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Professional Ethics

 It is belief that what is morally correct or
 It is a system of moral principle.

Professional ethics:-
 Professionally accepted standards personal and
business behaviour, value and guiding principles.
 It is a code of conduct applicable to different
Some important components of professional ethics
 Honesty
 Truthfulness
 Fairness
 Openness
 Integrity
 Confidentiality
Morality and ethics:-
 It is our habits with respect to right or wrong
 It comes from a individual internal.
 We do it because we believe in something being
right or wrong.
 Moral are usually consistent although can change if
an individual`s belief changes.
 Morals originals from ‘MOS’ means custom.
 It is a code of conduct from a group. It comes from
social system.
 We do it because the society says it is right thing to
 It can vary between contents.
 It is dependent on others for definition.
 It originated from greet word ‘ethics’ means

Learning from the class:-

Learning from this class has been exceptionally well for me
personally. I have learnt several following thing, I can surely
say it will make me a better citizen of this country.
 I learnt to be an honest person and to become a
person of values and principles.
 I saw and learned how big companies like Cocacola
and Reliance are exploiting the nature and
practising unethically.
 We had a good discussion within the class on the
condition of farmers and the position of
 We talked about the issue of corruption and its
 Most importantly I learnt to file an RTI. As it is one
of the most important rights given to the citizens of
this country. It gives right to information.
Example of an ethical behaviour.

Ashok Khemka, a senior IAS officer in the state of

Haryana best known for cancelling the mutation of
Sonia Gandhi`s son-in-law Robert Vadra`s illegal land
deal in Gurgaon. He has been transferred 51 times in
24 years by state governments after he exposed
corruption in the departments he was posted in.
In an interview Ashosk khemka says that he was asked
to arrange 100 trucks by his senior officer for a
minister who had a public rally. He denied and said
this is not my job. His senior got angry and asked him
to give it in written for so that he can complain to the
minister. In reply of that he said sir I will definitely
give it in written if you give the formal orders in
written form for this.

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