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In many cultures, parents choose the educational path for their children.

Often wanting them to

become doctors, surgeons, engineers or to have any other prestigious career. This is something that
does not affect me as much as it would affect others. Not only do my parents grant me the freedom I
deserve, they also support the decisions I make. Many people often complain about how stressful school
is because they are forced to take something they do not enjoy studying. Many cultures share this
problem. Not only do parents pressure their kids to take certain paths in life, they also reject any
marriage proposals from those who do not have a high level of education. In parts of the world like the
Middle East, families love to have bragging rights. Some people have the wrong idea that success can
only be attained through more than a decade of post-secondary education. Other’s want their children
to grow up and become well respected by having prestigious titles (not just high salaries). While
education is a beautiful thing to have, it’s important that you enjoy what you’re learning about and have
a passion for it.

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