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How to Import Lookup Types and

Lookup Codes using File Import and

Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service
Implementation Note | Updated April 14, 2016
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Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service

Table of Contents

Importing Lookup Types and Lookup Codes for Choice Lists ........................................................................................................ 4

Step 1: Create the Import Files with your Lookup Data ............................................................................................................ 4

Step 2: Upload the File to the UCM Server ................................................................................................................................. 5

Step 3: Import the uploaded file as Look up data........................................................................................................................ 6

Step 4: Verify the Imported data ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Tips for Success .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

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Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service

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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may
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About This Document

This document supplements standard product documentation, which you are encouraged to review. To find documentation
and other learning resources, such as guides, whitepapers, and videos, visit the Help Center for Oracle Sales Cloud.


This document is for Oracle Sales Cloud customers involved in implementation. The tips and techniques detailed in this
document may not be suitable for an on-premise deployment of Oracle Sales Cloud Applications.

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Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service

Importing Lookup Types and Lookup Codes for Choice Lists

Let’s say that you need to add a large number of values for a choice list (lookup) field in Oracle CX Sales. You could enter
each value manually, of course, but you might prefer to import that data in bulk. Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service provides
an easy way to import a list of values with few clicks. This method helps you to minimize input errors and can save you
hours of time, thereby improving efficiency and reducing costs.

You can use file import to insert and update lookup values for Standard, Common, and Set-Enabled lookups. And it can be
done in just a few steps. Here’s how.

Step 1: Create the Import Files with your Lookup Data

Create the import files that include all of the mandatory columns and any optional columns (see the table below) that you
need to import your lookup values. Use the pipe ‘|’ as your delimiter in the file and save it with the .csv file extension.

Mandatory and Optional Columns for Standard Lookups and Common Lookups

You need to create separate files for:

• Lookup Types (the name of the choice list field, such as Account Type)
• Lookup Codes (the values in the choice list, such as Customer, Prospect, Other)

The following tables list information about the data that you should include in your import files for Lookup Types and for
Lookup Codes, including which columns are mandatory.

Lookup Type – Header Fields and Descriptions

Header Field M - Mandatory Data type Size Description

O - Optional
1 LookupType M String 30 Lookup Type
2 Meaning M String 80
3 Description O String 240
4 ModuleType M String 60
5 ModuleKey M String 60

Sample Lookup Type File



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Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service

Lookup Codes - Header Fields and Descriptions

Header Field M - Mandatory Data type Size Description

O - Optional
1 LookupType M String 30 Lookup Type
2 LookupCode M String 30
3 DisplaySequence O Long
4 EnabledFlag M String 1 Y or N
5 StartDateActive O Date Format to use is
Example 22/5/2015
6 EndDateActive O Date Format to use is
Example 22/5/2017
7 Meaning M String 80
8 Description O String 240
9 Tag O String 150

Please note that the only acceptable Date format is dd/m/yyyy.

Sample Lookup Code File




If you are importing the data for a set-enabled Lookup Type, add a ReferenceGroupName column to the Lookup Types data
file and a SetName column to the Lookup Codes file, in addition to above mapping.

Step 2: Upload the File to the UCM Server

Once file is ready and verified, upload to the UCM server via the File Import and Export tool.

1. In the Tools section of the Navigator, click the File Import and Export link.

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Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service

2. Click the Upload icon in the Search Results section of the page.

3. Select setup/functionalSetupManger/import from the Account drop-down list, and then browse to and select your
import file.
4. Click Save and Close.

Step 3: Import the uploaded file as Look up data

Once data file is uploaded to the UCM server, use that uploaded file to import the data for the lookup.

1. Go to Setup and Maintenance and search for the Manage Standard Lookups task or the Manage Common Lookups task.
Click Go To Task.

2. Select Import from the Actions menu in the Search Results section of the page.

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Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service

3. In the small Pop up Window that appears, select the Account where you imported the files

4. Give the full name of the file (or files) to be imported, including the .csv extension. (For example, LookUpType_xxx.csv
and LookUpTypeCode_xxx.csv.)

Note: You can specify just one file if you are importing the codes for an existing Lookup Type. Or, specify both files if you
are importing a new set of Lookup Type and Lookup Code.

5. Click Upload.

6. The file(s) will download and start processing for importing the data.

a. If you specified files for both types and codes, the order of the processing is:

i. Lookup Types

ii. Lookup Codes

b. For any existing metadata row, the update operation will be performed with new data from the file.

7. You can view the progress of the process.

8. You will be able to download the process log file when the process has completed.

Step 4: Verify the Imported data

Navigate to the lookup field in the user interface to verify that your lookup values imported as expected.

Tips for Success

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Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service

▪ Make sure all mandatory columns and data are in data file.
▪ Make sure that all dates are in the dd/m/yyyy format.
▪ File should be PIPE ‘|’ delimited.
▪ Save the file as a .csv file.
▪ When specifying the files to be imported, provide the full file name, including the .csv extension.
▪ Download and analyze the log file for status and any import errors.

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Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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