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Quiz1 (MCQ) 30

2 assignments (15+15) 30
End Term 30
Attendance 10

S.No. Function Details

Session 1 Conditional formatting/ custom formatting Use range with cells

Session 2 Pivot table/ charts Power pivot/ Power view

Session 3 Functions and formaulae

Session 4 Reference functions

Session 5 What if Analysis

Session 6 Power pivot

Session 6 Power pivot
Conditional: Difference colour bars, icon sets, highlighting columns/rows based on a column value (D3 and $D3);
Data is in the form of ranges while table works with columns
Custom: ([Green]"PLUS";[Red]"MINUS" #;"NPNL") --> # for numbers; Ctr + T: create a table
Row: Data + Text; Values: Number related info. If numbers then sum, text will give count; Filter: Adding specific
info or 3rd dimension
Pivot table analyze --> Options --> Show report filter pages
Insert slicer; Quarters: Group on the basis of order date; Slicer --> Report connection
Q. Create a report on the basis of salesperson: Robert King currently he is dealing with US and Germany. On the
basis of this, provide the company names and number of products he is dealing with
Creating a chart: F11
Fields, items, sets --> to add a new column without changing source
Design --> Report layout --> Compact, tabular, outline
Pivort table analyze --> Options --> option --> empty fields as
Autosum--> Sum, Average, count, min, max
Logical functions: If, nesteed if, and, or, not, eferror
Types of errors: Value, Number, reference, Divided by 0, null
Math functions --> sumif, countif, sumif, countif, datedif
Vlookup: Left to right, continuous data i.e hidden rows and columns not poss, unique value between 2 tables;
lookup value must be first column in the range: vlookup(lookup value/input, range/table, column index
number/output,True false)
Index Match --> L to R as well as R to L, non continuous data as well; Index(array/output range, row number, col number
Switching b/w sheets for reference cells: no space in names
Formula --> Name manager (take a range of different worksheet and change its name)
In two dimensional, we have to search for row first and then column
Offset(reference, row number, column num)
Max: 32 variables can be changed in goal seek.
Scenario manager: Add everything manually in changing variables
Solver --> ok--> outlined reports + answer click
PMt --> data table --> column/row wise enter based on which cell is the basis (nper)
Power pivot --> multiple sheets pivot table
1. Create data model i.e common location where all data is; power pivot only works with table and not range
2. Create relationship B/w tables (primary key and foreign key): only 1 PK
3. Create reports (dynamic reports)
4. Add new variables (DAX functions)
External files: Use manage option; internal: Add to data model
A. Drag to create a relationship; Create relationship and choose the table
there is no many to one
The data type should be same for the two columns you are connecting
Charts --> go to to power pivot: power pivot options --> 4 charts; insert slicer --> report connections --> choose
profession --> all 3 charts will be linked
No connection between customer and product table therefore error while connecting two variables
Related(when there is a relationship between 2 tables ex: prod and sales)/ Vlookup (when there is no relationship
but there is a common field ex: prod and sales)
Power View can only print one sheet at a time.
Please switch to the desired sheet and try again.

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