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SESSION: 2017-2019





E-Crime Management system

Submitted By

Afzal Khan

Registration No: 14-AU-MIST-22

Supervisory Committee:

External Examiner: _______________________________

Internal Examiner: _______________________________

Supervisor: _____________________________________

Mr. Asad Ali (Lecturer, MIST)

Project Coordinator: ______________________________

Mr. Moeen Ullah khan

Lecturer and Managing Director of MIST

Department of Computer Science

Mardan Institute of Science and Technology

Affiliated With

Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

Project submitted to Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of


Department of Computer Science

Mardan Institute of Science and Technology

Affiliated With

Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

With the great name of ALLAH the most gracious and merciful who gifted me

blessing strength and mental power without which I would not complete this

project before I get into thick of the thing would like to add a few heartfelt word for

the people who were part of this project in numerous ways. People who give

unending support right from the stage project idea were conceived. In particular I

am extremely indebted our teacher and supervisor Mr. Asad Ali of this project and

also I am thankful to our friend for their support. I am extremely thankful to my

beloved parents and family whose prayers and continuous encouragement made

the successful completion of the project possible

1. Chapter 1: Project Overview ................................................................................................ 7
1.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.2. Objectives of the Project .................................................................................................. 8
1.3. Existing System ................................................................................................................ 9
1.4. Disadvantage of the Existing System ............................................................................... 9
1.5. Benefits of the Proposed System ...................................................................................... 9
1.6. Project Scope .................................................................................................................. 10
1.6.1. User Module............................................................................................................ 10
1.6.2. Head Quarter Module ............................................................................................. 10
1.6.3. Incharge Module ..................................................................................................... 11
1.6.4. Police Module ......................................................................................................... 11
1.7. Thesis Organization........................................................................................................ 12
2. Chapter 2: System Modeling .............................................................................................. 13
2.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 14
2.2. Stages for Modeling an ERD for E-CMS....................................................................... 15
2.3. Entities in the E-Crime Management System (E-CMS) ................................................ 15
2.3.1. User Entity .............................................................................................................. 15
2.3.2. Police Entity ............................................................................................................ 16
2.3.3. Incharge Entity ........................................................................................................ 17
2.3.4. Head Quarter Entity ................................................................................................ 18
2.3.5. Complaint Entity ..................................................................................................... 18
2.3.6. Update Case ............................................................................................................ 19
2.4. Meta Data for E-Crime Management System ................................................................ 19
2.4.1. Meta data for User Table ........................................................................................ 19
2.4.2. Meta Data for Police Table ..................................................................................... 20
2.4.3. Mata data for Incharge Table .................................................................................. 20
2.4.4. Meta Data for Head Table....................................................................................... 20
2.4.5. Meta Data for Complaint Table .............................................................................. 21
2.4.6. Meta Data for Update Case Table ........................................................................... 21
2.5. Entity Relationship Diagram For E-CMS ...................................................................... 21
3. CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM FLOW DIAGRAM .................................................................... 24
3.1. System Flow Diagram (SFD) ......................................................................................... 25

3.2. SFD Components ........................................................................................................... 25
3.2.1. Process .................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.2. Data Flow ................................................................................................................ 25
3.2.3. Data store ................................................................................................................ 26
3.2.4. External Entity ........................................................................................................ 26
3.3. DFD level 0 .................................................................................................................... 26
3.2. DFD level 1 .................................................................................................................... 27
4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 29
4.1.1. Hardware Requirement ........................................................................................... 29
4.1.2. Software Requirement ............................................................................................ 29
4.2. Software Testing ............................................................................................................ 30
4.3. Types of Testing ............................................................................................................. 30
4.3.1. Unit Testing ............................................................................................................ 30
4.3.2. Integration Testing .................................................................................................. 30
4.3.3. System Testing ........................................................................................................ 31
4.3.4. White-Box Testing .................................................................................................. 31
4.3.5. Black-Box Testing .................................................................................................. 31
5. CHAPTER 5: PROJECT USER INTERFACE ............................................................... 32
5.1. Interface of Home page .................................................................................................. 33
5.2. Interface of Registration ................................................................................................. 33
5.3. References ...................................................................................................................... 34

1. Chapter 1: Project Overview

1.1. Introduction
E-Crime Management System or E-Crime Reporting System (ECMS/ECRS) is a kind of
web based application where a user can log an online FIR against a crime. One of the primary
objective of this system is to provide a facility to the citizens of Pakistan where a citizen can
easily log a complaint in police station without going to the police station. The primary objective
of this system is to solve a particular crime as soon as possible. The system also provides the
details about the existing FIR’s and their statuses. Police Department will also take advantage
from this system by viewing the progress of investigation of each complaint/FIR. Higher
authorities or police headquarters can easily track down the record of each crime. With the help
of such management system police headquarters can view the progress record of each police

In order to log an FIR, first of all the user must register himself/herself. After registration
the user must provide the detail about the crime such as time and date of crime, location of
crime, type of crime such as theft, kidnapping, missing person, and murder etc. Once a user
register a complaint against a crime, based on the location of crime, the case is assign to nearest
police station where a police office can handle the case. There are four modules of the project a)
User/Citizen b) Police Station c) Incharge and d) Head Quarters (HQ). There are two login
module one is for user and the other one is for official where a police officers, Incharge and
Head Quarters incharge can log into the system to handle the entire crime within the country.

1.2. Objectives of the Project

1. As aforementioned one of the primary objective of this system is to provide a facility to the
citizens of Pakistan where a citizen can easily log a complaint in police station without
going to the police station.
2. To solve any kind of crime within a few days/month.
3. To view the progress of each police officer via online portal.
4. Another very important objective of this project is to reduce the corruption/bribe
5. HQ can easily view the progress of each case.
6. To make an FIR system very efficient and transparent.
7. To provide an error free framework to the citizen of Pakistan.

1.3. Existing System
In the existing system whenever a user or any citizen of Pakistan wants to compliant
against any crime, he/she must have to visit to near police station in order to register or log an
FIR against a crime. There are many disadvantages of the existing system which will be
discussed in the subsequent section. Here only the authorized person can manage the record. The
user does not able to see the progress of his/her complaint. Similarly the HQ are also unaware of
the different cases. On the other hand the proposed project provide a facility to the user to log an
online FIR without going to the police station.

1.4. Disadvantage of the Existing System

There are many disadvantages of the manual system. Some of them of given below

1. Increase workload
2. All the calculations are done manually.
3. Time Taking process to generate the complete report about the particular crime
4. Very expensive as a lot of registers required to log an FIR manually.
5. It increase the chances of corruption
6. It increase the chance of bribe
7. In the manual system there is more man power
In order to address the limitation of the manual system there is a need for computerize or
online system where all the work are done by the computers.
The proposed system has following advantages

1.5. Benefits of the Proposed System

1. Increase transparency and efficiency
2. Reduce time and money
3. High authorities can view the progress of each police officers
4. It decreases the chances of corruption
5. It have an interactive service and user friendly environment.
6. Easily accessible to every citizen of Pakistan
7. HQ can view progress of each investigation. There is no chance of corruption.

1.6. Project Scope
There are more modules of the system listed below

 User module or complaint module

 Head Quarter Module
 Incharge Module
 Police Department Module

Each module have it function and serve the user in an efficient manner

1.6.1. User Module

There are some responsibilities of the user module. With the help of this module a user
can register his/her complaint against a crime. He/she can also view the update about the logged
FIR. He/she can also view the complaint history that includes certain things such as Date and
Time of crime, Type of crime, location of crime, compliant id and their statuses.

User Module

Register a View Complaint

Complaint History

1.6.2. Head Quarter Module

This module lies under the category of administrator department. It have some
functionality listed below

 Head Quarter will be able to view the progress of investigation of every case.
 Head Quarter can also delete or add police station
 View the entire complaints of every police station
 It provide login credential to each incharge

Head Quarter Module

Add Police View Provide Login

Station Complaint Credential

1.6.3. Incharge Module

This module is only responsible to his/her assign location. There are certain responsibilities of
this module, some of them are given below

 He/she can view the case or complaint allocated to his/her location.

 Incharge is responsible to assigning the case to the police officer
 He/she can also assign login credential to each police officer such as user name and
 He can also add new police officer and also delete the existing police officers

Incharge Module

Add Police Assign Case Provide Login View Complaint

Officers to Officer Credential Details

1.6.4. Police Module

This module is responsible for handling the case of those complaint that are assigned by the
incharge. For example an incharge assign a case of missing person to the police officer, only that
specific case will be handled by the police officer. At the same time, this module also provide the
detail about the pending as well as completed complaints.

Police Module

Manage View Pending View completed

FIR/Complain Complaint Complaint

1.7. Thesis Organization

The rest of the thesis is organized as follows

Chapter 2 discuss the System Designing and Modeling Where an ERD of the system is discussed
Chapter 3 discuss the System Designing where DFD of the system is discussed
Chapter 4 discuss the Database Development of the system
Chapter 5 discuss the System Analysis where software and Hardware requirement of the project
is discussed.

Chapter 6 discuss the Graphical user Interface.

2. Chapter 2: System Modeling

2.1. Introduction
In this chapter we present how the system is logical designed. This chapter also explain
the Entity Relationship diagram, Meta Data which explain data about data. Entity Relationship
Diagram can be used as a pre-developed tool for any database development. We can say that the
entire database system is mainly depends on Entity Relationship Diagram. It is also possible that
for same system one developer model a different Entity Relationship Diagram and the other one
model completely different from the first one because of the business rules. Every system has a
different rules which explain the entities in the system, their role and responsibilities. There are
basically five different component of Entity Relationship Diagram that work together to build
some reasonable model for a system. Each component may be expressed in several ways. There
component are Entities, Attributes, Actions, connecting lines and cardinality. Entities are the
basic component of Entity Relationship Diagram. It represents an object in the system. It a
concept about which you want save any information in the system.

Entity in the system can be depicted using different symbols but mainly it is represented
by a rectangles. Attribute are the characteristics of an entity. For example if we take students as
an entity, his name, address, roll no, age, department, cell no etc. are there attributes. There are
different representation of attributes but mainly it is represented by oval. An attribute must have
some unique characteristic. There are two types of attributes multivalued attribute and derived
attribute. A multivalued attribute is a kind of attribute whose have more than one value. For
instance we can say that an entity teacher have more than one skills. The derived attribute is
based on another attribute as it is derived from the other entity. It is represented by dash oval.
Connecting lines, solid lines that connect attributes to show the relationships of entities in the
diagram. Action are the behavior of an entity. It shows that how two object share information
with each other, how the flow of information will be in the database. Mainly it is represented by
diamond shape

Relationship between entities is the main component of Entity Relationship Diagram as it

shows the relationship between different entities. It shows that how different entities interact
with each other.

2.2. Stages for Modeling an ERD for E-CMS

The following phases/steps need to be taken by the designer of the system In order to
design an ERD.

 First of all the designer of the system must have to read the professional rubrics of an
 After reading the specialized guidelines, the designer of the ERD should identity the
basic entities.
 The third step is to identify the attributes, their primary key, foreign key, candidate key,
super key, alternate key etc. Also the designer must identify the data type of each
 The forth step is to identify the cardinalities among the objects next step that the designer
must have to do is determine the relationship among the entities. As abovementioned
there could be many cardinalities among the entities.

2.3. Entities in the E-Crime Management System (E-CMS)

This section defines the Entities that explaining why we are choosing such entity and why
we make such relationship between two entities. This section also identify the Primary Key,
Foreign Key, candidate key of every entity as well as the Meta data of every attribute of every
entity and flow of data using DFD.
There are six Entities in the ECMS. These are listed below

 User Entity
 Police Entity
 Incharge Entity
 Head Entity
 Complaint Entity

2.3.1. User Entity

The user entity is very important to be taken into account as all the system is developed
for the user. Whenever a user wants to log an FIR or wants to register his/her complaint, he/she

must login register or sing up with the system. After a complete registration, the user will be able
to log an FIR against a crime.

There are some responsibilities of the user module. With the help of this module a user can
register his/her complaint against a crime. He/she can also view the update about the logged FIR.
He/she can also view the complaint history that includes certain things such as Date and Time of
crime, Type of crime, location of crime, compliant id and their statuses.

There are many attributes of the user entity some of them are listed below.

 Username
 CNIC ID (Primary Key)
 User ID
 Password
 User Address
 Gender
 Mobile

The datatype of primary key is INTEGER, while the data type of the remaining attribute is
VARCHAR. Constraints are the limitation of attribute of any entity. That is what kind of values
it will take for example ID card must have integer value. The PK must be different from all the
attributes values of the entity and it must have some unique value.

2.3.2. Police Entity

This Entity is also very important to be taken into account because it is a person who
manage all the records or crime. This module is responsible for handling the case of those
complaint that are assigned by the incharge. For example an incharge assign a case of missing
person to the police officer, only that specific case will be handled by the police officer. At the
same time, this module also provide the detail about the pending as well as completed
The following are main attribute of Police Entity

 Name
 ID (Primary Key)

 Password
 Specialty
 Location
The datatype of primary key is INTEGER, while the data type of the remaining attribute is
VARCHAR. Constraints are the limitation of attribute of any entity. That is what kind of values
it will take for example ID card must have integer value. The PK must be different from all the
attributes values of the entity and it must have some unique value.

2.3.3. Incharge Entity

Incharge Entity is very important to be taken into account because it is a person who assign case
to the police officers. Police officers work under the rules and regulation of incharge person.
This module is only responsible to his/her assign location. There are certain responsibilities of
this module, some of them are given below

 He/she can view the case or complaint allocated to his/her location.

 Incharge is responsible to assigning the case to the police officer
 He/she can also assign login credential to each police officer such as user name and
 He can also add new police officer and also delete the existing police officers

Following are the attributes of the incharge entity

 Incharge ID (Primary Key)

 Incharge Name
 Location
 Password

The datatype of primary key is INTEGER, while the data type of the remaining attribute is
VARCHAR. Constraints are the limitation of attribute of any entity. That is what kind of values
it will take for example ID card must have integer value. The PK must be different from all the
attributes values of the entity and it must have some unique value.

2.3.4. Head Quarter Entity

This Entity lies under the category of administrator department. It have some functionality listed

 Head Quarter will be able to view the progress of investigation of every case.
 Head Quarter can also delete or add police station
 View the entire complaints of every police station
 It provide login credential to each incharge

Following are the attribute of the Head Quarter Entity

 Head ID (Primary Key)

 Head Password

The datatype of primary key is INTEGER, while the data type of the remaining attribute is
VARCHAR. Constraints are the limitation of attribute of any entity. That is what kind of values
it will take for example ID card must have integer value. The PK must be different from all the
attributes values of the entity and it must have some unique value.

2.3.5. Complaint Entity

This entity is very important to be taken into account because in this project we are going to
manage the crime. Whenever a user log a complaint against a crime, a complete details of the
complaint is maintained by the complaint entity such as complaint ID, CNIC of the user who
complaint a crime, type of crime, date of crime, complete description of crime and an ID of the
police who handle the crime. There can be various attributes of the entity but in order to make
our system and easy and understandable, we takes only few attributes that are listed below.

 Complaint ID (Primary Key)

 Location
 Type of crime
 Date of crime
 Description
 Incharge status
 Police status
 Police Id

The datatype of primary key is INTEGER, while the data type of the remaining attribute is
VARCHAR. Constraints are the limitation of attribute of any entity. That is what kind of values
it will take for example ID card must have integer value. The PK must be different from all the
attributes values of the entity and it must have some unique value.

2.3.6. Update Case

This entity is also very important to be taken into account because each case have to undergo
through several stages. As initially the case is handled by the police and then it is moved to court.
As there are multiple cases in the court and the result of each case is announced on each day.
Some criminal are verified, some criminal accepted the crime etc.

The following are the few attributes of the update case entity

 Complaint ID (Primary Key/Foreign Key)

 Date of Update
 Case update

The datatype of primary key is INTEGER, while the data type of the remaining attribute is
VARCHAR. Constraints are the limitation of attribute of any entity. That is what kind of values
it will take for example ID card must have integer value. The PK must be different from all the
attributes values of the entity and it must have some unique value.

2.4. Meta Data for E-Crime Management System

2.4.1. Meta data for User Table

Entity Name Data Type Size Attribute Type

User ID EMAIL/HYPERLINK 200 Unique Key
User Name VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Address VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute

Password VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Gender VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Mobile NUMBER 11 Non-Key Attribute

2.4.2. Meta Data for Police Table

Entity Name Data Type Size Attribute Type

Name VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Specialty VARCHAR 50 Non-Key Attribute
Location VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Password VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute

2.4.3. Mata data for Incharge Table

Entity Name Data Type Size Attribute Type

Name VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Location VARCHAR 50 Non-Key Attribute
Password VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute

2.4.4. Meta Data for Head Table

Entity Name Data Type Size Attribute Type

Password VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute

2.4.5. Meta Data for Complaint Table

Entity Name Data Type Size Attribute Type

Complaint ID INTEGER 10 PK
CNIC # INTEGER 200 Foreign Key
Location VARCHAR 50 Non-Key Attribute
Type of Crime VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Date of Crime DATE 50 Non-Key Attribute
Description VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Incharge Status VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Police Status VARCHAR 200 Non-Key Attribute
Police Id INTEGER 50 Foreign Key

2.4.6. Meta Data for Update Case Table

Entity Name Data Type Size Attribute Type

Update Case
Complaint ID INTEGER 10 FK/PK
Date of Update DATE 200 Non-Key Attribute
Case Update VARCHAR 200

2.5. Entity Relationship Diagram For E-CMS

 In order to design the ERD diagram for the system, the developer must have the follow the
business rules.
 In accordance with some professional guidelines and business processes, we model an ER
diagram for our database system.

 The professional guidelines are very imperative for any sculpting it is because of the whole
sculpting depends on such business rules.
 It states what are the different object will be tortuous in the project and how they will
intermingle with each other.
 Professional rules are also important because the developer model the ER diagram
according to business rules, otherwise every developer has different level of thinking and
they model an ER diagram according to their own thinking.


3.1. System Flow Diagram (SFD)
In this chapter we presents the SFD of the online crime management system. SFD is also
called Data flow Diagram (DFD) that states that how information are travel within the system.
As we know mentioned earlier that our system contains various entities like User, Head quarter
etc. SFD shows how information flows from one object to other objects within the system. There
are two types of SDF that is Logical and Physical data flow diagram. Logical Data flow diagram
perform the functionality of any organization by describing the flow of data via system, while on
the other hand Physical data flow diagram examine how logical data flow diagram are
implemented within the system.

3.2. SFD Components

There are four components of the DFD. These are
3.2.1. Process

It receive input data and produce the output for the input data. Every process is identified
by his name that specify the functionality of the process. It can be as simple as collecting
information and processing the information.

3.2.2. Data Flow

It represent the path for the data to move from one entity to other entity.

3.2.3. Data store

As it name appear it is used to store data for the processing in a later time. Sometime an
entity needs a data in order to process it so for that reason, the data must retain by any other

3.2.4. External Entity

An external entity is a person, department, outside organization, or other information

system that offers data to the system or obtains outputs from the system. External entities are
components outside of the boundaries of the information systems. They represent how the
information system interacts with the outside world.

There could be many levels of DFD such as DFD Level 0 and DFD level 1.

3.3. DFD level 0

User Credential
E Crime
Head Quarters/Police
User Management

Solutions, Feedback

The above is the DFD level 0 diagram for the e-crime management system. Whenever a user
wants to log an FIR In order to log an FIR, he/she must register himself/herself on the portal.
After registration the user must provide the detail about the crime such as time and date of crime,
location of crime, type of crime such as theft, kidnapping, missing person, and murder etc. Once
a user register a complaint against a crime, based on the location of crime, the case is assign to
nearest police station where a police office can handle the case.

3.2. DFD level 1

User Head Quarter

User ID Password
Mobile #

Register/ Log Inchareg

Update Case
User ID
Complaint ID Username
(PK/FK) Password
Date of Update Location
Case Update

Complaint ID (PK)
Police ID (FK)
Type of Crime
Date of Crime Police
Description Police ID (PK)
Incharge Status Username
Police Status Password


4.1. Introduction
In order to implement the E-crime Management system the following software and
hardware are required. The following hardware are used in order to design the e-crime
management system.

4.1.1. Hardware Requirement

 In Core i3 Intel Processor is required

 6 GB RAM is required
 250 GB Hard Drive is required
 6 MB Cache Size is required
 1.8GHz Processor Speed is required

4.1.2. Software Requirement

The following software and tools are used in order to develop the system

 My SQL: This tool is used as backend to the database. The reason is its compatibility
with Microsoft products and capability of dealing with high volume data. Secondly, the
cost of My SQL is comparatively low.
 Hypertext Preprocessor: It is server-side scripting language, for our project we provide
online system for taking test therefore we used PHP as a front-end tool. PHP is easy to
use and also make the development easy for us.
 Apache: Apache is a server which converts PHP file into html format for client.
 CSS 3: Cascading Style Sheet is used in designing of web pages.
 Bootstrap: It is extremely an easy and speedy procedure to begin with Bootstrap.
Bootstrap is very adaptable for project making as well.
 PHP: It is basically derived from Personal Home Page and created by Rasmus Lerdorf in
1995. It is generally runs on a web server in order to create web pages. It is consider as
the basic web design language because it is easy to use and easy to code using PHP. It
can also be used to create dynamic web pages and also the designer creates static web
pages. We also use a PHP for the development of our project. Almost every OS, web
servers can be used for deploying PHP language as it is completely free of charge.

4.2. Software Testing
Testing basically is one phase of software development in the software or any kind of software
system is tested to ensure the correct operation of the system. Testing is applied on the software
after the development of the software system. In testing phase the developer and programmer
check that whether the system is running according to the requirement of the client or not. This
phase can be used to figure out the failure in the results of the system. Testing can be used to
improve the results of the system. Before a testing plan can begin, a programmer and developer
agreed on test plan which explain which type of testing can be used for project as there are
different type of testing, what type of resources would be used for testing the system. There are
different type of testing which is described below.

4.3. Types of Testing

4.3.1. Unit Testing

It is a kind of testing used for the testing of the system which include the testing of individual
unit. It means that the developer and programmer select one unit or module from the system and
test it. This unit testing works on behalf of all the system. If the selected unit are error free
means that the unit works or run according to the user requirement, then the developer or
programmer assume that the entire system is error free and according to the user requirement. If
the unit testing produce an error or it does not executes according to the user requirement then it
must be corrected. The unit testing is stopped when all the unit have been tested.

4.3.2. Integration Testing

After testing the unit factors then we stepped into integration testing where all the unit factors
combined and test it again as a whole if it works well with each other then it is good and system
put forward to the user. As all the units are interrelated with each other so that is why at the end
of unit testing it is necessary to test the overall system to inspect the errors in the system. As it
names applies integration means to combine or to group together.

4.3.3. System Testing

System testing is kind of integration testing where the entire system is tested to expose the errors
in the system but unlike integration it does not test the interrelated units and their relationships, it
test the functionality and reliability of the system. If the functionality of the system is according
to the client requirement, we can say that the system is ok and is able to deliver to the client but
if the developer and programmer finds some errors in the system then it must be corrected as
defined by the client.

4.3.4. White-Box Testing

This kind of test is conducted by the developer and programmer of the system to test the
structure and implementation of the system in order to increase the efficiency of the code and
optimize the time and space complexity of the program. It is also called structural testing. The
techniques of the White Box testing are listed below.

1. Data Flow Testing

2. Control Flow Testing

4.3.5. Black-Box Testing

It is a kind of testing to test the functionality of the system also known as behavioral testing. In
black-Box testing the developer has a set of input values and desired result output. the
programmer gives input to the system if the output of the input value is according to the
programmer desired value, then the system is ok and is able to deliver to the client, otherwise the
system contain a kind of failure. This test is conducted by the end user which is unaware of the
structure and design code of the system. Some of the Black-Box techniques are listed below.

1. Equivalence Class
2. Boundary Values
3. Pair Wise Testing
4. Cause Effect Graphing


5.1. Interface of Home page

5.2. Interface of Registration

5.3. References


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