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GOVERNMENT OF ANDURA PRADESH I E gi. Pavan RARE EAS. Men cate Engh Er Pay and Accounts Oficer {under the payment canter Ged poe a Drainage Schemes oF his ofa) Rdodasole jy & Gubbiavari street R.R.Pet,Eluny No teNe PAODSIELREnAAINAIs 126 phe 1oa-2ech | - ou Sib: rk Bis Werk. is boing présente in incomplete shape wih several omissions~-certain Guidelines keg ef ree Saget Meme, Ne. 316-AZziAAdmnTER/ZOO1, Fin, & Pia v: Dept. 7-2-2001 ee Tasangitm. No S87IF3(112001-2, Rr. & Pa (Pro Wing) Dept. at DBA 18-8-2001. due sotgme. No. 209fF3(2}03-1, Rn. (Works & Projects) Dept, Hye, °° images communicated In bis ofice later No PAOIDS Perera 4 ; — 'A.ar2003-04it-2003, } yt . At soe Chad ar okey ne Cautons issued by he Got. nthe references 1 and 3! P2— chad a roierated latest inte rtecnee So nase Executive Engineers are | ip Giaeerdit esen te Work ils Werksolated Bus "oer eed ‘Accounts FeO er aeancerned tom 6 0.25" ofa month and cheques wae ooo by the Pay [7S aa Accounts ofcer ttm 20° to 4Gh Tat ar ‘month, But, experience -of thi Dopost eis dy i that almost al the work bile ncuaing eso ‘elund of Oftean in a ils, etc, relating to works are being cure by the Divisional Officers in the PAO's Office 1 Copy of Administrativ 1ecelved along wit the est 4.2: Copies of Estimates are, e opproval (attested), where required, is not being imate (Le, for other than mainianace Works), {ot elng received inthis offce soon after their sanction (Cy SE/EE) and they are beinly received along with the il, only. Since they are to be Feviewed by this office and by 2 ____raosps/eir sanction. Unattested copies are being sent and itis requested to send copies of estinstes duly attestod. 1:3 Copy of re Estimate is requ lobe sett this offce alongwith the Scrutiny Sip preserved tor the purpose (proforma was alvody conmuniatea br erent aed the same can be ebtained from tis offs) under the signatures of the Disrnel Accounts Offcer (Works) and the Executive Engincor (te case of Eeurorey ganctoned ‘by EE) and of the Deputy. Superintending Engineer gd’ tre Superintending Engineer nthe case of tatmates anconeds by Goh 4.4: Monthly Retun on ‘Sanction of Estimates is tobe sent tote af, but they are not being so received 1.8: Every Estimate comprises Report accompanying the Estimate, Abstract Estimate, Detaled Estimate, Oata Sheet (showing derivation of rales sdepleg ste Esliale for each tem), Lead Statement, ete. But Estates are et bake eens inthis offes with al th above data, 1.8: The date of inspecton should be noted in the Estimate by the authonly according Technical Sanction as per GO. Ms. No. 402 PD () Dept 14.¢ tots ut ts information i nt forthcoming tom te Eset Further, as per the modified orders isoved bythe Govt vide G.0. Ms, No. 94,1 & CAD (wv) Dept, 01-07-2005, the inspection of works shall be gonuccd Raters {echnical sanction is accorded by the competent authority conesned' detalled below: Es css ore Nts) Egheeincit Estates cosing Bow R500 ihe, Suet eager Estates cosing pt Rs. S0laths 8) Exectve Srgnoes Furthamore, In the above G.O, dl. 01-07-2003, itis also indicated” thet the Estimates shall be sertised at random by the authory one love higher thas {re autholy to issue tactical sanction (except nthe cago of Fainates Saeed ne CE VENC) The above may be Kept in view while sanctioning the Estimates by the authories Concered and the above nature of infermation may be indeated scaly the oo accompanying the Estimate 17. The Technical Sanction Number assigned to the Estimate and the date of Technical Sanction are not forthcoming em gover] Coumaten 18: The "Head of Account with fal details of Major Hoad Rinor Head, Subheod, Sub-delaled head, etc, to which the expensisre on account ofthe Eatinate we charged isnot beng indicated in he Tecrical Sanclon of he ats 1: The LS. Provisions towards P.S. and Contingencies are elas prided, though the salaies of Work Charged Estashment Charges are being nek consrcien ny the head "270/273 Work Charged Establishment (0) "SQUIS3# Work, Ghated Establishment, as-he case-mey be, under the relevant Major Head. lence: mating froulsion again the Works Etimaies may no more be feqpred 1.10: Provisions towards Sales Tax and Seignirage Charges ee not being provided in the Estimates correctly as er the instructions. sssued by the Govt Fore ara es {ime and ths is resting mn etal whe seting te ble 1.41: Provision towards Labour importation and Labour Amenities (U & LA) @ 13% is tobe allowed (provided the value of Labour Component in tne Ealimate peers) Fs, 1.00 lakh) only, withthe approve of the Chic! Engineer eoncentee ene es Ms, No. 1864 PWD, ct. 20-1-1871 and G, O. Ms. No. 210 TR 7 Ble) Dont: sos. 1976), But, approval of the Chet Engineer concerned s found 6 be waning ho Estimates sanctioned by the SEs and EEs. So al ____PAO/DS/ELR 1.12: Contractor's Profit is being added:in the data @ 10% 115% on Labour! Machinery, in the Estimates of R & B Department (as per MOST Specifications), but this may require the approval of Slate Govt, So, wherever such provision is made, specie, appraval of GOvt. of AP. other competent authority, it any, may be tenclated since the SSRs of the State Govt do not speak of such provision. 1113: The expensiture to be incurred shall not excaed the percentage limit upto whieh the Departmental Officers are empowered to pass the expenditure (Le., upto 5% for EE / 10% for SE / and 15% for CE - and these percentages, nBever. exclude tender excess), and if it exceeds that limit, then Revised Administrative ‘Approval is required (Paras 93 to 102 of APPW'D! Code). This may be observed 444: Though the Administrative Approval i not required for works which are in the nature of ‘Ordinary’ Repairs (para 142 of APPW 'D’ Code), in the case of Mixed ‘Works (vide para 83 of APPW ‘0’ Code), where the newly proposed repair work is an improvement | addition J extension in the place of the existing part f structure (e.g Tiles roof in place of thatched roo. addtional roam to @ School Building, raising the bund of Mi tank thereby increasing the ayacut under that tank. etc) shail be treated {8 ‘Original work. These codal provisions may be followed while sanctioning the Estimates, 415: The Kilo Meter- war Rates (KM-war Rates) fxed fora year by the CE ‘concerned in R & B Dept, have to be followed while sanctioning the Estimates of Ordinary, Maintenance. In come cases, this is being deviated without the approval of the CE. As per CE/ RABI Hyderabad Circular Memo. No. SR/ OR/ DCE(RY/ EE(Tech\/ TA-15/ AE.3/ 2001, dt. 25-07-2001, the Kilometerage Rates for Ordinary Repairs (lke Pothole patching, Edge Repairs, Unsealed Shoulder Repairs, Unsealed Road Repairs, Surface Drain Cleaning, Culverts and Pits Cleaning Culverts and, Pits Repairs, Grass Slashing, Vegetation Control, Signs Maintenance, Guard Stones, Distance Markers, Footpaths, Bridge Maintenance, and Other Struc! ses) forthe year 2001-02 are as follows: ‘SlaeHignways Equivalent gle Lane). Rs. 9,000 perKM (Average) ‘Mar Diet Roads (Equivalent Single Lae)... Rs. 10500 pork (-d0) Rural Roads (Recently aken overPR Reads) . Rs. 4.000per'KM (dor) NB. If further Revised Kilometerage Rates are issued by the CE J R&BI Hyderabad! ‘other competent authority, the same may have to be followed. 1.16: in the case of Maintenance Estimates of Irigation Dept, the avreage rate prescribed by the CE concerned has to be followed, this may be observed while Sanctioning such Estimates, 4.17; Inthe case of Maintenance Estimates of Buildings, the Plinth Area Rate fixed by the Gout, has to bo followed. This may be observed, 41:18 For Construction of Compound Walls and Iron-wire fencing, approval of Govt. is required (ticle 185 (o) of APFC - Vol. |). This may be observed, 4.19: While making, LS Provision towards ‘unforeseen items, it should be ensured that such provision does not exceed 2% of Estimated Cost ( Para 117-A of APPW'D’ Code) and that too, only where the quantiles can not be worked out for obvious feasons and it shall be utilised for the precise object for which the Estimate was sanctioned. This may be observed 4120: Loading, Unloading and Stacking Charges have to be deducted from the rate for Conveyance of Earth in the data as per Govt. Memo. 34975/Irgn. 194-2 | & CAD Dept, dt. 6-7-1994 and Govt. Memo, No. 34976/Irgn. 199-4, dt. 27-12-1995 This may be observed. 4121; Provisions towards Stationery Charges/ Xerox Charges are being provided in aes _________Paosps/Eir x the Estimates. As these are to be met from the Contingencies of the office cconcemed, they are not admissibie (except in R & B Dept where the expenciture on Stationery items purchased in connection with the preparation of Tender Schedules toa, livited extent’ for a work iff admissible as per Govt. Memo. No. *7905/F2(11)/2002 Fin, (Works & Projects) Dept. Dt, 20-01-2003. {122 Whether the expenditure is chargeable to “Plan” or "Non-Plan" has to be Indicated distinctly above the Technical Sanction. 1125: In respect of items for which the rates are not covered in the SSR, oF for the materia, they are to be adopted based on the rates approved by the competent futhonty for sich items or as per the ‘Rate Contracts’ concluded by the authorities onermed (for materials) of as per the fates approved by the District Administrabon {fer Driling of Bores I for cost of Pipes etc.) But, tne basis for such provisions as mentioned above (with copies) is not being furnished | indicated inthe Estimates. ‘2d: As par GO: Ms. No. 194 1 & CAD (PE:Cod) Dept., Ut. 25-11-2002 (which is {seued as an amendment to G.O. Ms, No, 2318 CADIPW:Cod/Dept. dt, 06-03-1999, ‘whieh supersedes all other instructions / orders in regard to the matter of adoption of Machine’) Rate for Earth Work Excavation), for Earth Work Excavation where the ‘quantity exceeds 1,000 cum, only Machinery Rato has to be adopted (however, ‘th 5 exceptions mentioned in the G.0), This aspect is covered even in the latest G.0. Ms. No. 94 1 & CAD (PW:Cod) Dept. dt. 07-07-2003. Therefore, these have to be Keptin view while sanctioning the Estimates by the authorities concerned, NB*2) Reference ig invited fo PAO's leer No. PAO/DSIIW! ELR /Sn.AA/Ad.anv02- Oar t-26-06-2003, wherein the GO. ct 25-11-2002-efered above was communicated to all Executive Engineers and Superintending Engineers for necessary action By Later confirmed Govt. Enct. No.71802 /F.3(2) 2003-1 Fin.(WEP) Dept, 22-10: baa), wherein telegraphic instructions Issued by the Principal Secretary to Govt Finance (W&P) were communicated as per which the rate structure for EWE by Machinery stated in preamble 11,0 of SSR of 2003-04 shall not be adopted [Le.. Machinery Rate of Rs. 20.10 [ cum. for EWE in all scis Upto SDR js not to ‘adopted and instead the Machinery Rate of Rs. 16.244 cum is only to be adopted for EWE inal sols up to SDR as per Govt. Memo, No. 22704 /SRSPINGV) 2002-03, I&CAD Dapt' ct. 24-02-2003} 4.25: As per Govt. Mema. No, 22704/SRSPI1()/2002-03, | & CAD Dept ot. 24-2- 2003, uniform rates for Earth Work Excavation may have to be adopted for the ‘classification of soils as indicated below: For excavation upto all soils Re, 16.24/cum, OPM InHDR| GI Rs, 24.96/eum. inF&FRock Rs. 48.38/cum, “The above have to be kept in view while sanctioning the Estimates by the authorities cancerned. NB Reference i invited to PAO's letter No. PAO/DS/IW/ ELR /Sn.A.4/Admn/03-04/ «dl 26-06-2003, wherein the Govt, Memo. dt. 24-02-2003 was communicated to Executive Engineers and Superintending Engineers for necessary action, 41.26: In the case of consolidation | conveyance of Earthwork for embankment etc. extra percentages in the rate rowards allowances like, shrinkage, compaction, swell factor, ete. as admissible at preseribed percentages and as applicable and ‘approved by competent authority only have to be provided and unnecessary inadmissible allowances shall not be Included. These may be kept in view while ‘sanctioning the Estimates by the sanctioning authorties concerned. = _—PAO/DS/ELR 127: AS per GO. Ms. No. 23 1€CAD (PW:Cod) Dept, dt5-3-1999, and Subsequently superseded by G.O./Ms. No, 94 | & CAD (PW:God) Dept, dk.1-7-2003 only LS. provision shall be made towards insurance in the Abstract Estimate, But lt 's seen that in some cases in some Departments that provision is made Tomes insurance @ 0.8% in the data of each item of the Eslimate, which is ireguisr Where provision is made in the data itself towards insurance, the difference betveon the provision so made inthe data towards insurance and the amount actualy patd by tie contractor towards insurance premia (plus lander.excess, if any, over such differential amount) shall be-recovered from the contractors bil in order to regulate the provisions 1:28: Provision towards Sales Tax is not being added correctly and in several instances it is observed that Sales Tax is being provided in the data of Estimates ‘Without deducting labour Component (whichis generally 30 % for Cll Works thes” same is not assessable). The rates ordered by the Govt from time to time viz, GO, is. 856 Rev. (CT) Dept, dt. 07-08-2000, read vith G.O. Ms. No. 768 Rev. (Cl) Dept, ct. 2'-08.1096, and eaificalin issued in Govt, Memo. No. 3750 F-6 Sth (2000-1, Fin. & Plg (PW) Dept. dt. 25-07-2001 and other clarifications fesued on the subject from time ta time have fo be adopted NB: As per G.O, Ms. No. 65 Social Welfare (TW:Ser.I.1) Dept, dt. 03-07-1999, Provision in Estimates towards Sales Tax (also towards insurance, engaging, toch 'eal agents, commission on BGs and storage charges for c-ment} is nat applicable to yerks| to be entusied on nomination in Tribal Welfare Enginering’ Wing, ae mentioned therein 128: Provision towards Seigniorage Charges are to be included in the Estimates correctly as ordered by the Govt. ide G.O. Ms. No, 3 Ind. & Com, (Ml) Dept, 21. (98-2000 and Seigniorage Charges shal be included in the Estimates for ‘Ordinary Ear’ also as per G.0. Ms. No. 488 Ind, & Com. (Mi; Dept, dt. 24-08-2000, Thess have to be folowed, 2.0 Revised Estimates: 2-4: Revised Estimate / Workslip for a work shall be sanctioned as per the powers. elegated (Le. upto 5 % by EE, 10 % by SE and 15 % by CE, after excluding the Tender Excess if any), This may be observed and the variation be explained fly and clearly in the Revised Estimate / Worksip, 22: Where the value of Revised Estimate! Workslip is beyond the value of ‘Administrative Approval (after deducting such excess as the authorty is competent to pass viz. 5%! 10%) 18% by EE/ SEY CE as the case may Be, and aleg alter excluding the Tender Excess, if any) or whenever material developmen or Substantial deviations necessitate, Revised Administralive Approval is tequed vide para 214 of APPW'D'Code, + 23 Dilferent terms tke ‘Working Estimate’ ‘Modified Estimate ‘Comparative, Slatement are being used to denote Revised Estimate J Worksilp, but only tne latter terms, viz, Revised Estimate'/ Workslp' are identified in the Code. S0,,cxrec tone viz., Revised Estimate’ or Warksiip’ as given in the Codes alone may be used, 2.4: In approving! passing of excess expenditure included in the Revised estimate / Work slip, ONLY TENDER EXCESS shall be deducted from the totaLvalue of the REMS, while working out the percentage of excess or less with feforence to the Original Estimate Value for the purpose of verifying the powers vested In the authority ‘competent to approve such Revised Estimate 7 Workelif, because only premium (denoting excess over original price and denoting the (opposite meaning of discount isto be deducted for the above purpose as per G,0. Ja ae ae nantes PAO DB /EEE: {or verification by this office and so the data may be senturihtne data, 3.40: Condition on recovery of Interest on Mobilisation Avance is not being incorporated in Agreements (in respect of works costing more than Rs. 100 lakhs only Mobilisation Advance permitted) in some cases and this would be in violation of the orders issued by the Govt (G.O. Ms. No. 231 & CAD Dept, dl 5-3-1999, and latest G.O. Ms. No. 94 I&CAD (PW:Cod) Dept. dt 01-07-2003). 3.11, Prige Ajusiment is to be permitted in Contracts for works costing over Rs, 200 lakhs with & period of completion sxceeding 18 months (vide G.O. Ms. No. 1821 & CAD Dept, 27-9-1997 and also G.0. Ms. No. 28 I&CAD (PW:Cod) Dept, dt. 05-03- 1999 G.O: Ms. No. 195 PRERD (Prog I) Dept, ct. 10-05-1999 and latest G.O. Ms. No. 94 1&CAD (PW:Cod) Dept, dt 01-07-2003)oniy 3.12: For works costing more than Rs, 50 lakhs, condition of Milestones and liquidated Damages has to be incorporated in the Agreement (vide G,O. Ms, No. 182 118 CAD Dept., 27-9-1997 read with G.O. Ms. No. 23 ISCAD (PW:Cod) Dept, dt. 05- 031894) G.0. Ms. No. 195 PR&RD (Progil) Dept. at. 10-06-1999 and latest G.0, Ms. No, 94 1&CAD (PW'Cos) Dept, dt 01-07-2003), eZ 3.13; If supplemental items of work are ‘contingent’ on the original main contract, they are to be treated as ‘authorised extras’ and they can be got executed by the same agency atthe same Ageement res. If the Supplemental items of work, are int contingent cn the main contract ([e., i they can be got executed independently "rough another agency), such items shall be treated as ‘additional tems" and they shall be let out only on call of tenders and however, f they are proposed ta be got ‘executed by the same agency, they can be so entrusted to the same agency, but at Estimate Rates only, and provided the value of such additional Items within the competency of the ‘authority concerned to normally entrust the value of such Additional tems on nomination tinder GO. Mis No, 1007 TR & & Dept, ct. 51 1976 (Ret. G.0" Ms, No. 159 TR & 8 (C-1) Dept, dt, 25-05-1951). All the necessary Supplemental Agreements shall have to be entrusted, only after the Revised Estimate / Workslip is approved by the competent authority (Ref. G.O. at. 25-05- 1981 referred above). 3.14; tis observed that ‘single tenders’ are being accepted in some cases by the Departmental Officers. Normally, f ‘single tenders’ are recelved, action has to be taken to recall the tenders giving wide publicity by sending copies to .all Divisions! Circles, publishing in newspapers, eic,, as prescribed by the Govt. and even after such recall, only single tenders are received, the single tenders can be accepted provided () the work is of emergent in nature (i) the further calls are likely to be land copies of tender notices and paper cutings ete. should be recorded tender documents to justify the accaptance of single tender (vide Govt Memo. No. 1763-D/70-3, PWD (PW), ct 30-9-1970 and Govt, Memo, No. 1720-D/72- 6, PWD (PW), at. 27-10-1972), 4.0: Recording 41: Date of recording of measurements is not being noted in somé cases by the Recording Officer (AEJAEE), below his signature. 42: Cancellation of measurements or corrections or over-wriings inthe ‘measurements are not being attested by the Check-measuring Officer concerned ‘who conducts check-measurement of such set of measurements, Usage of erasing liquids/solutions for corrections in the measurements is barred 43: Only Metric System of measurements shall be recorded (since usage of FPS ‘was dispensed with long back), 44: All the lines (normally 16/17 lines) in a page in M. Book shall be used or filed in Ms, No, 292, TR & 8 (C1) Dept, dt 08-09-1980. 25: A Revised Estimate / Workslp is necessary wiftre there is variation compared {o the Original Estimate, even if tbe by way of reduction in the quantities! by way of substantial variations in quantities or in the value of the estimate, etc., because the said +/- variations have to be explained in the Revised Estimate! Workslio (or) Completion Report. as the case may ba, by tha-comodient authonly as par paras 214 and 216 df A.P.P.W. 0’ Code, Also, as per G.O, Ms, No. 169TR&B (C-1) Dept, ‘dt 25-05-1981, all deviations. should have the approval of competent authority through necessary Revised Estimate / Works. 28: Copies of Revised Estimate/ Workslip / Completion Report (attested) are not being sent even with the bil 27: Where approval of the Revised Esimate/ Workslip is likely to take sore time (since all the Variations may not be covered in the midst of execatien), approval for the deviations met with may be obtained from the competent authority. pending sanction of Revised Estimate / Workslip (and duly supported by PP form for payment ofthe daviations, as preseribed in PAO's Manual) 3.0:Agroomonts: 3.1: Copies of Agreements are not being sent to this office soon after their Conclusion. Since they ara to be reviewed by ths office and also by the Joint Director fof Works Accounts before any payment is admitted, they are required to be sent to this office soon after their conclusion, It is therefore requested that copies of ‘Agreements are sent to this office sean afior their conclusion, so that delay in ‘payment of bills could be avoided, 3.2: Copies of Agreements are not being sent with the Scrutiny Slip preseribed (format can be obtained from this office) under the signature of the Divisional ‘Accounts Officer (Werks) and the Executive Engineer (for EE's Agts) and of the Deputy Superintending Engineer and the Superintending Engineer (for SE's Agts 3.3: Copies of Agreements are nat being attested, Attested copies may be sent 3.4; Fulltext of the Agreement with all the terms and condhtions etc. a8 inthe original is not being received. They may be sent in full (with all terms and conditions) 35: For works costing more than Rs.1.00 lakh (Est. Value), LS, ..Contract format shall be used and for works below that value, K2 Contract format could be used, In some cases, deviations are noticed and it is requested to use the correct format in the prescribed form as given in the APDSS, etc 3.6: Where tenders are accepted (at highe percentage excess) by an authority other than the Agreement-concluding authoriy, reference to the orders of such tender accepting authorty may be rurished ithe scrutiny slp (Oeparmental Seruiny ip) 3,7: In the case of Supplemental Agreements and.also K2 Contract Agreements, the {quantities are not being furnishes. Though the quantities are not preseribed in the formas, itis desirable to furnish the quantity and the amount for each item in the K2 Contract Agreements / Supplemental Agreements for clarity and it would be useful to ‘Compare the quantities and amounts provided in the RE / WS for crass check at all levels, viz. in the Divisional Office, in SEts office or in this office. So, keeping this facitty in View, the quantities and amounts may be Indicated in the K2 Contract ‘Agreements | Supplemental Agreements 3.8: In cespect of Supplemental Agreements also, the guidelines issued in 2.1 to 3.4 may be similarly folowes. 3.9 In fespect of Supplemental Agreements, the data showing the method in which the Supplemental rates have been detived a is not being appended. This is required se Set pad (panty, {or verification by tis ofce and so the data may be sentumthige data, 3.10: Condon on recovery of Interest on Mobiisaion “Advances 4 not being incorporated in Agreements (in respect of works costing more than Ri. 100 lakhs ny Mobilisation Advance permitted) in some cases and this would be In Violation of the orders issued by the Govt (G.O. Ms. No. 231 & CAD Dept, ct $3-1999, and ialst 6.0. Ms. No. 84I&CAD (PW Cod) Dept. at01-07-2003). 3.44: Price Ajustmentf to be permited in Contacts for works costing over Rs. 200 lakhs witha period of competion exceeding 18 months (vide GO. Mt. No. 18218 CAD Dept, 27-9-1867 and also 6.0. Ms. No. 23 IECAD (PW-Cod) Dept, ct 05-03. 1009, G.0. Ms. No. 185 PRARD (Prog. i) Dept, dt. 10-05-1999 and latest G.0 ME No, 84 18GAD (PWV.Cod) Dept. ct 01-07-2008)on 3.12: For works costing more than Rs. 50 fas, condton of Milestones. and liquidated Damages has fo be incorporates in he Agreemant (vide GO. Ms. No, 182 18 CAD Dept, 27-8-1097 read wit G.O, Ms, No. 23 ISCAD (PW Ged) Dept ot 05- 0318941 6.0. Ms. No. 188 PRERD (Progil) Dept, ot. 10-05-1999 and latest GO. Ms. No. 84 1ZCAD (PW.God) Dept, dt 01-07-2003), 3.43: If supplemental items of work are ‘contingent on the original main contact, they are {0 be teated as ‘authorised extras’ and they can be got executed by the same agency at the same Ageementrates. fhe Supplemental tems of work, are ‘not contingent on the main contract (ce. if thay ean be got executed independenty ‘hough another agency), such lems shall be Weated as ‘addtional tems” and they shall be let out oniy on call of tondere and however, i they are proposed to be got ‘executed by the same agency, they can be co entrusted tothe same agency, but at Estimate Rates only, and provided the value of such additional Items within the competency of tho “authority concerned to normally entrust the value of such Additional items on nomination under G.O. Ms. No. 1027 TR & © Dept. at 11 1876 (Ret. G.O" Ms, No. 169 TR & 8 (C-1) Dept. dl. 25-05-1931). All the hecessary Supplemental Agreements shall have to be entusted, only after the Revised Eslimate / Worksip is approved by the competent authority (Rel. 6.0. et 25-05- 1961 veferres above) A.14;Ihis observed that ‘single tenders’ are being accepted In some cases by the Departmental Officers. Normally, i ‘single tenders’ are received, action has {0 be token to recal the tenders giving wide publicly by sending copies to all Divisions! Cieles, pubishing in newspapers, eic., as prescribed by the Govt. and even eer such recall, only single tenders are received, the single tenders can be accepted provided () the work is of emergent in nature, (i) the futher eals are ikelyf0 be fratess, and copies of tender notices and paper cutings ett. should be recorded withthe tender documents to justly the acceptance of single tender (vide Govt Memo. No, 1763-D/70-3, PID (PW), 80-9-1870 and Govt. Memo. No. 1720-D/72- 6, PWD (PW), dt 27-10-1872), 4.0: Recording 4: Dae of recording of measurements isnot being noted in somé cases by the Recording Ofcer (AE/AEE), below his signature 42: Cancellaton of measurements or corecions of oversmiings inthe measurements are not being attested by the Checkcmeaguring Oller concerned who conducts check-measurerent of such set of measurements. Usage of erasing liguds/solutons fr corrections in the measurements s barred 4.3: Only Metric System of measurements shal be recorded (sinoe usage of FPS was dspensed with tong back). 444: Al te ines (normally 16/17 lines) in page in M. Book shall be used or fle in ~ PAO/DS/BLR 4.15: overall measurements are recorded deductions towards previously executed! paid quantities should be shown in detal, to ensure that there is no overlapping of the measurements resulting in excess payment, 4.18: Contra noting indicating page No. and MB No. in which all previous part bis are recorded shall be Irdiatad in Red ink on top of Abstract of Billof the current bl Similaly | reference to page NO. and MB No. in which the eurrant bill is recorded should be notec'in Red ink on top ofall previous part bils. 4.17: Theoretical requirement of materials Ike, cemant, steel bitumen etc, shall be fumished for every bil in the MB, wheraver necessary, along with details of recovery, if any; 9 copy of the same shall also be enclosed to the bill form. 4.18: Overall Statement showing detals of theoretical consumption of seigniorage materialsaglong with the seigniorage charges involved at the rates prescribed shall bbe worked out and recorded in every bil in the MB for effecting recovery from the bil ‘A copy of the same shall also be enclosed to the bill form, 4.18: Overall Statement towards recovery of Turn Over Tax/Sales Tax shall be worked out with reference to the conditions of the Agreement / Estimate provisions read with instructions issued by Govt. from time to time shall be recorded in every bil in the MB for effecting recovery from the bill A copy of the same shall also be ‘enclosed fo the bil form, 4.20: Overall Statement showing detals of recovery of liquidated Damages! fing) Penalties, etc, (duly quoting reference to clause / condition of Agreement, orders of competent authoriy or other relevant information étc), along with dates! days, rate, etc, copy ofthe came shall also be enclosed tothe bill form, 4.21: Overall Statement showing details of recoveries towards Hire Charges for any departmental mechinery lent as per the rales corsluded in the Machinery supplemental Agreemant’Main Agreement, far the number of hours dais! months ot number of Kilometers run, etc, for which the said machinery has been lent put to use, duly recording log extract (relevant part only) ete, shall be recarded for every bill in ie MB a copy ofthe same shail also be enclosed tothe bil form, 4.22: Overali Statement showing detalis of Advances, if any, paid and outstanding (lke 40 % advance | 80% edvance / Mobilisation Advanes Equipment advance! Secured Advance etc, ) and the amount now proposed for recovery n the current bill shall be recorded for every bil in the MB. A copy of the same shall also beenclosed to the bil form, 4,23: Overall Statement. showing detals of Interest recoverable from the can tors bill shall be recorded for every bil in the MB, a copy of the same shall aleo bbe enclosed to the bil form. 4.24: Overall Statement showing details of recavery of Insurance premiar it any proposed ‘shall also be recorded in the MB. A copy of the same shall also be fenclosed tothe bil frm, 4.25: Overall Statement showing details of Recoveries based on Quality Control Reports | other authority, etc. shail be recorded for every bill in the MB, duly quoting the references. A copy ofthe same shall also be enclosed to the bil form. 4.26: Overall Statement showing details of recoveries towards conbibution to the National Academy of Constructions (NAC) @ 0.25 % on gross value of work doneicharged shall be recorded for every bill in the MB, a copy of the same shall also be enclosed to the bill form. 4.27, Overall Sistement showing details of recovery tawards Income Tax on the total value of work done / charged shall be recorded for every bill in the MB, A copy of the same shall also be enclosed to the bill form, It may be noted thatthe rate of recovery nee eee _PAO/DS/RLR te contractors is 2 % plus surcharge thereon (which Is varying fom, time Yo fone ava Which is 5% now), S728 QUerall Statemant showing details of any other recoveries (not covered sbove) at be recorded for every bil in the MIB; a copy of the same shall also'be arereocy, to the bill form, $28: Abstract Bi recorded in the MB is shall be signed by the EE atthe end of the Abstract Bill £30: Allitems in schedule ‘6’ ofthe Agreement shal be written up In the Abstract Bll Inthe MB end Bill Form, as wel in the same serial order in which thay arcene eae gereement. respective of whether the item is covered in the current Stee 33n Bresk-up of original estimate 7 agreement quantiles and of oes. / Supplemental quantiles (Ml) Dept au Sane, rabad vide Memo, No: that ‘earth used for widening of bermlroads, oes not mail We Borrow it Le _—__________PAO/DS/ELR 922: Though the condition of penalty clause of production of documentary ‘evidence, last S-times recovery as penalty is dispensed with after Iseue of G0. Ms, No, 23 IBCAD (PW-Cod) Dept. dt. $-3-1959, GO, Ms, No. 195 PRERD (Prog) Dept., 10-5-1999 and also recently issued G.0. Ms, No. 94 I&CAD (PW:Cod) Dept, 01-07 2008, Wis eonatons i il being incoported ' Agreements concluded after §-2-199. Suck penalty clauses shall be avoided in the Agreements, 9.2.3: In some cases, itis stated that as the Contractor has paid the Seigniorage Charges to the Mines and Geology Dept. or Panchayat, as the case may be {ey producing challans, etc.) recovery of Selgriorage Charges from the bill would amount to double recovery. But, this Is not correct, because the Agreement Condition, a5 well as the orders issued by the Govt. (see above) cleatly specify the Fecovery on account of selgniorage charges (including for sand) shall be made from the bill of the contractor and therefore any deviation to the orders of Govt. or to the ‘Agreement would amount to violation! breach of contract, 92.4: In some Agreements, itis seen that the Agreement condition étipulates that the ‘seigniorage charges will be recovered at the rates prescribed / revised by the Govt from time to time’. So, in euch cases, recovery shall be at the latest rates (depending on the petiog of execution) only. 92.5: It is instructed by the Engineerin-Chief, Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad in Cir Memo. No. T.1/47102/96, at 05-09-2003 that tke Seigniorage Charges shall be recovered at the rates prevailing as on the date of recorcings of the measurements in M. Books irespective of Agreement date as in the ease of other statutory 931: Works are net being insured, in spite of specific instructidns issued by the Govt, that al! works shall be got insured soon after conclusion of Agreement to ‘safeguard the interest of the Govt. in the event of occurrence of damages to the work and copy of Insurance Policy (attested) shall be enclosed to the, A 93.2: The Insurance should cover from the start date (date of conclusion of ‘Agreement) upto the end of date of completion plus Defects Liaallty Period (normally ‘one year for repair maintenance work and two years for original work or as specified in the Agreement and the Defects Liability Period is now two years for beth eriainal works and maintanance works 3s per G.O. Ms_No_ 04 18CAD (PW LO1-07-2003), witere the work is not completed within the period stipulated in the. ‘Agreement and Extension of Time:is granted by competent autho, the Insurance shoul. cover such extended period as well asthe Defects Liablity Period beyond tne extended period This is being not observed. 9.3.3: The Policy shall desirably be obtained in the jlat names of the oonteacior aps the Depariment (Executive Engineet) and the original policy shall be kept in the safe custody of the Executive Engineer in order to safeguard the interest of the Govt in the event of any damages to the work 9.3.4: The excess provision towards Insurence made in the Estimate data, if any, has to be recovered with reference to actual premia paid by the eontractor (see 1.27 above} 9.35: In some Agreements, Insurance condition Is not beitg incorporated, which is irregular. 9.36: In respect of claims towards reimbursement of Insurance, it shall be ensured that: 1) the Agreement condition clearly stipulates payment for the same under Part- M 1 PAO/DS/BLR (i) Original Stamped Receigt towards payment of premia is enclosed (slong with a Xerex copy of Insurance Policy duly attested) tothe bill uly endorsed as ‘paid ‘by me’ unde; the signature of the contractor, (i) the bits preferred under part I, along wit_ the regula’ bil for work done and included in the Memo of payment-fur work done bil; (iv) the amount payable Is not more than that provided in the Agreement! Estimate, 9.4.0: National Academy of Constructions Recovery: 1.4.1: Recovery towards contributions to National Academy of Constructions isto be made by concluding necessary Supplemental Agreement as per G.O. Ms, No. $2 ‘TRAB (Bldgs.!) Dept, dt. 19-08-1998 and Govt Memo. No. 45392/ Codi98-1, ct. 04- (01-1909 and it was made compulsory ‘and a condilin tothe effect of this recovery ‘was ordered to be incorporated in the conditions of Agreement as per G.O. Ms. No. 198 1&CAD (PW:Cod) Dept., 05-07-2000 and G.0. Ms. No. 61 TR&B (R Ill) Dept, 11- 4-2000) but tis is not being included in the Agreement conditions, in some cases. 9.5.0: Overall Recoveries: 95.1, Statements showing ‘Overall Recoveries’ towards Income Tax, Sales Tax, Seignlorage Charges, Penalies/ Fines! Liquidated Damages, NAC-Recovery! Insurance Premia Recovery, Quality Contel Recovery (as per QC Reports, Mobilisation’ Equipment Advance Recovery, Interest (on Advances) Recovery, etc, shall be furnished for each bil, 6 that the recoveries, short/ excess made eater, if ‘any! can be regulated as per rules, from time to time in every bil, but, this is not boing folowed in severa! bls, 40.0: Certificates: 01; Levels Certificates (where measurements are based on levels) by the Deputy Executive Engineer and by the Executive Engineer as prescribed are to be recorded In MB and ill separately as under: By DyEE: ‘Carified that the icvels recorded in L.F. Books have been found to be correct." By. EE: “Cortifod that the levels plotted in section sheets and the areas and ‘quantities worked out in the calculation statements have been checked with the Ievels recorded in the L.F. Books and found fo be correct.” 10.2: Quality Control Check has become mancatory now and the Quality Contral Certificate issued by the Quality Control Authority concerned shall be enclosed to bils (both Part Bis and Final Bills) and the fact of having enclosed the same still be certified in the MB and Bil form, 40.8: Several Certificates prescribed as given below are to be recorded in MB and orn (A) For Final Bills: (Only Appropriate and applicable certificates are to be furnished): Corie thet i) the work has been completed by___(date) in all respects in ‘accordance with the specications, drawings and terms and conditions of the Agreement and A.P.S.S, i) the contractor /egency has engaged technical personnel keypersonnel, wie" Si (echnical qualifications fo ba. indicated at the end of each name) as Technical ‘Agents (asin the Agreement) throughout the period of execution of the work and that PAQ/DS/ELR 3 they were avafable atthe site of work during the course of execution of the works il) no recoveries ara due for reeovery trom tha contractor/agency other than those proposed inthe bil iv) there are no further dues fo be recovered from the contractor agency, Vy the contractor / agency has canvyed the materials for use on the work as per tie lead statement appended to the Agreement iy the querbreckages aro not due to the fault ofthe contractor ! agency, but ‘due fa fault strata of rock formation 4. the Revised Estimate | Worslp is epprovad by the competent authority duly covering ll the deviations; vii) the useful earth obtained fram canal cutting has besn utised for banking before resorting fo borrow earth; Ix) the useful stone abfained from canat cutting § excavation has been stacked soparatoly, ) the leads and its are covered in actual execution: x} no liabilities are autstanding against the contractor/agency; xi) the rock spoil avaiable with the Dept was found fo be not useful If not re- tased); xii) tho final profile has boen reached where full rata is allowed, Xx} no Departmental Machinery hes been lent to the contractor fegency and the contracror | agency has made his own arrangements-fo procure them {and he used them on tho work! xv) the remarks of Quality Control Wing ! Dept have been attended to satisfactonly and no remarks thereof are outstanding against the work: xi) no AG's IR, Paras | Audit Objections are outstanding against the work; ri) the marerials (ike Cement, steel, bitumen, etc.) required for the work Were procured by the contractor! agency at his own cost and used by the Ccontractor/ aganey on the work after proper tests as presenbed: veil) ail tho malenals procured by the contractorfagency are of good quality ‘conforming ta the 8..S. standards; x) the pre-ovels and final levels have been recorded in the following L.F- Books: By ABAEE: pop. TFBENA, By Dy EE: pp. TFBR NG: By BE: pp. TFBRNG, o By QC-Statt pp. TFEKNo. xx) the Extension of Time is granted upto, (date) with necessary Liquidated Damages | fine of Rs ‘are imposed as per proceding No. a (fo. of CE/SEVEE), out of which Bs. ‘was recovered upto previous bill and the balance of Re: snow proposed for recovery inthis bl. vx) the system has Been Toxted/subjected to full function ? working condlion ‘and no leakages are found (ta bo fumished for Pipelines ! Reservoirs ete.) vei) the recovery of ravaces and interest thereon are proposed @s under DS/ELR Rs, Pid Recovered upto previous bill ‘Now proposed for Recovery in this bil Interest Total due fram. To Recovered upto previous bill [Now proposed for Roo very in this bil ill) the work has been checkmeasured by the Executive Engineer on Pe, of MB Nos duly covering 30% expandiure (value of tems check measured RS. ps a ev) the workchas been checkmeasured by the Sopariténding'Engingar on pp, (of IMB Nos. at 113°, 213% ‘and final stages of work duly covering 308% expandilure each time (value ofitems checkmeasured' Rs, xv) the AP.G.S.T. No. of the conbaclovagency is at and 1s in, curronoy; ‘xv) ho contactoragoncy es insured the work vide Ingurance Polcy No, of. (insurance Co. Name) for Rs, Ter the period fom, to [Gates} and thatthe policy is obtained in the joint names of The Dept (EEISE) and of the contractorage::cy and the policy is in ‘currency including the extended period as well as the Defacts Liabilty Period thereafter and the policy Is retained in the sate custody of Division Office; eww) the work is carriedout as per the Milestones setout in the Agreement read wilh; the Revised Milestones approved by the competent authority and Extension of Time is granted upto (date) and the liquidated damages/ines imposed are as folovis vide Protds. No. at (copy enciosed) of EE/SEICE and the samo are recovered in fis Bil, Periodilestone Rete ‘Amount RS. Re. 3) tr Wiate Bills (Part Bills); (Only Appropriate and applicable Certificates are to be furnished): Cente’ that 7) tho works in progress; i) 5 ” ” the work hes been carried out satsfactorly as per the drawings(designs ‘and terms and conaitions of the Agreement all recoveries have been made in this bil: the contractorfagency has engaged technical personnelkey personnel, wz, S/o (echnical qualifications (o be indicated at tbe end of each Tame) as Technical Agents (as in the ‘Agroement) throughout the period of execution of the work and thet they were available af the sile of work during the course of execution of tie work; the excavation of rock is within the permissible canal section and there are no averbreakages beyond the tolerance; a PAO/DS/ELR vi the rock spoil avellable withthe Dept was found to be not useful (If not ro used); vil the pre-tovels and final levels have been recorded in the following LF. Books: By AEAEE' pp. TREE NG. By by EE: pp, TFBENa, By EE: pp. TFBING, By QCSiamt pp. =e TEBENG, vil) the Extension of Time is granted upto, (date) necessary tquidated Damagestfine of Ps, are iniposed as per procds. No, at (05, of CEBEPEE), out of which Re was recovered upto previous pill and tha balance of Rs — 75 now [proposed for recovery in this bil ix) the theoretica! profs has been reached where ful rata is alowed: 4%) no Departmental Machinery has been lent to the contractoragoncy and ‘he contractorlagency has made his own arrangements to procure them and he used them on the work, x) all the materials procured by the contractor/ agency are of good quality ‘conforming to the B.1.S. standards; xi) the recovery of advances and inforest thereon are proposed as under: Advance: Rs, Pid Recovered upto previous bill ‘Now proposed for Recovery in this bit Interest Total due frm, To Recovered upio previous bill Now proposed for Reeo very inthis bill xii) the work has been checkmoasured by tho Executive Engineer on pp. of MB Nos duly covering 30% ‘expendilure (value of tems chock measured RS. ’ Xv) the work has been checkmeasured by the Superintending Engineer on Do. of MB Nos. at 18%, 273 and final slages of work duly covering 30% expanditure each timo (value ofitems checkmeasured: Rs xv) the AP.G.S.T. No. of the conlractor/agency is dt and 18. in currency, xi) the contractor/agency has insured the work vide Insurance Policy No, dt of (insurance Co, Nase) Tor Pe. Tor the porod Tram: to {Gates} and that tho policy is obtained in the Jomnt names of Tre Dept (EE/SE) and of the contractoragency and the policy is in currency including the extended pariod as wall as the Defects Liability Period thereafter and the policy is retained in the sate custody of Division Offs; 7 n PAQ/DS/ELR veil) the work is cagiedout as per the Milestones sefout in the Agrooment read with the Revised Miestones approved by the competent authority and Extonsion of Time is granted upto (date) end the liquidated damages/ines imposed are as follows vide Procds. No___t (copy enciosed) of EE/SE/CE and the same are recovered in tis Bil; PeriodiMilestone Rate ‘Amount Rs, Rs (c] Certificates / Signatures of the contractor: For Final Bills: The contractor shall furish ‘Release and Discharge’ catiicate as under(under the signature of the contractorlagency}: Release and Discharge Contificate: 1 do hereby release and discharge from any and all claims from any / all claims and demands whatsoever for all maters arasing out of or / and in ‘connection with the contract under this agreement No, a of SEE. z |) It the contractor’agency intends to empower the execution and signing of documents | Measurements in MBooks | LF Books CS bookfets et. f0 an Individual through @ Power of Attorney, the said Power of Attorney shell be made a legally valid document duly got registered and approved and accepted by the authority who entered into the original Agreement, the Power of Attorney should clearly indicate in lucld terms the purpose ‘specifically (‘general or ‘specif ‘NB: In all cases, the cheque will bo issued only in the Name of the original Contractor/agency (and nat in the Name of the Power of Attorney Hole ii) The signatures of the contractorfagency or authorized agent Power of Atlomey-Holder shall be affixed in the MBooks for each set of ‘measurements (with the seal of the Company/Firm) withthe endorsemént ‘Taccept the Measurements’/ ‘Accepted the measurements’; Similarly, signatures shall also be obtained in LF Books, CS booklets, Calculation Statements, which are treated as adjuncts to MBooks; Note: All the above Certificates (A.8 and_C above) are to be countersigned by the Executive Enginoor both in bill form and H Book. IRef, To 10.1 t0 10.3: 1, Govt, Memo, No. 1580 GW/7-2 at, 09-08-1977; G.0. Ms, No. 82 (PWICY) Dept. 4 20-01-1972; G.0. Ms. No, 84 IACAO (PW: IW/S) Dept, 06-08-2000; Govt, U.O. Note No. 382/Adv.(QC)/2001, Gent. Admn. (QC)! t. 31-07- 2001: Provisions of APPW'A’ Code and APPW'D" Code; ‘Agreement Conditions; (ter relevant G.Os/Memosiinstructions; Departmental Procedures.] B PAO/DS/ELR 11.0:0: other Point 31.4.4: Insurance Policy No. ‘and amount of Insurance (for the Agreement value) and Name of the Tisuranee Company, along with dato Upto which the insurance covers, etc. shall be nated in the MBook and Bill Form (above the Pass Order) a2 4) Reimbursement of insurance shall be included in Part ofthe Agreement and the amount 80 provided shall be not more than the Estimated Provision and also not more than the amount paid by the Contactor towards insurance premia, it) Proof of payment shall be produced by way of Receipt (orignal) obtained from the Insurence Co i) “Paid by me’ shal be got endorsed under the signature ofthe contractor on the Original Stamped Receipt issued by the Insurance Co, iv) The valu ofthe Agreement and the coverage ofthe insurance as note the receipt shal be verified, ¥) The dates of coverage of the insurance shall be trom the start date (Agreement date) to ate of completion of the work plus defects lablity Betod thareater where, the work isnot completed within te orginal daly Of completion as contemplated in the Agreement, further Insurance shal te made by the contractor as per actual date of completion / Extension of Time granted, f any and also the detects lability period thereafter vf) _ The insurance policy is desirable to be obtained in the jet names of coledin wile ‘Agreement Pand kept with the Departmental Officer concemed (boy “maintaining separate Register forte purpose in the Division Ofice) vil) If the work is not insured by the contractor, appropriate action shall be {taken by the Dept. for regulating the same vii) The claim for reimbursement of Insurance is desirable to be included in the ‘Abstract of Bill at the end (afterall tems are over) 98 items included in Parti of the Agreement, so that the entire amount (including the Teimbursement of insurance) is caried over to the Memo of Payment and inorder to ensure thet the payment of tho same is not lost sight of in the: subsequent bis. ) Reimbursement of engagement of Ter Part) jt) The reimbursement of engagement of Technical Agents shall be allowed nly for the number of months originally contemplated in the Agreement, li) The Names of Technical Agents shall be the same as contemplated in te Agreement ')) Same Technical Agent (by same name and with same address) shall not bbe engaged on more than one work during any period of fime and the Agreement-concluding authority shall ensure in this espect while concluding Agreements; ¥) Reimbursement shall be allowed only ifthe engagement is certfied in the bill and MBook from time-to time, which shal be verified before accepting the claim by the Executive Engineer ical Agent shall be provided in of the Agreement keeping in view the Estimated provision for the ogee Wi) The reimbursement shall be with reference to the wages per month as per the SSRs only (depending on whether the T.A, is a graduale Engineer ot Dipioma-holder etc.) of the year concermed (ie., a8 per the dates of execution of the work and months for which ceriifed as engaged) and ‘ultipled by the number of months far each T.A. and in any case, the total reimbursement shall not be more than that provided in the Agreement Under part vi) For reimbursement, the contractor should produce (a) appointment order copy issued to the TA, (b) consent letter of the T.A. accepting the appointment, (c) Receipt with Stamped Acknowledgement from the TA. in token of his having received wages (indicating the wages received) fram the contractor, ) Xerox copy attested) of Educational qualifeations ossessed by the T.A. along withthe claim vill) The claim for reimbursement of Technical Agents is’ desirable to be included in the Abstract of bill (after all items of execution are over) Indicating as claim under Partll of the Agreement, so that the entre amounts, including the work-done value, plus insurance -premia ‘eimbursement and the reimbursement for engagement of Technical ‘Agents are carried over to tne Memo of Payment and in order to ensure that the payment of the same is not lost sight of in the subsequent bil, 11.30; The overall recoveries due towards Income Tax, Sales Tax, Seigniorage Charges, subscription to National Academy of Constructions, Fines,. Liquidated Damages, Q.0. Recovery for substandard work, elc., recoveries already made upto Previous bill towards these and balance recovery now proposed in the proposed in the present bil towards each kind is desirable to exhibited suitably in the Memo of Payment for every bill for overall view, so that nothing is lost sight of and also ifference, if any that occurred in previous bills gets regulated inthe current bil, 11.40: In respect of Road Works, i less bitumen is used, or if over-sized metal or sand is used, etc, necessary recovery shall be proposed by the Executive Engineer a8 per Inspection Notes of the inspecting Authority / Quality Control Report, etc. 41,50: Water Hyacinth is to be removed (weed removal) by chemical spraying ony (Ref CEMajorityd Memo, No. BCE IVIOT (GDSYAE-IWVOMIBa/Vo1 17 i 26.6 1999), 41.60: Head of Account (including sub-head, sub-detalled head etc) have to be indicated in red ink above the pass order in the M, Book by the Division Office. 41.7.0: Theoretical Requirement of cement, steel and bitumen (though departmental supply thereof is not contemplated in the Agreement) may be furished duly comparing with the material procured by the contractor (with details of Invoises) 80 {2s ensure quality and also faciitate verification by any inspecting author. 1.6.0: Provision towards Ll. and LA. (Labour Importation and Labour Amenities) only in an Estimate where the Labour Component is more than Rs. 1.00 lakh and \ withthe specific approval of the Chief Engineer only. | NB. But this provision is not admissible in respect of works undertaken by | wuAs 1DGs in trrigation Dept, 11.9.0: Preparation and date of signing ofthe Interim Certification by the Executive Engineer shall be taken into consideration forthe purpose of effecting recovery of Mobiisation / Machinery Advance and the percentage of recovery towards these. ‘advances shall be calculated on all the intermediate payments put-together (Ret ¥ B PAO/DS/ELR Govt. ‘temo, No. 1938/F-8()/98-0/ Fin, & Pig. (PW) Deptt dt. 17-01-2000). 31.1000: In some Departments in some cases DDs towards EMDs/ FSDs! ASDs/ Performance Security, elc. are not being received in time and they are received with {he bill or not sent to PAO at all. Uniess the DOs are adjusted in PAO's accounts to Deposits by challan in the Treasury (which takes atleast 10 days), the fret bill on the Work can not be admitted by PAO. So itis being forced, at times, to effect recovery Of the EMDs, ete. from the bils of the contractor leading to controversy and ‘ris Situation can be avoided if the ODs are sent to PAO atleast 30 days in advance before any billon the work is presented to the PAO. This may be kept in view. 1.11.0: Various rules and regulations in regard to reforms in Tender Procedures, 286, ordered in G.O. Ms. No. 23 | & CAD (PW:Cod) Dept. ct. 05-03-1889 and 6.0. Ms. No.8 TR & B (R.1) Dept. 08-01-2003 are superseded by GO. Ms. No. 941 8 CAD (PW:Cod) Dept. 01-07-2003 and the same shall be Kept in view along vath Subsequent instructions famendments issued, if any, from time to time arid a few Important points covered in the ‘latest G.0. ct 1-7-2003 are glen below for information 8) Powers offechnkal Sanction are Executive Engineer Upto Rs. 10 takns Superintending Engineer Upto Rs, 50 lakhs Chief Engineer Upto the value of Administrative Approval ») The following Officers should inspect works before Technical Sanction accorded (by the competent authority concerned) By Executive Engineer Upto Ars. 50 lakhs By Superintending Engineer: Below Rs. 600 lakhs By Engineer-In-Chiet. Above Rs, 500 lakhs ©) Scrutiny of Estimates at random to be taken up by the authority one level higher than the Technical Sanctioning authority. 4) For Works costing upto Rs. 50 lakhs, Tender Notice to be published in District Editions of two Telugu Dalies with largest ciculation, For Works costing mare. than Rs.50 lakhs, Tender Notice o be published in one Telugu Daily and one English Daily having largest circulation atthe state lovel, Tender Schedule 10 be supplied only on payment of EMD @ 1% and if the Tenderer does not put his Tender, the EMD shall be forfeled to Govt Howevers for works costing upto Rs, 10 lakhs, the EMD (BG not admissible shall be submitted along with tne completed Tender Schedules. 1) Chief Engineer shall finalise Tenders upto Rs. 2 crores and beyond Rs.2crores by COT. 9) No negotiations are to be permitted. 4) Minimum time for receipt of tenders is 14 days from the date of publication of Tender Notice ) Maximum tender Premium to be allowed is 10% and for Discounted ‘Tenders beyond 15% less, diference Between quewsd value and 85% to. be collected as ASD, 4) Price Adjustment clause to be incorporated for works costing more than Rs.2erores with completion period of more than 18 months ‘Price adustment ‘ot payable i delay is attributable to contractor) Moblisation Advance to be allowed for works costing more than Rs.1 crore " a orem and itis 10% against uncondlional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee and the ‘Advance attracts rate of interest at Govt. borrowing rate, 1) Defects Liabilly Period is now two years for both original works and ‘maintenance works. 1m) For Earth Work Excavation only Machinery Rate to be adopted if the quantity ‘exceeds 1,000 cum (with relaxation given for five items stated in the G.0), 1) LS, provisions to be provided in Estimates towards Insurance and Technical Agents, etc. and reimbursement to the contractor to be allowed on production ‘of proof and subject to these provisions and other conditions and the shall take Insurance policy at the cost of the contractor ‘and the same premia shall be recovered from the Contractor’ bil, 0) Seles Tax and Seigniorage clauses J recoveries are also indicated (as usu) ) Schedule -A to include working items as Part! and LS, Provisions as Part-I and the Tender excessiless shall be allowed on Part! only and the tenderers shall only quotesthe percentage excess or less on the total value of work-to be

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