Effect of Exposure To Social Networking Sites Towards Academic Performance of Student in College

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Background of the Study

The advent of high technology in the 20 th century has dramatically changed the

lives of the people. Subsequent to that is the proliferation of Social Networking Sites

which does not only affect the professionals but to younger generation as well

communicating with friends and family anywhere in the world has been made easy

once you have access to the internet. Connecting with people can be readily

accessible through few such as Facebook, You Tube, Skype etc. are Social Networking

Sites (SNSs) which have attracted countless users. People utilize their time on these

sites for; uploading, downloading researching and getting information for their career

and academic requirements. People are always online, chatting, watching, videos doing

research and so on. Using this social sites like Facebook is habitual and become a way

of life. As a consequence, the presence of Social Networking Sites may contribute

either to augmenting intelligence of the individual or otherwise in the contrary.

With the explosion of social networking sites, people connected in seconds, the world

becomes a village and friendship grow at global level. This craze of social networking

sites has led to a host of question regarding its effects of exposure to Social networking


(Clouds-Media, 2016) reported that 95% of UAE’s population has direct access

to the internet, and the UAE one of the largest consumers of Social Networking sites in

the world, the population are active on Facebook, Chatting, Research, and Net Surfing

is also witnessing a massive rise in popularity, especially with younger audiences.

However, studies concerning UAE school children’s use of Social Net Working sites are

rare. (Badri et al., 2016) examined the usage of social Net Working Sites and

applications among students in Abu Dhabi. A survey of more than 31,000 children from

private and public school showed a high home access to internet of 91.7%. Results

showed that children used Social Net Working Sites mainly for keeping contact with

friends and family and for learning purposes. A report by (AL Sayigh, 2013) Noted that

“The new communication revolution has affected on major change of the culture, and

lifestyle of the people, particularly of the youth. Many of the prevailing problems

afflicting the youth such as introversion, social isolation, internet addiction, poor

performance school, and the acquisition of bad habits and values.

The researchers choose this problem because now a days social networking

sites is very rampant, because of the so-called globally competitive that attract

countless of users specifically students of Don Carlos Polytechnic College.


Statement of the Problem

This research investigated the effects of exposure to the students of Don Carlos

Polytechnic College into Social Networking Sites. This study put to test also the efficacy

of Social Networking Sites whether these affect the academic performance of college

students of Don Carlos Polytechnic College during the school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following specific problems.;

1. what is the demographic profile of respondents in Don Carlos Polytechnic

College, Don Carlos Bukidnon in terms of;

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 civil status;

1.4 ethnicity;

1.5 family income; and

1.6 religious affiliation?

2. what are the effects of exposure to Social Networking Sites on the academic

performance of Don Carlos Polytechnic College students in context of:

2.1 research;

2,2 chatting;

2.3 facebook;

2.4 net surfing?

3. what is the significant relationship between the effect of exposure to Social Net

Working Sites on students’ academic performance?


Objectives of the Study

This research aimed to determine the effects of exposure to Social Networking

Sites on academic performance of students. This also focus to assess the positive and

negative impacts of Social Networking Sites on student’s academic performance.

Specifically, the study seeks to:

1. determine the demographic profile of the students of Don Carlos

Polytechnic College in terms of:

a. age;

b. gender;

c. civil status;

d. ethnicity;

e. family income; and

f. religious affiliation?

2. identify the effects of exposure to social networking sites on the

academic performance of the students of Don Carlos Polytechnic

College. In terms of:

a. research;

b. chatting;

c. facebook;

d. net surfing?

3.find out the significant relationship between the effect of exposure of

Social Net Working Sites on student’s academic performance?

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to explain the importance of the proper usage of Social

Networking Sites. It aims to point out particularly adverse effect it poses to student’s

daily lives. These sites evidently have a lot of positive effects. But they also have their

share of negative impact. in an effort to study the uses and gratification drawn from

Social media and its effect of learning, hopefully the finding of this study will serve for

considering the use of Social Networking Sites with precautionary measures on the

students, to use Social Networking Sites with responsibility and limitation. Specifically,

the study aimed to benefit the following;

To the students. The finding of the study will create awareness among college

students who are accessing enough on their action in using Social Networking Sites.

To the teacher. The result of the study will be beneficial to the teacher if Social

Networking Sites is used as a tool of knowledge creation and dissemination. On the

other hand, this will inform teachers that as much as students will resort directly to

Social Networking Sites when they will have assignments or home works in their

respective subjects, the teacher should warn their students not to give too much

dependence on Social Networking Sites because in doing so students will no longer

read the books which should be the best reference.

To the school administration. The result of this study will justify the inclusion of the

precautionary measures in the use of Social Networking sites among students,

To the future researchers. To further validate the findings of this study, the future

researchers may use the same instruments and materials in a similar but extensive

research involving more learners and for a longer period


Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study was conducted to determine the effect of exposure of social

networking sites towards academic performance of the students. Sixty (60) Beed

second year students were the respondents of the study. It was conducted during the

first academic semester at Don Carlos Polytechnic College year 2019. The study limited

only on variables of social networking sites that the researchers assumed that has

effects of respondents’ academic performance. These variables are respondents

access to internet, usage, on social networking sites, and their frequency of using it.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study the following terms were operationally, and

conceptually defined;

Age. The amount of time during which a person has lived or becomes legally able to do


Civil status. Status of being single, married, widow.

Chatting. To talk over the internet by sending messages back and forth in a chatroom.

Ethnicity. A particular ethnic affiliation or group.

Facebook. Clicking on a friend’s profile to find out information about random friends.

Family Income. The money that earns from work.

Gender. The state of being a male or female.


Net Surfing. Surfing using Internet connection

Online community services. Social Network service usually means an individual-

centered service whereas online community services are group centered. Social

Networking Sites allow user to share ideas, pictures, post, activities, events, interest

with people in their network.

Research. Careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about


Religious Affiliation. Different beliefs of individual

Social Networking Sites (SNS). SNSs services are web-based provide means for user

to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Social Networking

Sites are varied and they incorporate new information and communication tools such as

mobile connectivity, photo/video/sharing and blogging.



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature studies considered relevant

to the present investigation.

The writer made this research thoroughly utilizing a lot of different writings plus

data gathering on the studies conducted from various materials such as books,

journals, internet and theses in consonance to recent studies. Said literature

encompasses definition of important terminologies.

Demographic Profile

3.1 Demographic profile is very important being gathered in the

study because this can be of great help especially in analysing, discussing and

interpreting data. A certain result or figure can be best interpreted if profile of

respondents is available. In this research demographic factors included are the

following: age, gender, civil status, ethnicity, family income, and religious


Usage of Social Networking Sites by Age

The use of Social Networking Sites is very common today. Facebook alone has

over 750 million members, Twitter having over 177 million tweets per day, and about 3

billion people view YouTube (Chen & Bryer, 2012) the use of Social Networking Sites

has been repeatedly found to be the highest among those between the ages of 18-29

(Rainie, 2011); while the fastest growing segment utilizing Social Networking Sites

since 2008 has been among those age 35 and older (Hampton, Sessions, Goulet,

Rainie, & Purcell, 2011, p,8). Approximately 61% of teens age 12-17 utilize Social

Networking Sites to send messages to their friends on a regular basis (Lenhart, 2009).

This study shows that approximately half of all teens who have internet access are also

members of Social Networking Sites, and use the internet to make plans and socialize

with friends (Kist, 2008). As one researcher stated, “Teens use the Social Networking

Sites as an extension of their personality, to show their friends – and the world- who

they are, what they care about, and to build a connection with other like- minded a

people” (Goodman, 2007). It stated that the vast majority of teenagers visit at least one

Social Networking Sites approximately twenty times each day. Furthermore, cited by

Sheldon (2008) shows that the students of Youngstown State University. Found out that

82% of college students reported logging into Facebook more frequently than older

students to keep in touch with friends from high school or from their home town.

Gender Usage of Social Networking Sites

Research has shown that the girls and boys are likely to have a SNSs account,

the reasons for this accounts may vary on based on gender (Bonds- Raacke & Raacke,

2008). For girls, Social Networking Sites are primarily placed to reinforce pre-existing

friendships; for boys, the networks provide opportunities for flirting and making new

friends (Bonds- Raacke& Raacke. 2008). Girls are more likely than boys to post

sexually explicit pictures of themselves, (Rafferty 2009). However, boys are more likely

to create an account simply because they are trying to meet a significant other, or they

are already in a relationship with someone. (Peter & Valkkenburg, 2009). The boys

have more difficulty expressing their thoughts and emotions face to face with others

than girls do. (Peter & Valkenburg, 2009). The numbers of teenagers, both male and

female, participating on Social Networking Sites is triggering, and this may explain why

certain problems arise from these sites that have become a major problem in today’s

society. Moreover, Gross (2004) found that that the most common activity among

american middle and high school students was chatting via instant messaging. In 2007,

teen age girls in the US were more active bloggers than boys- perhaps the first time

that females were more active participants than males in the public mode of computer

Usage of Social Networking Sites by Civil Status

It is obtaining extremely in-depth and rich information of a person either it is

single or married. Goodman (2007) examine how college either single or married

engage with technology principally that involved in Social Networking Sites. Which

Social Networking Sites and programmed they find more appealing than others and

also tries to understand the major reason for the increasing usage of Social Networking

Sites among college student, who share similar interest, activities, background of real-

life connection over the internet. A social networking service consist of representation of

each user profile, basically gives social networking sites a chance to share user’s

personal information particularly their status in life. he rightly pointed out “Social

Networking Sites are not part of students’ lives these day actually they are their lives.

Youth are always online checking the status of others. Not only they are the early

adopters of the most technology but they are also among the sophisticated users as

well that can really affect their academic performance.

Social networking Sites by Ethnicity

The concept of” ethnicity” and the related term “race” was in Cornell and

Hartmann’s book Ethnicity and Race. The term “Ethnicity” itself is relatively recent or

prior. Before World War 11. The terms “tribe” was the term of “pre-modern” societies

and “race” for modern societies. Despite these potential benefits, companies must also

be cautious when using Facebook. First culture has developed on the website and

companies must be careful to adhere to the culture norms preset on the site

Vorvoreano (2009)

Moody EJ (2001) Social Networking Sites have added entirely new meanings to

interpersonal interaction and community it is interplay between internet and real life

communication and its subsequent effect on interpersonal relationship, Social

Networking Websites have bundled many of internet communication standards as e-

mail forums and instant messaging. However, its usage become staple activity in a

young adult’s life while its varies slightly among gender and race groups, over all

college students who have internet access of SNSs regularly, for some type of social

contact with this mass assimilation into daily life it has already begun to change the way

in which interpersonal relationship are defined. It’s one of the top medium for young

adults to “scope out” and “research” potential partners with Social Networking Sites

playing a large role in many relationships. It is important to see how will continue to

shape interpersonal communication in the future no matter of what race you are.

However, either of what ethnicity came from according to Englander (2010) proclaim

that internet usage is negatively associated with academic performance of the students.

Nolwa and Andrea (2003) propose that addicted users prefer using internet setting

back their personal and professional responsibility and this ultimately leads to poor

academic performance. Furthermore, Karpinski (2009) says that among various unique

distractions of every generation, Social Networking Sites has been proved as the major

distraction of current generation.

Family Income

Money measurement concept stipulates that every transaction is measured in

the unit of money denomination. Money is the main source of family income and

determines the volume of expenditures per time. As part of home financial

management, efficient and effective management of money resources goes a long way

to achieve the diverse family goals. Rychaudhuri et al. (2010) factor affecting student’s

academic performance. They found out that academic performance of students

depends on the number of socio- economic factors. They concluded that student’s

economic status affects their performance and the risks of becoming dropout.

Furthermore, Lacour and Tissing (2011) examined the effects of poverty on academic

achievement in Ganna university they concluded their study that poverty directly affect

academic achievement due to lack of resources such as computers and mobile phone

for their electronic learning that available for student’s success thus low academic

achievement is closely correlated with lack of resources with emphasis of financial

resources. They recommended that instructional materials like modern technology with

internet, techniques and strategies implemented in the classroom, school, district and

government level can help close the achievement gap by providing students with

necessary assistance in order to achieve high performance in academic. However,

Omeson (2007) study that who have a high income family that can afford high-tech

gadget that connected already to the internet their child become addict to social

networking sites they were always online checking their friends post they keep on

chatting. Not only their academic performance affected but also their family bonding

because Social Networking Sites consume most of their time.

Effects of Social Networking Sites on the Religious Affiliation

The rapid adoption of Social Networking Sites has prompted educators, parents

and researchers to consider the role Social Networking Sites play in social life. Few

scholars, however, have examined the effects of Social Networking Sites on the

religious belief of emerging adults. Drawing from Peters Berger’s concept of “plausibility

structures” and his theory of pluralism, I explore whether young adults who use Social

Networking Sites are more likely to condone religious pluralism and syncretism. With

the meteoric rise of Social Networking Sites, people now have unprecedented access to

new ideas, beliefs and practices. Social Networking Sites such as Facebook and Twitter

create a marketplace of ideas that encourage and facilitate the sharing and exchanging

of information. (Brenner and Smith 2013). Despite their usefulness and popularity,

these new technologies can produce unintended consequences. As Schuster (2011)

and Mark Warchauser (2003) have independently observed, recent changes in

technology have accelerated the growth of the phonography and gambling industries.

Other studies have shown that internet use may underwrite antisocial behaviors for

adolescents (Wang et al. 2012) and that Social Networking Sites are cited as

contributing factors in divorce. According to Kolam and Dzadza (2008)

Anthrop Gonzales et al. according to their research American first year college

students respectively describe how their religiosity had impacted on their academic

performances. Four themes emerged from the students’ descriptions, and these provide

the basis of assumption that high levels of religiosity amongst Christian should be

positively related to high levels of academic performance: 1) God excepts them to excel

in whatever they do, 2) God’s prohibition of the high school and college distraction

such as wild partying, pre-marital sex, drug use and excessive alcohol consumption,

cyber-sex, enabled them to focus more on their academic work ,3) god was always

there to be help them be successful in their academic endeavors, and 4) Belief in God

enabled them to see that education was an important part of their ultimate objective in

being spiritual successful.

All the studies were conducted in America found a positive correlation between

religiosity and academic performances. Mckune and Hoffman (9) they used church

attendance as a proxy for college student religiosity, and students’ average grade as a

proxy for academic performance. Include the belief in divinity of sacred scripture and

students’ perceptions of the importance of religion in their lives, in addition to church


attendance to measure the religiosity of the students. Like Anthrop Gonzales they used

students grades as a measure of academic performances. Both studies found

significant positive relationships between religiosity and academic performance.

The nature of Social Networking Sites is a useful servant but a dangerous

master and a two- edge sword has been revealed of the study. Despite the benefits of

that students can harness from Social Networking Sites such as sharing of information,

building relationship, partaking in a group discussion, some extent of addiction and

distraction of attention caused by the use of Social Networking Site which could have

some serious consequences on the academic life of a students. According to Laundry

(2014) Social Networking Sites a tool that could be used for good and bad it depends

on the person. According to Dill (2012) these is a parent concerned, Facebook,

Instagram and Twitter not only expose adolescents to a plurality of worldviews that

maybe at odds with what they have learned at home, but they maybe distract them from

their school work, inhibit outdoor recreation, and increase nefarious behavior like

“cyberbullying” and “sexting”. As a result, new social technology

often pose a threat to parents who wish to impart specific moral values or religious

teachings to their children

Social Networking Sites

When talking about communications, scholar have always made emphasis that

“communication is the essence of science” (Garvey,2000), and that without


communication there would be no science (Garrett, 2000) this means that

communication is one of the basic tools to human science.

With the onset and spread of the internet alongside the increase of technology used in

the process of communication, Social Networking” has become an activity that is done

primarily in the internet, with various sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, skype and

etc. (Coyle et al, 2008)

On the particular, many students spend ample of time on this sites creating profile,

updating or doing research concerning their career or doing research concerning their

academic work, while some just use it chat with friends, post latest picture of events the

attended e.g (Young et al 2009) have examined their profile to determine why and to

what extent they are keen in posting their entire identity, sharing pictures and videos,

and indicating their religious affiliation, marital status, and political orientations on the

internet. These users interact with others, exchange information about news topics, and

follow news about specific topic on different Social Networking Sites.

With Social Network every people who has access to the internet are easily facilitate

with information on nearly every issue. Glancing back in the old times, it is not easy to

obtain information; you need to buy newspapers, magazines, and journals to become

updated with the current events, or stay close to the transistor radio or TV sets to be

informed. Internet has brought a lot of changes. And the Social Networking Site has

made it flexible and viable ( Lewis, 2008 ). This study found that the majority of

respondents agreed that Social Networking Sites have a positive impact on their

academic performance.

Student’s Addictiveness to Social Networking Sites

Students engage in a variety of activities some of which may be potentially

addictive (kuss and Griffiths,2011). Many students cannot go for two-three hours

without checking and updating their profiles on these social networks even at the

detriment of other activities such as educational and career pursuit. (Morahan- Martin

and Schumacher, 2000) explain social Networking addiction as the excessive use of the

internet and the failure to control this usage which seriously harms a person’s life. In an

article on the Daily Trust newspaper, Itodo (2011) posits that there seem to be an

alarming rate of social networking obsession among students today; a trend that could

affect their academic, social and spiritual lives negatively if not properly controlled. Bello

(2012) of the Sunday Observer observes that if the dangerous trend of social

networking “obsession” left unchecked, it could further affect an already collapsing

education. Jeong (2005) noted that internet addiction is significantly and negatively

related to students’ academic performance, as well as emotional attributes. Students

are so engrossed in the social network sites that they are almost 24 hours online. Even

in classrooms, it has been observed that some students are always busy pinging while

lectures are going on. The result is that quality time that ought to be spent on academic

research and other productive networking is lost.

Students Exposure to Social Networking Sites


It has been observed in recent times that students have unlimited access to the

internet as well as the Social Networking Sites. Students connect with computer to send

and received information, to interact with each other anywhere in the globe. Some

school are so equipped that there’s internet connection made available within the

school premises as well as the library. Online Wikipedia and Blogs Facebook are the

main resource centers for students as attention have been shifted from making

research in the library to overall dependence on theses platforms. Social Networking

Sites become the main routine of the students by checking their accounts

(Social Networking and student performance) home/ research papers/HR/

similarly, students are a main class of Facebook users who spend long hours on the

social network, which was worried parents and educational authorities about their

academic performance. The students themselves argue that their presence on

Facebook, as a leisure time activity, does not hinder their academic efforts, though

some evidence suggests that their grades decline after they join Facebook. The results

show that students’ presence on an cognitive absorption in Facebook do not

immediately threaten their academic performance but gradually drops it. A student’s

interest in school and his/her performance goal orientation represent strong

determinants of academic achievement.

Kuan-Yu Lin and His-Peng Lu (2011) after conducting and empirical research

involving 402 samples, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach, Lin and Lu

(2011) found out that “Enjoyment” was the most influential factor for the increasing

usage of Social Networking Sites among the college students. Further the study found

that almost all students have access on social networking sites is used for social and

daily activities rather than educational and school related purposes. However, Lim

(2010) describe the used of social networking sites as a platform for academic

discussions among distance learners. It offers a glimpse into how mobile learning via

SMS together with Facebook was used to support and enhance the blended learning

approach at Open University Malaysia for three courses: Learning skills for Open and

Distance Learners, Company Law and Renal Nursing. The study found that Facebook

does have the potential to draw distance learners to engage in meaningful academic

conversations. There is significant relationship between the academic performance.

The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Students Academic Performance

Quality education produces productive students and they are brand

ambassadors for institution in building the brand image in its competitors. (I Amid, 2011)

Quoted performance as the obvious expression or demonstration of sympathetic, ideas,

skills and knowledge of a person and planned grade clearly indicate the performance of

a student. So students’ academic performance should be given more emphasis and

keeping in view all the factors adversely or positively impacts on their academic

educational development purposes. Student community is more affected by Social

Networking Sites and the depth of impact is evaluated through type of internet usage

(Sha et al.. 2001) Some is positively affected by information they received from the

internet and enhanced knowledge, while at the same time a large number of students

having drastic impact of leisure use of internet on them become academically poor. An

empirical study on relationship between academic performance of the students they

found that Facebook users had lower grade point averages and they we online most of

the time and utilized very less time for their studies I comparison with students who did

not use Social Networking Sites. According to Karpinski, (2010) only 26% of the

students reported that Social Networking Sites impacted positively and helped to grow

their lives and 74% said that it had adverse impact like procrastination, lack of

concentration, or distraction and poor time management. They also found out that even

though students use internet for educational purposes. They are attracted or distracted

by Social Networking Sites usage can lead to a variety of negative consequences that

affects decrease in involvement in real life communities and worse performance of the

student’s user.

Several studies have been done regarding Social Networking and grades.

Whittermore School of Business Economics recently conducted a survey of over 1,000

students. They asked question regarding which Social Networking Sited were used,

how much time they spent on a site, what their grade point average (GPA) was, and

what they were going to school for. It was concluded that there is no correlation

between how much time is spent on Social Networking Sites and grade (Martin 2009).

Their research show that 63% of heavy users received high grades, compared to 65%

of light users. The Universities of New Hampshire said that a majority of students use

Social Networking for social connection and entertainment, but are also using it for

education and professional reasons. It revealed that students who multi-task between

Social Networking Sites and homework are likely to have 20% lower grades than

students who does not have a Social Networking Sites in visual range. They believed

that even running a Social Networking Site on the background on a student’s personal

computer while studying or doing homework could lower a student’s grade. They

believed that “the problem is that most people have Facebook or other Social

Networking Sites, their e-mails and maybe instant messaging constantly running in the

background while they are carrying out their tasks”.

( Helou and Ab. Rahim 2017 ) however conducted a research on the influence of

social networking sites (SNSs) on students’ academic performance in Malaysia. It

aimed to obtain students’ perceptions on how SNSs influenced their academic

performance. A preliminary survey was carried out on a group of students of Malaysian

University so as to obtain information on their use of SNSs and the influence it has on

their academic performance. In order to analyzed the data obtained, Statistical Package

for social science (SPSS) software was used. The outcome indicated that most of the

surveyed students conformed to the fact that SNSs impact

positively on their academic performance.

( Morallo 2017 ) conducted a research to determine the effects of Social

Networking Sites (SNSs) on students’ academic performance in Lyceum of the

Philippines – Laguna. Descriptive correlation method of research was used to

determine the effect of SNSs on academic performance. An online survey questionnaire

was designed using Google docs and distributed to 203 students selected randomly

from six colleges of Lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna. Correlation analysis was

performed between the GPA and the number of SNSs accounts maintained by the

respondents, the frequency of SNSs use, when they had SNSs, duration of SNSs use,

and the time spent of study. It stated that the variables mentioned increases as the

GPA increases, which showed that SNSs had contributed in the higher grades attained.

Nevertheless, it concluded by saying that the study found that there was no significant

relationship between the use of SNSs and the students’ academic performance. Hence,

the improvement in the grade was attributed to other factors within the teaching-

learning process.

Student’s use of Social Networking continues to create challenges ( Mitrano,

2006) and issues for the higher education and keeping abreast of this challenges

introduced. There is evidence that higher institution have taken initiatives in disclosing

information about online Social Networking involvement to their student’s awareness

about the responsible use of online Social Networking The study looks at Social

Networks in relation Social Networks for learning purposes by students makes this

study imperative. Social Networking Sites are part of this virtual learning environment

where the classroom is shifting in time and space.

Conceptual Framework

This study was anchored on the concept of (Ellis and Truscott, 1978) state the

history of Social Networking Site. This part will explain the background of the research.

Social Networking Sites started with the bulletin board system (BBS) in the early

part of 1978 which was hosted on personal computers exchanging information over

phone lines with other users. (Ward Christensen and Randy Suess 1978). This was the

first system that allowed users to sign in and interact with each other. In the later part of

1978, Ellis and Truscott created the Usenet which allow the user to post articles. What

follows are the modern forums that use the same idea not including Yahoo, and Google

groups. Instant messaging came (IRC). IRC” Internet Relay Chat” (Jarkko Oikarinen,

1988) was unique based limiting access to most people. In 1997 sixdegrees.com was

launched in this kind of SNS allowed user to create profiles list. In 1998 although

sixdegrees.com attracted millions of users. It was sold in 2001, but since it failed to

become sustainable business. It completely shut down the year after.

The next wave of SNSs began in 2001 when Ryze.com was launched to help

people leverage their business network. In particular, the people behind

Ryze.tribe.net.linkedin.and Friendster were tightly intertwined personally and

professionally. In the end Ryze lost mass popularity. Tribe net grew to attract a

passionate niche user base, LinkedIn become a powerful business service and

Friendster became the most significant in 2005 but latest phased out with the advent of

Facebook. (Mark Zuckerberge, 2004)

Lately, online Social Networking Sites engage students and need to be studied

as distributors of information. The medium of internet has evolved with growth in its

applications. The interactive nature of online environments has expanded with Social

Networks. Connecting through Social Networks started as a niche activity, but with time

it is now a phenomenon. The Social Networking Sites are being used in various ways

like forming communities, chatting, blogging, etc. apart from the different institutions

even nowadays are forming communities or groups on different social Networking Sites.

(Kontain, 2009)

Social Networking is the connection of friends or family together which allow you

to communicate easily. With Social Networking Sites the user has the facility to have a

long list of friends, Social Networking Sites as web-based services that allow individuals

to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate list of

views and their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The

sites allow users to set up online profiles or homepages for Social Network Online. The

profile page is the user’s own webpage which includes profile information or bio data.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Social Networking Sites

a. Research
Table 1
b. Chatting
Academic Performance
c. Facebook

d. Net Surfing

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the relationship between Exposure to Social

Networking Sites towards Academic Performance.

Hypothesis of the studies

The following are the hypothesis of the study:

1. There is no significant relationship between social networking sites and students’

academic performance.


This chapter describes the research design, research local, administrative map,

subject respondents, sampling procedure, data gathering procedure, research

instrument, administration of the instrument, scoring procedure and treatment of the


Research Design

This research used descriptive methods in gathering, in analyzing, and

interpreting data on the effects of Social Networking Site towards academic

performance of Don Carlos Polytechnic students. Gathered analysis was also used to

determine the relationship between social networking sites towards academic


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the 60 students of Don Carlos Polytechnic

College. In selecting the 60 respondents, from 2nd year BEED who are using Social

Networking Sites were taken as respondents.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Don Carlos Polytechnic College. It is located at the

southern part of Bukidnon. Located at Purok 2, Poblacion Norte, Don Carlos Bukidnon.

It is surrounded by the municipalities of Maramag in the northern part, Kitaotao in the

southern part and municipality of Kadingilan in the western part.

Don Carlos Polytechnic is owned and operated by the local government unit of

Don Carlos. The school is headed by the chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mayor

Alona Pizaro Ontanillas. It is supervised by the School Administrator – Designate,

Melisa R. Cavalida and the OIC, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs,

Carlos T. Caballes.

Don Carlos Polytechnic College serves continually to educate the whole person

and genuinely desires to build a strong foundation for the student to achieve

educational success, and to develop the full potential of a person to become


functionally literate, morally responsible and active participants in economic political and

socio cultural in a humane and productive society. Furthermore, Don Carlos Polytechnic

College is undergoing a lots of improvements in various aspect from school facilities,

administrative concerns to academic benefit of the students and is continually

upgrading its faculty.


Figure 2. Map of Don Carlos Polytechnic College, Don Carlos Bukidnon, where the

study was conducted.

Sampling Procedure

Scale Interval Qualitative Quantifying

Description Interpretation

5 4.51- 5.00 Strongly agree Observed at all time

4 3.51-4.50 Agree Observed most of the time

3 2.51-3.50 Undecided Observed sometimes


2 1.51-2.50 Disagree Observed rarely

1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree Not all the time

Materials Instrumentation

The researchers used survey questionnaire in the collection of data. Survey

questionnaire is a written set of questions that is given to the respondents in order to

collect facts and data about the study.

A questionnaire was used as data gathering tool of this study. A questionnaire is

use to gather data and is written in a simple word to be easily understood by the

students most specifically, the respondents. It is composed of two parts:

Part I is the demographic profile of the students

 age

 gender

 civil status

 Ethnicity

 Family Income

 Religious Affiliation

Part II deals with the questions that would give insights about the Effects of

Exposure of Social Networking Sites towards academic performance of Don Carlos

Polytechnic College students.


Treatment Data Gathering Procedure

Data for this study was gathered with the use of survey questionnaire. The

survey was conducted with the use of questionnaire made by the researchers.

Statistical Analysis

Simple descriptive statistic such as weighted mean, frequency counts and

percentages is employed to get the effects of exposure to Social Networking Sites

towards academic performance of Don Carlos Polytechnic College (DCPC).

The correlation analysis (Pearson r correlation) was used to determine any

significant relationships among the effects of exposure to social networking sites

towards academic performance.


This chapter presents the interpretation and analysis of data gathered from students’

laboratory performance upon exposure to social networking sites towards academic

performance of tertiary students.

Demographical Profile of the Respondents


Table 1 shows the age distribution of the respondents. There were 86.7% of the

respondents are between 20-26 years old, 10% of the respondents are between 27-33

years old, and only 1.7% between 34-40 years old and above.

Table 1 Age Distribution of the Respondent

Age Frequency Percent

20-26 53 88.30

27-33 6 10.0

34-40 1 1.7

Total 60 100

As shown in the table 1 almost of the respondents were between the ages of

20-26. This result is not surprising, as a majority of traditional college students are

between these ages. Studies of Journal of Technology Research cited by Sheldon

(2008) shows that the students of Youngstown State University. Found out that 82% of

college students reported logging into Facebook more frequently than older students to

keep in touch with friends from high school or from their home town.

Table 2 presents the distribution of the respondents in terms of gender. It is

shown that 28.3% were male and 71.7% were female. This means that there were more

female than male in the respondents.


Table 2 Gender Distribution of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percent
Male 17 28.3
Female 43 71.7

Total 60 100.00

As shown in the table 2, 71. 7% of the respondents are female. Thus, the

sample was comprised of more females than males. The studies of Gross (2004) found

out that the most common activity among American middle and high school students

was chatting via instant messaging. In 2007, teen age girls in the US were more active

bloggers than boys- perhaps the first time that females were more active participants

than males in the public mode of computer

Table 3 shows the Civil Status of the respondents. There was 93.3% of the

respondents are single, 6.7% are married.

Table 3 Civil Status Distribution of the Respondent

Civil Status Frequency Percent
Single 56 93.3%
Married 4 6.7%
Total 60 100%

As shown in table 3, a wide margin of respondents was single. Cited by

Goodman (2007) he pointed out that single status is always online compare to married

status, they are always checking the status of others. Not only they are the early

adopters of the most technology but they are also among the sophisticated users.

Table 4 shows the Ethnicity of the Respondents. There was 85% Cebuano, 5%

Boholano, 5% Ilonggo, 1.7% Bisaya, 1.7% Manobo, and 1.7% Bagobo

Table 4 Ethnicity Distribution of the Respondents

Ethnicity Frequency Percent

Cebuano 51 85.0%

Boholano 3 5.0%

Ilonggo 3 5.0%

Bisaya 1 1.7%

Manobo 1 1.7%

Bagobo 1 1.7%

Total 60 100%

As shown in the table 4, the majority of the respondents were Cebuano. This

sample is represented of the population in terms of ethnicity. Cited by Chang and

Demyan (2007) the results show that the racial demographic of the neighborhood had

no effect of exposure to social networking sites. But there was significant relationship

between academic performance. Rugg, (2002) pointed out that Black American

students are dropping out at higher rates than Whites. Stereotype threat is the big

impact or effect of their academic performance.


Table 5 shows the family income of the respondents. There was 71.7% from

5000-8000, 6.7% below 5000, 11.7% 8001- 12000, 3.3% 12001-15000, 6.7% 15001-


Table 5 Family Income Distribution of the Respondents

Family Income Frequency Percent

5000-8000 43 71.7%

Below 5000 4 6.7%

8001-12000 7 11.7%

12001-15000 2 3.3%

15001-20000 4 6.7%

Total 60 100%

As shown in the table 5, majority income of the respondents were 5000-8000.

Lacour and Tissington, (2011) found out the effects of poverty on academic

achievement in the USA. They concluded their study that poverty directly affects

academic performance due to lack of resources available for student’s success; they

recommended the integration of ICT, instructional techniques and strategies

implemented in the classroom, school and government levels can help close the

achievement gap by providing students with necessary assistance in order to achieve

high performance in academics.

Table 6 shows the Religious Affiliation of the Respondents. Roman Catholic

75%, Seventh Day Adventist 1.7%, Born Again 11.7%, EFBWR 1.7%, Alliance 1.75,

Yahweh 1.7%, GCI 3.3%, Muslim 1.7%, Assembly of God 1.7%.

Table 6 Religious Affiliation Distribution of the Respondents



Religious Affiliation Frequency Percent

Roman Catholic 45 75%
Seventh Day Adventist 1 1.7%
Born Again 7 11.7%
EFBWR 1 1.7%
Alliance 1 1.7%
Yahweh 1 1.7%
GCI 2 3.3%
Muslim 1 1.7%
Assembly of God 1 1.7%
Total 60 100%

As shown in the table 6, majority of the respondents were Roman catholic. Cited

by Smith (2014) despite the usefulness and popularity, this new technology can produce

unattended consequences. As Mark Warschauer (2001) have independently observed,

recent changes in technology have accelerated the growth of the pornography and

gambling industries. Other studies have shown that internet use may underwrite

antisocial behaviors for adolescents. (Wang et al. 2012) and that SNS are cited as

contributing factors in divorce proceeding. Parents especially fret about the latent

effects of modern technologies (Dill 2012) According to these concern parents,

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter not only expose adolescents to a plurality of work

views that may be at odds with what they have learned at home, but they may also

distract them from their schoolwork that can affect their academic performance, inhibit

outdoor recreation, increase nefarious behavior like “cyberbullying” and “sexting”. As a


result, there is significant between the religious affiliation and the social networking sites

towards academic performance.

Effects of Exposure to Social Networking Sites Towards Academic Performance

of the Students

Table 7. Research’ Mean score relating to effect of social networking sites on academic
Indicator Mean Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
A. Research
1. As student, I always research 4.1167 .82527 Strongly Agree
through the Social Networking
Sites in order to cope up
with our assignments.
2.As a student, research in the 4.1167 .69115 Strongly Agree
social networking sites helps to
improve my academic performance.
3.There’s no improvements in my 3.4883 1.04948 Undecided
grades since I become engage into
social networking sites.
4.I solely rely on information gotten 3.4667 1.11183 Undecided
from Wikipedia to do my assignments
without consulting other success.

Overall Mean I 2.8167 .32404 strongly disagree


Scale Range Qualitative Description

5 4.51-5.0 Strongly Agree (SA)
4 3.51-4.5 Agree (A)
3 2.51-3.5 Undecided (U)
2 1.51-2.5 Disagree (D)
1 1.00-1.5 Strongly disagree (SD)

Table 8 The students’ mean scores relating to chatting in Effects of Exposure to Social

Networking Sites Towards Academic Performance.

Indicator Mean Standard Qualitative

Deviation Description

B. Chatting

1.Through chatting, I can easily 3.4667 1.14191 Undecided

disseminate information to my
classmates to improve our academic
2.Through chatting, I communicate 4.0000 .92057 Strongly Agree
with my friends via social networking
sites for preparation of my exams.
3.Excessive chatting can lead to 2.5500 1.12634 Undecided
listen the discussion that affect my
academic performance.
4.While chatting, it is difficult for me 2.5833 1.04625 Undecided
to concentrate on my studies that
affect my academic performance.

Mean II 3.1500 .70804 strongly disagree

Scale Range Qualitative Description

5 4.51-5.0 Strongly Agree (SA)

4 3.51-4.5 Agree (A)
3 2.51-3.5 Undecided (U)
2 1.51-2.5 Disagree (D)
1 1.00-1.5 Strongly disagree (SD)

Table 9 The students’ mean scores relating to facebook in Effects of Exposure to Social

Networking Sites Towards Academic Performance.

Indicator Mean Standard Qualitative

Deviation Description

C. Facebook

1. Facebooking can improve my 2.9167 1.0916 Undecided

writing skills and communication
that has improved my academic
2.Through Facebook, I can get 3.2167 1.00998 Undecided
knowledgeable information that can
help my academic performance.
3.Addiction to online social networking 2.4667 1.03280 Agree
especially Facebook is a problematic
issue that affects my academic
4.Hours spent in Facebook can 2.6667 1.11487 Undecided
never compared to the number of
hours I spend studying that affect
my academic performance and it
make my grades poor.

Mean III 3.7958 .37055 strongly disagree

Scale Range Qualitative Description
5 4.51-5.0 Strongly Agree (SA)
4 3.51-4.5 Agree (A)
3 2.51-3.5 Undecided (U)
2 1.51-2.5 Disagree (D)
1 1.00-1.5 Strongly disagree (SD)

Table 10 The students’ mean scores relating to Net Surfing in Effects of Exposure to

Social Networking Sites Towards Academic Performance.

Indicator Mean Standard Qualitative

Deviation Description

D. Net Surfing

1. It helps me to answer all my 3.8667 .89190 Agree

2. I download photos and videos 4.1833 .89237 Agree
from Social Networking Sites to
use it in my reports, projects and
3. Too much use of net surfing can 1.8667 1.09648 Agree
harm our health. That can affect
my academic performance.
4. The continuous use of Net 2.3833 1.07501 Agree
Surfing, consume most of my
time that affects my test
examination result.

Mean 1V 3.0750 .37055 strongly disagree


Scale Range Qualitative Description
5 4.51-5.0 Strongly Agree (SA)
4 3.51-4.5 Agree (A)
3 2.51-3.5 Undecided (U)
2 1.51-2.5 Disagree (D)
1 1.00-1.5 Strongly disagree (SD)

The table below shows that the Pearson r correlation has the value of 0.249, that

has no significant relationship were found in this study between the Effects of exposure

to social networking sites towards the academic performance of the students of Don

Carlos Polytechnic College. 0.055 It is understood that an increase of the excessive use

of social networks has no correlation with their academic performance, and without

using Social networking sites such as research the tend to have a higher grade.

Table 11 shows the Pearson Correlation value

Variables r- value p-value

Indicators 0.249 0.055

Legend: ** correlation is not significant at the 0.055 level (2-tailed)

This finding is contradict to the research study of Junco it al. (2011) he pointed

out that some of social networks such as research can be used as a learning tool by

students and these network can increase academic engagement in students. But the

point about the use of social networks as an educational tool is that, overuse of social

networks reduces the level of academic engagement and student’s grades. Therefore,

when using social networks, special attention should be paid to the time management.

In fact, the overused of social networks will result in failure in education and social

relationship, and also leads to ineffective time management. Social networks are not

self-reductive and harmful on its own, but rather it is the way of using it that leads to

positive and negative consequences.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, methodology used in the

study, the conclusion and recommendations are also discussed in this chapter

Findings of the Study

There are 53 or 88.30% of the respondents that belongs to 20-26 age, while 6 or

10% are in the 27-33 age and 1 or 1.7% are in the age bracket of 34-40. The majority of

the respondents are females were they are 43 or 71.7% and male are 17 or 28.3%.

Most of the respondents are single and they are 56 or 92.3% while married are 4 or

6.7% respondents.

Majority of the respondents are Cebuano with 51or 85.0% total population,

Boholano and Ilonggo have the same population with 3 or 5.0%. While Bisaya, Manobo,

and Bagobo are 1 or 1.7% each population.

Majority of the respondent’s parents earned 5,000-8,000 month with total

population 43 or 71.7%, 7 or 11.7% of the respondents having 12,001 up to 15,000

family income per month, there are 4 or 6.7% of the respondents having 15,001 up to

20,000 family income and 2 or 3.3% of the respondents having 12,001 up to 15,000

family income per month.

Mostly of the respondents are Roman Catholic with the total population 45 or

75%, followed by Born Again religion with the total population 7 or 11.7%, 2 or 3.3% are

Muslims, the rest of religions like Seventh Day Adventist, EFBWR, Alliance, Yaweh,

Muslim and Assembly of God are 1 or 1.7% each total population.


Among the sixteen statements identified by the researchers 8 of them gained

undecided response from respondents, 5 statements gained agree response from

respondents and 3 statements gained strongly agree response from respondents. In

terms of Research, Question 1 and Question 2 have the highest mean (4. 1167) and

standard deviation (.82527). In terms of Chatting, Question 6 got the highest mean

(4.0000) with standard deviation (.92057). In Facebook statements, highest

mean (3.2167) in Question 10 with standard deviation (1.00998) and in terms of Net

Surfing, Question 14 got the highest mean (4.1833) with standard deviation (.89237).

Hypothesis results stated there that there is no significant relationship between

effects of exposure to social networking sites on academic performance of tertiary

students. Either the students exposed or not exposed to social networking sites they

tend to have a higher grade. Therefore, there is no impact on their academic



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion were drawn:

The BEED 2nd year of Don Carlos Polytechnic College are mostly 20-26 years

old, male or female, having a 5000-8000 as their family income, most of them are

Cebuano and Roman Catholic as the majorities religious affiliation.


Among the sixteen statement identified by the researchers only 3 of them gained

a “strongly agree” response, 5 gained a “agree” response, and the rest of them gained

the “undecided” response from the respondents. . In terms of Research, Question 1 and

Question 2 have the highest mean (4. 1167) and standard deviation (.82527). In terms

of Chatting, Question 6 got the highest mean (4.0000) with standard deviation (.92057).

In Facebook statements, highest This indicates that the effect of exposure to social

networking sites towards academic performance is not clear.

(4.0000) with standard deviation (.92057). In Facebook statements, highest This

indicates that the effect of exposure to social networking sites towards academic

performance is not clear.

The hypothesis tested the results shows that there is no significant relationship

between the effect of exposure to social networking sites towards academic

performance of the students of Don Carlos Polytechnic College. Either expose or not

they tend to have a higher grade. Therefore, has no significant impact on students’

academic performance.

However, an unanticipated finding was that there are numerous positive usages

of social networks such as research still employed nowadays. In the future we expect

to expand the positive usages of social networks through research among college

students which can help them to increase their academic performance. But there can be

many negative aspects as well that affect major dimension of our life development. And

it is very important to look at both in order to stay informed and aware of what can

possibly happen.


Based on the findings and the conclusions, the following recommendations are


The students must consider the capabilities of social networking sites as an

avenue to communicate and enhance learning. Students should be educated on the

influence of Social networking sites on their academic performance. Students should

better manage their study time in and prevent distractions that can be provided by the

social media. There should be a decrease in the number of time spent by students

when surfing the net. Social Networking Sites should be expanded and new pages

should be created to enhance academic activities and avoid setbacks in the students’

academic performance.

The parents should invest or subscribe to the internet connection to support their

children in using social networking sites since it does not affect their academic

performance with proper supervision and monitoring

The teachers/ instructors must consider using the capabilities of social

networking sites as an online communication or classroom to their students by

motivating students to learn. They should ensure the use the social media as a tool to

improve the academic performance of students in schools. This can be one of the ways,

to augment their teaching strategies in giving homework to their student. In the

computer age, everything is fast and we live this paperless society. On-line homework

can be an alternative of school activity. Teachers and students alike can brace

themselves up in addressing this trend.

For the future researchers, the results of this study may serve as springboard in

conducting similar studies. but they should increase the number of modules and

lengthen the time frame to get more impressive results.



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Survey Questionnaire



Name: (optional) ____________________ Year/Section: ________________

Part 1. Demographic Profile

Direction: Read each statement carefully. Please do not leave any item

Unanswered. Put a check inside the box that correspond to your


Age: Gender: Civil Status:

20-26 20-26 Male Male Single

27-33 27-33 Female Married

34-40 _________ ________

______ 41- above

Ethnic Group: Religious Affiliation:

Cebuano Roman Catholic


Boholano Seventh Day Adventist

Ilonggo Iglesia Ni Cristo

__________________ __________________

Others, please specify Others, please specify

Family Income

5,000 – 8,000 a month

10,000 – 12,000 a month

12,500 – 15,000 a month

15,500 – 20,000 a month

Other, please specify


Part 11. Questionnaire

Direction: Read the following statements carefully. Follow the given rating

scale below with 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest. Put a check

( ) in the right column that corresponds to the best answer of your


Rating Scale: 5 – Strongly Agree, 2 – Disagree,

4 – Agree, 1 – Strongly Disagree

3 – Undecided,

Exposure of students to Social Networking Sites and their Academic Performance. This

questionnaire is adapted from Abu Dhabi. ( MasoodBadri, et.al 2017 and Social

Networking site and Academic Performance of Students in University of Lagos

(Osharive Peter 2015)

Statement / Indicator 5 4 3 2 1

A. Research

As a student, I always research through the Social Networking

Sites in order to cope up with our assignments.

As a student, research in the social networking sites helps to

improve my academic performance.

There’s no improvements in my grades since I become

engage into Social Networking Sites.

I solely rely on information gotten from Wikipedia to do my

4 assignments without consulting other sources.

B. Chatting

Through chatting, I can easily disseminate information to my

classmates to improve our academic performance.

Through chatting, I communicate with my friends via social

networking sites for preparation of my exams.

Excessive chatting can lead to failure to listen the discussion

that affect my academic performance

While chatting, it is difficult for me to concentrate on my

studies that affect my academic performance.

C. Facebook

Facebooking can improve my writing skills and communication

that has improve my academic performance.

Through Facebook, I can get knowledgeable information that

can help my academic performance.

Addiction to online social networking especially Facebook is a

problematic issue that affects my academic performance.

Hours spent in Facebook can never compared to the number

4 of hours I spend studying that affect my academic

performance and it make my grades poor.

D. Net Surfing

1 It helps me to answer all my questions.

I download photos and videos from Social Networking Sites to

use it in my reports, projects and assignments.

Too much use of net surfing can harm our health. That can
affect my academic performance.

The continuous use of Net Surfing, consume most of my time

that affects my test examination results.

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