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Dear Parent/Guardian,

Starting on Monday, Oct. 7th, the WGMS counseling department will be offering a ​Mindful Moment ​on
Monday mornings during 1st period. This group is for 6th grade students. The small group will meet
every Monday between now and Thanksgiving Break. We will be giving students tools to cope with
anxiety and stress in the form of “mindfulness” and relaxation techniques and strategies, such as using
all of our senses to pay attention to our surroundings, using breathing to calm our bodies, and noticing
emotions and feelings.

Anxiety and stress often creep into our lives in many different forms, and can unknowingly affect focus
and performance at school. Giving our students tools to deal with stressors can positively impact both
their academic performance and their overall wellbeing.

Our Monday meetings will be 5 minutes of check-in, 10 minutes of teaching a new mindfulness
technique, and 5 minutes of practice.

If you are interested in your child participating in Mindful Moment on Monday mornings, please have
this slip returned to me in the Counseling Department by Friday, October 4th. Don’t hesitate to reach
out if you have any questions!

Katie Rehor

“The mind is just like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.”  


Return by Friday, Oct. 4th

❏ I would like my student to participate in Mindful Moment with Mrs. Rehor!

Student Name ________________________________________________________________

Parent Name (printed) __________________________________________________________

Parent Email _________________________________________________________________

Signature ____________________________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________________________

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