carbon-Molybdeaum Steel Castings 544 nit 300% Si mie) aso 5 ASTSE ALG stzsl (OAS G), § tn. thie, ‘Game, steel as for 6%, 6, tn, thie, 48 shee rade 105-86, (02; B82 Aeroatigd ang tempera” Auirentized O83 inencd an wteret “autenited at SS RE on @ at 16508 Go C8 mete uy acd 2660 FUaib C), 3 hy tp temperature and held “empered. Kustanittied ef 11) feudiS hn, aircoolet tempered ai 3ae0 E (OTT hn, mater quenehes, tempered we 1100'P (Sd “poy eater quenched, tert Gh, 4 netg temperature and held Ore. Serves)" Br to Belg @ ir. ar “Cone Prosutesioll fer ‘ite igerree (white) Mh & five pearite matrix, cooled, Very fine fertte aid aphesosdiies pease, Gt tempered artensit oa 4 pte ot wane 250% 2% ntl ‘et 00x. Gratn-boundary Yoron astm ‘ASTM A216 ston), grade WCA (021 C, 585 Ray ical grade Sas GWE Pass 586 SEMA Mey: Pe Mee CAS ity 0024 3 Hig boren caused brittleness and The microstructure consite at pearite (ark Extensive cracking. (ihien properly usec, boron constituent), blceky ferric, and Widmastaiten ‘5 tsunly Trem 00008 to odor) Slatelets of terete, const A216 Carbon Steel Castings 5 ite seo. ‘SIM, agié steel, sade WOB (027 6), 596 PEM EL, Se cal Sietare cones Se unresolved, fp, Rennie of fem Not platelets of Widman’ Suite Seclusion ate Cerrite, and’ mangahete ‘grey, m upped left part ef nleragrapa) AO UB Te ee Peer it 00% 395 ni ame ste) ax for 596, 1 m, this, ‘and ame, steel as, for $86, 1 in, thick, ane 598 fre'tame heat freniment as for on, wae 599 eslta"be'atweeniuming at ioe GH see nents magnibctioneueute Wuntormly ©) top fein abe Srocture Staperea pene aati)’ blocky fortte”"” Bearte (Gari 16 Heat Treated A216 Carbon Steel Castings "i hm son tat inh Boddape ga fh 3 2 Sag geo. tw wesw Same a al Sa seit? Sas e005 s.r ts ta le oi led Wy hij ‘rag MinGtln’ Reaoluvon of pearite isc) and at cane conate Of Sine grams “note dutinel boundaries) are CULT ROPES ToGie tne abtlaat” Stace a ‘mutrbeot ferrite Geno FErdte; dark fees are ne, Inmwltr beac. 2% nal 28x 2% al six 354 ita GOG Same, sizel ae for 600, 5 in, ek, ane by" atitenicsing et igh0 HL eeu at Migr © for"S'hr ania furnace cooling. Structure te lar peariie (atk na Searle dark) ih 8 mnteix et ferite Cnitey, er cool reblted in lateer grains ‘ame steel ang nest treatment ¢ ter ‘Sanne sige! as for 000, 3 jn. thick, 607 Mieeticeaton tages 608 Sientlt"aanauten, At e Poti ett Swe or‘C) and. quence, ‘ese obs); Snosiala ot ne Bente bn'e matte of fr A216, 0.45C, and A487 Steel Castings “ASN A218, 1G) 3 to. “Sumno steal ac for $08, "ore 609 ASIN, A218, grade WB (021.6. 3 mn G10 eal ab for 60, © tn. thick Tedeted ae Zor O06, but Pate’ ty Sus # gies unttenion ie Dare hs fer= ©) and air cool She tate Note MoS ‘ndlusions globular 00x 4% tal too 4% ital ‘Cast steel with 048 ©, 070 aon, 040 8 ‘Same grea as for 613, Sormales ay" alstenitaing at 1360 O14 magnuieaton The pearite gos chris ie a Gotan ia Sc tcutafe sled uly op it dane ofthe Sara seh waved abe Gee” Rot‘hish cnowen sor bait relation. 6 a eee .: are “ere arco as for 2 and 14, but are GIG Same AIS A for OB, Sand Gib bul GIF ASTM AAMT clase 2, 1 fn thle Gis Base eset Stas a Ole fine wa Baten R617 AMAA ake ade ake a oe 4 eres ep ° ‘egninantn of Sx (as Heres often best im guru, “oecause lautfactory constituents ate very ‘oatse. (See, G18 to for is sirwcture and grain si, Fesotutln obdained ai SRC see B19)" ext two’ bases, for heat ireated structure, is AS a4 al S00x 4% ta 78 Heat Treated A487 Low-Alloy Steel Castings ‘a Gisborne cme 2 5,98 G19) tame ae sal wh, SE" Bae se, ann and teal monmialized by austenitizing at 1650 F ‘by sustenttising at 1750 F as for. son oN att odlng Metatats cee me STE G ene NhL at mowutt heh SRE Gare Sine Gl eel Ee ate Bi GBI Sanne stl as fr 610 7 tiiet, G25 ‘Same etel os tnat m mserosraph et Ra Sete Gh hiematead by auton po p issu Cha hs 18 sisson ‘tod © aint coon in un ae tet i Ee orm of sees Chk eons e Peso dent gonetiivent” Some atent Einy'be press ane areas of he taeac 20x 6% tl ‘Same glee) as for Gio, 3m thiee, Hore ‘ame, steel ag for 610, G24 Grivel ‘and tempered ae described for O25 Senet tat btrel te Seattle gia. Tevetrucuite ts simiay to that of Sly end G21. the “merostructure ‘conatete “af “ferrite 20, but ‘here ies grain-boundary bamite, {int ana"grasn-boundary tainite (dark) ‘Note: micrographs 68, €22 and 623 ore from one foundry; 619, £20, 621,624 ond 625, from ancther foundry; 626, from a third foundry ls n, shiek, A487 and A352 Low-Alloy Steel Castings 9 2% niet 100% 627 Supe stel a5 618, $n, thick, quenched KH, Rake GG Same steel as for 619. 6 im thie, Dore a 5 Ritenttaed a 60 Bralicd ‘end tempered s\ described ior gine at 619, Siritare, comoise affine ferrite eat nd Some vestiges of grain-boundary, Be Sha water quenched, 2S» Usd Ch "rotporea martensite and fersiie. abd” penribe (anni), nec not Wel resolv Bae art op ro, 45, Be lb, oe os tr 8 mM sega Se RPRRE Sar reas a ages sees sce of (oe are ol Baan a ‘ists of ferrite “ight, and batnit 1295 P (663 OC) ‘tor § hr. St tire consists of water quenched, tems at 11g F (63h C), Sear AL as truce ‘ante gran pounders Deurnte dank constituent ‘and ferrite rn 006% 00x 5th nal 00x 533 PEE tnealcatias ania eee Stetencd tad techbecel de destined ag 635 SANE Sentued and teehee “atstent ‘ate migrotsieluré consis Sie aehuiar @i2. The mestruchure tie same aa for 652 zed 4 Iw at 1000 # (Wt! Ch, water dnenched ELM telah ams pects Waa, fice Tescptan NSE)" but Sia Coater ESlpte Cheat fos" fap Eh“ mioro: id minute pasticles of cementite. Decmuse of the grester thickntad oF he Section. Structure consists of tempered martensite, ‘Mote: micrographs 627, 624 and 671 are from one foundry; 62,650, 32,633 and 6M, from another foundry; 685, from a third foundry. 80 Low-Alloy and Austenitic Manganese Steel Castings 5% ni 09x 5% nial "ASTM Aas she, erage LCS, In. thick, 636 Qierche and Yeibered ae teectied for 637 22, Comltuents are same ai In 69% aut coarser br at 1600 F Ql Gy, waver a Seba of Wie geenter thickness of the section. "hr at 1200. G38’ O) sat atay se Seay 2% ma, mr ne 28% He “Same cau, alloy steel os for 63, Tat aie evade 640 Seitata che acta manner, except tae 6441 < the ing "vmperatire wea decreased to quenched tn ler, the ausvenite fra SORTS, a Statin” cna of tee :, Eine" fos “ulld “in “en” crease in eecllo strength to 245,00 pst eee Sew 29% nit metnanat cogs, 1555 HCI sto 244% rit, mettanal cose, 15% KCI 00x Gd2 ‘Same austenitic manganese steel as for G43 Same austenitic maneanere steel se Zor O02 8 ee a She Soe Sed gamed a aa Veale iifrn votindaries (eompare wilh 688 (Ghioides'remain after thls Reet treatment. Show sol ag esha yan 16 6). Bresiliated carbide at rath bo Suse uh grams, Mairi © aan, Microstructure of Cast Irons By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Cust Irons* CONTENTS: 42° Abrasloa-Reslstant Cast tron .. 8 Corrosion-Resistant Cast Ton... ‘THE GENERAL TERM “cast tron" in cludes gray iron, ductile Irom, chilled fron, wate tron dnd malieabie iron, All are“ higheearoon,high-silicon alloys, ‘sually containing 1.7 104.5% carbon, ‘Gray iron contains graphite in the form of fakes, which are sin ‘matte thet normally Ie pearutic. The ‘addition of approximately 15% utckel Droduses tn ustonitie matrix. ‘Duetie ron, also Enown as nodular snon, is cast yon to which magnesiam or other elements “that, cause the Pegi to form: noqutes (spneruitan) ‘been added to the melt. ‘Che von is roduced by casting gray oF ductile iron against & metal oF Gaghlie chill, resulting in a surface Bane (white layer) that is virtually tree Of graphitie carbon. le oa, ‘whieh is virtually free of graphite throughout the easting, is ob {ined by selecting tne composition of {the alloy so that graphitization will be ‘hibited for tte Gesized section sire, Hlebie zon is the Zerallof a2— nealing white tron castings of appro~ priate eomposition, to convert the ear fon tat 2 combaed in the cementite (ec) to clomental carbon (graphite) Inthe form of temper-earbon nodules. ‘Cassifieation. Graphitic cast rons, n= eluding “those "that ‘contain sinali ‘mmounts of alloying elements, arc clas- Steen ery, dure an malate ac ‘cording to gfaphite shape and method St graphite production, More higtly al~ loyéd graphitic. and whive rons” are lassited by thelr use Tegalremients as Sbrasion-resisiant, »corrosion-reststant fnd heat-resistant, Thoeo slx classifica fons are discussed In the paragraphs that follow. For more detailed infor= ation om speelfleations, properties, ierestrietore and heat, treatment of hede cast trons, the reader i referred {a the articles on Pages $49 to 406 in Volume't, ang on pages 293 10 220 in Volume 2, of this Handbook. Rosser F. Ment, Cheinean, Profesor Bests, Camegie Mallon 7 PB, BuRCESS, Controls Manager Albion Nallesble Div, Usive Gray iron. ‘The baste. structure, of say Won cam be altered hy te cooling rate duting easting. Cooling too fact duces tottied iron, whieh has some free cementite; very’ slow cooling of rey iron with a high allicon content is {ety to produce soine tree ferzite, Gray iron 1s classified in ASTM Ads according to” the. minimam’ tensile Strength of separately cast lest bars; ‘for example, class 20A refers to a test eler) having minimum tensile strength ‘of 20,000 psi “38 MPa). Other spect- Hreations cover particular products ‘Ductile iron ormally has an as-cast microstructure” of gtaphite "nodules (spiterulites), whieh are surrounded by free forrito (bull's-oye structure). in 2 Imateit of pennite, Occasionally, the Bcrostructure ineludes some free ce Mentite. Anbealing produces secondary Graphite, surrounding the pramary Graphite’ nodules, anda ferrite matrix. Bueliic iron having a ferrite matrix ase ash can’ be produced by using seeial freli-inoculation techniques. The addi Hon of approximately 15% nickel pro- aces an austenitic mates. ‘Ductile ifon is classified in ASTM ‘A536 ‘sceordins, to properties; for ex- ample. grade 60-4018 refers to sepa Tately east fest coupons with’ minimum ‘properties of 60.000-pei C4i4-MPa) ten- Site strength, 40,000-pel (216-MPa) yield Strength, and. 10% elongation im 2 in ‘Aa39 classifies eight austenitic ‘ductile frons according to. composition ‘and mechanical properties, ‘Malleable Iron ‘ean be either ferritic (vstandard”) or peatlitle, depending on the annealing process_used to. convert the white iron casting to graphitie iron, Forrilie malleable iron requires a two- ‘lage annealiag process. Pearle mal ieable iron may ‘be procuced by rapid ‘cooling after the first-stage anneal and then either: (a) tempering; of (b) Te- ‘heating, quenching, and tempering. Dees & Cas 5 9 Heat-Resistant Cast Tron, 100 ASTM AdT, covering ferritio malea- bie iron, and “A220, covering. pearlitic, bles ve le degnations the ast Meo digits are minimam yield strength in 100 Bai, and the last two, are. mink ‘mum elongation (% in 2 in.), of sepa ately case test bars, ASTM A602, cover ing both ferrilic and peariti, ‘assigns gm eM and four dip te, hat wo igits are typical yield strength in ‘si and the last two are typical elonga— tion (% in 2 in.) of test specimens cut prises gray. Bgalust a chill set at the area of the Surface Tequlring the abrasion resist~ ance, ang white iron (which may OF hiay not be cast against a chill. ‘The ilerostructure may be pearlitic or mar fensitic. ASTM ASK2 covers three types Of abrasion-resistant marveusitie waite roa: ‘type 1 (Ni-Gr), type HE (Cr-Mo) fang type Ut ¢nigh-Cr) ‘Corrasion-resistant. east. irons com= peice high-siicon and. nigh-chromium ane white trons and bighsnickel Suslonitie gray and ductile trons. Some Of the gray irons are covered by ASTM ‘Sola ana Asse Heat-resistant east trons include silleon gray and ductile" ons, chro: guia gray (see ASTM ASI9) and white irons, and high-nieel austenitic gray (see ASTM A4gs) and ductile irons. ‘Graphite found im cast trons is clas sifled in ASTME A247, Form types T to Vi are nodules; type VII is ake form, Distribution anid orientation. types are lettered A to E (see page 62). Size sumbers range irom 1 ‘Uareest)’to 8. “The nodules found in malleable iron ave been ciassified by the Malieanie Research and Development Foundation. MDP shape numbers range from 1 #6 ‘Tishape 3 is norma); gome shapes are shown on page 95. Disteloution numbers Fange from 1 (random) to 6. Sige nura- bess range trom 1 (staallest) to 6. J. Mancanetso, Materials Fogineeing Ofc, Product Planning and Development Sal, Chyler Cogp 80MAS H. MART, eyeallion Corps Chaziss K. Dexoao (deaased}, fornedy Tech ‘ial Diector, American Cast Won Pipe Co, Twowas R. Dass, Prine pal Mullognpher, Materials Diss Eaginerving Reseach, Inte Uooal Haase Co Roasar Graspasia, Senior Research Bogioet, Com tel Foonsry Di, Genece! Motors Corp. "Huso1o GUINA, Supevsce, Metllogrphic Laberatory, Cental Lab- crtog, Ford Motor Go. Hanvty E, Hexpinion, Tectial Dizeor, Tptbing Foundry Cn, Woodward Co. Div, Mead Corps Ras Dmsts Manaus Ivok Research Meals, Xaloy Inc, Subsciary of Ter ‘tal ecier Carp; Rost W- KAN, Mteils Engineering Dept, Jk Metallosraphar, Rots Methsn Foundees; Howat C. Maso Plane Metalsrgit, Mapleton Plane Caterpli Tracie Co; J. R. Mints, ‘Metallrgist, Welded. Carbide Teel Co. ore with Tremational Nickel Ine): Eowaso F. BYN, JR, Associate Senor Reyatch Met slurp, Genesal Motors Reseach Laboratories, General Motors Corp [Robsir THOMPSON, Chief Metallugist, Dolio Enginering Works Leds Lanny B. Wutrs, Quality Contol Maneger, Dalton Pecsen Di, Dation Foundees (formerly Prt Metllargst. Campbell, Wyant & Can: ‘on Foundry Go. Div, Texuoa, Toc); Howat E. Bove, Secreta) Managing Eto, Matls Handbook. 82 ‘Types of Grapbite Flakes in Gray Iron; Scructures in Class 20 Gray Iron ‘ aN Sytem ot gave Sey Bae S esi de Se Gate are Sate 47 fm oan ot cane of Es, eae pve A a As pbhes (fat tenes) x GAG Trve.D disteiution of graphite, sakes Be Goay ons anaratetned Oy teers rte segregation abd Tandon 0 o ‘Class 20 gray, ton streus reteved for 651 PRS sermon’ o1Ss an tio Pat ane 1 ei exreminly as ct aid SPfera, wth dank Wands af peat at thee opt on ounaeTies: ‘over-all cenarific pattern. Classes 30, 40 and 50 Gray Irons 83 LOOX 3% ital . eure 3 0m, ee cw rn oro a aed Seba 2 PEL EROS SO ORLA TEE Se ents (Gare sousituend rte and Garker eemensia) 2% ate, 0x ‘Sa 608 exept meta annealed by 659 a Se Tete ea Soe ‘403 ay OF er nor to tas Seb ahs, sd party (orling, Graphite ‘spheroldiaed paste in Seri matrix teed tones) 750 ‘ion asceast, Sino Same, 69 gro specimen has en 00 erase ae sie a satie Sods Seat DRG uagnite: hen an ie Grtteed entation fehl powsby as areal of ay aie fe Inoculation See 061. Umtsually Tepid woldieslion. Bee" aso St En High-Phosphorus Gray Iron; Alloy Gray Irons ‘Hieh phosphors gray tron as ©, 205 . : Bake ome ns 06 Eitgjo'S?0a0 PT a%s Nin, Oa Gas ‘which reveal presen , “showing eapiite fakes 0 types “erre network ot "aenatte ght mvepule, 2 ota Bee also G04 and 60. ‘Soo Greasy tee oon) in ine midrin of a0 peal M8 polished (at etches) TOD 5% sit 669 Ally. 20, ion 0c iP: . ‘yy beep G71. Hleberopammitention vey, of 60. oh os Grogs Feveels. the ackouIne sl gad eau 3 binite “ign ‘grayh remaining. etructire Gyidfapalie sense as in 6B. See 67D. She pearite (ane gras) and graphite (lack a Heat Treated Gray Iron 85 am piel 003 ‘alloy gray’iron 08 C, 211 51 089 Bin 042 877 EE MS Gio eae aE (git G), oll quenched, tempereg at 3507 TT 0) ‘A grubilie naked, Ineciene time at Austen vempersiafe yeufed tn maricnsie uate BGS RRS “hd Mena coi cares (08-14 Or. 04-06 Mo) austenitincd lusnched iaosttuesire 86 Hardened Surfaces, Surface Weld, and Brazing Filler Metal on Gray Iron. awa pitrided in a sae ath at ‘Home, hardeped alloy gray, tron of same composition as | eve ugried mater ype A crarle O81 Rioe*a craps Lg enue ech tthe Sata ‘na matrix of peariies layer af ron atte twilta) om siztace: Now mica metre of tempered marlaalte in che case (right) See 682. knd | {itieh show core’ and case suckures mi higher agnibeatin, eo a exope e mlrmenan 2 fem spar wot ape 688, tats Ee ae OO St ae Suet ae gpa vate aa neg eae at Svar aly 687 GEE me, 8 fier mata ten fener ‘dare ret “onsite ant theauriaee af the iron Sot) id etainel eens ie cnaitoet®)” moval of graphite Maes Inclusions and Unusual Structures in Gray Iron 87 220% Sturt ira 5 B soclusjon darge dark GGG Claes HB gras on with an, entsoped pare of tern TnalteR me Si reat, wh eb tas betae Hybe A grate tree ten culloon Inpealant iecoat agen and caused plates of Secale") to form around the inclusion, Afi Ze pals inet sched) ~ “Chess 305, gray on with, an mnisapped “Cina, 30-geny fron with G91 fastiae oc aude “arge dade areas "ena 692 SP" uiecl ten” dena type a” graphite fakes srasuticlent fonding o€ molten Teal ished, not etched 2 ‘Class 20 gray tron casting with, surface femured to reveal porous tow 694 Ctetade of ah Bifobe enti Be gw ented euros om sph fon, Areas of stendtta outed purteen of _ i ON 500% 494 wa 125.260 88 Graphite Nodules in Ductile Iron; As-Cast Peartitic Ductile Iron we . ea) 00x 8 poe (rot ata 00x As polahed not wees 696, Basie, om tune C, 240 Sk atk GO7 Rh, hon ine aay C, 261 Si OteT GOR Durtte on ute a0 C, 22 raphe Sechés Chen oftincs 4ane'e mrannite Hous Sphere’ ofa "graphs Roaudas Gpneruliss) of Sie 6 aad t ‘es le : Ms poitned (ot steed tens he thes oot ane sx ane tne Tox A ate ook cena ‘Grade, 69-55-08 duct Io ‘Grae 00.88 le Ir, ‘Grade 909-06 duckie Iron, ‘Grade 8-55-06 duet tro 699 e700 701 Bigegerepnie moa? 702 sete Sine 5 anes ovenst Sige T mraphte no sectte Bize fraps to ‘ules wilh e abtrbution of 246 nod- wles with’s distibetioh of 180 nod les with's @strbatioh of 105 nod- ules with a aiefibetion BC 98 Do a ‘les per square millimeter ‘ale Ber square mibimeter. luis er square muleter, Stas, mses pent cute eS SOFem, ata mie ae TO G5 Mae ae wlth oot Sis, om rat, eae det 704 Gets sae pate um Ae 705 See Scie ah Loke Pe EGNOS CoN RLeR IEE eet fw Ot See tane tee Bins ie entre or boxes Grhlley i present in the peorive matcis. bye fer, around Heat Treated Pearlitie Ductile Iron 89 296 nea eet ‘Same trop and poral 08 fecrfen Put acer wm iv ios uat &) and a atl Pie tormitea lecture Has Sot ‘Seennoteeabiy afected by tempering, 2% nal tant atanos 140% 2% neat rs0% 710 Gide, S512 ductle ron ested to 7], ] rade OO-45-12 ductile iron, given same 650% (000°C) ab 0 igs Ch "per He, EBowsage cal as fil, wale devame rag ghz, foale as, 06a 6) oer’ i pod praitesend tree evi Scents Rickman EE nie sein sean cine “ron of same composition and with same 71.4 Same tron and heat trestment ae 72 713 KOR Hethmest as Tavencegt Ghat after nd nS excep tempered ay 1200, OAD spear, te owas apne a 1100 ©) ae queen, He oS Genpate Sa rade "ae of Meets cantets Sealer Btn mat apie Soles ype ang Ht) n'ai red vmavlensie Gat nd er, Geis ot Semper "see iso Ti rie fing parties ot secondary erephit, 90 Pearlitic Ductile Iron: Hardened Surfaces, Surface Weld 4% ma 5 of fame hard “Hardened sete “eardened sone of auctve tron overheat 715 SES dete kon Graphite St fame hardened doctte 77 Rarlened sone ot au mm eles Gnrkge some Stoner ‘tan ao 15 Ghd fig but cate siete” Conte) Bee also 118 and i imiropreoh idence Gf ineistent Se meer oe ced = Lede 0.8508 date rn lulled sl at of"2h nigner magento, wate rove i 718 Grd tie ake gah ated ea ah af ae 719) Gee cee i mame wh ae i eats Sey tees Beh Sade raine ont ene erate tment meson abl reme A Paboes Bae es err uh Stat ge 496 ax 436 peal ‘Bhiided metal-are surace weld om, grade 605-12 ductile tom ontaesto sno of rtace weld en rate Sot52 ducted 720 Ses metatarsal on dda yeaa ty; 721 Rae ea ‘tr neataectoa sone tn tlds See Tit), use soetal at ctlom: “"” yetained’ tonite Weld Gepost (op): "Mekal aloy bse Ni} Ferritic Ductile Iron and Austenitic Ductile Iron oO ET YORE eo a Fe ee “ear as we = Ms oxi ain dite on, 1 wi FS asia autem Bn ro SE DP wottia Grae qth tote suet Rd ae ‘Vena ise calolum compoutd during pouring, ition’ of a-8l compound uray pouting, os po ws BE gn nti vn tt tt and ren elgty Gotiendnals Seep SOA Fegan); layer ihitride (white) on surface. See also 726. magnisin phere ered ary Seno riaee aoe ate greta Par aN PCE et — wy amare sine mui sg Tae thae a aude all Tog l el Ba 7e7 MGR ah yg mani cats 726 WS ai 2 (aco nih a See HERES fa Sane SST Re a ei Ram a 250% 2% ate pve 89% pier! 20x austenitic duetle 73g Metal alloy «20%, WD austenite duce ‘enromium. (ATA file gop veomtaining’ gi cr (ASTM mast Sanse structure as 120 AGO, tbe B-2B), as-cast, Same tri barticies of Pecn i ron chromium ide; Wht, ueined) present, See 728. 92 Structures in Chilled Ductile Iron; Abnormal Seructures aor MEET 10% snvvarion onlate daa 00 Gre ocean il in he ‘Seton Sou sueie ton chs ‘ae chil as-cast grade o-8-0 de 730 ar fenie tote ‘etn ‘eating 731 i "ti aan, 732 fae es sedi Sates ul, ewe Hak Ate ena eR acy Se Ya cn, toh: gud ea a Sue SEER pit deserposiion i armesling. bn & i wes inst tO Rete athe Heats ta alec fern SHES IULUN, ar Cae batenee”* Sm eehtmeti « miie f ee "We mel ve +o . 25 ma 100% 49 duets tron ag-caei Je 738 Sins Sitar are aso eaten cae ide eeSdoie Migit oteed “of conten’ or lnvere ent 2a it ‘Grade, o0—45-12, dustle screact 7 Buckle sro asast against g chil top). 736 settee Siece 737 shite of copied Gone © Stes ag. seal aoe. edule, excel ior ‘peur the’ chill sri edit me : See E REPENS BR atta eae tars Bais is 2 funtrhy of free fer Inclusions and Abnormal Seructures in Ductile Iron 3 oT 0 | 2% mit 100% 4% pert ‘00x. Grade 0.55406 ductile iron as-cast Mi FAL Grade 00-55-06, auetie, tron exons Gromuctive nag same constbienta et iy Sreiposare tsi hese tn a8 Strat! parteies of aonmetalic dros (a= capt flat here there fe S greater amount and 1, but the ree earbiae & more qsuine regular grayPand graphite nodules ‘ne ferrlle susounding she pruphite nodules. far, ExZessive amounts ef tree carbice lmnpait ‘qlpetoed ts Fees. fexrive tiarge white ‘eo volsrograph 140, ‘iat ‘aod rncohinabnity ef eoe cast ‘mate i ibe suf ithe Gotti pregent with such inelue af grate Bee midrographe 188 and tedinpare 2% aa) 250% ‘Same as 145 except the moiten metal was, TAG ela‘ar io micah 2065 Elsa G5 beers Abnormal Structures in Ductile Iron ‘Grade 60-40-18 ductile, trom ap east. 748 Sane _ Some eanite. Vermicuar raphe We thicn ‘wae caused by Ineffective maura ‘eatment, lowers duotity of te casting. 753 Sur Eo 2 ats rea belpw the Surface atthe at tags gis fey ire thes 2% mL ‘ox 26 at na “came as 151 ut etched to reven trac “same ac 762 but elehed to reveat struce “same on 752 but etched to revel s 754 Sarees relat ceed Heron Seis, 755 Reef ta near the. custne navace 756 Rive" of area, bein arte ofc etais)in adgiion fo Siraphie Melfotad, nd” enpiniel raphe, modulea 8 Type i erase lepers! os, Hee Se a een The tasting Geib, ims af tree teste ight) and Ae pesrite. curciopes Gian) ioe max of Rae pew As-Cast (White) and Annealed Malleable Iron; Nodule Shape and Distribution 95 so 30x 136 nad 00% 2 iat 10x. 4 le white tron (oominal 25: Tron of samme composition as 767, ater ‘Asm ne MED, feritio mal 57 QUEL ED arent, Showng's dence 758 Hee ae thea Trolls “ier 759. Ste von twicsiage snnealed by hele giro on pala darks oa) “and a2 of 70 Pfaed ©) aed play ate esoune. ng a Mat 8 Foo G., goling wo ia Seetadiue ile ot manent and seule yesh grpmice tuber “tarma)” seaules G04'C) itp hr au eaoune: ype ft raphe Ee Sete CHAD Segarra bee fnlens) m'a'inelet of fine pearite (stuper carbon) nedica tn avatciy of gree ‘bp Snvogeaphs 156 and 8 Gratiegated gray), See also 160" ahd 706 inp'fesiter email pray Particle are Mngt oR we + ae ort d - * 4 e . ‘es ia ti sd mt nt see mi ns - GPRS ce cues SHEET ceeme seems ik TES RTA aces com ryiarme cece 701 wie harm aap 760 tae Em somes cto Fe amo ttage 1 oF ASTM ype festa SEE 3. or SST Spent eons most often in| (MRDE" shape 6; no AEA umber} found {Erin ‘alloys vith low ratios of Phin alloys of normal composition. most often in alloys with high AI or ‘t pled tact etched 50x Aa poled (not etched) sox As poahed snot etch)” sox 63 Malleable tron tora. aen- 74 Mstiie iron showing sight elenmert 765 Mallauls ton, showing cere, sia: Mligoed “disoation of vember carbon Seaghon ‘Sedules ent of tempersearoon graphite nt shi Eoilee GARDE duitbulinyy Com~ OIRDE aitintoa 2) The degree of slike ERDF nator Any Sutin, eis "epabarmy of matule astibllon ent depends on campeon, sli Holton silencer per Grew ay vty fro ‘pin hs ilcopraps o4 en 15, in ‘nurese {0 center of a casting be 96 Heat Treated Pearlitic Malleable Iron 236 ta 2% itl sox 766 Featiie maleoe iron that wae, feat: 767 ‘Grade ame pearlie mallesble kon that 7G ASIDE SACD grade Mt Page anvealed by at ‘Sis dretrage soeled wove the eats peat lit'® GBS and vies al iling touts. conaiucns at or WE then tespered ford Stet ing 9 ural TOP Got Ont ar to Rita ‘is siniar to. that in 736" evoept 800 F UGr GC). Noduler of type it tempers fomnpeted 4 Haat the slower enoling pruduced envelopes af carbon graphite buck), tn Ouisseye™femnite teh fas been, party, spheroldiea. ana ex free terre" white congtuent) ‘she Gohide) (7the peagite- matekt has been slightly cement graphitced; graphite nodules (oumloraye soructare)- apnercidged Wp the tanperiag testment. unum, 770 os mb as ts S77 eet at Er eS eee ae Loner ay P caman a lack), and Daracles Fanwee (aia) li ae maten o€ tetapered i 0 except. urls eoci: Ooligue Stamlnation. retained austenite is evident (wrice area sade Masson, mae ras fee dage amented ‘cnc ame'as thes fempered Se shown pT but Sepoering ava Ser tne crete hag_peoduced. ati) smal spherolel Extbide pails Compare Wits Heat Treated Peaclitic Malleable Tron 97 dee, gr, saute eS FG hane, tom et nent nen) F59 faa et hom ce 7a ome pote, mane Ree 78 tates eats 777 eng at oa Ms a mpered et. 1100 F (583 C)_"Temper-carben Matrix in hardened none at surface of usting eaused, incipient melting. Diffusion of cazbon EG ss ee Oe ee a ee oe mastengiis ‘alrw of tampered martensite. Bee Deh sme reuined auseenite Gwhitey” Bee 771, form cement sesulted im voles (lack areas). 7a Genitgay cast penis mauianic 7G Same ae TU pat sched tshoy, mle, fon (ae ¢, £15 efrovese om) eve. SHruphite, whlch conskts of nodes ef agg simile by holding for 2b 96 20m semper-cafbon Graphite Gack fh ates of Siane alt cooing, Noculee of temper Sipe‘pearite ‘variegated gray), See mcosraph ‘Been grajita olag) “Bee alse 719 to 160.” TWO and, Cor comparion, “Ha acid 68. as Re ogh © ck a wm oo Nat Shee wane aul TS "lane on met te pees 55" og eae ST eee heres es mee 702 Gem tatu ae te 783 fam sl eh he 000 7 (ar C), oll quenched, and, "empereé which ‘cofeiete of nodules of temper-curbon Yemper-carbon nodules und matrbe of woGP Gace aa ane! maith fas CRSA mece ha cee eee Ha"graphite (back), ‘see also’ 262 and es, Tantite \grep?. Compare with 779, und see MS, Structure of this en after Aret-stage annealing. 100 Corrosion-Resistant and Heat-Resistant Cast {rons B04 Same tron as 8 but nore “ighenicke? gorroslon-regstant “cast THigheslcon, nearresbtant cast tron Fated fy How at Ho Goa) and 805 iea'g, SFB a Sin oo Sh 806 gS Eh or Mn anceart Sicrostract ecole Pe eet, Siento: gras fe stow: s cue item shows node of both Stand oadinting Chater in «ask. Bind imenoearite care Guat” out Soniting Of TB pearie virgin graf cont ‘arena. Siiea), Sa'w mais of mustenive (ghd. ent anda tres ferret Microstructure of Tool Materials By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Tool Materials Water-Hardening Too! Steols .. 102 Shock-Reslsting Tool Stocls .... 104 Oi-Hardening Tool Steels 1... 105, Air-Hardening Tool steels |...) 108 THE TOOL MATERIALS for which amlerographs are presented tn this see- ton include foot ‘and mold steels, 18% nickel maraging steels, cast cobalt al Joy tool materials, cemented carbides, and ceramic toc) materials. "Tool Steels. Nominal compositions of the tool steeis for which tlc are presented are given nthe ‘Below "Mart tool steels are high in garton and alley content, some having Bh or more of alloying elements {oat Steun having neariy the sume car~ ‘subjected to similar hheat ‘treatments may ‘have the same ‘microstructures even though their alloy contents are quite different — for. ex ‘Wi and Ol tool steels with 09% mn. On the other hand, they may ‘cowTENTs High-C Etgh-Cr Too! Steels .... 132 ‘Hot Work Tool steels: lone High Speed Too! steels ue Speclal-Purpose and Mold Steels 124 have very different microstructures: for instance, the microstructure of AZ, ‘which hse about the same earbon con tent as Wi and Of steels but a high chromium content, Includes” massive alloy carbides that donot dissolve ia austenite during heat ‘eating. ard martensite and bard. undissolved car ide particles are major constituents in the microstructure of tool steels. ‘Properties and selection of t00l steels fre discussed in Volume I of this Hand ‘took, In articles beginning on page 637. ‘Maraging ‘steels are used” zor some tooling applications, particularly” for die-casting dies. The table below elves ompositions ar the two graded of 18% Nilmaraging steels for which structures are shown on page 125. Tho article on ‘heat treating of maraging steels in Vol- ume 2 of this Handbook provides # bass or understanding those structures. ‘Cast cobait alloy tool materials con- tain 38\to 50% Ca, 25 10-39% Cr, 4 19 2% W, 150 to 280% C, and small 18% Nickel Maraging Steels... 125 Cast Cohals Alloy Tool Materiais 128 Cemented Oarbides «2.5 127 Oeramite Tool Materials 180 rote of te sore st Sana eae ar ace face ES Been cate get eee te lores Anan ead camara ornate et ad eee GPa araen ae oie eee ae Bey be aah esha Eat oma dy oie oe crate hare ee iE eetaa tome tta Sees Seats Sete i em ey Rt he a ora ome cae ae Seu eee ge SEL SA evemagm, rer Soe creestas Ten Se Seay Fa aa Se Eee anges Nominal Compositions of Tool Steels for Which Micropraphe Are Shows In This Seetion(s) Se Le. | ane wares ain fargening Ch) fignce MighcG® i), Sal Rok Wott i) Boot Siecle ‘ons sean ‘hoo 100 foe eB re ae Boss & He. ge g u : mae ie z ig é Be oa is a 8 oa Ho we E gS - oi ig Be a is oe oi io 8 ie ie os 190, Yoo 5.00 Log 1 400 2.0 z ig ek is ca i Fe ig is é aH fers: ig & ie ae Br 8 18 ag ag iB ne 035 To 5.08 020 . s ie Bu 8 eri =: NEE Re Bee II obo 191) 400. Grade $00 / Taste Devrox, Meallagical Project Engineer. Matersls Engincerng Dept Cincinnai Mitucoo, Inc; Dovuy Grietay, Technical Dieter, Cas Ing Fogincers (feeserly Assecte Laboratory Dinetr, Stelite: Div (Cabot Corp.) Vieron A. KoavssoyA, Chie’ Metlucgst, Metal Stamp- ing Die, Ford Mowe Co. Peran Lecxis-Ewnve, Conllet: N. W. Masnoris, Corporate Manager of Meallrgical Reseach, Development s0d Contra, Cleveland Test Dil Co, ‘Dav C._Stanous, Plast Metallurg, Transmission Div, Clack Equipment Co. (loneriy Manager of Metallagy” and Quality Con- (WoL, Lindberg Hest Treiting Co,): Jases W. Sraaum, Chief Metl- Toegish Ace Dull Go. (Foray Metlfargical Engoser, Teledye- Vase) rk SUPERNAW (eetzed), Chit Metallungist National Twist Dail & “Toot Cov; Cates H. Thourson, Metliesieal Manage, Iino Tool Works; Bruce E, Who, Resirch Engines, Buice Moor Div, Gen- era Motors Corps Crahuts Ne YOUMKIN. Deatorgics Manage, Inter: ‘anal Div, Latuobe Se Co, 102 ‘Waer-Hardening Tool Steels a oer ss er ere es erro or OOS. SA Be carota ong Me, SAS Hy erage ftw 810 tm sperms inh GS BLi Be wrung me wi S12 Be wee tear ce 70 Bhp. Structure: mbxture of lamellar pearlite (mill abnealed). 107 ‘Spheroiial cementite sunesied>. 170 Bin. Structure consists of sp sm re Ee ire ameens nas aoe tem are ee TOES amriaicn PLEAS oe SPE Sara aes 49% pita 100% BLS Ws walerardentng tool steet 139'C B14 Mi weter-hardening, too stl (O84 C, B15 Same steel and heat treatment as O41 "Mop, normalized by wustenitaing al Sint, austentized et Sie vaster tempering ‘ab 305 2 C3 at 110 Goto) and alr cobting. 22h Bh 'E Semapered mare Bbnisture consists of meine pearls with Chit envelopes of cementit af grotn Boundaries, TO0x 9% nial » “Gamme_steel a5 for 314, austentie 818 Sie ie &, Rienenta'tm ore 4 “ippesranen has changed re carbide: barsile. Depth of Hardening in Water-Hardening Tool Steels 103 mH see 20% WoL net % sire 50% HEL nt % oe ‘aternandenng toh tel palin “Wet water-bardentng too! steel, meatus. stoet, oe 319 Mezcerine rade, Ststentsnd 820 Nerduaing grade Heat treattendand ber 21 atconine gale Hest fettecntand tae 2% HNO, Sip ate-hardening tol steel (1.05 6. 094 26 Ws, Bater-bardening tool steel coat 823 WG Chi meclamtuctcnng gruie, Situcaian 824 BYOB2 Kin Wis oh ci no) den, bar, heat treaicdneme ay eee! in G26 Nove the arentar hardening. gradu, davin@am "bar, ‘eae Sepulef ardening®(leht-eray" rim) compared Wh nica game ae aiz Hardencd sone mc Ke eg Wg ay ae fata GRE the bar bn iad ‘Gase bard, wes fongpell © dee pm . EG; core, kw 45; core hardnded wis Rockall © 46. Bee also #24. at 00% 2% 2 tt 08% ‘Sue of hardened W: toc) sted (08 6, "eran sche between cae and care "Core of ansuned Wi tos tel eat 5 826 827 core SRF sini nalenees at, Sata, (0d ‘af hardened Wi tool steal heat treated, eoeribed for 825, RRsat eh embed at Osh gs aeaconed Ss Rockall Hutte uw mocha © g6 ine steele ct oe el Gch Serctare isthe spbe- oe gpherlaal caeniig mA mate ok partici of cementite iq a maitin of ‘Ga chmarite in tempered martenolie. atten Ulan abd penslite (dark). ‘peactle GGarkcetcing cobstitaent. 104 ‘Shock-Resisting Tool Steels 060% nal ooo. 3% nat Fy B28 Si sheckerenating tool slel ws recsined B29 GI shocking to) steel, nermailied GO Sl shorkcresiting too! see, auent Sn tence hate Lai case gehts 830 2 Bee SSS at ed RSG RA Eiri MAS ANue Om pie cade, aaa Ghee te Rene isa mri ‘ot Frit. Sha etatnod austen Eig. "somo uneupered metinste bbe en ome 3% al 00x. 38% rat ‘SL hovk-reseting tot ost, austen ‘SL shopk-reseting tool, slaw, auston- 833 S chock-tesetog toast 831 Reed at 1igy Frosh), "an “aummemad, 832 ftaed a 1908 P if quenghes ace eae ae tempursial 983 F eht ©). Rempoced wenrdeiee tempered at 485 8 cia C)> steusture tame arr Sag? epbeoldal carbide partion Dorel mactenste, course beckawe of overheating. tempered suerte earoige 2000 2% mal steel, mustentined 3G SS, shocksrel tool spol, teat, au ‘Gh ana al quenched. The ftzed test gp), elt goemt ‘muactrassize eo) Te red. Th nd tempered at 780" tert ‘huchire consis of ne tempered marie) Ol Oil-Hardening Tool Stee! 105 B38 Of ol:herdening tool steel, normalized 839 Ol ollchardentng tool steel, austenttinnd Sy sustemitring “at S808 mie wotied. werperen a 905 oo, G04). oskiell sh. Suructure er Bra Watch of tempered mar” fenste, Bisck dota are sudo incusbons 5 al 300%. 3% mt ‘ame see! and treatment as G04, but then gu is 29 ee erearsige 910 ‘Cast, DB tool steel, prcheated at 1550 F ‘sfetex0 Colo 0) et cooled double i of. the structure consis of netonk ot of'a Gendrfie strucuire, ns mutex OF leinpered marten br et 019 Fat’ G), Parecies of ‘pean stunde “(nlack ots) tm. termperea ware, ot Fighb) eke contains altrige serngers. 4 D? and H11 Tool Steels stan, arta ay agin® 912 Same sect ct O11 Bie) SSR AE Pe Nideey, 912 SMS ee 28h er att REGRTES goecVRatien Se auch, cone Sse elnalte pare With Siew at MOX is micrograph Sia" ides abrasion resistance: Mates i sari ae coped Not tempered Magnifeaton ie aut! snail sphirclal pact of are al 100 Nia sao Nut 10) 914 BI tool steel, preheated at i500 FIs G15, Same steel and deat treatment ae for Q]6 Same steel and evs treatment es fo Gh, ststenisied st a915 COC), ale S14, "but shown. ate higher magnies” Si but chown, ata, boll higher rag gosieg, tempered at 30) Fart C) foe br pon. The’ at eature was ‘loans Must ‘of Uae Soa" abide purge Structore m earbide pertieies In tapered mar” for"this ‘steel. "Toe jist comtlerae ave ait bela ote pig mute fenslig, both poor fesanved, See B15 and O18, Geetoned setamned gustenite: ‘SEimpecatre, but massive ea:bile reroaine 37 ial FELL hot work too sie, as received "Hit tol Sew “anpesied by auctenson O17 fhinegca’s ne siractine consis oh a OLS Sy pl sae aS 919 ote ey and fooled fig atiring ana apteataa® capi art bars or ae geting at I rheur to i200 a ‘itn a mete of fee Ceotey Tne grain Woua'G), "then ate Sone, Berucire i spheroie reveled bythe Sal, laniliar ana erat ley es ‘Grimarly, cnromufin earbude) a ser HL Hot Work Tool Steet us 3% nia) "00 1971 921 Mtl steaha at 89) F ato “C), “at Sold cee ‘aes tio “Sti oboe “aati feu nae Q Br gna i) SC sto GS) fi was ot vent Ane spuereigal par’ fn “a saree ot tenpeea ace ane ES Pant nae oe eg temperature natok of tempered martensite (grayish) Sis reais ree oe 13 TU toot steel, eustenttzed at 1700 F HU, tool stgel, austenited ot, 2100. 7B 001 sce, austenttzed 1 be at 22 a tbr (G), Sealed double 924 Titg"S), a etoile gute 925 das Ch. ale vol, tempered 3 nt at ‘a plus ay “at 1050°F! (500.0 (2 br plus? i) St 1050.” S00). it tow F (ee6 ¢). red martonsie i Ye i, hich shows the ‘ot Gok, Tauecmre, which shows sitet of oveeheat™ ce, Se retes t Greig Saale ZeRe Getic) epne~ ing." ae gpheolot earode crnre ‘asia af toed at 1850 F (1010 C), alr ented. dgubie ame steel and neat treatment, including nitriding, 08 for 226, Tiga ties a hichor mageifice Ne norosictare Gf AME care a Sorte of suite ot eal aid few sphere baste Sit “arbide ‘nat mates of pared ad aster Spiegel cae fede) Gai ot ie OY ouge at Bigner agminestion snd H13 and H21 Hor Work Tool Steels 4 ial ‘a, tool sth, as ecotiad (ni ane 928 Restos Hale at igs Fae C) toed tu, gocked at So" taht Oy per hour to 00 F'cEC), then air engied Récewal B 84, The ‘Sereuue coniiste of tng guaeolaat pavtles oF cartide’ i'n tate of ferrite, ae “ 2% mt 90 ae 00x 3% oat THIS toot steel, austentied at 2950 F (OLD sustenitived af 1880 F "EIS tool steel, as east, Rockwell C5 931 a i dostie aie odbievteme 933 Atrctore consnts of some. earolde pe plug 2b) at 1M F 00a ©). Hardnets, Hockwel, soa 368 ©) ered mate Bebe ae." etre Saget 8 mati of po Gy. Case cists Arve) "aod Tetineg vances 1a) Hara lly aaite pherolal Pa akeide Geite'seabs) “°° SSSCY ote srenonmeialie acksens’? 934 Cost, 113 tool steel, double [hr bus 2 nab Sond ©” 606 > G,$o- Seta deta of very fie ley care Side particles "in a mathe of tempered mar ensue" coatee,. eedietie Gonatituent) "the {ge ight grey’ afeos are Fetained sustenite ‘H21, H23 and H26 Hot Work Tool Steels u7 37 HBL, tool steel, sustenitieed at 200°? Gg TRL tool stee), mustenitied at 2100 F {disp G), ana cooled uh wie. Hlarcess, ite C), “air eaoled, dose ‘tera ‘geval © 55 ciruotane conte ‘gee he ps Ses 1600 sb O>. ef apherosdat'ahoy carbide partes in a eee t Waiperediartenaie Kating’s eapent QAT HES too! see, mustoniticed at 2320 F GF ana quested ix molten salt at 350 71 che Metamee Heckel Cah "the ler ug Ti, T4 and TS High Speed Tool Steels ine mo f sgt snes lh 5 7E gs et tei 24 Ss et te a 947 CMP et Secs $908 oat pets Saas as a BREE Seance Cie Are teerdin i Bec Caaltd eae particles tn untipered martensite: See O48,” partcler a Matrix of enipetet gy seed des ap resins" vee ary eels lg ip crag i a eat eee bd Goi, ab Pgh 10% w 000% 4% ta 00% 952 TRG elas erived (mill O53 TE igh speed sect mutentzed 3 10 4 GG "TD gh speed site austentien ent ly Tie mneoatre cons rat todd F ltt C) ante quenched ucts Samo as epcemnen ih ego ee sot Gall sohercldal particles O€ carbite 1125 "Bi Che a coed Uhslwoked saehate om, nSuTauat mame epee Ee 4 es “hg Ri Small ou) inva ‘ain Shtucure gout a unduanied showa in mistographs 968 and 604, at Tigol. SF untempered mavleaslte, Re hiss Boe fearblde in matrix of lrmpared muPieatie ‘6, T15 and MI High Speed Tool Steels 19, 4 oa x ‘6% a 2 "Te hgh enced steal as receive “(rt "Tig high, speed sto, ag cast: 3-in-diam 385 Mrocela Moe “merosruetoreconscts ea 987 ae ae Sirois ar el «partes of cargide (amall tnite pools and of "and white dour and tempers ‘aed chromlun-righ Mocs ge gray pools ia Shazix of fofrite The "Phevqucnched and [ght ntean ate alloy-ich asienie-castale tipcted ahd tempered misastructure of Gi salpegurscue of tik sleet te anon Hic Sh Glave, atc ae nary ‘eel's shown Bf rucrograph 958, below. In mlorograph 880, Selow. Iesepular gobules afe Wanadim-zieh Mi 2008 5% nit ‘stp tern: re Seo- Endary AC. Light emma of ution Sie bets, belmacy Mc White sabule ME, 100% 2% nit 1000% the same heat ‘MI high speed steel given the same Dest * 963 * Tergpensneeesnece EM 253" non on et ore ai Papuretans antes t 962 Mp erates ot noe 2d @ he plus 3 he at 1025 P (802 C). Car ure was lower — 3050 F (1121), iting ter = 2030 F120) SERIE GE Clams cute, REMMI USAC GMS, aig Eon Seen te M2 High Speed ‘Tool Steet 965 tei pues a 35 ae eae mr io pa 9 Ri me maa 1, double tempered st 1080 F (365 ¢ aati hed pirolaleabide parte’ dacipant Presited front Sates ‘efomtru fs uisteb of ferrite containing imal ta exe tempered at 1009 F (Oot C) fort ir Miructare Rebel era seroel parce aoaliey ar, Sanit poked sede putes bm” Siu ea cuae makes the seei Ee of lenuered purine Sime sal arns Spore Wieniy suitable Yor febriation fof telatned ‘austenite are evident” ‘boundaries resulted front 967 Ba nigh teed pe, ge ar safc 970 He aor are dae smut 971 Boast alee aareth 972 tea as ipod mirtennte: AST gin sist 1h” Suitebitaitg Ycmperature GAMO vers A007). jure Sek ieregcnpns an ‘M2, M3 and M4 High Speed Tool Steels 121 ie sea 900x " 10 rec, 2 mi He, 300 mu HO Teoox "2096 nae 100% 973, 974, 975 Mi_hien speea etal 2-in-diam bar, austeniioes at 2825 F «i218 C) and quenched f9 e bath of molten call Not tempered, 1274. O75 Sesotir ls speed cargiae particles y'a mairin of Untomonred matiendee ie mame eaten Tage 18 neta gra ser in carpies trom Uvee diferent heats: Ane ip inarograph 973 Gufl, oiled ia inicrograph #18 (celery and once ia mcrograph 816 GlIEO. Me aia 00x 2% tal loco 10% wa 19% "es, case 2, set, eustenttieed ‘Same steei and neat sreatment as for 1, cess 2. len apes steel, austenitic 976 Base dase Eevasencted ine cae 977 Ticroerase Sis. owe shown ata pianer O78 devise erclaie: Ghenchea ma cult sath, dounietenpered’ tr'pita 2 hr) 1088 magnification. ihe irge.'ehue artas ieite bath, dobie as 2008 F658 Cy. Struc SUE ateeand email alloy carbiae pari’ fluice are’ varaavom carbide. whlch charac’ Hure"conaisg of iaege and tall partie of a ‘Ski (white) In tethpered martensite, See 977, lerizer this grade of high speed tool steel Toy carbide i a matrix of termpered martensite. 2s tmnes ot steno) se0x 4% per 100%. 4% peat ‘cox "Reeulfuried MI, clas 2. i feel, We gh speed stl, 0615-in tam rod, ‘Sine steal and condition as for 99, but 979 fitiehed acd ampere, pened 1s 980 Ss aetveP il anima), answers. 982 Ai pata scion Gee, of the ce drow particles of carbide (white pook: smell, Particies of vanadium carbide A nine cnten of fo UE Ie permite tr ebule edule (o) ype tiga wnt aatniue lon. Fecetanee “8 Rie ee” (2) Manno Desatne content sf RA SAAS VENER BalTae ge Bon estan Romer F. Mest, Cheirmas, Profesor Bests, Camegie Mellon Univensiy: Pav. Avnss, Reseach Eagigce, Reeatch Center, Babiock & Wilkow Co; ROssFUL A. Brown, Metallurgical Engisees, Jet ard Ordnance Divs TRW toc: Nascy G_ Cott, Meallusi! Engines, ‘Metis and Ceramics Div, Onk Rijee National Laboctney; ContaNox B. Ceaven, Meullographer, Renter Poptcimie Inatitte (Former sith Allegheny Ludlonstadusies, Tee) JOMN J DUBARDADILLO, Scion Head Stele, Paul D. Mesin Research abort, Inteloationa) Nidal Go, Ing: STEMMEN Janlonsts, Metal luggicl Engineer, Woiran-Gordon ‘Co; Avunsas MeLvi, Metal lographer, Rex Chainbelt Ine: ATLENT BCORTON, Chief Metallogepher, ‘Tijlor Farge Dis, Gulf + Western Industelat Profuts Cnt ANH, Newocae, Senior Metallurgical Eagincer, Cutis: Wright Comps G. A Ratz, Sion Resesrch Brgieer, Research Laboratory. Une Sates Steel Core 0, W. Stain, Senior Engineering Special, Msteials ed Mechanicel Techoology Dept, Momanto Cos GORGE VACER, Manager oF Tesinieal Serves, FUT Harper tne. Renan Wares, Superior Fracture Analysis Group, Hemiltos Seandard Div. United ‘Alte Corps Doxaab WARREN, Reseach Aveoiate, Eaioeeing Matus Laborstony, Expercieaal Station, E1 tte Poot de Nemours & Coy Ine; MG. I Wenns, Technical Director, Marerisls Research Cast, Col indusees, Crocblefacs J. ©. WILE, Senior Research Meailurgs, Arco Steel Corp; Howato E. Borer, Sterrar, Managing Editor, Mets Handbook. 132 ‘Types 201 and 301 Stainless Steel “Type 201 stainless steel lei Uae was on stains steel chert, anneal Piktated for binin'et wom aacstcy L062 tp Sie decrease and rapid eeced to Toom temperature, ea 228 ye, old oie io Se dice ee od annexing eins ‘ectoie: 10% ori. sels Biratag ges ae S one es ad cae mumrsaeueelreener ae ‘era hysrchlode ald 1068 Lonaitudinal section of sype sot stazn~ |] QGQ Broken type 90) sinless stel Icer'seet sup that az genealed on {ist spocuen win a necked det the tae’ Sond ia us 1061 Bul‘nts cold containing siculrindliced insists (dure fe US2on Getuction Ghalf hard)" dame marienste rolled 8.20% reauetion ful hard), Deformma- sttuent) ‘ethin deformed susteniis eras. T Garching constituent) has formed ‘within on appears. Jes severe ian in 1086 peoba- Light constituent af right i austenite, with fal ‘btente grains Compare with 1088. Dig pedouse of aiderent etching tecaniqtes.” Uncen of martensite “Types 302, 303, 303(Se) and 30 Stainless Steel At » Oo sep wean sot see "ype 99 ales tcl stip, 0982 in, 970 REE hb as wrmented at neo 'P es) end “emiad fo room sue, "offershe pools Global) ‘etare con ‘matric of austenite i SE en geet 273 Secinen was Hee Eee Recah 00x 5 cen 2 260) sites seal eg sees oh Seam: 1% sa aide % LOT BRE, sa tue | SSS race Gone toe geet, Sn Ege une reat ar) sox _— 250% Gandia section (parallel to Fo ‘fa bar of frersmachin= As plied (tetas) 1074 te ect Hains age ‘Blogmed. billet, 1077 Rah eistolyicaly Dark, steaks’ ate sinners of Terie. The ais {nite ‘Toate wns not lacked by the then’. 133 ietalyti: 10% cheome acid ‘same. ae i eceriyte ‘teh 1072. at i Soke aor mls ce fe se Bie patwery, bu aig Cig ‘Sh eadbon aifurin within wusteite grains a pores nt whe) ‘Game sel ms 1004 bul a trunsrerse sec 1075 tsa ular to tolling Guest) of the batt wnich shows the Sectional Sige and Sisinbution “the coneniea Sunde melosons, ‘The maueie & stente esx tes soe 1076 pe fed oP feces tee He atabeted cde SoS of'equiaxea St ‘ic, senierure. Sona rains, Note annealing teins ‘Dectrobtic 10% exe scl sx 1084 SP earaiea ting T at Type 304 Stainless Steel ectayic 105% oncaeid 1 LOBO PARP Meas tis Gh ae ae parece wattle Irregular a east sn water piesa disperse fees 1083 Bhai aoe 00, ture snows ghromum ares, preciphattn “tall Mack pardatey” eta Disney at pSlr tout bot anew) eran boundaries, an at twin woundare oting Mucahamts ragint "Tipe $04" sininess stoct pate (9082% easton. contend) 2085 Tetomeraion by bine Haig at tne # (ised cy for tht tha gated to Hdre FCO) ) and eld‘ tac temperate Yor 160i kn Biructure shows precipitation of chromium cavbiie af austenite Brin a) ‘Type 304 Stainless Steel: Stress-Corrosion Cracks; Effect of Forming and Welding 135 1 palates rat tenes a Seth: Or nis ti 10 aceite 18 ml hpooctione ae, 3 ml aye a} fox Soares o ot Setaeeas at ete i to 104, below) that ware taken fram Autre locaton a spat iced 089, 1090, 1081 Fiesta tat 9s Manis at try ta Tne any gue nace. Welling cay pe SMe ana arrays 10! Location anit Halal Mine SgheP oh Se oP attic SS aeaaedutlenie SSeS oe; eae ra a cee, Uae ak GO ee age ‘Wie SOS Sue SEULEE s S ene BLN eile! Sa e ’ i Sad Rnealing twine Str. Aicrorrapa 10m; Lock in Toraid O) during welding. les; some remnants of lip bande resulting from cold Working also are appareni ime pl 19 my anata zed, 18 ml hyeraclareae mi gee! 250% 092, 1093, 1094 Specimens, trom, ine unree o pia seep relptared enbise ml f a i i x 28 i a 3 | ‘Type 304 Stainless Steel Welded and Brazed, and as Cladding and Surface Weld vA TORS BATA, grey oe ate noe aol OSE" SEG SC URS meet wage mrt 1095 Mil e'soa ney seta. Wing oder than nora seat Tame LOOG Site, Gnan nora neat input ihe, eon Ck ae 202 SEES LAAT BE ee Scns 1008, Sa ae ee Sa ‘eetonve! 10%, ale aie > A tatnlese ates seins top a 1098 Soins erased wins diver ooh Fie genet lla Rh ae cone SHE ibang” ellen fe the a jpte FRAG IS 9 alie’s ronent ercrohte 10% one aid soo revaent “po hee q 504 states soo! cladding (top) 304 sta 1100 5 ad ooiout” Gia were” base on eatien Geelpate Gaiam, Mie 1102 7S tesa ord Or a th'F adie) abd nie wity qooper ntler metal tinddley for'Ts see at fis F?Uict G) “Under “vacuum, Lron-con fliny pgovides the bond atthe intertaces be= ‘froin Ge ‘lor motal'and the ahecis, conaSting of fine-gratned ferite-ankd ‘Types 304 and 3041 Stainless Steel 137 eke: 34 aa oe * Bectrobt oO mie elt e301 satnlessstecl Not rolled plate, showing intergranular “nigu-nitrogen type, OAL, ereep-rupture specimen, from s bar an 1103 Type 20 sates sea, et Tout Dae SONNE Gee tp 1104 Rach gir aves ka Cat chy ab ae baud for ig mii Hie Feld i ily igilan won ok at a eta tp'tious Ch, ana water guenched i tees than’ min. Cepleted acvas ight), at or neat wustentte Be Lown preset ded cost recta nel trom OT Eee Once pares & gain banca. Socios Tatlin age ebb AF form exeSalng outward fom groin Coundatie, ‘GEN parssie pretplated at year) 95 mt 4.0 10x Soca rin ‘eetrolyic 8 mt HF. 19 "snes type 204 tubing used as, prcheater- do ‘eclonal view of type, O41, stainless ste, ‘ptergranular 1107 sapere pe, 204u ting ute, areata dni Zag L108. Seciets CAT etait puoi uae oy aldo taco ‘pamulay sreseorrdion Gracka eNtenaibg Lom hnuor surface (Wop). exhaust gas of the Sype gensraied By ‘Of astemouve fuels 138 ‘Types 305 and 310 Stainless Steel Mx tone pens SF Aa te, sat mig, ela tp po ts ene 08." es Seer sre mrs ee 10 or ea te a ea e Gil (Greg) "ar' te growenle eran” Goundariee Note the arbae- | fran stu lees eRe ain gundnecs The sel oy depleted areas adjacent ta gram boundaries. Shai before belag pinced in service Etec ture ot 1B cree any 1 pola tet ene 190% Kher: 1074 ehromi ese 195 ample pe 0 sey a be expat oot ie furace “papi mp 0 sates te eter extended expen los 1114 Fess dowig gers oereranuley sananion nap 1115 Sorues ment me “under teste sit particle Sf GirSinkbe side” Wak paves ae ode shows typical mode of trafgvaniar Steer cocrcan exaceing. i t i \ Lg Tiga sot Per amd pie to see Tet ad ad te ani 6 pales, ste angesied for ‘Ainaied 316 sainees “anna os in 126 ator 1116 Fi ofdtrsse tion Che inte 1117 Sonne ror olay at ido Bad ch. 1118, Sect deat ‘a fico FS, Temperstare cee JiiT The austenhlegrais bountarcs ate mere shar): or trote Ue experute given the meet in Lit Bligh Hl "incu ear ontting «tas beote pnoneed perverts ota ener, Me, sere a {ySonnetalic. inctwsens “mall parieles), perature’ it the, semmune ‘age promised vane ofcarbige prcont ‘SHies sre promuly caromiuncrih spines.” brécplaton of enrertum Carbize Sav ie’ ste av atstante pain pouneaie. Pent ana hacenlore 3618 eat and myaroehine net sao ‘Atpeaiod 16 tinlens to 1116 after ‘gameaied’ 316 stainless, so 116 ater 119 on ole a 1800 Fol 2) ‘gs 2121 Soneure tor 2000 be a 1340 # (G18 Ch ‘Sigma, ail inte 28 well 40 predation of feat grain boundaries. 6 aise 1120. ‘rbon Sajacen 20 grain boundaries Enroige at‘ prain bousavien See 1128, ecto: 10% sodium’ eyaniae ai saner 8, Se fe le Sn ge aa i a ug ey 1122 sree Sg de PS 1123 Raa See Oe BB 112d pies sl Pa gs Sete agemret a ante cE. eh 2 se ay Su cea eae aa "eeRTGDolehtow axe tn? Yorm ges pads"bte ‘catered thin wie 'ateta Pipher!" arg bate x sin, phate ety Pos PORE eas ii. "Compare with structive in 1 Drevious {erie ites in the austenite maleic ‘Types 316, 316L and 321 Staintess Steel 00% ‘310 slates steel stuet thet was exposed for eed thet (ozyean content, 20 ppm a ‘ager 000m thick at the surface ‘hee areas ame voids ‘Sema phase ‘he light outtined sistas te "ine matrix is antente 2 A XP ee ei 38 HEL? AO, Taner auras, ap of 1127 Ba el es ‘SHIN grainy are’ cine Pe a Lee te Se Stee aise, ni Yonge ma 2 1129 Type, 206 eames, iSite Eee erate feeling, Ne aitic Beason, i sf eeyetalliged austenite arait ‘eal § cere oe oe 1132 gat i ee heat dort ‘Types 321, 326 and 347 Stainless Steel 141 ‘ \ oe. : 4. . wor ee z ww Vedic: 42% sodium hone 00x super oie soo “aumested type 931 furrace part aftar 16 “Tape 21 stamless steel sheet lone ig, ascextruded;, Semele 133 Ammete pe tt rags prepay 21134 ate ue tee eee 1135 Thal ectisn uti ay is Resear ska ea Haan gs SR Sa areeeropi dest cea) Ae mae Caue gr structure renal Tro high ‘worm Gacbiae (Cra particles. ‘Santen grain boudariin ate ereep cracks, extrusion temperatire, S000 P Ua0e ©), exci ‘003 100 ‘e-olled type 226 plato, 4 in. thick; ‘Same ag 1188 except this specimen Was ‘Lepetuainal secon of gold rolled 136 ede diyie AUS: 1137 S28 “ansuerse Yo ‘tie "Gicedon’ ef L198 SSE Sued in Sick aad ‘ehing comment) and FCC fio. toting, Av imruBorstveture consis of lands mip at 10 Biot Ch, The eompleny erage ate ae lower Taft end ‘ulliped constituent) ie, ie ‘a Br nulente Ughe-etetng. TBllaed, foctute onsite of auntence Bret fenite, Soe alto 8 Pweg Saat of fare ‘sulci mate ef torte ar and yarociare ace 20x Ect: 10%, exaie att 2600 leant 10% onal ache TTB9 sees BS slimes stot plate, 11m] 140. Anes type 306 plate Recon mero: 14] Type latices tel annenled eon feces: setae et sana g TEMES gunner fle coning Cte? Sa mate ge er ue ae WES ont, RES 142 ‘Types 347, 409 and 410 Stainless Steel 1s polated (ot ache) fA atl 20x chee 0 ‘Anccaled lope $47, staniess stect ab Same ms 114% except an etched speci: “anmeated type 247 thermocouple sheet 1142 tom paca mmnecisg 225% 1143 men which show the'sancure oftne 1144 {tes eeaanPto annealed ope Son toh Gr, 1% Mallow alloy size tet bottom), ROWinE esld worked metal at the Tine and #Re ang, using Sper Aller mela ules» S"iypicl wavy Sumcuon ine. See Tid, esis grains In the tow-afey sea. inerfoces induste s sopperrich iron alo. “Tape 9 10 nip annenled by oli 1146 ram fae p, rnace oka hit So's aa pet, ural (GR cand ab songs rol egal at iis ated perce of sirius arbise a vena oc erage = sans lps 2s 9 gine sn foie et T160 Fs foi bso tl ug Ss ee 1149. 1150 Fi lspastcat fy tes a feegea This ot worked steacture’ eae bel 6 ae sructure'conelse of bared delea ferrite (hoc este of ges, more elongated banded. dela Ter= jpered 2 hy at 1060 (56 C) ane ‘acrik yperedmnrienste, ond cable Sones ight) ine martensite roux ite heat a8, a 1 conte. em ‘Types 410 and 416 Stainless Steel 143 ‘Ceci: NEL meena 11ST Dips 00 rio im the hardened condition 152 Game, steel and heat treatment as for tor 30 mis ITF (Get C), and aie cooing THE alanoed sompteiten; Cousequent the mates” ‘Rrortne ls fettie-teee:InarCensite, See 118E. "Wee matrix contain llande of ferrite” came) 1M peated ot eee 100% “Type 410 steinloss stl forging. hard Same 04 1154 but after ening, 1154 CORT abd compered. tho urogust ack, 1155 Sane S.ntkgt 2 secu ae s.guenen crack, 'acguited an onide seale during quench crack anid to reveal the struraise: ‘tbe a sie" See siso micrograph 1188." Gamapored martensite, ad earsite. -— ——s - : ‘ - sa paler nat tebe 20x 16 Saintes oes, The steel contains» mnt 498, stainless steel ber that was qusteiliond at, 1800 (0 1157 GPSS suture promote ole tag improve marin: 1158 725 sf apo oe ta ota oll quetched, ah tempat ‘bly hom in cus set br ths brining? specimen‘ egmeates, (609 C), Soucture Scat oe SrsSeesT' of maadene Baha tone se ‘Flngerstype tncesions of manganese sulfide (honscuial dark siseaks)’ Steeky ferrite Wight Ouinea)” 144 Types 416 and 430 Stainless Steel eee en econ ee ea 160 See Ot anv eu: ee oe se Ratris of ta ‘miariensie wiht stringers of manganees ferrite etd imortensite, Spechnen, Was, anh for 10 min at 1 andes See 2S Sees ae ae ert one t manda wid 1161 BRE bs Be Viete's rent 00x Plea ane Rydrocnianie 200% Pleral af njdrochiorie ack Se on auazes ang are ua TOS RE ang emt endl TGS RET A rt, aan Sk Ae RN ORE PEGE lye dtd Meee oMeta pare sec Na Soa eaaa ta abs oivieria and sandomiy caperstt pus Seton. ot opted eruecury tonetiog of car- diel ci ‘Bagy eacetallieed Suche ot feof tartmtim enti ° ‘bide particles ins matrix of ferrite. isperved ‘carbide pacts ‘Types 430, 440A and 440C Stainless Steel us cries aChmenanat “ox vaste's agent" T aoox Si sine eid and 356 nytrocNone soit In les 1803 Gol pled pe 420 sate es "Fp 40 stp nat ws en a ‘kguelave ext to gus tinatenare weld nye 167 fp tater aaneateg at age | 1168 Peano “acloed wansae ites 1169 Se"Sroretelee eoatenine ot fete esa, SB eat farha qraks ela: Unemtced manent af ce grbute’ of are ast) a ga Ste ab (oy ecrysa at (Sri So. &), Sma strnger-type Thelur Gram Goundetien, end. ‘Stance from eel oy Te i mM Xo a e ies, end. preciplintion of sistance ia)aone (right increases Tempered 0h ‘partie r we Socket sma pa oe St pt Sp Talat Heli im we Sor a ew sce 1170 BES aera eae 1171 Bretagne dann, 1172 2 SEE SRS peat Seem OF yer Se oI eerie ‘eta reagant ‘sooxe” Vase regent s00x. ville rongent, fi 1173 "We, 400 forwme, assonges, tater 1174 “Tape soc: foreng anneaid az ua 11.75 “appe s40cforeing martes by etn ‘carbide pectiles esi at ing 1 tr al. 1B0 F and vg pedi an crate ‘Secs ae Soc Large tes ot elmer, gol, tea ampere 2 hn at 460 & GRY PRGLR Sina SOTERA TRAMG Sahl Cospare Sie TR, Go” BISe"patkles fa'marenuke See 138 and He 146 ‘Types 440C, 446 and 630 (17-4 PH) Stainless Steel iets reagent 200% Super pict Wiel's reagent ‘0x. e400 forging, hagdened “and Hac, stetness stl bar preheated for {HOC bar austenitizad at 1050 te L176 Ttbeced oe 1177 Dis Sali Gn Ss, austenteee forts L178 TBR Ge Sh aucechad br at 1976 F Gone C), alr eooit"to ia) Pigs ©), then tempered at S15" Gal) Saesatad ‘ist toubte tempered 2 ‘ar Sach) at abo P Ge" G). Sicngers of primary carbide (ight lands)" and ‘lack Eeimary ana’ secondary carbides ight islands and asparsed ‘aeconunry earbele partie In a 0" hardness of earbkde particles amd matrix,” article) i a inate of Manpered sartette Gir of tempered martensite See also 11%. iat Bega te, cten om e tiny ioe el ee Rirounts of ferrite, untempered marteraiie, eed ‘bekx of retained’ anstenife: See 108 abd 18, TESS See glee as, 248 and 1190 and samme Rest tregtnen! as : for Eig except aged aa higher lemperature, 100 ¥. (698 C), nar essentially complete, and suariencite has which produced stustate of tempered martedsite that is more feist, ‘been tempered by the aging teenthaent. See also mlcrograpa 1168, at Hght. and Iu greater duct, tan the structure shown tn micrograph 112. ‘Types 630 (17-4 PH) and 631 (17-7 PH) Stainless Steel sername heer tong conn eae ra es weet a aT en er hegritigeeien tae US) SEAL bees Ae 1186, Sue i eas at ‘ue commis “of Here attingers ime thar~ ure: cteingers of cesta in a = Pra tor “hatety of iar-HiGhé).‘Marvemgte toate contain ‘bt tntrix. See aise {168 and 1108, ‘tensive Compare with mcrogrephs lise 1268.” Hite elringera’ Gotngure with Vist ase”, SOx Viena rengart 200%. Motle'srreeat 75x . ested a8 3975 to 2005 P (on to 1084 C) ana ]1 gg Spek welded syne oon tA PH Feit Gut is 6) ot at costa talon Sid PO Stas tes showing vee ehh he udlig Wade athe mata ec Sas he ad of Screen. na yg a Pah re 1 oS poet Oot ei me Vike set soos “Fore net seo ting 0 180 ot gouton ae ag 11 except reatd tots 1191 aE ide ing cSt nie coolcd’ Berne 1192 EGE, URE cet cepeared ee BREAN ROE aes co oy aca eae a ‘arbide ts in solulion iy the austenite, See TH, IShnds of forte hn a tale ot warienclte 148, ‘Types 631 (17-7 PH) and 633 (AM-350) Stainless Steels SSL TL eS eis Hein 1 ae inno ee 1% so ante tx Wiis eget ‘ ae “type eit (1?~1 PH) statmlos steel that "Fype ef) (17-1 PHD solution treated, “Same as 1104 but reheated and held! 1193 Tie" Sih Grong “eaten uanteas 1194 BBM dTana' etches loampiee 1195 SMES Wale eh aaah tote qnaion"A) to ¥ Clo CSiachure cen gle fore form ‘eoingbte wi H88), Reve. eld @ ho at “hod P (12 0) held 2s ah ‘Gite of an austenite mattis (ASTM grain sue ture: steingers. and ef teria in a Fld G). aig cooled ( e901 : netic ef sustenle, Gee aloo 1136 sha 1106” the seringers in'a martensite matrix. Bee 110 incvotyte: ANOscete, then 1054 oxalic TOODX Aa cols (nck etchesd 1197 2ype 68) 2-7 BED laos ste) colt Trios Srcign. earoush “tt Gio elena for he {Sci vor aa nated ape € a4 090, Fete 0) ined a7-4 pH “nat “Faure “ested tom eve Sag ant aeniaiy’ martensite srictare) smbrituemet die’ ty biking Giving amnea Scstenin ‘was Wransortied by cola Toling. "fag Back particles iongaice Sola are miei x Te tek oe SS Sy ae “ Sey lant _ one Excoii 10%, pemoniam perulate lcrodyies 10% ammonium perlite $000 “aype €48 (AMo980) stainless steel st "88 CAM-390"gtrp solution treat ‘Same tu 1200 except, a transmis 1199 GER ote Gtilon Setet"attoay P1200 IMS cua Stine Edad cy coaea 3 1201 ietian mleroreoh a, bie 7 4068 ©) ‘and. coiled in-air The structure con hr et 160 PVC Oe Beata Pic, whic abun citer precipi at Se Lents fect commit af oust: (ek), Perle Cin, wity precated cnt unis o 9 fess and, Hie at cra MbaePae hn Silat ‘Normale the ferrite olees ‘at boundanks, ia’ "matln of martewile Gf acicularmettensive ‘and retained suclnd fGmtent of hiv alloy Tonges fam i0'to 16%,” and retadned sistent, See tio 1801 famonth areas in the structure ‘Types 633 (AM.350) and 634 (AM-355) Stainless Steel Ho pee eee Sp man ey Seapets ammenm, ute | SOO Cateye 10%, ananien eraaite | ax "Catto ston sind at 1906 ye St og, Ot aad 9 So Canta ur asoanea 1205 eit ee taee OD 1206 GPG ets ys aatar auenchad, L207 WP eeet sass cht Sees sonnet Wing ot ABE Gs EE aget2 at alt «Shes “Sine ae if ae Ft Gr eontiton BCT ‘Delta fete and te smarensi tari Seago uke Gale fee sconstea ibe inn miei" We, ORNS nace A sen ore cin eres 19 ewe net ee a ee at I at ae Oe sepa aene tae abe rc oan Bae Ste aes ie Be see ene ee ae fm ee cs SH Cs ©) a fa eee! st Ge at SP SE or ae SR So ey een le scl sene, 150 ‘Types 634 (AM.355) and 635, and HINM Stainless Steel ee oe * , ANE SF = a reper Smet me roea omen ucancen eam sea 51S nee et wen "TSI aS ge ana 1210 Regus caarasee ce, 1211 Pm aparen cet ag) 1212 ae Beeb akan Sei EE teale Leas adie eigenen | SSEPagiares ne mercheroness identasont” Sirngers tre batalel to the dcecton of rolling. uri of tenpercd matiente. Set uO" TS, NOs CuCl, M0 (tzhant 229) e00x ‘Same as 1212 except an electron malcro- "212 temperature 1213 Semen? GRAD aie carson 1214 See fiy G ERS BE ctire™ mare 121 repica, CHER clearly shows the’ fine. caroge Ueretio mais, with partes of austen pie: repli Biles Greeates eee was poascares of inate etn odeetes anak mart Bio dt Iartensits pualolste in the Snwstee {ath boundaries, er also micrograph 2s and at martaneits Gnas co DE san se 8 rae piper eer 1216 Fas a se SEMA 1218 pare ey fat nes eran dae © Becta eae ea a Seales nee" Eai: igh geo ta eg Stee met a flea Grivel, nammetalse Inclusions abd ‘carbide precipiale, reiuah caroide fst toutury 4 ing ta oabrk af aimee. See Tait "Grhle doch amd ielulons ia austenite tes, Evins Taqre® erica bas) Auntie wa Microstructure of Stainless Steel Casting Alloys By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Steet Castings* ‘Alloy CA-ENM (18Cr-4NI-0.56f0) ‘Aloy CA-18 CSCr-IND ‘Moy CB-TCu (16Cr-4NI-3Cw) ‘Moy CD-434Cu (26Cr-5K1- Mo-8Cu) oes aen sn Alloy GF-8 (19Cz-10N) ‘THE STAINLESS steel casting alloys {enenee from the slisteniaring Ver erature about 1900°P, or $82 C). The Enymntent’on a proper balance of tow ona proper ‘balance of tot safean content (0.00% max) and nickel Santent (nominally €06), These allows Stevelop maninram strength amd corro- Son ‘relstace th the ‘Quenched and lempered condition. Normally, they are tempered ata temperseuresately above fhe "maxium recommended service eure about 1000" (538 ‘Ch, ‘GBaicu isa precipitation hardening alley, cous ‘anaiopous, to wrought {roy li I eternally mare Mnlfe in botm the rotion annealed Geo C) and aged at either 925 oF 1050 F (496 or 988 ©) to develop maximums Strength and cesistance to corrosion. For commits It ce pace 6. ‘CONTENTS Alloy CF-9M (18Gr-1INi-2,5Mo) 154 Alloy CB-8 (0.080-20Cr-10N) -.. 154 ‘Alloy CF-8C (20CE-1INiR1CB) |. 158 Alloy GF-8F (@0¢r-11Ni- Mo-05 Be) Alloy CF-8N (2001-1 Ni-2 SHO) Alloy €D-4Mou ts a duplex-phase al- Joy tat In the solution ‘aniaealed con- ‘ition consists of about 65% ferrite and ‘Spar austenite, Te contains both molyb- Genum and copper. Tt is used inthe ‘solution anneated condition only, after Solution annealing at 2080 F (1121 C) Or above, cooling lowly’ to 1900 \F ‘108 C), and quenching in water, ofl or air (depending on easting shape and Intended service), it has excellent cor= rosion resislance and about twee the Strength of CFs, an atstenitie alto ‘ONWin) are austenitic. ‘They exhibit ‘maximum corrosion resistance inthe % improve. thelr strength. OF Ge-16P contain selenium, for improved Ty Stree ye ee Leer Dans eas achieved by rapid cooling from the so- ution annealing temperature. However, carbide in solution Will precipitate at Ccomposions of Stainlem Sleel Casting Alloy for Whey Merographs Appear in This Socian i TE Te Te on ot ae & LOmax 100 150 0.04 004 OSmaxia) Hine 18 18 38 Gt ose ex AE, IB IB BEE “aaa, attic, mart 1B 1B 3h i 3 SEeT B te te ae sass i ig a8 St ‘a See Le ee oe oe, oat SEES IB IB EE wie oot See ee i Ee cancion he dgnano pscase igo 300 Set caro : GWM LL) 987 190-220 275-308 780 150 904 094 178-850 2.00min‘cu(a) aaron gr iestonay eee fo) Go P8 KO. a fe Pay mili teh restora co ib GAS nA oe his EMSS So een Sa aia See Alloy CP-16F (20Cr-11NI- IMO-DSBE) occ seve teceee Alloy CF-20 (0.200-20Cr-1088) Alloy CK-20 (25Cr-21Ni) ‘Alloy CN-™£ (2iCr-26NI- ‘Mo-3Cu) 358 158 158 156 ‘erain boundaries when these alloys are exposed to temperatures ir the. sensi< Ging range, 800 to 1600 F (G2 to 81 ©), as may ‘cecur in service oF during ‘welding. Unless the alloy is stabi by ‘addition of s preferential carbide ‘former, such @s colambiur, or carbide formation is inhibited by extra-low carbon “content, the fiation of fhromium-tonizining eatade at grain rain-boundary attack. asity ‘Carbide. Formation Rate in CF Alloys ‘When carbon content 1s 008% (CF-3), ‘hg earbide forme in, 30 min at 800 oF {ood F427 or 588 GD, nor in 15 min at 3600 F (371 ©), At 12b0 F (€49-C), ear bide forme within ? min, Carbide aio forms at 1400 F (760 'C). However, at {his ow ‘carbon ‘level, the corrosion ‘ute, bated on ‘altrie acid tests, is low. ‘when carbon content ts 0.08%. (CR- ®, carbide. forms at 1000 F (538 C) afer 15 min, but the amount of pre- flpitate 1s tod small to aftect corrosion ater AL i205, F 60), ae 4 precipitated within 1 min, and eor= Foon rate and intensity of intergram- ‘lr atlack ineroaso with tne at tom= perature. Carbide also forms at 1400 End 1600 F (760 and 871 C), but maxi- ‘umm gensitization is reached In 15 mia F GG), and increased time at tem erature lowers the corrosion rote. "Ene behavior of a 048% earbon alloy fs sina to that of a 008% carbon at- log, Carbide formation begins at 400 F (Bit Gh, however, and la most intense at iabo F (64), AL 1e00 F (Gil ©), ‘orrosion rate declines with time atte Feaching a maioum ‘Molybdenum and Columbinm Adai- tions Molyhenen inereaoas te erie Side mere opportunity or earlige to orm im ferrite pools ‘rather than at froin Uoundaries, Te net eifect ts to Siereate tesitance to intergranular at~ eerigh fee anaea by other teres Drozioting element ‘The contribution of columbium, to general corrosion reslstance aid rest Shoe to lotergramtiar attack 1s unigae By forming columbium eatbide prefer- entiliy” thronghout the senatising ange, it inhibits depletion of chromium From bre austenite matsix and breelDl- {tion of ehromium-containing carbide al'grain boundaries, 152 Alloys CA-6NM (13Cr-4Ni-0.5Mo) and CA-I5 (13Cr-1Ni) steers Tr wee mas “Ein ai, pnnck men nt crag ate ee" 1350" Sa aig” Geet aner tesa tn we Se eeteg | 1220 anes Sand ela, Tdafe) ana terete ene) are ‘imiees low-carbon tareeite. See‘ els Mleroqrps 120. Sisley mate consists of ferrets: treed 20%, (GAs alloy, 2-in thick cetion, as eat 1223 Siienire tinct of lance of Terie tnd dark ‘bartllge ct cbroitum carbide Af‘peior sistem eras bouriacien, bre Mairi Ot Ruclensias Seo'siso 1024 and 1325 Alloys, CA-15 (13Cr-1Ni), CB-7Ca (16Cr-SNi-3Cu) and CD-AMCu (26Cr-SNi2Mo-3Cu) 153, Ss AEG sent 200) sean 00% 200% 1226 "GE st b-p-ry etn een: 1327 as ly, stig oe ang et 1505 ae ly amt nas treatment 9 aetna to aeenet omer on Bint tein wanes wat 1350 Sek ay acetone 09) Soha tm, ene tao Semalrieyuiiaars whet 1230 SEtcs graeme ate Paes 1231 Ayelet seule Cidade Oe Looe eM ERTIES sao wt Sats teamed SSNS ies oie ee ee BAe ees ano cea conan a SoS ES ae terete: 29 chrom a 0 oe" ‘Ch-EMCK alos, as cust Structure: Jagged pools and particles of ‘Game soy we for 1292, but solution treated at 1850 P 1006 232 Silene in file "Blade Spooks ate" nonmetane susone "1233 SSPE AMA eee aa saa raed Hee mee 154 Alloys CF-3 (19Cr-10Ni), CF-3M_(19Cr-LINi-2,5Mo) and CE-8 (0.08C-20Cr-10Ni) CL, HNO woe ate a 1234 SE-3 atey, tom-tnl seston, as care ork of fr ens cute anpeoiely va ‘ne mate of Sect 10 pein crn 1237 fame, au Ei and ena See on ecm ante ab ewe “cox ‘Same sand cust ior and gestion 1240 ge tt soit Senet 1 at S050 ECs Gaba water quenched of ferrin By te TE ase Was See cere med Os es 1235 | ‘aepoaie, tt Sauls cud arses 1236 She, ag © "tnd water a smeaehee Srepaae pools 2, yun ‘erste (dark) in a matric Salad serene oe tie dark ol as ate Of wumenite ht . Alloys CE-8, CF-8C, CF-8F and CF-8M 155 JDag Che alloy, ccmetnie sgrtion, os cast, Sitar 1243 Stoseon to ‘atl. Note inet chromium earbide regaled ie fers lands, Marie austenite See craic 10% C204 6 sare 20x, Ome ast 1 ‘GP-8C. alloy, solution treated at 2000 alloy, @ Join, bar a cast The 12M5 SRG MU ceUTY eater Guthced, 1246 Sethe cxite oe selenise pertces at 1700 F is foc Uhr, Columblum Clack! preciptt carbide a Se Sree oe eae Rae ‘Balai sbuctue’ ferrite in austenite fhe machining charactectios of Ue steal wee S, Shotace = a, aes ci ta ct ee 1288 Seen ts Cerin 128 Ae, Oo arate gaat ate rae OF aubleniee See aid Pfs alwolved; tenrive iinhds have re-formed, 156 Alloys CE-16E, CF-20, CK-20 and CN-7M Ale . . . ew test AD pte ai sox oma soe oo TO5T Chase gg sluts rated at 240 B 12 ©) and water [DGD CFB aly, a Ln bar, as cas ‘he suture conse of fe Geared Bietetce'cogtle estate petites ase SERRA ole alse tia t's Rubee of ance woh et spots) allan of erie’ kta ok tent ciptatea Warde pales a grain Souter . ve ™. Oana sep ett STi eae Tapa Le acinotie wecton 5 alloy and section thickness ab fat th bee 1253 Fig at cide precited carbide, 2254 SSE Suf*sclution treated at 2050 F 1255 Cy “pyeciptia fig acta sug ponie ulin Glee gat nantes cto) hy Lan ur ae Mont ct pul amas te iia aussie Sat, See USK’ precipitated exride particles haw dei hak Whe nc, Se TES - - . . “ Soo gee . / . us - e : wos Sect 1% Gu 6 5 ae 20% cis re wg KO Katie, a sie ox ame alloy and secon thicknecs as for section as ‘Game slloy and section thickness ss 1256 SE Ltt temied Mir at igo 1257 See"™ine atiucture cont of Mines L258. 8" Gul satan treat af 30, Fi gh atd-waier quenched Siricfre ste carbites “Uprdomioaniy hfomhim, antide) im ¢) for’ he Sd eer quenched ey Tracer ip bouarie of the recat sphacl 6 eg beanie ‘ats laced ohremum ‘carole parts at ere SiSlend® contri, Gc Gote are etustons "Ease miro Soundavice Gr the eteh-pitted austenite mtr Microstructure of Wrought Heat-Resisting Alloys By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Heat-Reslsting Alloys* Tron-Nickel-Chromium Heat-Resisting Alloys Nickel-Base Heat-Resisting Alloys ...... Cobalt-Base Heat-Resisting Alloys | WROUGHT heat-resisting alloys for ‘whlch micrographs are given nts Stcton are of three major classes" iron~ ‘ekel-chtomlum alloys, nickel-base al Joys, and eobalt-tase alloys. All these alloys have useful oxidation resistanice and creep. strength at temperatures above 1000 F (S98 CD, and several at femperatures up to i800 F (Oba ©). fn all of the alloys, 2 close relation ‘ex- ‘sts between microstructure and ehemi- cal composition (see table below), hot fo cold working, heat treatment,” and Nomina Compecitons of Wrought Hest-Ras Are Plevented in This se eh as ala dis) 2 Soe es stosexr F. Mert, Chehman, Profesor Ereritun, Comesiofdion Univeig; Dossato 'R. Berser, Senior Expesinental Mettlugist, Mareinle Science Taboratog. Dect Dies Allison Div, Geveral ‘Motocs Com Hexay E, Couuns, Principal Engines, TRW Me]. Doxseins, Ja. Senior Mate Projet Engiaes, Adtancod Matoras, Pratt & Whltaey Aucafe Div, iment Labortaves, TRW To Unted Areratt Coe, Roster B, HusciuNnORDeR, Eaginectng Asscite, Stlite Div. Cabot phar, Advance Physica Mtl Inngy Seton, Ladish Cay S. LEBER, Manager, Meullargicl Eval Corp: Hoan W. Koes, Chie Met “66 6 aA RH 1b Cea Me ‘ii6' 20 Mi, Bt ox 20 i i aH La OG HAAS. : 30°C, 18. 9M, 8 8 Ge i "08 G38 4 Wo ma ia is Ge Ea ag 18 ta serie G18 Or 3, Gea Boe co Cobal-tareallors 018 C, 20 Cr, 18 BA, 7 Mp, 18 Be, ‘CONTENTS exposure to elevated tempersture and {tb eorrosive or contaminating mediums, ‘on-Nickel-Chromium Alloys, Most precipitation-hardeniag iroa-nickel- Chromium alloys contain titanfum as the hardening agent, Several also con- tain’ aluminum, whieh contributes. to age hardening. “High-carbon alloys, Such as 19-9 DL, are hardened by pre- elpttation of earbige of nitride, or both, ie nlekel content of low-carbon Iron ‘nlckel-chromium alloys” is reladlvely high (usually, 25% of more), whereas Alloys for Whlek Dezographe eens tut ‘Go, ha, 38 im daw2as8320 5 5; sl ‘Sg82E ogke See 288 eee8 Sap: pilnwuesedeae dca! oe is an ee Tab bo, ts ‘on © 20 Gr, 10 NUS We cose 158 eee) 1 that of the high-carbon alloys is low- er— generally being not more than 97%. ‘The iron-nickel-chromlum ‘heat-re- siting alloys are austenite; am austen tic structure has greater ‘strengih at elevated. temmperature than. a ferritie Structure. "The austenitic straciure of he ‘itartumcontaining alloys Is de~ pendent on a high nickel content, In Some of the alloys, earboa, nitrogen and ‘manganese, in cotnbination with nickel, less than tagy te required to ensure Ox ‘ation resistance, um eateresisiing alloys depend for sion beaterensing lays or Srensthening on “precipitation “from fetid Ssotution, “In Now-earbon slays {ieee chan (10% €), teeoium and aie yinum confer age-Nardering properties ron preeitaginot Nn Me nn Me Ta atin nat, Preoipltadon is aetleved by aging 44 8 iltable temperature after solution ane healing and rapid eooling to obtain a Romogmeous “gold solution, “pHteat mt ‘auices to show evigence OC preeipiation “at, grain” boundaries ana tinin grains, ane: win reveal the Nign(eta)" precipate’ in “overaged ater: However, clectron mievostopy Retired Yor iaenncaion. of the Other agectardeaing precipita Tn. highcearbon ahoys "anare than 010% 'O), the precipitation ‘of carbide from solid’ soldtion. accounts for the dgechardenig reaction. Optical mits copy will teveal ‘eatbide partles, a= {novgn positive identineation by eliem- eal composition and crystal structure requires supplomentary techniques. ‘Nickel-Hase and Cobalt-Base Alloys, ‘rhe microstructure of ickel-base aid cobait-base hoat-resisting” alloys. Is ‘lsoussea tm the doction “Nickel Base snd Gobalt-Base Heat-Resistant Cast ing Alloys”; beginaing on page 181 Subsection, Lamp Metals end Components Dept, Generst Hectic Cos Jostra K. Lowe, Reearch Meullurist, Wyann-Gorton Coz J.B mans, Metall ora International Nickel CO Eats C, Rouonts, Chie, Metallurgical Laboratory, Atcospace Systems Di, Boving Co EAU SCHOEEER, Contain! Ste! Founder! Society ‘Welded Carhice Tool Co. (Formerly with of Ametica (Contetiy Exeetive Vie Presiden, Alloy Casting fastote): Ronerr FE Sovrmnau, Developrent Dent. Univers Cyelops Specialty Stel’ Div, Cyclops Comm FJ. Warur, Metallographes, Special Metals Corp. formed ‘Reseach Mella, Resanh sad 158 4-286 Fe-Ni-Cr Heat-Resisting Alloy 18 Ho 19 10m ate 300% 15 mf HOY, 10 ml HNO», 10 mt cele aid a lution annealed 1 Ix at 1800 F “4-288 sluiton ‘sanealed the 1260 aici etch oe Hine pepe 1261 thd tage Te we Cul re tats nar i eee ott toe 36 be, a el, treatment ca Bist) ool calng fot enking, AVEO gain Pes formed ny at one Ee A ae a a She, ess than 8; hardness, Rockwell B Bk ey ae ae ‘Sbiniecoecople precipitates in whe. malrix. ay xe aby Pear ete J pe ag 121 und corp eed oe wigs Cmes tape, Moran 328 Git: ted | 62,269, 1264 “are ae os & Sakic an gr an ‘ae ‘eulgng, Seng tot latte eg not vite, Hace & 318 irogeaph 126 lotates: ented” er Had he at"V36) Wiad) Gra Salsee cutuane atte cheney exrmacprie redpiaton.Harénen: Rosell © 8. Mrogragh Gh igh or rat 1S Pais G), Grain-boundary prespiiaiws have sontescee: overuped mals Gonialne headie-Shape eta Dace ‘Hurd, Rockwell B's 15 ml HEL, 10m HNOy 10 ml nate acid 1900515 ml HE, 30 ml MNOy 10 mi acetic acid 100% ‘4-296 showing Jomellar ox gelulsr pre. 1966, Weld ares in, 4-208 alloy (hat was iu 1268 iplivien ghia piace Gea caused 12 sectraint, Hote ating Eechiaates reponse raphe RSP A-286 FeNi-Cr Heat-Resisting Alloy 159 E € FeCl, SD eM HCL 100 mi CHOH XS FRC, SO mI MCL 100 mI COM 9X, 1269 Herryatiane ereton Tarn weld 170) Bae sheet thekray, conn alloy aoa ‘aad re ‘sheet 0128 fn thick, a5 "SBict es method ai for 120 bot this wecenent was iid in the ssinion tented condition, aged'for ie hr at igus Pig Grand ait es soruton, et a ‘Bee ira, nelow, Yor microstructure. 8Sted Bee roots, ‘aerostructure of wold area shown in 1979 Microstructure of wold eres, ra st shown In Tis above The wrpugh seructure ATIC at lett; the hbvous weld fusion sone (orler to in the ‘irveae ‘orboth)y at felt, "THe cast dendritic sging)” ls at right Note uilcrocracks at'fusioh: pronounced inact 137, a8 ate the microcracks sGochry of the'ifier Metal i at gt ‘ne interface. Goipare wiih hlerograph 1278, Ef" the fuslon-tone interface, MCI, 100.) CHM "2 : tea 7a Gaapiacria Aa es 1275 Hetil en mea & st ‘rain germination ‘the hot Datel pen was welded th solution regation tn the area of he bolt ead ten {eel ean oll gene em Uso, tp ee = ree OL EO Hi gn A288 1276 Section through an alloy A-296 bolt rate Tle Head. ‘ee ‘at getin ‘boundaries and: tm graina, of the head in at eft sn olcrograph larger” ‘ery-cfching particles sre probably "HC. grained area at rignt i the Shan of 160 Discaloy Fe-Ni-Cr Alloy (2.0496 Ti): Bifect of Aging Temperature and Time nine ie Shea LETT soma taker 1278 00x ayers a0 1279 Samo solution anneal as 127: aged 6 ‘aon Di at inoo Cons Harcnss, 919 ree so0% yereia sere ag ee = 1280 SEU 1281 RAVENS LM ATee 1282 St Rosana ede, BS me a a . ran tel < o- f . : . foe AN : Sr cnoe mt aren. ser PSE cane son snore ae ras TSE oane muon aan oe rr ag op sun scoala 287 soos 1283 SO aNPRMUMAMAET a! 1284 Sete ane ar arah? 1285 Seat maha a E aa Are reo fet of Deen ena Age soem end eng ty eae IA CRO at ae Pa - eile ras Dee Scena ot ome ak eens : Trancect umerican Society Vatu "50 C068), eet eingrehhiaa' Ee Se" Rloo FUG") as nce “creas medeal, 386'to S56" ak Vakume 8) 089), pager B86 to 1s CCommpesttion of lly: 0052 ©, 268 Mi, 14. Cr, 138 Min, O88 Bi, 0.18 Al 0.078 V, 20471, 838 Mo, rumalnder ron RA 330, D-979, Incoloy 800 and Incoloy 901 Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys Seine ers odie ae Ee ee ee ts ace 7296 PACS, Hamton anneaioa by oiing 1000 202, elution anmegled 2 bar at 8b Cs water uenehed, need F GC), air cooled, aged 2h hr ad C), a tonied. Canina, marie feniclope ana ietge pansies are also inkroazaph 29s, a. . TAR 25 mt HOU 20 ot metoral 7 a HNO 42000 "25 mi HCL 10 om metanat, Tm MNO,” 1000% ‘Same as 1286, except shown at higher ‘ea, S00" sheet, inl ennesled ond then 1287 Guntidtaton Gctinests mnanpnoiegy 1288 laa aoe eat Ch top 2 he od of carbide particles as. grat “aed air cooled Sieuethte ie esentially the skine As ‘ies ‘Note, commlte atzenge of site that shown in ia8T: eacbige aterain Whe austenite, math. despite the boundaries, “Ghpened™ wchin P2DD0-ne expocure at 1800 F100 ©). frais, of the austantue matric 1291 Eiatey 80 st, tp the mil-anpeaiet lect: Hn PO 1293. Sere as 1202 but at hisher magnifica. bent a roptiea eleelron mcromragh, The grain-boundary continents (MC of bi or Sa Cones low sect, ole eae SSL Gaanacprime prcbpinte fgamama: pete t's gama 162 1-155, V-57, 16.25-6 and 19.9 DL Fe-NicCr Alloys pore . 20x 20% RE! mutha, 17 200% Kalina reagent 2 tec NsIg5, solution, annealed at 2100" F ise, sauion annealed same og 1258 “Welt solution anneated ab 2850 F (0 1295 Miso Ma and water auenenea, 1296 fhon'sged's me at tes iee Gra 1297 3%? as Prmary enruige fice moh qigpersod poled. Preciphates. tana inis"ot "or 6 ary carbide F os 8) ‘wllnin grains; sonbe are at grain boundaries, Moc) av grain Doundavies and Within grains.” contains Tio ‘pasteles (daz) Electric: 1% chromic acid e003 ve acid pdt sper seuton anmeie at'100 To-f OU svt Solution atest a 1838 selon eopenet 1301 PG Re Gi ins nen wemperatare ex, 1302 PAT gy homing partial solution of 1 P (2010 G), aged 4 hr wt 1900 F (704 C) tecupew “aigotred a te eetentage gf the carisge prtcse Ghee and WES in the Bue” Mach foe eth ane SRS Bete BS ttre MY Coo nt “Gompur ti usmd'n ae siete cto at Se iover ioitin tanwniing lanperetare Uenpeatiee) sind 1900 eed ofeeaae ® aluon”atualigtamperiae Hastelloy Nickel-Base Heat-Resisting Alloys (Hastelloy C, C-276, W and X) 163 6 00 “tctoiytie: chromic a 500% Etetoite: chromic acid 700% SE Seana oe Sing eS 50a tatany m ope PEE, OE EIR (ote Narn 80) de ers itor germs sod solution $3 gamune Salt solution. ‘rir of gamma cold eolution ‘prime (mall) i gxininn mabe ae? PEARS : ecto: onic a8 coo Electrol: evais aeie 00% hey Saunt angles eas Sate let camer Se et Ee 308 AEE Dio, 1309 Sere MR ces 1510 Seu ey, quent 1311 Beeling Seti Pe ne a er ge cg ee Re Be Mint eM ltass iad Easels aes 2 de aides Peet eee cme a ae Shab Sk” A ERS SSeS na ed ° sei: one no ‘0x neous ovals a ‘Hustelloy 2, sation ae ’ _ "eee onan 312 ‘pesca nt AF tien 8 is 1315 ened at Sind PG Sy G.gedeain Souris ate fox ace aged st 100 2 (10H C) for GO and aged'at gob F GO C) Zor 45 and aged’ ht at Giwe F G08) ‘Hrtindury mir uprer's6- bia Mt tbyeetacion andish Hic and Ma"prite'wplenscuce fate gueeae ee Pee in anal & ™ ‘Miniysit hn gacama mate present in tie gaunsmatrbs. 16 Hastelloy X; Solution Annealed Alloy 718 1316 Basiloy x sluion anneied af. 2050 Pam co for 2 hi, 1317 ‘Hasilgy soln snnened 1 be at 2180 FCT ©), Ma ‘ater quenched, aged a0 ISM Ct0k G) for 0 hr. Atta I reduetion at room temperaur, aged yi ad euler! Tha preapied ables ceeded Mtgh Sows’ s oe oe tate acater ces SnerSHS Sad eedieuse a ni dblocattn genera ang pret und. primary carbide, (n'a marie of EAs solid solution. Si'Ries of inign dislocation density and adjacent dislovations, crn See mimmaee ve. sm to won, Seen sonics 315" Seen oe eat wt Se 131s She Sus, esas 1810 fs auy we earn an 1320 rahe et SE ath Sa Aare EAE a Ge ES ao 2 Ea eae teiee atric‘Of amma sold contin Soe T8i6 3800 Hchgamina solid solution. See sso 180 She aamma, coll-schution matrix, Alloy 718 Nickel-Base Heat-Resisting Alloy 165 Bs 10OX Elcriie H60. HPD, HErOs Jon, apenled st 1150 F (966 C) foc Lhe, 1399" alley Tie forglog, solution annealed at 1750 F (@54 C) for 1 hs, Otay suumace cooled 4s Sir doce, aged st 00 F (eo C) and 1200 P (O48 C) for 10 ofaNhG ek ch. The retruchre coins of eet pices hicks sd, below. gaming matrix. See also slcrograpins 1824 and 1326, Below. ‘ao guia eatin’ See ane tlcrorrepia Bu ana . SY AMES, sant a ee er, oe moe mh, 124 Gos Sa ee ct eee ierograph Isis" (oeiow cignt-grar ‘Gane eer and needieike ? RAGS MERGPE galt, Sec abo microgesph Pie. bek. econ MSOs HPOa HNO, 1326 Same ss 1252 and s324 above), but ‘etron microgeeh, of procinteed cafbie sad moedities particles of Si ‘G'b he ame alr are ow apparent. Ss noon prime, in the goin matt ‘iyeres Citra ai coiling, Note the cleat ama sata Soniton matrix Gamma prise aud aalube carols on, prior wo aing. Micrographs 1890 WO 1885 show elect ‘of ocelot ee et sm hype cont ee 1338 ged at 1500 F (816 C) for 2¢ hr, ‘The small partic sre gain Pere ae eaten nea ants ah es A a eevane $56 al 0% o E-10,stutlon anpenied ae or SOE GAG fo $F Be ava 04 gf “eet aru, Soundare epics electron microg: 15.000% 1327, freon: ¥-1, solution anseated by Rola 3 he at 200 Li Boundaries beat tregtmment Grata-bound ESoa'ef fine particles of gamina prime has mcreese. “income! 3-769, solution, onnealed ant aged ente on" 991 and chen mold at ee » 6) tar a8 hota she eed amanstatien patter of eta CNSED) , ‘Repllea elects ‘mlcrograph, shows Tage pet= Ppbndar? exibide esd ce of MC-at grain-tomniacy mare ond tana, HO M2800% HCL wIMAMa, CUCln HDs ASOD MCE, INE, Hy, 1366 Ue, goution, annealed 1367 9-700, solution annealed 1368 U-7H saution, annealed He dee ed a “aged at Haat atid “tye at igo F Gg GF sor toot be “Repucs 1000 3 682 Gor 24 hr. Erecibe sco ¥ (aC) for sido fi Rap fap shows acleslat ‘carbide ot gram boundari, lem electron shows duler Sabed eanpide at era ity, le electron maerraph howe pre Me*BLc Taf gala tra eatima prime min erm ct Cplated aes 0 gH ‘eundary, and gamma prime gamma rold-eniuuon matte jacent coarse pam frains of che gamma mate few dlecton mlecoprap "aici, So gamme matric gern prime if rains of gamma. ma "Some, peclmen as for (36, 1369 SaMa"e igner masuitere tion, to reveal ie Stage of eran ASE dhe" depetan te cet ade etent "to pain. bounaten Note ‘aiteboundary earide te me prime’ ingomma mae U-700 and "2 et 1370 So pS ey Ses a i sitar Ghbraene Soar 373 Ne ae, “ug ge ota a ‘egraphs fait abc’ S3, at ight “asoigy ‘pluton annesied at i376 Sie OS ioe Phat est, oh 8 HF ti a8 iy gue et St eso eee “or Bh a SE tio B Gen &) di ser, Si coe: Sete Beam TB71 Uh selon enpesieg ag for 1386 Astroloy Nickel-Base Heat-Resisting Alloys TERS see et ser ong ime eh perature Bt Boo Fees @) for 00 ana bet, shows bath ne parties of eleicon miroery Parte a gamma pre Selon dusts “sori pou at grain boungafies eh th Gains mats: rotons 470. ome cot See ee ee Pend gt i “its ating eensot 2 1398 PG yaa wet a Br puembiteen ties epee Se Eee sme alloy and heat 1378 BE i aoe Te sat cat erenneen Be ter Sentereee tte F TES, Petia aerate fy Se eee Teles met 1377 Same SIRS Sut aa aa Ser eatin, fo denen the gta outers Pile ‘aicies 32" tne etme saliaSaition Fost "1918 shows death of previiate, 172 Astroloy, U-710 and AF 2-1D Nickel-Base Heat-Resisting Alloys Kalina tangent 2 2000% Hleewatynes HiSOe_ HPO HNO, 1000 1380 fame, ators renee 2 . “sara solution a 1379 Sears e aHesoait ated atea gh asia Phot) Gy wx cooled, age ¢ ne a 1200 P cooled aged 8 “at Wied Btn) Sp Se ea’ Game e ang rearent 2cox Katine caseent 400% atings rngest 00x eating ramet 4 TatiO bar ongitudinal ‘Suine ae 1969 but et histor ‘BED bar onettudinal ‘ame spectnen 9 for 188 1382 fecim Soha agent 1383 egedeaton tngwmg de: 1384 Seti, tude eameren 1385 Sam epee eater 1 gt Clvacea hehe tals of recfataliged bance ent) at 80 SAT Chiond hr sad a magniioton, is intents eh containing gooled Se Srocansituerts, expecially the a ‘aur’ Soman primary’ cates in gammia mateue Game prime, SEB at te “atk prune, State Bonne SuCALTD, is in solution" Sieeaterieh gata solid slatien be ‘en i HE) a Hy ME aa Game specimen as for Pap, ouion “ane meas 3988 ut HWE" Shown as “E1388 ued at zese F Gim'G) 1389 Se rata: lon, fo reves the foe 2 hy ai oped aged at 1560 ‘tr cooled 50Cr-50Ni and Waspaloy Nickel-Base Heat-Resisting Alloys 173 a é ee : . See ess lo ectone Larmeees roe TRE amen io tama one wt Soe 556 mana a I35T peeime See, a, Gags wae arieng GOT 1500 SECA, ty LEST SOM ry, fh 1592 REET ree 1305 BCPA AS Ptah (982 ©) for 1 hr. Beructure consists: (282, ©, fot 220 ne Btruetune ‘High temper. Se eeae Bee aN Sh Ses HES pce ie ocuay {mayen Place Gistibution ‘teret phage be ight etehing. fare 1395 ecumelcs Waseiy,strucmee 7396 Hasan sation annealed 4 heat gear prea aby Gat Wve Ptloae C1 ot quenched. Fine poe” Eble paxiles are aiperted in ‘uoies of MC in gamma’ maleic Bee 180%, [sos ‘Sete alloy and best treatment ax for 198, but at a nigher ‘Same “alloy ‘and ‘heat, sreatment es for 1996, and 139%, bub 1397 idan ainguie pri, naan vem, fod ue | 1308. SP nt, atten tg” ile tara Soe caries ft tne gamma matrix, Seo also microaropk i886 96 The clean grain bolihdarie abd gamma, prime 174 ‘Waspaloy Nickel-Base Heat-Resisting Alloy ating reagent 1399 Warraloy solution annealed 4 he ecto SO. HPD HNO, 908 1900'F (1032 C), of] quenched, stabi 1 ea Sen pvr tad ett ets = Valine aan eh ies ett 5 ibOK Base Hi PO, MN 1007 3 ‘Same 3 trestment 28 Tor ‘Game alloy and, heat treatment es 1402 ese icfe cs 1403 Sepe atey.trd Meek aenetymincauin, 1404 Star ana°Yass yt sown at 8 ene @ at faim bouvearesin Sickel” magnitcaien, ‘Renin erica = ‘hives ai grein bourarles abd free a ‘not eneiRaoie af bot) a mnlcrorranh 1401." Sait besticles Gf eemns rie. HL, HiS0e HNO, oox Ela: Hass ‘bame an 1406 except at a igher mag "Replica electcon meragrapte of strut 1406 Siiclia “Which ehce® the helt” L407 tite Sh an ie rain, boundat structure to be oa alley depleiee sane at grain grain-boundary’ depleted zone are Ti rounde ‘Ghecin"eekng” Bee siso 1408 and Soundarie See micrograph 1, i icjog gama pri, Gants nals Haynes 25, Haynes 188 and Stellite 6B Cobalt-Base Heat-Resisting Altoys 175 Ogos ani ny ea wag sasten Skt TG Tenge a an a 1410 Exe Aims 1411 Baar Ps otapel tite BAD tay ant ge il? a & ge a ee ee EiGhanca are ERERSe Senge Smee St ne Elctraiyt: Hel, ms ‘iaynas iss, cola rolled Traynee, i88, esta raed ‘Haymes. ep, soution ane A12 Beato Ta Stale 1413 Mitch daeted at 1415 eed ap 90°F itt ‘tor 1 and water quenched. 2350 itv’) for 10 soy water and age at tet ©) ores abet at oes ae She Meee lectobyte: HEL 0, 900% "Electo: 244 HsCiC.: Kin, stain 00% 1418 See at GisS tia S, 1A19 Malad abel Gah G abe tog in bre feos: Rfeas around primary MLC. sbow 1 Geuterod-cuble "matrie bith Some hanging 29 blac. Mats ts foe. Senacoasisiose-pnoked crystals Pale gray phase, undentied 176 Elgiloy and S-816 Cobalt-Base Heat-Resiseing Alloys pte nt ns 7422 Sie alate oy, se somthin nas Pe hawt iy arae, oe mesa ssanan gota sidney tang a aE dba ae nig sect wg ak se a sw 1423 fititch tor The and water quenened, 1424 Ten gged i he at tuon B Cigo Cyne VAZS g3°G) Pater quenched aged It Roe CEG ce ats Cae Ase a pease i seec eels oes Eni! me Rae eat hEES Poel Ate eee Ee t- Ye 92 HEL, 5 mt MSOs 9m HNO, Microstructure of Fe-Cr-Ni Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys Alloy HA (8¢r-180) - Alloy HF (21Cr-sN) ‘THE MICROGRAPHS in this section* llustrate the types of metallographic stmmelure exhibited by ‘heat-resistant Casting alloys in the as-cast condition And “Eker “ereep-rupiure testing, for ‘clevated temperature, plications. of ‘these ‘alloys, the relerred to pages $83 20 461 19 Vol- Une 1 of this Handbook. ‘The microstructure of these, alloys iets atrong invence on Whetr per- discussion that follows correlates te varus constituents igeniied in the legends accompanying the microgy ‘wilh strength ‘propecties of the alloys, ‘Austenite Maistz, Except for alloy (ocr-iMo}, whieh ig ferrite, the Neat sistant casting alloys for which mi ‘rostiuetures ate presented in this sec- oe a Pa ee ag Bt Meg RR RRR Sees aaa Sete Snqnottna inltes snetion Som tae Fiettoe eaer eplatned Inve toprgnted Tlgearustogs ‘ot Hest-taistnt ‘Ailre by Bee a2 ee 2 re Eres BEML SS Dunany EAradioieterts Sennen ae aa cal Rane aes acest ets ake etvaed "ete mtcrataghs st CONTENTS. W718 Alloy HET (263-128) ., 160 Alloy HT (S6NL-I6Cz) .. 188 37 Alloy HC (2ecr-20N) | 181 Alloy EW (GONI-I2Cr) |. 184 ‘Alloy HN @SNi-21Gr) | 185 tion age high-chromlum-nlcket-Iron at- loys that generaiy are atateniie and Mommaanefie “Phe ‘austenite in the alr of these alloy provides use) Hitietiperadutesbrengen (creep rengtis or creeperuptire strength Iie Saccuately geinforoed by particles te aide and migride Witnoue earbige snd ning, the sostentte earings ibys ‘would’ Ieee “the -ewperioriy im tlevatne temperature ctrength over the Sexles 400 arouse sails seein Fern, We isalso eacential ine the austenite contain no Serre i the as True stcengt is tobe Fealed. "Tae Floke)-predominant alloys, such as Hi Ei and AW, are slaply aistentie over Siar ene comodo raters: ever in the caromiumspregominat al love, such as HE, Hit and ae, the for= tation of ferte fe fevored' the ratio {cr chromium te nice! ‘om the Righ Sige ofthe specincation range, and coh Serely is oppressed Tt the ratio 6 on Pe sone and gee ae atbop, nitrogen and silicon also in- agence tie accurrener of forte, Garo. fem eombined the carbide or me Ege phases ie not tree to indtence the SHecdre chromiameto-tickel ratio of fhe alcy. ‘tn this scpse, ow level of garbon Tor nitrogen) conten means flgher ‘Gheative “chiomium “content Ade from the tanetent enaracerishe fF tow carbon fo premote Seri fora flow “atid of hid “eerboa" to ‘tabiice atttenite, Shicoh, ke ehtomtar, roe ‘ater tie formation of ferrite. Fert’ at clerated. temperature is spit weaker than austenite ad tee Shes the cetepernpice strength othe alloy, but it dove brovide rector duce EG ao ong en ets sabe erste and Hot'a oure® of sigma phase fore" tho compan ot" engh allay ore, te compoation ot ade should be controlled af tie :oat worable "Oslanee ef the. avalible chturnium-to-nioce) tatio. “pearing” fring that: (a) althougtt Meh nickel Congalians of tr-Chromiam-Niket en -Reshdant Ceting Alloys for Which Mlrographs Breented i ee ee Bo oe ig aad oe 000 pat ET Mee, ORE,RE Mt 1400, F, (100 C)- Babies enrians Si lian aha ie ae Ses Mae dee bali roe ‘ated during: Feesing mold cooling, s. 182 Alloy HK (26Cr-20Ni) leva: 1 e66 105 sod cyanige eter of log MIE racine, ‘aire speetmen and’ seme_ general 1465, Sear hed Mole na Cy ena es 1456 SERS PIR GR hes cece Cheras acai’ begula ri comona seme sue ‘prolnsed erpeoure ‘ Bade af ueste ‘eh wp Sham is ‘octal are cuted by Ge ta nt oy tn ae 1465" ney tere rages tg 1470s aN sea Pea an, ee aes mpradincens farkbl Sivtee pate are Vie te ite a eR a Aenea area CEShacastie ES a es ‘Alloy HK-88 specimen trac 1473 Gilby at 10008 GS Ch and 08 sk (073 bapa)’ General cosroening of carte tas Serta. Bins iemwiar comtleneat and nite iiies, Rote cidalon "slong suite cha ward irom fact See a0 at 2471 Bent ag tea ta a ‘Same as 1408 but at the surface of ie ATA, Solan beset Wee fret ang, congue ig 10) ad at Che “Sorte are Sut ate the and”cf lamellar constant ‘ssure ‘ae sacar ‘SStene or ‘0x rot an alloy IE 44 ‘anterfor ot an alloy specimen Bactused ater 2 ae 2 Oh and WO pa CL? Gable utes have ccorsened. Goced Bee ‘irually cltnoated. Bramary eutectic cats ny outlined “AaD Fregture tn, am, aBoy HOE-35 ‘Roped alber1bt0 Wat 600 +, wo pels Mibuy. Note idation et free Dp steree, witn evidence of carbide chatn ate ‘gk ant xvod coalescence, Carbaniteide and ‘Eide are probably preeent See 1a, Alloy HK (26Cr-20Ni) "Fragture im gn alloy 2-44 specimen, 1478 ats ‘after “2000 br at 10 (92 ©) ‘and 00 ps) “Ta, ‘Mpa). Goatsenelt i ‘of “caroanitriae ‘Fracture ia, 90, 1478 Festing Shae obo Be ae ) snd indo pai, G1 MPa) Inetine boradre the frnebize, dence of fore deearbunation, ‘BAD particles ore probably carbon! aheerers sven, 400 suract ot 1481 Semytunem Samad of ind Tamenat constivatt cil be shen. tag, the sconday SRR hE Ore tate Tas oveurved within the fasure yeaa 250% 1476 Tie rise nie a be oP awe (ote ©) shat 1380 pst Gs Maa Wines “Got uitiae No laa Seidaton and ‘docarbtwizaton ot he sul eee om etre a gy Hs oe den ata gteees hee za a le ee it Ene ah uae Sk Sane ere ae 184 Alloy HK (26Cr-20Ni) and Alloy HW (60Ni-12Cr) ~ no oxen fo a aay mere mh ae ee Fume ee gael Sat Se oie Sana ie as Re BeBe tee sci Eee ae Soe ak a ee Ee Roei geese oy Sulwitamil arene | rractre in on aloy Hie Ries SEE Bothag rence ee a8 ave eatvon prcobplintad as Jamel. a a Ein cone HE! plur 3 mt cane HNO, 5 hi cone cl pits I mi core HNO, some sm cone in ml coe NOs soca, ‘deme us 1680 except a higher magni- a eee 1489 Sicteenrate cule atideeeracee 1490 Beat ee eterna, 1491 AY ts tea State eae tin, So ia fr eae Sucre at - interdendrise "emette Gatbiae aod posited te ion ear ‘Siitatin'dea Wdentiteation of metifuents "©" Some email precipita carbide particle BRD" ihe Sttstente ‘mftrie Compare 1a. Nay Cheers x 1495 Rote at 800 me al 0) Go ge as Me ie cacbite Saicenet h sed amounts a fate robertate deca ane fee oxidation ore. Visible in Une. yichity Of ‘See eo micrograph 1486, cram ri a ASB aA a a Bere i at aoe eto cee Seige oie, teks SARIS Alloy HN (25Ni-21Cr) 185 1494 Fasctg io aor 20 specu rape ‘Geo "cerca arse 30 al lt MPa) Guide antares fal ‘he. cored struct Bi ‘and Some conlessence ‘iat Sapiens ‘sons alone” cuted ent ‘eee 100% ‘Same as 1495 but at surface of, specks 1496 Ten" decarburization ond oxbats at surface, wih citectie cathe replaced br er ‘olag ee" oxide’ platelets are iMtaraperced Be" Jou s/s gone towing only gray massive car ‘onitride ‘in ‘he aurea: hike ‘eoroile $e mrccilates join these farther bow. cease ax ergo on en fae 1499 So Bete RE oe Sy ng, wo "Bal Sag, Biba Reooutaty abide Rave reaweoiwed ste austente EUGSAe cate oven comer Cah 108, Show the gray color of cxsbonleHe courted the “mructire, producing easbide: netwseks Some Dpidisiats are present nour the fracture surface. ‘Sheeran 1x 1497 Frctred fier 200 hr ae Som ECS 1) and 2000 pel 138 MS) chee i a ‘Sie dccarourbtion es scaling af the “rinse, ‘Gatoide purtcts-ato-present meat the purl. Salta of denies that at edge, = om 8s, ier 200%. 1500 Surface of an alloy HN sotctmen that Fupeared after #00, neat 2k Fo sd tonal Ged Sea Since ene ion Gecarvuriation, ead svusurfars exication ave, ‘Weceme “severe, “Beton the “suntaee, te Structure i similar to that of 1498 186 Alloy HT (35Ni-16Cr) ot salina pctssism fereynide ‘0x ot aang potactlm ferricyanide 20x 1503, Teter of an elloy FrT-44, specimen el alkaline posrsur feiyaniae 230% Catenion of sey. HT 1501 Aly, MEK scat the susie 1602 oy T-44, after bel iy guna a complex network of zee vente for logs he et 1400 F Edler being ‘creep evted 100k brat ulectic Sabide fhat outlines the Boundaries of ©) an4 SOD) pol La MPa}. Generel precipia- 1600 P (971 C) and 400) pal tS MPa) Bl Ge stita dent Ne iat whe ieee Sento, sgl cesure ih Zome tue aide at ng rate Pen, Hiviere “compare” SOE SMPTE SEN Geter Geotieae on” Riba ‘Song cutseustcarbide chai. Bee 10 ‘campare wi mlcroaraph He alkane porasium fersevanise 230% 1505 Silat that shown ingot iasanat 1506 serch tei stloy Iva" 'ut We bigner sarboa eanient G) and 10400 pel (Ge hePay, Primary cate it Fas egsed the Tormation of Sinry Se’ rndbork sear partcuaed th my ‘ited carbide, leo. the larger earbite shapes tet in Iba, Many secondary’ sre" courser ths ties ha 20, nave precipiiates uniformly Within the eral er alain pti, freee Tuteron of slog T=, cxeen zm 1508 7s Ge atta Paes cy apa 1509 chen ae ligt erie parties (107 0) and a el 1b BP ene tte is ie erp tor fang ae Flomernted Yo: jeter coutser ‘perc, For structures of Boy HW (6ONi-12Cr), see page 186 (micrographs 1489 to 1491). Microstructure of Nickel-Base and Cobalt-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Heat-Resisting Alloys Nickel-Base Casting Alloys Coball-Base Casting Alloys NIOKEL-BASE AND COBALT-BASE neatcreaisiant casting alloys for which ‘icroprephs are presented in thls see- tion ae Feated tp the mrousht nlckel- cnpages 168 to 1 che metalaryicat am pages ea = snd microstructural characteritice of Bota mmougne and cast alloys are cof dered tn the following discussion ‘Mahel-base alloy, wrought and east, aspen Soe their strength on the mech ‘salem of ealld-solution hardening and regghston hardening, aly tid a ‘With the exception of Hastelloy B, all alerel-oace alloys Droaented ‘here on {ain from 6 to 23% chromium, primary er oxidation resistance and suttaation resistance at elevated temperature, but bap for solid-solution hargening "Phe maieie of the niekel-ich solid solution Is designated gamans. The br dominantly solidcsolution alloys do noe contain sigaiieant amoucts of aiuni- Som, titanium. or columbtuim, whch [otete precipitation, put are mation Uli stredathened. by the dimersan of oncohrent carbides (MC. McC, MasCe) and the accion of retractory metal sloments (molybdenum, tungsten) and Intertals tearbon, Boron). ‘ine strengtnenimg. of the. precipita- onebatdenfpg alloys depends on the formation of & cokerentalapersed see~ main the game mater in the Wrought alloys, the desired disper Son is obtained OF hot Working, sol tion annesting (reading the soll slu= ‘Por commiton lat es age 197, ‘CONTENTS tion above the gamma-prime solvus tem- erature), coolme ata rate. chat wil Fesult tn tetention of the slid-sohution Structure, and. then sais atone ot more lower temperatures: that favar formation ofthe dispersed seeond phase for phases) notably gamma prime, ‘whieh Is. designated Nucalcth), and Ha GWT. Other elenients are soluble In‘inese baale phases Formatign fe cond peace many of the cast alloys begins in the Tiguld stare: therefore, tution anne: ing, impossible, Casting conditions (Guperneating, mold temperature, pour= Ing’ ime and tooling rate? iargely con- fol microstructure and "subsequent Properties in many of tie casting a> faye, precipitation of the second phase Ib edsentially completed when the caste Ing is temoved from Its, "0old, and furtnee Heat weatment is often Ineffen~ ful. Other alloys ate heat treated to omogentze, Yo nullify efests of dite Sanoe atrengih er ductuitg. nn ce oF du “Because "complete Te-golution does rot crcur inthe cast alloys, the i= Dersed second phase and tis 'strength Soing effect are retainee in these alloys SU Dlgh service temperatures. ‘Gobalt-Hase Alloys, Pure cobalt is al- Jolropie and has a phase change from the Tow temperature epelion thezag ‘onal ‘lose-packed) to. the hight: perature alpha. (face-centered cubic) iUgot'® G3). However, coball-bese Sigetatloys are designed 40 huve 4 sta Bilzed facovoentered-cuble mati at al temperavares, and any reversion Of Nomina! Composit of Wet ase and Ceba-se Ment ein Cain Saepmtnec itenag 2 Pee a ee TekelBase Alloys 12,6, 28 gr 4t.nn,2 On 000 62 AL 0812 . 1 ult? ict ack bart i x deta Bi Se Bh Py th = BS 2 veo 19 ¢, 06 cy 23 8 8 aia 16 ce OPTS Te ESTA a {OIF 6. Gr, €8 05.178 Mo, 26 We, ed 045.6, $ Cr, 19 Co, 25 Mo, 10 W, 1.5 TL 55 Al 0015 B, 13 Ta 0.13 6.1 Gr, 15 Co, 9 Mo, 85 W, 06 Cb, 1 TH, 54 Al, bag ae vam 18 mes 0,1 C389 Oo. 82 Mo, 8 7 429 a, aT AEB at-Bor Atpe 025 6 2 €7,8 8,5 Mo. 34 2 Go a . 0.80 ©. 28.5 Cr 105 Ni. 98 W. 00) 8, 2 Re B iyo : a Preeed 188 195 the matrix to hexagonal-close-packed tjatat structure is" anesrabie. ‘The Sips are characterised by relstively Rist'chremium conten (18 20-39%) Trinepally to impart resistance to oH” Ration ana sulfdstio, and eocondarity Sa\p carbide (GriGh aid Mle) former Bnd Sole station strenethonee. Other Slements common to the alloys are car- Son tunesten tanetiom, tania ad Breanne for, soléotution strength Ging and caroide (6 and 320) fora Tone “Snail amounts ‘of ‘siicen end angenese, for improved caldation re= Eitaner’ tho boron, for solldsohuton SHenstkeaing “and "boride formation {The carbides are seigom inaty comoo- Minas chemi, furgseen, cantata, llgon: Srcoatum, ‘nickel and enbatt Fay a be presnt na sna parle ‘usisidenum, although wsed_exten- ssvoiy” in aiekel alloys te sed only Sruntaely nveobaltchaae alloys stances SEyris cobalt alloys, tungsten °s more teeta los deteimetial salbough several tenmically feasible coherent” pres pitation syatems have oem developed” for eoball-base alloys, her Save Rot been able to ekecfly “auth the gemnacprine: ‘rengthenea wickel-bade allors Eompared to the wrovght alors, co- altace coatiog alloys are eharacter- {ned by higher eentents of high melting instals (chromium, tmngaten, tanta, Ekgntom and airechlumy see by higher Elson content Both. wrought and Sor allan However, depend tlt tenet ob the elsperson ef complex Sanuides in a hiehiy alloyed nati ‘Depending’ on chezieal competion and Rent mention, te mlsrorerutare SP cobaie tase aliogs consi oft Sopaiteich aoliaceoltion.matrx sone fRining carbide wiehin graine end at frais boundaries" In the cobeh chor SSium-earoon aysiom, MiCs and. Meo ie common te ratio of shremiten 0 arbou ln this ternary syne mipor= int in determining walen carbide wil Drefominate "in tore complex alloy Bisteme cobalt, tmgsien. and) maybe enum replace some’ of the chramtam intthe. earbise ‘celina a8 tanabum (80 19%), and Wlanlum and stroman Gess tat S85) dorm carbides of the MC type. Wolgbdtinam “tnd erngetan corm, Ing cobultchromiomncearton alls hor tne content of either element te reat enough" toae Wt ono longer SEbsadite fer ehcomiom fa Be 188 B-1900 Nickel-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloy watogs amt s Jom tangs meet 2 ta 1510 3000, ar a 1521 Ge ploy and, condition os for 151 Pike oh gamma. sods a Eat ada” heer oaguines {rte containing o fen igutcetching carbide par ight-etching carbide parties eve depend ait WeeTEnecipteeeh amon rine Gee QGii wean pounds Fhe te creat wi sud" asiz' ror Getaus &f the fh Frains is gamma prime. See 1512- I Jae 15 Bei shat moi casting ‘br snd endian ‘Bip shout mets sasting, ‘I ]6 Sumo alloy end. st 1513 gritte react eoinog 1014 SPme emp gms comaeg 1515 Bite ttnndes Meee 1516 Senate sot us eh Re sruelateefnalts oF shel higher omeoifaten” Peete aeciir at ied ae tne it eh gamma, soleteniscion metrbe a) OT is ae grein the gacbide Moeaas deta af pact of He Fema “abgreee tee en Eau oid itary ile’ ana bee, aa presale arts sit Maat 6 gh ohn prime Carel vise) See SS” Penn eas bod are void Bee 156 Rica in'ene gerne mek pled (ot essa) 3-100, uncoated (et) and aluminum costed (center and ight), after clevaled-temporature eyeio tasting ta an 1517, 1518, 1519 Set of tanta fel cotguaton pre Soritcing G4 sift" wei saee appara gus testing an at sensed reting to rrs0 2” ie Gy a aan tr se Sled by hentng tn tao F Ta an ding Yor? man tod te crag a {or anin rie surfoce gorverion shown ip wlctogropn 117 Gedt) resuzed tm sing for ess tay 0"has Tins sustuce cation sayy ia saath Abie Genter) sevlted from testing for 80 he "The surface corrosion shown in misrograph Vas eight Fealied from fertng for 60 Bi Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, and IN-100 Nickel-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys 189 get Ne Fi ' Sad cag gS ye od pm. a BE BOO PLoS wm ooBets BS om Bins 9 ee “a iS etovie no roma wl 0 swe: Mochi ae wax Daa pemie ay 208% Suc aoe ald 3 oo te “Hastelloy Cas cart, “aacteloy a 1520 Beier tawdtoe Ree 1521 MENG ahd Nitin's) 1522 Bee outta See 1523 Hetahe, ses'p ae SS i gam Sui anand for a Sider eng Cg gran dss Shands for 2 hr and tater gueached. MC fa Germs mates ‘Secale eames mati fh Ee gamain mots SF game Manis maga aai’s reagent ‘0x THEO, we ont, Srna we eands ace ‘Sato ag 2506 but at higher maynifen: 1624 rime etesse) ean prone, ep 1525, Een atane content A) Borner bers ey gomiaent ws) prectalea gute eutectic “gamm pre) dar“) frais micro Bie ther oneal x aebiby pewtacie, pestle, WALI. Dupes cle par. Mary eae Dre ENGR aitoaplen estes, Meat hi; maarse iene ‘gown tC. amine ‘yeiriygocinine tary bite. Bs Sihtkelh'gaisins'Eeo‘hlto i615 and Ie” ecbltolod gamma prime (D). See 1558 precipitated gamma. 3 Perce oe Seno Wiha ne mem aneat TOE ESlaummstnpe mois. TEs espn aae sas ae 127 Hila mo ri aonte ae 1528 En maaan aue 1829 Te nara ek Eepptale i pring okey gis me ne Ao, cperacd carbide U8), and’ pre tof and oot nd primary Ene gamma ratre ‘puted garvin prame in gummma matrix Srecitated eumata pine in gemma motel IN-100 Nickel-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloy Nek etna Hd; 1 wiser g83 TONE Siene tom ocag ES) SSE WS leo ony 1550 Benatar aD 1st eR vee wer ee see Bille wn au ae rae Se EE ce A ai eda aaa RL ye seat cera Pa 1881, gamma prime in the gamma matrix. ‘rime in the gamma matrix. om biliary, and prectolated Shima mate Boe also 4800% HEL, ethan, Cath, HO) 1533 48-100 casing, eld wt 100 » (27 6) ey een rs Ty Hip ti nua etme» aS TESST tn ng 15S BEETLES GS 15 Eke eaaae nach 1656 dla an amas 2 AMR co ia ae erie ae eee oe aes ae Soa hae SENG Maa anhnae rigogran sowie (. Einerging ftom “car ging. feo car Alloy 713C Nickel-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloy 191 te f ty . ‘remo ext stam eet en duox poebehemitbed tm ingot, 10-tn_ diam. 95 cos as. cast, The, MO arrange ‘log HG, as oat, pattern 339 intel Badr “bone soit 1040 ee BG wtscte" pau teenies, LOA Spomein ie fiten onteming “script” MG. eavblde in a n“iSkt for'a tandem peltrm nt carbide ture (oe micrograph 1010 for'a ‘script pateera ‘there dendrite arrangetnent, 2 at pin rid chase GFea‘ilel ihe matrix s gum sola eaten Ee x one “ate cut set eed rae, oa ee gate ae YEEE SES no, oe, ein os 32 RE oe eae 1848 A A tt Cas) Lae ads Oe ah ee et a anaes = a Bee Le MSs eee mente aN Ee 2a Re FE hae etm oh maple “HE sg tua 2 Spat a ie meek 10 Borman ere SEE Pati te Bet also 18 192 Alloys 713C, 718 and IN-738 Nickel-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys gel . ° A 3 A « ss ren py anna 2 se tng wate ST sn tox ner mal death CERRO GE Aone Sat Ree Se ee SPL, SMES Bea pat rae el dee Abs oi om ° HEL metro Fes 230% Hlecttie HS. mathe! 2190) ‘Aor THB, yncrum cast, solution armealed fi ‘RERIE casting, after noise a S51 35 at goed Fiitee Gai este Seas 1553 hide iets “or ion ne ‘peated 1" he at 1600 F (O82 G), Me comled, aged reo, dhetein mleowtsh. Since g's a aab) Fca8_c), ale nied ehrueaire: Saststs ‘cf suunded “gumecprkee Shale precipi of iene) ayer hese Of arn, ao peer fies ha “gaint metic Compare Sr'the gain madre, Compare wit, Structure fo micrograph 1585, be THES Be were tee erat colle TESS EES a seu apne mae’ 1560 aS ae em St priate, Sr eutectis, ‘gurian prime ite sepieh. eteetton mo 2 P Tina oh hed 26 nF lauds (hoy at," dpersed ‘sarbige shoving “SaaS alte pregpiatca gah” ea,” He) sein ‘etn ig {ghown at B), ‘end preelpiated, saumine BaP, Ne Graph. Gams. prime pectilos in gama the atric of gama sald solute See 188. anh he" sinaller partieles formed in eRe MAR-M 246 Nickel-Base Heat-Resistant Casting AUloy 193, sites rnget S00, Marbies regent 000% Mace reagent 2g cas, Structure cpas ‘Game ay 1997 but at higher magnifica LAAGRoIe 26 casting Beld $0 nr at 1580 Behe rine the 1558 fihn'and a replice eecteon ;, 1559 Fitea' oh a coaked Gram-boundary Ree ee Ce erie a Eee” line tt gumicatatrlt (B). Compare £060 @ ‘persed gamita primer im Qhe gamma tats: Easting cooled. more slowly £fom NMUGus. 509x HEI, ethonl, HiDs TL MANS 24 casting, nei af en ¥ e252" Baye alloy and ineatmant 4s fr T8H, "i Eh for e000 ir cThe strvelure consists SSPic 2 Eager magninention A rep: cf neeatolite parties Of MC, Sime lca transmission cleeston mistorra ae {the garnmaematrie. Soe 3) st conaits of Meediaike particles of MC) and Fight tor better roseluon of cans femme. prime’ in the goonenn saatric so cn hn went ere sae a 0, ap Since mg ok, ae a ace ae een se green ine AED sieath P SPST ate eset 194 ‘TRW-NASA VIA and U-700 Nickel-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys eee, HO. maar 186s “TIVE-RABA,VIA 1s cast. Ricky, Ieht G7 Sept alloy end Soe REMC EE EE ce mati ee See Binoy eemme etna pe anes resent Toline’s rwogent ‘Seine ely end condition as for 1688, Pome stag sganealed ia 1569 for actasbigher maifeatin white 1570 ya atsiere at SS Ba sgpaly aoe grtige paracig” aes ray som: ©) fo: 2 hy ferme cle to Sie no, ‘Saran br Sele eee ae J on ie Bee isi Hal wagnt lines resent 250% 1572 U0, casting, gotution 1573 Ga" Suc “ebhe Neha a 1574 SihtaSoneresion, ‘testing “ase “Tit, en 0} or te coe Sete i “ie "yun erin Feuer, tox Sy ung esting fut an 45 pet Yc, nas renga neers ‘xgrals are carbide; matted qrolle parusles dispersed within grains. avnthetie cea ‘caste ‘abun Brine, See inlerogreph 13. Six Gzurrien eorasion products a sutiate WP et Oy aS gue ‘tsaiuider i datama’ ss pein Stes Haynes 21, Haynes 31 and Haynes 151 Cobalt-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys 195 1576 vas neni st 1577 arasaum ne, 1578 ast og precip: clecton merous aed Sha neds ar eat Shit gral ot maine: See 2618, sete: HCL SO0x etal: Het 579 Emhaa Femdse, 1580 Fan PSE AS ee Ed ‘matron, cman erat ng tn SRE we : cre fonts SRO ite Eye ata a SA one Sut ELIS Serahireeame Smad ie Ge ue pial oe ESA” Bae ee a PAR eens 196 WI-52, MAR-M 302 and MAR-M 509 Cobalt-Base Heat-Resistant Casting Alloys atw's renee 100% alles regent 1588 irinaey ot aueto c garcnes 189 Seaton tn ihe The oti wy grip Hd MG penile tga wpfta ere lance oro petry fleets earl the FEN he eure of ce-er-My soll faut, crys the Gey, ase MC particles: co ‘See’ soto or better ceralwion of constiiwenis:” Gent within grail of the Makrin'e Mist rae aveu-the erie oo SEIS aie aca Xe poland oa etched rom 1590 Satay Me tpebtine ia geph form 1591 Retlon’ dosent mephlony ofSiG 1892 H-Iia “2icion “nag ind "precftste form’ in’ the “dentine ‘ipha ‘ant. "and precplated Mot. (ahadowy con: tice) mata: bioSty Moc: Rit Go, Co sie Sila olition metebe dace-centered. cublo)ysttuend) “in the alpha es) matrix teehal pretbitate: Yemen Min mab 1593, 1594 Mane se tne 1a acca dt et aie aes ea referentiaily along carbide grain boundaries, Micrograph £594 (right) shows an unaffec Microstructure of Refractory Metals and Alloys By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Heat-Reststing Alloys* ‘CONTENTS ‘Tungsten and ‘Tungsten Alloys «1.20... ‘Molybdenum and Molybdenuin Alloys Columblum and Columbium Alloys... ‘Tantalum, Tantalum Alloys and Tasitstuma Cladding .. RomAcroRY oTALS, fp, which rmleroqiaphe ate presented 1a this sec- tion ineude "tungsten, molyodenam, Simnblum and tatatuin. Several oy mmoditeations of theve melats ace. als) ‘resented. Microeraplis cover WrOoght Hivalures of prodcts developed from mde mefaurey compacts and {font fs made by felling and casting. fngaten, Wiousht produets of tung~ smn meh ao wine and shee ae devel- hed iltaly fom hichsputy powoer hat ispeessed ur fort compact and then ‘sintered. Tne tintered "compact Inay be fabeeated directly: which is the More, common, practice, 6 it may be ued as an electrode ina telling proc= a ouch as conramable-electode Fae ti.are. melting. Micrographs of both Scere and weoughe beoduets are Pre Stnted nt seco ‘alfnoush prepared from commercial~ wpe mod wrought tang SP producty ana especialy those tee Sn igtnp and eletromie-tabe applica onsconin Gre oe tore, sal ad vee "Doped" tungsten ta prepare srt sal amounts of alatine silence ht tominom oni es oe ae evaporate sn sintering Le ing deflation reatdve amounting to Bout 10 ppm ‘Boping intedses the ecryatalization segtafure, of tungrtgn by aba) PPUTPET changes tee reoryealized rans froma equisies to elongated and ‘proves telsance to ereop ad high {ahpersture ceforination which Stas Sential for the tungsten wre awed. bo Meandewent" lamps, ‘TRonated ton Hen an alloy ‘normally. contain ‘igperion af trom 03 to 20% TOs, Grener setname fo upact ana vibes fn in lamp dlaments and. improved Hemionie emission #n timgslen eal. fe "aeetvonie. uber "than unalloyed atgeten. OF ihe. solid-solution allows, petlans he bedt-known are those con” TGing shentum, te Wneseeneraenican oye presented in ths. section are oped, cubit higher electrical reas= SRY nan amatogedtangsnn 20 are ‘idely used in Alstaents. for ‘wsobo- Erp Basho ighdenum. Wrought. products of aolyiensi ate. develoned irom (pow ders that are compacted and sintered, Sintered ingots ea be tbtented 8 ti Purieaton ‘of lgbgenm i= Sinsjor problem, however, ana consol ‘Hor consalice Ue, se page 17. Reteacory Metal and alloss for Which allroprapts Are Prowse 1h Ths Becton = gure, BE Bec cee a nt 28 0) S0W-BN-4C0 ° iden ea ey Sra ae, 058 © "Tungsten Alone {Clamabium ane columblum Attys columns) Bias dsp vat gD. Eteacnbe Dh Goiady Ab He Ta, 010 ¥) Series dia ary Baris toig tres o Bo tla wet en 62 ©) Beso 20 Poe? (3a, 1 20) Hoag Gs Te 10H, 170 ‘Wesols GOAL 143 W, 2 Ta, 15 ar, 05 TL Goisss © ‘enealum and Tanta Alloy ratios tantatum En GW ap. Poa tbat gap, am oy ‘Tantaliee caing aagon kp a_i achieved concurrently, by vacuumeare ee aerreha a ae See ae ee iiSdidee orien conta to ae es Les ae made coed i A, ea See sea Siecle atte: Saha aaa ae festreuiee Se ot Ea ies “aera HO Galea, Royle Hees Geen ae NTR Peale He ne abana et jes Pie Nea See ace a Coa eee ae Encore ane ae a ee ea oe arc rae dees Se ee ean aoe coi fie lea ant Sata sedate Eiesgorams wedi ‘the melting point, hardness and density Re ass ita 198 199 200 ae ly between those of pure molybdenum ‘Ghd those of pure tungsten, Conversely, fas. the wmgsten content is increased, the workability and machinabitty of binary ‘loys decrease gradually from those of pure molybdenum to those of pure tungsten. ‘Columbium niebium) alloys were developed 19 provide greater oxidation resistance and. elevated-tomperature Strength than were obtainable with the Commterelally” pore Tmetsl. columbiam oxidizes Tess rapidly than the other re~ Tractory ‘metals, Although no ‘single element can be added to columbium to ‘make an oxidation-resistant alloy, eom- bination of several elements wil pro- duce a wide variety of oxidation be— havior. Many of the alloying additions that improve oxidation resistance also hhave a favorable effect on ighstem- perature strength, ‘Combinations of molybdenum, tanta lum, tungslen and Mesnium serve ‘se polld-colulion strengtheners wien Aided to columbium; the ternary and Quaternary solid-solution alloys exhibit complex. strengtn-temperature Te— Sponses, Seeond-phase strengthening 1s ‘achieved by controlled additions of zir- eontam oF hafnium, or both. These ad- aitone “develop. metal-noninctal y3- ems in whlch strengthening results from the formation of zireontum oxide, Of ef zirconium or hafnium carbide. ‘Tantalum. On an. industrial scale, tantalum, whlch closely. resembles. co” Timbium, i produced im ‘powder, ‘oe sponge form and 4s further purified in faiiet the “solid dr the liquid. state Solid-state purification ts accommpilsbed during sintering: liguid-siate purifica- Yon, “during vacuum-are melting or electron beam melting in high vacuum, Consolidated high-purity tantalum has flza ‘been. produced directly, by) the thermal decomposition of a halide, such as tantalum bremide (Tae), ona ot ‘wire, Unalloyed tantalum bas limited Maefuness fn high-temperature, appli; cations heeatize i has relatively low hot Stength and Jow resistance to cxtda~ an at even moderate temperatures. "The elevated-temperature strength of tontalum Je sigmiieantly increased by aloying. Additlous of up to about 10% fungsten or molyedenum are, effective In sold solution, Additions of zitcon- bm or hafnium to ternary alloys. aiso contribute to solld-salution strength- ening. Alloying, however, does not sig- ‘ifeantiy Increase oxidation resistance, 198 ‘Tungsten and ‘Tungsten Alloys TE an pn cee em am py ae tema mae nem Sse pe ee se cated eset 1595 Saves awe uns; 1596 1597 Goemarses ie ak: 1598 Rema staatt sogernetine WG! sy eb Cee RE ry oA igen sce ete eek SES ESP Gea GARAGE LPS ade omeue Marakam'srneen (ee) ‘00x Murakas veaget (06) 200% Murakami, reagent (rod) 2 ‘Ringe "wire (nob, doped), OOYTeIn “Pimprten ‘wine (oped temp grade: see ‘Same grade and sue of unesten oie 1999 Sm eancric A and Pion Gy vor 1600 pital Ti bine pac soit: 1601. aR ote annie 1 in 5 min. Sulyieagetalne, ‘eta grain.” tn, alam: at dom Detormod:slonguted eras, Uo00 C), showing start ef ostlalieation ‘Morskam's reagent (moa) 200X. Murakami rengent (red) 200% Morahan’ ranger (nd 200% Same grade and sce of tungsten wie ‘00i-in-dlam wire of doped amp ‘Thoriated fupartan wise (x, ThOD 1602 Sig Tnigraph “bh, antenice var 1603. rade Rineitin is 9 Si, ReMtnseated 1604 Tei rar Pmt al aa Foro min ol aad yan ©) The mbrogugeins for § mall ah APF Ge). annaling pro- a rerellagd shuetize of ac! gram soe E Tecntlallzea! gains ar “Angercocked™. Guccd's reerystalived ailoy struatare ‘iny blaek spots are Tho, incusoas. 1605 Silica: it'e BiasG) 1606 Soe sera ae 1607. erned aft ating 2008 Sa Sch aires 40 mp, ‘Slew Grace Badequnte eal density Light wrens are Sngnied he ngaich of eanguton cence atk Abed “irl esrien pacts. chal Ee ee Faia Diex "aad ino* c f copper-niskel sul lute. ‘Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloys 199 Mra eement 4 sce ej Lely aera aa, wae "re at 1980 Bolo G) tar Thm lan “Smaller, seollon Partly reerpstallized, See wrakorni's reagent (mod ‘200% — Murekern's renaont TT 200% Lactic acid, HF, HNO: o0x Seren pease TESTOR oto coe mea anu wend YELLS an, on co ores 22 SERS Wubbeeae 161s Resto a ahs 161d aE a ot cee SoA LGR GR eae cron enue tar se Mahaney rae ert a ele 2M alley, “aMo S9W alloy, cold worked farton. Seruce Bete isiea by eating to SOE Gt SY, fislon” crystaiod etructre of alongs ‘Recrytalised, equated pois of sll Santen, ‘Unauiered”columiium, consolidated 1618 Victuears mating, esidrolets and 201! solution aenenind fer oo min The corgtaleed grains! lace dots Probably cause by Interstitial, 20 m0, 10 mt HE, 70m HD by holaing st 3400 ® (lent"C) structure onesie of large Yo- ‘are purities, egicd 1cbr at digg F dis8 C1” ongituainal Ean, fm sonata Columbium and Columbium Alloys ‘tenant os ter meropraph 1623 Q Pa.t alloy tube, tin. OD, D0I0~n ‘wall (after 70% reduction), vacua ae ‘aolg‘sotution mat ze Teerystallzesetatns (ASTM No, BA). 1MUra™ rasan precipitate ks probably ZO. te, enor TESd2 alley, ermente Feda8 Gin acum 1620 Te, onl 5 HF HS HO. 38 Hem 3a IO, 2 S05 all ein OD, Naas-tn, wal 1621 Fohet be eduetion). vactum smneated {ht at mom ¥ (ate C)."Tangiiatinal section. Botts soit Hin wish cecrystailzed gains CASTME No, t. bend= ing! Iotregrantlar peecipicate is probably ZO. Ys atte ae HF HNO 30% “alloy,” 0000-inthlek sheet, 1622 Gi? sotted’annesed: Longitudinal Reerytalgeg “cmelrit Nastia gered nein Hf. ak Consisting i Eng GxOih formtéd with iaereiial impure E23. Cu ag, tin ther, pate 1623 Soret tanealad abe eyctre ges ets cated ‘Sci srraling of She tame pea Ps that recent in mlarorras fed (cutzey (cb, 10 mt, 10° W. 1624 Si0 ‘sitiy sherk, 35 ap. thie, omuealed at 230) F860 G; “ar he Longitudinal seetion ‘The ectystaliped grasa fe 19D Gal cer ths iloy ahd’ gondion. cea ‘onto. ale 1625 Sit ertion anicwsled 1 at Boo Plata Ch. Conrsee featns toe fn Barticee a0. Ze. Stiginal aveln boundaries 1626 Sana Saige ooo meee tick dinghies, Want "ox | trachea, wt, ciaey Fo tm, ae 1627 Seated ir ghee ©, aga Tie a 2a Fm 6 feats duper ringer Wee HIGe, 20. and v. Columbium Alloys {ones HF HNO. 10 S20 15% HON 16H HOw BH HNO, 62% HO 100K 10x "B-60 alley sheet, rolled and ennealed ‘Dat alley, sweee-torged,2-i.diam ‘Game’ a0 3028, bu tubeequenty nested 1628 PSs ses ts soled ans eat. 1629 BS ag aE ob Uae 16S Seacang Rink San Piet Oar ‘ure that Splat foraloy ang conten: e2id 1 to. Lengtidinal section pear conter of ber, 1 hr and taen at 00 P Sig ©) for 1 he. Par” Boel ga end partied secryotallieation. " nongated grama are soverey cold worked. "fiat reerytalleaton ina cold worked struct. x 180 Chee HNOy KF 50% 10% HF. 20% HNO, 70% Hi ‘Deli alley, sheet, ova rolled, ond an- ‘Co-id) alloy, eal rolled to 957% ‘Co-782 alloy (Cb, 10 W, 25 Zo, hot upset 1631 BSL a0 chek GG ena ae: 1632 CELA Rca TM we 1633 GPRS Matas Oh Nhe mntatctie struchue sow Dura) recrpstaiontion, B Gant Go Completely teergetallized. shows pattil reecstelisation of erase, 750%. [areieed 8 is share qiyural, MPO. lace and evi acs, HO T636, 1637 C3019 (00% ©) ro. in. diaieter longhair ph 1838 tt) c annest 400 F (1801 ©) for 8 be. Whee dota abe prucary Gb cartyge, bck Lines ‘Shnicture: ate Co-rieh brecipeate (egcundery carbide), Sie ESE (ean): Tecrystalied maksin with sivingers lution annealed ae for loge, then aged for @ Rr Fradietey, te sien earbiae particles uedclure is star to that in 1698, But contains more Cb-rith precipitate, 202 ‘Tantalum, Tantalum Alloys, and ‘Tantalum Cladding C ae eam me ectiettn ey mee ae uae 0%: aus qanaum aneled a Yod (oeat top). : Stat iar a ‘alerogeaph 1638 (ett) shows. cage of me cane Ts a et ‘ructure consis at Es i Soktan, Wieconcaph tt (eign) shows, Sect aftr anneatng = PETS to cats Moore ie en re ‘ > tex 1642 i 3 aa 24 soled. Mlerograpl 163 et) Wan WASP GN oh Sain sae, ASE NOs RHPHE, Hi 260% 00x “Rola aor (98. W. 24 F091 Sections rough interface between, hee 1645 Shas, Gees, wicenietiermwcar® 1646, 1647 hn eed apy en uta o> rh tr ae mcronracare const ARTOC bs, gre 7, sl ate (ae show) seis) a renee eine erate of “he {aatelumcoppe fnised tie; ao Bresipias & presen fie eee ae de Sera han “res, mai Microstructure of Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Alloys tren, ren-Graphite Iren-Copper sy up sr portly > are res By Gane oP eae a 2 ean cis Se ot Erte Heal athe a Bae Ea iene ire tare ed ea Bee Sune paar as arog oad aa Soe a cia setae ena See cet te ea Soa le pede Seer Ba ola ea ae a famphite’ powders Ci oe Poa ae ee tina aes Set ea ae A on poe ceeaisara mee Eee er eee hae ieuiae aaa eens eee Ea st Gir Guess Ae ne feos Stara ieee Emus at Maus ie Pe ne inant PERN Abani! ihe eee a See Dea eet ering en cin sonar Ga erage athe fee Grae mares ene penta Eire a reer net eae eae and comblgalln of carben eit, Iron, (e) spheroidiaation of pores. "The onde content of the iron ts an Important factor in the reactivity ‘of {he tron with graphite. During sinter. ing, ie major portion of the oxide must be feduced by the graphite and the sin tering atmosphere before the ron and Graphite cam combine. ‘To ensure high Feactivity:wita the tron for rapid re- ‘Guetion of oxide and fast carburization, Sine graphite powder, free of silicon sects Spe Wig ee ater By Arman Brosue* CONTENTS: 208 20 Alloy Steel 208 Bilect of Heat Treatment carbide and having tow ash content, is hormaliy used. although iron powder ff low oxide content sot roquived, it important fo know the oxide content, Deeauve the graphite adgition ‘wil have tobe large enough to allow for reaction Sh tron Sr au estore jere_and sul Ienve enough to prodce Bie desited ien-casbon aloy. ‘Apart {rom bonding, she Risin factor afeting “he ropertion of. sintered ‘eel part is the amount. of combined Sot ene in The se tea expansion during” sintering. is direc Proportional’ to the amiouat of some Einta carbon. as with tolled stool, the strength of snterca steel increases tap idly Nib Mnerensing combined earboa. content, bul’ a insklmum is reached ‘eat the eutectold content of 8%: be= tieen 89"and fox. the sicensth drops Faskdiy ine lero ay Ths ios Ste tool haat ‘eicbon content of 08 to 005%, She apni dation greater has Soe." Garton ose se controlled. by maintaining the earbon poteatlal of the Sintering atmosphere at 01 to 02%. ‘he the sintering temperatare of time to “inoreased, sbhoroldieation of the pores causes the atrength of & compact Ao'continue to increase after carburaa~ Gon of the ton to an al-peanite sirue ire “ia complete “andthe. resulting involves (a) s9ld bonding ot ison 10 fron") ou? Gonding ot Gopoee foi on, (©) smelting of copper, a) sola Gon’ ana dituslon of copper in, sold Iron, and ie) solution and preepltaitos of ro in iquie copy ‘Av the usual svterlag temperature of go to aoso F cloud te TH Gy, 7 fo 208 sopper is sofa in ion Howeren with thbPcopper content and the us intering coneitions, some et the wol= fe (ete micrographs, to iti, foe (ane lcrogyay oie), ang eam auaoive aout 29 fron. "The solubility of copper im iron de- craases. with deereathig” temperature ‘the isan than 0.1% at Foor tinpera™ tute, ‘Therefore, copper dlseolved iy tron a the slntering Cerapecature must Shltate ut the compact i enoled fnutdeniag st Paster cooly lowets the femperaiiae. at whlch the’ precipitate gum, whlen makes’ the. precipitate finer and inereazes its hardewing efect tice mistograpas teal and 18836 sren-Copper-Graphite 207 208 208 ‘The solution of copper in tron causes gzowth of the compacts the solution of iron in the free copper causes shrink age, These processes go on simultane Susiy, with” sotution “ot copper pre. Sominating only in the early 3 ‘tering For example, the adai 75 to 10% copper causes ‘significant oe cee eet Hea eee a ae Serta ete Hrs ae ote no cee oe ana cm uioaee i ane retical Bases Soe aera a focienetipae ae SE He ie aitie aa cone e Tele Sf Ale Shot a Segoe i a a ee ie tay acne Be aL a ea Swe ee elas ea oie Wb cite at SEE a engin. See a dts iat ates niet ae ae Bickel in guid copper, and solution and diffusion of lekel' in solid tron. Diftuston “of niekel” 1s. comparatively rapid along the susface and along grain Houndacies, but sluggish within rain Nickel often diguses incompletely, Ing areas of austenite that arc’ visibly nickelrich, ‘peri ing normal cooling from sintering. "gemialioyea” salered steel usually contains nickel, molybdenum and co} per powders that have been partly al- oyed during comreduction of oxides (see iicrograph 1898). The diffusion of cop er snd molybdenum ts relatively fast, Béereas the diffusion of nickel 1s slow: ‘This teaves cumerous nlckel-rich areas of sustenite, sometimes surrounded by Righ-earbon martensitic areas, Fully alloyed sintered stoei usually 1g made Of atomied aloy ste § ‘Hardness values Were measured, and are reported here, In Rockwell B. 204 Iron (Sintering Temperature); Iron-Graphite (Combined Carbon Content) 2% mat ar 2% itr cox 2% kat Jeon ponder, mixed ame os 384 but eater ‘Srp os 1608 ond ed ox fame as es 1648 2g" WT fiyceane ‘and 1649 signers 1650 Setcigest mg aierea 2051, i cele oes prea tk ay ofA pee for 0, at Sato Gg Gy. at neo Chai Ch Te bande at ae E>Utries. Bales fee Bi aiepresed condion ‘the si Many oonds fave formed between articles a66 more noe Sidon” recain® ae Eien pardsie are comaieey pattinen dae smiarg, Bu oie Mwrotsand'eeaTre Tham in Gis) fennel arn wath Inkroumpbs lois wo aa °°" Boros ota) are agains Ee oP burke have ooetsran Ale? SME ne ee plese carton amu of penne tse) i teato bal (56 MP eae Gr “3 pra lus876NO, ‘he sete om ox Geplrst pcos HNO) SOK Comte, of Whe are hat orgnges apd x devered, in 08 to 84 Ml specimen as 388 2656, 1657, 1658 Fp ins ©'Se¥ Snsnad ert: he She gh tine 1659 Soi'thown at bireer mage astite (black arees are {Poteet feng un gerinsed, ta B10" 0) Mw, Marge “role pea eat a Frapn ett leant) 95, Combined carbon, rusting inte Carmetion of sree cementite ‘wpe st asain he fae pes ares, hic reduces thy ransreretuprure sang 970.0 pat abn tng). gusdeuce newt ot £22 Sambined carbon, wr the nest tat tw networ€ of fee cansentce has become eoatbiucuse wetting Sat Wegtin en hs See Sano "Seino bol od Mu) See Mitowraph ale for 8. calen iew eae of Iron-Graphice: Effects of Sintering Temperature, Sintering Time, Cooling Rate 205 4 05% NOs BOOK plat pur OS HNO, O04 perl US OSTA HNO aan AN plore SOS HNO BaD pr et ateed ‘with ‘Same ac 1680. except he Same af 2660 ang 266 ex ‘Bare as 186) fo 1602 ex- 1660 TE, raphe premet ts 1661 Ssterag dempotatare was 1662 Sor ie 1663 ‘ae Lg per ou om sinienet 3o min at increased’ io a0 Coss O). was rita nied FUEL Ch, was inereates ta “Sd PCIE C) Bas Geel pears Preombined Whioh result fn increases m par’ Thin "furtner inex a Sitio 010% combed “ears Sonlent of 09%, an ewentiay cit) ile bonding and pore spneveiden- Ponding. pore. spheroidiaation, Ride'dhre’Aunsrerccrapture Biturneretecvupme’ Wtengih''ts seagth or 40a pot (a6) Mere). crowd. to abput. ey fd ‘Rlages apo pat O96 MED). BLN pel G2 MPD Gomilinee carbon céntent, Qs." SaPey- Combined carbon, OF. Memnnetenne ee ees te ih i668 fie & Paucar: 167 Sate gia, at oer ‘min et 2200 F 2 C). 206 Tron-Copper: Effects of Copper Content, Sintering Temperature, Sintering Time mene mex 1672 tum accor 1673 Supe Imo as 1674 ae A deg ri Geek el ign co" Eegina ni at inthe clssotved,_ onthe sarther Ine Natkod est tat ng the: tense attengeh to 900) on fasten tae "gon (Gray areas) ite ree Giceneth 'o'91.000 por is “pay tongilo serengtn to Sebuer whit) orteghs Tepe and faling “hardpe fo nt a0, rw fre ite cpoer fe prenk, pe, or 2 Mew): mel More et ‘Hardie, Re t'potes atetiace "present “Sco alo 48a anea™ Sei): Goo micromapis Bihides oe! 4 Sot me de ot tim wo tte ee TGIE epee nimi TE ee 1676 meet cee wea cr 1676 SeasaeeTiaat wae tte 1677 Sema ceecemenins iba Crna Be : SMG Gan iaianas are ware mga arm Slee Sst ae © Fie 2 SEE SECA SARA AD Se i 2% nial 10x 70% 70x Msture of 62.5% on and 7.8% of Same os 1678 except sintered for 30 ‘Same as 2678 and 167 excopt thal the 1678 Paiterestas pondars pracct asia: 1679 Ste cseaterentrasere peer wes ase 1GBO Siea AP Sniered eSrak nia de tere 5 min at'2000 F Cia C) ‘Some copper ds- solved jn'the, iron, Winct aeres solving almost all'cf the, copper, This resalleg folve the bron (gray areas) tach fee cop: treneun of he angered enmpact to 34000 pa in Yuriner mmereacs ihe ed Der (onite) remaine Tersile stfength. INDI pal (Id “MPa), and” ew ee Eopper remainea, the sintered eammpect (Go 35000 Pt, of Al Gide MPa’; fardnes, He 6. See 1076, 600." which Increased the hardness © He 20..Bee 1650. und the hardness to Hs 3))- Ieon-Copper (Cooling Rate); Iron-Copper-Graphite (Copper Content, Sintering Temperature) 207 700%. ute of 61% in, 2% copper and of oab int" C)- aot eon fo, rogue sit yetelterergctizer presence of eau retard” 52 Gifston of gaprer, Teasils pei U46S'MPa); Shatdness, Re fo! See me se a 46 ae et tn 1685 sme tan on hr HEE opted tat eee ee ea i fa ° Pa) and the harcness Pa) and the hardness to Re, oom ere rune ees me seme gv, nok TES’ seme pure patel TERS genes amas wel TESS! same ow uo 657 ears aE: 1688 Sema? 1609 sapear Weta Ut 1600 Sape SORTASE fecuh Paleo: Sandee hci sewee Soy MPS) 5 aR aan Gi coi ert wet GG, z dies Beas ance avg, Bae ad We ore a Seis cees cua ae bag ee eee a TEED, MENTS aed nies Been EE oo Ete MB Mth Sin a . and 160, ardness 10 Rot Boo also i500.” Sardines was mdfeassa fi iat 208 Fe-Cu-Graphite (Sintering Time); Alloy Steels (Production Methods, Heat Treatment) 0x T6O2. Same, as 1001 on in wg cope, dbsoived te ran (arer, arena of the: Bes 2 ele shea a avait care cope fmerensed the ionale strength nto. HeBaand the hordoess 65 Re ik Goo ite spe wt my 10 a tnd ‘sintering Fon, 96 ere il Henican er eicae- Se Be EE Oe, 7 Sompuct, fh TeBA, whch ‘Was produeed from sempletly anally powders 36 ital 2% ata 700% 700% 700 1697 saree capa 1698 ica fom tae essienhutte ten. 1699 SSR SdH Sie cater has Gee am oa shtml: Steve etx tre, ml seed Oy Fran of Yay foe oad cath oe ‘eal & Tally ef tarts Compare 106, 6. puatia and somsequeny a lover hardaask"” Mnegabes, Uo of carbon ing anager Microstructure of Magnetic Materials By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Magnetic Materials* Silloon Flectrical Steels Iron-Nickel Alloys. —— = Tron-Cobalt, Alloys MAGNETIC MATERIALS include two ‘groups of alloys that require aistinctly dierent (essentially opposite), ag relic characteristics, Magnetically 5 ‘materials have igh permesbilty, 10W ‘energy product, and minimum care loss ‘extremely small hysteresis loop). Per- ‘manent magnet materials, on the other hand, have high energy product and a EER tact Jaagnelc’ materials, see pages 770" to Jt'in Volume 1 of this Handbook. Magnetically Soft Materials ‘The most often used magnetically anit materials are ordinary lov-carbon ‘lee! such as 1000 or 1008, flat rolled lectefeal steel, Iron-nlekel ‘alloys, and Fron-cobas aliys. Petes and gaenets Taw-catbon steel is used for Jamina- tione in rotors and. stators of low-com Pecirie motors, generators and. trans- formers, Mlcragtructures of these stools are presented tn the section on Low Garton Sheet Steel’ which besins on in thie volume. ab rolled electrical steel is silicon steel of very low carbon content (gen tally less than 0.2% and. preferably fess than 0.006%), with silicon content Funging trom about 05 to 45%. It is ‘nidom supplied to a specified chemical itn. Although the composition (carbon, “manganese, slicon, "suifur, Peaipho-us fang ‘siuninumy” may be Tmagnetle properties may be widely’ dladinar, Gepending ‘on the Drocessing procedtire Some common AIST grades of elec tical steel ave listed tm te table at the cient, with typiead silicon contents. Other conditions being. the same, the fore lose decreases ag the sillegn con tent inereases up to about 4. ‘Silicon. suppresses. aging, promotes grain "and facilitates grain Grlentalion Cortented grains reduce the fore loss). Silicon contents of 25 to S55 are most widely used (see micro ‘raphe 1701 to 1789). “wlerostruetures of both orlented and nofarlented electrical steels. are. pre fenled on pages 210 to 213, The grain= Grlented grades are produced only in thlenesses of O01, 0012 and O18 tm, sRosenr F. Mex, Chaney, Profesor Bratt, CaroegieMeilon LUnivesy: Jes G. BeNFonD, Associate Research Cansulane, Research Tabertony, ‘Uaited, Sater Seeel Corp Davin 1, Bowiay,, Rewer and. Techrology, Armco Steel Corp; Grtsent ¥, Ca, Technical Sti, Bell Taborstories: Guavanr N, MANIK, Sopereior, Applied CONTENTS . . m0 1 M4 Alnico Alloys 1 m5 Other Permanent Magnet Materials . Pull orlentation can be achleved only by the use of a carefuly planned. se~ ‘tence of cold rolling and annealing. ‘Slreaks of poorly oriented fine grains, ‘occurring in regions of oriented silteon Steel" sheet ‘containing higher-than- Rormal numbers of silicate inclusions, Soeate peaks and coercivity in streaked nd in normal arene. Stringy of inclae dion Sewaients nsar the middle ot a al fom steel sheet are associated with ol- tes of the sheet that resist recrys {alization and retain an elongated grain structure through the final process an eal. Sheet segments that do not cons iin’ such strings of inelualone. might etain elongated gain structures neat The center of the sheet tlckmess ater Sis Ask rons anal, but Rae an laxed grain structure throughout the Glekness after the final process smneal nd develop coarse, weil-oriented grams lem secongay ieerytaugation re ‘ilcrographs on pase 212, of wl Bares and fee ond 029 ree origina ivan article 1 Janie atte vi. *fon-Niohel alloys Specla) requirements. are met by the tse. of ronnickel alloys. "Sometimes, Magneto Maeras fr Which Meo ‘Ate Bronted in Fs Section ‘Magnetioally Soft Materia eB gecriol eel «typ 30 tent set (Up 29. , Bese set Boz ay SEE Seetncal Steel 3p 10 BL 03 AD ‘age-aayt Becta Go wow (4, 70s rem Fe) Peemaney Mumelal (MES Guy 13 Gece FO ‘Vanadium Permendur (49 Fo, 49.60, 2 V) ‘Wicket erie Nb sPee 09, ‘Gamers Ge se seep AlsPosDeand Sisters Permanent Magnet Materials ‘nls 60 4 8 24.68,3 Oa zm Fe, Bi Pa BS RAG ES TGs param erie Gao creo) Bees Sable (65.6 20.5, 20 Fo) Finan (88 Saniora he Fo Visatoy’ doce’ Gs) kn, 10.v, 98 Fe Soft Fercite, Hard Fervite, and Garnets 216 aT 218 amounts of copper, chromatum or molyb- Genuin are added to 'increane statin] Tour of tie most widely used ioneniek alloys aze-iven in the table below. ciontashices ot nese logs are resented on pages 214 3 Buguetie. properties are obtained by annvaling foveral hours in pure dry 23” Sogen to lower the carbon, sulfur and ‘Gaygen content; te structure 4s faces statered-cuble aolid solution, Tron: cobalt alloys are ded because of special magnetic characteristics, nota ‘iy high saturation induction, Romtnal compositions of two Sey used alloys fate ven im the table below, ‘Soft ferrites, produced. ‘by pressing and sintering’ mixed side powders have moderate permeability combined ‘with Righ volume resistivity, They are Teed ininductors and microwave. de= vices, and as computer memory cores ‘Atypical system is NIO-FosOs, Garnets, produced from cxlde pow- dere, are favored over ferdtes for ab- Pllostions suchas microwave devices Gamets alto. are used in “bubsle™ ae- ‘ices in a emersing computer techncl- bey (ope micrograpiis 1767 and 168). 4 fpieal system fa SYsrSreO. Permanent Magnet Materials Nominal campoaitions of the perma- pentmagneh materia fpreshied tp fin are given In tbe table at Jefe ‘SF these ‘alae’ material, Alien B's the Most widely ‘used. Alnico 9.18 commercially important because, of all {he Ainicos, than the, Righes! com: Eihalon of energy prouet and cows tive force ‘The seven other permanent ‘Bavacl ae ope tale see taed for spesalized applications ‘Usstal magneto properiles of cast Alnicon ate Attained by nesting. chem ‘rabout indo F (927) an cooling owip in avmagnetic field, tolowed OF ging at-about 1030 01588. @)- hero: apy Ind 218 hoy het cast an Sintered siruckires of Bara Ferrites, Ceramic ‘permanent magast, ‘Tmoterlas, {(Biodeerbs Grovekesd,o1 POO, ‘have very igh coersive foree and, O8 Envequsl-vaight agi pave. high Te ‘Mitence to demagnedia Pysice Scion, Reveech and Deselopenent Coles, Carpenter Technology Gomi T. Me Mecunt Reseach ‘Centex Allegheny Ludlum Indus: Ser Ine Joseew A. Pract Advixny Engler, Interamional Besises Machines Corps Rosenr A. Scxaverse, It Plant Mela Tod tana Genes! Bi, Blestonie Merrie 3 Degnetee Corp. 210 1%, 2.5% and 39% Silicon Blectrical Steels et 300% 3% nal 00x 3% nial 3 1%, slleon, slectcen] sheet O45, 4g slcon fat rolled electrical sheet Same material, hierness and cold + 1700 Ue, aileen, settee dics Mm, 1701 SMS Eetatauty esa sours 2702 Soi ear ou in, annanied min at oo PGi@ Goin p2s-in, omnes a Yo rece he Gruss ealing ab ath? fat ©) Yor 3 le Ie WERE Gr ST aha Gklutbas Gisas "inthe auch of role: Gee ao Wz te), feria” compare sith mlcrosoh 10k 304 rial 200% 34 tal Torx 3% ntl 00x 9% nat 198 1703 Sae material, thickness, 1794 Same material, thickness 1705 Same materal, thickness, 1706 Same matatal, themes fold foduction und anon” ‘S50 cold rotuciion fs for gait fotuction Sal ansieal= ead. reduction, suteai fe trenbment ay for 08 then 1702, thet ansealed by Si tog tronkiznt” at for rah then creatend, and tapering ‘rolled (i0% edditonal nee duction as ior {al tue as pele ler Rader vee Has Bd) Too 2 min Ske Gustin Pegi write ace fatty fecraialieed \ferte, gram are duct Pez erate are ently tote GEL G) an eld for longa then “Some i ea. Some" gory Toe Seeause the ek ermlis GS ovitent oBSzaces” Seeing temperature wae bigher| Graike Wr evident at'amiace, farite ae vey ite. 3 tee ga mn st CEO Piiionse MES madi, ROT RE TAM, er Ger gaat et ter Heap ite oT cg ener tac eid HALE LOH Torin: Edie Seorstllued fercie grata" Solnatd mW ivection af ToD forgraia growth Compare Nonoriented and Oriented Silicon Electrical Seeels, aun Urata contrast by acre 10%, naa ‘lleon cold rolled. stip, OTT th. 3, scan at ro L711 BSE SC AIS ch thom: 1712 & Sfoualn' siractare of -C0)(OnTc thick apd then suceted at 1300 BG Bisa! Thott Raroren for" drcarburzation, letra Bia need toes aha ods ik sh and ab o a for geal ! i wel - oye at 1003S mPHCL Le mm ‘etl size through two stripe lke that in ‘icon at rolled, arte 1716 fertion tout te sites Wis ater 1717 Bis dep, sontnbousy cold fod fo zm, 200 iS pes gots, Hina, havea ge 200 # GHC Soe Sees ree a Daoud Guina grnur'l Yori wid Gobesan-teer oven. 22 Good and Poor Structures in 3% Silicon Electrical Steel 2054 HNO, then 20% NCI (aternated ‘5 HF than 10% HHO: T71B 3% Si see OIE HE ek, rade 1719 Beale sta, ot sled se 20% HN eer ee a aQuyeaaks 1719 eaten eet ge Gg, 1720 Laie ary aca te 4.2 nr, fenat a90 Fer C) per note fo 1950 C149 C) ‘in ary Nydrogen. Note etrceks F dois’ c'at hot ena ants, Br gry bydtoren: poorly. oriented grains, whieh gre. paral Eh a Geripetatore Slay ot sosondary gran irclon ot rou. metre of ova Sobrching ett edge of i roeehared oriented grape ‘Tfis eouaition can rat Gm tou ow FSIS Gh "Grais the typical, Singur ot btusons or from rotedrin seals © MAL ' fo crt pus 2163 rap af asin eer (9 se tan 3% “Fes eee osm tn ting, ng bot roieas ongtacinel sation, the aa me ne 12, 1721 elt 2 ina ‘C) for rolling snd reached 0.060-In, thici 1722 Seine @3% reduetlon). Structure 5 Eansadt Oy mestrlalont: cused facta pile neat hitace ighee ceased gata han equana Mat Senge pti, an Say Festa eum Ga "Sracaie tan yu peed Grp magne properties ce TAKES" gona" ‘magnea progres’ Bre LTE >on a ge “eens a hdl town 18 te suns of he cn te ned 1725,"1704" season a aa aes Beatty 1725, 1726 rape aang erat ad a amt ‘sun itimate magnetic properties gumaniea, al ‘Mlcograph 1724 wight): gatea grains et center age neary:foney megnse properties tes acai ae silenae ab ate suecnea wien sfngs oer, ia (gn): Blogged, rai a cenit a of afieatefbelisions ultimate meenee proper, poor ‘Scoivad with Intlunans; wemate magnetic properies, Do 1727, 1728 Same as Yr and 1796, then annealed 2 to 4 min im molt sie- 1729 SS! seel in 1728 after gO-nr box apnes! in dry 1 nan poet). mrograph TET ists Blemged gine at cones tee laps erstallien Git" tegoetc propetio, Steen T7Rt t ered ultimate ‘st sie, goa, Mierograph 1928 (rh)! Klongetea fatiy Sex gnnedied. showed no gtain boundaries, indicating ia Erni oda DnSulou semaine "oboaee agree reoperten poor” MRS, Mes Mint pooa orlentalon and magnets properties © Etch Pits and Inclusions in Silicon Electrical Steels 213 we wate Teo0x Fare sate 360D% Fare sltte 100% ‘hile teh pits Jo eubeconace grate ‘Sie eton nite tn euye-on-face grain Hien pits im 2%, seen stech, showing 730 Sag hase abecontace Em. 173L Siena eesti 1732, Nehalem vrihtaions “Phe hosaae ved ‘ot ferite, obtained oy ‘dleeton, mirage ‘area be onal pits have cubeconscorner ore Gehl PUT Oar nteker™* Y SereaG s'Stuhe grain of erie ‘herd hate ‘sube-oncedgs orentation- ‘ r ao ran wiht bs hoy kat “oe hoe - wo ie ‘ ' i " yo Fy na en 2 eS og os SS" acan-tewndary contamination “toni 1735, Hos tane t 3% tien eran vi to 2 a oer ce 7s Recta ans ial 1734 Game ee ee Ee SE Re ML ae, penta tis Tent Nan MCS ron gaia at Seatsatnd Ths rethae Tre ae cant 3900 F CoC c) Sitheroxige or sicon ‘trie Ce is almoult t sometimes fe present abo tn Severeiy ove ‘ralnorketed! ns ‘dsferentate with an optical mcrocoope)- ‘Sh shigon stee 00x hs eng campeon RS TS rag, 1790 ‘Ble ale rm a, as oe cen “in che tractive of 3% alieon eel Longiiudinal sect iste ‘con otf bolt Me MIEE GD oot oriented, Micrograph 1787" dat) After ina cold Tequcton of sel 40 Qoucin. dhsepeae Ml SSE On ee aatesliea trom Lise ere: Aner tral continuous anneas, eregraph 1:8) sight): After bigh-tembecinure BRAT sie hen! Gising'aaneolioe’ bitte during whieh the Stringer prevanted development of Tarde, well-criented grins, 214 Iron-Nickel Alloys “ te WL. CaChy HC Cu FeCl HNG> rehana. ater el Cue Fen HMOs etna "rme-Son cola colled sip, that ‘was “are-tON cold rlleg stip, batch ane ‘Same an Wr but 1740 Citattode Stiealedas toPe'Tiease) 1741 MeSH Rca ae SooNand se. 1742 ESeRe oe etal wa ‘ance cooled in cry rytrogen” Graine ate gzarse tains stew monrtenatie neecies ae tte’ cavbon Contant war low. See Li formation was due wo ine low carbos coke Mace age Aca sine "60 mi etagol, 15 ml HCL Sg Amparo Fett ‘giheoNt cold polled stip, annealed at 1600 Siee-soN} lamination trom ‘Surface, 0 SOFe- S08 eald Tied tp | 1743 Sign Toure Seuctue nee 1744 Soreivlae “eentinso 1745 SEs anneaica at ooo Few Cre saiped austenite” Specimen teas, Ipechatieally Pol- gold rolled stip. ansieslod 1 in vdoeen ahd eooled i the furnace Ste hed, electropolishet and elecirolybealiy etched in: Sis) Sti Gin fonsits of primacy recrystallized grains of isto rat ‘ary y ‘ia ai'denntbeesctnanal 280 mt perchlse Se, 10) furmace cooled Gecenary restylal? ‘The surface of thie epecmen aus Sesned an Al etnyiene elveal menobuiy. ete, v0) ued voi of etstene ‘without fntermediate preparation, and Sus Is Fo sues annoton cess vet eth, wo, en mir SRR Eh an, ant a : st a are eet 1784 tepue totem apaeaies Te af tna 1785 Sicko and aged Wee ia Fd cm GRE oie aed fhe ay 2G (ho) in ngage, Thief suceey, eer a genncbyindaty Continuous precipi of Auth Bui gcidrich sd "Bocce ; etal oc Boerteds icctropolnd in Grovasts targins Sigh conceive once, 30) HLBG, before shine) Compare 1s" "froth dapersion of Ane precip ‘mare Microstructure of Electrical Contact Materials By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Electrical Contact Materials Copper-Base Materials... Silvor-Base Materials - ‘THR ELECTRICAL contact materisls for which micrographs are presented In. lis section Include’ copper-base, fllver-base, tungsten-base snd molyb- Genum-tiace “materials, and precious smell than ave, Ix form, these faterials encompass tnalloyed nietais; Dimetels; alloys; mixtures of metals: mistores of a metal with 2 metalloid, metal oxide ara metal carbide; and Shetroplaied overlays Among the proc” pow- ‘Sons Weed to proguce OF pra ‘Patera are melting an cating Ee melaliurey, cul ravine, aneshani= ‘sl nonding, asd eleceropiatig "the ws varety of lectical contact matarias rofents ti many” dlfferent [Ehte requirements for whieh apecife alata ure selectecy for 2 discussion Gf sdletion tactors the. reader is re- fersee to the artes on lettical Con {ct Matenats in. Vorume i of this Hsnbeo (pages 201 to 810). fae meslness of an elertieal con- tt nate Sepens othe eectrcn) havarlorisdes and meehanleal proper- es'o! the materia aa these fy turn be closely tasted io composition and ipcostruure ‘Copper: ae Materials, Unatioyedeop- pervine coppersbase” inaterals are Widew eed be comact materials be: ‘hive of thee high eectreal ad Uher- ‘mel eonductvies, low cost, and case of fobricalion, ‘Unallored edpper con- eae prepared from prota pod Mis. or by powder" ‘metsiurey tees igues Additions of graphite or tong” Sion are made to powder ‘metaluray eintasts w texct aloking’ or welding, ‘Scigsten also contributes to. wear re ‘aance, In mustures containing either Eraphite or tungsten, these adaltions Ste pianay ibe in the mlerostructure "sliary age-hardenabie allove of cop per-and becyllim and of copper ad FXsomim, among others, are hore re- Seant fo dhermi) soteuing than’ un dibjes “engi ever, fernay’ ad fusiereary alloys, eluding those Sinisa edbale and beryllium, o cobalt, SME“ bee’ alog, he ‘presitate ao Ee es responsible for hardening usually, ‘Serva m the microstructure. sRopexr F Mem, Ghairaaa, Profesor Emerits, Camtsie Mellen ‘Uaieyion Janae EBenwers, Morber of Tecmnicsl Sef, Bell Laby ‘stones, Praxers J Conntncr, Quoliy Coatal Engineer,’ Stombe ‘Caton Corps Pauc Davis, Metllogaphe, Blecosetas Div, Pastel Tees Dow R Goss, Appliation Faginesting Manager, H. A, Wilson Dept, Engelhard Industries Div, Engelard Mioerals & Cherials Cos ‘CONTENTS ceceesess 220 Gold Alloy Matertats .... see wn TELL gaa Platinum-ase and Paliadium-Base ‘Tongsten-Base and Molgbdeaum-Base Mate‘tals 227 Materials; Rhodium Plate ........ Siiver-Bage Materials silver, which has the highest elesiriea! and thermal Eonaucuvity of all totals, is a widely Sted contact Material; Wis bso. used asa ‘plated, brased. cr mechanically Sonded overiay on other contact ma erials—“notably, eopper snd copper age materials SiverelDinksy, and teppaty tlre provide special properties Slver-copper Rilys combine good eleetsieal charae= {erotica wilh a\higher iurduess than that’ of ‘unalloyed' alver: sllver-cad- lum alloys protide. improved. are= Guenching characteristics” Silver-cop- Berenice Sma siiver-easmium-nickel Elloys provide. smprovea erosion 222 Ag, Ag-Cu, Ag-Cu-Ni, Ag-Cu-Ni-Cd and Ag-Cd Contact Materials sori roi ls ase genie OX Arn ere as i 0K ri ss : ser G29" "BOA Bare 13 1005, except annealed tor 1 nee > m 1803 Perea Reina gests ae cimagntcd 1804 2%, Sash Gat) “Nanneatine’ nas 1805 Cat wotked an ahusaal earucure et sn the rolling Airecion Bee also 1004" ‘ecrytalled the sold Worked rains sisting of lenge eraste wih Geformatien Save tag. ' 2 TBOS ‘sates Ihr, cept own ate Sa ae ae Steweture consists of ree th probably cured wo Tarigce St"the pertion: chat ietad cle Sia evcse ef indie” ‘Sunpaie wi icrotaah 188" ‘prebabiyveckule Of ice! eveiond eo NOH + Hoy 280 HOH + HO, i . “01 0: ‘saagetOgusutp. ‘eAg-t95cu-sca-0.5Nlenia Bbse-15C sheet, 1809 folige ten Siealea 1811 Jeagea Fret anveated 9 1812 feng a ‘Hen, "in outa" St Grtige oc Ag cane and Cu'tersy) Spit in alte ‘rueure eof of E¥-nioh phase, coppers shase, in she form of sn Cu matte. Precipiates, ia i ed : oc Eas oe Ses Seed 2 eve lea te aoe See Ee" Cee Goes Silver ~Cadmium Oxide Contact Material 223 2 plane at tc nea x poll (nat etched) Si an ae x Nps mua tne wa, B13 sald aid be ee eee aia atte ty arte ee achat oxides in a muberie OF ever ens ataenc “coe metus cen se cca ene ss i caer als TEIF SERN peru ment ol eet mae nero oath (B16 Seba ceanea acs: 1817 Bekele a aE Ie centn i daa ati Bane ‘SRS Ditto steer ter Pe tia of siver ight). "Gus structure before exidieing. via TR Non Win any Ha 1k Armosiom yong a marge ar Dn Taeraaly ox soag-t06i aag-I0G4 cambact (top) clad wit iodo contact lop), glad wit, lver B19 leat ee yABAE CS 1820 RAE NGS Gena Setra ast 1821. olny Pour band cama ayy ot CHO pacing at aaa ele otiomy when Bate Gbky-Pictnen Se) ac), Sod Gielen ORE aas ‘i PSR Ne ia SOE taieer mato fiiermetad Voids false) are tapped gan ternal osidiging. Both detects an impair serv ‘poe at etched) 224 Silver - Cadmium Oxide Contact Matetials on etch rere me ts wae ap 00 lta cxtend a See ee en a Boe a RE Vast opposite sasembly ik 189; note surface gomtotr Cmating With : See rariuce evasion Waterbury reagent then NAOH + Hid, 12x a poten nc otenes s00x Pa ‘Grased contact oosmbly: sume sx that shown tp mlerogta . a contac 1824 Tete een S Uo Gitirentie the"ssructares 1825 fro “then 1826 ante fn suse bas ‘Gicbed seaven ti ley aber, cf the sims” Gaasttan onide sostact (op); dhe sliver cladding and the miernally vaxldlses) Particles "of by sintering and rolling, compatie Shoe eating ir nial tcp Whe copger acy contacecarser CaO randosly orind in.¢ tein powder. CAG pastes are selon tin ight siceak throwsh Gao contac ws CAcdopicted vone Of Nesey pure sliver. Soe LER Sling divedlon. See 1a ‘x policed (ot athe, 230% ‘spol not tenes) ‘BeAg-13CdQ, contact, ‘ection of an S5Ag-18C80 BSAg-1SC4O contact, Srp, ‘SGAg-T5Cd contact 1827 BAS UGE Good tavise 1828 FT Ray ritiee, 1829 fricfoatre ovawes au tose 1830 sootated st giles, Bote Caliserdng andthe showne Save thermal acres” fine PGE Cy eartcigs of eadinlum and. aid rolled to bo adie Retuuan se voids op of ‘microy Eaused bya sharp reduction im fur- Oxide ste disibuted inthe. elver Partie of EroK) That occurred during ervice, age fexiperalsa® Guring Oxidation, fasten, Soe also micrograph 1680." In the aivection cf rolling. See 18 Silver-Graphite, Silver-Nickel-Graphite, and Silver-Nickel Contact Materials 25 ‘poy "P srapnne contact, reed, on Ag rephlie contac, 1831 Sith, eeepretoet and seciares Te 1832 hed. “nes 1833 finite tele ‘odin eine Manns oP andi Speed ar” ranage, Gopeatin ef graphite partcier Gack Slevtire!vanin ape of arepnil pao EMG graphite & a moat of ever. Sea "os amare oF Sh ‘eke ase of aler 2% chvoie acd ples 92% ature acd" 350X — Ae nana ant eed as pathos na te) 0% Ag 1 M7 graphite contac Suag-I8Nl powder metalucey contact, SGhe-lONT omtagh praued.sipterad 1834 cheat uieed ” EGP Steet 1835 Graken couae abowine 1036. ‘Strudtane’ sonst ot Grape res lS). ait michal rk pati eel Oded the recone ifn of IAA ster Ga EGIME PISEE of sver gner'eran) Telling, ‘Saver omy crentad) tn n malate of sliver not ee Pets SF REL gilt ny andi UL cme a8 ps 02% ste 1837 ‘Rode dlpectad sired = 1839, eee, le nding” de eg af mle last ery) ie a few vole : iS ‘ihe horgontal’ Bere) Biaek‘Gotn "ina matrhe of silver lber?® RERGnthe eft tnver, bus spout ee Youn 1s polnnes ot etn) 1842 #Ae-OFe contact preted, showing inleroporetty (base gee. im ‘The dkpersed) pray ourtcies sre sven iti (aat ‘hon; Ure macrie is ler ‘er ght gray) voles roy a tered powder compact initrd Sorat 200 F(io4 C)- Ta articles (ray? ‘ist ale snore tapes pow ‘ily siver (nia Stuer ‘ser mat = veh "3 ! 1847 HAEtOW loolags made 1848 SAEHWC dt, preved ere ark parceles ae "WC: waite tar Find, lace tuned from chat i pouuhihgy end mates ae AE" Silver Contact Materials Containing Semirefractory and Refractory Metals ed este ‘articles ih, suger anal re voll Biched in NOE: EG, thon in KakeGN)s PNG cs ‘veg Tarme arena of ter i'Skeletoh of tanguteneasiie” Unalloyed Tungsten and Tungsten-Copper Contact Materials 27 ak ition fof n Swng T00 ae ave teas ane the fest of deformation oe ao 000% won “ weisce 000% ome "et ym on 000% ee asco 2 Maen me A yon io ean ecu ‘Wicraranhy 188) 0 18s are of inter compacts of ungten priiy (steams) strated wit copper. Dark “re tungaten! ght aseas ore copper Note aopregaton axin high copper’ content, i wioropreph 18 228 W-Ag, W-Ni, Mo, and Mo-Ag Contact Materials 1860 #1" Morahan’ renga 500% Muralamn's reagent 500K Muraamés teagsne a a ee aren Peng ag heen hs 2 gel eeass gelhce Sea ae / eee 1101 30%, RiPCN ans 10% 280% 1102: 30% KyFiCMy ard 10% MeOH 1867 SeW-INE: sintered compact of tungsten 1 gGQ Uhullayed molytdenum: a sintered pow. 1 BGO. SODMo-WAK: a sintered compact of m tha niciel powaers. ic ‘metellury compost "Zhe me ybdentim ‘powder (azeeiou) that © 1 nigel maw erase ahd grninctounde'y of malyhdenamn grains Soon aarce evita! of Anfteated with silver" “The darker ates 9 ietiptiates ave” tungsten carbides’ ad oxides. orcaty Ghlack steas in the micrustrocture’. tnaiybdesun; the lighicr ateas are ater Gold Alloy Contact Material, Plating and Cladding 229 110% KON and 19% (HO... "200 5% ata 8% Foch In CHAOM Caternned) ——_250X, 370. Seat eoy "une, wes cK, 1871 Gold pated SNI-BFe pve sorta a hy which was, made Jes 8 Fein HON aerate 0% Not poled not sched fare ax 182 except thon Saige an iain, except ere te gold eanning electron aueronraph of the 873 She tient grag alr a iato"et aver, She 1875. Stetace"ec‘a eniiode goed contct of swentng as nf Bard en at capner prt fame, ll6y ated ih same plating arin 100¢ Ree: Sep mona ee Garret bo Soca i Sabicea Buy ot mela was enue igi micrograph See so 1815 ene 1516 ssreing, Mating anode contact Is Showa in I septa ot ene “OU0x Nite acd and sere ao Ct to 1) Cae ROMA OMDDG BENNO sme aa on are Seareasaee waboma 1877 Hcaiamac Maasseas aatiee 1e7e Se Ui ee eA 2 eet on wnat itis rmacrograpa as Made ata fagher tint in Tn’ icame oy ‘and paltaguum “ottom,"boua is, mechani magnifietion and Wier che ys othe aierci: ‘ting Gruer te du to arene bleh Sad Span try Songuiedsar eceultof Oi Adore instr aohnighe Wo veineets th fal fanster fom anode to Ealboce. Filing: See also’ micrograph 1a%a, at Fit. ‘Hurese srdoture at the spesimen 230 Platinum-Base and Palladium-Base Contact Materials; Rhodium Plate 1034 KEN 1036 (SIO, 5X Mvc and sete e68 etre: HO! 188] Fa wee, cold arawn and 1882 Pa 1676 "sas a ered ss erate Sats er cen cote ie Cea a ms me Nene nn eee a Seren nse 7s ea, a Ss we, war, TARO IU Sgreeeiieet et cae Heee Seen easel ORS Neat lec- ‘Sao leks are, romped from ribbon ‘ered beta, ‘Disordered grains of al- worked graitis = Bae Samos me Pa -10Pt~ 10Au-: = me as 1867 but aged Sanne a 1887 Tetiincaaed age. 1888 TE Bb dit sdundipiate 1890 Sant Ge? Es SE: fuegihed eceetaed davis beac opie: Saba SR, cing line a sets ob el Bo ta sank Fah iniach ce aso ide Eouach pom eo Sree Microstructure of Sleeve Bearing Materials Babbitt Liners .. ‘Copper Alloy Liners Lead Alloy and Teflon Gveriays on ‘Copper Aly Liners .........-. SLEEVE BEARING materiis for vilch.tnlevographe are prevented in this gection are igentined'in the table in column , which giver nominal com= positions ofthe material The proper Hes of these matorals In bearings, ace desetbed in the acucle on pages 818 Co 88 i Volume 1 of thts Handbook. (Mle restructures of steels used in aniifeo~ tion bearings are chown im the bectons ot this Atlas on pages 43 tod) Materials used 2s solid Bearings (no seating) "inciide moun bronees ad ium rgeresensratre: ‘hich are shown in this section. These 4nd other bearing materials are most Gen ged In thinner sections 8s beat” {ng ters, ag described below fimetal ‘Bearings. To. hmprove. the load-carrying capaci oF Dearing mate Tals, they are usually secsrely bonded fg aching of stronger materia) (or- lotr sti "poem a metal bear Hes" copper-isaa alloys, deaded tn oronzes. are often fo sel bucking by various casting Droceses, these Inctuge consinvows Hey hate onto a thin rip or icker sab, and calc gravity casting find centrifgal casting Seainst the ine fide surface of a eyiaarea abel: Ble Sauilng may be Used to bond eadmitir Slog toa stee! packing ‘Amntnum alloys aie clad to. steel tucking warm role To ceutiabe steel Is roughened by belt ‘nding of git Hating and somclines is Sectropisieg wth & thin Inger of Zickel before being clad with the ati iipom allay, (The resting bearing ie Stl reterred'to a bimetal) Wien ether Alumina alloy ness,” the” bond Seong improved by roll lading ‘he bong fave of the liner with une faiufoure before adding te Sandwich thus formes to dhe stect edo stee! backing Wy elecoplae= on @ by ele fi. & lever ef unallejed sliver 1p de- pasted of the Steel before © liner of Bloyed sliver is depostved {Micteveunures of Jend-nane and ‘By Cuaanes H. Juncn ‘conTENTS 282 Aluminum Alloy Bearings and Liners 238 Sintered Tiners for sleeve bearings Etppetciead alloys or beheaded tin copperslead allogt or ‘igh = Sronees ‘by spreading the powder uni formiy. en continuonsly moving steel ‘Strips, which ‘pass through & smiterine Componitions of Slave Brac {Which Micrographs Are Shown! Maeriae for pod 00 Sn, 7 8,3 Cu Eombotions sham are toe of O56 RDPSSee intra ets atu oy Pea 288 Lead Alloy Overlays on ‘Aluminum ANloy Liners. 236 Gilver and Siiver Alloy Liners .. fumace with a reducing atmosphere. Hore. the pattieles of powder ‘become sintered. together, forming an open {grid bonded to the steal strip. This bie etal ie then rolled to compact” the liner’ ana vesinterea to improve the ‘bond strength. Aluminum alloy powder for liners is usually roll compacted and Ehitered before being roll clad. to the Steel backing sth ‘i inere are al80 Ri impregnation or inBitealion of 2 lower-melting ma~ ferlal Into a layer of sintered copper owner, in mmpreguauon, & Di- etal Strip made irom Preailoyed cop- perclead powder, and sintered, com. acted and” recintered as described fahove, is immersed ina bath of molten leptin aly ated above the melting point ot lead. During immersion, some Of the Tead at the surface of the strip is replaced by the lead-tin alloy. in infiltration, the powder layer ‘us wally, & copper alloy)'ts not compacted After’ sintering: the open grid Of the sintered powder layer is infiltrated with ‘molten material having a lower melting lemperature than that of the grid alloy: ‘This hnilltrant is often leed or a lead alloy, but it may be a nonmetalic ma~ {ental such 93 Tefen. ‘Trimetal Bearings. By reducing the rh ir ti baled tale sie Gn eee gg ctl et a er a i He et tai yar aay ae ie ep doula ery mis See ence, Tae icy hi lege tt eg Jig ie on on a ices ome pen, th eprsare ey dame orci ot ‘ere ena iain pg of ai Balle tone oe baie Emre ee Sele oe el hc Bite tn aie a, Sion cae comet eg Sear seme aia a iirc a ry meri Ea ce ie 3 he ic feral dhe; Bia eacmpaion oe en ee earth ra Sea ane Tin-Base Babbitc, Lead-Base Babbitt, and Cadmium Alloy Liners (Bimetal Bearings) aa 10 0 Naa 00x o ‘Tipcbage ambit ner 60 ata ‘Lead-base babbitt ner «75 Same a8 1880, exeot a) 1891 Sarr", Cu, ontinge i eciom, 1893 BRGSSE WBA tomtings 1894 Stree magnitieatie ously eadtion eget backing sep tard SE outs carton tel ashing sip which reveals thal he mnie ‘otlomh wate secondpiuge bare Rew ‘a! coppercrich consuuen, thotiam)” White pertiees of Soak Eompouna tin the form al cube ‘Heles"aee Lala); Mars of on Sat~ and, small, dune pasticies of pee> ia davk matrix Of fead-rieh solid shape adem Maize ith copper and antimony, Gipitaied 8m. ‘Shultion See Micrograph 184. euigeulé part sie rat 00x Na Mia Same ay 855, but centr ‘Lgad-ege bapbite ine 68 ‘Same as 1008, except at & ‘Same, as 2097, roe 1895 SG SMG ce 1896 EOGPEE B Ral ondaet 1897 REEE neenificntien, 1898 Fetiee‘n ores ta aw oP backing attip whieh sevens the eonitguration of & “east, against ns wall of gyfinarical steel shell (ook quay cast ‘on ste Tero SHimary erecta of Shen fbotlomhs Dark primary tayetals at Ue fead dendrites ard thie structure rom bond between lend fu'a Ighivmatri of Sten end of the cuteelieke matrix of SOSA ‘eroqraph 100%, regaled a ebbite Sd aise back nn. Head. See iso i Sad ead: Compare 186 soox ma SEO rere chs Pa ‘Same o9 1899 but at high= ‘Same as 190, cxcert te “Cadmum-bese stor li 1900 @ ction showing LOOL fitprents NeutiagYeonase 1902 Gaeta ENb* die tat the one. patties of antiong® Uong nave chwed the Daan S0- sae bashing sur) ootlom. Be Ecole pha wo Se ot twa pers Reverimtas to torm “undesiabie dete” and givall‘ewecie parte iran Sail edectic particles ana larger sinnike paterge of peegien eaccing of Mods Git-ccching tna: otution. Bee aise micrograph 1900. primary erystalz Compare witn sol, & decrease in formabllity. a a eatin mute (dace. Copper-Lead Alloy and Bronze Liners (Bimetal Bearings), and Bronze Strip 233 to : nen 04 100% NNO +H, WH Ny crea ay ne (Copner-4ed alloy tne 7 ete os emt xcept te oper 903 era 4 1904 SPe ss Sta at 1905 gaeept 1906 EoPPss ists ee Sealy we ‘againet imsige a 6 oye ast fiae wal ‘of eplicdrial inuousty, east, ‘coe aioe) ‘Sacking cast on, Steel backing. strip. (bo! MEAP TT eae Cle Haskell Gun). Sear copver stip" Waa, whet ested ej Soy Pine volta’ dancer of ee ‘ Sd Gears Aya SSRN ct Fane evel mh itus protest Soper ight) am eontnuone ine bn Pika natieat Sony" danis BSmpae win Ia0s, "Hee eenerils of copper aia led Non + Hos too NAOH EHO HONS Hees 100% Same ay 1907, except that 1909) oboe ue yn ered alloy Liner 1908 tie'Soppersnad’aier unmet sai arent 1910 GP a fa cain rs fait on sel cast ocaintt frais casly cast ‘om Heed fueling aap Recent trp! ookion (at “mize, arial laa shel fam Sic lac htroaehs Fie dene ae Be i pig ee BSc Scion ofr | Scion Evy i onto lendrieg Of copper. 2 continuous mate eatrie of lead dar), I on a Fm wore as ou m2 T6US mun es on 08 258 ‘ees amos aout ee tB TOI Phan eg 131i fee meen once et Tolz Pats em erase Tols Shamans ts sR waite guemrae ns oe GREER oe ae unt ah haa ae wees Re Qi Las RNA ke ie mee SES arL Swe” SUNN eWs Ge aae SR A Mais, a BE As-Cast and Rolled-and-Annealed High-Leaded ‘Tin Bronze Liners (Bimetal Bearings) MOH + Os wnoH He, 191d Eis ope pe 1915 Sate we a Gus. po, dan Sele Ensiad was ca continuousi? cast on steel Sackind annealed, watch preduetd globular Mp otioto "Cored Useaenietes partisie'of ead Qiccks scitd solution, particles of Gente of sak sao of sppe! sald alton, feud?” Bomipate mtcroezeph 1818, ih copper Dartleles of Jee” Compare 1 101s fe specie 1919 Shas mount mst 1920 Hae om, eee loan Heres a RT ee ee ee Eee ee ere ERLSeC gers Pes Pea Caauaens Gin anh Gavia monar So, Sos Se cla ‘beriess coaree” Compare. 180 Hleolved: at his Tmaenineation).. dite partiles ef lend ibinck ‘Grin particles of lend. See 152 iow + 0. 00x NMOL HO 09% AKON NOs 209% HO Oe aime us 1024, except the Bate as i022, except the High-eaded te, brome Babe as 1024, except It 1922 fervas contntoisly eat 1923 SG? Sidie was"muoee: 1924 EMS, aah, Far, 1925 Sapa seatnasuse Ee dm ates! bucking strip (bottom) Stes quently gold’ raled aod anceuled, gravity cast against Unwide stutuce the steel" backing etip. (3g Stiling’ in faster fvoling, “which Which’ preduced ‘a. structure eon | Sfejlindelea tieeh shel (bation), ‘Tuts rulted in ore’ rapid ot Gileg of coppee tol slition | el-coboer soli sodlan ana Seis: of "tia in cobpert imterdendrive iutinar' denies of soppet a Eeiiase'codite See siso 023 SSeulMr Guporsion of lead partes particles of lead’ Gampare 1515." talulion "be less coarse” Sintered High-Leaded Tin Bronze and Sintered Cu-Pb Alloy Liners (Bimetal Bearings) NOH + Mos 1927 100% ‘ended tin bronze liner Say eae 1931 copper, eraine but ‘Sinoune S€ intergranular 235 100% HOF Hi 00% leet-tin tines he as 104, exept 934 SPH, tie iy 1935 Rater Mmenincdsicn Te ting fhe ateln ‘eats cope tn | a as Hav) St inlentnce ‘eben. copper ‘Sd lead-in alloy, caused i of tin aveing'mpeegnat MEH 100% 1936 Somme vende ner EPH TETED late toting hn beoie power okt Seip” oto) en inttenting tnd ih stead lettin alloy. NH.OH Foe sim ter ‘Gonper-eut- e 1937 COPE FELT Bh late Oy Heat Bling “trp otto nea Eh, WBétitbot the pores‘ the ‘open grid with motte lend 236 Sintered Bronze Liners and Lead Alloy and Teflon Overlays (‘Ttimetal Bearings) a Liner that was made by tnaitrting an Tiner mde by inating an open rid {er that's td, nfl 1938 pen 1939 ot EL SENE'7 1940 toes arto er as aE itd mon acs bone Babbin 82 BH 98 Sb, 45 Sm) wie alien lenasbane bapby tod ph'28 xp with mk Tens-inse ebb’ (2 St ‘Eb: he gel vas sande by snueing a ats> Sb, ab Su)" The gr was made by siete’ ® Gh, Aunty The afk yas" me hy Star Sy Ponder miititeot eoppetconper-tin by ne oskel ite o! copperiand nied Pouce oh = ‘the Backing ssiy lection of micfogrsph) tte ‘id Ferme ‘ah ‘overt. Bimmas babbit formed’ at over ‘ess babble Tormed eh Overy. non 0, ox NOH HO» 00x WKH EHO, oo Liner thet was made by buiteating a From top: electroplated overiny of ‘Upper pars of 1942 a 1941 then galt of tin bana duc, t0'Ge) L942 Te eoper ation ey Go en, § 1943 HERA Cae ie ith molten "sion "The-grid was made Cu), elecopinted ass battler ier (sou tlt between Setiey op) and inte (bottoms B rom ‘by sae ering” prealoyed coppers rtsphericsl erograph 1900 for better detail) sintered coppet- vent difusion’ of ove King rp (Gotain) ie lead alioy liner (16 Cs, S4-PO: ase eilesoptaph during Goeatiny Duplee bs tage ea thin overly. Soy tana See Baesin step (ootlwm '"?Shon Gia uP poe part ft bs icp) on steel Frou “feeion formed 1944. Bathe #5, 1948 except that the electro. 1945 Same or 1042, except no barrier fayer Dated “auruson Barner (05h “ray Nas placed between the sinterea ler Sgt en band) wis nigkel Intend of brast Note the'ab: and the ‘eleckopiated. (eadctinceopyer overlay. clearly shows thw tin ttmall while area See of tit didusion into tho nickel plate,” Seo micrograph ious for details of the overiay. Svering. ‘Te tin inkibite eorreslon of the Ie Taian + Teo, 500% NHOH + 1 00x co i ri Copper Alloy Liners and Tin-Base Babbitt and Lead Alloy Overlays (Trimetal Bearings) 237 Hen HO: 10x NHOH + HiOs 003 WinOH He 100% HOH + Hoy 00% ‘Overiny of nchase ‘bab ‘Higher: magnification view Orerlay of Uncbase babe Same as 1049, except 947 Ourigy af angers bam 1908 Rieu memitnenn aan, 1949 Sash Bh, ans Et, 1950 nigher imtcation store hua oc Sructwe Sein! centrifugal cast, ‘asi of the sruciure'at ae Rach anc aie cart a ne ‘on “the eas i BEE Meo‘iner thown in 1908: feriace between liner ight matrix) ended tn ‘ner (60°cu, 10 erface Between ner ight matelo oot ucking ef a. Be Sd Overlay” Clark mat "Polson Bou 1618: aid‘ overiay ark raat “0 Sa) shown ur To17. See 1860, 4 lokel bersier ERE beta) aor Between ner and separ (tsp) to ital "ost 1631, sae Ee Noe LT ee PATA Gee 5 Sara se cece 1956 Gis se mt gaye 1957 tents Hag, 1958. a sant we oe Ba ee SEE ee ee Tee eee nekiaklg ek omnia tat pm HeROT ES mim Ree aun! Gone ant SP inner ee ay ‘b chown in tobe, which'dat bad FAe\" stows Ines, winch ‘rst shown niga Cavent cast Ga tuck to prevent dfn of in nto the Lana Ee GR EPEC one 238 Single-Metal Bearing; Bimetal Bearings With As-Cast and Rolled Aluminum Alloy Liners 1959. Wew-tm cluminvm alloy 192 AL 6 COVTNN, solid east tho backing we used) in a permarient indie, Interdenditfe Ut ‘pate gray. Bartclesy und. Sil tdarker grey rick tg alutmiom solid solution (05% hycrotuone acta 800% 085% nydrotunrie acid 00% Niet , ie mmon gums on 8's TUES See cet tas mS TSb4 Benen emma ee oh 1962 ierraimumpaimaresti, 196s Ete Reusecr soa et 1964 eh anes a oy ett chee CMe oe was GAG ae Mee oes de ede tase as bekdi! 8 Faticls of lin (longated', stinon tequianed’, tel“wat roughened by grit Unsung. then eke” Pallng. “See BODES Stayer et End clher imschbie phases (dots in alumina’ Hoplatad WAE'A ape? cP'aheeel Wein tad alow lage ald te Boal ath ne ial 00 se polaned inet siehee) TOO SK hirofere seid = ‘Same a5 1984, except migher mugnisien- ‘ieh-in. atures a cae "Samo 05 1986, but hieher magninea, 1965 Gnruowy the siege of Ge'aluge. 1966 SEA) SNMP Guiness Coste 1967 Sms le, but epes an Iie” cogated by ee rollng’auecuons ih $MiheSsaTnee Gack Seip des Ofna ERIE Oye ealney ate Brest oa Mabie of akiminum solid sol ‘yedlekumihtta setes see)" 'Ree'ss Seek™ Slumipats her ad Aluminum Alloy Liners and Lead Alloy Overlays (Bimetal and Trimeta! Bearings) 239 seat be ane in soko ene wt ya gga cob 58S og ane ana’ SSS" ain eae oa ze 8) eee eee ee ge mie cietege amg nl om mer ehay tea ate Serre eee tom arcana ieee ee Perea sui cee catee ice eked, GUT Rircuersatt Cais oaht HASTA. ST cat tt ea SEE Toes EC cee Lae es Gee ar ela tose aay wearer we ty soo ten ye mgs 1675" Hn cone or oxjet 10, wine be O71 feisty tee Nauman s? 1972 Pan Ue, cutis cb gt 1973, Te eit 1 Gey MRE Seats PAM e std ELT ea as SA SEREOS GS uceke Se ee re nie Tanke hae Tey cua ata mi etme ana See, Bas SRL alia Reward ame PERSE iar ttee tera reget 200% oles reagent S20 0536 hadronic wos "Ste as 197, except overiay top) was Wigher-magntfcation view of 187 ‘Qveriay Gerk, at top) of Jeadetine 974 Sars a Oe eer eres, eae tat 1975 er ee poet toees ween 1976 Sapna aly Bh, Was dan eee Thy GSAET"Gh Spt Ni stp that hee overs) Sa ecteplated om mesos ermereon opted ata ew, lini ly nes Be G'S 2 Sl tpctkane step oon) by Gustine dviible here) dn the alain siloy (OAL 6 Sm, 1 Gy, UNH 1 Si thet nas clad Tin‘ Tilite “sae ote for acts of'boad, "finer preparatory to seetropating the overlay fov« steel backing trip teottom). Boo Ws 240 Al Alloy Liners, Pb Alloy Overlays (Trimetals); Ag, Ag Alloy Liners (Bimecals) eR chico ies a as : 05% hyaiflvere sid 200% 05% nero acl 280% 08% hydronuore seid « 1977, same as 1976 that i oreer to ‘a5 1977 exorpt et higher magni- i of 1078, increase the bond twength tetween tie 1978 Feetinn? tia Gime: det enc 1979 per fats, ot Te, eularaed, com ‘Mummy "aloy ner fd “este! cring stcucture of the alumina aloy iver apd re tne immersion eoutng rie bes ag s,m eo! has Toughened by ert clearly shows the layer of ako! Glave Giant lnc, proparatocy to Blatiiy the ove. °E Sistine then troRates win meee ee Bensy athe band Uatneen he lier andthe ple cept inp realted dan ane 818 ana ote, Sel backing stop Conttom. Set aso 16. fom Orerey io Upper Bare et Copper NOH + Hite 0% WHOM Hin 100% MOH HO» 2 iver, electroplated ona Sarg os, 1960, exornt annealed to set Silter-iead alloy 5, Az, 05 P 1980 ee Gmege uty Botlom Engine, Meallrgca) Laboratory. McDonell Aircraft oy MeDonaell Donglas Coop; Feaweis M. Kritt, Head, Mer dlography Section, Center for Teckoolgy, Kaiser Alyn & Chemie fal Comp Roster S. Masts, Diresor, Physica! Metliangy. Reseach fl (Casting age ang ygentitea fat by and Development, Reyookis Metis Cos James L. MoCaLt, het, Strctre of Meise Drs. Colambae Laborers, Baielle Merorial Ime Mites LF Mangos, Manager, Metllugial Revearch Dept, Re- teirch and Developmeot Comes, Revere Cepper and Brass Inc: Kent Jc Oowart, Senior Eaglaser, Materials Eogimering Dene, Alrcafe Div, Nontsop Corey Panur R. Seraxy, Senior Research Atsocite, Metals ‘Reeser Laboratories, Metals Diva Olin Gore: Rican H, Stevens Re. seaich Engineer Mecllography, Alcoa Tecbaial Center, Alomiaer: Co. of ‘America Monn TiceIveey, Reseach and Development Eagoeer, Matt tis Engineering, Lockheed Califorla Co, Lockheed Airafe Corp. Pavan ‘A, Tonetin, Materate Labortory Menage, De Kevillind Avcatt of Conace Lid Kesnvemis Thorp, Chief Process Bagineer, Aiwood Carp; Rosenr H, Wrrr, Groep Leadts, Grexman Aerospace Corp. 242 Non-Heat-Treatable Wrought Aluminum Alfoys 1100, 3003 and 5457 0% mawnuare see fee TE meant aa , ‘Alloy T100-E18 sheet, cold rolled. Note ‘Ag et, cold rolled and an- 1986 etd ow around inconbie paitcies 1987 Aon essstaltnet onaed eras of FeaN tone)" Pardsies Ste Temnania cf and tawluble pestle of Feat lato Bie Scuplike contityents im the ingot that have And date ‘of Peat in tee worked struc Scan imageentea bp working” See 1867 Ere Gor 1000) were tnalfected By Sanco, A palches not tones) arsere regent 100 G04 Myarchoote mid oa ‘Alloy 2060-2 shee ho. rolled, Long ‘ley 2008-0) sheet, annealed. Longte ‘Same alloy ang condition os for 1a 1989 itkaPacrion Moone sclngcr of etic 1990 Wisi Ector Stone eraatices 1991 Samealay apg gunttion os et oman mulisog ithe cate ingot aed paki grim, Gram clonextwn mites olhy dey Dlperson a gis pate fey SP okster that contain rsnganele, Goin primary fon. byt ok Gieervetaleerepnie oncuiation Uatee und “alchineat. dost farge alte Gafgeaagulasy and eateede (a= ‘this eich Groin, Pole Heh ‘was hot ‘chungea by annealing a“ +. Berar wage 100% 05% yeetere aie sox Sten entriston & tnnstens ‘Moy Si6T plate, 028 im thle hob 1902 een nA ih HEE? 1998 Ale, Har aN baat light. Surtace grains top) show random Tefec= tated duting bot roulig. if ‘trove HER Aaleting tana" erpatiogtentc Wiese fat Gites BEY foung, Wcuraed ae iia cee cAS" GE aaiSeaP rence, Snel RE ek ann eens Indicaisig a hikm degree of preferred orventation. Subsequentiy appiled anodic costing. Non-Heat-Treatable Wrought Aluminum Alloys 5457 and 5657 243, 995 10% requetion gars reduction 1997 10% reduction 1-7 sheet cold soled 6% ro ae gugy and reduction og Cr 188, ‘Same alloy ane reduction, ax for 1963, 998 ‘Si "Gatadine tection: pore 1995 Seon GES Pale ath lag’ 2000 theca ad Ga bale sort ant oma Meaty elongated, Uniierm fine Zor 1 by, Siruchire shows onset of Feerysialaa. hr. Reermatalied grains and ‘bande Bh ietns ta hate dese ber guaity “Eas fic teprors crmgoiiy rhstgrapned cnlaled gains, Bootprapht th Seated Tower than (or speclited in 2600, See 2001" wal polarixed Tight. See also B02, below phe Bee abo aleve vt. inte specimen ZR0G0% Trinfo soatnen 29002% Thin speemen 25000 x 7001 "Bry aan cms wh 2002. Se ig RSS forma, 2003 "Sutm ey and conan ax op 38, sco oh Sov ne aa Se Nae eR! Meggieedne aetgeealet mana! aa Ser Bethan MEETS hoe catsel wp Mid wording” Spe Soundarier produces ‘ome some Faber 244 Non-Heat-Treatable Wrought Aluminum Alloys 5083, 5086, 5454, 5456, 5657 sax 25% nie acl seme, pin ot leh SES ca et gk S58 nt ate nt 2 Teeter ata) O08 Eo TEP quate Pasih 2000 meet 3 ee zac SL RR, Estate Matai Ue 2000 tm eae Be i EEL PU SRL area Sula Dare aeareacame Sao aS ce eiee es Hie large paracles fre tnstabie phases Te om mm ee ~ Berka rengant ot 8 mt 2010 Alloy 3436 plate, not rolled, 2011 Altes, se ma "Set aro pat, 9 muse arcane 2) eon ieee es Bur RAG Sars Gy Moran une Lcmeal mmenie tee fami 2b lization is frequently re- tata). in contrast to 2000, there ls no comtinu- lined ancohabie (env Ale Ree Se ee Bae eee ‘Heat Treared Aluminum Alloy 2014 Forgings 245 De Sige Sas 0s at eer woe tte) or BSE ante etch: igmete gran, eaeare, emacs ate Beg Sen ear eke me meee ales sapere ate vet = A ante mx 204-74 glsed- ‘hat soy a os for ams closed m 2016 Alor 20134 leet ale sees D017 Same alloy and est treatment 2018 A, forme. tecuigent Eitan nection” Coneicnes aman are 2 iat ec Pace (0 Be ine sanie ea for mlcroprap 2013, bub mote Gali VEAE Greeause Jes tn soliton fe mts oto 250% As pelea (nt tenes) sox “Kalers agent wx 26 Serre oe. aig 2000 Weare NG 202) Gees hea speckles a Se rete” Smaiated wie hie ‘heated alloy SO1E°Te closed 246 Heat Treated Aluminum Alloy 2024 Sheet S528 Bi cot, tae, cagin eh SOE" Rozsa sett Soba ee ayant ecn el SQ See EMG EO Dent atenecammcn see LOVES NORGE ene Runt Sane! reese Se ose nee Series : ng ot tn nt wget S56" Sy ame ct wi a a Tceigie a State Si Seon aaron Peonatee eee eC Svea Pa © ER ell aa See os 2030 Sty 2m, ons met ies nav tonnes ‘Cond al Sh Heat Treated Aluminum Alloy 2024 Plate and Sheet 247 ea sagen 200% Hac regent Treo ‘Aly 2006-7061 plate, 6 2 thick, cold ‘Same alloy ant condition as for 203h, 181 ie ne! lee ces Gat 2032 Sais Ruelinal secon dpowing tne sgl ages cectian MAAk ree SHEE rat ce Aatdencd ana tenga th the PEP Mea thorine slougated grate’ Slrection ‘of roline: See misronrapl 88 renee cer cere ex umn mee tx St amy, oa ane eta S035" Sie ay cram ang unc S036" See ae, 734 Es, rao ant mani, 2055 Sa ser cramimnaneartanty 2096. 0s Sey 2 center of the plate thickness, which Te- center of the pinte thlekness. ‘There is less fhat- center of ihe, plate ‘Less cold working, LS Aare CRAG a aoe SEE O37 ey, HatTe ole ; 0 seek, Structure, costs eT aah nen tanh esa NES foley Sane PSEMCRETUASC couveni ale ney Hadar of nie fae ‘Ser eesialled stringers ter solved CuNdgA aid fine particles of CuMgAl {Ste smell eeevotaaea gah He ay aS GT ET SOUIME | EMAREMECRarnes ising THE hot workng that buckled “during abnesine, 248 Heat Treaced Aluminum Alloy Forgings (2025, 2117, 2218, 2219, and 2618) . vege see nee Reet tmone SS SOs Es sin a dees ai ee A 204) "meat cee wk Doky st eo bat ‘ily pare eda 980° Gs Oyo sadinalsecton.Cosnstete ‘Feprmuiaed, ncompiets ‘recrotalization ce min, quafiched ia 'enet Soot a,c ag dram igh Zendual nenin th the forg: Sigua, Emme, Tecryeallznto oo ‘Bh stall recrystallized grams are tt Spee Ie betore olution 'tentment, Compare aii.” Sefore solution Make Mastsoy econ ‘noua ane the Taree gealad are im She sh Kalars reageot 00x Soka MOPS ues aes 2044” erat tien game ie 305” Se tnd eaten FeSiAy phase show banding, which some reeryatallned trier Gee wee sree es PEM area AE imam ace enmiater ae JOO Be Abarat et re pes es a alte ee SPS seems SNR TO 2046" ally” Zet-7¢ 25% nydrotuerie cia sw onging,,soludloa heat 2049 fie beat ected te trate io bd Gh oe past ad a seid fartele of ante, "pecsnntted ‘Sensttwens EE ais woandarinlanger pacts ar oubie Thece Wrought Aluminum Alloys 6061, 6063, 6151, 6351 and 7079 249 5m herve ait 250x 08% nargtuon aid x 05% marian sls 20x Thay @IgieF plate, 14m. thick, a8 Not ‘Same alloy and condition ag tor 2080, wy GISI-R in sheet, not reled 2050 roid “fois Mredicton)” Langicatinat 2051 S52" Songitadiat sek from near 2052 {redhced tans” mistneeteas ioipitoe ‘tion then enter of Hate inn, Pareles plate surface arikley of FEGIAly and Me} dinal sedtion “Feaiale and Mest pert SRLSAD (ay scien) ane Meni Ginet). Bein ‘item “and alapeoed than in aobt™ ost Enmore wit’ mlcreglaphs ‘asi aia 20st” thant iho milano) ‘igi wil @toolve uring soliton senting. ‘cual nse eller reagent her's reagent 120% 2054 filoy eist-r6 cled-ale forring, shee: 2066 “Aly BSL cxtzudet tube, got. i SR te i tanga eiplte) and at ith parted ght. Coarse ec m : mee Chere dmn teat ce! EP eae i mee see, ee ‘fm tyro, soc Har 8s, stu Nerite 50% Sedum myeroride, eau Moe sox ‘lly ToT foreing, reduood 40%, to reduced 85%, 2056 Alon, 179-7 fori, 2057 a PS aa ae 2086 Bie eat Ra ang artnet tid eae scar lution hen, aie ah eet Predolictan” ot Al Gra ‘Phase (darker Grains are and th scanned mer eo “ias oceurred, eatlzation ood fs in Sucve! oncured during Hemosentea” toa ft iy ae ge od ma ES el fom and i evidenot of dendrite foting. Ee RAS en cea emer SLSR eas ee mr 230 2059 “Alor Tee mgot tnt, ste 8 grange nterden group of Mest Soe beth Rar: (@aphed wits ‘polarted light, ‘See 208, "ne hers reagan i, Treaiot Seated tnd lan ‘eH polarize light Bee 268 Ssiow 2062" Ailey M8, mgs, 22 io ti The ee 20% phosphane set 6 tn, thlek, as ot rite ‘els 2063 Aer, TRY plete, t “op en a over gg at atc cae ant Stongulea“and thinnes By ‘rorking 7S em a, 4m, 2oee Hy ee ae ae dg Bee hao ant Ee par ‘Aoy TH0-2 plate, ¢ Im. thick, as hot 2060 fa Go, fr Grains are ‘photographed Aluminum Alloy 7039 Ingot and Plate “Alloy, 1090-7 plate, 2 i. thick, us 1 2061 “RHE eR Hae 2 mit SER onkricdl gu Sete oa pees 10% mrosahece se 100» ‘lg, Ml» late, 2 mace of 2064 ida Te cnductica) cans wid ieee doea, for hin, oe a ‘Stonguleg "onal thinned. org ‘Wroughe Aluminum Alloys 7075 and 7178 syn a, ta "068 “Yet snc von oe aa ae sours niet acl rae Sale Bee ae SEAR Se 3074" Aly rrs-a8 sheet ee wih, 0081 ves, Fail" iain top) are Postale Rove in core are" CriMigAls and” (Reseny Ak. ‘alloy. 7025-77251 late, solution. heat 2069 fred anid water daepeti neat fand naturally pet same ae 2086 thin give {no-aep arlcela) Selag rewind "rectal lsh aigzan meer Gonaitents HES'ERing a ose ut puticen of Migzan ere latger” Platelets cf MgZre also present 250% elas eogeat 79x ‘Aloy 1178-776 sheet, 125 in. thick, 2075 trpoced in» test cnériber containing fog of BE Sadism chlorke, or to. wees Soteaxtotiaion ot the sheet Ses also 2078 25% nite lt ‘alloy 1078-0 sheet, annealed. The fixe 2070 farticley of Magen (dark) were pre tated atiower teraperstures, during eal 2 Seaing ftom tne anneal te temperate ‘hashaole particles of Peal Cleny gray, ovlinew) ticre moc arested ‘bythe aniouing iseatmens. TEC alte Suet thown in mlrogrape 207.) keuers reagan 20x. ‘Game alloy and conattion as for 2072, oe 75x sre alg, for iad with 2076 Sai Ak hay in Otaeae Cat “adaling thleknest, Sacrtfelal corrosion of SOitodeeollaion of sheet during texting’ 252 Fractures and Defects in Aluminum Alloy 7075-T6 Forgings eters rengent THX Kelers eengent et polite. nat wtched 2077 Partna-pan tracture ian alley TOE. 20,78 Detal ot pasting 2079 Fracture gustae of tr ea ‘The fon ate In a machined hele. Fracture’ as cued, Oy hole and tom) woody, brite fracture, pattern i spit Erol ausombly Wess, See 08 aod wid, Bae figs Soe of parting plane fracture in es eicy eles reagent 3x. Keilere reagent 20> machined Miet mo T0IE-T8 forging, Defect 20] Enlarge view of on area of th fol, or lp, wt lower git b aching, See rash 0 ‘tall of avail aren of the portion of tie defect af lower Might here. and voids, whith prevented fe ai ace d 2062s nomernee of tay at cop agen, an wy SES" Bilin tmeaeh the ngage, horn insta view Sek i01s-T6 forging. Forging flow lines ‘in the ¥3 ‘of the ‘The trough st the surface ts at the left. The grams near the. tap edly net Peace tee eg Be hss THE RAE a Oe Use et hata See ‘The macrographs and micrographs on pages 252 to 255 wore contributed by J. M. Van Orden and F, Walden, of the Lockheed-Califoraia Co. Defects and Stress Corrosion in Aluminum Alloy 7075-T6 Forgings 253 ermal eras. a alley TO-16, fore ry puoi raters perk 200% Net polite, oot that ao the free tm macrogenh 204 bore, oat rains ‘ie ‘regiure, sara, nx mote wes, acrid 2088 csieche uancersnbr teks shown at Tragaiies: 2089 fom us alah 1018-18 to coniaines a too, The OSS Sed Tham sage Savas Ueto OEE abanel= pe shows So tahusnage caves od ntaral cack) 234 Defects and Corrosion in Aluminum Alloy 7075-16 Extrusions and Plate 2090 Fracture im an alloy 7075.76 extruslon, showing sexree 2091 Bracture man alloy 7015 , hromitim particles’ dighe gray. ‘lukien of fous” canter) ana’ sop ‘atgresat bated in the ingot ah persisted Wieugh 00 the Rel produce particies (eft) wf ractute surtaoe, Bet of whueh 200%. Kalery rapert a Bie cortesion (dark area) in the surtaco of an airerntt: Tntereranular corrosion in alloy TO7S-T6 plate. Grain boundat 2092 ine Bite aechined (etn a choy weed ee SEs" 2093 Ye eat, chunty the"yatins fo sara bound 1094. Batotation-type corrosion in an alo 115-76 extrusion, apis her~inagnification view of 204 rotated 90"), so 2004 lack mat pital to ‘the sutade ot We ceStin uaa atuse 2095 Zhe smagniteation slew of 7004 otaied 907. seeing te grate boundaries Gr along straits within longeted grains: See 2068. the extrsion ws apt awey, feolling bas atta asete Fracture of Aluminum Alloy 7075 Sheet, Bar and Forgings 255 a eget 0X Keler's esas = elon cage pay S357" tacts arcene, kaos ata SLI i BUM 2007 Bile eae. treet ale) 2008 Reka rem mice gee hale Hee ootey PENA SE falar fruetare tn ‘Bete trecture_in Teitcfe Sethe Bes tien ot dig? 2101, Se he hg faohif, Replse slecron frectagraph: Ald. "Replica ‘ehctton frecograpi™ sors. soring ‘leavage ith des, nae fate mt f fours iacare 2 polished, not etched ‘S502X Not polished, not etched . 5500 x 6300x 162 Rectue ion scone. 2103 Bilis tuy i» wo-re rma, D104 Tiel ese fran a Witt stooing andshae gt ure act a ‘showing stialiong that sees meade: aa, tity edlete™ dec top the intermitiant ‘of the fa" ea Teepiee elect fra epiios lecton:Sactopsap Uiue cruck. A replion elecicen Hractoeraph, 256 Aluminum Casting Alloys 222, 238, A240, 242 and A332 a voumsan 2, Ob tetra 800% As pales (not tend 2105 Getbad and nitihcimly ag 2106 ine’atrinc hatte a arimerden 2107 ichcttare ecmlal tng tet 80x pemanent ld gat ae re alae ea) into Tarn say ea tian serie “uate ‘Gigyo and Scripts MBi clack) alts arebrcesat” Precin 212 a eens Se meg NEG Ree wict aac Th, aur: Bat Ses G2 Lae ies See GE SS oe hae Aluminum Casting Alloys 354, 355 and 356 257 PARE s J Nay nigh ay ae, Sy TES St Ns A 7 BL AES a A SEW 2 bare FC 05 meamare o Bax 6 mse sax Fas Investment east, Serves a8 fvestment cast, ath "A SoiT4 tnvestment, casting with fi 2114 fare conse of'e networi of wiicon 2115 feo tute gijecent to the aren shown 2116 A,nheorh Mite el Gy “ales tas Gir oy trailer) ina aiforeed Conestuen, re the eure aR for AHlQ."but melting when soldi was exceeded slam 3c urtaoe of casting mas bistered. tect are ematter end fess angular! Gray artes are eutecbe sis ESieutectie ond uardiies ot Genériie cls‘afe ner and cleo parities SVGSLAN pie Gh ney enc = *€ . ¥ 5% moat we 2s0x 08% hydroforl aeke 250% 05% mydrofuore sc 0x Yow ane OE S117 ‘Al 35:8 mcenmnent cat, ‘ag ie modified by the, addin og 386-76, permancat, mold 2117 iw’ eenasis‘or an tatercenartie net. 2118 3" Sivan to's droning airy SLED Seka hone Dearaa aa “aa hie ARE trap engl Peal tne? tote tk Tonalin bud the pets of glee" UniCge Ruste hate beth Sounded of interes tudes) Sed Mga Clack at ED. Sikan cda gray! are es sharply hago °© fhe Shadi Mesh teeatiness™ = TUNEL OF oa iw TSG, os msm th OS SG se ewes enn a het ructure’ “partes “oF allen Caer gray avers “afeedendr‘-arm meas and Ki Sn tee: particles ef"elicon that resulted trom tn Mightceray rips, weal” Ge: ‘nay snd “ths Met lac ‘tise HEP ada cooling “aif, shrkage Savies, 258 Aluminum Casting Alloys 356 and A356 05% you seid 0.5% nysriuore #3 100 05% hrf esis se0x 2123 iriure ematee ots 2124 Shon beat feted “at 2125 Siiiomer ages seaust 2126 AUST ees, network of icon Dees “gray, own e (S68 Gh for Th nn) qucnched to the mel; as pand cast Copslt: sand cst td heat troted ah Heat Glegtient Uents. ate the'sane as tb 2128, but served” for” g120."Sulcon artic {he parties of stiegn In Pilse Ales! culecti, Compare caused filcon.puricies 2162. Ges pores (A), caused by on i 2164. Same as 305, bor at g higher maga Si.F te early techie shicon 5 indlogted"by A and: partes of ‘grec ath = fe Gon, by C: aluminum dnateix, by Di and Bat ‘lis stad, By Ee 20% tears ai 25 eta, at se ne ah eS ear acd wal 2165 Bye 2166 ‘maguittaton Had aver ta) ic 2167 ResmBeation “atrscre eoustue St meroaran Sos int Het at rigot for Seals The arce_of ormal surseture heavy coherttrati of eutectic sileon (A) ant Pome Ee eh Gb aya “ow line” (C) where’ two streams of (Bi the alomtitom nates). he finest Je Mati alloy met. Some tiodge «D)"in hard area. ara area calla aieulty in mnchining ‘The mioropraphs on pages 262 fo 264 were contributed by G. Leslle Armstrong, Chie} Metallurgst,U, &, Reduetion Co, Desirable and Undesirable Strucmres in Aluminum Alloy 384 Die Castings; Sludge 263 09% tarot seid " ex “aren a iaher "Hard areas (A and B) at machined 2169 MEN our Hage haitthe 2170 TSescS085 of aaa, Sate’ ae ene sbi) tte Ene ng The precae of thee tid eas Be {urient Sb au has come aluainun exe partie & (Dy and iy outlined aren)" See 2105 for Sishetunincetion tiew of Brew 3 1 motores 08% tyaromore acid ex “Caldahat yois (A,B) and sow Jn “Void (A, which was caused by boot ‘How tigen cA. B and ©) tn an at 171 Gus bata aaa hy Taure'ef the 2172. Sig ot aye mga and anscitad ow 2173 $4 die casting These tay hare bows stars of mmlen metals rege. at the cst lines <@), an alloy ai F aie exci, ee guned by incorrect fang. Inereat oe Rveae ‘Hae Gf "ot an alloy toe aie Cast Terogiapn Ri cor How nes wile no voids, Sonar ineoreck injectoh ana back presures ‘tad “Gar porary cavity, phleh wes ‘Guorporaly cartes (A and) near “Gout primary crytat of sage, 174 3 ttt 2175 2176 & oe See ee tah ae ~ = aie catty Come Far arene fo)" Unda lay 266 gear aad Zr ge cst, Seo EMG Same min MOA Zar all SEER! SSS Patani Shee eae 264 Desirable and Undesirable Structures in Aluminum Alloy 413 Die Castings ‘8% tydrotuone ack “Bor A19-F dle casting. The gate area 2177 ty" athe. ‘Soe esred stevcture, whlch onal Of els of tutecse Sjoon US) and the Sad Dy ae wall tr portal shee {ng ontrix of aluminum sed sotutian (©) ‘0 huptie? mageteation in 2180. a DiBO area kin 217 (ot region Gt 217) ‘Gate. aroa. (AD, of an. alley Figs Gate sen (A) of an aor 418-F Tea in a mab ie"arta (AD, of an alley 410-7 ake D1g> Ome atom 2180 Meee ndedsednguarencdee 2181 Séting"Pacte are arene oF'undesiranie 2182 vine iter hoe'a eodents vod ‘Bom obi mata aumde I Stim ticn amet Nt’ spore (Cw hidh and. gi ged eras 6 8 Siacthaletniciiee @ ha Bee’ MO Nerwise cals normal truce GB). ad" Fi'See Sls 2164 aad a 03% erator . 5X 05% hydrofuare acid fats vole. (are, Eten ad a Te Shean vo a mau. SBE RES ac stank ot 8 Catt ot on te, 2183 SE erat Bug. 216A BEY a cat at oe 2185 Cetetaten tytn a ates Soa Sur, Sige SOA SERS oun lt ACER GB OS US EE ee SR ERLE SLPS e a: Pease Se Laces Re vain naire Or uae! Rt SY ELE ikea Hae WS gale Nao ae Se” UBEP cre ee ol tan | Gas Tungsten-Arc Welds in Aluminum Alloy 5052 and 6061 Sheet 265 ‘ is 2 : ? TE ante Alloy 5052-0 sheet, 0.40 in. thick, used ‘Heat-affected sone of the weld shown ‘Sead of the weld shown in 2189, Filler ae iia tatagettthtes FO) ae water mete cae SSS pret cael ae agen US cf Gra cooree, Mack. Rounded, oubhned marl with mich gent recat ‘pear den: with 3 Ane liste Cf Meal, (Gark) in tie ae ee ee ee 2190 Gas tungsten-are, but SM6i-TS sheets edout O96 tn. thick iat with io baer eal, and ung aeerating carren Gurus of, base met rusts, See 2186, 2187 and’ 218, above a1, neat-sffeeted sone, ad weld bead ane ‘Mapeotively, fb 2101, 2402 and 105, below. ~~ wee | chon eae oe an ea sx ES onze me oma re e's SASS” Bknsosea mae ot we meas SiS EGE w pe eeann wt OE ane oe Ee ES eee CRO dea mnae eae eo faa ot US om vet be aie ae ue age gros aman ee Sea ie 266 Gas Tungsten-Are Welds in Aluminum Alloy 6061 Plate and Sheet sates rage S143 Kalare aget sux ‘Gas, tungsten-are, weld in o butt Joint in alloy o06t~T6 plate ‘Gas tungsten-age wed ma butt joint io, alloy 6061-78 sheet, 2194 Sip iarfivok “Anrnating current ana zits tuner acta wert 2195 96 Sa hice “Akarsatans unene tad" ABU fuer etal ned ‘wed, See miscographs 2158 and 2186 for olber views of the wel wed, Note the exient ot te heatafecked none, Get also 819%, 210 2196 Siucture, or o2so-in-thick gomt-T6 sea aang Gara shoe, sti un ald fe prenonced tn Sige (weld mde with altering current Gas Tungsten-Arc Weld Between Alloy 6061 Tube and Alloy A356 Casting 267 D203 Cer tunesten.are fet weld join iors Boga simictue, of 4886-78. investment ERloas RE. feat “Ota SEEN conned eed fox the weld shows Ba SPEAMG; EEURS, eels Sind ot trios seeas of Waid intendendrisie nebwore i eutesti aleam as 3207 Ment ioear tube) of the wold ia 2268, tusrdendetic network DIOR Head (neat casting) of the weld jn 2208. Dendries, of solid 2207 G°Ai-St cutetic is present Jn the multe solid solution, oittion are fess egulaxed, more columnar” than hn 220% Gas Tungsten-Arc and Electron Beam Welds in Alloys 356 and 2219 209 Hage of fusion anne Coase metal te at 2209 ets ota ‘gn tangsien-are Rate Seid ine S08 vate cating “Atermaling Cure eal ond R-SGION Siler meral were used fntar~ ‘Seeatitle AIH eutectic (ary) + Doresity Colac). DOL2 Gee Hunptencace weld na, bl Bim sheets 3913 “Becton beam wela ine out Soin tn aly ate-rar ath 2212 Sey HES Bieta Rn toate SIE Boat | 2213 ASO Be ee in» fost Jom a any ga-ney aere ‘he (electron beam weld shows in Bae lett. Compare with 21s Re of the fusion gone of the tennare_ weld, show 2214 Sacre BW Gade Sol uf tt EF" eooae, Sw Electron Beam Welds in Aluminum Alloys 5456, 6061 and 7039 retron beam weld tn 9 es a ‘Bige of fusion, zone (hase metal iy at 2216 Betton beam, weld i a butt pint fm fplsk, wo eer 2917 Bigs {al Wes used. Bee mogruph 2211 for eval Fusion one, sm of te eloerem Beam wei im 326, 1e ‘base metal ‘D990 Same ao 2210, ut ate bi on beam eid ‘ication. Paitiles of “saa (ane ‘esis (rnp) fn base gual Gat) et iti eutectic mn weld mal srs reagent 10 Kel reagent “Beviron beam, weld in o butt joint in slley 099-63 plate, 1 In. thick, No fer "Bageof fuslon zone Coase metal i ab t= 2221 Beil was tina. Seo slerogaths 228 for Geile of Une edge the fusion tone 2222 {om ot the eectran beain weld in 2h 270 Electron Beam Weld in Alloy 295 Casting; Resistance Spor Weld in 2024 Alclad Sheet sche apt Bx eters ene ay 3993 ecieon pea veto an, oy 296-78 mete 3o05 Gow of aking ones, the WED wat dle wuboct Bie tall Spr’ Hin BF SE S Meiaae tp “Oe SEES, Soe. = ya a 2 Selmelal gee ieopraph 223" : b partie’ Gia’ ho BE is SSE ibang pureamomer men east SBS Tbeece mee ame mame et so meen = i i SS IR ae ot ape te S55" ee tthe et oy SSSD SI eof mes mer friar’ cruins ere ‘eulocticcegregation — aepie= Fesatance spot weld made. ine alte Of the nugget: Compore thon ight bunt), uivedge GE nugget and con 2000-74 heels (eee 206). Uintused “a ermal i the, edge Gin 22h wich tows inner fone of mogaee eetication (dare band) it the bece metal" eagn projeals into the weld nuewel, Explosive Welds, Pressure “34 hidrohuone ace 2234 Fromme ld (cle, ay, ‘az pales trot steno) 2232 Bigple at itertace of cexpioat Joe uwtea suninis hese ce ‘Hate Teich bistable Bead, 4 sated ick ed ve g00%0 sheets, "Beare between reine tay lines area ee 2238. mee ejb CBRL) tier eta he movement of metal toward the edge Sr dang wad upoetiang 2 elated not etzhed) 2237 Braet font. etwenn, Tres EG: mwamyeMae 2238 erate aetna wal. Ste micrograph 2088, ac nent, ite mleostrvstare of ane larger fies, ‘of the the Analce Mie. ae ite 26 for detals of atricture Of dete goiton lant at of Ast eet ge Sadi ‘of prin ‘ana parties oy Sicen “idare ‘Weld, and Brazed Joints in Aluminum Alloys 2m tne tenn mx SG Pte oat tee a 2233 eae Nd ie Sack ‘a paaned 90 sebed) 3236 aati of brazed fla spo tn ‘turism agit anton ihe ap) and ASH ues male aan 05% tyros a ‘Brosed joint 12.0 brosing sheets a 2239) Rye Son thse sa 406 fie etal), hess sw genie of Sita ight to ALS! eotee mats Surface Effects on Aluminum Alloy Parts ae uo ssa oe . 2240 foros uk ey seit, 22a” F402 ene gy and Ger an, ete eet Ce Soc oot near HEAP lea Hae wr alley 06-7 "The check was peeoea with ‘Gichetty ot o008 to Gods a-The surface ofthe sleet tat thet of the lcrographs) hows deformation aad roaghente, aes 224A "Bee ‘Section Yorough machined threads in an alloy 2004-4 extruded bat, in ical degres of busta ceests of he threes Sa showing e Toughnes on thfead dank Machining buts have’ oa frostructire i eaentiily Uniorzed Compare with micrograph 2948, blow, all's rent 2205, Sine ema eee tnnthlck WISTS, Relate ge 22d6" Ee oe mE rolled threads sm on at rea ata area ly at ores of each Ehresd thi Is ely euaes & Sa ‘8h ‘undeewabie sonditien” Compare machined trends 1x 274 extrided bar, tn, lam, showing formed metal sims cont Microstructure of Copper and Copper Alloys ‘By the ASM Committee on Metailography of Copper and Copper Altoye* Effect of Oxygen in Copper-Oxygen Alloys ... Wrought Coppers and High-Copper Alloys -.. 215, Welds in Copper Rod, Bar and Tube ........ Brazed Joints in Copper Tube Cartridge Brass .. THIS SECTION shows structures of as-rolled, as-cast, and. feat treated ‘landard wrought and east coppers and fopper alloys. Nominal companions of ‘he alloya represented ave given in the {able below, The micrographs presented Inthe pagéa ial follow show the ef tts of alioying elements, neat treats Ient, percentages of Teduétion by Fall CONTENTS 274 Other Wrought Brasces . coos 288 ‘Wrought Bronzes 201 ‘Assemblies... tng, and corrosion snd deaineifcation. Also shown are the structures of elds 280) includes 17 microgre graphite, »copper-ebromlum, Copper-Nickel and Copper-Wickei-2ine Alloys 203 Electrodeposited Copper; Cast High-Copper ‘Alloy, Brass, Bronzes, Nickel Silver . tungsten, and other copper alloys. The Seetion “on "Sleeve ‘Bearing Materials (pages 231 to 240) ineludes. 34 micro- taphes of eopper-lead, copper lead! Capper-lead-tinezine, and. copper-lead: tiiver alloys — some produced by melt= ‘ing: and casting, others by the powder metallurgy techniques of pressing, sin- ‘ering, and impregnation Nominal Compositions of Copper and Copper Alloy tor Which Micrographs Are Presented In This Section == oes oe oe Taso Ta Ca a 1 gueees muon om meine: | a gomntanas Tey cre naen aaa eat 1 SRRRES Serge co |g MR ara cat aE ee area Kgs 99 (OH) CU, 006 Oe 718 Cu, 1B, 188.20, 2 81 ve reel aps rete GHB SO ae cam cx em nga Ee en am oxo Brrenperres 2 35m is BEES Te ih g g E x : aS ae & gins ge ae x ar" 2B 2 See BBE ae ikl Gea 19 Pb, 8.1 fn, 1 BS emclended © He za 2 gees, ue 2 a ne € sae ee) * 2 esis: Bhes Thi in se i ie 288 co ch ome sw Tro Bevan ar sag i # eee : Sa sRoomr F. Ment, Charman, Proferor Emeritus, Cumegie Melon Voiveriy, Jesse G. ‘Buwier, Senior Metellogrpher. Materials Eng cei, AMP Incorporited, §, C. Conavsitas ny Resech Supeco. temdent, Cental Research Laboratories, American Smelting and Refing Co; Gomnow A. Escts, Senicr Materials Eogioce Micro Smith Dive Honeywell, Inc THOMAS E- Gatgon®, Chi Mcalasgcal Engineer, Nowh Crsolia Wosks, Weseen Electric Co, Inc Haneto.Hensost (reced), formerly Metallurgical Technica, Chase Breer & Copper Co, Gasor Koves, Manager, Materials sod’ Procys Eaginesrng, Tats: ‘ations! Business Machines Corp; Rowat> K- Mevsas, Conta Corp Goumety Chi Metallorgis. Lankebeimer Div); H. Lx0 Mrmr Chiet ‘Metlings, Microwave and Power Tube Die, Raytheon Co,; Dav. Nuon, Resurch Enginer, Tine Co, aves & eovssnn, Meta fought, Lange Stesm Turbine Generator Die, General Electric Co Vena Pussiren, Mancger of Product and Process Development, Hoste Meals Dis, Copper Range Co.; Rowrar BC Suxsian, Supervisor oF Meallography, Reseach and Development Center, Westnghonse Eleite Corps A SNOwMAN, Chie! Menllgpi, Research Cepter, General Cle orp; C. J. Sdvbex (ceived), forecy Chie! Metalerpel Begins, ‘Anaconda Wire and Cable Co. "ALP. Touro, Reseach Metallargit, Research sod Development Center, Revere Copper abd Bras Lae Janes Wat O36, H. Desun Too! sand Inaromeos Go, Tne. (formerly Metcllurgit,Instrament Speciaies Go): Pravin H. Wrson, Sevier Research Mealurgst, Research and ‘Techoeal Cente, Anaconda American Brase Co D.C Yeaneey. Vice Presiden, Phelps Dodge Tobe Co Batra E Rlckstckts, Directo: of Metallurgy, Chie Brass & Copper (Co, assisted in she preparation of tis ston, 274 Effect of Oxygen Content in As-Cast Copper-Oxygen Alloys meme Ne ! . ‘hs palanes (no tore) 100% ta pales tnt etched) Re polaned oat etched 1GOX Ax pad cat vened) "10: B2A7 002% onsen 22a8 005% oxveen 2249 000% oxvgen 2250 018% onvgen (acalhed fot etched) SOOM he pled (ok sched) TOOK ot 2251 028% onsen 2252 032% oxygen 2253 eas onsen 2254 Bate ow ee 100% As poche not stehacd 200% ‘Ae poianed (not tenes) sos ae sun et ene 2256 00% oxygen 2257 One essen 2258 01% oxygen st enon oe muta of pera sores tg om coe hast iS a See re rat an enya on hing) and entectic, The ‘on tr age were wiped by The Briton Non Mervoud Metals Research Ausdesion, oO ‘Oxygen-Free Coppers (Wrought Coppers 101 and 102) 275 ecto PO, 2e00% Cecio: Wit 2269 Meant 2260 SH. conyenetnee ‘ato, fatnue secon to '8000 gl ‘Seton onsen) SoS Gira. ela Re fle Be Sacre’ Estee ee cca Sa Elctobee: Stuers 02 260% Electraltie: HsPOs {700% Teun specimen Se cayette at say orn 2264 Grea sevice 2265 Sem aspen 2266 OED (lees, subiected, game Jas rolled S25, fatlqua stressed, to 14290 psi (98.04 Is ieectned, for 226 pat 5 Goud i eel fm pall clease for feicate fof ton millon Hee ee arr degra Saas Bp Sinpere With Ber aad ge HOM pie Hey 02 t 100% Potassium dichromate. BOX NH.ON wine ie orgeenfre_ copper ot Sapper Wa, (oxygen-free onpoer 2267 et un coe tet 2068. Spr, eaeedes sme ‘sire, sca 6 i 1s RDy coin gui oundeved yh Gone eo 0). lanes (gains Gmaiier a ‘Gounded Sp paraust ise, han ins), whieh obtain trded arene" unig eating ak a8 8 (ma Ch for einai Mlcsopraphs 2259 vou 2266 wore supplied by Dr, Gunter B. Joesph end Ing. Art Ver Inaiato te Toeigeiones p Brsayes We Materials, Univratiod de tie 276 Tough Pitch Coppers (Wrought Coppers 110 and 125) OA eG NY EON OR Nee eel IE bes Ta! Potsstom glehromate 250% Potassium dctomate eso dare 0x we ho ho, a e 2270 Se te Sogn tice 2271 Se ie ces takai 272" cae feces Fe Slongatad partlie of euprow eolde ack Go) hot rolled Fads Aah section, swing elitaned grains ang dispersion section Eaulweed grainay”wellslispersed sigh ‘of particles of euprous oxide tdack ols)” Elongated “cuptous oxide particles Cari deta NOH oi 0s ste touen, TR MUO se wu Copper 110 (electrolyte toueh, pie ‘Copper 110, electro yee roted Tear ceneenention 2274 SSP Sil, Gea a elas elrromate 15x. otastie cchorate 20x WHOM plus Hy 00) ‘Copper 110 irs, nested, mm, nvdro- Copper 110, (electrolyte _ Copper 125 UfresrcGined.toxgh, 2276 perPtiydcogen cintsed mus att top. 2277 CORO, ecko gu pen cop, 2278 » ot lied stip, 00, AG ana, Seacting ith cutecso clprove stzaspnere contaiing hydrogen ruling i ike Structure consis ef trinned grata opps Fete ei toca foe steam, woign Grenvlay ois Gar "agr aad ovthed ght Sith Meiners a cura hide partie lr fered copper ratty apart causing bo Seas) ind embrttiement Gee Fife for a tescrp= dal that Feullad from senresaten of the 2 Misly and embutiement. ake sho 37h ‘sa or the Mechanism of embretement! ‘oxide’ in ‘She ingot dur casting Se tn ot some ee ir {phosphorus pentoxide (dark dots. x slahed not steed esal neore mack. 2282 Fos toned a ‘ae, on outer well ofa) prerced, ue ‘Sat tte made’ fofper 12 Pretengrrry zx Surace of acute (tonahy aun, 2285 Sires corres ih Capper te watson 1 te SE ce Se wel acetal ota ‘dts ‘aioetah. bel ao SSE GT Bn goo exten ne ae Ben eel 2283 bes! ‘Canteof sion uring rolling Guia Sap on, inoer wall of amex ‘snd edn ‘tube made of apher Tay fave been foldover of a stove movie dung Grane. ay tN 2286 State se 205, but e scanning electron Net sotehed: net etohes 2100% anrng Steal paticlsa on fac. "The pat Eopaph, "ot the Srocrure curs the fat ceoete 9f the Les tre beobably deposits Gf corrolon product. 27 75% Potassium dichremate Si SEE ae beat ae ae maar reranulss segs corresicn, iawn, condenser tube elo, fOr details of w similar rack Patatiom doneomate sco ‘eteceranular stzesicorrsion crack i 2287 jen Grae iube made a coppes iat (Gracking ray have been caused by amine Seller ‘fectmane compounds in bole condensse, 278 ‘Wrought Coppers 145, 147 and 150; Wrought Beryllium Copper (Alloy 172) & aio oc ota perti of p Sipe alice waiBN proves acu NA SO oe, oath 2291 titled at asd Cas ‘i So Bites i saulshed ain of tupetoebraced ‘Soin solution of berpiiuaa it copper, 2295 Aloy 39 scltion, ‘Wrought Copper Alloys 172, 182 and 187 279 TNHOH plus (HHS, 2281" Hire caatgeraa tee 2396" Bm aap mes Hl, 2209 Bpararente eaten i 4 ateasnee, sachet" Sngat ring (coined by “hoy fled falta impor and ‘aga 1B quenched Tacorlee, eorjeasaich, New Eee mieenaoemis kre einer ae eee GEQHDY Snel contain “Gaummne’d precise, Gatunace precpllate wf thel: Goundatlen Mee Teste genre atk a mse em ama a ons Seen com eet 2301 Gee M ama set 2302 Snaran grass 2303 PUES gd Serie aS Se Pee wae os Seae a eae i! ‘ ay Tent treated. and quenched on sion, aoe E ae ota ee ier ge i as aes oe Hef'idaaideaion, end Mestncam So08 "Splat (Sreppaton ot Shromtam Compare 305, ‘eet, ‘SStormed mati of copper sold 280 ‘Welds in Copper Rod, Bar and Tube SULTS PIER ae Ne teetretytic od Lange, eguisted Spee tt agen dette got ea, lta ata ae ual Ree abate Seat, yriginal equiaxed grains in best metal. ‘The soatteret ns in Gh Seer avs Suse Bi Potassium dichromate - 100% —NH.OH plus Hy 8X —NH.OH plus 1:05, SSIS iia gan nap wee te 3575" wade non ath Sth le fn wir Pere ctr aria 2208 ee eee 2514 Se Brazed Joints in Copper Tube Assemblies 281 mi se nx sxe tex, ee van, 9S 24 te scons cpt, rant ur 235 “perm, cee a ae seit: 2516 prs cuvea setenh wey ews maar BAA pach SA SE Ra Seman ry ge le a Slate B's fo eee aes eraihs of Fimaiten Alle meat te grains of i Mile metal during bresing, 2 fase meal are of mcd we" Coinpare sit mictaraonaGiP™™ "Sut fay GMZ Sasi csi Gt alos copper a ba inom 00x pala (oat ate Sr art stofet S18" Gat fice wenn seca SSIS eh wt wy 2317 Ti pbeantorate acon 122 Fpcdpharas donate cet SRPBCUPEE Soe Sas eiow for devas, 1B (phetphoraaedeoriatoed sopper z Bier metal wae BART eoldual Tier metal war BCUPSS, len ier . ela hogpher "SCuP*S. copper, Muh feeidual phosanoray. Zoller metal osbherte) a ibe COeidey tor cteals Ptbeloe) far devas of a stam dehrmite s00: ax 7 s00 ‘Brace Joint im 3817 (above), snown at ‘Beazed jolnt in 2518 (above) snown at Stenermagnitcation view of brazed 2320 Sriiihet “tagal romear 2321 ago Tartar 2322 feet SSte enone)" Blac” mactal ts ae ‘hag opper-righ dendrites ‘dehy in & a ieee Glare gray, Areas)” me wad as, lows” Grea); base metal 282 Wrought Copper Alloy 260 (Cartridge Brass, 70%6) THHOH plas Hs 2328 Be wae bo “Deh eheee cies, a eh 2 dec a a eae oe ae Friis true, elows Beg rain ettueture, fection throngh one of See oe partial A Mage aman of we 2551 aberrant nts ona a Somer en Dipacumratirerm eno ed: 2337 Be orm creer ok see a NOH Blue 0s ‘auced 8%. ‘The cracks show some Effect of Reduction by Cold Rolling of Alloy 260 (Cartridge Brass, 70%), at 75 283 ‘edoced 114 by oold rolling from 0299 to O218 tn, Uhick. Quarter-hard temper (1 B&S gage number hard). Nominal tensile strength 54,000 pal, recap th ot et on ue an xi Ms a ence ase lg hh i te yi er 0s Boh a ee BS antaary processing. ms ‘s CP OER ihe cad evened Yo a groin size of 0.190 try. Ul spoctmeas wore stoked tt a mistar€ of amimontion Nodvonide ahd Nydrogen per Lae ida SEE tert BSN ndearanh dalle the oriilacon of She sla with verpece tothe rang’ pane 8) The thee 284 Effect of Reduction by Cold Rolling of Alloy 260 (Cartridge Brass, 709%), at 75% 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 ‘Reduoed 975 by cold rolling from 0239 to O81 m. thick. Hard temper (4 BES gage numbers hard). Nominal tensile strength, 78.00 ps The pretimznery wrocessing schedule for the alloy 260 (cartridge brass, 74) sheet te described on the yrecet 1 Diagram at gee EGE dU cach nerdpraph taicatee he erentaton 2} the Sew WAR renpect to he roling plane Of She Weck Hckebe ‘ee SHOH pies BS Effect of Reduction by Cold Rolling of Alloy 260 (Cartridge Brass, 70%), at 75% 285 2354 2355 2356 ‘Reduced 69% by cold rolling trom 0290 t0 0074 tn, thick. Extracspring temper (10 BAS gure numbers hardy. Nomitel tensile strength, $9,009 pa ‘The preliminary prosessing gehedule for the alloy 260 feartridgs brass, 70%) sheet iz deseribed om age 253. Diagram et lower left in Eis nSertoraoh "dicate the orektaion tj tke view ite Tesi! we Une Poling plant af the thee etchant wes HALOH ps HO” 286 Grain Sizes of Alloy 260 (Cartridge Brass, 709) Annealed After Cold Rolling, at 75 2360 SRineks Ooo mm FI 2361 rinses Game EY 2962 Grin sue On\sma FI 2363 Grinsae omens Be BHO). Salamanca, 100? Gil O) ‘al anipea, 160 404 © ‘alanine, 8 i bse PW eee CGratnatee, 0928 mm, Fi Grain se, 090 mp BI ‘Syain og, 0088 man, PL Grain sve, 0040 mm, PI- 2364 ScnAcL SEU, 2365 Stenaal Me AE, 2366 Seance, Soe wee), 2367 saan Sie Umer, 2368 Gish golsmm Pinal asaeal. D369 Grelm e005 mm. Rial anal 2370) Gena se - 008 mun. Final annoal- She tempetalure was 990 F (310 6) ‘aniperatute was $08 Fit G) She lemnpeiniire was 995 F GSO region or agro) 98. lt ale. tn te a mening tm ee BSR e ae ie Ta me ee Lcmatnes sme cle tude ie te eng a, ‘Gecintns ractied fhesane Irelimtnary Groceding. say mot Nelda temperatire about 9 min, Spapiment were Vighiy elehed PEER Ttncalet told rood, amseted SS Gloe'a grain tee"of ttn @ misture'a} anmontem hydresite and hydrogen persrie Grain Sizes of Alloy 260 (Careridge Brass, 70%) Anacaled After Cold Rolling, at 75% 287 4,060 mm, Final apnea oun. sm, rte se, 060. Final nc 2371 Synay.ounon pee me 2372 ial 2373 gpnsingam ae Baa ee 2374. Shtiopelatare was 1H0P GG). 2375 SIMRAN Sate eres. 2376 sss ate Tao eee) 2377 pau aia on me mel 2378 goons 8 an, Pd 2879. Gin son dane, Pie EE ae Spams a ny ae Opeename on ay as: Seto ve pag rs fies cf 00 mc oe bn Dh en dg Tate tte nek an enya Se a totes ttn Zh fe ene pd ko ee eS eee eee ate Brn iets a eee Gioe'G grain Skee) With @ misiare of ammamiuim Rudratie and Mosrogen perce. 288 Defects and Inclusions in Alloy 260; Sulfur in Alloy 268 Nat blake: not ceed vi : Tot etahes nt etches 2x in ay ‘Scanning electron mlerorzaph of uci ie eaten 2 mee Se hetero Giving subsequent drawing. tt Searing electron Dlastie deformation has taken Blase betore ect sox uence eh ee a a ee SLE Seep aree cue em ae ab 2989, Sara * Slane of" Sane stlide” Gosiparg auth es, NHLOH plus Hi, 268, yellow brass, 66 2387 dutaing sboormally ten sale 5 Sy Tehtly etehed > contrast, ‘hereby conced sth Weingtes Sos 2058 °F te ud eae ‘Wrought Copper Alloys 280 and 298; Derincification; Deformed Serucmures 289 NHLOH plus HO, 100% MAOH pli Hie 0 Fa ae mee, ae 7381 Sores aces Soundanter suring Quenching of all-beta structure, phe grains Temain to apycimen “9000% tminat specimen 000%.” hind specimen S98 Rye ame maa’. 3555 EO tn mugen eset ‘Soe Br igor aravarara, 2590 BML ima amet wet 2504 Bie e meras ae eee he Dee eam eeaninirtebGttne luaen aetent dee mer ee bo Ree Gi amma Rese e eacs ies mower Ire 5 ae BERGE catia * BeNOR Bs ae intot 00 fno80% Tne apecimen "nit species sno00x “Tuncfllelecton 2 oe ‘Sane 2000 to 2285, mu annealed at 12 “Game us 2306 enoept specimen was slow= 2305 saat hap enerisentoy me 2996 Fi) "and auncnes. afer bas de. 2907, intoiea. Ute a Too the ietoaton neva, mike hae precueed formes. ine thin tron icosran shee geutcraat aata iy Sees ee ‘Sipetoeons Wee alie vs, Sk sight Gunched’in vactueie’ Seo"Sso musrograph 2301, the absence ‘ncivinte ab sop Micronraphs 2302 to 2397 were supplied by Profesor Norman Brotn, School of Metallurgy and satevals Science, University of Pennsylvania. 290 Leaded Wrought Copper Alloys 316, 348, 350 and 360 HALON st 0s 300% NMOM plus HO: am: ‘Dktrtution of lead care "Digetbution of tad ar 2400 ois "it atti cat itog 2402 Dusan of Mad Ga alloy 318 leaded egrnmerciat bronze, 348, (low'lonted ‘omnes Bo Guedttiended brass, 11% east alioy 30 lftet-cating. drat Therese pare gate (ale) Bo), Remainder of eructare’ alpha $i'% Por Bemainder of sacs ie working lead’ Darl ‘rains Compare wit 000 mid! 20L Apa gran "Se ais 20 Sk “hey ss A ns rs aaa te lae ern we emeneek ROSRMaM a ang wah er oat TS Ce Da etc ae mph maa 2AO4 eat elt ah 2 fobestof lend (dark) and aiphe erathe {Mente {motled gregh act presto eres eae gn ater ‘Sipha grains (light Sa PETE Se Aor eaaraae Htelpaiaey aie este by Baa NOs plus He pts CxO 20% ‘alloy 360 rce-cutting brase) bar, at 2402 ieaied at Woof tG'Cs for Phe and Net pobehed: net etched Actus ae Ax polthed tot wctec) Mer Lae ABMS Se Oe a ob mao Ee SOLA seed ma tomas Ge ‘or extrusion defect, shown in 34 "inte center of extrusion. lead (ark). See 2401 and 2408. ‘Wrought Copper Alloys 442, 443, 444, 485, 675, 687, 697 291 eee wii aoe are Soo wa age con entormye TE Gee aR RES car sila ie See a Pe A ee a ot tte tl eget Tati ie CS Foto Tat TA pontine ims eS: omen Gee Ree TS mo eae Grae, SMe Ae Rae ths Gee eka at ani) Tiamnamerie Bee raise i TARA Larer” SETS! boo Ge ones an Thin fot soecimen HOM ple 1s “P, manaaaete, bonds A. ee ‘Alor €87 (arseplcad aluminum ‘bras, ‘Ailey 097 (lean ed brass) bar, Hin. “te eg ee phase Getto 2417 SPeorked andamnenied mowing au: 2418 Gu, Sou ‘tnigned and ennenicd Me 2c constituent win bet, "amot catins ‘aaa band at macking-fault odes. crograph ‘set Srea ae tntatar of bet showing ‘Wosiween Seta and alphe tactics, inne). Athol tratsmision elcotron imerogroph. Enns equlaned recrotales eratns OF Sipha 292 Copper Alloys $10, 518, 630 and 647 (Wrought Bronzes) BOX MHLOH oiue Hs 00x 0x SE pe meme fasts san gl, EE eae ey anata Seen On COS ARS 2421 ee ee tate ‘Siyndlided alpha rains wiih Sonealing fis Stages ed*Besesbbic can, meg fe ‘tthed to chow stngere of Phosphate Taekekees ee ee Ee oe wy AS SGSS"AETTSS canner women ore aed mere aCe iE Rati 2023. yea ea Ne Rte 2424 Oz Sh ‘ie show fo decostnbe amount Of deformation,“ SS*MCu pumuctne cepasts of large, env grate in ait 'NICBEoAl phese ‘nie ae on niu gnome se toon ee = et ene te rl ago ae nea ES Ra an wy irene aici ah Ge RET 2006, Stk ena ace 2627 ae eae cf undiuoted Nua Goupoutd teaae eee Fesoived precipitation Of NLSL Bee 7427, ‘t erain boundaries and within grains ‘Wrought Copper-Nickel and Copper-Nickel-Zine Alloys 293 WS decnit ont ia Boab en GO i, a BBS" EE crags ett ss She FASS" AEE ope as, 1g) thoy ARG ot 2A ale ie eee eum ainomate 300% K:Cn0y plus He8O, pls HO! SOX KiChOs plus HiS0. pla HCI WBL AE, Games nietel 30). 2430. Alley ‘conoer nen ays) caaang on 3439) Dalal oft tne cine compare ix umdaty cracks "(das ‘elit save ef opper 11" retroivite tober lea. Cladaing (top) x hea ‘aor deat of sires ruptte tele pitch; edinage eonipoatte Tor W. S. dime, Sec 244, outer surface asa rosa of the colt opesstce, specie 1 eg Fact, + 20 g FO, + 200 mI HO 10% ‘Alloy 119 (copper nickel 9% Cri “uly "246 (olekel silver, €5-10) cold rallnd 34 Rimbsed TES BGR BF Gy 2435. lee Geer ses Sn, ca ed esate in Normale cand ana F GG A Uae tL. Gece eee ie GaN ream a ate ec ‘oialWicdmpontisn of as saiuéan,” purulent Eaerse bare Me gaae 294 Creme se 2437 “Rete oe oe hat was 2m, aluminam ee ey hc ens bran tn wasp copper Gower coke ter). See micrograph 2428, ne TiERe FoF ea Seas ‘Sepak Tei us #50 lus MOL ‘hoy 818 (ehvomtum eppper: 2439 Mot. Structure: “a ans of phn ale soiicn ih) ont E etueeis mire 6 apn od stati dark paves of chromium, tr NH.OM pus HO fs permanent, meld east. Bow 2043 ese Sone rez “aster then for ior 3 an, aia arene Ma. ey fare wh Ses aba Sa tniformiy dateuted CSrpare wih Bite aoatian ce ‘whi Be aba 28, Electrodeposited Copper; Copper Casting Alloys 815 and 836 FLOM plus 9, 2438 Bechiragee, cee cone te {toa ointoition (veegued grat a tgaestions, tacks See 3 for bes seaeaibenten As-Cast Manganese Bronzes and Tin Bronzes 295 po Me then FeCl (aerated) 100% ac) £003 NH,OH pl HDs, ten FeCl (atermatea) 100% ‘Ailey Bie maanganene bronze: 64 Cu. 28 “Alloy 83 Geanganese bronze: 63 Cu, 25 ‘ilo ‘5.(maranese brome: 38 Cu V45 tyme caneapens bronzes U2) 2446 APSE EEE tim as ound cast, 2447) Oo'kn lang ent oe, TAD op cand tall needle of sipha sola cottion igh inn Beventially “the ‘etme cs ‘se'icr alloy cast, Mugroctaucturs ic same as for ‘2645 bu ‘Enel bela phe Rad eras G68 dus Migher migimum sireneth requirement ‘ ent” tally 868 thigher ‘Bihidh Of bcbtrih phase foluck Got "Com? Constuente are the same 93, fer 4S. Eine contant, Wut ower contents’ of Fe, AP ad BEG of em ie RSS Srogteph 24,” Ghat ety ile alpha cold Sehillon is preven Bin) ‘hus resulted in lazger alpha neediea. oH us 0, en Fach fatemated) 100% NMLOM plus 1iOy then FAC (akernatead 100% MMOH plus MiDy than FAC Caerated) 100% “Alloy g85 with zine “content, reticed ‘Alloy 908 (tin rome’ 86 Cu, 8 Sm, ¢ D450. Alloy 995 Gended tin bronze: $7 Cx, 10 4248 Ay GS wit, cin, crmteny oticet 2449 AY suaccatge dena ot ake 2450 §1% "pp. foay ap sand cat song erate insect are oud eto area, Rh b lcks hey dente Catala ey) showi aro AS SE ARE Meme HS BE is Bin cron of de pase GQHES, and lead Surtees task) © en sie, they show aogregation, Land articles {Wiad are Uniformly duawibuted. See Bi 296 Aluminum Bronze and Nickel Silver Casting Alloys SGT oy yan prop 2405 Reng gue Wiper : " from dealumiaaine in Staal i denarits st botiom riahieare ALTe-af phase formed beta phase mae Of ete AUN SS > A cham soll OX” heb 1% ewome acid | 240X Eee: 1% chm a ‘Same se 245%, but with ‘Same a4 2697 and 2458, exe 0% At Becrasein Rise 2459 Spe GEASS Sa content ‘has rerslted tn‘in- further decreae“in the alanine ‘pha convent Tuas aunsited tn Farmer Sncrease ln the sug of the ‘igh Grains, apd bv a-decrease’ in the Ett Sf retained beta phase spies pet Mle Berctteey ——— m Shou eter etal Se Gar a annum wane Sa AT as nyo aa Raced came e502 mean. Sgr arene aee 2409, Set eke cents SIUMEAGS SUM isae” Ricvemme me foe poe onl titi teens eae Microstructure of Lead and Lead Alloys ‘Lead and Dilute Lead Alloys Leed-Base Banbitts ‘Lead-Calctum Alloys [LEAD ALLOYS for whleh micrographs fem iho “hve” doy “aeleng ah ealelum (witn “ad without. in), (3) leadvcopper, (e) Jead-tin (eth and wwituoat alver), (2) tead-antimony, and {e) teadsantimcony-in (with ana with ‘ut disente oF copper). Bar tnformsation a. the ‘uses. and properties of, these Slloys, see pages 1038 t0 1065 in Vallume Tot this Handbook. ‘The section of this ‘as concerning sieeve bearing ate Pals. (pages 251 to. 240)" shows aeie ‘ilerographs of lead. alloys. Teaa-calsum, AY 3! P1300, C), about 0.08% ealehim Jy soluble in lead! init at oom femperatare, the solubility Srops to abont, 001%, éatsing trae granular precipitation of rods of Pu.Ca, Hf'soidined slowy enoudh, lead allows Containing more than nowt 007% cal- hum teow aleo primary Posca, whieh Sppeats as Cuber or starshayea den ates. Smal! additions of tn to dilute ‘aclu Agr cue the fonnaton t's Pb-Ca-Bn phase, whieh precipitates Siegugrariges deere boundaries peu and loud, are" ossentally Jneoluble in. the solid fine, form a eutectic a¢ 000% copper ‘The eutectic structure appears as Roall Stieee, which blends treo any primary ft leg, whieh blends into any primary {ead that iy alao present, Addons of Copper up to. the ‘eutectic, composition feruls'in grain refmement, a3 ‘ell 88 Uproremdnts I satisue provers, ad-Tin. A eutectic Zorme between fin ang leca at 301 F i183 C). Because the eutectic composition 61.0% Su = 282° slot the lead-tooe alloys in pete contain primary. grains. of Teaa-vicn solid-solution. Alloys that have more than 10% tim eontafn. some utectlo, whieh conslets of ether lame ‘ae or sobules of lead-rich solid sol ton tn'ainerich matrix. A low toigl- Aeation rate favors. formation of the Tamellar igpe of eutestio: a nigh rate, as tn most soldering appliesions, fa tors tre globular toe, “Although the solubility of tin tn Yead at the eutectis temperature is 19%, at oom iemperature i's reduced to avout 32) causing considerable. precipitation af tienen solld tolution, whieh appears Ss stanles and needles whine the rains of leaden solid solution. The following petont contibted the micgtaphs presented inthis seston and reviewed the page proofs: Rov E. Beat, Manager of Weld. ing Research, apd RE AUSSEIL, Apvitant Mtalorgs, IT Revearch Insxieee, C. DiMfarzs and T. . Towsteen, Conta Research Lab outones, Amesican Sneking aad Refining. Co Chit etalon, Dodge Menufactucng” Di, conTENTs 298 Lead-Antimony Alloys .. 299 Lead-TIn Bolders, and Soidered Joints 300 Type Metals and Other Pb-5b-8n Alloys When silver is added to leadetin alloys, it “combines “with tin (0. form Agen, ‘which then Torme & postido~ the bullty’of Ag-Sn in lead ts about 0.1% ‘Therefore, “most siverniead solders, which eontain 08 to 19% silver and T to 2% “tn, have east microstructures comprising’ dendsttes or lead-rich sone Solution and interdendritee eutectic that condists of Agssn in leaderich solld solution. At, iugher tin contents, some tin-tieh solid solution may sls0 appear in the eutectie, ‘Tead-antimony. AL the euteetic tem. Etna fod of anlmony “presi ‘Rom sald Soliton after furace coo tie cous ‘cppear“at Dotincares; after even dower or eooling. ey al appear ‘within. the ‘Alter a cooling. the antimony often is etained fn slition,“ thus peemiching Subsamuent age havens ‘The euteclis mixture Hes, a lamellae form, with partes of antimony ina Bypoeuteeu alls (elow 113% ane ruteete alloys (below 12 ant ‘ny he iead-reh phase af the ex {ectie blends in the primary leadvich Phase tat, i also prevent, giving the Eutectic a aivoreed Appearsnge. roar Euterte alloys show angular” DHmary Sxysals of antimony in eutecte, Tena: Amiimong"Fn, One of the two periecties tn the autioony.tin system Sconce at 70" Fads G), whore token Sela? ceace wath andtieng-rie sod Solution to form shn- Both satizonr fina tin ate moderately colube ta Sb, Feoulting in a phate Rela extending at ‘oom teiaperalure approximately Sho som tn "AL approxitnately 10% Sb, 10% Sn and 416 F (247 C) the Pb-SbSn pseudo Binary system contains & eutectic that ‘fas 2 lamellar forma, with articles of ‘SbSn-rich phavo in a matctx of load- Hoh solid dolution. The euvectle point fies on a eutectic trough ip the liguidus Surface of the ternary diagram, "Thi Hough, which @efnes the limit for the He'Wester Aasonr, Reliance Hleaic C2 Ouiver B. OLeen, Mette, NL Indortivg Inc APotonio M. Oxncusna, Metlloigist, Globe: Union: Ics A. Skowmax, Maneger of Motslergical Resear, Genel ‘Cable Corp: Wratias Vert. In, Metalurit, Research Center, ESD Tne Me Boaswe Warnes, Chie! ‘Meullurgs aad Gronot KLECAK, Mevaloguper, Belmont Smelting & Refining. Works, lc gee formation, of, primary lead crystal comnects the lead-+ ‘aud lead? fi auteetie. points "the ough “a ‘ames throngh a ternary eutectic point itiise sb Sam Sn and 464 Gao), ‘The form of the ternary eutectic mit: fre ig also lameliac, with particles of both Suenceien ate and antimany. ich soll solution im & matrieof tend Heh solid solution. IRectle dennes the limit for the Zorma- Hon of primary antimony" erystals Lines loading from the teraary eutectic point 10 both peritectics in the anti- rony-tin system define the limits Jor the formation of primary Sun erystals, Because the antimony-tieh side of the Sogn phase ‘eld can dissolve about 28% lead, the boundary between the Po-sbsn eld and. the Pb-Sb-s68n fheld Tes stan antimony-to-lead ratio of 2 to 1. The boundary between the Jead-entimony feld and the -Pb-Bb= Sbsn eld lies at about 2%. antimony. Euakion Go gn Worm Hos the ante ‘ony-ric plas ls white and emaines0 airing evening the EbSn-rieh pears fr Heh fey, uk psoas gull oh ine ot "ay deveiop etch Inva fine entectie structure, the lamel hanged by etching, bu the lmeliae ‘of Shin-rich phase develop dark edges. ‘iyitale. of ansimeny-tieh Biase age" Angus, bul are anally Romewnat elongated: primary crystals of abenctish phase are ual Adaitions of copper t ead antimony ein aeleaie a, gala eta oe ahora siete Cae iereaicany oan So Gnuey nora Se tae ndetint, le lee atte ah as ve Shara OR eather Lh hes Tete ae hese eras ea vee a Research and Development Dept Lead and Dilute Lead Alloys Teh Hieliesta st OC WSEGIE! co pon oe rams as Se ata op A a eu qian tals SSS SERA tae act han we & 280 IR 0 am Pane Hee ‘ Ete Spelt corresion tanoduing Baty nd aloft ‘eleznente (euch a copper! a rfuoe shows same Te fitted tulenting Sarlcis of Copper Wdate ote ox 70 10% Elched sane a8 2070 coe 2A71 Gappercbearng iad at er lead: ey es Sf pea GM Rca a: Riklan mighty EM eit ASE BERETA” Opec eke ER Pe Sai rg mage! at s Lead-Base Babbites it, 20 mt HNO, 20 ml HED. ak 108 F 42 se0-106h-65n-0 Cy "Uad-base Bobbitt, SAB alloy 13) fue eraize_ ot lead-rioh solid saint” (biack), and peta olde of SoS inermetalls phase (wnite), bn matrix of ternary eutectit Rgteed) consatine of entimony-rien tol seiution Coit, S08 Dhese US's and leid-rieh tod Solubon Clee Dene ‘ne 00x, 14pb-158b-10200-040..~ AVG Nae "Tendsoage obit, pea cm ng papunn tek 2477 weneegcaen ie ne meron oes Oe ales 13 HDs %) eels 308,310 GH) 2 . 00% ‘eiapy- 12960 3em_ ead Sa ae 260, but shown 480 Shae habbit), as cast ina Prabha Maguncation mold Hen tam Bi ue The structure onsite of denarii EenSSFSNE Gack an pray Syeais of antimony gall eek matey ot temary veuteetc, init Betdowal the seule (ed back Baa White). See 248, 16 mi aceue Et 2475 Biiuire conse of primary necdies af Curses HME, Sadabinary eatectis ieveed) ade up of lendsrich oti elute, {EscD ang BEN pase Cie" See also tlcrosrepin 247 fo 2479, below ary 100% aeele 998.20 0%) 210% Sarge lndase babi a ie, 2478, but wih a 2478 Hipeuut st: neeay 2479 Gtetete Gehint and at & trom liner otuom. Challed: Sex ijacent tothe ihey hag. a He ulecte. siuetive. "Sea 38%) Tor Figner' magnification view. cee aaa ES Aer rss oar BL Sat ? Teena nivt at Sine 8S te pees te bees ae Big ft uta of area tn Baad ee Boe area ials: Heine ati eee fae ‘.SPh12580- Asn dead 2482 Fase "abit as cate In 4 egy son beri in, Sr Sore ehgedtet riman eerste ot Eotinony inate Lomnaty euteci BE mtecgraph 2a 300 Lead-Calcium Alloys 7 . : ‘ . tt “sea th ac 2 pe ga oe seem ne roti ing. a8 me Bad MAPA far, ot Tae a meron may ie PERS Bids aes ee ee edema 28 Recs wore i SEPRLEUALAR Dane ane RRA Riles it RUN Le Bee ‘ee ened tame a 2404 2488 Peo. a es gqictim 2489 ae Blog as far ole Ee tr see eataoas sia Lead-Antimony Alloys 301 437 Etched same a5 2467 100% ‘ks salihed (act etched) 300% Se HEDIS aap. pds UGS" BE oo act, SACS SSF BLS oe ee A eS eS, courte aie, SACS OG Lk AAG A SEE” CSET 2a99 aie Sx MOH, except showing an area ch arauy ca futie ip the incerdendriie ens laiserte pat volds (lacs) “were caused. oy withdrawal. of black) wishin thé strap an at ‘Eis of antimcny in tastes of tend'rioh fold joluem eutectie rom between the aendrier dur> the interlace where the strap ‘war can onto & ‘tition ‘5 oF ihe dlvoreed tape. ing sehiineation of the Easting connection tab (betzom) of'© gr i; 2503 s0Pe208b, Primary crys. etena fale of antimony GigDe) 1 ‘toy Tne eutecte mate of in eae! tig Gf Galargea dendrites of lead “rion ead sotto. Lead-Tin Solders, and Soldered Joints 302 a SEES < 7 seater 38,1 HNO, 9 pveerat sat ite at 4204 set le, HNO yar 0 ‘Pb-2sn "(oar solder), as slowly so- BSPb-IGn Ulerne metab, as ‘opo-3080 (upping solder), ns slow! 2504 fia Gurctne en gra eadegts 2505 SeiaKS AAS talag MhhY 2506 TORR a pine, solder) as doe rains, mth Gark ray tin precipitate the sulted tn Pose cufvetie between ‘eared grains dendritic erste nies MboricaaiSe tamer Stain boundaries ata widhin Bre erate, cf'leed that have thn precipate’ at ages ‘tie consisting Of tin evita’ an lend di 400% 1 sete asi, 1 HNO), @ pice mbes wiping solder). es SP . Sony wohaites he, strkinte ‘onsiats $2 2508 Seeeisoen wnat erd- pat seller), a ark dongle raine of teadsrigh sole anion hyn soli eoutlon is tate of farmtian eateehe cate imatis of iameliar eulsete of tirioh solid solution of tincrich sola sludon ‘cals ane ea-seh seh ‘baer “and leadseie ol seution ‘cdaeat Shuai dar ee alo enferograph 2508 - Nee 2 sea, mo ry Theked seme on 2308 ax ection” tneragh automotive, by showing Tiseyish-LsAg (aller teed solder te oider-brage inertace et 2510 Gach ander aehog es ASO oka ae | 2511 FARMS, ly ID et 2512 at ora i re eam Focus of paint top, Dask Iesdcpeh dete grains of adcrk Bold mitts in Eataer | sano-oske BAe Tay ee Sioshon lamelt tle ctnelsting fie re sod toes are is ‘dight) nd Age intermetable pare (ard). tardenaritie Po-Agn eutectic, ains ‘nd invereranvler ternary extecte Shose afd aalimony tooth light) and lead’ dart Soldered Joints in Brass Automotive Radiators 303 ‘stage eth (on Been 10% tees seme 08 2513 20x Erened same 99 2513 ax Tank-losbeader Joint soldered with ‘Sue gs 2513, except lew showing ‘Same 05, 2514, except_highor magni. S13 Fiipidantaihe etek ST mye 2514 Sis Ie Told Gas “ia he tarroe 2515. S8ibs “Shove” Shanna Sdandiee oc te of acchie neat und ‘ba, fh then acetle: af the igint “Ine shadow ‘oulaing the ead ight) and eedgndritt PEcAg Sa ous Gie"eddham “is Slivetne ine eratne sé lier B canal ty relict fetwech the Solder tetic arts in lnpe grains of sober he {her onfaining dark olds that nay have and‘che' harder heise unat formed ding Dol= voig ‘lacy, xoay hufe Been cased ny Tack Cf ‘Sr caueed By saldieadion shrinkage. ‘Sing! Geo sis mberowraph S818" ‘Webting of the’ Boas by the solar 2517 Similar to 2018 and 2514, but a section 251 Cracked ares in the solder tap) of the #Etongh Tabled ote, showing rie Joint. shown fa. micrograph 2311 Caren (ieee) Gthe ‘seider wien “may rate Bern in 2517 ihatoniea by lower erties "The gels, (alse be ote corrosion. Bee micrographs 2816 Which may have slated et solaifcation-shrnk: Salou it tignrcmahiNcacin views of the See cial, Se vec aa ar peat! fo ‘racks in ‘he eicied ras Geeta of boldiicavon, ANON, 240% O90 5 HO 125% S NON 2 HO, OH), 6 HO 10x SHAM, 2 M0, 4), 5 HO 25 5319, Beall of joint shown sn asap cea tn 2520 ection thngh tubeta-hesder Joist 252] Dall of joint shown tm 2100 ‘area Ein dicted chai 0 itt Sruee ist rns eo foldered with 2960-4550 Boo “indicated bythe eee at the sof godess of dedi Gf ade See acorn 18a Se8 fon hierage gn. 8 bu Neyer of coppectinGnteetalle irSution (deri and inierdepdritc Un-leed ifcaton ‘wews, and "for deschptions of te eAmpouha ht nas forsee a the soxdersOrass Siele See alse ‘micrograph Obi!" liar Mghe! Seuetures, of Be arene im the eltles ntePlaces, Bee" also oicroeraph 2810" Type Metals and Other Pb-Sb-Sn Alloys ‘este atin ‘ete itis oehant 216 10x, TER nenge may, tie anes ine ch SEES" WRC aes mona nay, open ean oS tae HEREEIE GR gheGh GOST AOS EES ceane ge Rene ee wa ee Ge fetid and eadich oig eoltton’ Way i J) abd antinonyerich sold scluton (wae) site htbaen wuctimn, meta. roe macwenre ane SESS Ueda ately mel, race wnat 2524 hes oi-aendrile grag ieedsrich solu coludan vaark) ina 2525 oie of oan intermiciahe nase teh) bn Maat of aa rat of eee SERIE GSN SOU e tit ne He ee ay a eT ad TS AIREY SSAA MENS ade a ads NG SSR Gu ARR Sel le ete te ethene 314 ete nite nent 14 evesvie therd 11 220% Aerie etchonh 314 3526 SPH380-Sin, suuctire ® _D5Q7 sedsPosh-o7sen, ic, DODGsyPowese-ian The micro 75]9 gosPo- lash 1864. Sendriter = cf lendcrich Arvcture: “Oendrites of Stucure ig ine eae ts Primary eubokes of Seu ‘ells, olution idavi) and'snter”eaderen solid solution (deck) wht that shown tn" 250% except that phase (ight) in a matic of pest Senaritie poradoninacy futectc cf interdenaritie. binary eutecle “cl mare ‘of the. intergendrite. anti> Sabiuaryeectc eonseting of ea ‘SBBN bhade light) aad Sead antimony Cighe) aed ead ‘lony-tees eutostc Is present (Gare) ard Sn Giga Microstructure of Magnesium Alloys By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Magnestum alloys? CONTENTS Constituents... S86 Casting loys ‘Wrought Alloys... 807 Detects MAGNESIUM alleys for which micro- raphe are presented in this ction {Er itea in he tanie of nominal cor: Postiens below For frformation on the Eropeileg “of these alloys seo pases {oft then Votame 1 of his Hane Zonk The temper designations aed this retin are explained on pages 208 ier in Volume Rain eases alloys can be, cla. iho hve groups. Ce) magne ‘Sin-alumintin-nvanganese (vith “and ‘ihogt Be ar alfieon), 0)" mage: Siimetinewtesninm ‘with ane ithoat inert (o) magnesium “rare earth nein) niconium tain and without ne ae siier), UD magnestum-tiotiam= Seconiums (with ang without sine) 23 {er magnesium -lhium-aluinimar, huuminia. A eutactc forms between toe sold seldom of unin snag deciom and the ftermotallte cmpoud Siguats "wth mormal ait cooling of avlings, Chin ewiectie takes ether of fro ting depending on wbetaer or hot the tog contatna ne. Tra ay ‘thot ting, the techie forme ax Muasave compoutd, whith containe ise Ines ae tagreatten sod sontion, in En aloy that contains zine, i takes & Gemplela vored form parties of Enmpound in cold scution, the Since of whieh Blends fale that UF the Adfacent etary tole solution, ihe precipitation ‘of MagieAie from solid solution ean be either continuous dr dloroatmuous At aging temperatures Shove about 400 f Gis Gh appears ine continuous Widmanstitien patern Diseontinuoss’ “precipitation, wich aris at grain Wousuaries and faa imma orm, fe favored Oy tower Seine temperstares’ and slsmiuon” content shore 8%, At bout 800 F (about 380 fae limeuiaprespitate betins t0 itesce, ad at abet SoU = about 300 Gif salactves in the matric htanganese Tr magnesium alloys that contaia manganeer ov no slomingm, {fe manganese appears an primary clee ental fargeles in tae presence. of Slominuin the manganese combines ‘il ftw form he compounds MA, Meditor Mingle These compounds ioe present tn a single particle, with the redo cof aluminum fo mauganese ine treaing from the center to tke metace Of tre particle Solution ‘neat iret ‘ent fedaforms the partite entirely to sRoweet F. MesiL, Chuan, Profesor Emeritus Camnepifellon Univesity; D. R. BEINE, Senior Eeperineatl Neullugi, Materials Sciences Laboratory, Dewoit DisiAllinoa Div, General Motors Corp Mndle. The presence of sufficient fron modifies the Mn-Al compounds to very fata Mn-Al-Fe compotinas. Particles of Ma-Al compound often occur inthe ‘fonm of chunks and feedies. At times, the particles nave Srregular, sawtooth surfaces, which Ze Bult trow growth in the mushy and the early solid stages Rare Earth Metals. Because of the Jow solid solubility of rare earth metals invmagmesium, there is usually an ex cess of MgaR ‘compound at the grain Boundaries. of ‘magnestart-misenmetal and magnesium-didymium alloys. US crore Be Sarees ‘Wrowene Alone magna. as 02 tee 1B Ee Agae fe $3 35 ER Adiorn ib cae 83 Soups hd 1 peaefent 309 Bit ‘Thorium, At the eutectle temperatace of bbe Y 1560 Gh tgs torture t slse Bien agnesiat owever,becsuse o& toy” Somreeaon, ‘mashestuat alloys containing ue tte at 9 thorn often Smntain “voreed euiache and" show fhaslve Mevth combowsd at te grain Eouncartes ‘At temperatures below te tet, compound Is also pretpiated from sa aoluton, im nating, the Prerpitate forms ithin goalne ai is Feldom webie, in. worked structures, ihe precipitate often eleriy “able Higman boundaries ‘fhe addition of thorum, to magne- siumézine slope’ cnanges the: degener- Rte" eutectic, “which Sontaine Maren ompouind, a lamba euteci, whieh Eonfaine Sig’th-2n compatne “ino. at tne eutectic set Fao Ch, 62% sing So enable in fagreatm, iit at lower temperatines, ere fe general" precipitation at Mae £1 compound, the patices of wish te not clearly reaivable yan elton inlgroenpe wll the ally it overaged. When ine te added €9 magnet: giominom "stony, the, Mgealestectie father a compte. “dvorted form, Im which tie pleat of Mieat Compound or of MgsstA-en com fou Hf the rao of fae to alominus Srcteds 1" fo" are sunyounded. by ‘apsesium Soh soliton: Adgflons €& Hint Co magnesium -rare ear metal lyinetetea the among and cone fst ofthe" compound at the eran Toudarles Zine adaiions alse promote ee change of the Mg eters to the sioreed form, Sy the addition of about Gh" aine to maghesten aloys containe ing a leaat 9 thorium, in seieaar, or pint, form of comasund develops ‘Thelaclear form entirely rebiaces the thasave form when the ane content Se TRerented® to. about 4%, but 3 agi dlsappeara wenen the. zine content fe foathte increased (0° above S j difeniomy in emouny es than, ‘alloged sich rangnesium and sade 26 ‘magnesium. alloys containing. ine, ze eatth metals, of hon. on binary ture of in the mora complex alloys, zireonium may form compounds with zine and alco with cortain elements that ero im- Durities 1m thase alloys, sueb os alu ninum, iron, silicon and hydrogen, Harows A. Dini, Rewarch Menllurit, Dow Chemical Co; BLL. SuanoN, Decor of Mealurgy, Aveo. Lycoming’ Div ‘Avo Comp; Howann E Boxes, Meooging Edt, Metals Hondbood ‘Wiener, 306 Microconstituents in Magnesium Alloys ‘Giyol etchant (40,5 308 15003 yet tenant Le), 5 0 300% Glycol etchant GI, 3 one soo. 2530 Tntetendtie euizctio in aloy AZSUA 253] Mastve MguAle compoimd. containing 253 Mane Mevfin comoound,curounsed Fas Sand cast, The gopeatante ot the fm avid solution Dylemellat Mg~Ate procipiats. ia cutee, EES Tite PRT a and sureties by meee Meals ecltats, cast alloy “AESOA-P" Nott al coling one SRUERS Shae coon, as raited in asic ay Auta emma ar coginé Sonainte Mg ie rea te ermatie Bee Mectattte web stat 2h" FEN ndth mieroephe 2 and SB O"” Sorare eh setenv in mlcogregh SH Nf we. f “Togs stage sen (ne beiow) 500% wx ip a te ver 2533 ante Mae ct, gc, 263d He Gotha Se, 2598 Pen gee A Reg Een EAR GES Gaatel snan otter tte hater SG ce ity Uae end ele BAP SRA ee Rueda’ mle cae Saga ane Gal eine geste le ‘then with 10% plers, to darken the matrix” fesu‘t of sistormaly slow eoulng. alloys that comain from 2 to 5% aise, 00x Glyel aenane 218) 10 axe Ys0x yet etchant (AB. 5 80 so nrimnry Slomorphil erystals of manga TPartices of “tin-a0 compound (ack ‘aastive Mase, compound ino 2536 Rr Mem caete Make: 2537 ESA aly Maale-fE weet, snows 2598 EUS MES Sena ec aae Bab, ‘sum alloy, showing iypieal angular centaur.” ing typicSi chunk and needle forms. ‘ames edtoviio We take this divoroed form ‘Magnesium Alloy Sheet and Plate 307 ee Per, 19 mH, 10-mi acted 270 plea, 19 m1 HO. 10 mi acele eid 200K. 7O roller, 10 me HQ 10 rl acetic aed 200% ‘aloy "AZSIB-14 sheet, Long!tudinal “aloy 'AZ318-0 eheet, Longitudinal ‘aloy asi 539 ally, ‘ame! 2540 Ailey e seme 2541 Alley 4282 pine. Loogtadinay fe view of worked sere show ‘ee of structure ecrutalized by Wfains, aba hechanical Wiis, Whlel healing, Particles of Maal. compound dark ‘heed tobi mice tolling of the sheet ray! and Drapmenied MigeAts (outlined) A * Ee wingegrgient Rix Moonen etme ae) | ox Spann Se 2 = “gy Bitrate aeYonaton DOGS" Sey Tho see, tneeltes EQN Sly Gane sme tone iy eetiat aoe aarti) 2543 ay adams engin 2544 er sae rh cane CaM Ge Gx ee catia Tar nga, sat canna eee eS EE PRR RSy S See Mata Mm Nag alae eg tee SEALS YES CASED Beare BS Sieh Ia Pee ae se pata oe FS ay ae sed DES" aS Gee sng SERS To mt, CCE ETM EES! Sool OUR ie? se mate cibeatuae crit bites ube eisated souk boundaries” fiu'Ghowh is Soto har eeaoled Bee ako 38, Hrausve Rage compoucd more ensl Yale, at etchant (128) ‘As pois (no sededd 20) tudinal D549 Ally AZSIA-T extrusion. Longitudinal 2550 AvGY AZEIA-P extrwion. ame a 24 Hot worked sictare Brat eacepe tna thus specimen ew 8 cna ene ans a ‘heehee! etchant (19), 35 see F exicasion, Longitudinal Teorked suruchure. Sinai Small amount, Se a cn rand SEES HS Boh sae, ewes ait worked secre Sead tied MgvAlz docontnueus preipinte neat the cgulszcd ‘eeryatailsed grains at the bouncars Snigerystalioslelongat ro fing treatment, ‘Compare win 2651 ‘ls ‘within heat worked grasa” Magnesium Alloy Forgings and Castings pete wena 2D ne 3 ‘AGMA TS, forging. Lani ‘557 ew of het worked set x. Siontinoou prec tate ‘Sab of the gral Heat the boundaries, ‘el tenant 18), § ae 563 Alley, AZLALK Ge, cas sab Ry hy ne ortproniated aaa ae ‘Bho in Tani Soke ata a cs ‘Piso mlorognepis 2865 and 2565, at rit ak ithe, ngs 2558 foe AUT rar aes ie Been ses a Stchatt, ‘then = seo fa. ‘oos0 heaionyet etchant 19) ior ASHACR ave outing, Same 2561 fire ie BAe yea! tenant 18,8 see 2564 Bl te earn ieee af ea Uae a ae ete mene Se ag at than in stzustare shown in merogroph 2063. 309 Proxphoriel 2, ecg. ae Seo etn Geeta ae ee ee Sie aioe oN oie hooe “x “Ta Bi ane onan 252 Hah eat ae 310 sesave renee 5ese Bags Eee an grains or ‘RAS9ACTS sand casting. Interden- rele network of macsine Nig come ound. the precipitate in the dente grab of ‘hyeal etchant is 2569 A Ringucalum Bolid‘celuten to nce vile onstoe SS naar wae eutng Se fa Be ‘ony Teruitng from paruat fo.ution and ates ‘cone'of the iaagncelam-didymduan evlecties Magnesium Alloy Sand Castings ‘iyest tenant 1) 109% ‘Alloy AZQ2A-16 sand casting. Larllar 2567 sievainpreeiotate’ (iene anda say? was ‘preduvod tougpout he rescaof ‘aoa eld euilon by arta gig Wooragare with microgragn 2566)" Some igi ‘Sinnde cc"aest wants are aso present has gr Bre Beak heats solid'Solution ‘ate easeatialy homogebeots yn enue 0, 15 3, 2573. ley tA out ‘esting. Iter nite patie eh seat eth compound tered, oe 1 precipiage ‘She Praire Gf piagnestay Soll sdlutin is not ‘Yiinle Soe Soe for enect of aime aeation, ‘yet eenart (36), 5 soe a “Alloy AZSSA-Te sand casting, Lael 2568 Sicalzans ietonistone pip (dark near simie eral boundaries; sane Beles’ of Mpsat end" Aancal”eompounas” Ki, sat with 8 elumimum there be has precip {han With 9% Rluminumm compare 2587) 7 om ~ ve. pe ~~ , 4 244 mite a 2571 ply Zena wand sate, Co ‘lectle Me-Th-z compound a ‘Stas oi mapnssluo soit tones Defects in Magnesium Alloy Sand and Die Castings an seston wena 3D. 8 20 Ghyeat etchant (18) 5 see 575 Gia PIE, Baa Petley 2076 a eat de a Gig 2577 He ex ata Ata dy a ‘Fear cestrtod in an aren Of Som ‘plait rata trgund bg Yo dete cil hm Tome around tack adh fy pound setts, wick mne to Soy ‘geskment a indlatine of ally the nctie-reraeeshanly Ty ndicatie of wloy od ean revit 9 tren cated by ih Cee ‘Femation in Wee reds, Bee also 2570 segregation in these areas, Bee eis 2575 sikdon durmg soligtieation shrinkage Es serene etd alt die ea se testes eae improper A line fre urstied Sh the areas Rrenis and containing no gay bret datos ete on wx SEO SET es cing, ay ring Pat easaecr ae Uhes DER Peart Seaebin Cae st Flot Seewe ties 2 a ak ft senane (1B, 1D ste ies tenant 1, 10 see sox heal senat 8 10 axe a ein rerauion of thin oxkle skin th an Sige 2582 Sais Pabia'R dana casing, tae 2583 AGEGaviA fle cSt, thie abe a Bees ecole visas ye enone Ue simopherg for shee pers of ime. (everal minutes). Compare i of time within = few seconds ‘Compare ih fhm once skin stown im imleograph 46. "the layered exide-ekim in mlcrorraph 2502 312 Defects in Gas Tungsten-Arc Welds in Magnesium Alloys ten Iretuston, 75% Phosphopleral tenant ay Geek BEST LET Gen om ot ies Ileroporesty in ton of ge py andl se. (belo) nina ete nef eae anata wet ware weld ih alt ally AHEA-TY microporanky lata ear tunesteh-are weld dopoe made in Rae’ win Be aad neil auy Ui"AgtoA ory Ee acide FIG meu" Gite ‘wela Sepodl E'S as At) Microstructure of Nickel Alloys NICKEI-DASE ALLOYS sre widely used. as bigh-lestperalure “materials, dd 173 micrographs ot such nickel alc loys are prenested. elsewhere jn ths ‘lus (pages 163 to 174.164, and 128 to 190. leven: micrographs of micke-base ding loess magreaiy sot ‘Sipe micropapea in the presen ie 36 present sec- tion ‘show structures of aloeel alloys sea Brimariiy for uhetr tesieance to Sorreaon nnd for other specialized ap plleations. As shown In the table belo, t ‘okel alloys containing 05% or more pickel are mest often used where thels Fish resatance to corzosive meduma i important. The magnetic, eaermal and Cleetrient properties of sch alicys a0 Ste ueefol in some applications, “The microstructure” of Nickel 200 typlenly contains. a small amount af Houmetalie inclusions ‘prinelpally ox- fact, Prolonged exposure. to tempera tres in the Fange of 800 to 1200 8 (a2 {oo €) will osc! in the precipitation of graphite Nickel 270 8.609 NE) is tess likely aun Nickel 260 to contain nonmetatie Incliciona. othegwice, the stroctares of Nickel 210 and iekei 200 a¥e basically fhe, same, suming axe mechasical orale nt Ghrmey teak ee Bal with 008 and 2000 ‘Permaniekel 300 38 an dge-hardening aig tii tention inti cone r re randomly dispersed par fetes of titanium niteiae ad graphite sader “an “optieat ope When obegueray "age naraenet, the alloy raph 2901) but ft aso contains © ne Granular precipitate, This phase 6-20! Fesolvable'hy epticel microscopy tx cua feral aged at 2 normal aging tempera tre #0 os wie Tn ‘overage materia ase or phase fespouible for the age hardening of nD alloy have not been esttively hden= Life, "the mechaniem appears tobe Sau al Bong sugared for abaine snjum all beng teduited for attaln~ ing full hardness, “Precipitation of compound such as Nie(MgT es sooms likely to secur during age hardening. ‘rag mlcrocragi of mroveht alloys ober shan par Hasta te eqn DD" See ane {i ‘Rip Frode Sh ee, i [callography of Steel Castings ‘CONTENTS Wrought Nekel Atloys ......... BME Casting Alloy CWHM0 10000000015 318 argc 8 a agate SUES S tateetainne SENSES Sony Ss a ans Sree ites, te saligt ha te EOE oar Pea ee Te aee ae Son i ESR G alga he Temes iene ae SSR ean ace Bab ean espa pats SEhants Se beatae Bane tall &F east se, Se ont a te ioe 2 seattle mr Me Se seen iat goes San i nat Fae Ds 4 macnnng ere sats 5 macnn oc a fg aeN Hone Mi esc at heaia chy Se eer ae rate tee uber i Seaine nati a a SM Seta eine atti 8 Brad Mr SeEsee een at eu 2a ee gece pa Bemepnei urn fe EP Lreney Sener Gey arcane ste Se ne cane SaaS crite Dae se et aa sh aioe itt Ere etic et Gener tee ee ngs Seer ah eer ate siete ul een Basie’ diaieaiete Sknteiir ge ean: on iit hue hat pects ly ol ty pia SE Pe Renae Soar a ib, Manat a ota Bad SRE Ta ela F 1508 to 082 ©), eheomtum carbide preciptatne from the rast soiree on, "the grain sizeof the solution an reaied."incenet “600 shown In micro. frank 2606 ts extromely ‘fe because of Rretiow anneating tmberanire ised iaconel 601 has figher eneomiGm cguueetean Incl aaa fon annealing, the, only’ precipitates dre eatide"sha' siege, The, Loses grain sae. shown in inlerographs Sha'béto. resulted trom te igh an healing temperature, neal 669 ie) matrix nardenee, faceccentered-eubie. aickel-curaiut Huctires ate presented in crops Huctires ate presented in crops Sein, 2613 and Sota, incon 688 ay antaia carbides whieh are inherent fn thie tyne of elioy “and some mite. Catbises that may be Toud. are ME End. Myc ‘Crich i_mckel eoturblam, molybdenum and carbon): in aaéttion, Mate. a chromluccrich ‘carbide, ap? Deare'm solution annealed material ‘Nica and NicCreMo_ Alloys” fastel- joy B is essentilly a nickel-molyb— fienum soy” in the solution nea led oudiion, the ticrostracture 1 2 face cenlered-cuble™ gamma solld-coluton Statek ‘with some uniformiy dipersed BSS (ore microgeapi 215) Principal elemenls of Hastelloy @ and fatelioy C28 ae nicer, chao inlum and melrbdencm, although ofter tlements are algo present in epocfed inoute (aoe table of sorapostions, at iets: Microstructure of these alloys 1 fenerally the same to\that of Hasichoy Bee microstructure of Hstelloy G18 Ihlgrograp 2016), ‘Chsting Allops, Cast structures of ai- doye seh ts CW-0M CASTME ROBO) t trom the wrovgt nd 2021 show typical structures of al- Joy CW-12M inthe as-cast and the solution annealed conditions, Levene past as obisceusoagss 8 9009R SR uer aad 314 Wrought Nickel Alloys er . D4 Nec, 80, 200% NECN, eH S04 2593 Seog ane 'domprass 2594 fea oath me tee mares, 2505. a, et 5 sewn Wea th Se bat” owe ES alae Grceae aka we Zn sot Seay ast apm S357" SASaner act moma 2596 Senay an emtaueaeaG 2597 maser ri sr Seta car a dee EERE ERE goa SE ae Sime Ean a Ee woe onan sem win vox Spe Pe iS so dem agen ‘SESH mos con ca, eens SE og ttt ee Ree eg SME ETS GLE Cote RE ami pec tTRE PIES 2601 Neel Senora ae Seopa hs SoS e eka atei | Yate ile pale ‘Wrought Nickel Alloys 35 As : . HONE st 200% | ACN, 8,04 sa oto Maen, AH 64 100% % one itlon_annended for, 1 ‘Same’ alloy and solution anneal ‘fonel 500, noid 1 ‘602 frat vaso Pu Chana queneped se 2603 ros in aia, but at nance 2604 Gy "rantomed to o Yurmace at ies, Niidheopper aia sphution nse See macniReation Sortione of Gny tive graine ore (968 C> and eed 4 hr waler Gugpebed, Bold her-magmdondon View in micrograph’ 2008, Vinbie- ‘he Diack dots are nitide pal foluticn matebe nitede partici Boe 958 Bikey! ea se m0, cer agit 2605 Sane am ai mes ‘aos mat i any Oy on Sg a ALS testi: 5 cox ects: 9% meat sone se ptined oot ated 03 01, hot rote, a ‘See, 2008, bu shown ‘incane) 01, eld for 100 2609 Mase Gr wuss 2610 S"Guhermannincacon, 2611 brainy at 2000 Fumes process af 300 F 149 C):Particles “Tae large, rovlangulgr puctcle gt). sectioned, specimen.” showing BEM rine a tarde GEUURS “SRS estou: SMT saute atest dhe Snatt Farr odour stracr ae, ele bd itride (late dots. tEn'Bee’ wise iuiorograph 2010.” black dots are pevvieles of carbice, (angular) sha carbide S0Sn-50P oot solder. Dendrtas 0 tons: 2630 Eidteien aie’ soutien ari | Tatts of ne: lamelie “eesti ‘St eadtel 201K sition ear in tin Cien Sn-Sb, Sa-Sb-Cu, and Sn-Sb-Cu-Ph Alloys, As Cast in Metal Molds 319 as 2% nea 19% 250-550, (antimonts tin Some as 2681, except the ‘osn-s050 (un cte-carting $3Bn-t8b-204 ipewien. 1 See sutcture, cxame, 2632 Sie acid 'sesdaulet, 2633 Te Seka ape 2634 Sony oe Se: icy of tric sid ug? whlch resulted in fuslar conti inary erystab of” Son" Wenb in fisted "iteniendrie | Strvcture cored ascaies fing agro or Sa ad light). See also 2080. with well-marked branches tinsel slid soluton, endrites “or 2635 YSU4SSo-42Cu CUin babbit, ASTM 7636 895SN-78b-A5Cu cin vanble ASTM 7637 w1S-96-ACu tin habhite. suructize 2635 Sige sh atracture ane, cated dene "Dy Sttactire™ eoprany coved deme finetets of Goatee, oored. denafles of Tiles of Henlen solid solute “eontaing drives of “dacriet suid “solutin’containtng fini Salt “soleuice ‘teedlce edie tna shalt parties of CuBr hile? eedies and small particles of Cus (alte. Gun and eubolds of Soon oth white) 150% 150 5338. S6Gn860e8Cu (tn bat, ! 2640 fMeptas-ee-scu “din 264] EsBnaseJRPD.20u in primar Ststing Petar Bobi Betti) Structure: sme ‘nde ah oiminy boll Son culos and pl and Shen ernie Got ight, iA Hae to 2eM0, bul containing, more ‘Sula Gooth ahi, in aaiex of | eedlen thorn white, ‘endrites of Uineret svle elution ‘and seq tneien sold dotion Gerad tinsnien Bab sbiution Stine InteSdendiitte eutecte 320 Tin Alloys, As Cast in Metal Molds; Hot Dipped Tinplate + 8 NOs in re Geoiee ie ain, ade 3643. Bopalretcs dowmies eon), Thad Hees” acai same, 2002 FE ocr NE 2680 Gehan maa si 260d Haag oe en Ee ML Namen alata © Se wate eS a } x ae ae "D 1% nat 75% 3% ma 130% 1% tl 0 es 3645 Wnsnin wider for, stm Jin 28em-20u (ateeve bearing ayy Baletged view of 2646. Cut (eh 2645 2646 » 2647 Acicuar descr ctyelalt “ot ine argo and arial sinc needles" (dat); Snowe falow under a microscope tit (gure, matleg) in ‘a eieeic ‘net cot ‘mlermingled partietes of “Custts and ‘Cub surrounds Guin which shone Gigs Tees of paises o¢ zine ‘dark tn tin igh ‘bot medium’ gray): tin'matrix ‘See also 2047, muedium gray’ here. Derk constant isi Hom {Bierce pase, grey cota of FeSne ta {iy and ‘boty eff coating tis Be Microstructure of Titanium and Titanium Alloys By the ASM Committee on Metallography of Titanium and Titantum Alloys" Unatloyed ‘Titanium High Titanium Alloys ‘Alpha, Alloys TITANTOM has a hexagonal clese- packed crystal structure, eailed alpha, at room temperature, ‘This structure Transforms to 8. body-eentered-enbic structure, called beta, at i021 {$85 ©) Alloying elements favor ana or ottier of the two structures, Tho ten of alloing elements also = es the single temperature for eq bsimm transformation into. ¢wo em- peratures —the alpha transas, below Brien he alloy te alla ie alloy is ‘eta trangus, “whic Eibsla"Bebveen lesa temperature, both alpna and beta are present. “Alloying elements that favor the al- pha crystal structure and stabiiize I by Taising te alpha-beta. transformation temperatures Include stuminum, gal um, germanium, earbod, oxyge and nitrogen, ‘Two groups of elements stabitize the beta’ crystal structure by lowering the ‘two. transformation temperatures: The ‘igomorphous group consists of elements that are completely miscible in the bees. ‘Phase; included in this group are mo- Iybdenum, vanadium, fantalum™ and golumbluth, The other group forms eu- ecold systems with tantam, having utgetoid temperatures as much as F308 0). buow “the ranatormation eae ee eee Eee ‘ne’ siteon. “ope $l, dooms ene a ae eicaa a a ce Sati dee Saas ie eine ap sae see eae ee fe stabllis, but do retard the. rates Pca be arse dear nee, Seat ser ar chan Pe aaa ee oe eee ie cece urease hacia eee SROs, Se sRosent F. Marti, Cherman, Peotessor Enesies, CamegieMetion Universi: L. J. BakrLo, Menage, Produ Devciopment Dept, RM! Co.) D.B Berxen, Senior Bxperonenea) Mtalurgst Materials Slencae Laboratory, Desoit Diel-Allpon Div, Genees! Motors Corp, MJ Buackeunw, Solid Sate Ehyaies Laboratory, Boeing. Seienihe Retesrch Libortories, Boeing Co R.'D. Bucwers, Assistant Chie, Secure of Meals Div, Coluebus Laboratories, Batlle Memors!laitate: Det Lar, Quality Astursace Metallugist, Nath Amencan Rodkvell Cory. CONTENTS 822° Alpha-Reta (Near-Alpha) Alloys 822° Alpha-Beta Alloys 523 Beta Alloys aipae and eta phases at oom fen pea With Eipha" ahoy. tne names “auper-alpna” and "lean: beta alpha” ae algo used for ape of aha bec io) ‘atoying “element in appa alloys fe auuminus, bu certain Eipha atoys, and more eoiamereal tne ‘tfgyed Grantor, contain small amounts era-slabliing ‘elements. Likenice, alpacstabiuismg cements, adiiion Sipnacstabiiamg elements, ta addition iP tke beta-ntabtizing elements, a3 Stronuthening agents. ‘Alpha Structures.” Byuiaxed alpha rains, sueh as age shown in mlcro- fiaohe, BST aa a easy” ake de eloped by annealing Gad Wocked loys above the recrystalleation temperature: Honeated ‘sipha. grins. ouch as. are shown tp mlgrogeaph 28s) vault from Udlutrectional wesking of the motel and afevcommonty” found ‘in longitaain Suge of flied ar extruded lope ‘Although some of the areas ot alpha phase iat appear in microgripas of ene teated tani and tenn al Joye may ‘have been present before (ie heat Ureaument (irequentiy calies “pic qmang alpha), other areas" of alpha Inve boom produced by: transformation from beta "the alpha tn these latter ‘ens appears in tilerent structures Whown ae serraled. aeloula, ‘piatelike, ‘Widinanstatien and alpaa prime (mar: tense), The ten ansiormed beta” Is'usea t@ deseribe these eanious alpha Sicuctuces plas any beta Uhet may ee al at room temperate, fclsiar le whch is the, most common tteasiormation ‘prado formed from” beta during cooling Produced by. nucleation “and grok long one set of referred) ergetalion raphe planes of tue prior beta matty {Gee mfesographhs 26/9. and. 2608) oF Scveral sete of planes (see milto= Graphs, 266, 2880, 24d and 20S in UieTiaicer matancé, a basket-weave a Dearance resulte that is characte Lien Co, (lormesiy with Teal Metts Corp. of America): Foncason, Reach Engiaer, Advance? Physical Selly Goovp, - 924 SI 326 C384 of a Widmanstatien structure. “Acieu- ine “apha ane Widrhanstaten tips re generally Interchangeable terme, “ead gone contig “oe og grains of alpha that are producea along referred Blanes in the. beta, rautrig ake on a wide, piatelike appearance, as shown in ictograph 216, "Ouse? ther conditions, graihs of levegulae fe and mith Tague bonds, led Sservated alpha’ are produced (soe micrograph 2658). ‘ipa rane Cnartemsite) is & oon subbrivin supersaturated alpha sieve fire produced” by. aidusiontess” (mat- tenaitiey transformation. of beta. The peotle-like structure, similar i appear= nee “and In mode of formation to Imartenaite in steel, i often tent £0 ‘Ustingulsh from Wat of aelewar alpha, Stthough acleular atpha ‘ueuatly is test Telietined ame ‘has curved’ rather than stralght aides, Examples of alpha brline structures in titanium alo Be seen in microgrepne 2004 and 221 ah ‘caample of 9 aipha pine, se. fare” dhal ‘was ‘Inguesd by eirald is Shown in micrograph 2188 ‘Bein Srachures. tn alpha-bela, and vel alloye, seme. equilibrium ‘beta. is resent. at room temperature, Amon Bquiloriom, or metastable, beta” phase Gan. be produced: in. elphs-beta, alloys thane “contain enough betaestailicin iementa to ‘retain ihe beta phase From vlemperatere an, rapid aohng rom between the alpha transis: a deta tranus temperatures, The compo- sition of the alloy must be such that the tomperaiure for the stare of mare enaiie formation in depressed to below room temperature. ‘Aged Struclures. Aging of sloba prime sais ie dopa ot ear 2 plas beta, but mest aged {efits sieuetures cannot be alsin ulshed ‘trom unaged. martensite by Tiant microscopy: Precipitation of siphs dining aging of bela resus in, sme Saruenune of ine agea bets structure Auing, or stressing, changes metastable inca o"aipha or € cuteelard products. Houany W. "Jauss Kamo, Supervisor, Metallurgical Laboratory, MeDonnell Al gift Cos DUANE L, ROCKS, Avntnt Project Metluegite, Pratt a8 Whloey Aiteaft Div, United. Aircraft Corp; J.-M. VAN Oxon, Research Sperslist, Mellie Labortory, LocubreCalfomia Ca. Div, Loskied Aira Corp Unalloyed Titanium and High-Titanium Alloys 322 as ae 250X ols eengert (102) a "yr 2654" Sure ae asa ond ant KrctPs reorent (292) 250% Kris eeagant (192) 20% Mls nant ase “Eith-purity odidesproes Conmertel-prity nals 2s 2682 excep 2051 Ces" Rallorat eatin 2652 Gooner party quel: 2659. See of 2, greene nated Eh ati Pie Sh eitince, Sing PPUmPCh APOE Tate aoe aman gS pp e Bee Sani Fergal grains of tpi” ‘black? incquiaked genio! alpha, arice and’ the lpn grein "gat tal Aff larger and ms sae) ee tar at slona, whien os all ‘ Ing eee Ss 308 to Seba "OPE eh a sibha Glug eAniniiag sont tein ‘adds ‘Garalil tralga tne. 3h 2 es ‘Titanium Alloys Ti-6Al-2Cb-1Ta-0.8Mo and Ti-5AL-2.58a 323 bs a rigs 2664 asec mom th MAI 2666 Sia ery “a Satay oldngated frais of -primnaty~ ‘GWEn0 nko lear nih ued \ ‘ols reagan «2 eto nok NEE sagt 002) et _ A goles from te ‘Same as 2685, but water quenched fn, Pha ctmegieg ig meager 2667 Shreaig caper ‘mbead of wore 2668 ie tenes Ami cy Parnldh ie sbove te hota Wancur, fur” nave cooler The faster cooling Fata bro ict caida Haba Gi sad fr= Seu alpen tthe ise Ace ap ice, Yeam we tn 2s. Coarse, ‘Prior beta drains gre culined by ar alpha. 8 prior bow ‘boundary can be ‘Relge sive! ‘See micrographs 2007 nnd asi’ the alpha that was frat 6 transform," Seen hear dhe'inidale ot " 199 TroAl-285n, hot worked 666 he ferns i H By i " WF ase 120%" Kells rngant 192) icox ‘Surme-correnion cracks, (buck) ab the ‘Srain-induced porosity near sur r gurtace of 369 ‘freee 2670 SSMaiuAtech part rare Gina), 2671 AP Shaler. One tg’, e as reagent (192) 100% Keita roger Hick are deanagraman, Wee’ cused opined ‘ring, a igleced grates aut ERIE: Pas Ea ‘olure t shiordes 401500 F WGI6 Gh. Giga ew grain botdariea shows stabilized apa Soa te eae fayet tease! of oxygen Titanium Alloys Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V and Ti-GAI-5Z5-0,5Mo-0,58i Soon vs es P iss ae SaaS Bae be eet a t wets ne SOx ls ncet 0X Kes reget O30) fa 26rd ameiets pet ise sete 2673 Seat sara es a oe Sees ‘280% kris reagent 92) 100% ral wenger (92) ei “TAAL INO anos, cups annealet PePAL Mot toring, stun etiad "TAAL toni, a, forge, ty yang ae ae og tHe ey tuge, 2676 PA Mg oie Gi ot quenenes, 2077 Nindea ba layer et ox Ferree Le Leek ote sina siecle gon staid “ipa lgbe”The eae ins nd “cutiedintergraiular bos. Celegt of the aging tres Arnot iy date Mairi or asaformea bela rater environment, 3 oe aie Sued gains oan Salat Salama‘ outined parties ot Seta “™* rate in Alpha-Beta (Near-Alpha) Titanium Alloys 325 ‘os resent 152) cox 381 Hol ae 1200 F cois c eka ee 1700 Font ch ; Held at 1025 (98 C), 381 _A‘ioe Sratiseauianed pet 2682 ney Sil eatiased “it: Srrimary’ at 2684 Wik i the beta ernst fot mary” oiphe trains tne mate of ‘temperature “ahe, "sscrostructure Stletior alpha Wransformod bela) tonsts entirely "of “alpha prime. ‘The micrograph above are of Ti-tAl-28n-4Zr-2Mo forgings, finish forged starting ab 1775 F (968 C), alr cool ‘nchined fo Hn"els Von bare. ehented to eve fouF eeiperabines Mascted 6 eld Tor 1 Br, wd A Goole SSE En ag nt SES ta wah ot wits SERS Ti Mar ey EE 2686 “ae tai mt alu 2687 Ten eaet emg: 2688 Aer, bit Sy des SAU few, sora recevetallized ‘ruins of alpha tare metriy of ole~ Gier'alpha erameformed “belay Gompere with micrograph 2688 ns HF, HNO, HCl eye G83). {00x HF, HNO HCI, genre 85) : eS GO Balarsmcimesth Seue eg Rnser a, Sbo MEeae haste 5eb8 ME nan ae casting, solution tr T reduced 15: upset ged starting at 2100 F 0.281 forging, sol RPE EEC, Goong Eee Paget Gio. REECE oe ae ition 1800 F GEG)! Gath UEoperature Distr Hoole aed Bete ac ooo cas EO copies Sinctures ecu ec Sodio, gabiaed Phe seti0) # lar alpha ight costtcend) “i= Silo i peri of . i a grind (igh; etgnalgs oa, ad boundries dey ofa pelor Sotagrain " intergrlat bela SEE aso SUN” Of Somgatea pet Seta. reine Alpha-Beta Titanium Alloys 2H, B MNO, 90.410 "T-TALAMO-1V plate, somtion teats 2693 Catt i828 F coos Co, which below 2 HF, @ HNO $9 4:0 "H-TALAMO-2¥ plete, olution, treated 2604 ar iy viows Ehe'wnien i toare tae Dota, tefius A” retien eestron Showing 200x led for ty He ag lab ad Ch, furnace dooied to" 1650°F "60-0, ten it ‘Sonies” renatormed beta eo 2 ‘Sates and "Eine. acleular ‘apa bri bela grain boundaries" See al 207 2697 "Re wr me 2700" Sa tt eta 2 24 hr “at GM (96 C).” Aci alpha aged beta wad light sGieuar alphe (Aner than ign) and aged beta: aipns platelets at prior it" merograph 2600) ‘anda coins film of ‘rain boundaries, See mucrograph 2700" alpha st'the prior beta grain boundaries ‘uctace lair of hie, “oboe ok leat aisha armed tie prio. Beta grain Bee eral 90x SS I oy lato Co Gideh Babove the Ls 7 "Eigal-dzr-tyfo-19e-0251, tn the as-cas 2698 oucvion,” Mrwsteuctre: canals beta, confining bolle? pha. ight piste ‘ipa ‘phate cut Bvevien grin boundaries bt Yor eects of dation treating and seg tolts reagent 287 "PrsGAL-3zr-¢nCo-1Gv-0.29 foreng ake 2701 aoled a ne et tooo? Cocca a covet, Tee ee eG kat esrePSs gS Seis ca eS Titanium Alloy Ti-6AL4V 327 aes reagent 100% Kalors reagent Yoox xalers reagent 10x 702" Haha ae ame ene ee, 2709) Sat ‘a sm micrograph 2102, ame as 2702 exceps, solution trentes Sat tame Totes and 2704 Feta ae tigS ET tast cand wer Senta Ss : oe oe : ee Sete TEA Ce Rea SA goon bape Ek the Pir S no mi shown ia 2H Boe" ais) mlccographs 208 SSP Goole 2H, 10 HNO, 98.0 EHF, 10 HNO. 8 HO 250% 2706 TRGAire® phate, rolled D707 Same aly and prowsing 27GB OAS, plas, zal Siartng at 1830 8 0 Ch, fash mucrograph 20 Raving ne 830 cage G, nested for Sri a 1360 F (038 annealea'for Libr ay aes F C716 a apectmen taken from an area of solution ‘ented is he eb IT. na. furnaoe eaoied. Struct isu eipea. me Ghand: a coolzs “ine sesuobite the'piate that shows more barging {901 GY, water quenched” agea's Hr iste lett) aod inereaige light) ioe mate of Wanstormed aig Be mleromapin 3108, toth Boe wo 2908 nnd 201 eae tage epic any ota lobe Wane CSch pe ed tetas” atuvonmed bate attic” °° iveinatel ot wanuctied Yanwtormec 2 MF, § HNO, 90 HD 7 8 HNO 90 HO WEP wacan, nate for SP ea ar ta, 2710 EM, agus toy te 2711 AA er da can, pele? fee 1S Bret OREM! meornalt hte abet ctl? ti Ea Rene Lie He Le eae Pemeuee aee Pe, Ee aa abe dnieer SE ee eh Sa ech ose 328 Titanium Alloy ‘Ti-6AL4V cB ai cote naa 271.4. Some ae Fin but water curehed ‘Sra geben, 2714 rae aa pit Sle ire (martes, BA als 10 HE. 5 HNO. 65 WO 250% 10 MF, § HNOy 65 HO 230% 20 HF. 8 HNO, 85 MO. 0 271S Teas ber, held tor 1 be at 1950 F 9716 Satie as 2019, wat, air cooled mitend 3717 Same et 3715, but waler quenched iy Tlosa' Gy, tobe the beta, Gratsusy aa ot funtace sola the structure con ‘lend of fartaee cooled, ‘umuce enol, gion pn aL sof aca ane Geancaumeg Bets DA alpha pit Gnas) ee “hte Ea fergranar beta (Gari). See tio Sle and 2717, Sr'bcin grain boulares, See alee S11" ‘See "alo micrographs 2712 to ST Tors wegen ing) aa = Se et eg 2 REAIMY, 09 forged at 5, annenle Monge, 1500 2718 Tes S Os G ilieaale a tar 2720 Fate S, Siler he at gio ce hy alt casted a tears A tatu" electron‘ merogrest e eo gms coaettacate: LES oct ree ieteteg eee: UE. Mines me omemceemcmueees: hake stale doo gaa RELIG GB age Became cele ie Geb odes ‘Titanium Alloy Ti-GAL4V 329, 2725 Teena, f 1028 Ch, IV, forged at 1000, F ccad Ch, 725 aeons toe Bee aus ah a welet 22 ae the F GOL aa ‘coelede atelee atpha ighs. nd Surat Sears, platelet ior Sur phate Cari Boe a ad nd aE : wn ae . SPSS teeny ame ea Sie soe tr rh 2729 Fae io Wea Sia fan 2730 Fron ute soliton ecto? weieeess cE GG RE CRRA pe a ae gee ata Enhtnnene conroe, ackelet aipae Bee Ts Aer scicuiar alpha tn the transformed Dele. 330 Titanium Alloy Ti-6ALSV aie ng ey 08s Ss SD Saramago cn wens rare Segtitaee ewe 8: 52 ene cocoa 753 Be homens ae rains ef alps Gagh® ixof Wane: Gonfamination fatlowed uy sending nol’ dese | Sami ‘itiore ibe eld tar x ‘aio Formed ‘ete contain iphe. elleving for T br at 1000 F (S38 C). reloved fort br Sob 2 Us Oo sacar ‘consis Halas cP Priaars® ape Oleh tse net St iosforined beta oulsinlag doletlae a alors treet 250x" "alls eager 250% st eget en eo of ghe vets shown ip 2798. Sizue- Heatareeted zone of the weld shown tena welt hi had 2736 tie Genel the Wotioedaoee. 2737 Gi Seied he Wehned ang 2738. See eNices 'pe a IEE Se te apg guard atl a of ola nwo hea conatning acoua lgta, Sein a THEA Togs. snowing nee “et Cinrkl Seo also Imirogrepas 2795 an Sist"™" diso"iiergrapbe 95 tabove) aad Se Get anfum ipdrise AE Hes de ot Ene Tons ht Ti6AL4V and Ti-GAL25n-4Zr-6Mo 331 reat ore SS SHSS RSE Shr petn ge Ta . ‘ soo Ge 2740 Re ete see Bt EE ee ce hs SME ATG capt a eS (each ea ‘end Gy overlouding See 2is0 Hiab and Ws)” cused ‘by fauie loading. Bee also 2180, 24. Corrosion ersck. See 700 2 HF. 10 HNO, 88 HO 290% HF, 8 HNO, 90 Had “20x Wolfe rngert 2) sox 74p aiid neato, snatlek fore Puen oan. t24-6Mo, forged at 1600) ‘Thal agnanr-oMo bas, focged 31800 742 Me eet 2743 2744 PGi O), seluton teated Lhe at er ees Rea SEES Pie ote cada dn G8 ing dr dl sagt ae Ei euisttinea Teas aaee) omiainane | OE Galed Elongaiet“primsey" alpha poains ne 1100 Ftte0' Oh ‘The structre ie alae 10 SEEOGe Gn Sass Qe bret ote Cer See ae ST GC eas eee ae BRS AE ae i see ne None tates os nC ae ate a ram Metmoment og, Tas Bate ae egaiths S7eSotenecapt tks 7aT Bae Heme Fp nes 74s See mueviat 2746 Tenement 2747 Gage naam 2748 Beescsitis PE ) testead of st 1600 F W271 C), C) instead of at iio F (G18 C), (94 ©), which is above the beta at 1740 P GM C), above, the beta RAN ae RAiares teats taie ERS PAGS duit Abate Site edt Soh CAS Sis, EMERGE GTGSR IES GEh OY Roa! 332 ‘Titanium Alloy Ti-GAL6V-2Sn HF, a NOs 90 0 "TLAAI-EW- 28m, as-extrude 2749 he in tite ‘The mi zgstructlte cosas of transformed Se Wonteining acesiar alphas Nghe aipna 'ie'duo"eviaene SNe lor Bete erin ‘Soames, 2780 "teen ge ae pues Fuge a bal Fae os OE eas Light alpha in transfermed-bebs Bahl sue Bh alee tts engeoe 82 “Treaiey-2¢0 2754 ot Gucachse ‘Phe stebint the Net solished: Kes reagent 2) 10x BORNE, tacts nell 2786 Ne Stas cate Foliied Kral vengens 188) 2787 gate cy 356, esoeot a section normal ioe factte’ sia, alsted arn fp astride of Sarid emp ee {in age"aren cf sepregeion Soe 218 at Sight. 2751 Se Salat Set solution 2755 eter thet Bate) ator tu heat ot zovens els man 090) 2 2758 Said Ate ete unos ceetfon (tehed surface whch howe te tc ‘Soride compoua ab Daraile! Blatelets, Alpha-Beta Titanium Alloys 333 HF, 8 HO, 99 0 2 HF, 5 HNO, $0 0 Yo HF, 5 HNO, 85 40 ‘TigataWetce, tn ce “TAT-MOMtY sheet. 6180 "Titar23y_ tube, vacaum "THgAI-29V tube tnat was 759 Weetin oe forest wtiek, 2760 ARS tohuion eared 2761 or t's ge isoy 2762 Sid'Gcawn, doen state ree stain eaten SATE eae ene at oto Pte Creguensbedrin cago GGteuctare te oGulaned owed fof 1 Aya; 200'P CT Oh Bit GE Seled Vighl Enh “asad palms “of soph EpberoiStn'ghattsct bet ostined!~ MPa); stangnton. tbs. Boneated a eran in 'aged Nota matte ght, in aged Beta Tdark gray)- See mlso'mlcrograph 3763 Ria ‘grein fntergraniar bet ets ene on Ss eS RET we eugta te act fee rite gt eye teed oe HEDR Ftior bele Sin’ boundries are evident Re eae tae cogent a9) 200% rat's reagent (82) 2763. Brin sees that was annealed for “Tema aor. 2763 Sear Gana hnemss cones 2764 Ho Aetaee wots to 1108 J Cos $ Sal ettae a alie"pinse Wcclied) a's) find’ Mbt ict at ie prt eta Seite of Bete ate Oe Boundaries Ged clap micrographs 2205 and CPA rts cwegnt 19 Pear 2768 Greapirature et too F GSES and nF i Fe 1 br i aoe Se eee aac ea eae eu in boundaries, See also Poiar* Genel; “Sipe peor ‘beta rain Goundetice houlser ‘a tension-tent epcelmen- rac roe aces or scores, um 2 at sna SULT ETAL SoM LM Die ee el sent ¥ i i i F 3 rebeyrt 90) ls resent 092) “Heit side-fz0-45n sheet, 0000 be aS 2703, except 2769 frist mliton ected Se Stoo 2770 TSR NS) (00.0) fo water quenched, Elongated foun. weating Pg GR ener ae ches ews si Posy er ae A a 10 2 HF, 10 HNO 98 10 2772 Trho-tv.are. . 2773 sate os 3072, except BV eoe drown, slut ented ie ar sere “tye ¢) “ater af 1450 Fas heal Gooed, dul fd, ate Spit, he tra ‘elastatie bela’ ee sia ier Doras SP prvapieated ashe eae reagent 92) 50% © 280% 2 10 HNO, 68 HO a Hetai-OV-6Cr-477-8Mo. rod, ‘cold ‘Tielay-ricr3al spect, coted startin ‘Sure as 2778, exogpt aged for oy 2775 ram seuion Went sm ison 2776. aaa ie Ga “Sse hctn tenend 2777 Sess ar eats eles Sally (ais, cy, aged 6 hevae 4ag0 (ert G)" Preciph~ 10 min af M30 168 C), mir cooled Kqulated end alr cooling. Btrugtures dark partes, (tea‘ainpa caare) ih graine of beta Grains of metastable beta, ee also S777 Drecipiated alpha in bets grains Microstructure of Zinc and Zinc Alloys Zine and fects of Other Elements Zine Dis-Casting Alloys Hypereutectic and Hypoeutectic Zine Alloys; “endeContaminated AGSOA; Rolled Zine. ‘THE NATURAL impurities, comtam- imants and alloying additions present In. commercial” sine ‘materials have ex- fremely united. gold solubulty and readily produce alterations in cast oF roughe!mlerostructues nd. changes 1m one or more properties. tn a ropertia and applications ot zine alloys Is given on pages 1157 to 1172 fn Volume I of this Hanabook, Nominal compositions of tne alloys. for ‘which ‘lerosteuetures are shown in the pages that follow are noted In the captions for the mateo "The elements commonly found i zine are ead cadniy oa, Cope, ahi ‘itandum and fn. Tene ‘ckamaior Se ion are natural ues In une, {hey are alo added to zine fo develop otal beers zine ating alge eimarly vsine-albwnamunt with Shan ations of other elements, ame fallin alloys generally ‘contain’ lead, fren, cedeslome copper of Utaniurn ire or im combination, in eoncontra- ions soaliy of less than 1%) The ef fecis on microstructure” preduced ‘by ‘Lead. ‘The solubility ‘of {ead in solid sine 1s ext small. A" imonotectle {sformea at 734 F (4177 G) and a tend content of 3%, and zine crystals and fiquidoxist in eguilfbrium down, to the eutectic. temperature, 604 (318 C). ‘ga result, in east fine, lend appears at the dondrite boundarigs in the form Giegged ‘out duing polishing, leering egees out during. pollshing, leeving hheles taat appear Slack in te mictor ‘Bructure, space care in” polihing is Fequites to Fetain ee lead! partici. Tolle sine, the partici, of lead are strung cot in the Folliog direction, fine are ot losated preferentiaity at ‘Me reorystalizea grain boundaries, ‘Gauls. The amounts of eadmium present inmost, commercial ine prod- Tete ate bn slid snlution and produce Po" change, in morestructure” except oving im the east eerueture- In volled ine) the ‘cadmium. remains in sold {elution “and. Ineeases” the. stent Hardness “aid “ereep. resistance and Piles the reetyetaligation temperature, "ron, When Present in sine In smounts exceeding thoi 0.001%, ikon appears {iG ineostruccore ns parties ofan ermetaie compound containing op. proximately o& ion ‘Ine particle size spr sha ond Me, Dantas sce errr ‘Shan Bis Resctrel Bent! net Semey sino Co By W. Saowass and , R, Dumman* coNTENTS is controlled, by, the amount of iron resent and tho thermal history of the art. Pine particles in a casting can be foalesced fo.'a coatser form by pro fonged heating (36 hr) at 100% “ti GP"in sine for rolling, this is undesit- bie, ae it adversely alfects rola Shatactecties and Teaices hardest. iraneine compound Nie ea, precipitates “et dendcie boundaries, When a tine casting is rolled, the bron ‘ne particles are. streakea out in the Tolling divection along with any lead Bartels poeoet, ‘rhe presence of Iron articles in concentration End aistdbucion it reled stn eaten othr gf gral ae by proving im” Dediments fo grain growth. ‘Copper, when present in eine in amounts up to about 1%, is in solid SGtution in te cast structure and re~ Sulls in a cored structure. During Hot foling at above son # (20,0), the cop: Der is retained im supersaturated. sod Solution. On cooling, some of te zine- copper epstion phase preciplates at the final. reerystallized. grain boundaries Durlng jong expocures near rooin tem perature, the epsilon, phase will con: Bhhue to precipitate at grain boundaries tnd fualy in the inerfor of the azaine. When “cle "ralleg) the “epon "pase precipitates rapicly and abundantly in Rhevcold worked structure. ‘Titanium, Tne Sod solubhity of tte pum invzine is very limited, At about 042% “Titanium, "'s" lamellar "eutectic forms that. is Composed of zine and ‘Gams (486% Glantum), The eutectic forms nt dendrite boundaries in'& cast Ing, The Timi, compound decreases the cast grain se of zine and restricts ain growth in rolled sine st elevated ature, In rolled. strip, particles the compound are streaked oat arailet fo the tolling. direction. Zine Erain growth ts limited to the spacing Between the streaks of compound. “Aluminum. A lamellar eutectic forms at oa alumunun between slaminum fatpha prime) and ano beta) colid solutiond at 20 (901 0). ihe alpha Prime constituent of the eutectic ie Hable, only" at temperatures ebove. 527 Fitts Gl; at lower temperatures, it transforms eutectoldally into sipha ind bela phases. Although the’ colld sola~ biity of aluminum im cine av the ea teetie temperature is about 1%, castings contaming as Hite as 010% cluminum ‘splay the eutectic stractare In inter dendrllc areas Av the normal alom- ‘num concentration In standard zine 338 Hot and Cold Rolled Zine-Copper and 337 _Zine-Copper-Titanlum alloys 390 Zine ~ 22% Aluicinuin Alloy; 836 Galvanized steel 340 Gie-casting alloys (40%), the rate of attack by the melt on iron is sufficlent~ Iy-low to permit. dle casting in hot Chamber macnines. in ubien the tron operating mechanism is immersed con- nuously in the molten alloy. Duting solidification of hypoeutectic sine dievearting alloys contalting about 4% aluminum, the frst material to {reese appears’ as primary particles of Aimo-rich solid solution. (beta). Later, fhe remaining liquid. solidines’as eu Yectle composed of beta and the un- stable “high-temperature "constituent, Bupha prime. Alumina act as eral fer in cast zinc, With ibe result that fhe die-casting alloys display a fairly fine equiaxed grain structure. This de- sirable structure is primarily responsi ble for the strengin, ductility and yrnese of zine aie castings ‘le castings are aged at room temperature ‘or slightly elevated tem- perature, @ precipitation reaction “oe Coes inthe Bine-rich beta solid solu- tion. The beta may contain about 035% ‘aluminum in solution ina freshly made fle casting. During a fvecweek roome temperatire aging ‘period, this will Seerense {9 about Gost, the excess appearing as minute particles of alpha Within the beta structure, Most of the ‘stummomt can be precipitated in much shorter Ume by aging at slightly ele- vated temperature, Similar aging of fects are oveerved in alloys containing: Copper, which is added to increase tene Sle strength. and hardness. Copper ad- ditions up to 15% yield die castings {as reasonably stable properties and "Reconlly, wrought alloys based on the gutectata “eompadition, "Yast zine and oe aluminum, have become ot com- ‘morcial bntorest because of thelr super~ lestie. properties. ‘Microstructures de— dip tnis alloy depend on the heat Wrealment used, ag described andi Tistrated on Dae $40, "Tin forms a Jow-melting eutectic with gine at 01%. tin ata temperature of Sea F (10a ‘G). ‘The solubility of tin in Sold. zine Ls extremely restricted, and the vine-tin entectie appears in alloys containing as itte us.0.00i% tin, ‘The ony sgnincant ose of tin ditions to’ sine J in certain not dip gulvanizing operations, Yn galvanizing, En additions are widely sea to regu Isle the formation of bright, smooth, lange white spangles In the coating. Tf lin is present in tine that te hot rolied, ean cause hot shortness.

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