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Fiery X3eTY2 65-55C-KM Color Server

Installation and Service Guide

A guide for service technicians

for the
bizhub PRO C5500, C5501, C6500, or C6501

EFI Part Number: 45076935

19 September 2008
© 2008 Electronics for Imaging, Inc.

This documentation is protected by copyright, and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means for any purpose without express prior written consent from Electronics for Imaging, Inc. (“EFI”),
except as expressly permitted herein. Information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of EFI. The documentation is further covered by “Legal Notices” distributed with this
product, which can be found on the User Documentation CD. The documentation may be provided in conjunction with EFI
Software (“Software”) and any other EFI product described in the documentation. The Software is furnished under license and
may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the Software License Agreement, which can be found in the “Legal
Notices” distributed with this product.

Overview 7

Tools you will need 8

Precautions 9

Exploded view 12

AC power switch and soft power button 13

Connector panel and DIAG board interface 14

Shutting down the system 15

Accessing the Fiery X3eTY2 16

Checking connections 19

Removing and replacing components 22

Interface board 23
DIMMs 25
Battery 26
Motherboard 28
CPU and CPU cooling assembly 40
DIAG board 44
Enclosed fan 45
Soft power button 46
Power supply 47
Hard disk drive 50

Restoring functionality after service 53

Printing Fiery X3eTY2 pages 55

Printing the Configuration page 55
Printing the Test Page 55

Verifying connection to the network 56


System software 59
System software installation reminders 59
Installing system software over the network port 59
Installing system software using a USB flash drive 66

The troubleshooting process 72

Where problems occur 73
Before you go to the customer site 74
Preliminary on-site checkout 75

Symptoms and solutions 78

Clearing the CMOS and power-up settings 94

Specifications 95
Hardware features 95
Physical specifications 95
Networking and connectivity 95
Safety and emissions compliance 96


F IGURE 1: Printing system 7

F IGURE 2: Fiery X3eTY2 exploded view 12

F IGURE 3: External hardware interface 14

F IGURE 4: Fiery X3eTY2 installed on the copier 16

F IGURE 5: Accessing the Fiery X3eTY2 17

F IGURE 6: Fiery X3eTY2 lid screws 18

F IGURE 7: Cable diagram 19

F IGURE 8: Interface board connections 23

F IGURE 9: Releasing a DIMM 25

F IGURE 10: CPU cooling assembly 40

F IGURE 11: CPU cooling assembly orientation 41

F IGURE 12: Removing/replacing a CPU 42

F IGURE 13: DIAG board on the Fiery X3eTY2 pan 44

F IGURE 14: Soft power button and cables 46

F IGURE 15: Soft power cable connections 46

F IGURE 16: Mounting screw locations for power supply 47

F IGURE 17: HDD cable connections 51

F IGURE 18: Cables connectors on HDD 52

F IGURE 19: Steps to verify the Fiery X3eTY2 54

F IGURE 20: Network connectors and service switches 57

F IGURE 21: Creating an isolated Ethernet network using a cross-over cable 61

F IGURE 22: Fiery X3eTY2 service switches 61

F IGURE 23: Installer screen indicating that file transfers are complete 62

F IGURE 24: Dismantling the isolated Ethernet network 63


F IGURE 25: Fiery X3eTY2 functional diagram 73

F IGURE 26: Cable diagram 76


The Fiery X3eTY2 65-55C-KM Color Server adds computer connectivity and highly
efficient PostScript printing capacity to the bizhub PRO C5500, C5501, C6500, or C6501
copier. Generally, the Fiery X3eTY2 65-55C-KM Color Server does not require regular
maintenance. The Fiery X3eTY2 65-55C-KM Color Server is shipped with all necessary
software already installed.

Use the procedures in this guide to inspect, remove, reseat, or replace major hardware
components and to reinstall system software. Replacement parts for the
Fiery X3eTY2 65-55C-KM Color Server are available from your authorized service support

You must reinstall system software if you replace the hard disk drive (HDD) or receive a more
recent version of the system software. You may also reinstall system software as a way to
troubleshoot the system.

N OTE : The term “Fiery X3eTY2” is used in this guide to refer to the
Fiery X3eTY2 65-55C-KM Color Server. The term “copier” is used to refer to the bizhub
PRO C5500, C5501, C6500, or C6501.

F IGURE 1: Printing system


Tools you will need

To install or service the Fiery X3eTY2, bring the following tools and parts to the customer
• ESD wrist grounding strap and antistatic mat
• #1 and #2 Phillips head screwdrivers
• Needlenose pliers

Avoid touching magnetic tools to storage media such as hard disks. Contact between
magnetic tools and magnetic storage media may result in data corruption.

You should also bring this guide, documentation for any optional service kits you may be
installing, and any technical notes for the Fiery X3eTY2.

Always observe the following general precautions when servicing the Fiery X3eTY2 assembly:
1. Report any shipping damage.

2. If there is any evidence of shipping or handling damage to packing boxes or their contents,
save the damaged boxes and parts, call the shipper immediately to file a claim, and notify
your authorized service/support center.

3. Never alter an existing network without permission.

The Fiery X3eTY2 is probably connected to an existing Local Area Network (LAN) based on
Ethernet hardware. The network is the link between the customer’s computer, existing laser
printers, and other prepress equipment. Never disturb the LAN by breaking or making a
network connection, altering termination, installing or removing networking hardware or
software, or shutting down networked devices without the knowledge and express permission
of the site administrator.
4. Never assign an IP address in Network Setup.

Only the site administrator should assign an IP address on a network device. Assigning an
incorrect IP address to the Fiery X3eTY2 can cause unpredictable errors on any or all devices.
5. Follow standard ESD (electrostatic discharge) precautions while working on the internal
components of the print engine.

Static is always a concern when servicing electronic devices. It is highly unlikely that the area
around the print engine is static-free. Carpeting, leather-soled shoes, synthetic clothing fibers,
silks, and plastics may generate a static charge of more than 10,000 volts. Static discharge is
capable of destroying the circuits etched in silicon microchips, or dramatically shortening
their life span. By observing standard precautions, you may avoid extra service calls and save
the cost of a new board.
When possible, work on a ground-connected antistatic mat. Wear an antistatic wristband,
grounded at the same place as the antistatic mat. If that is not possible:
• Attach a grounding strap to your wrist. Attach the other end to a good ground.
• When you remove an electronic component, place it into an antistatic bag immediately.
Do not walk across a carpet or vinyl floor while carrying an unprotected board.
• Leave new electronic components inside their antistatic bags until you are ready to install
• When you unpack the electronic components, touch a metal area of the copier to
discharge the static on your body. Place the components on a grounded antistatic surface,
component-side up.
6. Avoid flexing a printed circuit board, and handle it by opposing edges (not corners) only.

7. Never set a cup of coffee—or any liquid—on or near any components or the copier.

Power Supply Cord Notice

CAUTION: The power supply cord is used as the main disconnect device. Ensure that
the socket-outlet is located/installed near the equipment and is easily accessible.
ATTENTION : Le cordon d’alimentation doit être débranché pour une mise hors tension totale du produit. La prise de
courant doit être située ou installée à proximité du matériel et être facilement accessible.

ATTENZIONE: Il cavo di alimentazione deve essere scollegato per interrompere completamente la corrente. Accertarsi
che la presa di corrente si trovi o sia installata vicino alla macchina e sia facilmente accessibile.

ACHTUNG: Der Netzstecker dient zur sicheren Trennung des Gerätes von der Stromversorgung. Stellen Sie sicher,
dass sich die Steckdose in unmittelbarer Nähe des Gerätes befindet und leicht zugänglich ist.

CUIDADO: El cable de alimentación eléctrica se utiliza como dispositivo de desconexión principal. Asegúrese de que el
enchufe-toma esté situado/instalado cerca del equipo y que sea fácilmente accesible.

CUIDADO: O cabo de força é usado como dispositivo principal de desconexão. Assegure-se de que a saída de energia
esteja localizada/instalada próxima ao equipamento e facilmente acessível.

VOORZICHTIG: Het netsnoer moet worden uitgetrokken om de stroomvoorziening te onderbreken. Zorg ervoor dat
het stopcontact zich dicht bij het apparaat bevindt en gemakkelijk toegankelijk is.

Lithium Battery Notice

CAUTION: There is danger of explosion if the battery is replaced with an incorrect type.
Replace only with the same type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used
batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
ATTENTION : Il y a danger d’explosion en cas de remplacement avec le mauvais type de batterie. Remplacer
uniquement avec une batterie du même type recommandé par le constructeur. Les batteries usagées doivent être
jetées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.

ATTENZIONE: Pericolo di esplosione se la batteria viene sostituita con un tipo non corretto. Usare esclusivamente
batterie del tipo consigliato dal produttore. Lo smaltimento delle batterie deve essere effettuato in base alle istruzioni
del produttore.

ACHTUNG: Es besteht Explosionsgefahr, wenn die Batterien durch einen falschen Batterientyp ersetzt werden.
Ersetzen Sie sie deshalb nur durch denselben, vom Hersteller empfohlenen Typ. Entsorgen Sie leere Batterien
entsprechend den Anweisungen des Herstellers.

CUIDADO: Existe peligro de explosión si la batería se sustituye por una de un tipo incorrecto. Sustituya la batería sólo
por una batería del mismo tipo que recomienda el fabricante. Deseche las baterías usadas según las instrucciones del

CUIDADO: Há perigo de explosão se a bateria for substituída por outra de tipo incorreto. Substitua apenas por outra
de mesmo tipo, recomendada pelo fabricante. Descarte as baterias usadas conforme as instruções do fabricante.

VOORZICHTIG: Het vervangen van de batterij door een verkeerd type kan ontploffing veroorzaken. Vervang de batterij
uitsluitend door hetzelfde, door de fabrikant aanbevolen type. Het wegwerpen van batterijen dient volgens de
voorschriften van de fabrikant te gebeuren.

Short Circuit Protection

WARNING: This product relies on the building’s installation for short-circuit (overcurrent)
protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120 VAC, 15A U.S. (240
VAC, 10A international) is used on the phase conductors (all current-carrying conductors).
ATTENTION : La protection contre les courts-circuits (surtension) du produit est assurée par l’installation électrique du
local où il est installé. S’assurer qu’un fusible ou un disjoncteur inférieur ou égal à 120 V CA, 15 A aux Etats-Unis
(240 V CA, 10 A dans les autres pays) est utilisé pour les conducteurs de phase (conducteurs de courant).

AVVERTENZA: La protezione contro i cortocircuiti (sovracorrente) del prodotto dipende dall’impianto elettrico
dell’edificio in cui è installato. Accertarsi che sui conduttori di fase (che portano la corrente) venga utilizzato un
fusibile o interruttore non superiore a 120 Vc.a., 15 A negli Stati Uniti (240 Vc.a., 10 A internazzionale).

WARNUNG: Dieses Produkt ist darauf angewiesen, dass im Gebäude ein Kurzschluss- bzw. Überstromschutz
installiert ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass eine Sicherung oder ein Unterbrecher von nicht mehr als 240 V Wechselstrom,
10 A (bzw. in den USA 120 V Wechselstrom, 15 A) an den Phasenleitern (allen stromführenden Leitern) verwendet

ADVERTENCIA: Este producto depende de la instalación del edificio en lo relativo a la protección frente a
cortocircuitos (sobretensión). Asegúrese de utilizar un fusible o un interruptor de circuito que no sea de más de 120 V
CA, 15A en EE.UU. (240 V CA, 10A internacional) en los conductores de fase (todos los conductores que
transportan corriente).

ADVERTÊNCIA: Esse produto depende da instalação de proteção contra curto-circuito (sobrecarga) do edifício.
Assegure-se de que um fusível ou disjuntor de até 120 VAC, 15A U.S. (240 VAC, 10 A internacional) seja usado nos
condutores de fase (todos os condutores de corrente).

WAARSCHUWING: Dit apparaat wordt tegen kortsluiting (overstroom) beveiligd via de elektrische installatie van het
gebouw. Zorg ervoor dat de fasegeleiders (alle stroomvoerende geleiders) beveiligd zijn met een zekering of
stroomonderbreker met een maximale capaciteit van 120 V wisselstroom, 15 A in de V.S. (240 V wisselstroom, 10 A

Exploded view


4 2b

8 5 15
1. Lid 6
2. CPU cooling assembly:
a) Clamp
b) CPU fan and heatsink
3. Interface board
10 7
5. Battery
6. Fiery X3eTY2 motherboard 11
7. Fiery X3eTY2 power supply
8. Enclosed fan
9. HDD cable 16
10. HDD
11. DIAG board
12. DIAG board cable
13. Pan
14. Connector panel (see page 14)
15. Extender card 17
16. Rail
17. Soft power button assembly
N OTE : For cable connector information, see
Figure 7 on page 19.

F IGURE 2: Fiery X3eTY2 exploded view


AC power switch and soft power button

The Fiery X3eTY2 has a dedicated AC power switch and a soft power button on the
connector panel (see Figure 3). The green LED in the soft power button is on when the
Fiery X3eTY2 is powered on.

To use the soft power button, the AC power switch must be in the ON position. Press the
soft power button for two seconds to power on; press it for several seconds to shut down the
Fiery X3eTY2. Using the soft power button to shut down the Fiery X3eTY2 does not power
off the Fiery X3eTY2 completely.

Always switch off the AC power switch before you disconnect the interface cable or unplug
the AC power cable. Cable disconnections require a complete power off.

System administrators can use the soft power button when they do not need to disconnect the
Fiery X3eTY2 from the copier or the AC power outlet, such as during system software
installation with a USB flash drive.

N OTE : If all connections are good and you think that the Fiery X3eTY2 should be ON, but it
is not, check the green LED and the AC power switch. If the green LED is OFF, but the AC
power switch is ON, press the soft power button for a few seconds until the Fiery X3eTY2
starts up. (Using the soft power button does not change the position of the AC power switch.)

Connector panel and DIAG board interface

[not used]

USB port Type A (3)


Service switches
[not used]

[not used]

1 2
LAN port for
10/100/1000BaseT ON position

[not used]


1 2

Interface connector Normal position

Soft power button

Power switch

Front view Top view

F IGURE 3: External hardware interface


Shutting down the system

Use the following procedure to shut down and power off the Fiery X3eTY2.


Always verify that the Fiery X3eTY2 is not in use before you power off or restart it. Make sure
that the system is not processing or printing a job. Before you take the Fiery X3eTY2 off the
network, always obtain permission from the network administrator.
1. On the Control Panel LCD on the copier, press the MACHINE button and make sure the status
line reads “Ready to print”.

2. Press the Controller button on the Control Panel LCD.

The Controller menu appears.

3. Press Shut Down Fiery.

4. At the prompt asking you to confirm the shutdown, press the Shutdown button.

5. Wait while the Fiery X3eTY2 shuts down.

The Fiery X3eTY2 DIAG LEDs turn off when the shutdown is complete.
6. Move the power switch on the Fiery X3eTY2 connector panel to OFF position (O).

7. If you are removing the Fiery X3eTY2 for service, power off the copier using the main power
switch inside the copier.

To access the main power switch inside the copier, open the left front door. Do not use the
secondary power switch located on the top front edge of the copier.

Accessing the Fiery X3eTY2

To service the Fiery X3eTY2 hardware, you must first shut down and power off the
Fiery X3eTY2 and copier properly, unplug the Fiery X3eTY2 cables, and then remove the
Fiery X3eTY2 from the copier.

Copier (right side)

Copier (back)

Fiery X3eTY2 connector panel

Fiery X3eTY2

Interface cable (not shown)

F IGURE 4: Fiery X3eTY2 installed on the copier



Before you touch any parts inside the Fiery X3eTY2, make sure to wear an ESD grounding
wrist strap and follow all ESD safety precautions.
1. Shut down the Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier (see page 15).

2. Disconnect all external cables from the connector panel of the Fiery X3eTY2.

3. Remove the four screws that attach the Fiery X3eTY2 to the copier (see Figure 5).

4. Unhook and remove the Fiery X3eTY2 from the copier.

You must shift the Fiery X3eTY2 to the left to release it from the copier.

Screw location (1 of 4)

Hook location (1 of 2)

Fiery X3eTY2
(front view)

Power cable
Fiery X3eTY2
(back view)

Interface cable connector

F IGURE 5: Accessing the Fiery X3eTY2

For detailed information about removing/installing the Fiery X3eTY2, see the installation
instructions that accompany the copier (not included in this service guide).

5. Place the Fiery X3eTY2 on a flat surface, and remove the 11 screws that secure the lid to the
pan (see Figure 6).

6. Open the lid, slide the tabs out of their slots, and lift the lid from the pan (see Figure 6).

Set the lid and screws aside.

N OTE : Do not cut or pinch the fan cable with the lid.
Screw (1 of 7)


Fan cable
(see Caution above)

Tab (1 of 3)
Slot (1 of 3)


F IGURE 6: Fiery X3eTY2 lid screws

The Fiery X3eTY2 is now ready for inspection and service.


Checking connections
The most common causes of hardware problems are faulty or loose connections. Before you
decide to replace any parts of the Fiery X3eTY2, make sure to verify all cables and
connections. If you have verified all external connections, check the internal connections.

HDD 12





8 7

Key to components, cabling, and 10. Soft power button cables to J9 Front Panel 12. Power supply:
motherboard labels connector: a) to AC power switch
N OTE : Connectors that are not b) to HDD
c) to J18
described are not used. d) to J11
17 18

1. Fiery X3eTY2 motherboard SW LED

13. BIOS chip
2. HDD, cable to SATA1 SW 14. DIAG board ribbon cable at J1 to
J9 Front Panel
3. DIMM slots: motherboard J2
a) DIMM2 for standard DIMM Edge of motherboard 15. NOT SHOWN:
b) DIMM1 for optional DIMM Extender card
4. Battery in battery socket F4 N OTE : Four wires left to right: red, black, red, yellow Interface board
5. CPU cooling assembly to FAN1 11. AC power switch (upper two leads): Service switches

6. Interface board Extender Card in PCI1

White Black
7. LAN port
8. USB Type A ports (3) in USB
9. Enclosed fan cable to motherboard

F IGURE 7: Cable diagram



Before you touch any parts inside the copier, make sure to wear an ESD grounding wrist strap
and follow all ESD safety precautions.
1. Make sure that all Fiery X3eTY2 cables, devices, and DIMM(s) are present, intact, properly
aligned, and well seated in their connectors.

2. Specifically check the following for proper installation in the pan: power supply, HDD,
enclosed fan, motherboard, motherboard components (see page 22).

3. Specifically check motherboard cable and component connections:

Motherboard silk-screened label Component or cable

DIMM1; DIMM2 Socket for upgrade option; Socket for standard DIMM

U15 PLCC32 socket for BIOS chip

SATA1 HDD cable from HDD SATA data connector

FAN2 Enclosed fan with attached cable

N OTE : Airflow is out.

[on CPU, no label visible] CPU cooling assembly

FAN1 CPU cooling assembly fan with attached cable

PCI1 Extender card for interface board

J18 Power supply with attached cable

F4 Battery (see “Specifications” on page 95)

J9 Front Panel [see note] Soft power button with two attached cables (2 wires each):
SW LED wires are red and black
J9 Front Panel
SW wires are red and yellow
N OTE : Four wires left to right: red, black, red, yellow

J11 Power supply with attached cable

J2 Ribbon cable to DIAG board at J1

N OTE : “Front Panel” is silk-screened in two places on the motherboard; refer only to the label that
appears at J9, on the edge of the board in very small text.

4. Specifically check all other power supply cable connections in the pan:

Location Component or cable

AC power switch, 4 lead, 2x2 Power supply with attached cable, split to two wires:
White wire to the upper lead corresponding to ON;
Black wire to the upper lead corresponding to OFF

HDD Power supply with attached SATA power cable

5. After you verify connections, if one or more Fiery X3eTY2 components is still not receiving
power, check the copier and its internal interface to the Fiery X3eTY2 (for information, see
the documentation that accompanies the copier).

Removing and replacing components

Before you decide to replace costly components, make sure to verify the connections between
the copier and the Fiery X3eTY2. Also, verify the connections of each replaceable
Fiery X3eTY2 component. For more information about troubleshooting, see page 72.

The following sections describe how to remove and install removable/replaceable parts on the
Fiery X3eTY2:
• Interface board
• Battery
• Motherboard
• CPU and CPU cooling assembly
• DIAG board
• Enclosed fan
• Soft power assembly
• Power supply
• Hard disk drive (HDD)

For information about replacing other components, see the documentation that accompanies
the copier.

N OTE : Make sure to use an ESD grounding wrist strap and follow standard ESD precautions
while performing these procedures.

Interface board
The interface board connects directly to the extender card, which is connected directly to the
Fiery X3eTY2 motherboard (see Figure 8 below and Figure 2 on page 12).

Interface board connected

to extender card
Cover plate
screw (1 of 2)

Extender card in PCI1


[Rail, interface board, and

extender card not shown]


F IGURE 8: Interface board connections

Use the following procedures to remove or replace the interface board.



1. Access and open the Fiery X3eTY2, as described on page 16.

2. Remove the two cover plate screws that connect the interface board to the connector panel
(see Figure 2 on page 12).

You do not need to remove the jackscrews that connect the cover plate to the interface board.
3. Disconnect the interface board from Slot 2 (top slot) of the extender card.

Bend out the pan slightly so that you can slide the interface board out of the connector panel
cutout as you lift the board out of the extender card.
Lift out the interface board from the pan. Set the board and the screws aside.


1. Insert the interface board into the extender card Slot 2 (top slot).

Bend out the pan so that you can insert the interface connector into the connector panel
2. Attach the cover plate to the connector panel with the two screws you removed earlier.

3. Reassemble the unit and verify functionality (see page 53).


Each DIMM (dual in-line memory module) is held in place by levers at each end of its socket
on the Fiery X3eTY2.

The memory capacity for the Fiery X3eTY2 is 1GB. The standard configuration is one
512MB DIMM installed in socket DIMM2. To upgrade, install another 512MB DIMM in
socket DIMM1.

Approved DIMMs are available from your authorized service support center.


1. To release a DIMM, push outward on the lever on each side of the DIMM (see Figure 9).

Socket notch

F IGURE 9: Releasing a DIMM

2. Slide the DIMM straight out of the socket to avoid damaging the DIMM or the socket, and set
the DIMM aside.

3. To install a DIMM, insert it straight into the socket. Push the DIMM into the socket until the
levers snap into place.

The DIMM fits the socket only one way. The notch on the bottom of the DIMM should line
up with the notch in the socket.
Make sure that the levers close securely around the ends of the DIMM and that the DIMM is
fully seated in its socket. Avoid flexing the board while you firmly seat the DIMM in its
4. Reassemble the unit and verify functionality (see page 53).

To verify memory capacity, print a Configuration page to check the amount of memory
recorded. Due to CPU overhead, the memory amount recorded on the Configuration page
may be slightly less than the installed amount.

The battery on the Fiery X3eTY2 board is located at F4. To replace it, use a 3V manganese
dioxide lithium coin cell battery (Panasonic CR2032 or equivalent).

CAUTION: There is danger of explosion if the battery is replaced with an incorrect type.
Replace the battery only with the same type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of
used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
ACHTUNG: Es besteht Explosionsgefahr, wenn die Batterie durch eine Batterie falschen Typs ersetzt wird. Als Ersatz
dürfen nur vom Hersteller empfohlene Batterien gleichen oder ähnlichen Typs verwendet werden. Verbrauchte
Batterien müssen entsprechend den Anweisungen des Herstellers entsorgt werden.

ATTENTION : Il y a risque d’explosion si la pile est remplacée par un modèle qui ne convient pas. Remplacez-la
uniquement par le modèle recommandé par le constructeur. Débarrassez-vous des piles usées conformément aux
instructions du constructeur.

ADVARSEL!: Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering Udskiftning må kun ske med bat-teri af samme
fabrikat og type. Levér det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren.

VAROITUS: Paristo voi räjähtää, los se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo ainoastaan laitevalmistajan
suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä Käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti.

ADVARSEL: Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende type anbefalt
av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner.

VARNING: Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som
rekommenderas av apparat-tillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion.


1. Locate the battery on the Fiery X3eTY2.

2. Carefully bend the clip that holds the battery.

Use caution when bending the clip; excessive force could cause the clip to lose its tension.




3. Pull the battery out of its socket and release the clip.

4. To insert a new battery, slide the battery into the socket under the clip, with the positive (+)
side facing up.

Make sure the clip holds the battery securely in the socket.
5. Reassemble the Fiery X3eTY2 and verify functionality (see page 53).

The date and time of day are lost when the old battery is removed. For instructions on
entering Setup to program the system date and time, see Configuration and Setup on the User
Documentation CD.

This section describes how to remove and replace the motherboard. It also describes how to
verify functionality and update the system after a new motherboard installation.

Motherboard jumpers
The following table describes the jumper pin locations on the motherboard. Do not move or
change any of the default jumper configurations.

TABLE 1: Jumper pins on the motherboard

Location on motherboard Default jumper configuration

JP1 Left two pins:

(near the PCI2 and PRI-IDE connectors)



Requirements for a new motherboard installation

To install a new motherboard, you need the following items:
• USB 2.0 flash drive [not provided] with 32MB capacity (minimum) and a data transfer
LED. If the drive has a write-protection feature, make sure write-protection is switched
Not all USB 2.0 flash drives have been validated for use with the Fiery X3eTY2. If the one
you are using does not work, try another brand.
• Any PC [not provided] with:
– Intel x86-compatible microprocessor
– CD-ROM drive, built in or attached
– Support for USB 2.0
(USB 1.1 may work, but it will be very slow.)
– 256MB of available memory
– Keyboard (mouse input is not accepted by the software on the
USB Flash Installer CD)
• New motherboard
• Single-use dongle [provided with new motherboard]
• Feature Activation Software CD
• USB Flash Installer CD

N OTE : If you are installing a new motherboard on a system that uses an older version of
system software, you will also need the System Software DVD provided with the new

Cautions for a new motherboard installation

If you are installing a new motherboard:
• Transfer the DIMM(s) and CPU from the old motherboard. Spare motherboards ship
with replacement thermal compound for use when transferring the CPU.
• Make sure the new motherboard solves the problem you are troubleshooting before you
update the system. Updating the system permanently customizes the new motherboard so
that it cannot be returned to inventory and cannot be installed in another Fiery X3eTY2.
If the new motherboard does not solve the problem, do not update the motherboard.
Return the new motherboard and unused single-use dongle to inventory.
• Do not reinstall system software before performing the system update, as this may result in
an error. If system software installation is required, first perform the system update and
then install system software.
• BIOS chips are not interchangeable. Do not transfer the BIOS chip from the old
motherboard onto the new motherboard. Doing so can damage the Fiery X3eTY2.
• Do not install a new HDD at the same time that you install a new motherboard.
It is unlikely that both the HDD and the motherboard are defective; therefore, avoid
replacing both to solve one problem. If troubleshooting strategies (checking cables and
connections, and so forth) do not resolve the problem and you suspect either the HDD or
the motherboard is at fault, use the following order: replace the HDD; install system
software; verify the problem still exists; and then move on to other procedures, such as
replacing the motherboard. Otherwise, you may need to return the Fiery X3eTY2.
• Do update the system using the single-use dongle and the Feature Activation CD.

Removing the motherboard

Use the following procedure to remove the motherboard from the Fiery X3eTY2.


1. Access and open the Fiery X3eTY2, as described on page 16.

2. Remove the interface board from the extender card (see page 24).

Place the removed board on an antistatic surface.


3. Disconnect the following cables from the motherboard (see Figure 7 on page 19):

N OTE : Note the cable routing before you cut any tie-wraps so that you can properly arrange
the cabling later with new tie-wraps. Tie-wraps are included in the motherboard spare kit.
• Power supply cable at motherboard J11
• Power supply cable at motherboard J18
• HDD cable at motherboard SATA1
• Enclosed fan cable at motherboard FAN2
• DIAG board ribbon cable at motherboard J2
• Soft power button cables (two) at motherboard connector labeled “Front Panel”
Four wires left to right: red, black, red, yellow

17 18

J9 Front Panel

Edge of motherboard

4. Remove the two screws that attach the rail to the pan. Remove the extender card from the
motherboard connector PCI1. Set aside the rail with the extender card attached, and the two

5. Remove the five screws that secure the Fiery X3eTY2 motherboard to the pan.

Set aside the screws so that you can replace them later.
6. Lift the edge of the motherboard opposite the connector panel to release the motherboard
from the pan. Gently lift the motherboard out of the pan, and place the motherboard on a
flat, anti-static surface.

Make sure the connectors on the motherboard clear the cutouts in the connector panel as you
remove the board. Note the position of the “metal fingers” on the USB connectors so that you
can re-position them later. Avoid handling contacts or using excessive force.
7. If you are replacing the motherboard with a new motherboard, remove the following from the
old motherboard:

• DIMM(s) (see page 25)

• CPU cooling assembly and CPU (see page 41)

Replacing the motherboard

Use the following procedure to install the motherboard in the Fiery X3eTY2 pan.

If you are replacing an old motherboard with a new motherboard, you will need to verify
functionality and update the system after installing the new motherboard.


1. If you are installing a new motherboard, place the motherboard on an antistatic surface with
some padding. Then complete the following tasks:

• Install the DIMM(s), CPU, and CPU assembly from the old motherboard onto the new
motherboard. For DIMM(s), see page 25; for the CPU and cooling assembly, see page 40.
Do not transfer the BIOS chip from the old motherboard onto the new motherboard.
Doing so can cause the system to shut down due to incompatibility issues.
• Clear the CMOS and power-up settings:
– Make sure that the power cable is removed from the Fiery X3eTY2.
– Remove the battery from the motherboard (see page 26).
– Wait 5 full minutes.
– Reinstall the battery.
2. Angle the motherboard so that the connectors on the motherboard fit into the cutouts in the
connector panel of the pan, and gently slide the motherboard into the pan.

As you install it, be careful to avoid stressing the motherboard or the surrounding cables in
the pan. Make sure to reposition the metal fingers on the USB connectors.
3. Align the mounting holes on the motherboard with the screw holes located in the base of
the pan.

4. Install the five motherboard screws into the pan.

To prevent stress on the motherboard, partially tighten all the screws before completely
tightening any single screw.

5. Connect the following cables from the motherboard (see Figure 7 on page 19):

• Soft power button cables (two) at connector labeled “Front Panel”

Four wires left to right: red, black, red, yellow

17 18

J9 Front Panel

Edge of motherboard

The two 2-wire cables are labeled SW LED and SW. SW LED wires are red and black;
SW wires are red and yellow.
• DIAG board ribbon cable at J2
• Enclosed fan cable at FAN2
• HDD cable at SATA1
• Power supply cables at J11 and J18
6. Install the extender card (with rail attached) into motherboard connector PCI1. Align the rail
onto the pan and install the two screws you removed earlier.

7. Replace the interface board to Slot 2 (top slot) of the extender card (see page 24).

8. Reassemble the Fiery X3eTY2 (see page 53).

• If you have reinstalled the old motherboard in the Fiery X3eTY2, verify system
functionality (see Figure 19 on page 54).
• If you have installed a new motherboard, enter Service Mode and verify the functionality
of the new motherboard (see page 34).

Verifying the functionality of a new motherboard installation

N OTE : Before proceeding with this section, make sure that you have all the required
components, as described on page 28.

After you install a new motherboard and reassemble the system, you must first verify all
functionality by using the single-use dongle to enter Service Mode. Be sure to verify the
motherboard functionality before updating the system; do not update the system prematurely.

Entering Service Mode allows you to make sure that the new motherboard solves the problem
that you are troubleshooting. Service Mode is a temporary state that allows you to test the
motherboard, and is indicated on the DIAG LEDs by the 90 code. Service Mode is exited
automatically when you expend the single-use dongle to update the system (see “To update
the system” on page 38).


N OTE : This procedure assumes you have installed a new motherboard and reassembled the
Fiery X3eTY2.
1. Verify the following:

• The Fiery X3eTY2 is reattached to the copier.

• The service switches are set for normal operation (both away from the DIAG LEDs).
• The Fiery X3eTY2 and copier are powered off.
2. Unpack the single-use dongle included with the new motherboard and connect it to any
available USB port on the Fiery X3eTY2 (see Figure 3 on page 14).

3. Power on the copier using the main power switch, and then power on the Fiery X3eTY2 by
moving the AC power switch on the connector panel to the ON position (|).

To access the main power switch inside the copier, open the left front door. Do not use the
secondary power switch located on the top front edge of the copier.
Wait several minutes for the copier and Fiery X3eTY2 to start up, and for the Controller
button to become active on the Control Panel LCD under MACHINE mode.

N OTE : During Service Mode, 90 appears on the DIAG LEDs.

4. Print the Fiery X3eTY2 Test Page (see page 55).

5. Connect the Fiery X3eTY2 to the network (see page 56), and ask the site administrator to
print a few test documents from a networked computer that will use the Fiery X3eTY2 (see
Configuration and Setup on the User Documentation CD).

If the problem you are troubleshooting persists, or you are unable to perform steps 4 and 5
above while in Service Mode, the new motherboard has not solved the problem you are
troubleshooting. If this is the case, do not update the system, and do not attempt any other
troubleshooting procedures yet (such as reinstalling system software or replacing the HDD).
Reinstall the old motherboard and return the new motherboard with the unused single-use
dongle to inventory. You may then perform additional service and troubleshooting
If the Fiery X3eTY2 is able to print a Test Page and a print job sent over the network, you
may conclude that the new motherboard solves the problem you are troubleshooting.
6. Shut down and power off the Fiery X3eTY2 (see page 15).

You may proceed to update the system.

Updating the system

N OTE : Before proceeding with this section, make sure that you have all the required
components, as described on page 28.

If you concluded in Service Mode that the new motherboard solves the problem you are
troubleshooting, you must update the system.

If you concluded in Service Mode that the new motherboard does not solve the problem you
are troubleshooting, do not update the system (described below), and do not attempt any other
troubleshooting procedures (such as reinstalling system software or replacing the HDD).
Reinstall the old motherboard and return the new motherboard with the unused single-use
dongle to inventory. You may then perform additional service and troubleshooting

After the system is updated, the new motherboard fully replaces the old motherboard and
cannot be used in another system. The Fiery X3eTY2 remains enabled for optional features
such as Secure Erase.

To update the system, you must use a prepared flash drive. The procedures in this section are:
• “To prepare a USB flash drive for system update” on page 36
• “To update the system” on page 38


N OTE : Make sure the boot priority on your PC is set to boot first from the CD-ROM drive.
To find out how to access/change the PC’s BIOS configuration, see the documentation that
accompanies your PC. Typically, pressing a key during power up (such as F2 or DEL or F8)
will access the BIOS configuration screen.
1. Power on the PC and as soon as the CD-ROM drive LED goes out, load the USB Flash Installer
CD into the CD-ROM drive.

If you load the CD too late, the PC boots as usual. In that case, restart the PC so that the PC
boots from the CD.
2. Allow the PC to boot from the CD (several minutes, depending on your PC).

Troubleshooting tips: If the PC fails to display the Flash Drive Setup screen within 30 minutes,
make sure that the PC boot priority is set to boot first from the CD-ROM drive, and make
sure that no devices are connected to the USB-A ports. If booting from the CD still fails, try
another PC. It could be that your PC is not compatible with the boot program on the USB
Flash Installer CD.
3. Follow the USB Flash Installer screen prompts (see page 37). To respond to a prompt, use
only the keyboard; do not use the mouse.

Troubleshooting tips:
• The USB Flash Installer CD may not work properly on some PCs. In such cases, the Flash
Drive Setup will complete, but the flash drive will fail to load system software on the
Fiery X3eTY2. If this happens, use a different PC in conjunction with the USB Flash
Installer CD to prepare the flash drive.
• If the LED on the USB flash drive fails to light when you connect the flash drive to the
PC, do the following: power off the PC, remove and reinsert the USB flash drive into the
PC, and then verify that its LED turns on when the PC is turned on.
• If an error message appears stating that there is not enough space available on the USB
flash drive, your flash drive capacity is insufficient. Obtain a flash drive with the proper
capacity (specified on page 28), and then repeat the preparation process.

Screen prompt What you need to do

1. Please plug in a USB flash drive, and The CD-ROM drive door may open and close
insert a valid product CD, and press OK. automatically during this procedure.
If it does not, manually open and close the
drive door when removing/inserting the CD.
• Connect a USB flash drive to a USB-A port
on the PC.
• Remove the USB Flash Installer CD.
• Insert the Feature Activation Software CD,
press Enter, and then wait.
If the same screen prompt reappears, just
wait or press Enter again.
2. Found server installation CD/DVD • Wait for the next prompt.
3. Creating filesystem. • Wait for the next prompt.
Please wait...
4. Language • Press Enter to proceed to the next prompt.
[Menu lists available languages]
N OTE : The Language menu does not apply to
the Feature Activation Software CD.
5. Flash programming in progress... • Wait for the next prompt.
Please wait...
The flash drive is formatted in preparation
for the copying of files from the Feature
Activation Software CD.
6. Copying... • Wait as files are copied from the CD to the
[Progress bar indicates %] USB flash drive. Wait for the progress bar to
reach 100% and the next prompt to appear.
The wait usually takes 5-10 minutes, but
may take considerably longer, depending on
your PC.
7. Unmounting flash drive... • Wait for the next prompt.
Please wait...

Screen prompt What you need to do

8. USB flash device is ready for installation. • Disconnect the flash drive from the
The device can be removed. USB-A port. Press Enter.
9. Do you want to program more USB flash • Select No unless you are preparing more
drives? than one USB flash drive.
Yes No
10. System will re-start. • Select Yes.
Yes No
11. Processing complete. Please remove CD. • Remove the Feature Activation Software
Rebooting... CD.
The following prompt appears at the end of a
list of status messages:
12. Please remove CD, close cdrom drive and • If you have not removed the CD yet, remove
hit return. it now. Manually close the CD-ROM drive
and press Enter.
13. Shutdown complete • Allow the PC to boot to Windows.

4. Label the prepared USB flash drive with identifying information.

For example, copy onto a label tag (1) the product name and (2) “Feature Activation
Software”. The USB flash drive is now prepared and can be used to update the system.


N OTE : This procedure assumes that the Fiery X3eTY2 is fully assembled, powered off, verified
(see page 34), and requires an update. It also assumes that the USB flash drive has been
properly prepared (see page 36).
1. Make sure the single-use dongle is firmly attached to a USB port on the Fiery X3eTY2.
Make sure no other dongles are attached to the Fiery X3eTY2.

2. Attach the prepared USB flash drive to another USB port on the Fiery X3eTY2 (see Figure 3 on
page 14).

N OTE : If the flash drive interferes with the attached dongle, reconnect the flash drive and the
dongle to the outer USB ports on the Fiery X3eTY2.
3. Power on the Fiery X3eTY2 using its AC power switch.

4. Wait several minutes while the system update files are transferred from the flash drive to
the Fiery X3eTY2.

The following status codes appear on the DIAG LEDs during the update process.

Code on DIAG LEDs System status

00 Update process is starting.

01 or 02 Update is in progress.

F0 Update is successful.

FF Update is complete.

N OTE : If any other code displays on the DIAG LEDs during the update process, see
“System update error codes (on DIAG LEDs)” on page 85.
5. Wait up to one minute for the DIAG LEDs to turn off.

6. Move the AC power switch on the Fiery X3eTY2 to the OFF position (0), wait at least 30
seconds, and then remove the USB flash drive and single-use dongle from the Fiery X3eTY2.

N OTE : Be sure to remove the USB flash drive and dongle from the Fiery X3eTY2. If the flash
drive is still attached, the Fiery X3eTY2 will fail to start up.
7. If needed, power on the copier using its main power switch. Power on the Fiery X3eTY2 by
moving the AC power switch on the connector panel to the ON position (|).

8. Wait until the Controller button becomes active on the copier’s Control Panel LCD under
MACHINE mode, and the Fiery X3eTY2 start page is printed.

9. Configure the date and time in Setup (see Configuration and Setup on the
User Documentation CD for details).

10. Print a Configuration page to verify system settings and features (see page 55).

11. Locate the System Software DVD provided with the new motherboard. Compare the version
number printed on the DVD with the system software version number listed under “Server
Info” on the Configuration page.

• If the version number on the DVD matches the version number on the
Configuration page, the new motherboard installation is complete.
• If the version number on the DVD does not match the version number on the
Configuration page, you must install system software from the DVD to complete the new
motherboard installation. For instructions, see “System software” on page 59.

CPU and CPU cooling assembly

The CPU is installed in a Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket on the motherboard. Before
removing the CPU from its socket, disconnect the CPU fan cable from the motherboard and
remove the cooling assembly from the CPU socket (see page 41). The CPU cooling assembly
consists of a fan, a clamp, a heatsink, and a bracket. Always replace both the CPU and the
cooling assembly when you replace either.

N OTE : You should not need to remove the fan from the heatsink. A replacement cooling
assembly ships with the fan already attached. This procedure assumes that you will use the
existing clamp even though a replacement cooling assembly ships with a clamp.


Clamp lever (1 of 4)

Clamp crossbar (1 of 2)

Clamp hooks (2 of 4)

CPU fan



Bracket slots (2 of 4)
Bracket on Fiery X3eTY2

F IGURE 10: CPU cooling assembly

Follow standard ESD precautions while handling the motherboard and all components.


1. Remove the motherboard (see page 30).

2. Let the cooling assembly cool before you touch it.

Both the cooling assembly and the CPU may be very hot.
3. Disconnect the CPU fan cable from motherboard connector FAN1.

Several motherboard components are very close to the cooling assembly. Make sure not to
damage these components when removing or replacing the cooling assembly.
4. Disconnect the clamp hooks from the two bracket slots closest to the DIMM slots.

To disconnect the clamp, press down on the clamp levers and pull the clamp crossbar away
from the bracket hooks.

DIMM side

FAN1 side

F IGURE 11: CPU cooling assembly orientation

5. Lift off the fan/heatsink and set it aside.

If the clamp is not interfering, let the clamp’s other two hooks (close to the FAN1 side)
remain inserted in the bracket slots. Not removing the clamp may better protect the tall
capacitors from inadvertent damage.
Use caution when lifting off the fan/heatsink. The thermal compound adhesive on the
bottom of the heatsink may damage the CPU if you remove the fan/heatsink too forcefully.

6. Remove the CPU using the CPU socket lever.

To release the CPU, flex the CPU socket lever away from the retention post, and then lift the
CPU socket lever all the way up to vertical.
Grasp the CPU by its edges and carefully lift it from its socket.

CPU Arrow

CPU socket
Pin 1


Retention post

F IGURE 12: Removing/replacing a CPU


Several motherboard components are very close to the cooling assembly. Make sure not to
damage these components when removing or replacing the cooling assembly.
1. Flex the CPU socket lever away from the retention post and lift the lever all the way up to

2. Insert the CPU into the socket.

Make sure you align the arrow indicating pin 1 on the CPU with pin 1 in the CPU socket
(see Figure 12).
3. Lower the CPU socket lever beneath the retention post to lock the CPU in place.

4. Position the fan/heatsink over the CPU so that the fan cable is near the FAN1 connector.

N OTE : The cooling assembly includes a square piece of foil over the thermal compound on the
bottom of the heatsink. Do not attempt to remove the foil. It is part of the assembly.
5. Position the clamp over the CPU and thread the fan cable through the clamp.

6. Insert the clamp hooks into the bracket hooks, two at a time. Start with the FAN1 side and
then do the DIMM side, in order to protect the tall capacitors from inadvertent damage (see
Figure 11 on page 41).

To insert the clamp hooks, press down on the clamp levers and guide the clamp crossbar
toward the bracket hooks.
7. Connect the CPU fan cable to motherboard connector FAN1.

If you are installing a new CPU, secure the slack in the fan cable using a tie-wrap (if
necessary). The tie-wrap prevents the fan cable from interfering with the CPU fan.
Make sure the cable connector is securely connected to connector FAN1 on the motherboard.
8. Reassemble the Fiery X3eTY2 and verify its functionality (see page 54).

DIAG board
The DIAG board provides service switches for installing system software over the network
and DIAG LEDs arrayed as a 2-digit display. The DIAG board is attached to the pan with
four screws and is attached to the motherboard by a ribbon cable. To remove and/or replace
it, use the following procedures.

DIAG board (external view)

F IGURE 13: DIAG board on the Fiery X3eTY2 pan


Make sure you wear an ESD grounding wrist strap and follow standard ESD (electrostatic
discharge) precautions while handling Fiery X3eTY2 components.
1. Shut down and open the Fiery X3eTY2 (see page 15 and page 17).

2. Remove the CPU cooling assembly only; do not remove the CPU (see page 41).

3. Remove the DIAG board cable from the motherboard J2 connector.

Do not pull the wires of the cable. Pull the cable out by its connector.
4. Remove the four screws that secure the DIAG board to the pan and remove the DIAG board.

Set the screws aside so you can replace them later.


Make sure you attach an ESD grounding wrist strap and follow standard ESD (electrostatic
discharge) precautions before handling Fiery X3eTY2 components.
1. Position the DIAG board in the pan and secure the DIAG board to the pan with the screws you
removed earlier (see Figure 2 on page 12).

2. Connect the DIAG board cable to the DIAG board J1 connector and to the motherboard J2
connector (see Figure 7 on page 19).

3. Reinstall the CPU cooling assembly (see page 42).

4. Reassemble the unit and verify functionality (see page 53).


Enclosed fan
One enclosed fan is attached to the pan to cool the system. As an exhaust fan, the fan blows
air out of the system.

Rivet (1 of 4)

Enclosed fan to FAN2

blows air out of the system


1. Remove the Fiery X3eTY2 from the copier (see page 17).

2. Note the orientation of the fan inside the pan. See the arrow that indicates the air flow out
of the vent.

Tip: The label side of the fan is the side that the air flows towards.
3. Remove the rivets that secure the fan to the back of the pan and remove the fan.

You can place the flat stem of a screwdriver against the rivet from the inside of the pan lid and
then press to dislodge the rivet.
4. Secure the new fan inside the pan using the rivets just removed. Make sure the new fan is in
the same orientation as the old fan (see step 2).

5. Connect the fan cable to motherboard connector FAN2 (see Figure 7 on page 19).

6. Reassemble the unit and verify functionality (see page 53).


Soft power button

The soft power button assembly includes the soft power button, and the SW and SW LED
cables. For more information about the soft power button, see page 13.


1. Remove the Fiery X3eTY2 from the copier (see page 17).

2. Remove the soft power button cables (SW and SW LED) from J9 on the motherboard.

3. Use needlenose pliers to pinch the beveled sides of the button casing, and push the button
assembly out through the cutout in the pan.

Carefully pull the soft power cables, one pair at a time, through the cutout.


Pinch beveled sides to unlock button from pan.

F IGURE 14: Soft power button and cables


1. Carefully insert the soft power button cables through the cutout in the pan.

Insert the cables, one pair at a time, through the cutout.

2. Push the button assembly firmly into the cutout until the assembly is locked in place.

Make sure that the beveled sides of the button casing are completely secured to the inside of
the pan.
3. Connect the soft power button cables to the correct pins on J9:

• SW LED cable—pins 2 and 4

• SW cable—pins 6 and 8
Align the triangle on each cable connector with the correct pin as shown in Figure 15.
SW LED SW J9 on the motherboard

2 18

1 17

F IGURE 15: Soft power cable connections

4. Reassemble the Fiery X3eTY2 and verify its functionality (see page 53).

Power supply
The power supply in the pan is dedicated to the Fiery X3eTY2. It supplies power to the
motherboard, the AC power switch, and the HDD. To remove or replace the power supply,
use the procedures in this section.

For more information on the power supply, see “Specifications” on page 95.

Do not open the power supply for service or troubleshooting purposes. Opening the power
supply voids the warranty.

Pan screw
(1 of 2)


Back panel
External screw
(1 of 3)

F IGURE 16: Mounting screw locations for power supply


TABLE 2: Power supply cable details

Cable connector Pin(s) Wire color Voltage Connection
N OTE : All voltages listed in this table are direct current voltages (VDC).
P1 1, 2 Orange +3.3V
20 10
19 9
3, 5, 7, 13, 15, Black COM
16, 17
14 4
4, 6, 19, 20 Red +5V
11 1
8 Gray PW-OK Power supply to
20-pin power connector motherboard
to motherboard 9 Purple +5Vsb
10 Yellow +12V
11 Orange +3.3V
Brown +3.3V sense
12 Blue -12V
14 Green PS-ON
18 — not connected

4 2
1 Black COM
3 1
2 Black COM
4-pin power connector
to motherboard 3 Yellow&Black +12V
4 Yellow&Black +12V
1 Yellow +12V Power supply
to HDD
2 Black COM
3 Red +5V
SATA (5-pin) power connector 4 Black COM
to HDD
5 — not connected

1 Yellow +12V
2, 3 Black COM
4 Red +5V
Not used
1 Yellow +12V
2, 3 Black COM
4-pin PATA power (not used)
4 Red +5V


1. Remove the Fiery X3eTY2 from the copier, (see page 17).

2. Disconnect the power cables:

• Power cable from motherboard connector J18

• White and Black power cable from the AC power switch
• SATA power cable to HDD
• Power cable to motherboard connector J11
3. Note the zip ties and how the cables are draped in the pan, and then cut the 4 zip ties that
are attached to the pan.

4. Disconnect the power supply from the pan and back panel (see Figure 16 on page 47) by
removing the two pan screws and three external screws. Lift out the power supply.


1. Insert the power supply into the pan and install the two pan screws and three external screws
(see Figure 16 on page 47).

2. Use zip ties to drape the cables and secure them to the pan.

3. Connect the power cables (see Figure 7 on page 19):

• SATA power cable to HDD

• White and Black power cables to the AC power switch
White wire to the upper lead corresponding to ON;
Black wire to the upper lead corresponding to OFF
• Power cable to motherboard connector J18
• Power cable to motherboard connector J11
4. Reassemble the unit and verify functionality (see page 53).

Hard disk drive

The factory-installed hard disk drive (HDD) is formatted and loaded with all Fiery X3eTY2
software, including operating software, system software, network drivers, and printer fonts.

If the HDD is replaced, you must install the system software on the new HDD. If you are
replacing the HDD, you need the following:
• The appropriate system software on DVD
• The latest version of user software (for networked computers that will be printing to the
Fiery X3eTY2)

Before you replace the HDD, if possible, print the following from the Controller menu:
• Configuration page—records the customer’s current Setup configuration (custom settings
will be lost when you install system software).
• Font List—details what fonts are resident on the Fiery X3eTY2. Along with the fonts that
are provided on the System Software CD, the customer may have installed additional fonts
that will be deleted when system software is installed.

For information about installing system software, see page 59.


Proper handling
Handle the HDD with care:
• Use proper ESD practices when grounding yourself and the Fiery X3eTY2.
• Keep magnets and magnetic-sensitive objects away from the HDD.
• Do not remove the screws on top of the HDD. Loosening these screws voids the warranty.
• Never drop, jar, or bump the HDD.
• Handle the HDD by its sides and avoid touching the printed circuit board.
• Allow the HDD to reach room temperature before installation.

HDD problems may be a result of the following:

• Loose or faulty connection
• Faulty HDD

Before you decide that the HDD must be replaced, make sure that the connectors on the
HDD and on the motherboard are intact, properly aligned, and firmly connected. If the pins
are bent, gently straighten them with a pair of needlenose pliers.

HDD Power supply

Motherboard SATA1 connector

F IGURE 17: HDD cable connections



Before you touch any parts inside the copier, make sure to wear an ESD grounding wrist strap
and follow all ESD safety precautions.
1. Remove the Fiery X3eTY2 from the copier, (see page 17).

2. Disconnect the SATA power cable and the HDD cable from the HDD.

3. Remove the four screws from the outside of the pan that secure the HDD. Lift out the HDD.

Hold the HDD as you remove the last screw. Set the screws aside so you can replace them
4. Place the HDD in an antistatic bag.

Do not touch the drive with magnetic objects, such as a magnetic screwdrivers. Do not place
items near the HDD that are sensitive to magnets, such as credit cards and employee ID cards
(see “Proper handling” on page 51).


Make sure you attach an ESD grounding wrist strap and follow standard ESD precautions
before handling Fiery X3eTY2 components. Handle the HDD with care, and do not touch it
with magnetic objects or place any objects near it that are sensitive to magnets (see “Proper
handling” on page 51).
1. Secure the HDD to the pan using the four screws you removed earlier (see page 12).

2. Firmly connect the HDD cable and the SATA power cable to the HDD.





F IGURE 18: Cables connectors on HDD

3. Reassemble the unit and verify functionality (see page 53).

N OTE : If you replaced the HDD, you must install system software according to the procedure
in “System software” on page 59. A spare HDD is shipped without system software.

Restoring functionality after service

To complete any service procedures performed on the Fiery X3eTY2, reassemble the
Fiery X3eTY2, reattach it to the copier, and verify that it is working properly. To verify the
installation, check the external connections of the Fiery X3eTY2 to the copier and then to the
network and/or USB port.


1. Reseat any cables, devices, DIMMs, or other parts of the Fiery X3eTY2 assembly that you may
have loosened or removed during inspection or service (see “Checking connections” on
page 19).

2. Reattach the Fiery X3eTY2 to the copier.

For detailed information, see the installation instructions that accompany the copier (not
included in this service guide).
3. If you installed a new HDD, install system software according to the procedure in “System
software” on page 59.

A spare HDD is shipped without system software.

4. Make sure the service switches are set for normal operation (both away from the DIAG LEDs).
If necessary, shut down the Fiery X3eTY2 and flip their position (you do not have to unplug
the Fiery X3eTY2 or the copier).

5. Make sure there are no USB flash drives attached to the Fiery X3eTY2.

If a flash drive is attached, the Fiery X3eTY2 will fail to start up.

6. Power on the copier using its main power switch. Then power on the Fiery X3eTY2 by moving
the AC power switch on the connector panel to the ON position (|).

To access the main power switch inside the copier, open the left front door. Do not use the
secondary power switch located on the top front edge of the copier.
Wait several minutes for the copier and Fiery X3eTY2 to start up, and for the Controller
button to become active on the Control Panel LCD under MACHINE mode.

N OTE : After power up, check the airflow of the Fiery X3eTY2 fan to make sure air is
blowing out.
7. Before you leave the customer site, verify Fiery X3eTY2 operation as described in Figure 19.

Print test pages (see page 55). N OTE : If the Fiery X3eTY2 does not turn on
within a few seconds, press the soft power
button on the connector panel.

Connect the Fiery X3eTY2 to the

network and verify (see page 56).

Check the Setup options

(see Configuration and Setup).

F IGURE 19: Steps to verify the Fiery X3eTY2


Printing Fiery X3eTY2 pages

The Control Panel allows you to print special pages that are included in the Fiery X3eTY2
system software. These pages reside on the Fiery X3eTY2 HDD and include the Test Page,
Configuration page, and Font List.

Printing the Configuration page

The Configuration page lists all the settings in effect from the current Setup. After you have
finished running Setup, print a Configuration page to confirm your settings.

Before you perform any service procedure, print the Fiery X3eTY2 Configuration page
(if possible) so that you are prepared to return the settings to their former configurations,
if necessary.

After the connection to the network is made, the site administrator can customize Setup
options according to the network and user environment. Using the Configuration page as a
guide can help speed up this process. For more information, see Configuration and Setup on
the User Documentation CD.

Printing the Test Page

Before connecting the Fiery X3eTY2 to the network, print the Test Page. The Test Page is a
file that resides in the Fiery X3eTY2. Output verifies that the Fiery X3eTY2 is functional and
connected properly to the copier.


1. Press the MACHINE button on the Control Panel LCD.

2. Press the Controller button.

This step assumes that both the copier and Fiery X3eTY2 are powered on and warmed up.
The Controller button is inactive until the Fiery X3eTY2 is ready.
3. Press Print Pages.

4. Press the button for the page you want to print.


5. If you printed the Test Page, examine the output.

If the Test Page prints, you know the Fiery X3eTY2 print engine is functional and the
connection between the Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier is operating properly. When you
examine the PS Test Page, consider the following:
• All swatches should be visible, even though they may be very faint in the lowest ranges.
• Swatches should show uniform gradation as the tone lightens.
• Poor image quality may indicate a need to calibrate the system or service the copier.
6. If you printed the Configuration page, post the page near the server for quick reference.

Users may need the information on this page.

If the Fiery X3eTY2 is not connected to the network yet, see page 56 for information about
connecting and verifying the Fiery X3eTY2 connection to the network.

Verifying connection to the network

The Fiery X3eTY2 provides twisted pair connectivity to an Ethernet network. This section
describes how to connect the Fiery X3eTY2 to the network and then print a few test
documents in order to verify the connection.

Depending on your network speed, the following unshielded twisted pair (UTP) network
cables are supported:
• For 10BaseT, Category 3 or higher
• For 100BaseTX, Category 5 or higher (4-pair/8-wire, short-length)
• For 1000BaseT, Category 5e or higher (4-pair/8-wire, short-length)

N OTE : If the copier is 230V, use a shielded network cable.


The network cable connects to the LAN port on the connector panel of the Fiery X3eTY2
(see Figure 20).

Service switches

USB Type A ports (3)

Any port can connect
to a USB flash drive for
system software

Top view
LAN port for
twisted pair Ethernet

F IGURE 20: Network connectors and service switches



1. Shut down and power off the Fiery X3eTY2 (see page 15).

2. Connect the network cable to the LAN port on the connector panel of the Fiery X3eTY2.

3. Configure Setup options.

It is the site administrator’s responsibility to configure Setup according to the network and
user environment. Default settings in Setup may be adequate although they may not be
optimal for the user’s environment. For Setup information, refer the site administrator to
Configuration and Setup on the User Documentation CD.
4. After configuring Setup options, verify the network connection.

After the network connection is made and the Fiery X3eTY2 has the correct Setup
configuration and is Idle, the Fiery X3eTY2 should be available on the network.
The site administrator should perform any additional network Setup, verify the network
connection, verify that the Fiery X3eTY2 appears in the list of printers, and print a few test
documents from a networked computer that will use the Fiery X3eTY2. For more
information, see Configuration and Setup on the User Documentation CD.

System software
The Fiery X3eTY2 system software is installed on the HDD at the factory. You must install
system software if a more recent version is required, if you replace the HDD, or if you
discover problems with the current system. To upgrade to a newer version of system software,
you may install all system software over the network port (see below) or use a USB flash drive
(see page 66).

System software installation reminders

Keep in mind the following when installing system software:
• Fonts—Installing system software deletes all fonts that the customer has installed on the
Fiery X3eTY2. Only resident fonts will be restored during system software installation.
Command WorkStation can be used to reinstall additional fonts.
To determine which additional fonts were downloaded to the Fiery X3eTY2, print the
Fonts List before you format the HDD and again after you complete the system software
installation. Any fonts not listed after installation must be reinstalled. For more
information on managing fonts, see Command WorkStation Help.
• Language—Screens for installing system software are always displayed in English, even if
the print engine is configured for another language.
• Compatibility—The latest user software must be installed on all computers that print to
the Fiery X3eTY2. Using incompatible versions of the system and user software may result
in system problems.

Installing system software over the network port

The System Software DVD contains the system software and Fiery System Software Installer.
To install system software over the network port of the Fiery X3eTY2, you need the
• Ethernet cross-over cable (4-pair/8-wire, short-length)
For 100BaseTX—Category 5 or higher
For 1000BaseT—One Category 5e or higher
• Windows XP/2000 computer with:
– A DVD-ROM drive, built in or attached
– Support for 100BaseTX or 1000BaseT
– 512MB minimum memory capacity

N OTE : The Fiery System Software Installer does not support Windows Vista. To install system
software, you must use a Windows XP/2000 computer with the system requirements listed


1. If possible, print a Configuration page from the Fiery X3eTY2.

Installing system software deletes all configuration settings from the Fiery X3eTY2. The
Configuration page records the customer’s current settings so that you can restore them to the
Fiery X3eTY2 after system software has been installed.
2. Power on the Windows XP/2000 PC and do the following:

• Close all software applications.

• Stop all File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) services.
• Disable all anti-virus and anti-spyware programs.
• Make sure that the PC is configured to obtain its IP address automatically (DHCP).
• Remove any network cables between the PC and the customer network.
• Disable all wireless network connections.
• Turn off the Windows Firewall.
• Disable all power-save and hibernation settings.
3. Insert the System Software DVD into the PC DVD-ROM drive.

4. If the installer does not start automatically, navigate to the root level of the DVD and
double-click FieryInstaller.exe.

5. Click Next at the Welcome screen. Read the Software License Agreement and check the
“I Agree” option to continue the installation process, and then click Next.

6. At the Connection Type screen, make sure Ethernet is selected. Click Next to advance to the
Confirmation screen.

N OTE : To avoid confusion, ignore the text and graphics on the Confirmation screen.
The screen may not accurately depict Fiery X3eTY2 hardware.
7. Shut down and power off the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier (see page 15).

8. Disconnect all cables and devices from the Fiery X3eTY2 connector panel, except for the
power cable.

9. Connect an Ethernet cross-over cable from the network port of the Fiery X3eTY2 to the PC
(see Figure 21).

Tip: To identify a cross-over cable, compare the wire sequences on the connector ends of the
cable. A cross-over cable has a different wire sequence on either end. A straight-through cable
has identical wiring on both ends.

X Network port

Windows 2000/XP PC

Ethernet cross-over cable

F IGURE 21: Creating an isolated Ethernet network using a cross-over cable

10. Locate the Fiery X3eTY2 service switches near the DIAG LEDs. Move both service switches to
the ON position.

If necessary, first remove any protective material that may be covering the service switches.

Service switches
Move both switches
to the ON position.

F IGURE 22: Fiery X3eTY2 service switches


11. Power on the Fiery X3eTY2 using its dedicated AC power switch, make sure that the soft
power button lights up, and wait approximately 30 seconds for the DIAG LEDs to reach FF.

N OTE : If the Fiery X3eTY2 does not power on within a few seconds, press the soft power
button on the connector panel.
12. At the PC, click Next on the Confirmation screen.

13. At the “Commence Installation?” screen, choose the language that you want to install. Then
click Next to begin installation. Wait while the files are transferred from the PC to the
Fiery X3eTY2.

N OTE : If prompted, select the PC network card to use for the installation, and click OK. If
you receive a Windows firewall or security alert, select the option to unblock the Fiery
installer so that installation can proceed.

N OTE : This segment of the installation takes approximately 25 minutes. Do not click Cancel
or close the installer screen during this time.
14. Wait until the following screen appears indicating that the files have been transferred

F IGURE 23: Installer screen indicating that file transfers are complete

N OTE : To avoid confusion, ignore the text and graphics shown on the screen. This screen may
not accurately depict Fiery X3eTY2 hardware.
15. Do the following at the PC:

• Click Next, and then click Finish to close the installer screen.

N OTE : To avoid confusion, ignore the message that appears on the Finish screen. The message
may not provide accurate installation instructions.
• Remove the System Software DVD.
• Restore the services, settings, and connections that you changed in step 2.
16. Power off the Fiery X3eTY2 using its dedicated AC power switch.

17. Move the service switches to normal position (away from ON).

For an illustration of the correct position of the service switches, see Figure 24 on page 63.
18. Disconnect the cross-over cable from the Fiery X3eTY2 network port and the PC
(see Figure 24).

Move both
service switches
away from ON.

Network port

Windows 2000/XP PC Ethernet cross-over cable

F IGURE 24: Dismantling the isolated Ethernet network

19. Connect the following cables to the Fiery X3eTY2:

• Connect the network cable between the Fiery X3eTY2 and the customer network.
• Connect the copier interface cable between the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier.
20. Power on the copier using its main power switch.

To access the main power switch inside the copier, open the left front door. Do not use the
secondary power switch located on the top front edge of the copier.
21. Power on the Fiery X3eTY2 by moving the AC power switch on the connector panel to the ON
position (|), and make sure that the soft power button lights up.

N OTE : If the Fiery X3eTY2 does not power on within a few minutes, press the soft power
button on the connector panel.

22. Wait approximately 45 minutes as the system software installation continues.

N OTE : Make sure that the copier interface cable is connected between the Fiery X3eTY2 and
the copier. If the copier interface cable is disconnected, you will not see the status indicators
that appear when the installation is complete.

N OTE : Do not interact with the Fiery X3eTY2 or the copier during the installation. Although
very few status indicators appear during this time, the installation is in progress and must not
be interrupted. The following table roughly summarizes the status codes that appear on the
Fiery X3eTY2 DIAG LEDs during this time.

TABLE 3: Installation status codes

Code on Fiery X3eTY2 DIAG LEDs Duration

(rapid sequence of codes)

FF Approximately 7 minutes
(rapid sequence of codes)
(rapid sequence of codes)

03 Approximately 30 minutes

FF Approximately 5 minutes

00 Ongoing—installation is complete and the

Fiery X3eTY2 has reached Idle

You should see the following status indicators when the installation is complete:
• Fiery X3eTY2 DIAG LEDs display 00
• Controller button becomes active on the copier Control Panel LCD under MACHINE
• Fiery X3eTY2 start page is printed (if the correct paper stock is loaded)
23. If needed, press the MACHINE button on the copier. Press the Controller button, and then
press Setup.

You are prompted to enter the Administrator password for the Fiery X3eTY2.
24. Press the blank field next to Password, and use the keyboard on the copier LCD to enter
“Fiery.1”, the default Administrator password for the Fiery X3eTY2. Press OK, and press OK
again to log on as the Administrator.

N OTE : Enter Fiery.1 exactly. The password is case-sensitive; for example, fiery.1 will not work.

25. Reenter the customer’s settings from the Configuration page that you printed earlier.

Enter settings for Server Setup, Network Setup 1/2, and Network Setup 2/2, in that order.
Ignore the settings not included on the Configuration page if it is more appropriate for the
site administrator to set them.
For more information, see Configuration and Setup on the User Documentation CD that
accompanies the Fiery X3eTY2.
26. After all setup options are configured, press OK. Then press the “Apply, Reboot” button.

The Fiery X3eTY2 reboots with the updated setup options.

27. Install any required software patches:

• If you reinstalled the same version of system software (for example, if version 1.1 was
previously installed on the Fiery X3eTY2 and you just reinstalled it), be sure to reinstall all
software patches that were previously installed on the Fiery X3eTY2. For a list of
previously installed patches, refer to the Configuration page that you printed earlier.
• If you installed an upgraded version of system software (for example, if version 1.0 was
previously installed on the Fiery X3eTY2 and you just installed version 1.1), contact your
authorized service/support center for a list of valid software patches. Some or all of the
patches listed on the Configuration page that you printed earlier may no longer be valid.
Before installing a patch, be sure to verify with your authorized service/support center that
it is valid for your system version. Installing an invalid patch may result in system
Software patches may be accessed from one or more of the following locations:
• System Updates—Make sure that the System Updates setting and Remote Desktop setting
have been enabled in Fiery X3eTY2 Setup. Connect your PC to the customer network and
connect to the Fiery X3eTY2 using Remote Desktop. On the Fiery X3eTY2 desktop,
choose Start> All Programs> Fiery> System Updates and click Check Now.
Running System Updates ensures that the latest security patches are installed on the
Fiery X3eTY2.
• CD or DVD media—Locate the patch file in the media directory and install it according
to the instructions provided on the media.

Installing system software using a USB flash drive

To install system software using a USB flash drive attached to the Fiery X3eTY2, you need
the following items:
• USB 2.0 flash drive [not provided] with 5GB capacity (minimum) and a data transfer
LED. If the drive has a write-protection feature, make sure write-protection is switched
Not all USB 2.0 flash drives have been validated for use with the Fiery X3eTY2. If the one
you are using does not work, try another brand.
• Any PC [not provided] with:
– Intel x86-compatible microprocessor
– DVD-ROM drive, built in or attached
– Support for USB 2.0
(USB 1.1 may work, but it will be very slow.)
– 256MB of available memory
– Keyboard (mouse input is not accepted by the software on the
USB Flash Installer CD)
• System Software DVD
• USB Flash Installer CD

To install system software using a USB 2.0 flash drive, you must use a prepared flash drive.
The procedures in this section are:
• “To prepare a USB flash drive for system software installation” on page 66
• “To install system software using a prepared USB flash drive” on page 69


N OTE : Make sure the boot priority on your PC is set to boot first from the DVD-ROM drive.
To find out how to access/change the PC’s BIOS configuration, see the documentation that
accompanies your PC. Typically, pressing a key during power up (such as F2 or DEL or F8)
will access the BIOS configuration screen.
1. Power on the PC and as soon as the DVD-ROM drive LED goes out, load the USB Flash Installer
CD into the PC’s DVD-ROM drive.

If you load the CD too late, the PC boots as usual. In that case, restart the PC so that the PC
boots from the CD.

2. Allow the PC to boot from the CD (several minutes, depending on your PC).

Troubleshooting tips: If the PC fails to display the Flash Drive Setup screen within 30 minutes,
make sure that the PC boot priority is set to boot first from the DVD-ROM drive, and make
sure that no devices are connected to the USB-A ports. If booting from the CD still fails, try
another PC. It could be that your PC is not compatible with the boot program on the USB
Flash Installer CD.
3. Follow the USB Flash Installer screen prompts (see page 67). To respond to a prompt, use
only the keyboard; do not use the mouse.

Troubleshooting tips:
• The USB Flash Installer CD may not work properly on some PCs. In such cases, the Flash
Drive Setup will complete, but the flash drive will fail to load system software on the
Fiery X3eTY2. If this happens, use a different PC in conjunction with the USB Flash
Installer CD to prepare the flash drive.
• If the LED on the USB flash drive fails to light when you connect the flash drive to the
PC, do the following: power off the PC; remove and reinsert the USB flash drive into the
PC; verify that its LED turns on when the PC is turned on.
• If an error message appears stating that there is not enough space available on the USB
flash drive, your flash drive capacity is insufficient. Obtain a flash drive that has the proper
capacity (specified on page 66), and repeat the preparation process.

Screen prompt What you need to do

1. Please plug in a USB flash drive, insert a The DVD-ROM drive door may open and
valid product CD, and press OK. close automatically during this procedure. If it
does not, manually open and close the drive
door when removing/inserting the CD.
• Connect a USB flash drive to a USB-A port
on the PC.
• Remove the USB Flash Installer CD.
• Insert the System Software DVD and press
Enter; then wait.
If the same screen prompt reappears, just
wait or press Enter again.
2. Creating filesystem. • Wait for the next prompt.
Please wait...
3. Language • Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight
[List of languages is displayed] the desired language, and press Enter.
N OTE : If an error message appears, press Enter
again to dismiss the message. The message
does not affect the preparation process and
should be ignored.
4. Flash programming in progress... • Wait for the next prompt.
Please wait...
The flash drive is formatted in preparation
for the copying of files from the System
Software DVD.

Screen prompt What you need to do

5. Copying [filename]... • Wait as files are copied from the DVD to the
[Progress bar indicates %] USB flash drive. Wait for the progress bar to
reach 100% and the next prompt to appear.
The wait usually takes 15-20 minutes, but
may take considerably longer depending on
your PC.
6. Unmounting flash drive... • Wait for the next prompt.
Please wait...
7. USB flash device is ready for installation. • Disconnect the flash drive from the USB-A
The device can be safely removed. port. Press Enter.
8. Do you want to program more USB flash • Select No unless you are preparing more
drives? than one USB flash drive.
Yes No
9. System will re-start. • Select Yes.
Yes No
10. Processing complete. Please remove CD. • Remove the System Software DVD.
The following prompt appears at the end of a
list of status messages:
11. Please remove CD, close cdrom drive and • If you have not removed the DVD yet,
hit return. remove it now. Manually close the DVD-
ROM drive and press Enter.
12. Shutdown complete • Allow the PC to boot to Windows.

4. Label the prepared USB flash drive with identifying information.

For example, copy onto a label tag (1) the product name and (2) the system software version
number that you find printed on the System Software DVD label. The USB flash drive is now
prepared and can be used to install system software on the Fiery X3eTY2.


1. If your USB flash drive is not yet prepared, follow the procedure on page 66.

2. Power off the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier (see page 15).

3. Make sure nothing is connected to any USB-A connector on the Fiery X3eTY2.

4. Attach the prepared USB flash drive to a USB Type A connector on the Fiery X3eTY2.

If dust covers are attached to the USB Type A connectors, remove one dust cover using
needle-nose pliers.

N OTE : DO NOT move the service switches to the service position. Leave the switches in the
Normal position (away from ON).
5. Power on the Fiery X3eTY2 using its AC power switch.

6. Wait several minutes while the files are transferred (usually between 6 and 20 minutes,
depending on the size of the system software).

After sporadic activity, the DIAG LEDs increment from 00, increasing one hexadecimal
number every 30 seconds until done. The flash drive LED shows sporadic activity throughout
the transfer.
When the installation is complete, the flash drive LED goes off and stays off; the DIAG LEDs
show FF and stay at FF.
7. Power off the Fiery X3eTY2 using its AC power switch, wait at least 30 seconds, and then
remove the USB flash drive from the Fiery X3eTY2.

N OTE : Be sure to remove the USB flash drive from the Fiery X3eTY2. If the flash drive is still
attached, the Fiery X3eTY2 will fail to start up.

8. Power on the copier using its main power switch. Then power on the Fiery X3eTY2 by moving
the AC power switch on the connector panel to the ON position (|).

To access the main power switch inside the copier, open the left front door. Do not use the
secondary power switch located on the top front edge of the copier.

N OTE : If the Fiery X3eTY2 does not turn on within a few minutes, press the Soft power
button on the connector panel.
9. Wait approximately 60 minutes while the system software installation completes.

When the installation is complete, the Controller button becomes active on the copier’s
Control Panel LCD under MACHINE mode, and the Fiery X3eTY2 start page is printed.
10. If needed, press the MACHINE button on the copier. Press the Controller button, and then
press Setup.

You are prompted to enter the Administrator password for the Fiery X3eTY2.
11. Press the blank field next to Password, and use the LCD keyboard to enter “Fiery.1”, the
default Administrator password for the Fiery X3eTY2. Press OK, and press OK again to log on
as the Administrator.

N OTE : Enter Fiery.1 exactly. The password is case-sensitive; for example, fiery.1 will not work.
12. Reenter the customer’s settings from the Configuration page that you printed earlier.

Enter settings for Server Setup, Network Setup 1/2, and Network Setup 2/2, in that order.
Ignore the settings not included on the Configuration page if it is more appropriate for the
site administrator to set them. For more information, see Configuration and Setup on the User
Documentation CD.
13. After all setup options are configured, press OK. Then press the “Apply, Reboot” button.

The Fiery X3eTY2 reboots with the updated setup options.


14. Install any required software patches:

• If you reinstalled the same version of system software (for example, if version 1.1 was
previously installed on the Fiery X3eTY2 and you just reinstalled it), be sure to reinstall all
software patches that were previously installed on the Fiery X3eTY2. For a list of
previously installed patches, refer to the Configuration page that you printed earlier.
• If you installed an upgraded version of system software (for example, if version 1.0 was
previously installed on the Fiery X3eTY2 and you just installed version 1.1), contact your
authorized service/support center for a list of valid software patches. Some or all of the
patches listed on the Configuration page that you printed earlier may no longer be valid.
Before installing a patch, be sure to verify with your authorized service/support center that
it is valid for your system version. Installing an invalid patch may result in system
Software patches may be accessed from one or more of the following locations:
• System Updates—Make sure that the System Updates setting and Remote Desktop setting
have been enabled in Fiery X3eTY2 Setup. Connect your PC to the customer network and
connect to the Fiery X3eTY2 using Remote Desktop. On the Fiery X3eTY2 desktop,
choose Start> All Programs> Fiery> System Updates and click Check Now.
Running System Updates ensures that the latest security patches are installed on the
Fiery X3eTY2.
• CD or DVD media—Locate the patch file in the media directory and install it according
to the instructions provided on the media.

The troubleshooting process

The following sections identify the sources of common problems that may occur with the
Fiery X3eTY2 and suggests ways of correcting them.

These sections do not attempt to provide troubleshooting information for attached computers
such as PCs, for the copier, or for extensive networks. Refer problems in these areas to the
appropriate service departments and site administrators.

The troubleshooting process is designed to eliminate the most obvious causes of failure before
progressing to more complex issues. “Where problems occur” on page 73 gives an overview of
the Fiery X3eTY2 components and indicates areas most likely to require troubleshooting.
• Try a phone check before you go to the customer site.
“Before you go to the customer site” on page 74 suggests areas you should check before
making a service call to the customer site. With a phone call, you can find out if the
problem is a simple operating failure or a failure caused by a network or configuration
change. You can ask the customer to check for loose cables on the back of the copier and
loose connections at a power strip or outlet.
• Check for obvious causes of problems at the customer site.
“Preliminary on-site checkout” on page 75 takes you through the initial visual checks you
should make when you arrive at the customer site.
• Look up symptoms and solutions in Table 4 on page 78.

Where problems occur

The Fiery X3eTY2 is a built-in print server for the copier, and it is generally part of a
configuration like the one shown in Figure 25. Problems may occur in one of the following
• The Fiery X3eTY2 or the copier
• The interface between the Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier
• The interface between the Fiery X3eTY2 and computers that print to it

External devices Fiery X3eTY2 assembly Copier

PC Board

Networked Network Controller
computers interface

CPU Memory

RTC/ Print Copier

PCI-ISA Copier


Power +5VDC
switch Power supply Power supply


F IGURE 25: Fiery X3eTY2 functional diagram


Before you go to the customer site

Before you make a service call to a customer site, talk to the customer on the phone, and
check the following items:
1. Does the copier work?

If the copier works, but the user cannot print the Fiery X3eTY2 Test Page, a service call is
probably required.
2. Is the failure caused by a simple operating problem?

• Is there a printing problem?

– Does the Fiery X3eTY2 Test Page fail to print?
– Does the Fiery X3eTY2 fail to respond to a print command?
– Does printing seem to take a long time?
– Is print quality poor?
– Does the Fiery X3eTY2 fail to appear in the list of printers?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, refer the customer to Configuration and Setup
on the User Documentation CD or Command WorkStation Help.
If the customer has followed the suggested corrective actions and has failed to solve the
problem, be prepared to make a service call. Keep a log of the failures the customer has
3. Has the customer made any network changes?

If network changes have occurred, request that the customer’s site administrator verify the
Fiery X3eTY2 network requirements.
4. Is the user having printing problems with a particular image file?

If there are problems with files from particular applications, the user may be more successful
using different print settings.

If your telephone call fails to solve the problem, proceed to the next phase, the preliminary
on-site checkout.

Preliminary on-site checkout

Your goal in the preliminary on-site checkout is to eliminate obvious problems, such as loose
or missing cables and connectors.

Before you remove the Fiery X3eTY2:

• Make sure the external cables are connected properly.
• Make sure the Fiery X3eTY2 power cable is plugged into an electrical outlet.
• Make sure the Fiery X3eTY2 is properly connected to the copier and that the copier is
powered on.

If all the connectors are in place and the problem still exists when the copier is powered on,
proceed to the next phase of troubleshooting.

N OTE : For convenience, the procedure “To check internal connections” on page 20 is repeated
here under Troubleshooting.

See other documentation for guidelines when disassembling, checking, and reassembling the

The most common causes of hardware problems are faulty or loose connections. Before you
decide to replace any parts of the Fiery X3eTY2, make sure to verify all cables and
connections. If you have verified external connections, check the internal connections.

HDD 12





8 7

Key to components, cabling, and 10. Soft power button cables to J9 Front Panel 12. Power supply:
motherboard labels connector: a) to AC power switch
N OTE : Connectors that are not b) to HDD
c) to J18
described are not used. d) to J11
17 18

1. Fiery X3eTY2 motherboard SW LED

13. BIOS chip
2. HDD, cable to SATA1 SW 14. DIAG board ribbon cable at J1
3. DIMM slots: J9 Front Panel to motherboard J2
a) DIMM2 for standard DIMM Edge of motherboard 15. NOT SHOWN:
b) DIMM1 for optional DIMM Extender card
4. Battery in battery socket F4 N OTE : Four wires left to right: red, black, red, yellow Interface board
5. CPU cooling assembly to FAN1 11. AC power switch (upper two leads): Service switches

6. Interface board Extender Card

in PCI1 White Black

7. LAN port
8. USB Type A ports (3) in USB
9. Enclosed fan cable to motherboard

F IGURE 26: Cable diagram



Before you touch any parts inside the copier, make sure to wear an ESD grounding wrist strap
and follow all ESD safety precautions.
1. Make sure that all Fiery X3eTY2 cables, devices, and DIMMs are present, intact, properly
aligned, and well seated in their connectors.

2. Specifically check the following for proper installation in the pan: power supply, HDD,
enclosed fan, motherboard, motherboard components (see page 22).

3. Specifically check motherboard cable and component connections:

Motherboard silk-screened label Component or cable

DIMM1; DIMM2 Socket for upgrade option; Socket for standard DIMM
U15 PLCC32 socket for BIOS chip
SATA1 HDD cable from HDD SATA data connector
FAN2 Enclosed fan with attached cable
N OTE : Airflow is out.
[on CPU, no label visible] CPU cooling assembly
FAN1 CPU cooling assembly fan with attached cable
PCI1 Extender card for interface board
J18 Power supply with attached cable
F4 Battery (see “Specifications” on page 95)
Front Panel [see footnote] Soft power button with two attached cables
SW LED (2 wires each):

SW SW LED wires are red and black

J9 Front Panel
SW wires are red and yellow
N OTE : Four wires left to right: red, black, red, yellow
J11 Power supply with attached cable
J2 Ribbon cable to DIAG board at J1
N OTE : “Front Panel” is silk-screened in two places on the motherboard; refer only to the label that
appears at J9, on the edge of the board in very small text.

4. Specifically check all other power supply cable connections in the pan:

Location Component or cable

AC power switch, 4 lead, 2x2 Power supply with attached cable, split to two wires:
White wire to the upper lead corresponding to ON;
Black wire to the upper lead corresponding to OFF
HDD Power supply with attached SATA power cable

5. After you verify connections, if one or more Fiery X3eTY2 components is still not receiving
power, check the copier and its internal interface to the Fiery X3eTY2 (for information, see
the documentation that accompanies the copier).

Symptoms and solutions

Look in these charts for the various problems and possible actions. To learn possible causes
and solutions for a specific error condition, find the symptom in the charts and perform the
appropriate suggested actions in the order listed in the numbered steps. Verify functionality
after each numbered step. Proceed to the next numbered step only if the problem persists. For
example, in the steps:
1. Check and reseat the interface cable between the Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier.
2. Replace the interface cable.

Perform step 1, and then verify functionality. If the problem is gone, do not perform step 2.

TABLE 4: Fiery X3eTY2 error conditions

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

LED diagnostic codes (on Fiery X3eTY2 LED display)

N OTE : If the Fiery X3eTY2 is already powered on and hanging on a diagnostic code, first perform the following actions to see if they fix the
1. Shut down the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier (see page 15).
Make sure that both the Fiery X3eTY2 power switch and the main power switch inside the copier are in the OFF position. (To access
the main power switch inside the copier, open the left front door; do not use the secondary power switch located on the top front edge
of the copier.)
2. Wait 1 full minute.
3. Move the main power switch inside the copier to the ON position. Then move the Fiery X3eTY2 power switch to the
ON position (|), and make sure that the soft power button lights up.
4. Wait approximately 5 minutes to see if the Fiery X3eTY2 reaches Idle.
5. If the problem persists, make sure that you have checked internal cable connections (see page 77).
6. If the problem persists, look up the code/symptom and suggested actions listed on the following pages.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

LED diagnostic codes (continued)

00 When the Fiery X3eTY2 is Idle and 1. Check and reseat the copier interface cable connection between the
in operational mode, the LED Fiery X3eTY2 and copier.
display shows 00. 2. If the server date/time cannot be set or is slow, replace the battery
on the motherboard. Then update the date/time in server Setup
If the LED display shows 00 but the (see Configuration and Setup on the User Documentation CD).
system is not functioning properly,
one or more of the following may 3. Shut down and open the Fiery X3eTY2, and do the following:
be the cause of the problem: – Check that the interface board is present and properly connected to
the motherboard.
• Faulty connection between
the Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier – Reseat the power and data cables to the HDD. Make sure the data
cable is connected to the proper connector on the motherboard.
• Service switches are set to
4. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
Service mode
5. Reinstall system software.
• Improper service board cable
connection 6. If no airflow or fan noise is evident at the vent holes of the chassis
where the enclosed fan is located, replace the fan.
• Corrupted system software
7. Replace the copier interface cable.
• Missing, faulty, or dead battery
8. Replace the interface board.
• Corrupted BIOS settings on the 9. Check and reseat the CPU cooling assembly. Then clear the CMOS
motherboard and power-up settings.
• Enclosed fan is missing or faulty 10. Replace the CPU cooling assembly.
• Faulty CPU and/or CPU cooling 11. Replace the CPU. Then clear the CMOS and power-up settings.
assembly 12. Replace the HDD data cable.
• Faulty HDD or HDD 13. Replace the HDD.
14. Replace the motherboard.
• Faulty motherboard

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

LED diagnostic codes (continued)

FF Possibly one of the following: 1. Make sure the Fiery X3eTY2 service switches are set to Normal
mode (away from “ON”).
• Corrupted BIOS settings on the
motherboard 2. Make sure the service board cable is properly connected to the
service board and motherboard.
• Corrupted system software
3. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
• Missing or faulty DIMM(s)
4. Reinstall system software.
• Faulty CPU and/or CPU cooling 5. Check the DIMM(s) and reseat them to remove any oxidation on the
assembly connectors. Make sure the DIMM(s) are installed in the correct
• Faulty HDD or HDD slot(s).
connection N OTE : If a single DIMM is installed, it must be installed in the
• Faulty service board and/or DIMM2 slot.
motherboard 6. If you have two DIMMs installed, determine if a DIMM
• CPU missing or faulty is at fault:
Remove the DIMM currently installed in socket DIMM1, and
reboot the system. Reboot again with the other DIMM installed in
DIMM2. If the problem is solved by one of the DIMMs, replace
the other DIMM.
If the problem persists for both DIMMs, proceed to the next step.
7. Reseat the power and data cables to the HDD. Make sure the data
cable is connected to the proper connector on the motherboard.
8. Try the following in the listed order:
– Check and reseat the CPU cooling assembly. Then clear the CMOS
and power-up settings.
– Replace the CPU cooling assembly.
– Replace the CPU. Then clear the CMOS and power-up settings.
9. Try the following in the listed order:
– Replace the HDD data cable.
– Replace the HDD.
10. Replace the service board and service board cable.
11. Replace the motherboard.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

LED diagnostic codes (continued)

Any of the following: Possibly one of the following: 1. Power off/on the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier.
C1 • Faulty DIMM(s) 2. Check the DIMM(s) and reseat them to remove any oxidation on the
C3 connectors. Then clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see
49 • Faulty motherboard page 94).
3. If you have two DIMMs installed, determine if a DIMM
is at fault:
Remove the DIMM currently installed in socket DIMM1, and
reboot the system. Reboot again with the other DIMM installed in
DIMM2. If the problem is solved by one of the DIMMs, replace
the other DIMM.
If the problem persists for both DIMMs, proceed to the next step.
4. Replace the motherboard.

Any of the following: Possibly one of the following: 1. Power off/on the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier.
4E • Faulty CPU 2. Check and reseat the CPU cooling assembly. Then clear the CMOS
69 and power-up settings (see page 94).
• Motherboard is faulty
3. Replace the CPU. Then clear the CMOS and power-up settings.
4. Replace the motherboard.

23 Possibly one of the following: 1. Remove the battery, wait 5 full minutes, and then reinstall the
battery, making sure it is oriented correctly in the motherboard
• Motherboard battery is faulty socket.
or dead
2. Replace the battery.
• Motherboard is faulty
3. Replace the motherboard.

Any of the following: Possibly one of the following: 1. Power off/on the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier.
25 • Interface board is improperly 2. Reseat the interface board.
8B seated in PCI slot 3. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
• Interface board is faulty 4. Replace the interface board.
• Motherboard is faulty 5. Replace the motherboard.

Any of the following: Possibly one of the following: 1. Power off/on the Fiery X3eTY2 and copier.
75 • HDD is faulty 2. Reseat the power and data cables to the HDD.
• Motherboard is faulty 3. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
4. Replace the HDD cables.
5. Replace the HDD.
6. Replace the motherboard.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

LED diagnostic codes (continued)

Any other code not listed Motherboard is faulty 1. Power off/on the copier.
in this table 2. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
3. Replace the motherboard.


Both the copier power One of the following: 1. Check again all cables and connections. Make sure that the copier is
switch and Fiery X3eTY2 • Faulty cable connections connected to a power source.
power switch are in the On 2. Power off/on the copier.
position, but the • Fiery X3eTY2 is stalled in an
incorrect power state 3. Power off/on the Fiery X3eTY2 using the Fiery X3eTY2 power
Fiery X3eTY2 does not switch.
start up
4. Firmly press the Fiery X3eTY2 soft power button once for two
seconds and then release.
If the problem persists, contact your authorized service/support

Fiery X3eTY2 starts up One of the following: 1. Make sure both the copier power switch and the Fiery X3eTY2 power
and then shuts down switch are in the ON position.
• Copier is powered off
2. Check and reseat the interface cable between the Fiery X3eTY2 and
• Fiery X3eTY2 is powered off the copier.
• Faulty connection between 3. Replace the interface cable.
Fiery X3eTY2 and copier
4. Listen for the power supply fan and feel for air near the
• Faulty power supply Fiery X3eTY2 power switch where the power supply is located.
• Faulty motherboard If you do not feel air from the power supply fan, you may have a
• Faulty CPU faulty power supply, which you will need to replace.
5. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
• Faulty interface board
6. Replace the motherboard.
7. Replace the CPU.
8. Replace the interface board.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

Startup (continued)

Fiery X3eTY2 starts up One of the following: 1. Check and reseat the interface cable between the Fiery X3eTY2 and
but the Controller button • Faulty connection between the copier.
on the Control Panel LCD Fiery X3eTY2 and copier 2. Replace the interface cable.
is unavailable for more 3. Reinstall system software.
than 10 minutes • Corrupt system software
4. Replace the interface board.
• Faulty interface board

Fiery X3eTY2 starts up, One of the following: 1. Make sure the Fiery X3eTY2 service switches are set to Normal
and stays on, but does not mode (away from “ON”).
• Service switches are set to Service
reach Idle mode 2. Power off/on the copier.

• System software is corrupt 3. Reinstall system software.

4. Reseat the power and ribbon cables to the HDD.
• HDD is faulty
5. Replace the HDD cable.
• Missing or faulty DIMM(s), or
faulty DIMM connections 6. Replace the HDD.

• Motherboard is faulty 7. Check the DIMM(s) and reseat them to remove any oxidation on the
• CPU missing or faulty
8. If you have two DIMMs installed, determine if a DIMM is at fault:
Remove the DIMM currently installed in socket DIMM1 and
reboot the system. Then reboot again with the other DIMM
installed in DIMM2. If the problem is solved by one of the
DIMMs, replace the other DIMM.
If the problem persists for both DIMMs, proceed to the next step.
9. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
10. Replace the motherboard.
11. Replace the CPU.

User authentication • Faulty interface connections • Check connections of interface board and replace associated cables or
feature of the copier does interface board, if necessary.
not work

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

System problems

Clock is slow; time listed One of the following: 1. Replace the battery on the motherboard and then update the time
on Configuration page is in Fiery X3eTY2 Setup.
• Missing or dead battery on the
earlier or later than the motherboard For information about Fiery X3eTY2 Setup, see Configuration and
actual time Setup on the User Documentation CD.
• Faulty motherboard
2. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
3. Replace the motherboard.

System performs slowly or One of the following: 1. Check that each DIMM is installed in the correct slot (see page 25).
hangs periodically • Missing or faulty DIMM(s), 2. Check for missing DIMMs and reseat the DIMMs to remove any
DIMM installed in wrong slot, or oxidation on the connectors.
faulty DIMM connections 3. If you have two DIMMs installed, determine if a DIMM is at fault:
• Faulty HDD Remove the DIMM currently installed in socket DIMM1 and
• Overheated or faulty CPU reboot the system. Then reboot again with the other DIMM
installed in DIMM2. If the problem is solved by one of the
• Faulty motherboard DIMMs, replace the other DIMM.
If the problem persists for both DIMMs, proceed to the next step.
4. Reseat the power and ribbon cables to the HDD.
5. Replace the HDD cable.
6. Replace the HDD.
7. Make sure the CPU on the motherboard is present and firmly seated
and that the fan cable is connected.
8. Replace the CPU.
9. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
10. Replace the motherboard.

Enclosed fan is noisy, or is Fan is faulty Replace the enclosed fan.

not producing air

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

System update error codes (on DIAG LEDs)

E1 Required dongle is missing, or the Remove any dongle currently installed on the Fiery X3eTY2. Install the
wrong dongle is installed. correct single-use dongle (included with the new motherboard), and
repeat the system update procedure.

E2 Dongle has already been used to Remove the dongle currently installed on the Fiery X3eTY2. Obtain an
update a system and cannot be used unused single-use dongle (contact your authorized service/support
again. center), and repeat the system update procedure.

E3 Dongle is corrupt, or the update 1. Repeat the flash drive preparation procedure (see page 36), and
files are corrupt. then repeat the system update procedure.
2. Obtain a new single-use dongle (contact your authorized service/
support center), and repeat the system update procedure.

E4 Dongle was disturbed or removed Securely install the single-use dongle, and repeat the system update
during the update process. procedure.

Any of the following: A file error was encountered during 1. Repeat the flash drive preparation procedure (see page 36), and
E7 the update process. then repeat the system update procedure.
E8 2. If the error persists, contact your authorized service/support
E9 center.

EA Update is being attempted on the Make sure you are updating the correct Fiery X3eTY2. Install the correct
wrong system. single-use dongle and prepared flash drive, and repeat the system
update procedure.

EB Problem with the USB flash drive 1. Repeat the flash drive preparation procedure (see page 36), and
or the Fiery X3eTY2 HDD. then repeat the system update procedure.
2. Obtain a new flash drive. Repeat the flash drive preparation
procedure (see page 36), and then repeat the system update
3. Replace the Fiery X3eTY2 HDD.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

System update error codes (continued)

91 System has not been updated. 1. Perform the system update procedure (see page 35).
2. If the 91 error persists, repeat the system update procedure one
more time. If the E2 error displays during the second system
update, the system hardware may be corrupt. Contact your
authorized service/support center.

92 System has not been updated. 1. Perform the system update procedure (see page 35).
2. If the 92 error persists, repeat the system update procedure one
more time. If the E2 error displays during the second system
update, the system hardware may be corrupt. Contact your
authorized service/support center.

System software installation

USB flash drive method: One of the following: 1. Make sure the copier is powered off and that all cables between the
Fiery X3eTY2 remains on • Fiery X3eTY2 is still connected to Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier are disconnected.
for 30 minutes (or longer) the copier, and the copier is 2. Make sure the Fiery X3eTY2 service switches are set to Normal
after beginning installation powered on mode (away from “ON”).

• Service switches are set to Service If the service switches are in Service mode (toward “ON”), power
mode off the Fiery X3eTY2, set the switches to Normal mode, power on,
and allow the installation to resume.
• Faulty HDD
3. Check the LED on the USB flash drive.
• Faulty motherboard
If the LED is not blinking (remains off or solid), the flash drive
• Faulty USB flash drive may be improperly seated. Power off the Fiery X3eTY2 and reseat
the flash drive; then power on and allow the installation to resume.
4. Reseat the power and ribbon cables to the HDD.
5. Replace the HDD cable.
6. Replace the HDD.
7. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
8. Replace the motherboard.
9. Replace the CPU.
10. Retry the installation using a different USB flash drive.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

System software installation (continued)

USB flash drive method: One of the following: 1. Power off the Fiery X3eTY2 and reseat the flash drive; then power
During installation, the on and allow the installation to resume.
• Faulty or improperly seated USB
LED on the flash drive flash drive 2. Retry the installation using a different USB flash drive.
remains off or solid (not 3. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
blinking) • Faulty motherboard
4. Replace the motherboard.
• Faulty HDD
5. Reseat the power and ribbon cables to the HDD.
6. Replace the HDD cable.
7. Replace the HDD.


If you suspect a network problem, keep in mind the following:

• If the Fiery X3eTY2 does not appear in the list of printers on the network, there may be another device on the network with the same
Ethernet hardware address.
• There may be conflicting network settings in Setup and on the customer’s workstation.
• Inappropriate Setup options may cause printing problems.
• Missing or incorrectly placed printer description files may cause application-specific printing errors.
For additional information, see Configuration and Setup on the User Documentation CD.

Unable to connect to the One of the following: 1. Make sure the network cable is the correct type and connected to
network; or neither LED • Cable is connected to the wrong the designated network port on the Fiery X3eTY2 connector panel
on the 10/100/1000BaseT (see page 14).
network connector is lit 2. Check the cable connection to the network.
• Faulty network cable or
3. Replace the cable with a new or tested cable.
4. Request that the network administrator check Network Setup.
• Faulty network
5. Request that the network administrator check other devices on the
• Faulty Ethernet interface on the network.
If other devices are not functioning, there could be a problem with
the network.
6. If the rest of the network is functioning properly and the problem
persists, clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
7. If the rest of the network is functioning properly and the problem
persists, replace the motherboard.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

Network (continued)

System starts up slowly One of the following: 1. If the problem persists, request that the network administrator
(seems to hang) and the change the default in Fiery X3eTY2 Network Setup.
• Normal behavior
Configuration page 2. If neither LED on the designated network port is lit on the
displays an error on the System is searching for a Fiery X3eTY2, check the cable connection to the Fiery X3eTY2 and
“IP Address” line under nonexistent DHCP server. the network. Make sure the cable is the correct type.
“Network Setup” DHCP is enabled by default on
3. If the network cable is the correct type and is properly connected to
the Fiery X3eTY2, but the the Fiery X3eTY2, connect a new network cable to the Fiery X3eTY2.
customer’s network is not using
DHCP. 4. Request that the network administrator check other devices on the
• If the customer’s network is using
If other devices are not functioning, there could be a problem with
the network.
– Network cable or connection
5. If the rest of the network is functioning properly and the problem
is faulty persists, clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
– Network is faulty 6. Replace the motherboard.
– Ethernet interface on the
motherboard is faulty

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action


N OTE : Intermittent print quality problems are difficult to trace. Before you try to troubleshoot print quality problems, print a test page to
make sure that the copier itself does not need servicing or adjusting.

Test page fails to print Print engine is not ready to print 1. Make sure the copier is powered on and ready to print.
2. Check the copier control panel for indications or messages about
the copier status.

There is a problem with the 1. Make sure the Fiery X3eTY2 power switch is in the “On” position.
connection between the 2. Power off/on the copier.
Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier
3. Make sure the Network Scanning option is available from the copier
control panel.
4. Check again that the interface cable is present and properly
connected to the Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier.
5. Check again that the interface board is present and properly
connected to the motherboard.
6. Replace the interface cable.
7. Replace the interface board.
8. If the problem persists, you may need to service the copier.

Corrupted system software Reinstall system software.

Faulty HDD Replace the HDD.

If replacing the HDD does not correct the problem, make sure you
install the old HDD back in the Fiery X3eTY2.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

Printing (continued)

Fiery X3eTY2 appears on PostScript error Make sure Print to PostScript Error in Setup is set to Yes. Check for
the list of printers on the error messages on the Fiery X3eTY2 output.
customer’s workstation,
but certain jobs do not
print Application problem 1. Print a job from a different application to determine if the problem
is associated with a particular application.
2. Make sure the connection between the Fiery X3eTY2 and the
workstation is working by downloading a test page from the
workstation or printing a simple file, such as a text file.
3. Resend the problem file.

Configuration page is • Missing, incorrect, 1. Check the DIMM(s) and reseat them to remove any oxidation on the
completely or mostly or faulty DIMM(s) connectors.
blank • Corrupted system software 2. Reinstall system software.
3. If you have two DIMMs installed, determine if a DIMM is at fault:
Remove the DIMM currently installed in socket DIMM1 and
reboot the system. Then reboot again with the other DIMM
installed in DIMM2. If the problem is solved by one of the
DIMMs, replace the other DIMM.
If the problem persists for both DIMMs, proceed to the next step.
4. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
5. Replace the motherboard.

A print job stalls or stops PostScript or application error 1. Cancel the Fiery X3eTY2 print job.
after one or a few pages 2. If this fails to clear the problem, power off/on the copier and wait
for the Fiery to reboot and come to Idle.

Missing, incorrect, or faulty 1. Power off the Fiery X3eTY2; check for missing DIMMs and reseat the
DIMMs or faulty DIMM DIMMs to remove any oxidation on the connectors.
connections 2. Verify memory amount on the Configuration page.
3. If you have two DIMMs installed, determine if a DIMM is at fault:
Remove the DIMM currently installed in socket DIMM1 and
reboot the system. Then reboot again with the other DIMM
installed in DIMM2. If the problem is solved by one of the
DIMMs, replace the other DIMM.
If the problem persists for both DIMMs, proceed to the next step.
4. Clear the CMOS and power-up settings (see page 94).
5. Replace the motherboard.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

Printing (continued)

Color quality is Problem with the copier Test the copier and, if necessary, service (see the service
not consistent documentation that accompanies your copier).

File or application problem 1. Print a different color test page from another application.
2. If the quality of the test page is good, there may be a file or
application problem.

Out of calibration or calibration 1. Start ColorWise Pro Tools from a client computer, click the
information/curves on the active Calibrator icon, and then click Restore Device in the Calibrator
partition are corrupted window.
Restore Device restores the Fiery X3eTY2 calibration information
to factory defaults.
If restoring default calibration does not solve the problem, you may
need to service the copier.
2. If restoring default calibration fixes the color quality, the custom
calibration may have been the cause of the problem. Request that
the site administrator recalibrate the Fiery X3eTY2. For details, see
Color Printing on the User Documentation CD.
3. If the problem persists after recalibration, the calibration
information on the HDD may be corrupt. Reinstall system software.
4. If the problem persists, the HDD may be corrupt. Verify that all HDD
cabling is correct.
5. If HDD cabling is correct, you may need to replace the HDD.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

Printing (continued)

Print quality is poor One of the following: Make sure the appropriate printer description file is installed.
• Missing or outdated printer For information about printer files, see Printing from Windows or
description file Printing from Mac OS on the User Documentation CD.
• Application cannot find the
appropriate printer description

Problem with the copier Test the copier and service if necessary (see copier service

Out of calibration or calibration 1. Start ColorWise Pro Tools from a client computer, click the
information/curves on the active Calibrator icon, and then click Restore Device in the Calibrator
partition are corrupted window.
Restore Device restores the Fiery X3eTY2 calibration information
to factory defaults.
If restoring default calibration does not solve the problem, you may
need to service the copier.
2. If restoring default calibration fixes the color quality, the custom
calibration may have been the cause of the problem. Request that
the site administrator recalibrate the Fiery X3eTY2. For details, see
Color Printing on the User Documentation CD.
3. If the problem persists after recalibration, the calibration
information on the HDD may be corrupt. Reinstall system software.
4. If the problem persists, the HDD may be corrupt. Verify that all HDD
cabling is correct.
5. If HDD cabling is correct, you may need to replace the HDD.

Symptom Possible cause Suggested action

Printing (continued)

Pages come out blank, or Loose cable connection between the 1. Recheck the interface cable and connection at the Fiery X3eTY2 and
tinted with green or some Fiery X3eTY2 and the copier the copier.
other color 2. Power off/on the copier.
3. Replace the interface cable.

Problem with the copier Test the copier and, if necessary, service (see the service
documentation that accompanies your copier).

If the user can print the Configuration page from the copier control panel but cannot print a job from a computer on the network, request
that the network administrator do the following:
• Check all components of the network, including cables, connectors, terminators, network adapter boards, and network drivers.
• Activate the network and use it to communicate with other printers.
• Confirm that the applicable network settings in Setup (such as AppleTalk zone, IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address) match the
settings used in the network.
N OTE : EPS file generation is not completely standardized among applications. Some users may encounter problems while printing certain
EPS files.

Clearing the CMOS and power-up settings

Use the following procedure to clear the CMOS and power-up settings for the Fiery X3eTY2,
as a final troubleshooting step before you decide to replace the motherboard.


1. Make sure the Fiery X3eTY2 is powered off, and remove the power cable from the system.

2. Access and open the Fiery X3eTY2 (see page 16).

3. Remove the battery from the motherboard (see page 26).

Set aside the battery so that you can replace it later.

4. Wait 5 full minutes.

5. Reinstall the battery.

6. Reassemble the Fiery X3eTY2 (see page 53).

7. Power on the Fiery X3eTY2, and configure the date and time in Setup.

For more information about Setup, see Configuration and Setup on the User Documentation

The Fiery X3eTY2 has or makes use of the following features.

Hardware features
• 2.8 GHz Intel Celeron CPU
• 512MB in one DIMM, upgradeable to 1GB with additional 512MB DIMM
• Hard disk drive (HDD)
• USB-A port for installing system software
• 10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseT network port for network printing
• Battery—3V manganese dioxide lithium coin cell (Panasonic CR2032 or equivalent)
• Dedicated power supply
• Dedicated AC power switch
• Soft power button/green LED

Physical specifications
• Operating Environment:
Temperature: +5°C to +40°C
Relative Humidity: 10% to 85% (non-condensing)
• Power Supply Rating: 115-230V, 50-60Hz, 2-4A
• Power Consumption: 70W (typical)
• Dimensions (Depth x Width x Height):
8.47 cm (3.34 in.) x 48.6 cm (19.15 in.) x 32.3 cm (12.73 in.)
• Weight: 5.76 kg (12.70 lbs)

Networking and connectivity

The Fiery X3eTY2 has the following networking features:
• Supports AppleTalk, TCP/IP, and IPX protocols simultaneously
• RJ-45 port for twisted pair (10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseT) network connection

N OTE : The latest user software must be installed onto all computers that print to the
Fiery X3eTY2. Using incompatible versions of the system and user software may result in
system problems. For more information, see the user documentation.

Safety and emissions compliance

The Fiery X3eTY2 has been certified to meet or surpass the following standards:

Safety approvals EMC approvals

• EN60950-1 (TUV GS-Mark) • FCC Class B
• UL 60950-1:2003, CAN/CSA-C22.2, • ICES003 Class B
No. 60950-1-03 • VCCI Class B
• CB scheme IEC 60950-1:2001 • EN55022 Class B
• NEMKO • EN55024
• AS/NZS CISPR 22 Class B
• AS/NZS 4252.1:1995

Numerics diagnostics
10/100/1000BaseT 56 LED error codes 85–86
network 87–88
A printing 89–93
AC power switch 13 startup 82–83
cables 19, 21, 76, 77 system performance 84
airflow direction 54 system software 86
DIMMs 12
B configurations 25
battery 26, 84, 95 removal and replacement 25
BIOS chip 30, 32 transfer of 30
dongle, single-use 34, 35
DVD, System Software 59, 66
AC power switch 19, 21, 76, 77 E
checking 20 EMI approvals 96
CPU fan 41, 43 error codes 85–86
DIAG board 44 ESD (electrostatic discharge) safety precautions
diagram of 19 9, 22
enclosed fan 45 exploded view 12
HDD 52 extender card 23
motherboard 33
power supply 49 F
soft power button 19, 33, 46, 76 fan
CDs CPU 40
Feature Activation Software 29, 37 enclosed 45, 54
USB Flash Installer 29, 36, 66 Feature Activation Software CD 29, 37
checking cables 20 flash drive 29, 36, 66
clock 84
Configuration page 55 H
connecting to the network 56 hard disk drive
cooling assembly, CPU 40 proper handling 51
CPU 40–43 removing 52
cooling assembly 40 replacing 30, 52
fan cable 41, 43 system software 50
removing 41, 42 heatsink, CPU 40
replacing 42
transfer of 30 I
interface board
D diagram of 23
damage, reporting 9 removing 24
DIAG board, removing and replacing 44 replacing 24
DIAG LEDs 44 IP address 9
error codes 85–86

JP pins on the motherboard 28 safety approvals 96
jumper pins, default configurations 28 service board, see DIAG board
Service Mode 34
L service switches 44, 61, 62
LAN (local area network) 9 soft power button 13
LEDs, see DIAG LEDs cables 19, 33, 46, 76
removing 46
M replacing 46
motherboard software
error codes 85, 86 system 30, 59
jumper pins 28 startup problems 82–83
removing 30 system performance 84
replacing 32 system problems 84
updating 35 system software 30, 59
verifying 34 installation problems 86
installing over network port 59
installing over USB flash drive 66
System Software DVD 59, 66
connecting to 56
problems with 87–88 T
supported 95 Test Page 55
thumb drive 29, 36, 66
on-board DIMMs 25 U
updating the system 35
error codes 85, 86
power button, soft 13
USB flash drive 29, 36, 66
cables 19, 33, 46, 76
USB Flash Installer CD 29, 36, 66
removing 46
replacing 46 V
power supply 47 verifying the system 34
power switch, AC 13
cables 19, 21, 76, 77
precautions 9, 22
Configuration page 55
problems with 89–93
Test Page 55

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