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The goose with the golden egg

Narrator : Once upon a time, there lived a farmer with his wife. The farmer worked hard, but
he could not get enough crops. One day the farmer said to his wife,

Farmer : Let’s raise a goose, she will lay us some eggs!

Wife : Hoo good idea, let’s go!

Narrator : Soon, they went to the market. They bought a little goose.

Farmer : Look! She will lay us many eggs!

Wife : Yaa, let’s take care the goose, give it good food and nice place to sleep.

Narrator : Everyday, the farmer and his wife took care of the goose. Under they care, the
goose grew and grew everyday. One day the goose finally laid an egg. The wife shouted,

Wife : Look, it’s a golden egg! Golden egg!

Farmer : It’s unbelievable! She laid an golden egg!

Narrator : The next day, the goose laid another golden egg.

Farmer : My lovely goose! We will be reach soon!

Narrator : The farmer and his wife became lazy. They didn’t work but they need more the
golden egg. One day the farmer said,

Farmer : What’s inside the goose, will it be much gold? Diamond? What can it be?

Wife : Why don’t we open her tummy? Maybe we can get more!

Narrator : So, the wife took a knife and they killed the goose.

Wife : Oh no my goose!

Farmer : What have we done! We have no goose!

Wife : Oh no, now we are poor again.

Narrator : However, there was no gold and diamond like they want in her tummy. But it was
late, too late! The goose was died forever.

Moral : don’t be greedy or you might lose everything.

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